THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 21, 1958 19 | AH DON'T MEAN TO HURT YORE FEELING, 'JULIET JONES heavily tatooed. : Their native weapons are tHe blewpipe and the poison dart, but they learned quickly how to use a rifle and cope with the intricas cies of the light' machine-gun, The Ibans accompany the pa- trols of Britons, Australians and New Zealanders searching the jungle for the elusive terrorists. ISMELL DANGER The lives of the men in these patrols often depend upon the skill of their Iban trackers. Troops say that their skill in tracking is so uncanny that they seem to be able to smell danger, whether from man or beast. As for the Ibans, they enjoy ATONE ST their work. Unlike many otheg p BET 42 ave servicemen, they are thrifty, = THIS i < Ss 700K F THE CROOK'S ) ' EYRE As ry ? idiom von BODY. / / " | |Much of their free time is spent =IT DOESNT 4 EASY! ] i | |making fishing nets to take home PoP UP/ ] 73 1 ! | |with them, and they save every ] i 7 penny they" can, MUGGS AND SKEETER SALLY'S SALLIES THE LONE RANGER A short tive lster... the plane carrying Phil comes in for a landing POSSIBLY CAN, at the central airport of Jorgoninia MR, GUNNERSON! " 7 SECRET AGENT X9 ERNIE CAY Jr WALLBOARD TA _ CLIFF MILLS | gees MOTORS LTD. I piesa = TO DAY 230 KING ST. W. RA 5.6651 - | susscriers ! THE TIMES soca ent rs) JUMPIN' UP AN' DOWN oe [NSLS .; . ard SUNCIDENCES hi Gly SHAME ON YOU, FRED! ; ! use || | SOFTENED "EM UP. fl | TREATMENT/ pe / ' es OSHAWA MAHAL USES PIK : THE SHEET YOU PUT ON . [3 \T TRESS) ; Tee x ae = PERFUME . THE NAVAL ? MR. SAWYER'S BED . a a . 2 : a ol FOR MISSED PAPERS AND ATTACHE'S WIFE USES X HAS A HOLE IN IT, | / rN == We) F f ! OSHAWA'S FINEST TAXI piNaick PERFUME. AND J a \ «eA SLIT! ! ; wo oF . ¢ ¥ i gt 4 SERVICE PHONE MAN WHO TR! : 5 : . S -- Lhe : ~ ; = Eo. -- AF G x. BARE: | SW ec | 3 UNITED TAXI £85 : w RA 5-3541 If you have not received your Times phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE UNITED TAXI Calls cepted between 7 7:30 p.m. only. WELL + WHAT A NCE 1 os MY JINX? ITY | DON'T YOU SEE HOW SHE'S MAKING A FOOL LITTLE TETE-A-TETE! EXPLANATIONS, JANE! Jig R OUT OF YOU, LINK 2- ++ BUT NO! 'RE (ANY Mysore SUPPOSE YOU'LOVE IT? 3 Py NS oN 3 NL JINX, Teee JQ AAR: = BRICK BRADFORD J S--: NIGHT =~ THINKING ABOUT THAT TM fog in Canade LITTLE GIRL= EITHER I MUST an, HAVE HER FOR MY OWN BLANKET GIVE YOU K OR PUT HER OUT OF BATTS FUEL SAVINGS bLNN MY MIND COMPLETELY! OF UP TO ) : \ 4 2G 2 a A v 40% & "WS oS La gly MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 Simcoe N. RA 3-4694 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY YOUR LIFE'S MADE EASIER through * OLASSIFIED | ADS LM ou AN o0k 0 [Gee THis circus BRINGS, TM ALL FINISHED \[" WELL SOON FIND OUT WHEN \ | \ To solve everyday prob- FTA wit MY Boss Tiokees lb | Tn EES OF [Ey r ASER 1 WONGER WE PULL CUE FO Ee =H ¢ lems quickly. T S, A I { | f \ | | STRONG LADY ANP THE | | FOR NO _/ RECOGNIZE TRIGGER | HE COMES... HIPE THE {( ; Q v y RA 3-3492 R a pd J | HIT OF THE 2% If JUNIOR DYED BLACK. EQUIPMENT! A 7? \ ay i : L. gah ; ' a a -- : aR ; 0 "Sas > a 7 ar | pay : bac =? ; I , Y Jie 0 pay Nain : bs 4! a FX Gat if asf From a-- < RUSTY RILEY CITIZENS FINANCE CO MP ANY Lim iTee "Lean Manager: Don Fuline 104 Brock St. S., Whitby, MO. 8+2367 Oshawa residents--RA, 3-9691 (ng toll! Open Fri. till 8 p.m., Sot. #8 12 noon Loans made in Oshawa, Aj, Pickering and nearby ewe A