- Women, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, | WIFE PRESERVERS Covers from flower seed pi make unique and colo -- ee -- Diel RA 3-3474 pearled | '8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 20, 1958 face SOCIAL NOTICES The sgagement is announced of Helen Ruth, daughter of Mrs. John Douglas Cole of Bowman- ville and the late Mr. Cole, of Courtice, Ontario, The wedding will take place in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Satur- day, December 20, 1958, at 2 o'clock. ' ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced |of Betty Ann Laycoe, daughter of Mr, Frank Laycoe of Ajax | , William Nicholls of Scarborough, to Mr, Michael H, Eastwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Eastwood of Ajax. The wedding will take place on Set urday, December 13, at 2 p.m. at the Church of the Holy Trin- ity, Ajax. 7% Hi * ? MARRIED AT ST. HEDWIG'S Married recently at St, Hed- | M. Brearton of Bradford, Eng- wig"s Roman Catholic Church | land, and the bridegroom is were Mr, and Mrs, John Ba- | the son of Mrs. Lawrence Ba- + jorek. The bride, the former | jorek of Oshawa and the late Miss Christine Brearton, is the | Mr. Bajorek. daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John Photo by Mary's Studio. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn of Enniskillen will be at home to their relatives, friends and neigh- bors on Thursday, December 4, from 3 to 5 and 8 to 10 p.m. on |the occasion of their 40th wed- ding anniversary. St. Mary of People ' Membership Tea Follows CWL Meet || The November meeting of St, | Mary of the People subdivision of i {the Catholic Women's League, & | which was in the form of a Mem- i bership Tea, took place In St. 4 | Christopher's auditorium recent- Ally. The president, Mrs, Walter therfold presided, The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs, Frank Donald, Reports were pre- {sented by the treasurer, Mrs. J. || F'. Vincent and by the conveners of the various committees. New conveners were appointed: Mrs. Russell Jubenville, radio and tele vision; Mrs, Max Coleman, edu- cation; Mrs. George Woodall, tele- phone; Mrs. John Green, altar |care; Mrs. Harland Williams, resolutions and reports. It was decided to hold a Christ Old and New Ways of Schooling Compared At CPTA Meeting The modern educational system was the theme of an address given by Mr, E. J, Finan, Inspec- § tor of the Oshawa district Separ- ate Schools, to the parents and teachers at St, Gregory's and Bt. Joseph's C.P.T.A. meeting held in St. Gregory's auditorium re. cently, Describing the methods of © teaching over the years under the headings of "Do or Die", "Play -- Learn' and "Interest Learn", he explained their ap- © plication, advantages and short comings Interestingly and wittlly he ° how the present system of "Interest -- Learn" was de signed to bulld the student's in." terest so that he would develop a desire to continue learning, It early as possible and start work- and motivate them with a ng desire for higher learning. INSPECTOR E, J. FINAN i | Herron lous booths were: Fancy worl suffered burns and 15 other per-|country -- movie and television sons, were forced out of their apart- ments Tuesday night when fire of unknown origin swept through a three-storey building on down. town Queen Street. Mrs. Louise Spence, 62, was taken to hospital suffering severe burns to her|ure instead of a chore ¥ you do h face, arms and legs. Holy Cross Baza Gratifying Effort to The Women's Association §' of Holy Cross Roman Cathol Ss. Church held a very. successf{ must bazaar in the parish hall high|&7 ly. Those in ci of the va yons, assisted . bj soar- |; / Mrs, George Blatter, Mrs, Ale: brief Wadduk, Mrs. J. H. 1 B&P Women's Club Marks Anniversary At Regular Meeting Du Bary: ie reo CloUd Sil mun: ie ame ot: 70 boxes of UNICEF Christmas cards had been sold to members. unanimously decided Aireses avorably received, ner president, Miss Audrey Law- Ne n wh : If you are enjoying the company] usiness and Mildred Price reported that It was CUSHIONS Conolstaring material, mony ful shades to choose from, $2.49 $2.98 $3.95 SHOWER CURTAIN SETS Str or plain pofterns In wash. ys A" colors. 15.00 16.95 20.50 Betty Hayd! INTERIOR DECORATOR Wednesday when Dr, C. M, liott, inspector of Oshawa Public) Schools, will be the speaker. Dr. Elliott will also give the chapter first - hand the sc Miter several contests were en-| Ger thie nip of at McKerrow, Ontario, that Clark, refreshments "The "Sweet Adelines", group of Oshawa song. , entertained and were Little items of social news are whes, poured coffee and a for-| 51ways welcome in this column. of visitors or have been visitin { Zz of prec the bea Jor the fab wey secossary. Walking lone is fun too ng. Skip a day if you feel like it. bext day. 15 King St. E. lf, why not telepho RA gg Reg RA 52686 3474 and share your pleasure et otto. Don't make a fetish out of walk- ou'll enjoy it all the more the THERE IS A LUCKY NUMBER : 3 of avd Daily Walk in the Fresh Air | Wards Off Winter Colds has figured out thatoff in a pair of good walking the average person loses five shoes. They must have low heels days of work a year because of -- because you can't get into a colds in the head. long swinging stride with high But no one has calculated the heels, And they should be of fun lost because of colds. Or tot-|leather, with supple leather up- ted up the number of broken pers and flexible leather soles dates, broken engagements and that encourage the muscles of broken Lcmes« caused by the ir-| your feet to bend and relax and ritablility, insecurity and down-| give you a proper walking rhythm right cussedness which accom-| Your feet keep good and warm panies a stuffed-up nose and alin shoes like these because leath- scratchy throat, er has millions of tiny pores And in spite of all the research which let the air in, The air is on the subject, doctors agree that| warmed by your moving feet and, good advice for avoiding colds isin turn, keeps your feet warm, At to "walk for at least a half an the same time perspiration is hour a day In the fresh air." evaporated. And if your feet are Of course, most people tell warm that means your circu. their doctors they simply haven't|lation is stirred up and you're got time, But it's surprising how| warm all over. many of the busiest people in the] Don't walk in order to get someplace -- not every day any- Mrs. Julian asd ke booth, Mrs, Robert Reld and Mr{ Pat. MacAvoy; home bakin, table, Mrs, Joseph Callahan, MrdS Stephen Coe, Mrs. Herbert An thony, Mrs, Maurice Taillon an Mrs. Daniel Dillon; candy table Mrs, James Sloan and Mrs. Har, re 1 ry Canfield. fs in The tea room was in the chargader- of Mrs, Stephen Collins, Mrs, James Hickey, Mrs. Hugh King liive |} Mrs. Joseph Horrigan and Mrs. lon's |? Donald Logan. Serving tea were pen | Mrs, Peter Kroll, Mrs, Fran kal Haensgen, Mrs. Gordon Whyte, Mrs, Earl Marshal and Mrs. P. Bradley. The cashier was Mrs. E. J. Harrison. In charge of tickets on the draw for the quilt and cushion was Mrs, John T. Mullen and on the cake, Mrs, Leo Karnath, The tickets were drawn by little Karen Hickey and the winners were: Christmas cake on Christ mas booth, won by Mary Mullen, 248 Albert street. The cake do- nated by Mrs. Rigo was won by Mrs, E. McGrath, 644 Somer- ville street. The pillow . slips do- nated by Mrs, Houk were won by Mary Mullen, 248 Albert street, No. 8119. The cushion donated by Mrs, Ivan was won by Margaret Longauer, 1200 Minden street, No, 8185. The quilt donated by Mrs. Robert Lack was won by Miss Mary Fitzgerald, 377 Celina street, No. 8377, WOMAN SUFFERS BURNS TORONTO (CP) -- One woman IN YOUR "FOUR LEAF CLOVER" DROP IN AND PICK ONE UP PAT & DON'S CLOVER FARM 432 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH © Instellation. ® Dre the Yeo id o Custom-made Draperies, ® Venetian end Cloth Blinds. ® "Kirsch" Rods ond Trecks. | © Broedioom, ® Bambee Drmpes HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simcoe St. N. WATCH FOR YOUR "FOUR LEAF CLOVER" DELIVERED EACH WEEK IN YOUR DISTRICT stars for instance -- do manage, way. Walk to enjoy the country including three children, sho or the part and die Tel somehow, to find that time. They've discovered it pays off in you see. the long run. Not only by clear-| Don't bundle up too much: you ing out the lungs, but also by un- want to be able to swing your | tying those knots in your nerves.|arms or throw a snowball with You'll find walking is a pleas- out too much effort. It's nice to have a companion, | as the movie stars do and start/a small child for instance, but ners as follows: Sr. M, Carmel, Grade 7 « 8 girls, Bt, Gregory's with 20; Brother Peter, Grade priz. |? - 4 boys, St. Gregory's with 27, and Mr. Dineen, Grade 4, 5, and 6 St. Joseph's with 23, The meeting | X h HH i ] : 2 31 ol} H i , J. @ y Spiritual Director of the Catholic fi Penmanship, Misses Stradeski, Catherine La- rlene McAdam, Judy Marsha Marks, Mary was closed with the singing of God Save The Queen, after which Mrs, Clarke Invited the parents to join in a social hour and re- freshments provided by Mrs. C. J. O'Connell and the mothers of Women's League, spoke briefly to the members on dedicating them. selves to the work of the Catholic Women's League, The tea followed the short busi. meeting and was very I capably convened by Mrs. Leo McCarthy and her committee. Bronze and yellow chrysanthe- mums and candles made the tea table atttractive, Pouring tea during the evening was Mrs Mrs. C, C. Murty, president of St, NOTTINGHAM, Engl, (CP)-|Gregory's Catholic Women's University students here, work-| League and Mg. A.C. Lowe, first - A ng In two-hour relays, completed | vice-president t. Gregory's. Gallagher, Sr, Division, 8t. Gre-|, "100.hour perambulator-pushing Mrs, Kelly DeGray, president of| SUA 2nd Rowen Gs oo: | marathon y to hea the ond the Southern Ontario Region, who | yO, ' *|record' ol ours 54 minutes, was a special guest at the meet: sented with Missals in apprecia- previously held by Honolulu Uni-|ing, made the draw for a beauti- tion of their efforts, versity. ful Madonna figurine which was Very Rev. Dean Dwyer, on be won by Mrs. C, C. Murty, finial | iL VRNED rs. Daisy Price. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Missal in appreciation of her 14 Mrs, Daisy Price won the walk- years of service as a teacher ating costume prize for the fifth St. Gregory's. Miss Robinson is|straight year at the winter car- now on the staff of St. Joseph's|nival in this Hampshire village. School. [she went as "safety first," wear- Mrs, W. A. Olarke, president, ing more than 1,000 safety-pins MEDITATION GROUP announced the parent count win-'on her costume. The regular meeting of the Sl ,tNTTyY---- - Meditation Group of Cedar Dale United Church was held recent. ly. The president, Mrs. Frank Singer, was welcomed back af- ter her illness, Hymn 666 opened the devotional part followed by prayer and the 23rd. Psalm in unison, A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Sidney Hanford of Hong Kong, the former Irene Moore, for her wedding gift. |The members were reminded that it was time to renew the Missionary Monthly, An invitation from the Mis. sionary Group at Albert Street United Church to meet with them Dec. 3, was accepted. The members voted to send a sum of money to Miss Muriel Bamford, Banswara, India, and Mrs. Sid- ney Hanford, Hong Kong, It was also planned to pack a bale for overseas relief, Nov. 26, Mrs. Albert Carswell gave some thoughts pertaining to Re- membrance Day. HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB The November meeting of the Grade 2 . 8, St. Joseph's, NEWS BRIEFS MARATHON STINT and Suzanne Toppings. class winners in a recent fry for a place in the public speaking contest held in connec- with the C 1 fund Campaign , Those speaking, Larry Yanch, Jr. Division; Dianne For- restal, Sr. Division, and Donald gave ENE AS SANTA COMES TO I. COLLIS and SONS' TOYLAND FRIDAY 2 to 4 P.M. SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 12 NOON ye STAR Fy yd NAN TOYLAND SPECIAL Professional HOCKEY GAME This game is terrific. It's fost ond exciting. Players can pass, shoot and score . , . or even block. Made of heavy Masonite with 36" x 16" rink. Players lithographed on both sides. Real mesh nets and steel posts, Reg. 9.95, 6.98 SPECIAL BREE EREEEY AVR VARRRAR 3 § CEREEELE RAIANRARAAN N made entirely of soft resilient vinyl plastic Happy Doubles Club of King Street United Church was held in | the Centennial Hall with vice presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Harrell, presiding. Following a brief business per- lod the meeting was turned over to the group in charge of the pro- a gram for the evening headed by © Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown. "| Mr, and Mrs. Donald Howe and | = land Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sud- i | |dard conducted the worship ser- A vice which had as its theme "Re- | + | membrance Day". Mr. Ivor Davies sang two songs accom. panied by Mrs. Meredith Mof. fatt at the piano. The club was then taken on a Most enjoyable trip to British Col- |umbia by Miss Margaret Pellow (bY means of a series of colored {slides and lively commentary. TO LIVE IN TORONTO with saren rooted hair kneels, sits and crosses legs ond lies natuarlly,. Reg. 4.98. SPECIAL 2.99 LUNE EE SERENE OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 I. COLLIS & SONS wey i » i > 2 1 » ty » <3] V3 >» Pictured after their wedding j of Mr, and Mrs in Holy Trinity Anglican | Martin of Oshawa and the and experiences in an Indian fish. Church are Mr. and Mrs. Dar. | bridegroom is the son of Mr. ing village where she spent a yy! Foster Harris, Formerly and Mrs Howard Foster Hare portion of her vacation conduct. Miss Maureen Elizabeth Mar | ris of Toronto, ing a Bible School for the Indian ty je bride' to "tou danger Photo by Hornsby studie. 'children, Alexander [Miss Pellow described her trip i 50-54 KING WEST (Opposite Centre St.) OSHAWA .. It's WARD'S 39th NOVEMBER SALE Look ! 100 Pair -- Lined and !'nlined DRAPERIES! 25% OFF! Dozens of sets of lined Fabrics and unlined Fibreglas draperies from our regular stock, These are potterns which we cannot repeat with our suppliers, so We are Marking them down for quick sale -- Single and multiple widths, all carefully finished ond ready te hong up ond complete your decorating problem. - MATERIALS--Antique Satins, Fibre gles, Pebble Cloth PATTERNS--Plains, Florals end Moderns COLORS--Beige, Brown, Grey, Rose, Gold, Turquoise and White ALL 25% OFF REGULAR DRAW WIDTH DRAW WIDTH TO 48" TO 96" 16.50 33.71 SR oT To ra yd many other Sale Dreperies priced from 11.24 peir DRAW DRAPES OPEN & CLOSE SMOOTHLY ON DRAPERY TRACK " you have it sow Jovi wang id Jo, other windows a If you haven't used It yet this is your paint i Track omer somplate With ors Hoy YOthIY alo (drape wide only a screwdriver needed for easy installation. ERR IDES At lif LA i) 4 LAE EK nk . CLS fue So Eo J ot Specials from our... FABRIC DEPARTMENT One of the finest collections of Dress, Suit and Coat materials we have yet offered at such 'money-saving' prices . . . Some are special purchases for this event, some are close-out items from our own stocks Space permits only a partial list. CORDUROY -- Fine wale. 12 colors. 36" wide. Yard VELVETEEN -- Fast dye and Worral dye. 10 colors. 36" wide. Yard TAFFETA BROCADE -- Small designs. 45" wide. Reg. 1.69. Yard CHROMESPUN TAFFETA -- 'Celanese' quality. As. sorted colors, 45" wide. ¢ Yard cane 5 SUITINGS -- COATINGS -- All-wool and mixtures Assorted. 56" - 58' wide. Reg. to 3.98. Yard . PLAIDS -- Woven wool/rayon. 12 tartans. 56" wide. Yard 1.718 FLANNELETTE -- Heavy 'Tex-Made' quality, 36" wide. Reg. 69c yd. 3 to 5 yd. ends. [] 7% Yard PRINTS -- New Christmas designs. TELEPHONE RA 5.1151 PRC 3 colors. 36" wide. Yard WARD'S * (STORE OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M.) SIMCOE ST. §. AT ATHOL ST. REAGAN AAAI