TOWN PLANT WHICH I, EE ------------ 4 3 [ing to $14,000,000,000 f ©. | In Sad Plight p. fo Is | | Women Deplore Slick Advertising OTTAWA (CP)--Federal action {has been demanded to ensure {that Canadian women get "true value" in merchandising instead | of slick advertising and fancy! packages, J | In 8 brief to the Stewart royal Somumiosion on price spreads of | eil of Women of Canada recom- mended Monday that the govern. ment set up 8 cons |ment specializing in information | |and statistics, \ The council, representing 700% 000 women, also called for fed- |eral and provincial regulations to e 'defined standards" of | quality in consumer goods, |Trained and adequate staff must {be maintained fo enforce high [standards of processing and stor: |age of food products, With retail sales in 1957 soar- the brief {sald statisties should he pub- {lished relating to conditions of |supply, processing, distribution |g and production of consumer goods, especially food, . | Want True Value Teenage Koreans VANCOUVER (CP) -- The re | habilitation of women and girls in| | Korea requires care and under: standing, says Viola Williams, Miss Williams left her native | England in 1953 to start Women's Institutes in A ---- PF campaign are (he Committees | wet Anointed | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Wovember 20, 1958 7 PORT HOPE By Kiwanis Good Fare In League Hockey PORT HOPE Chris Hager: man, presidest of the Port Hope Kiwgnis Club, announced today that 'committees have been form ed for the varied setivities of the club in 1959, Heading the club's mile of pen nies drive, held esrly in the fall | each year, will be Jim Davidson, while the Kivanis "Mr. Peanut" for 1959 will be Allan King, The mile of pennies and the peanut club's sources of cevenue for its com- munity welfare work, Bruce Smart will guide the club's drive-in commitiee Hope Kiwanians work all summer as ushers at the drive-in theatre, Funds received for these perv: fees are applied to reducing the debt incurred seversl years ago when the club bought a farm at Rossmount 4 earmarked for boys' work In the future, CLUB PROJECT Kiwanians are working person (ally for the project hecause the Kiwanis constitution forbids use of funds solicited from the public for a special club project of this kind On the farm, the club has plant: ed 22,000 trees and hopes within a few years to realize substantial income from Christmas (ree sales Other committees performing community welfare work are fo be chaired by ¥, T, G, Waghorn agriculture and conservation; T 8. Bredfield, public and business affairs; Len Foster, support of churches; R, M, Berry, boys' and girls' work; W, J. Carey {underprivileged children; and |H, T. Doidge, vocational guid. {anee, | As Irmediate past president, {Michael Wiedyka, whose term lends Dec, 31, will make - the elub's achievement report ipternal affairs will he R, C Honey, attendance and member PORT HOPE Three good games were served up in the Town Mercantile Hockey League during the second week of play, Harvesters edged Eldos 4-3 in the opener, and the Juniors eame from behind in the second game to beat the Nicholson File 5-1, The the nightcap, All games are played in two Ihalf-hour periods, Port BOUNCED BACK In the opener Eldos were oul scored 30 in the first half, but bounced back tu outcore the win ners 3-1 in the second half, but were unable to get the equalizer, Pete Boneardo blasted home (wo |gonls, assisted on the second hy Walford, who then got the third from Briand, In the second 30 minutes, Al Edgar scored what proved to be the winning counter for Harvest- ers from Lowry and Davidson, | Ken Wilcox got the River of (Gold boys started from Clayton, | Poulin then scored unassisted and {Scully potted the third from the veteran Rene Racine, Harvesters collected five of the nine penal: ties mssessed STUBBORN BATTLE Nicholson Pile pul up a stub born hattle against the Junior Canadian Club 'Holds Meeting PORT HOPE ~ A well attend. meeting of the Port Hope and heard Oth. |Charles B, Lynch speak in the er committee chairmen in charge auditorium of Dr, Powers' Public of various aspects of the elub's|School in Port Hope Wednesday ed Cobourg Canadian Club night His provocative subject, "Can. period with $, chief Wighways edged Mathews 5-4 in| Sharpe got the first two, fol- Ontarios and were leading 19 after 30 minutes on » 4 Lich Brown from Lax pH after 30 minutes of play but the Juniors, with superior speed and condition, res) in the final ve unanswered tal lowed by Walsh, Stevenson, and Harris, Stevenson had a pair of helpers with others ng to Douglas, Harris and Wakely, Each team had six pensities, NARROW WIN The last game of the night saw the Department of Highways ump into 8 3-1 lead at hall time, t were outscored 372 in the see. ond half and were lucky to sal vage a narrow victory, Norm Keel, Sot the winners started with first two tallies, He was assisted on the first by Douglas and Downey, and on the second by Downes and Keeler, Gordon got the third from Lewis, Only reply eame from Simmonds unassisted In the second portion of the game, Downey from Keeler and then Lewis from Batiershy were the scoring plays for the win. ners Garry Wakely retaliated for Mathews with two goals, helped on the first by Ted Jex and then Foote got their final tally also |unassisted, Only five penalties were issued with the losers get- ting three, 'Man Convicted In Drowning Death Of Wife HULL, Que, (CP) -- Gaston Nicholas was convieted Wednes- ship; George Watson, house and ada at the United Nations =|day on a reduced charge of man- Price, interclub education and fel reception; J N. T, Long, lowship; M building; A. and music; G, L, Brackenbury public relations; D, C, Lamb jaws and regulations and F, L Barr, bulleting, J. A, Burt wil be club historian, [Voice or Echo", outlined many of the problems involved in Cana- Wiadyka, new club dian nationhood, A lively, ques.| The 22-year-old steeplejack, ae- H, Hay, programsition and answer period followed cused of deliberately upsetting a the talk, Cobourg Gunners Go To Petawawa slaughter in the drowning death of his 19-year-old pregnant wife, | canoe carrying his wife and hime [self in the Ottawa River July 26, {had been charged with murder, |The Crown had alleged the mo» tive was $12,000 insurance Nich- olas carried on his wife, a non swimmer, huge rotating water driven arms distribute sewage across the top of a 100-foot diameter stone « filled filtration tank, Lower left, Charles Hicks checking valves located in the building basement, which cons | | THE HATFIELD AWARD came to Charles Hicks, superine tendent of the Cobourg municis pal sewage disposal plant be. cause of the plant's efficiency in handling the town's waste Pictures show, top left, part of the settling tanks, Top right, Sewage Disposal Plant Cobourg's Prizewinner By IAIN MACDONALD Times Staff Writer . COBOURG ~~ Running a sew- not be of a des orn corvette, Charlie Hicks-of Co- bourg, recently given the Hatfield |days was due to these constitu-|chemical hreakdown process, and of the leaders with a | ents, the filtered residue is pumped to pursuit Church Hockey 1.0 triumph over St, Peter 8 i | a ueaker, ug, Campbe] | On a visit to Charlie Hicks he the tanks, » himmered the ar eo] in the was discovered at work in a neat/p ny 18 SKIMMED League Action of clean structures game to win, Michael Calte a Eh ul The primary tank is 75 feet| OROURG ~ Action the, Penalties went across and 13 feet deep, and is 0g Midget divine of te sewage takes place, ; Khai bel Campbell, The plant, one of the most mod. | Simply a concrete tank with top|. Haid ad Award by the Canadian Institute ®™ on the contnent, processes|and bottom skimming apparatus, Cobourk, Church Hockey Sutin & Jive Midgets Fl of Sewage and Sanitation. thinks one million and a half gallons of| The overflow from this tank|yimpg BR ng a it has its compensations. "|waste every weekday, which con.|80€s tO the filtration tank, an: "g "arionaat's A's remained the hs Trinity 8. Ye " WH wep To Charlie Ww seems only ves.|!ains an estimated 85 per cent|0ther circular concrete tank 100) acc "of the mite division with eh ny AB Jos BY ' yes: A] feet across. (S'a88 0! } |8t, Mikes 81 Wednesday, Gord terday that he was being bounced average of solids, The outflow to a convincing 9-1 vietory over . Ewart was the big gun In the around the Atlantic in a corvette|the creek, according to an On. Huge arms working on the Trinity, Leading the onslaught|win over Trinity with the hat on convoy duty, He admits that|tario government survey shows same principle as household lawn| were Paul Gutteridge with four|tr' ', Don Kernaghan and Dave making the rounds of Cobourg's about 8.5 per cent average of sprinklers rotate slowly and dis-| goals, Next in line was PaullCook notched singletons. Rod model sewage disposal plant is|solids, tribute the overflow across the|RBerthelet with three, singles ol Brocanier tallied the single los. land Bernie Toomey, Sitting out trol the pumps for the pro- cessing tanks, Lower right, part of the digester tanks where sewage is "pressure » cooked" | | before being sent to fertilizer | storage =Times Staff Photos Davis, Jim Cavanaugh blinked Nov, 21, in Grafton town hall, will he some time Sunday after the light for 8t, Mikes, Referee Pat Briand penalized Davis, Slater and Kinkaid of the win ners and St. |Sauve, anaugh and Toomey Ray LaFontaine; the Trish, In the other midget game St, Peter's returned to old time form in downing St, Mike's 7-4, Bob Ar. new scored a pair of goals to lead the way, along with Ken Taylor who potted a couple, Bob Borth. wick, Martin Dobkin and Ken Wallbridge added ome goal each, Roh Finkle had two goals for St Mikes, singles to Dave Doyle LaFon- the sta the t of aa Minouncement was made the rodlar i wil be \} hndian 1 H i 4 Yotnerford "ho a | on titlory " at unit, BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 noon te 2 p.m, COBOURG ~ Officers and men | {from Cobourg Troops of the 33rd | [Medium Regiment leave for Camp Petawawa this weekend | for howitzer firing practice, Nominations At Haldimand COBOURG -- Nominations for| About 60 men, all ranks, are Haldimand township counell expected to leave at § pm, Fri offices will be heard this Friday, day, Time of return to Cobourg | The meeting starts at 1 p.m,, and will proceed until all nominations have been made, noon, Dur at Petawawa, od that if enough nominations were made, an election would be held Dee, 1, A successor is required for late Reeve W, Roy Findlay, who died suddenly at his home In the town: ship last month, WATCH FOR JOLLY DR. ROBERT K. MILLER announces the opening of his office for the practice of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at tame compared to making theo TATE HRS rounds aboard ship. "But r've| COMPLICATED PROCESS got everything shipshape here now", he says with some pride,| Not without reason, Charlie, by| winning the coveted William D,| Hatfield award, given annually by the American Association, of which the Canadian Institute is a| branch, is assured that the plant he runs is considered tops by the managed to make the complex cess a sludge can he pumped out| sanitary engineers of America, Process sound easy, the town|to dry in open beds from which This came as a surprise to|sewage enters the plant throughithere is no odor at all, and which many Cobourg residents, espe-/heavy corrugated iron piping/can be sold as high grade fertil. elally those of the west end, who across the creek from the east.|izer, rich in nitrates, to farm and had become accustomed to think./In the plant, the first phase of home distributors, ing of the plant as 'the west|the project "settles out" all sand Ag far as the smell from the end smell", 3 and dirt in "grit chambers", |niant goes, Reeve Charles John. The smell is not Charlie Hicks] Fine screen filtration takes|ston announced recently at coun- fault, as his award would indi-|place through a totating steellcil that there had heen no com. cate, Cobourg's industrial waste mashed drum, which takes out plaints about any from residents is heavy with acidic sulphide and 85 per cent of all solid particles this year at all, Even the septic chromite compounds, and much|in the affluent, or sewage. The industrial waste problem gets of the odor which once turned heavy material is conveyed di- smaller year by vear, says su residents green on sticky summerirect to the digestor, the finallperintendent Hicks. | COBOURG TOWN HALL Change Schools Opinion Divided For New Term | On Renovations het Hn | tv Distriet High School Board w hes Yeh decided that al COBOURG -- Cobourg's town, Don Markle thought that spend. | Ei"! from Hamilton township now | ball renovations bylaw, which is/ing such a sum ght | old Duild. | Attending Port Hope High School the subject of a plebiscite De-|ing was poor planning, because of [thust leave after she writes her | cember 8 Monday night met athe inability to control expense. ( sna examinations. 'The divided opinion as Ward § nomi:|A new building, he thought, might girs apparently found Part Hope nees for town council spoke to an be preferable because of uncer- re Sutlvenient than Cobourg, | audience of about 100 in the audi. tain cost of maintenance. Where she should attend school. | torlum at Burnham street school. «in five oF An Voila &. Bow The question of the standardi- Councillor Tom Jones, nomi-| council might decide to tear fhe| Aon of text books Noa Talsed | Dated to run against Mayor J. D. [building down, The building [teachers fer Yeporied that Burnet in the elections, criticized [should be preserved now, but the (texts. CJ Pdi Choice fn the way the building has heen restoration should be done inion mu ex ih thought "there's | neglected during the past 10 to stages." Nh ddiing -- let thom) Fhgiann 8 pa stages, {get it the hard way." But his| he h Markle suggested that the ex-|remarks only drew laughter and If council a few years back terior be cleaned one year, the (the text-hook account was pass had started a renovations pro. |police department remodelled an-|ed wl gram, we'd still have the coun. other year, and the operations] An expenditure of $835 for tles' business. Already one con. carried out as need arose. portable bleachers for Port Ho tractor has had to change hia| "It needs a damn good elean- High School was approved he , You're going to vote for a ing!" said Max Lees, president well as $110 for stage drapes . 112, plan, but you've got molof the association, nominated to A piece of property pe) antee it won't be more than run for council. "It's a mess, a/ft. by 50 ft. owned hy W. J F he said monstrosity the way it is It| Mitchell adjoining one corner of Jack Heenan, standing for econ Would cost a lot of money to the Port Hope High School pro omy, industry, and honesty, ex-|tear it down, but it's still a lot of perty was discussed. The hoard plained why he was against tear- money to spend on renovations." would like to secure it as a park ing the building down, but still "When I went to the Municipal/ing lot but the purchase price opposed the proposed debenture Board hearing, I was against it," reportedy had increased to $3 issue, He referred to recent|said Mrs. Murray, sole woman 000 statements from a prominent nominated for council. "but when [ think it's a US. industrialist to the effect/I came out I wasn't so sure. Price" said F that southern Ontario was mush-| "I was against the attitude of| Let's forget it." rooming with development council, and I'm for letting the! "he board forgot it "It will take 15 years to pay pliblic know all about what coun ~ a off the debentures," he said, "and [cil plans to do with public makes council less aware of the then we may find that we've money." people it represents been paying for something that's| Opening the meeting, Presi "As an example of that, vou obsolete." Interest charges, he dent Max Lees explained that the have council trying to push sxplained, would cost the town ratepayers had beem called to through this renovations bylaw another $50,000 for the $112,000 gether to stimulate interest in the without fully informing the peo loan. "It's bad business to spend caming elections. "Last vear. a Y We should that kind of money on risk with went in by acclamation nd behind people who will #0 revenue to be gained from it." 'he said. "This is bad, because it bring light inte public affaires." | final phase, constant control of is removed, temperature and acid content in| qe large digestor tank, which shu deep and about 25 feet in dia-|gp set into the grass meter, (that, The sewage solid is "cook- ridiculous Devereaux pla through the press council {surface of the tank, which eon-|Gerry Bambridge and Mike 0'. 4 tains 13 feet of carefully graded Grady, Lone Trinity marker was Sewage disposal processes are hard, rough stone, In this pro scored hy Doug, ' complicated, and involve in the|cessor, practically all solid waste!/first of the season, Training School slapped a 40 {a covered concrete tank 30 feet |ooks like a giant pressure cook: B'S, is almost Cute scored for OTS According to Mr, Hicks, wholed", until at the end of the pro-| = Parnall, tout on winless St, Michael's Sands, Stone, McCann and Andrew's remained in close OPEN THUR. and TILL Ew ers' goal, awarded penalties to Jim Hope, his (Nelson Dave Anderson and Ron Parnall, Wednesday, monopolized with three. Singles were Referee Neil Cane Kinkaid, Dave Cook, Don Kernaghan the goal getting Jim Hope fired two scored by Gord, penalties were Dobkin taine, Wallbridge, Holmes, kle and Toomey, Fin JUMPER NOTICES Mothers who have recelv LONG POPULAR Indians were popping corn on stones over fire pits long before the white men reached the Amer: icas, Jolly Jumper invitation cards are urged to keep a careful watch dally for further Jolly Jumper announcements in The Oshawa Times, 178 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA PHONE RA 8-5931 or RA 5-2211 | CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH THURSDAY NIGHT FEATURES 6:00 TO 9:00 P.M. FREE 1 Package KERR'S TOFFEE with every order of 3.00 or more Value 29¢ Limit one package fo @ customer, HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS ib. 95. GOVERNMENT GRADED--RED AND BLUR BRAND BEEF STEAKS LEAN, MEATY BLADE SHORT RIB BONELESS ROLLED BRISKET BONELESS ROLLED STANDING 6th & 7th PRIME RIB PEAMEALED 65° Le, 69° Le, 95° La, 89- Le, 25° LB, ROUND SIRLOIN and WING FRESH PORK FRESH PORK SHOULDER .. 35° uw 49° FRESH PORK - END CUTS LOIN LIG OF LAME IN A LAMB BASKET w 99° 49° 4H 25° COTTAGE ROLLS ~45- RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON DEVON BRAND 1b. 29- PYRAMID---REG, 75¢ COFFEE CHUM--REG. 2 FOR 27¢ DOG FOOD 2 =; MAPLE LEAF---REG, 31¢ Loaf Cheese 'vo PKG. CANADA PACKERS---REG, KAM Ww TIN TULIP--REG. 29¢ 3 MARGARINE .. (1 1 YORK -- REG, 43¢ Peanut Butter '+ 33° DAVID'S CHOCO-MIX--REG. 39¢ 19° 25° 39° 19+ BASKET FREE! OF GROCERIES Get Your Coupon and Deposit it with the SWIFT'S MONEY MAN TO BE DRAWN 4:00 P.M. NOV, 22 NO, 1 PEL GOLDEN RIPE POTATOES BANANAS BISCUITS '« 29° BORDEN'S SLICED--REG. 35¢ TV TIME--REG. 19¢ POPCORN LIQUID--REG. 49¢ AEROWAX 39° PEAK FREAN DIGESTIVE--REG, 25¢ BISCUITS 2 8.02. PKG, 25° 13° PKG. 8.02. PKGS. 39° i 20° LB, 1 9+