24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, Movember 20, 1958 BURKETON By A. R. HUBBARD i |. BURKETON -- Mr. and Mrs. | B¢ Norman McKeene and family, Hampton, visited M:, and Mrs. | Peter Gatchell, | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer | {Russell Larmer visited Mr. and | | Mrs. George Avery, Jr., at Little | another social sven Nov. 28 at {8.20 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | [R. Bone. Proceeds will go to {church work. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Barrett and family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. | and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull. Mr. end us Archie Lum and | Gerald Xiyy wished Se. sad CHICKEN NOODLE, CREAM OF CHICKEN | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams | OR MUSHROOM and girls, Bowmanville, Mr. and | fino +; | FLORIDA CAMPBELLS Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. | ns {E. M. Adams. fame Se us FESTIV ORK es vg SOUPS =r |family, spent the weekend with Mr. and GOLD mE OF 0 IMrs. Bill Pedersen. SAVE 8c--IGA Mrs. J. Carter attended a sil- ver cross women's ceremony and . dedication of flowers for veter- | ori al RASPBERRY 24.0%, Cc JAR ans for the two wars at city hall in Toronto. | | Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Welsh and | LARGE JAM family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. | SIZE and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton. | 5-LB. 176's KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SAVE 8¢ | Mrs. B, Hubbard visited Mr. POLY BAG DOZEN and uh ud Slingerland in Osh. | on JUICE SALAD lawa Monday. ¥ | Mr, and Mrs. George Allison U.S. NO. 1---MOST POPULAR elf 16.0Z. c d family visited Mr. and Mrs. | ne SEEDLESS JAR Sle Ag he US. NO. 1 GRADE THIN SKINNED MARSH DRESSING | Mrs. Georgina Johnste=, and | | ial Alen | FLORIDA WITH FREE BALL FOINT PEN IGA MARKET DIEFENBAKER AND WIFE AT VATICAN "Ni and ate, Genre Wales GRAPEFRUIT 10 FOR 59: PEPSODENT " 49: 120 WILSON Ro. 5. Canadian Prime Minister | with Pope John XXIII at the | secretary of state and nominat- |Lawson and family, Markham, AS OSHAWA John Diefenbaker and his wife Vatican. Monsignore Tardini, | ed to be one of the church's land Mr. and Mrs. Jack Belle, HEADS 25° Low Prices Every Day ont i th M pre Dome then pro-secretary of state at | 23 new cardinals by the Pontiff, I A Sday itor of | CN as bro tardini gn ns the Vatican was appointed full | (AP) Wirephoto |Mr. and Mrs. Ray | Rone. jo UA, NO ERIS vik LETTUCE 2 on \ = / N.B. THE VEGETABLE POWERHOUSE 7 lol Hillside Heights proudly presents its... CANADA NE OES i. 29° PMogte co Ready y To Bat Smoke | --([D-- POTAT RGE CARAVAN OF HOMES CABBAGE OE © is ak 830 39 COLLEGE HILL IGA A COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME FOR LESS THAN U5. NO. 1 CURLY CRISP cre PORK 534 CUBERT STREET $1,000 DOWN S go ch 2 cio 9 Ge! 2 AEE KEE | ERS OSHAWA Less than $1,000 down will buy this beautiful six room, solid brick bungalow, | pina RES. completely or partially furnished with absolutely no further down payment. Low Prices Rvary Day LEAN MILD CURED PEAMEAL GA Economy Corner TTAGE Joa £ SAVE 2 > oe . Ib, 39- --([)-- Lombard Plums 4 "+x 39 FT'S EVERSWEET RINDLESS go BECKSTEAD'S IGA Swi BETTY CROCKER CORN, DATE, ORANGE 0 B 0 N an 5 9° STEADY inMix "' "We SIDE BAC Muffin Mix *& "We 27¢ SCHNEIDERS 172 TO 2 LB. AVERAGE ow ews BE CHASE AND SANDBORN, SAVE 20¢ oi . JAR a 49¢2 [FE Instant Coffee = 1.09 | Belo SCHNEIDERS SKINLESS POLISH -n Dividend U------------ WALKERS SAVE 8¢ lo: Py o 40¢(2 di . wb; Sausa e Links z. fr Credits : Saltine Sodas 25° g HOPE'S IGA PORT PERRY PKG. LEAN BONELESS BY CARAVAN HOME BUILDERS | ALL FOOD w-- WITH THE EXCIP TION POT ROAST ROLLED HATE " 49° OF DIVIDEND CREDITS EFFECTIVE Low Prices Every Day oP EN H 0 USE | oivioenD crepiT BOOSTERS Dairy Features --([D-- EFFECTIVE NOV. 20, 21, 22, 24, 25,--~THURS. THRU TUES, CHERRY HILL MILD SAVE 22 FREE! FREE! FREE! ||iiy tw = Chia hess 3590 » ° | Baby Cereal '3 23* [sme REAFY. ot SOUTH END IGA ROSE SWEET Whiz Pe. 59 SRE Credits WHITBY ® Win a 30" Fully Automatic Kelvinator Range 1 Mixed Pickles "*< 33 (2A FROZEN FOODS Low Prices Every Day Ten other prizes, including Radios, Ogilvie Cherry Pound, Fruit Cake x 40 FATHOM Toasters, Portable Mixers, Steam Irons | Cake Mixes < 67¢ 22% | COD FILETS .29°||--- a LADY BETH a and Eleciric Kettles. | ; MEERA | HONEY EI ADividend 1-LB. C Seon. REE ; Free Entry Forms Available In All Model Homes. Chocolates "io g7+ \ 2H redits DEW = 31¢\2 Credits Tins NOTHING TO BUY! NO OBLIGATION! OPEN TO ALL! LANDSDOWNE 16A ~- Completely furnished and decorated by : SIMCOE ST. NORTH Barons' Furniture end Applistcs Depts. A SIMPLE WAY T0 EXTR A S AVINGS OSHAWA DIRECTIONS Henderson Santen Products Ltd. Low Prices Every Day teins DORN Br ot THE IGA FAMILY DIVIDEND PLAN... Heating by ! HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. You register os @ member of - vidend. Cn I A Consumer Gas HERE'S THE STORY [reoiomty aioe fiom snd you mer be smd with a thou aah - Exclusive Agents OF THE PLAN! the Dividend Plan Cetalogue. 3. You shop for low-priced quality to buy further merchandise 2. You order mwchandise through foods at your IGA Store. through the Family Plen Cate- the Family Dividend Plen Cate. logue and these Purchases will LAMSON REN Evie RAS-8831 | San Bivins eth cop verre Coan "ere een | DYLS MGA - ceive 3 worl 0 OuUpON! ol A Tv DE vo OR 166 ALICE STREET gpg Rigid 6. These Dividend Credit Coupons OSHAWA EXTRA FEATURE! rr rR Be | oe ree ocr Ber for complete information Store and these purchases will en- \ title you to @ ==! Dividend 1959 PONTIAC J ll. = a Ad REGISTER IN YOUR IGA MARKET --([D-- HILLSIDE RES If the winner of the above Kelvinator # __ HEIGHTS is a Caravan home owner, he will o 8 | i TODAY AND RECEIVE YOUR FREE Wh receive a beautiful 1959 PONTIAC AW gle _ ! ll Sr Sul ET " | Eo sen GLECOFF'S IGA --_--T comer cams wav 1 116 PAGE FAMILY DIVIDEND =] || ti na Winner to be announced in Me a YO te : 174 RITSON RD. LAKE ONTARIO PUBLIC EAC THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mey 20.22 OSHAWA i DECISION FINAL | omy = ~-- PLAN CATALOGUE! Low Prices Every Day A