[43--Waented to Rent "rin WANTED sirbons Rouse 14 Whitby Phoe AXminster t= Y Aeon, COMPANY EXECUTIVE WISHES TO RENT on or about December 13 §7--Mele Help Wanted FRESBMAN qualified operator, 1 by operator, | press. Will pay! HAVE CAR WILL HIRE WRITE BOX 235 OSHAWA TIMES 271b Mishle Vertical wes! Oshaws - 1 ] i [] 1 pos with 251 Oshaws Times. | A PORT PERRY DISTRICT 48--Reel Ustebe Por Sele A5--Reol Estate Por Sole 45--Reel Estote For Sate "sixréom bungalow, big Mv Modern 1-sterey or 1%. storey héme with geroge, in 900d residential district in Oshowe. Would consider rea- sonable lease. No children. BOX 232 OSHAWA TIMES BOYS & GIRLS AGE 10-14 APPLICATIONS NOW BE- ING ACCEPTED FOR PRO- FITABLE PAPER ROUTES. For Personal Interview Cell: 270d couple or bacaelor. Apply 553 Howard AFAE A TIVE Sag --dovasiaty spain. north), yy ber 1. Apply 318 Osb- dh 280 nd, heavy wiring end, heavy ng boards, hot water. . £2 posta ad South, A M for two, willing to share, single "|beds, tive days preferably, One block from downtown. Apply 45 Albert Street and , private 2 trance, close to Duplate. Suitable FOUR unfurnished rooms, Roslad. vate éntrance, heavy duty 3 is ,|SELF . CONTAINED, 44--For Rent ARTME Street and bath, private entranes, wood floors, heated, bus . sonable Kerr Alo 1 rent, E - room bufgaléw, Street, All day Saturday, eall after 4 p.m, $80 monthly. 21e FOUR - room apartment, ground floor, 32 Charles Street. Apply 180 Celina Street, le OSHAWA. RA 5.5181 COLLECT 38--Male or Female Help Wanted ie salgbman waned, Poms oie, Resitort 38 cb Street. 2661 'OUTH wanted for department, pply Mr Jack Lee, Walm and hard: Res. 34847 2601 270b SIX - room brick house, 5 to § p.m, Mavill, 30 Richmond Street West. 271b Saturday, 18 p.m. 10 6 pm. 33 Brick : East, 271 41--Room ond Board Soa liwe ~ room fiat, furnished or unfur- BOOM, a, double, single, Good|nished, refrigerator, stove and sink, bin Bn is. Close ny Corners, | reasonable, centrally located. Phon~ snd GM. 20 Blxin East. RA 83160, RA 57279 after six. Dec.20 Dec.13| SOR rent in Oshawa six - room frame house, oll heating, including TV aerial, close to school. Available December 15, MO 8.4059, after 7 p.m, All day on Sat. urday. 271b THREE - room apartment, private en- trance and bath. 374 Pacific Avenue, Tia THREE foomé and bath, heated, unfur- nished apartment, gh wiring, working couple desired. RA 8-8387 nu 13 COMFORTABLE room. with lovely home atmosphere, excellent meals and parking. North Oshawa, Phone RA 5-4063, , 71 ROOM and board for gentlemen, good meals, single beds, home privileges, parking space, close to all south plants. 102 Mill or RA 33101 Dee.4 ROOM and board for gentiemen, con- tinuous hot water, home privileges. so = room er} De¢,18 REE rooms and bath, $38 monthly, RA 5-9460, fd FOUR . room house, Aerth Ajax, three. piece bath, gas furnaces, reffigérator, range and water heater, private drive. ee P Adax 428 apartment (new home), hes: SIMCOE NORTH, four, and fiveroom Adults. Near NGM. Parking. apartments, fully equipped. RA 5-6343 between § a.m. and § p.m. 271 THREE good sizéd unfurnished rooms and bath, central, suit couple, Apply 217 Gibb Stréet, 1a TWO furnished rooms, heated, water, cupboards, kitchen sink, bathroom, re. {rigerator, private entrance. Apply 214 Cadillac Avenue South, 271e ving. room, bathroom, Mo 2 monty |No children. Apply 461 Bloor Street Heat, water, hydro included, ample =2%t: 9c parking. RA 8-887, 2701 | TWO rooms and Witchan, THI airs. Apply after § p. THREE - room aparimént, three-piece 'P® bath, stove, refrigerator, private en. | Danks Street. A SIA -- trance, Working couple preferred. 117 TWO - bedroom apArtment, all conven- Montrave Avenue, 2701 | iences, children welcomed, RA 8.8508. AREE - room apartment, prvalS en. 200 . 580 Drew Street, Nov.27 THREE-room apartment (Iarge rooms), close to South GM. Phone RA 5-8906. Nov.15 TWO rooms, furnished. RA 8.9953, 266 IMMEDIATE possession, nice four. room apartment,' downtown, washer, dryer, TV aerial, furnished if desired. Also a P RA 85-8180, Dec, 14 J room, self + contain , unfurnished, m. at 3 Fair. 2600 TAREE . room, self = contained apart. ment, three - piece bath, Apply 137 Rosehill Oshawa, 200( MODERN, four - room apartment, ground floor, private entrance, stove, washer dryer, $90 monthly, RA 5-1310. 209( THREE - room apartment, u private washroom. Ritson blocks away from CPR rallway. 34364. TWO rooms and small Kiichen, Couple airs, , two . RA ply 341 Ritson Road South, ROOM and board for sentiémen, pi vate, close to Sou nches pack: | ie floors, oll heated, private entrance 34 4 reltrred. Homey stmosphete. RA lawn and garage. RA 5-3896, mi PENSIONER would like other pension. THREE . room Apartment, with private ers to room and board with her. RA 8-5010. not TE ol oe SOOM and be en. Ol "AN two - KOOM 40d bourd for geniemen cloe| in yaeony and Mi moder conven. East or RA 37814 'Dec.7|thcés. Very reasonable prices for the sist Bind a {right party, $800 and $100 per month on ROOM and board, single beds, continu-| Apply Superintendent. ous hot water. Corner store, William | Whit. and Mary Streets. 3M 271b BOOM or room and board, seven ays | GARAGE, central, vieinity Charles, a week. Apply 54 Oshawa Bivd. North. | gpg, Aino! Streets RA 3000, i Phone RA 86083, ~~ #0 Nov.20,28,34 ROOM and board for frée young men yp AnTMENT -- four rooms, unfurnish. single beds. Home cooked meals. Very| oq nouly decorated, separate éntrance, central, Phone RA 85-4693 0! heavy wiring, Central, Suitable for ROOM and board for two Jentitiney in| young couple. Phone RA 5.4837. ny APARTMENT, central, ground floor, three large rooms and bath, oak and bath, héavy wiring. 26 Fairbank Street RA 5.8655 ny bedroom apartments two-year lease Apartment 3, 100 Craydon Road, by. COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, THE BEST FOR LESS. CALL RA 8.8571 Nhitby MO 8-4891 Monufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM ED. DISNEY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE RA 3.2333 S-room bungalow hos 3-room bosemeént apartment which rents for $50.00 menth -- will sell on sasy terms. 6-room, 1V4-storey, $12,500, north section, small down payment, 10 ecres, has S-room bunge- low end other buildings, $7,000. If looking fer en income home -- we have them. Salesmen: ED. IRISH .... RA 3-330! ED. DISNEY ... RA 3-2333 270b three . ¢d apartment, private entrance, three. piece bath, refrigerator, stove, built-in cupboards in kitchen. RA 5-0191. Nov.29 WANTED ~ woman to share furnished apartment, For details, phone RA 8-0163 after 6 p.m. 271b SELF - CONTAINED, four., and five. i room apartments, furnished or unfurn- cottage, sult couple. RA 3-581 ---- ished. Parking. Child welcome. 496 Simg LARGE and cheerful, two-room Apart. coe North, Apartment 4. RA 5.6309 or ment, abstainers preferred. East End RA 3.9358 274f | Should be seén to be appreciated, RA 2704 APARTMENT, central, two iarge 488. i rivate bath, built-in cupboards FOUR - room bungalow, Park Road space, heavy South, oll heating. RA 8.1022, mn duty wiring, Sut two ladies. oF couple.' HRER Iarge réoms, unfurnished. sink, a pa . {heavy duty wiring. Apply 42 Ritson APARTMENT -- fhre¢ rooms, self. Road South, Ld contained, three-piece bath, heavy wir. " i hi De A. ing, unfurnished; central downtown, | TAREE room apartment, Sompact, second floor; heat and water. No ohil-| 5p prvi dB rll yor Wd hy dren, $60 monthly. Available Dec, 1. Qo A I pr) RA 8.8175 270{ APARTMENT -- basement, private en SELF - contained unfurnished, three. | iTAnce, children welcome. Phone R or one gentleman Close Centre. RA 3-3181 after 4 p.m, 2607 FOUR - robm apartment, uphtairs, Kit- chen with sink, Near Houdaille Indus. tries, Col) RA 5.1430 or RA 3.2302, 269¢ FOR rent -- Garage, made over info 0. ot ®| 1200 AND $1395 DOWN private home, walking south | rtp a ------ aM. RA 5-5570, 270f| ROOM and board, vielniey South am plant, twin beds. Dial RA 8.1787, 370b FUR "bedroom in private home, close to hospital and downtown, Phone ni FIVE . room apartment, electrically td ROOM and board for gentleman, three equipped. RA 5.1424 minutes from Four Corners. 34 Street, RA 8 BEST in town, single conveniences, close to 54220. Apply 538 Lorraine Street. ROOM and board in quiet home, for| two Jitiiemen, single beds, abstainers | RA 50723. 2661 arles 2701 beds, all_modern south GM. RA 43--Wanted to Rent LLOYD REALTY RENTAL/AGENCY Our fee is loss thon e One five room apart- | ment, Simcoe Street S., $60 per month. Two new five room apartments, $100 per month, And two new four room apart- ments, $95 a month. Call room apartment with bath, $65 month Xi including bed and light, Vicinity of itson school, adults, Apply 197 Osh. awa Blvd. South 2701 three rooms, private entrance, private bathroom and shower, Phone RA 3.3841 2691 ONE large furnished room, nice for gentleman, 444 Fernhill Boulevard or RA 37070 Dec.4 THREE large rooms, eupboards, ground floor, private entrance, Near north GM, clean quiet home, couple preferred. Reasonable rent. RA 8-5119, 2661 ru NTR ) iWO-TO0 4 apartm n private entrance, TV outlet, paTking ly f space, heat and hydro supplied. A 164 Beatty a LLOYD METCALF, RA + room g space, BASEMENT apartment, unfurnished. | 50187, ¢ % | TWO Tight aan nt ROSSLAND MANOR N.H.A. 3 THREE-BEDROC/, BUNGALOWS PRICED AT $12,800 AND $12,995 WITH K and R CONSTRUCTION RA 8-5234 |rboms, refrigerator, stove, private en- | trance, private three-piece bath. Suit business couple. No children. 325. Sim. coe Street South, aot TWO nice rooms, close to bus, Ia | facilities. Reasonable, Will child while mother works. RA 5.0241, Dee.10 TWO | rooms, kitchen and eup. boards und floor, private entrance, | Near north GM, clean, quiet home, | couple preferred. Reasonable rent, RA: 85119 « room Spattmen » on fo SEE So Phone MA 3.3611 Bowmanville, Nov. 36 trally located. All conveniences. PhoRS RA 3.3000 or 150 Burke Street. Dee.10 vacancy, only screened end relioble tenants, Lieyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 93 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-5123 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE -- 17" Console Addison TV, FOR SALE -- 7 foot | 3-9329 or after 5.30 p.m. | RA 5.6983, 271b revs, To Si hone RA 5-0079 atier § om 2661 FLY CONTAINED Dumas spat AL{SACHIYE. rsd fogs, ara ment, unfurnished, heavy duty wiring, TV serial. air conditioning, child wep:| North. 8 7 p.m. RA 8.4671. Nov. 2 comed. Available Dec. 1. RA 5-4170. 2661 | GROUND floor, two clean unfurtish. a rooms, sink in kitchen, private en. a Aer | THREE . room, unfurnished apartment, in apartment building, $75 monthly, in. | 'once. No children. Phone RA 2-4378, cluding heat and water, RA 5-3804, 266( | Dee. 11 THREE - room self - contained apart. [NEW five - room apartment. 1085 Ra. ment, private bath and entrance. Phone | Vine Road, Apply Mr. Sheather, 3661 BA 34000. . . 266f| FOUR-room house at 184 Olive Avenue, room basement apartment. | APPly 151 Oshawa Boulevard South be. bath, Phone tween 6 and & p.m. bd THREE Private entrance, private RA 85-1804. completely checked over, $89. Indepen- | 'frig, good working order, $80. Inde. dent Sales, Whitby Plaza; MO vin pendent Sales, Whitby Plaza. MO 85-2081, : e le WANTED -- Girl or woman for house- (FOR SALE -- 17° Westinghouse TV work, two days a week. Write Box 307, with base, good shape. Oshawa Times, Whitby. 271a| Sales, Whitby Plaza; MO $2081. Mic POR SALE -- Good used Moffatt PANT cuffing and alterations, men's range, double oven, mew oven control,|and ladies' wear; drapery alterations, ent Sales, Whitby Vids: R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. c Dec. 21 Independent | 3.7827 |= RA 3-14 3661 TWO - room apartment with Built-in TWO furnished rooms for rent, rea. cupboards, sink, duplex. Apply 163 sonable, Apply 302 Jarvis Street. 270f| Banting Avenue, FOUR . room self-contained apartment, |TWO-room riment with bathroom, central, Immediate possession. RA | private en ce, central location. A Dee. 10| Phone RA 3.7092, 271 THREE - roomed apartments for rent Prince and Bond Streets, hot water, $45 per month rent. Apply 40 Butter. worth Avenue, Toronto 13, or teleph ~~ OXford 4-2045 evenings. not FOUR.room bungalow, three or. four. roomed apartment. Heat, lights, water supplied; parking, laundry facilities. Bungalow to share with elderly lady. RA 3.7088, M74 NO 83081. satel FOR SALE -- Linens, china, siiver, FOR RENT -- in private modern Dousehold effects at 228 Brock Street home, furnished bedroom, two if nee. North, Whitby. Ma Shaaty, ute kitchen, living room, TV. Fo! - ou rel or elderly lady, pen. ie uh nah : an sloners or odupls. Every. convenience. 3) NICELY furnished two.room 4 ment. 133 Elgin Street West. Phone RA 8.0439. 0 FIVE . room bungalow in Oshawa, re- | district, $100 a month, Whitby, -- | FURNISHED room, ground floor, All conveniences. Phone RA 34130. 966/ ~-- MODERN BUNGALOW -- heated, separate entrance, ground floor. 270¢ MO 8.3686 for appointment, 270¢ 110 Ash Street South, rear door. MO|FOR rent -- small api suitable 84570, ie hor twe, Immediate peaseasion, Also for sale, coal a wi furnace, oll space FOR RENT -- Four roomed apartment, heater. 110 Ash Street, gentral. Phone MO 08-3083. Me | ot, Soh Yue oo. : FOR RENT -- House, eight rooms, hot WANTED TO RENT -- Farm with or water, bathroom. Mike Shiske, Base- without implements and stock, Write Tine v Meteo H. Meul RR 1, Sund west, Whitby ENT . 270¢ APARTMENT -- Bright, modera, four _ °F rooms, electric stove and refrigerator. FOR RENT -- Modern three-room MO 8-425, a70f front apartment, 'frig and stove, large | spice, oll heated, very cen. 82308, 01] three.roomed apartment, bath. 610 Dundas 269 FOR SALE -- 300 White Leghorn, 21)... ye weeks old. Sacrifice. Phone rToronto| ___. EM 4.0038; Joe Meier's Grocery, 45/FOR reat -- Bellevue Ave., Toronto, 3B, Ont. 0c heated, private FOR RENT -- two room apartment, oo Whitby, hot. and cold water, $37.00 monthly 86 FOR rent -- Four-room apartment, 1 : THREE . room basement apartment, ¢|dren. Apply 27 Rowe Street. Five room, three - bedroom bungalow. Responsible people. Immediate possession. State references to Box 228, Osh- awa Times. ONE and two-bedroom apartments, TV outlet, 'frig, stove, balcony, park. ing. Possession Nov. 1. Apply Apt. 10, 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. Nov.18 all conveniences. RA 3-9316, FOUR . room apartment, Verdun Road TWO furnished room boards near South G. aga Road. THREE - room apartment, seif-contain- ed, sink and cupboards in kitchen, hardwood floors, TV outlet, washing facilities and parking space. No chil 2061 2001 Apply 287 271 269%¢ BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One and two bedrooms, elee- trically equipped, good lace- tion, $90 ond $100. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. S. s, sink and cup- . Apply 208 Mal. 2071 TWO bedrooms and kitchen for light b Gent: only. G Church Street, Pickering, after 4 unfurnished, One or two child we o'clock. 0c| come. 331 Brock North. Mo 8.3486. 269¢ WANTED -- Male or female short RELIABLE, kind woman to baby sit order cook, evenings. David's Drive dally. MO 8.4752, 2000 rkeeping. y. Garage. Apply 283 Ritson Road South. 265¢ THREE unfurnished rooms, ground floor, private entiance, sink and built. a J RA 8.8676 Dec. 14 Inn. MO 8.4086. ____ VOFOR rent -- Business section, four. THREE . roo \f-contained apart. room oil-heated bright. | t and lights, share 5.7478, 361 LA SALLE COURT in bathroom. Abstainers. RA - ment at 808 Brock Street North, Whit- Available Dee. 1, Phone MO 8.3669. by, Apt. 2. Vacant Dec. 15. RA sa MO #3718. 269¢ FOR Rent -- Beautiful newly decor ated 7-roomed , all conveniences oll heating. Immediate pos FOR RENT _Three-room apartment, private bathroom, 707 Brock South. 2671 |session, Phone Oshawa RA 37473. 2061 YOUNG couple with new house, no FOR SALE_Pupples for Chretmas, , Have room to rent. Board op- Collis, old Eaglish sheep dog cross, tional. Phone evenings, MO 85-2837, 206¢ 6 eens, from $6. Phone Pickering Tr tet Ute Eo \ 2674 MIDTOWN Furniture. We buy, sell and | -- ee exchange good used furniture, ap FOR Rent re Toim } heated Jn , Ph 08-4881, shed ul A Sliances and skates, Phone MO SASL |p 0)" incation. Phone MO 82486. TEE TT EE TCR TT YY RTT Nov. 23 FOR RENT -- Small furnished self. _ totter ee wren contatned apartment, -uit two gentle. SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary men or two ladies. MO 8.4436. Dec.11| X4y. new tanks installed. Walter Ward, --- --~ stnut West. Phone MO 8.2563 USED FURNITURE savings, erib, Dec. 25 modern bedroom suite, sectional ches: BUY and sell used furniture. Grixt! ferfield, guaranteed plano, $150.00. Re. Furniture will pay eash for used ap frigerator (practically mew) save $170 Apply off new price, dos SOBRE. Mb 121 Brock South MO 8.4822. Nov. 28) spring mattress, $17; 2 piece chester. | sors --r TR field suite, $39: Many more bargains. [AERIAL Joved: tepsiied. New aerial To wy clean used furniture gyie, "309 Broek South, Whitby Plaza dial MO 8.4981. Midtown Furniture ' J Nov. 28 (mext to Legion) Whitby. Dec.12 3 PIANO, reconditioned, new keys, 2-year guarantee, See this one now at Mid. town Furniture, 113 Byron Street South, Whitby. Nov. M4 SEWING machine bargains, Brand new electrie portables, $69 and brand new Singer reverse stitch machines, $89. Used drop heads from $17. All ma. chines § Trades. d terms. Midtown Furniture (next to Le- glon), 113 Byron Street South. MO 8.4981 Nov. 21 NEW davenports and chrome suites, $44.50. Hurry. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion), 113 Byren Street South, itby AVON CALLING Start your own career in the exciting Cosmetic business os an Avon Representative. Write at once Miss E. Outer- bridge, 42 Saronoc Blvd, Toronto 19, Ont. Nov.18,20,22,Dec.2,4,6 | WHAT'S NEW AT THE Nev 3i| MERC ? Men's Olive Canvas HYDRO PARKS for winter warmth, Lined with an all-wool lining, hood zippered to back of coat. Sizes 38 to 46 PRICE -- $14.95 MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE FOR RENT Shot guns, decoys, cartop boats and canoes, skill sows, paint sprayers '(gas and elec tric), pipe dies, cement raixer, automotive tools WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES, WHITBY APARTMENTS Newly decorated large bed- room living room, dining orea, kitchen, four piece bath, Phone RA 5-3815, FIVE ROOM FULLY | FURNISHED APARTMENT For five months. Heat, wa- ter, very central, reasonable. PHONE RA 5.3131 267 2710 Two-year-old FIVE - ROOM BUNGALOW FOR RENT. Vacant now. Jasper ond Cedor St. PAT O'DONALD RA 5-6713 RA 5.6544 ! 271c 45--Real Estate For Sale CORNER store and hou.~ "= ° = way, Dunbarton, solid brick, newly dee. orated, $14,500, low dow. Write owner. Post Office Box if 2850. BEST APARTMENTS IN OSHAWA NOW RENTING 3 BLOCKS NURTH OF KING ST. ON WILSON RD. NORTH Private entrances to upper and lower apartments in new duplex, Beautifully decorated in pastel colors. 2 blocks te Coronation public school. 18- foot family-size living room, 2 large bright bedrooms, lots of cupboard space, family sized kitchen, table and chair area. Tiled bathroom, bal- conies overlooking lovely landscaped. garden. Children welcome. Stoves, refrigerator, washer, dryer and TV an- tenna included. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Call or write FRANK HAZLETT 3005 BATHURST STREET TORONTO RUssell 3-1733 or Me Why pay rent? NEW BRICK BUNGALOW W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-8831 MO 8-322¢6 WHITBY, ONT, 20 day Up rantee RUssell 7.9387 Only 2 left, 2a Dec. 4 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY You Can Be In Your Own Home By Christmas IN OSHAWA'S FASTEST GROWING SUBDIVISION $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED MODEL HOME OPEN FOR INSPECTION These 3-bedroom homes have terrific value at this low, low down payment, Featuring oll the extras you would ex- pect in your house, Sewers, water end streets in and paid for. Near new school, churches THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdey, November 20, 1958 17 45---Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale ONLY $595 DOWN BUILDERS MODEL HOMES N.H.A. planned 3-bedroom brick bungelow, 4-piece ceromic tiled bothroom, with colored fixtures, large femily kitchen with aerborite countérs ond loads of extra cupboord spoce. Divided basement, fruit trees on property, right ot school ond bus. Carries less than rent, GO DIRECT; KING ST, EAST TO FAREWELL THEN SOUTH TO SATOK MODEL HOME EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED MUST BE SOLD $1,000 DOWN -- 4 BEDROOMS $12,000 FULL PRICE, FOR QUICK SALE, SMART 2 YR. OLD" MODERN BRICK, 112-STOREY HOME, WITH EVERY CON- VENIENCE, EXTRA LARGE MODERN KITCHEN, NICE LIVING ROOM, AND BIG LOT 70 x 210, CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND ° BUS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. CALL JACK APPLEBY AT . RA 5-6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTORS Phone RA 3.2481, RA 8-892] ; NOV. 18, 20 end bus service. FOR INFORMATION RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS Nev.30 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS RA 5-6544 V4 ACRE-CITY LIMITS 1,000 DOWN $1,000 $8,900 full price for this 4- bedroom home, oil heating, large modern kitchen, garage, situated on V4 ecres of land, 7 fruit trees, for country live ing with city conveniences phone Howard McCabe at RA 5.6544, $55.00 MONTHLY N.H.A. RESALE S.room brick bungalow, choice location, built on large lot, well landscaped, large stone fireplace in living room, beautifully decorated, many extras, phone Bill Swarbrick immediately at RA 5.6544. $50 MONTHLY $800 DOWN $800 $4,800 FULL PRICE You read it right the first time; can you beat that price for a good starter home; 4- room bungalow, very nicely decorated, storms and screens, and taxes only $45.00. Don't delay call today for Jack Appleby at RA 5.6544, 1,500 DOWN $1,500 7 RMS. FIN. REC-ROOM 7-room brick, 2-storey home, with garage, modern kitchen, excellently decor ated, could be used for in- come home, other extras, phone Jack Appleby ot RA 5-6544 NEW-NEW-NEW 1,090 down. Full price $11,- 990.00 only; for these 3-bed- room brick Bungalows, only 2 left at this low, low, low price, prices are going up -- not down, now is the time to buy; take advantage now of thése prices and call Eugene Patterson at RA 5.6544, $1,400 DOWN -- $1,400 DOWN Large 6-room brick storey ond @ holf home énly 7 years 6ld, north-west district, 2 rooms up with built-in cupboards, sink, ond stool, 2 bedrooms, living room, dinette and kitchen ond 4-pc, bath down, oil heating, garoge, lendscoped end decorated, Full price only $14,700. $1,680 DOWN - $1,680 DOWN New 5Va-roém brick N.H.A, bungalow on Cedar Valley Bivd, (off Tounton Rd, W.), lot 54' x 145, custom built, forced air oil heating, divided basement, No. | hardwédd and tile flodrs, being sold ot the low price 6f $11,380 and only $63.00 mo. te carry. $1,780 DOWN - $1,780 DOWN Nearing completion -- lovely 3-bedroom brick bungalow en Ridgeway Ave, close to public and separate schools, many eéx- tras including cone ceiling in living room, door chimes, extra wide eaves, expert workmanship throughout, Be the first to see this home, Only $12,490 ond corries for $69.00 mo. $1,900 DOWN - $1,900 DOWN Country living with ciyt conveniences, 5-room bungalow neer Landsdowne Shopping Centre, on o large lot 80 ft, x 188 ft, 2 rooms finished in basement, oil heating. 12 x 20 ft. garage, reosonable taxes, Full price $11,500, GROCERY STORE --- 7 ROOMS Centrally located, excellent turnover, owner selling due te poor health, loads of equipment included in purchase price, stock at invoice, living quarters consisting of a 7-room brick heme which could also be used as an income. Attached garage. For further information, contact this office, ACREAGE -- MAYNOOTH, ONT] Only $600.00 down and $1,400 full price for 100 acres of land suitable for hunting camp or summer property. We have sever- al listings on other properties in the Maynooth, Bancroft area. Give us a coll, McQuay & Kidd Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. S. OPEN 9-9 Whitby MO 8-3414 Oshawa, RA 5-6632 TORONTO, EM. 3-9603 $1,000 DOWN Your best NLH.A. buy in Whitby, $11,375 total price for o solid, brick 2-bedroom bungalow. Monthly payments $73.00 including toxes. 2 left, and this offer good for this week only, : CASH TALKS room clopboard bungalow with attached garoge ond I oval 7, a 180 ig 70 lot, must be sold immediately. Check these features: 23 x 14 living room, steel kitchen cupboards, col ored both fixtures, aluminum storms ond screens Only three years old, 5 minutes from centre of Whitby. Someone will get o bargain, $2,000 DOWN ou the best buy of your life, in an in« ill get In Bowmanville, will get yi ry. Bowmanville MA 3.3986, for come home. Call Walter details, $2,000 DOWN Or less for responsible clients, Fairly new 1V4-storey S-room home plus finished sun room ond attached garage All modern conveniences, oil heating, On a V2-acre lot, 3 minutes to Whitby, close to school, Balance on one mortgage on easy terms. $1,000 DOWN NH.A. resale, no salary requirements. 6-room | ook! n Brooklin Full basement, oil heating. Total price solid brick bungalow. OZZIE ADDISON -- RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR 270b JA. VONDETTE REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE offers you the following. $9,500 Will buy this 100-acre Farm, with an eight-réém, twésstérey house, large barn, water in stable, hen house, two driving sheds, 20 miles from Whitby. This is to close an estate, and must be sold. COME AND MAKE AN OFFER, $16,500 Full price en one of the best homes In Whitby, Lerge L-shaped living room, dining room, full garge leading inte basement, hey room, hogany finished, painted floor, fruit cellar, aluminum storms and screens, beoutifully landscaped. WE ARE WAITING FOR AN OFFER. $3,500 Down, will buy this very nice home, two bedroéms, large living room, plenty of cupboard space in the large kitchen, aluminum storms ond screens, large lot in centre of town, LOTS FOR SALE $2,900 Service Lot with building started. $3,000 Will buy large lot 65 x 150, In Whitby. We have several lots to show you, FOR RENT Four-room, self-contained Apartment, on the main fléer. $90.00 per ménth, heated. In Whitby. Terms. 270¢ ar. John F. De With Realtor and General Insurance NEWCASTLE PHONE 3341 SALESMEN: -- DONALD MOUNTJOY, BOWMANVILLE -- MA 3.3950 DAN BOEHM, GARDEN HILL ---- PHONE ér 111 ROSS DAVIDSON, BETHANY -- PHONE 21r 6 $16,000 asking price for 100-acre form with 75 acres work. able, the best of clay loam, springs, 2 barns, water on tap, implement shed, etc.; 8-roomed insul brick house, heavy wired. Terms arranged. $18,000 for 100-acre farm, near Orono, with 75 acres work- able, large stream, S acres wood, 100° x 35' barn in excellent shape, double hen house, gerage, implement shed; 8-roomed brick house with furnace, heavy wired. Terms arranged. $14,000 for 122-acre farm on 35 Highway, 100 acres work- able, pond, 4 acres wood, 60° x 36' bankbarn, drive shed, etc.; 9-roomed frage house with running water, heavy wired. Terms arranged. $35,000 asking price for 95-acre farm, 6 miles from Oshawa. All workable, 100' x 48' pankbarn, 2 silos, implement shed, hen house; 7-roomed frame house, heavy duty wired. Considers house as down payment. $6,500 for 60-acre farm, near Kendall with 100° x 30' barn, drive shed, garage; 7-rodmed frame houte with 3-piece Bath, het and cold running water. Terms. $8,500 full price for 8-roomed house in Pontypoel with new gas furnace, hardwood and tile floors, modern kitchen, 4- piece bath. New double garage, storms, screens, ete. Down $3,000. $32,000 asking price for 13-roomed boarding house in Oshawa, built 5 years ago, with a gross income of over $10,000 yearly. Terms arranged. $10,500 for all modern conveniences, west of Bowmer S.roomed bungalow, 3 Terms arranged. attached garage. $9,500 asking price for 6-roomed home in Bowmanville with 3-piece bath, hardwood and tile floors, modern kitchen, electric water heater. Garage. Terms $12,000 full price for S-rcomed ranch-style bungalow, at Maple Grove, with all modern conveniences, recreation rédm, 75° x 275 lot. On paved road. Easy terms. $4,500 full price for 5-roomed house, east Newcastle, with oil furnace,' 3 bedrooms, heavy wiring, well. Edsy terms. $1,000 down for 7-rocomed house, near Enniskillen, with hard- wood floors, hot water heating, water undér pressure, kitchen cupboards. Price $6,500 Besides above-mentioned, we have approx. 225 more properties to choose from. Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board. $11,400, COCHRANE ST., WHITBY Five-room brick bungalow on o 64 x 130 landscaped lot, nicely decorated, with a large basement recreation room. Storm win- dows and aluminum: storm doors, Walk-out basement, oll heat- ing. $15,000 with $6,200 down, balance carries for $78.00 monthly including taxes. RESIDENTIAL -- FARMS -- ACREAGES -- BUSINESSES SUMMER RESORTS Interest 5%. 271e EXECUTIVE RANCH BUNGALOW tered for the first time, located in an exclusive area. Le Ofte living and dining room. Large ultra-modern kitchen, 3 extra large bedrooms, 4-piece bath, Fully equipped with . oluminum storms and screens. Attached garage, paved drive, * sodded lawn. Home is complete and ready for occupancy. $5,500 down -- balance on N.H.A terms. If you like a hous in park-like setting, phone now for en appointment. Bilt Neorris--RA 5-6588, , ata 512% N.H.A. RESALE -- AJAX $55.08 CARRIES An outstanding buy for someone ! Five minutes walk to shop- ping centre -- 2 blocks to' school. Three-bedroom bungalow, extra large garage with workshop area, fenced-in yard, come. pletely landscaped grounds with an abundance of rose bushes, Basement has built-in playroom, extra plumbing for stool and wash basin, glass-lined electric water heater, laundry tubs and forced oir oil heating, This home is only 4 years old, fully decorated and is equipped with aluminum storms ond screens and new oll-channel T.Vi antenna. This home should be seen . to be appreciated. Full price only $12,500 with terms, For further information, please call Jack Sheriff at RA 5:6588¢ efter hours RA 3-3775. ; BY THUNDER You could be missing the best buy available In 'a beautiful ranch-type * bungalow completely land d ond d d, Spacious living room with built-in bookcase, dinette with built« in china cabinet, large kitchen and 3 good-sized bedrooms. Lot 77° x 14%. Attached garage, oil heating; 2 blocks to new: school. You could be in this home for Christmas by calling Stan Skea ot RA 5-8975, NEW N.H.A. -- $1,036 DOWN For the widest choice and range of new homes be sure to call us today. All our new homes include 3 bedrooms, oil heating, laundry tubs hot water heater and many other extras Down Wilson Realtor. RA 5-6588 Oshawa Shoppin gCentre 27a SCHOFIELD: INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. REAL ESTATE LOOKING FOR AN INVESTMENT? -- HERE'S A STEAL Very clean, well-built S-room bungalow, landscaped and decor- ated. Located on LaSalle Avenue, oil heated, bus ot corner, 3 blocks to school Owner must sell as he has bought a larger home. 5% mortgage. Full price $9,500. For fusther infor mation, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5.1726. GOOD FAMILY HOME &-r66m brick home with a brick garage, located on o corner lot in the Highland Ave. area. Home comprises of a good- sized living room; dining room and modern kitchen. 1 bedroom downstairs, 2 large bedrooms and 4-pc. tiled bath upstairs. The lot is enclosed with a tall privet sidewalk, close to schools, bus and shopping. _ For further information, please call Henry Stine son, evenings, RA 5.0243. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY -- On Simcoe St. at entry to Highway 401, large 2-storey house with lot size 97 feet x 80): feet. Eight large rooms, bathroom, front and back stairs For further information, please call Stan Phillips, evenings, RA 8-1496. Strictly Residential SPECIAL Custom Built Very modern S-room brick bungalow, located in Apple Hill sub- division. Featuring 19 living room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large bathroom has built-in vanity, ceramic tiled walls and colored fixtures. Exhaust fan in kitchen, Pierson sashless windows with storms and screens. Toke time out to see this home. It is a real beauty Low down payment balance N.H.A. financing. Call John Zakarow, evenings, RA 5-0494, GOOD CHOICE OF LOTS Garrard Rd. N. area, 80' frontage x depth 190° -- $1,150. Dean Ave., 137° frontage x depth 110'--$2,200. Grandview St. S.--87'6" frontage x 200' depth---$2,200. Switzer Drive, 63'6" frontage x 100 depth--$3,1750. - One creek lot left in Brookside Acres--100' frontage BEFORE 5:00 -- RA 3.2265 BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 P.M. -- RA 8.1624 27a