ld PRETTY BUDS ON THE FAMILY TREE Granddaughters of Mrs. Al- exander Blair and Mr. and Mrs, W. Charles Wilson of Brooklin are Patti Margaret Buller and Wendy Marion Wil- son, Patti, who was one year old on September 4, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ar- thur Buller, Valley Drive, Osh- awa, and Wendy, who celebra- | Women Deplore Slick Advertising Want True Value OTTAWA (CP)--Federal action has been demanded to ensure that Canadian women get value' in merchandising instead | of slick advertising and fancy packages, In a brief to the Stewart royal food products, the N ment set up a consumer ment specializing in information and statistics, The council, representing 700, 000 women, also called for fed- eral and provincial regulations to ensure "defined standards" of quality in consumer goods, rained and adequate staff must be maintained to enforce high L [standards of processing and stor- age of food products, With retail sales in 1957 soar- ing to $14,000,000,000, the brief said statistics should be pub- lished relating to conditions of supply, processing, distribution and production of consumer goods, especially food, | Teenage Koreans In Sad Plight ted her first birthday on Oc- tober °, is the daughter of and Mrs, Vernon Wil Brooklin, Photo by Astor Studio, |habilitation of women and girls in| Mr, son, MARY HAWORTH' S MAIL Dismayed By Wolf Behavior Wonders What Ails Modern Men Dear Mary Haworth: Will you occupied with sex that it now jon of What's What for Children please tell me what has happened |ouzes from all pores of American _g, to our men? Have they all be come sex-conscious wolves? I am an attractive widow, 45 Every time 1 meet an eligible|largely centered on sex, espe in|cially him, I learn to my dismay that|forms is love with no|much literature has centered on man and become interested all he wants strings attached, Is there no plece in our society for a virtuous woman? 1t is little wonder that one of (with the sub-social sewers, , . . is our outstanding evangelists warning that our country is mov ing rapidly towards the Roman Empire the deca- kin dence that preceded the fall of O'Neill, - life, "In its topics, personages, .|scénes and aims, our literature is in its pathological . In the last century, sex of subnormal . . There has preoccupation ' | the personalities abnormal people, , been a growing Almost all eminent writers of -|the last 50 years, says Dr, Soro- listing Dreiser, Lewis, Hemingway, Faulkner, Steinbeck and Farrel as exam- Please publish this letter, as ples--have made sex the main T'd like to hear what comment [topic of their works or, what is the men have to make truly, -- R. J. Dear R. J.: To get a back-| round of understanding on "what has happened to our mew ou might read Harvard ant ro- yo Pitirim Sorokin's book The American Sex Revolution (Porter Sargent, publisher) Yours perhaps still more symptomatic, |" have devoted much attention to erotica, in works supposedly deal- ing with problems quite different, "| FRESENTED AS NORMAL | "What is even more signifi- cant," he adds, "is that many of these authors present the sexual | excesses and disloyalities of their Korea requires care and under! standing, says Viola Williams, Handbook Suggests| iss Willams lft. her naive | England in 1953 to start Women's What Gifts to Buy Institutes in Malaya, and then For Children went to Korea to run farms and | orphanages for 'teen-age girls, By CAROLYN WILLETT Canadian Press Staff Writer "Aside from the fact that most OTTAWA (CP)--The 1950 edit- women in Malayan Institutes | couldn't read or write, the pro- | gram followed the same lines as in Britain and Canada," she said, Teen-age girls in Korea are |a real problem, Many have no |homes, no relations, no jobs, "Some 50 are housed in build. ere Tuesday night, |ings leased from the Australian The handbook, which editor | Presbyterian Mission for from Mrs, Eve Kassirer said could be|o"€ to two years and given train- called a consumer's guide for| children's cultural recrea |, uit 1d am eluted ein a tional pursuits, sold like hotcakes | and home craft. If we couldn't arrange marriages for them we found jobs and watched that they were not exploited and illustrated handbook on everything from toys to pets com- | piled primarily for parents' guid- | see was officially unveiled | |at 50 cents a copy when it went jon sale at the Design Centre, [Some 150 parents were present for its launching, h 4 The 116-page publication is the were able to carry on, third edition prepared hy There is an excellent Korean | house mother now in charge who t Citizens' Committee on Children, | K Bord ti | a group of Ottawa men and Stresses Korean preservation and | A home-making, omen [in 1036 and sold across Canada stance, in his article encourages and the United States went photography as a stimulus to a VANCOUVER (CP) ~ The re § ILLUSION The career girl probably pays more attention to her clothes than any other woman and we may all benefit from her knowl- edge of clothing, Here is a girl with a "petite" figure, She needs to create the illusion of height without bulk or weight, This is done hy choosing a fine wool fabric with vertical stripes and a smooth, flat textured sur- face, Patterns are kept small and unobirusive, The dress is slim from shoulder to hem and the new high waistline adds fur- ther to the illusion of height, Accessories hat and bag -- are kept small PIONEER LIBRARY . The first public library in Can- The second edition--published |ada was founded at Montreal in 1796, but there were much older | peivate collections Du Barry THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurmdey, November 20, 1958 § WIFE PRESERVERS |decsls for your kitchen cup]. Covers from flower seed pack-|boards, Paste them on and cover] ets make unique and colorful|with thin shellac, CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Yo the Next 35 Charter Members * 5.00 PER MONTH cloudsilk Sor the fabulous flattery of precious pearls, the beauty benefits of Royal Jelly! A whole new experience in beauty awaits you with DuBarry's fantastically fine-spun, fragrant face powder, It actually glows with owdered pearls , , , and it contains Royal fen of the Queen Bee! Veils tiny shadows with a loveliness that's luminous, Gives yom skin a smooth, silken finish that's sheer perfection! Ln six exquisite shades, $3.76 Membership Includes Steam Bath, Sun Lamps ana racilities for reducing, weight-gaining, re-proportioning, toning and conditioning, All under personal supervision by expert Instructors, Courses individually Designed FOR YOU GUARANTEE OVERWEIGHT UNDERWEIGHT Lose 314" OF Hips Gain 2" To Bust ond Woist Gein 10 Pounds in Lose 2" OH Thighs quite Sug FOR INFORMATION PHONE RA 5.3574 WOMEN'S DAYS MON,, WED, & FRI, HOURS 10 AM, -10 P.M. DAILY OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |through its first printing of 10, child's imagination from his con. i copies in a few weeks, The ception of a picture to its finish| committee has 10,000 copies of ag a snapshot. [ {the current edition, A comprehensive toy + buying! FUN AND FACTS |guide--for handicapped and sick Aside from its hints to con-|children as well as the normal sumers there also is fun in the|child--is part of the handbook. | 1: In Chapter 2 (pages 19-24) of characters as perfectly normal." this study, Dr. Sorokin tells us: | The great writers of the 19th | "During the last two centuries, century, like Tolstoy and Flau- and particularly the last few dec-| bert, depicted illicit passion as a ades, every phase of our culture tragedy for which hero and hero- has been invaded by sex. Ourine alike paid with their lives or has become so pre-/by long Suffern, whereas out monotonous Tives of a men and women, You mention an evangelist's warning that our society is mov-| ing rapidly towards the deca- dence that preceded the fall of Rome, Dr. Sorokin documents | ® [that theory, On page 125, Chapter §, he points out that the great flower- ing of Roman culture occurred during the age of Augustus, who tried to stem the drift towards sex anarchy, but largely failed in the task, as did his successors, Debauchery continued rampant in the first three of four centuries AD. and led te the irretrievable decay of the empire in the fifth century, ONLY SALVATION Meanwhile Christianity was | being discovered, recognized and |legalized, and gradually gained |ascendancy in the philosophy, ethics and scientific thought of | the Western world, It proved to) be the only way of salvation from | ¥ [the grave collapse of Roman so- { ciety, says Dr. Sorokin--the only * moral and spiritual power that | could counteract the catastrophe and civilize and ennoble the | ¢| Teutonic and other barbaric tribes. | "On a smaller scale," Dr, Sorokin adds, 'this cycle (of moral decadence and salvation . . f by Christian asceticism) was to Grooming Aids a man can own: be repeated several times in the subsequent history of Europe." | - Speaking as a scientist, Dr. | h wishes with this cozy quilt decor- §orokin affirms the "proposi-| ated with playful pussies. tional" validity of the sainted Easy applique! Use gay scraps Ghandi's pronouncement that: the baskets, solid color for Kit- "The future is for the nations tens. Pattern 7379: pattern of that are chaste." -- M. H. | patches; charts; directions; yard- age for twin, double size m Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS! (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to The Oshawa Times Household Arts] Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- TERN NUMBER. Our new 1950 Alice Brooks) Needlecraft Catalog, just out, has many designs for crocheting, | knitting, embroidery, quilts, dolls, | weaving. A special - gift, in the catalog to keep a child happily occupled -- a cutout doll and clothes to color. Send 25 cents for your copy of the book. ATTENTION DIABETICS YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO A REBROADCAST OF THE TALK GIVEN BY Dr. Charles Best ON CKLB AT 7:05 P.M. NOV. 20, 1958 helpful handbook. | The guide has been compiled by | | Guides to what a child--not his|the capital's toy-testing commit: | parents--is interested in come|tee, an organization sponsored bh from 21 experts in fields fromthe Citizens' Committee on Chil. the Canadian Associa. to aphy, dren Ottawa's. Yousut Karsh, for in-/sion of 2 ROOMS . . . LIVING and DINING ROOM COMPLETELY INSTALLED WITH LUXURIOUS ALL-WOOL WILTON AT ONE LOW PRICE THIS OFFER APPLIES TO ANY HOME WITH AN "AVERAGE SIZE LIVING-ROOM OR DINING ROOM *(12' x 15' Living Room , . . 9' x 9' Dining Roome== or area equivalent to 29 square yards) 0 Aling Yo um of gpeedern toy ial 3.» Mini; SLL LIE Ve an, ure : re. 1%. and how ernery Peper, Marking 0 Faximum the quality pv Nira Sadly Pit clive colour The finest Cozy As A Kitten By ALICE BROOKS Give the WARMEST of holiday AFTER SHAVE LOTION BODY 1.35 and 2,00 NEW DRAPES FOR CHRISTMAS . . . ORDER NOW Table Lamps and Bedroom Lamps Choose a gift for her from our large selection, 8.25 and up CUSHIONS Corduroy and polished Cotton, all in upholstering material, many beauti- ful shades to choose from $2.49 $2.98 $3.95 SHOWER CURTAIN SETS Striped or plain patterns in wash- able taffeta. All colors, 15.00 16.95 20.50 Betty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King St. E. RA 5-2686 SMOOTH SHAVE, Regular or New Mentholated 1,28 GIFT SET 288 Aher Shave loon and Afar Shave Cologes AVAILABLE IN 5 COLOURS ROSE BEIGE ., . . CINNAMON GREEN . , . CREOLE BEIGE AND DUSTY ROSE con ne featy Talc, Regular Size Lather Shaviag Cream Lo PPEM IYER Other Sets from 1.35 10 9.08 CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY