The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1958, p. 1

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I ada ira he Oshawa Times Authorized As Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa a Ca eo co hi WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy tonight. Mainly sunny with little change in temperature Thursday, winds light. } THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising .RA 3-3492 All other calls ........RA 38-3474 THIRTY PAGES Price Not Over SFE, Not Over OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1958 2 SEAMEN RESCUED SEEK MORE IN LAK 35 Aboard Ship* Lost In Storm CHARLEVOLX Mich, (AP)-- empty, having left its cargo for 'wo men were found alive today |Gary Steel Mills at Buffington, in angry waters of Lake Michi-(Ind. 'gan, which it was feared had| Then at 5:31--just 11 minutes (claimed the lives of 33 others|jater--Capt. Roland Bryan, the {from the freighter Carl D. Brad-| Bradley's skipper shouted into his |ley when she went down in the|radio: "Mayday, mayday, may- | cold, storm-tossed lake late Tues-\ day, This is the Carl D. Brad day. ley. Our position is approxi- | Unofficial tabulations indicated| mately 12 miles southwest of Gull |18 bodies had been recovered. Island, We are in serious | Some veteran seamen ex-|trouble." | pressed amazement even two had| Next, a voice was heard: "Rua survived overnight in 50-degree|grab life jackets. Get 'the jack- % |water in howling gale winds t! "t|ets, Mayday, the ship is break- J piled up mountainous waves onjjng yp." . the Great Lakes. The air tem-| Mayday is the voice version of {perature was 40. an ocean-going ship's SOS. Great The 615-foot Bradley went down |Lakes vessels use voice radio, about 6 p.n. off Gull Island at| Capt. P, Mueller of the Chris- the top of Lake Michigan in 60-|tian Sartori heard. He set his mile-an-hour winds. Split apart, |course fo. the scene, only three she may have exploded when in-| miles away. But in 68-mile winds {coming water hit her hot boilers.|and 20-foot waves, which follow The German motorship Chris-|each other much more closely on tian Sartori, which battled for |the lakes than on the oceans, it more than an hour to cover the took him more than an hour to three miles to the sinking site,|get there. VOL. 87--NO. 272 'Rate Appeal May Determine Strike MONTREAL (CP)--Outcome of |tlement offered by the railways a provincial appeal to the fed-'and refused to call off the strike, eral cabinet against a railways| No new meetings were sched- |freight rate increase is likely. to uled after the collapse of man- |determine whether the nation's agement-union talks here Tues- {130,000 non-onerating railway em- day. iployees go on strike Dec. 1 to The railways--the CPR, CNR, 'back up wage demands. | four smaller lines and an express The cabinet will hear the ap-|company--had offered to sign an {peal of eight provinces--exclud- agreement giving wage increases ing Quebec and Ontario--at 10{amounting to abot 14 cents an a.m. EST Monday, Nov. 24 in hour, but on the understanding Ottawa. {that the agreement would come oy : WMANVILLE PLEBISCITE TODAY Oshawa Times Picture FRANK HALL, head of the union negotiating committee met with railway leaders in Montreal in an effort to avert a Dec. 1 strike called by the non-operating unions. | (CP Wirephoto) | VOTERS CAST BALLOTS IN BO Bribery Trial Il ; ' into effect only if the freight rate Il Iy The cabinet can't refuse to acti" |on the matter, observers say, and| crease goes through Dec. 1. 9 nd Under Way | 1. Turn down the provincial ap-| n Liquor Outlets AE of Arthur M. Mason on'attempted |omatically producing an agree- Ris I BOWMANVILLE -- This town's, The advancement association, that liquor and beer outlets would bribery charges began this morn- ment between the railways and 1 e n | day to register their "nays" and voters that liquor outlets will sphere that presently prevails in rected to last two or three days.|a strike. | Unemployment, B owmanville Votes {has three choices: 30 Per Cent KINGSTON (CP) -- The trial|freight rate increase, almost aut-| er en 4000 voters went to the polls to- in its campaign, has assured the only upset the peaceful atmo-|ing in county court. It was ex- the non-ops and thereby averting OTTAWA i | a" " hpi " ; rille. | \ oi i i 2 is| 2. Throw out the increase auth-| yeas' in a vote that will de-|bring prosperity to Bowmanville. the town. The trial, in which Mason is| | termine whether the community They have argued that commer-| Bowmanville will become a accused of offering Mayor Frank orized Monday by the boaty of will introduce liquor outlets or re-/cial enterprises would profit mecca for drinkers, they argue, p, Boyce and Public Utilities|iransport commissioners, puting (CP) Canadian main '"'dry" for another three greatly and so would the indus- and the outlets will endanger Commigsioner Thomas A. Andre|the railways back where they unemployment started. in mid-October found no survivors, no life boats; nothing except a tank that came American Jet "I believe," he finally reported, "all Hands are lost. No lifeboats years. trial needs of the town in that/the safety of the town's children $10,000 each in connection with | was about 50 per cent higher than| i / s y Vi the streets when the sale or lease of the natural wn clerk Alick J. Lyle, act-|the outlets would serve as ajwho will be on e r s t Wp returning officer Y expects great attraction to prospective in- the bars, lounges and beverage gas franchises in the city, i$ the a record turnout of voters, indi- dustries. rooms close for the night. |most sensational to be heard in ey cative of the enthusiasm that has! To bear this out Havelock At their first public meeting | Kingston in recent years. {poard for review. NEED QUICK ACTION Whatever the cabinet decision, {im di been aroused by the five-point Reeve E. G. Leason told the as- the committee heard Hubert Bee issue. sociation last week that the out-/Connell, field secretary for they. ve heen offered March 7, 1957. ! Today's voters were asked if/lets which have recently been es-|Ontario Temperance Federation, ; : days Teniain. beiore fhe sltike they were in favor of allowing!tablished in his tiny community warn against a temperance The attorney - general's office) 30, . the establishment of 1) a liquor|/have proved advantageous to campaign. The reason that such laid the charge and Alex Hall of | + : ; J store; 2) a beverage room to/both the municipal treasury and|a campaign would be ill-advised, |Oshawa is the special prosecut-| The authorized freight rate in-|o which only men are admitted; 3) merchants. {was that the majority of the vo- ng Sliorney. Le will be pssisied Soba to 20 into giles: the g i { i i i py / i , ingston's|s cabin: a beverage room to which both) Ags an example, the reeve point-/ters were social drinkers. These, bY 1. J. igney, Kingston's|same day, provi e men and women are allowed; 4) ed to the taxes the community and not the teniperance and al-|Crown attorney. Chief defence|doesn't upset it in the meantime. The alleged bribe was said to|jt js expected qui John E. Sampson of representing the non-ops -- those ckly as only 12 hi 3. Toss the matter back to thea year earlier, the government] {reported today. The figures in the govern- ént"s monthly labor survey in- cated prospects of a post-war gh of jobless that would exceed! the previous top of 590,000 set |last winter. Today's figures showed that at! ct. 18 there were an estimated | {313,000 persons without jobs and |looking for work, compared with 1211,000 a year previously. The total had moved up from Beats Comet are visible." A US. coast guard plane flew out of Traverse City, Mich., tak- ing off over double triangular red flags signifying a gale. It from deep inside the Bradley and indicated an explosion. PAIR RESCUED First mate Elmer Fleming, 43, ard deckman Frank Mays' 26, To Idlewild both of Rogers City, Mich.,. were NEW YORK (Reuters) -- A|found alive today off High Island, Pan-American Boeing 707 jet air-\north and east of where the liner landed at Idlewild airport!Bradley went down. : Tuesday 11 minutes ahead of a| A plane reported sighting eight British Comet IV jet it had been|bodies on a raft, but was unable steadily overtaking throughout{to say whether any one was their transatlantic journeys fromialive, London. The smaller British Overseas Rescue craft, with waves still dropped flares, going back and forth over the tragedy scene. The coast guard cutter Sun- dew sped out of Charlevoix, but smaller craft which tried to fal- low it were driven back. Neither the Sundew nor the plane spotted anything all night. Then the plane's crew spotted a dining lounge; and 5) a cock-lreceived from its one hotel, |coholic minority groups, would|counsel is Joseph Sedgwick of Tuesday night the 15 unions bar, |which prior to the introduction of [decide the vote, he suggested, | Toronto; running high in 20 mile-an hoor 271,000 at Sept. 30, on estimates of the bureau of statistics based nat who do nc! actually run the rains lik Fleming and Mays shortly after | Since then, however, the com-|Kingston is assisting Mr. Sedg- wl outlets d been closed for three taxes of the h otel | mittee has leaned more and more wick. ~eom-|upon the stand that outlets would received be- | breed alcoholism declared. Th 'the "vote, A briel history" of the town's, © association has asked fhe liquor status shows that the town) Sonight. Ph » -|has been "dry™ since 1909 when] . the Community Advance- ih Sg hg a n an plebiscite voters closed ment Association, headed by if th i down the outlets, This forced four Sg x ey feel that it has bee own Lhe outle A Glenholme Hughes, campaigning| 3.0 1 they a pas bees liquor stores and eight hotels to for an affirmative ballot, and the they can vote it out. = close their doors. Bowmanville Citizens Committee, | " ip Three years ago, however, the led by Alex McGregor, opposing| The citizens committees began town regained its Brewer's Re- d 9.30 p.m. _th By RICHARD ANCO Bowmanville Man Is Winner --rejected a post-dated wage set- : & sons with jobs dro, 000 in October fro the previous month and from 5,880,000 in October, 1957. jobless, 16,000 on temporary layoff, 2,000 {up from September and 4,000 up |went to J. J. E. McCague of Al- from the year before. .a_sampling survey of 30,000 seholds. adh Meanwhile gthe number of per- to 5,864,- 5,888,888 in In addition to the estimated there were in October Airways Corporation plane, with! winds, were having diffi ri hee 33 passengers and a crew off from London at a crew of 16. The American plane gained 27 minutes in the Atlantic crossing before both planes landed at Gan- der, Nfld. The Comet beat the Boeing out of Gander by 15 minutes, only to be overtaken en route to New 5:34 a.m. EST, The Boeipg took off 36 min-| - At 5:20 p.m. Tuesday the 14 utes later with 97 passengers and|ton Bradley radioed : not, . any ex- ts home |plosion and it was his belief that port, Itogers City, it esti- heavy seas broke the Bra mated it would arrive at 2 a.m.|apart. He was reported suffer- today, _A 31-year-old limestone|ing from} exposure, but was im catrier, it was en route home|good condition. Snow-Buried City Mquor outlets, have appeared con-|its campaign for a negative bal- fident that their side would win.|l0t in mid-September and since| Their optimism, however, has/that time has carried out a vig- not been such that they have|orous program that has includ- grown lax in their campaign and ed some stinging remarks about both sides have taken full advan-|the opposition. tage of the previous week to] Their main theme throughout stage an all out canvass for votes.'these past few weeks has been Broadcast Board tail Store. e The town's history also makes | York. | The American plane made the {journey in an elapsed time of! TORONTO (CP)--Thousands of|liston. J. M. Fraser of Streets: ibecta anti f the two distil-| visitors to the Royal V'inter Fairjville won the premier breeder | gh rated In the town are taking their first peek at ajaward, with Romandale Farms, during the nineteenth century. Plue-dotted pig that can he eateniof Gormley, runnerup. Sheffield) The distilleries lay claim to the and whose breeders think will be| Farms took the Premier Exhibi-| legend that it produced the finest around for a long time. {tor Trophy, with Pickard and| whiskey in the district. There is| The pig, from the Tweddle Clark second. san the lend {hat he beverage Farms Ferg, Ot. is one of gmp compen Ion never caused a hangover. ight-de i The interprovincial herd com: Liberal Head Accuses PCs wren anoles oso BOUNCES Back Ping lime of seven hours, 27| .wiNNIPEG (CP) Snow-| The weather Sppeared Jeady 4 | inni bounced back Bive the city and the snowbou The British plane had [Flas Yiguipes | wt Red River Valley a break. Clear elapsed time of nine hours; G6 00aY rom the wors |weather was expected today with minutes, and a flying time of blizzard on record as plows only light snowflurries tonight. - 1 0f Confusion -f eight hours, 20 minutes. opened blocked streets and high-| One death was attributed to OTTAWA (CP) -- Liberal The Boeing's total flying time Ways. the howling storm which hit Mon- the eight-day agricultural and ¢ livestock fair, scheduled to end Petition went to east-central On Saturday. tario, with west-central Ontario $ second and Alberta third. JURY EXCLUDED IN ARSON CASE WHITBY -- Mr. Justice W. S. Lane temporarily exclud. ed the jury hearing the case of -Beverlev Black 18, of Oshawa, this morning while the Crown and defence ar- gued the admissibility of cer- tain evidence. Miss Black is charged with arson as a sequel to the Sept. 2 fire a' the F, W. Woolworth store on King street west Oshawa, where she was employed as a clerk. % The case is being heard in the Ontario General Ses- sions 'of the Peace (Please turn to page two for story of Tuesday's hear- ing of the Black case.) [FINCH WINNER {Alice 7th, owned by Donald Mac-|hest junior showman. Intyre of Finch, Ont., with re- |serve going to Peggy Anne, en- tered by Stansell Brothers, Ayl- mer. Jack Fraser of Concord Sets Up Shop | | By BERNARD DUFRESNE The BBG, headed by Andrew OTTAWA (CP)--The newly-ap-|Stewart, former president of the| pointed Board of Broadcast Gov-| University of Alberta, with two| ernors will hold an inauguralfother fulltime members and 12 meeting here Thursday and Fri-|part-time members, will have day to set up its administrative| general supervision over all pub- organization anc plan its activ-|lic and private broadcasting. ities. The CBC Board of Governors, | For the present the board will which heretofore ruled all broad-| operate under the regulations and casting, has disappeared. But a| responsibilities heretofore dis- new CBC board of directors, | charged by the CBC Board of|under president J. Alphonse Oui- Governors met, 'will handle publicly-owned It may take months for the'broadcasting operations. new board to assemble staff, con- PUBLIC HEARINGS sider and establish new regula-, It is expected the BBG will tions and reach the stage where !start its .organizing operations! it will be ready to carry out all with public hearings preparatory | the functions asvigned it by legis- to drafting new regulations for: lation. radio and TV. ! Burt Statement Called Inflammatory By GM | General Motors of Canada to- having Junior champion Jersey cow {Lindale Bijou Belle, is owned by {Maurice Beatty of Milton. won Farms of King, entering King- Beatty. haven Amo's Connie 4th, was re-| serve. | Holestein cow reserve went to tosafe Inspiration Pontiac, from!serve offered Sheffield Farms, St. George. The junior get - of - sire class'75 cents a pound. LATE NEWS FLASHES Stock Exchanges May Amalgamate TORONTO (CP)--The Toronto Stock Exchange announ- ced today that amalgamation of the Toronto, Montreal and Canadian' stock exchanges is being studied by a joint committee of the exchanges, No further details were avail- able immediately. Train Car Robbed Of $97,000 PORTLAND, Me. (AP)--A mail car on a Portland-Bos- ton (rain was reported robbed of $97,000 early today. Postal inspectors here said they had made an arrest. But they would not immediately give any further confirmation of the report. by Lloyd the Canadian contract, industry settlement. But union of- day denounced as '"inflam- shaped in a U.S. mold," he said.|ficials say the proposals fall short matory" statements by George Mr. Burt's remarks were made|0f ains won by unions there, es-| Burt, Canadian director of the just five days before the Oshawa pecially in fringe benefits ! UAWA, attacking GM for its bar- membership is to meet for a| The company has offered to gaining approach towards @n strike vote. If a settlement js|continue the 'annual "improve agreement [reached by then, however, the ment factor" of the old contract Commenting on Tuesday's ne- employes will discuss the pro- which provides for automatic in-| gotiations between the company posals crease of 2% per cent or six cents| and representatives of 15,000 em-/ A GM spokesman fold The Osh- 3" hour, whicheveris greater, for| ployes of GM and subsidiary awa Times: "The attack by union CCH year of the agreement. | firms, Mr. Burt criticized man-|leaders on GM's attitude in bar- The UAW in Canada is de-| agement's proposals on twe!gaining, as reported by this nauding that GM mee! or Dates levels. morning's press, was a typical State on In fe: United He said the GM offer fell short Union statement, designed to be This i astineeted hls of parity with gains achieved by, inflammatory. 70 cents an hour for skilled a auto workers in the United States, 'The outburst was not SUrpris-lers and 40 cents for otha classes --which the union is demanding ing except for the union's recent! Plants involved in iy negotia --and said the terms were just plea that terms of negotiation be . i o M DE tions include GM at Oshawa and another effort to apply U.S. sct-'kept private at the bargaining windsor: MeKinnon ava, ane) tlement terms to a Canadian sit-'table." " : : St. Catharines; Frigidaire, Tor- uations. GM has offered a three-year onto, and General Motors Diesel "I am getting sick and tired of contract based on the U.S. auto|Ltd., London, Ont. : : Germany Doubles Armed Forces PARIS (Reuters)--West German Defence Minister Franz Josef Sirauss said today his country plans to double its armed forces by 1960. Vanguard Scientists Delay Program WASHINGTON (AP)--Vanguard scientists are giving up for this year any more attempts to send satellites aloft, it was announced today. Meanwhile, they hope to make the launching rocket more reliable. Diplomat's Wife Found Shot JERUSALEM (AP)--The missing wife of Britain's air attache to Israel was found today, shot to death 150 yards from the Syrian-Israeli border. She had been shot in the stomach. The premier exhibitor banner|heen jeopardized the grand championship Guern-|in Jerseys went to Alfred Bagg| sey cow award with Fraserdale|and Sons, Edgeley, Ont., and the ajo Prime Minister Diefen- Rex's Henrietta and Kingfield| premier breeder banner to Mr. haker to forget his pledge that The top wether lambs -- the from unem champion from Clarence Knights|office." and Sons, Mull, Ont., and the re-| Leader Lester B. Pearson has was 53 minutes less than the Jacqueline Smythe, 19, of Har- accused the Progressive Conserv-| Comet, | Judged senior and grand cham- mon, near Hamilton, won the!atives of turning the government pion Ayrshire cow was Sunnydale|awara Trophy for the class's/into a confusing and bewildering| piece of "show business." | THOUGHT FOR TODAY He said there has S0 many contradictions between| Conservative words and actions that the country The front-seat scenery i pointer-outer is a worse men- s economy has ace than the backseat driver. With 450 men operating 64 day night and lasted until Tues. pieces of snow - removal equip-|day afternoon, covering the city |ment, city works department with more than 14 inches of snow {spokesman J. H. Hindle said carried by winds up to 46 miles |streets will be cleared by Thurs-lan hour. day if no more snow falls. Buses| Solomon de Johns, 74, was lof the Greater Winnipeg Transit|{found dead in his barkyard -at |Commission were expected to be|Inwood, Man. He was believed to running on all routes today. have died from exposure. He promised he never would | one Canadian will suffer ployment while I'm in "not "I believe." said Mr. Pearson, | Ayre, |""that any single Canadian look- {Bowmanville--brought $1.50 and ing for a job is suffering from unemployment." | And he warned that the '"'gov-| ernment better do wig lh about the "real and serious dan- ger" resulting from the "costly| land mismanaged" $6,000,000,000/ § i Victory Bond conversion pro- gram, JM es ---- | Mr. Pearson spoke before an laudience of some 600, gathering to honor him at a Liberal Feder- lation advisory council bamquet. He drew repeated applause and laughter. Storms Whip Out Into Hudson Bay By THE CANADIAN PRESS The punch was late but vicious. | Wintry weather blasted into| Manitoba Tuesday with a bliz- zard that dumped more than a foot of snow over the southegst-! ern part of the province, lea¥ing {Winnipeg virtually paralyzed for hours. Gale winds whipped the Great Lakes to fury and a freighter was| ~ lost in Lake Michigan with 35 men aboard. FASTEST | The storm blew itself out Tues- day night -in Hudson Bay after sweeping across Northwestern Ontario. : Jarry Walmsley finds ses the best method of transporta- | | tion as she goes to work in | TRANSPORT IN WINNIPEG Winnipeg following a violent blizzard that dumped about 27 inches of snow on southern Manitoba. Here she crosses busy Portage avenue while cars are stalled by tre storm. y : ~CP Photo CITY EMERGENCY |COMMUNITY $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $130,000 $150,000 $175,000 se CHEST SCOREBOARD FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | $103,076.98 SUPPORT YOUR COMM UNITY CHEST

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