The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1958, p. 15

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_™ OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 19, 1958 brother-in-law, Gerhard Krieger, police, he said, he was driven to told her 'of the attack when she a dark street where his clothi By Hoodlums 5m ie stack' he shes dor, sees sere, is sta VANCOUVER (CP) Four ster hospital Monday night. poised over his and set Drain Diggers hoodlums poured lighter fluid on| She said Krieger told her he dh aor was reported in satis Find Ancient | She naked Rody of ap 18-year-old met the youths, aged between 18 0 aio in nospital with ond degree burns, Toronto, Montreal Youth Burned | VA ud od" 1 Stocks TORONTO 11 AM, FTOCKS Wawrd. A rt Th Ruins eatre outh then set fire to it when|and 20, and went fo a movie with| ROME (Reuters) -- Workers Jo threatened to tell of their bur- them. Afterwards they took him |5€€ digging a drain Tuesday un- glary plans, a relative of the boy for a ride in their car and he! earthed part of 8 2,000-year-old told id police here, heard them plaining a burglary. Mount theatre in which Julius Caesar is Mrs Verds Krieger said her When Krieger threatened to tell tell |tic continent Asbestos CD Sug ASkslations in sents C Paper 044 lot, 34 ~ Exdividend, sr~Ex Hayes rights; sw--Ex-warrsnis.) Int Util on the Antare- towers 15,100 feet, Price Br been Industrials Sales Nigh Low 11 a.m. OC $97 Wh W% Lo 1 n 20% 2% 20% 55 256 256 pr ! Bank Com Cdn Brew Cdn Brew pr CBAL A wis Cdn Can A Cdn Celan C Cel $175 pr 1 C Chem 20 Collleries B00 C Coli pr 620 7 © Curt W 100 12 CI. #50 Cdn OH) CPR Coch-D Cockshutt Corby vt Corby B Cosmos Crown Zell Dist Seag D Bridge D Fndry ris Gen Dynam GL Paper Gr Wpg Gas Gypsum Hi Tower Holden A Imp Bank Page-Hers Phina Powell R Pow Corp P Pipe mig Gas 2 2 'an 1275 1 00 U.S. "Sun Changed (CP) - It was NIW YORK Nov. 18, 1883--| Just 75 years ago that the United States went on standard time. Before that, it operated on conflicting times known as "sun time." The term "high noon" was much used in those days. An area, a town, would agree to ob- serve time calculated on the ba- sis of the instant the sun reached its highest point above some local landmark. That was high noon. The Association of American Railroads recalls that the adop- tion of standard time culminated years of effort by railroads, which strove to eliminate conflict. ing times between towns. Actually, a Canadian probably had more to do with the introduc- tion of standard time around the world than any other one man He was Scottish-born Sir Sand ford Fleming, a civil engineer, Realistic May Abs AYLMER (CP) C. L. Kim- ball, general manager of Imper-| fal Tobacco Company says the market could absorb the entire Southwestern Ontario record tob- acco crop if it was auctioned at realistic prices Marketing of the crop by the Ontario flue-cured tobacco grow ers board was suspended indefin: itely Nov. 8 at its auction ex. change in Tillsonburg. Ware houses at Delhi and Aylmer, scheduled to open last week. have not been opened, Marketing lasted only two days at Tillsonburg and stopped when the board said some of the lower grades were being rejected by company buyers and too much | unsold tobaccg was left on hand at the end of the day's business. Mr, Kimball said the entire crop of about $180,000,000 pounds | would be bought if prices were | fair and realistic, and considera: | tion was given to changes that have taken place in the demand for certain grades Minimum prices arious for wot bo Am Leduc 1400 'Ww ' Cree Oil Dev Pal Permo pr Petrol Phillips Phillips Ponder Provo Gas Ranger Rocky Royalite + Beeur Free South U 5 Tex Cal Tidal Triad ON Un Oils Ww Can 0G W Decalta Pet Agnico 7500 Algom Algom wis Amal Rare Ansil Arcadia Area Atlin Ruf Aumacho Aunor Base Metals Belcher Bethim 630 6 Buff Ank Bunker Hill 2 M win Coldstrm Comb Met « Bellekeno Callinan Denison Den wis Discovery Fen Halliwell on Northland Csnnorm Conwest Cop Corp Cop-Man Coprand Crowpat Cusco ( ( « ( ( ( ( ( ( 2000 Geco Mines 226 Geo he! fen 4600 Giant YK 740 89 Gold. Engle 103100 GF Uran 19500 Greyhk 500 Gunnar 790 Gunnar wis Halmon Har-Min Heath Hollinger $30 Peerless #00 Pick Crow 500 Placer 100 Pr Bord 21500 Preston 300 Pronto 1475 Quemont Rayrock Rexspar sand Riv Sherritt Klocan VR Stanleigh Ktanigh wis Ktanrck Barratt Steep R Sullivan Sylvanite Teck-H Temag Ult-Shaw Un Fort Vandoo Ventures Violam Waite Am xd 100 Willroy 00 1900 500 3500 500 Wiltsey Wr Harg Yale Lead Yukeno Curb Pato Yukon Con 500 3000 0 : Bales to 11 am. 1,077,000 $39 50 $384 $17% $3644 $124; 549 $424 813% $6 8 20 817% 5 Mailman pr zl Mass Fer 7140 Mass Fer pr 1495 Mols A new fA Que Nat Gas Que Pow Foe AV Can 2785 Royal Royalite or Steel Can Tor Dom ris 630 Tor Dm Bnk 225 Tr Can Pipe i] Triad Of Un Steel vs Webh Knapp 2850 $448 $1i% ated on $10% ole 50 $48 210 75 $36 Bank 210 #7 100 $20% : Canadian Abiten 1000 BC Pack RB Burns Can Floor B C Paper Dom Eng Ford A Melchers Nfld light Pembina Que Phone Reitmans shop Save 8 Can Pow 6 p n T Fin A Trans Mt Un Gas 1990 325 MONTREAL MONTREAL By The ( Montreal Stock rights, xw Industrials ! Stock Abitibi Acad Atl Algoma Alumin Alum 2 pr Ang Pulp pr Ang Tel pr Argus Asbestos Atlas Steel Bank Mont Can Cem pr Ci oy 4 C Brew C Brit Aly C Bronze C Celan IL C Int J ower Cdn CP 0 Cdn Pet pr C Vickers 20% C oghlin Exdividend, x1 Ex-warrants.) ( Alscope Bateman Bluewater Bonnyville Lithium Canalask Cartier Que Chipman Denison Continental Cop Man Fatima unless marked § ex 1s Net Low a Chige 36% "n n 204 Fundy Gasve Ol Gold Age Gul Por Ur Hollinger Iso Uran Kerr Add Labrador Marpic Montgary N Mylama N San N Spring 11 N W Amult 8000 N Am Asbt Noryalie Orehan Paudash Porcupine Portage Provo Que Cop Que Oil Que Smelt St L River 8 Dufault Sleep R I'ache Tih Expl Titan Ventures Westhurne Sales to 12% Industrials 80,800; Mines and via' 10, "200 said to have \death, The theatre, built by lis the largest ever By early Roman times, The find so far is limited to some paving stones snd frag iments of white marble, Experts {are hoping for permission to dig up a large area around it near the Roman silver market in the heart of the capital in an at-| tempt to piece together the orig-| linal building, Historical opinion is that Brutus stabbed Caesar in the hall of Pompey's theatre and not on the Capital Hill--the place named by | Shakespeare, b Canadians Get Awards VICTORIA (CP) -- Six Cana- dians have received the annual award from the governing com- mittee of the Canadian Drama |Award group, Sydney Risk of Vancouver, with| the University of British Colum- bia extension department, will, receive the diploma and gold pin |of the CDA at the regional finals {of the Dominion Drama Festival {for his contribution to Canadian theatre during 1958 | Other given awards this year were: Gordon Gibbs of Calgary, {Frank Morris of Winnipeg, Mrs Gladys C. Watt of Ottawa, and' | William 8. Milne and David Ong- ley, both of Toronto. The CDA, a non-profit organ | Canad of persons interested in Canadian theatre, has been meet- since ling annually in Victoria 1945 to select the winners Mr. Morris is movie critic for the Winnipeg Free Press BEER CONSUMPTION MUNICH (Reuters)--The peo- ple of Bavaria, noted for its beer cellars, the average amount of beer con- sumed in the rest of West Ger- many, But brewing federation {figures for the past year show |Bavarians' 35 gallons per head lcompares with 40 gallons before |the war SEEENENNNNAENEN um Got TAX SAVINGS » : NOW . for YOUR FUTURE SECURITY by using - M B OOVERNMENT REGISTERED 12% + BASED ON A LONG ACHIEVEMENT RECO For 1958 income tox pure RM drink more than twice! |EARNED KNIGHTHOOD Time' In 1883 railway builder and a surveyor who moved to Canada in 1845. ' Announces Hearings WASHINGTON (AP)- eral power commission an- nounced Tuesday it will begin hearings here Nov. 24 on the re- licly proposed s universal time opened question of issuing a li system in a speech to the Cana./cence to the New York State dian Institute at Toronto in 1870, Power Authority for the proposed The institute printed 500 pam. Nagara Falls hydro-electric pro- phlet copies of his speech and one reached the Marquis of Lorne, then governor - general, | | Power Body The fed- Knighted for his work on stand: ard time, Sir Sandford first pub. The commission noted that on last Jan, 30 It had issued a Ii who reprinted it and sent thou-|cence to the state power author- sands pg around the world, |[Ity, but that the US, Court of That aroused the Interest of the| Appeals last Friday ordered the Russian czar who called a world commission to review the case time conference, held In Rome inand consider the protest of the 1880. General adoption of the plan Tuscarora Indians. The Indian came at the second world time nation objects to the confiscation conference in Washington in 1884 lof some of Its lands for reser. France was the only civilized VOIr Purposes. country to hold out then, not com- ing into the plan until years alone had 38 different times, later Michigan and Illinois 27. In Pitts. Before the introduction of stan- time standards governing arriv. 'dard time In the u 8. Wisconsin als and Seputiures of trains. f Auction orb Crop passed what is inl as the Mr. Kimball said of the total | Standard Tis Time Act. amount unsold, 90,000 pounds were rated too high. The L grades--light orange and lemon ~have higher prices than F grades--orange and mahogany-- and about 75,000 pounds had been graded incorrectly into the L grades, he said If these tobaccos had been placed on the proper F grades most of them would have been sold, Mr, Kimball said DR. ROBERT K. MILLER annourices the opening of his office for the practice of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at 178 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA PHONE RA 8-593! or RA 5-2211 CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT OFFICES FOR LEASE Available JAN. 1 1959 CENTRAL LOCATION PARKING FACILITIES Apply 116 CHURCH ST. grades of tobacco were set by ar- bitration, SR rN STEVENAGE, England (CP)~ |The development [this Hertfordshire town is consid-|drove his van ering a proposal that parking|nearly a mile with the driving kennels with |stalled to keep the town centre station, then carried on with his clear of dogs HOT SEAT MILFORD HAVEN, Wales (CP) William Davies full speed for DOG PARKING corporation in Fishmonger coin slots be in-'seat on fire, He raced to the fire regular round oses, join now, Ask @ vestment dealer for fous information « no obligation, CALVIN BULLOCK Lr, WEEK END SPECIALS at JEWELL'S MEN'S 'WEAR FREE» WITH EVERY TOPCOAT OROVERCOAT SUBURBAN COAT RALPH JEWELL MEN'S AND BOY'S 16 KING ST. E. WEAR RA 8-8422 SAVE & SAVE & SAVE the CASH & CARRY WAY RECREATION ROOM PANELS MAHOGANY PLYWOOD First grade, beautiful grained 4' x 8' x {ths panels, If you are building a Rumpus Room be sure to see these before you buy. Less than 12Va¢ per foot, FIRST QUALITY LINOLEUM TILE It costs less than $20 to cover a floor 9' x 12' with our stand- ard gauge 9" x 9" tile, Only Qc each' TOP-QUALITY ALUMINUM DOORS INCLUDES: TWO GLASS INSERTS ONE SCREEN INSERTS DOOR CLOSER WIND CHAIN ATTRACTIVE DOOR LATCH HINGES, ETC. (12 high grill, 3.29 extra) SIZES 2'8" x Lr -2'10" x 6'10" 29.95 ALUMINUM FOIL Insulate your home today with aluminum foil, Ideal for re- creation room, too. Available in rolls 36" wide. Covers 500 square feet. ONLY 3.95 PER ROLL ARBORITE 12 colors now in stock 'x 8 x 1/16" Only 49. Foot Wood grained patterns, 4c extra. ARBORITE CEMENT PRE-FINISHED V-PLANK HARDBOARD Here is a beautiful wood grained panel available in two finishes, light oak and bleached mahogany Easy to cut and easy to apply. Less than 15Va¢ per foot, ' x 8 x V4" PANELS ony 4.96 ECONOMY HARDBOARD Here is a panel with a hundred uses for the handy man, Ideal for closing in a fruit cellar, laundry "room, etc, Less than 5Y4c per toot, ONLY 1.69 ¥x&x% Plywood Underlay Less than 7Vae per foot, Only 1 J Wp OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS Why struggle with that old sagging door en your way Grey Primed, Steel Doors. ONLY 66.60 2 for $110 ONLY 62.00 2 for $120 ONLY 58.50 » ONLY 126.60 . ONLY 126. 60 come | with pi bl Glazed lights extro--$4.00 per pair, 8x7 xT B'x6'6" 16x' 16'xT' All doors herdwaore, SAVE ON SANDED FIR PLYWOOD Foot 10.9 15.8 19.7 Sheet 3.49 5.06 6.30 Va"x4'x8' | J4"x4'x8' | 12"x4'x8' Sows 58"x4'x8' | veo 23.7 7.584 V4"x4'x8' ... 268 8.58 FIR SHEATHING Sheet! 3.01. 3.36 4.77 6.18 v B ----. CEILING TILE PRIMED WHITE 12 x 12 0.3 16 x 16 PER SQUARE FT, Foot 9.4 10.5 14.9 %" Standard 4' x 8' . . . 38" Standard 4' x 8' . 12" Standard 4'x8' . , 58" Standard Two Cashway Stores to Serve You BROOKLIN SUPPLY and LUMBER JUNCTION OF NO, 7 & 12 HWYS, 5 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY PHONE BROOKLIN 209 REDIFIT CASHWAY LUMBER 3 BLOCKS WEST OF THE AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA PHONE AJAX 1450

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