The Oshawa Times, 18 Nov 1958, p. 15

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wy, UR GEE er aE TO STUDY NATO Parliament from the 15 member PARIS (AP)--Plans were an-nations of the North Atlantic nounced today for a five-day "At- Treaty Organization will ' study lantic congress" to be opened in London next June 5 by Queen|"2Y% of developing NATO politi- Elizabeth. About 650 prominent(cally, economically, culturally, private citizens and members of DAILY CROSSWORD day with Garnet Towns, Peter.'honor Mr, and Mrs. Jack Colville, i J Service Club [Fier we wa root peste of sovmas visited Orr Jefferys and M. Mark| dancing with music supplied by Meets At " - Enniskillen of Port Perry. Henry, Leonard and Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Stainton and Bertha Colville, as- Barrie, were recent visitors to|sisted by A. W. Johnson calling By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN -- Service Club was held Nov. 5 at the home of 3 . for the square dances. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sander-| Later in the evening, Mrs. Free- cock and family, Orono, and Mr. man Reynard and W. Colville en- and Mrs. Raymond Bottrell, New-| tertained with colored movie film castle, visited Mr. and Mrs. C.|of recent family gatherings. Ferguson. ; The newlyweds were .presented| : Mr. md Mi. Howard Sie, and with a 8 Diasiori so Ys amily, awa, spent Saturday same eve % Mrs, E. Cox, with eight mem-| .), "ic" harents, Mr. and Mrs Bertha Yeo, formerly of Tyrone, bers present. W. Oke. now of Bowmanville, was sur- Bazaar articles were handed Lorna Wearn, Grace Hospital, prised with a birthday celebra- in and after the business period, Toronto, spent 'Sunday with her|tion. Friends were present from the remainder of the evening|parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.|Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newton- was spent sewing on bazaar ar-|Wearn, Beth White, Oshawa and|ville, Hampton, Tyrone, Ennis- ticles Mary Griffin visited Lorna and|killen, and Clarke Union. Lunch was served by Mrs, L. were Sunday dinner guests, Tilley, Mrs. S. Lamb and hostess. Next meeting will be held Nov. 19, at the home of Mrs. E. Rob- son, , CGIT MEET The CGIT met in the church basement Nov. 4 with Doris Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick| MYRTLE Wright presiding. Mrs. W. Logan visited W. Chester and Mrs. E. Dickigison, Dehawa. tht 'wosk Doris Wright, spent the week-| py MRS, A. DOWNEY end with Linda Yeo. MYRTLE--The regular month. Mr, and Mrs. Frank McGill, ly meeting of the Woman's Asso- Clara Page, Toronto, Mr. and claition was held Wedn Mrs, Howard Bradley and Brian,| ening November 12 in the Maple Grove visited Mrs. E. ehurcl basement led in the worship, Page. The minutes of previous meet- Next meeting will be held] Mr, and Mrs. A. Ella and |ing were read and the treasurer's Tuesday, Nov. 18 at the church,| Kathy, Mrs. L. Ella, and M. Ma. report given. Mrs. Clarence Har- with Vicki Pickering and Donna|dill of Weston, were Sunday vis-|rigon read the Scripture and the Gail Irwin in charge. itors of John E. Griffin. theme by Mrs. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cobban, off Wallace Stainton, Toronto, spent The nominating committee to the rest home, Bowmanville, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. bring in a slate of officers for spent Monday evening with Mr. Howard Stevens, and other rel-|jaxt year are Mrs, Downey, Mrs, J. A. Werry. atives. Duff 'and Mrs, Clark. Bi Strutt ped Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs, Bill Shaw, Tor- It was i ly d orence Caughill, Burketon. vote $10 to the Upper Canada Mr. and Mrs, Clark Werry, To- Bible Society and to canvass ronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Werry. Mrs. Werry is reported improving from her illness. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robin- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross the community. son, Newtonville. Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, at-| It was also decided to pack a Mrs. Wallace Abernethy Mrs. spent the weekend with Mr. and| 4 Gordon Williams and Susas, Tot. Mrs. Edgar Wright. sftervoon November 3, Refrech tended the 30th wedding anni. tenham, were recent afternoon| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, were TIME were served by the com visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Fusel Son 0 guests of Mr. and Mrs. | " 50--Articles For Sale 52--Legal Notices RANGE heavy duty, $10, 50-1b. ice box, best offer, Phone RA 8-517. 268¢ FLAGSTONE--$13.00 per ton. Apply 216 Park Road North, 267¢ CEMENT - mixer, trailer type, on wheels, gasoline engine. $135. whith 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, November 18, 1958 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) TOWNSHIP a OF WHITBY | SMALL space heater, 925. RA 35-5743. 27 Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List. Voters' List, 1958, Munici- pality of Township of Whitby, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that | have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act and that | have posted up at my office at the Township of Whitby, Brooklin, on the 13th day of November, 1958, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections end that such list remains there for inspection. And | hereby call upon all voters to toke immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord- ing to law, the last day for oppeal being the 27th day of November, 1958. Dated at Brooklin, Ontario, Hs 13h day of November, 50--Articles For Sale GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used. For the best deal in town see Provincial Tire. 48 Bond Street West. RA 5.6511. WE pay highest price in the city for! used furniture. Pretty's Used F Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. B. ¥, GOODRICH Stores, tires, batter. | ies, Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543. 50--Articles For Sale THREE . quarter length Hudson seal coat, perfect condition, lately remod. elled, size 16 - 18. Phone RA 3-7848, 268 OIL burner 73000 BTU. Perfect condi- tion, $85. Phone Brooklin 601R13. 2644 FRIGIDAIRE special big 10% cuble ft. "rig. 42 Ib freezer, butter-ki . No doney down th trade. MAC plan $2 A ly § GI weekly. Kelly Frigidaire BLL en: ty AWNINGS, plain col i aner repairs, all makes, pla ors, or gay pes, (prompt service. Free estimates. Order Barts, CE timates. free, | now for early delivery. Chair and table South. Phone RA 3-708, leed it a k Estimiatés fits. rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Nov, 18 vice. RA 81081 anytime. Nov. 19| Oshawa, Oct. 19/ ALUMINUM storms, $6.95, $6.95, $9.95. MARCONI and Admiral for 1959, $199 Mas brown Sverceat, Sige 3, Lady's| Colonial. RA 8-8571, 269 k fur coat, 3 lady's AY | cer x " . Stero hifi, six speakers, from $149, |blac , SKATES, new and used, "Oshawa's No, Kelly TV. RA 5.9181. Nov. 18 gout dow 16. Phone 13 a72ts. 25t SEATE beh, + miws No. $100 DOWN will completely furnish|TH - burner gas ve, oven con- hd Dow This includes chesterfield, (trolled, good condition. Feasonable price. bedroom suite, television, refrigerator,|128 Barrie Avenue. A kitchen set, washing machine, lamps, WINE and cider barrels available, all tables etc. All items reduced in price.|sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 8 Church Street. RA 3-7624. Street South. Dec.13| cor LING HOMEOWNE] your basement? highest price when you phone RA 5- 8131, The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe Street South. TV aerials, all channel, installed, one year guarantee, $39. West. RA 55121, ORDERS taken for storm sashes, mea- surements and estimates free. Please order early. RA 3-4989. Nov. 29 KELLY TV your authorized Beatty dealer offers you up to $100 for your old washer on a new Beatty automatic or wringer washer. 81 King West. Nov, 18($10.88; $4.99; lay-away. Wilson Furniture Co., Church Street. ht ONLY 99 cents! That's right! Lovely five-plece kitchen chrome suites only FOUR 6-light windows; size 12 muskrat coat; sewing machine; battery radio. Phone RA 5-2998. 267 MARSHALL spring Watton, continen. tal type spring bed, size. Phone RA 5-2665. 2671 THREE - plece bath set, $90; stainless 157 pressure" systems; '$50; i By! 4 0 shower cabinets, and sinks, copper, steel piping and fittings, | China's, Hillside and plastic and installations, Park Road Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you can afford, at Parkway Tlevision, 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. or out| = NINE cu. ft. Frigidaire refrigerator, You wil get JU [40-inch Frigidaire stove, large mirror, all in Two cheap. RA 3-7329, 269b MAN'S overcoat, brown, 42, $6; English tweed sports jacket, 38, $3; lady's brown mouton coat, size 16, $20, All good condition. RA 5-6140. 2691) BIG sale now on. Christmas gifts at tremendous savings at Ed Wilson's. Cedar chests, $29.95; G.E. floor pol- ishers, $35.95; table lamps, with shades, $3.98; portable radio, $19.95; G.E. steam irons, $15.95; hostess chairs, walnut and blond end tables, tri-lite floor lamps, $9.95. Fee 269b count on Frigidaire built-in cooking tops, pull-down elements, frigerators and ranges. Kelly TV, 81 King Street West. RA 5-512i. Nov. 18 WHEN your washers on the hummer, and your wash ain't getting done, call Paddy's out in Hampton, he will make the d--- thing run. Phone Bowmanville MA 3-2055. Nov. 24 USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. F. Goodrich Store. RA 5-4543. LECTROHOME auto radio, 6 volt, a new, $40. Phone RA 5-1343, 265f CHAIN saw, spray paint outfit, '56 Plymouth, 24-ft. Sabin Jraiter, fumace n heater, 3-plece bath, si + | up, is it gn of all kinds. Sell or Company, 1378 Queen Street East, trade. Chinn's, RA 3-7088. Dec.15 HOward 6-2313. Dec. 5 ec layers, hi-fi and WEYMOUTH cabin cruiser, excellent y AE LL a the lowest prices.|condition, one year old. Reasonable|9 cents wit) te pirghiase i any li It will pay you to shop at Parkway down payment and terms. Must sell. [ing room or room suite, son Fur- Television, 918 Simcoe Street North.|RA 8-5109. 2671 niture Co., 20 Church Street, 2690 $50 TO § ance for your old tele-[SINGER sewing machines -- $10 de-| THREE - piece airfoam sectional suite, ig 3150 Sow ane Electrobomey Ad-|livers a brand new Singer to your|gorgeous styling, in latest, most mod. miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Park- home! A small deposit will hold yours| ern, metallic coverings. Reg. $369, now way Television, 918 Simcoe _Street|until Christmas. Get the best -- get a|chopped to $269, Plus for 99 cents you North. Dec. 8.|fully guaranteed Singer sewing machine | can have a TV swivel chair or five- WE. v automatics, | (fom your authorized dealer, Barons'|pjece chrome suite or set of three ar- a ie ig and radios.| Home Furnishings, 424 Slmeve Street borite living room tables. Wilson Fur- GMAC terms. Kelly - Frigidaire, 81] SOUth. c 14initure Co., 20 Church Street. 269 i USED refrigerator and washing ma. King West. Nov.18 8 retrige 7 i HIGHEST pri aid in Oshawa for, chine, both in very good condition, ae the Community Fur- Phone RA 5-9723 after 7 p.m. or before niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone noon. 2691 GIRL'S figure skates, size 6; RA 81131 bov's FRIGIDAIRE 1959 automatic washers skates, size 8. Dial RA 3-4389, 269a and dryers. Rated No. 1 over all others South poet ONE makogay Tobie et er's report. Low overhead a 3 : ard. Denn jowest prices, From $199. Kelly| CEDAR Chests -- $1.00 will old yours be and ohe 54 inch venetian Li Frigidaire, 81 King West. Nov. 18/until Christmas. Choose from the best ae 269 1 lors, or gay stripes, makes -- Lane, Heirloom, Red Seal,|SEWING machine, treadle style, worth A ervice. Free estimates. Order|etc. Many models drastically reduced in price! Hurry for best selection. now for early delivery, Chair and table eo iN ae oetion, Tesuals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Barong om Simeoe BALANCE of enfire stock from La|NEW apartment size planos at reduced low prices. Easy terms. Trade-ins ac- Vogue Jacqueling. oath: gals, dresses, cepted. A small deposit will hold yours fr Sinily from 1. 5 p.m. at 298|til Christmas. But hurry -- the prices e see # .m. | MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk, Township of Whitby. 69 NOMINATION MEETING TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY IN TOWNSHIP. HALL, BROOKLIN, ONTARIO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1958 at the hour of 7 p.m. for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for offices of reeve, deputy reeve, council= lors and school board for Pub- lic School area No. 1 for Township of Whitby of which all electors are hereby re- quired to take notice and govern themselves according- ly and if a greater number of candidates then are required to fill the said offices are nominated and make the re- quired declaration, polls will be open in the following places: No. 1 -- Mrs. Mabel Me- Gregor residence (No. 2 high- way west of Whitby). AEE ---------- ra, 1 dad PIANOS, all makes and Hizes, ftom #79 terms, guaranteed. Ostrander Plano Metal 39. Vietnam city 40. Rub out Griffin, John Oke, Oshawa, ELEGANT ACTOR DEAD Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton NEWLYWEDS FETED LONDON (AP)--Ronald Squire, and Clarence accompanied Mr. | About 75 relatives and friends|72, one of the moet ~* and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey and Vel- gathered at Enniskillen Commun-|of the British stage, died Sunday ma, Bowmanville, and spent Sun-'ity Hall, Saturday Nov. 8th to after a brief iu... FREE -- Absolutely Free -- Up to $100 worth of gifts and furniture (your choice). Our Christmas gift to you -- with the purchase of a chesterfield, or a bedroom suite, or a dining room suite, Easy terms. This is no gimmick! Come . and see for yourself! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street $20 as trade-in. Free delivery, best offer, RA 3-4385. 269f COLONIAL DISPLAY COTTAGE at How you can provide Kai o ent, corner on all pianos are going up shortly! aiser resc » Street, Phone RA 5-1212. Dec.18 MOTOROLA car radio, fits any type ing condition, Phone RA 5-7298. 2691 Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. SAMSONITE car, used only one year. Perfect work- Christmas gift for every $1 a week! All colors available. Ask Dec. 14 luggage -- The ideal one. Pay only prices. Barons' about our reduced COMPLETE Brownie uniform, size 8 to Home Furnishings, 424 Simege Sires} ec. , $7. RA 5-8837. Apply 362 Jar. 10 years, Jar South. vis Street. 269 PORTABLE Smith - Corona typewriter, NATIONAL cash register, tomers tickets, best offer. Portable type. beige, practically new, carrying case, iter, adding machine. Reasonable. RA cost $130, will sell for $95. Phone = 3-4434. gives cus- 289 PARK RD. S. FOR SALE Terrific deal RA 8-8571 26%9c¢ TTS till Dec.15 5.8876 after 6 p.m. I tires and SEATS, suitable for church or hall RA 3-9316, TWO Ch tubes, size 717, 750 17; "| slabs; ONE coal or wood stove, $25. RA/5-0784. 13 sidewalk one single bed. RA 269b TV aerial; 5-4368. Phone RA 35-0817. 269c|ONE chrome kitchen wt, ; rw eaters for sale, | arborite, two upholste: chairs, al. A 269f | most new. RA 5-6265, mist grey, 269¢ Crystal Chandelier for dining room, crystal fixture for hall, also blue two-piece chester- field. Apply 633 Masson St. tonight from 6 to 9 p.m, 26%a $AVE -- $AVE MacFadyen's Real Seal ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMBINATION ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS $16.95 EACH For any double hung window regardless of size. Installa- tion included. FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE PHONE RA 8-1547 ANYTIME LOOK SUPERIOR ALUMINUM OFFERS MORE! WHY? Top quality products. Installations at the lowest cost, Estimates absolutely free. Special rates to apartments and large houses. WINDOWS AWNINGS DOORS GRILLS CALL RA 3-2619 or RA 57119 Nov. 21 ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS CALL OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE For the best quality alumine um and expert installations, Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed WINDOWS DOORS AWNINGS RAILINGS Cash or Terms Call RA 5-7922 Anytime ANDRE VAN DE VALK Dec. 13 Try the 1959 Paris Styled Renault Dauphine Four doors, 44 miles a gallon, water cooled. AT VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 King W. RA 5-3557 Dec. 11 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER For the finest factory con- structed aluminum storm windows and doors installed to your satisfaction at low- est prices. UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE i ESTIMATE ALEX" VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING SHOP BOAT KITS $56.00 and up Open Evenings & Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK -- PLUS AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-5332 BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors--budget terms. Free winter storage on motors. Boat storage. Factory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs. Open evenings ond weekends. : MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY ~ LIMITED Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mo- tors. Boat storage. 'Factory approved. Service centre, for motor repairs. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. RA 3-985] BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE 87 Winte r-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Alum inum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings a LES EVENISS 15 PRINCE ST. Les Bveniss, RA 3-2707 nd Bothtub Enclosures SALES LTD. RA 5-4632 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 Don Howe, RA 5.0313 PAINT SALE At Almost Wholesale Prices SUPER KEM-TONE $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. SWING SATIN $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. First Come First Choice WEBBING"S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN No. 2 & 3 -- The Robert Thornton School. No. 4 -- Sinclair's School (4th concession). No. 5 & 6 -- Township Hall, Brooklin, No. 7 -- Brooklin House. No. 8 -- Myrtle Community Hall, No. 9 -- R. Batten's § Ashburn, di in the said Township of Whitby on Saturday, Decem- ber 13, 1958, ond will be open from 9 o'clock a.m. un- til 7 o'clock p.m. ond no longer. MURRAY ROBINSON, Returning Officer. 26%a 282 King St. W. RA 3-4873 CALL COLONIAL Now for a free estimate on Canada's finest aluminum combination windows, doors and awnings at down-to- earth prices. Manufac- tured locally in Colon- ial's new Whitby plant. Quality Service and Satisfaction Guaran- teed. DISPLAY COURT 289 PARK RD. SOUTH ! RA 8-8571 PLANT 515 BROCK ST. NORTH MO 8.4891, WHITBY SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX 1577 After Hours: RA 5.6159 EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- dows, Awnings 'and Porch Railings. NOBODY BUT NOBODY can beat our quality prices and guaranteed installations, CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 Anytime till 9 p.m, {31--Swap and Barter 16-FOOT Peterborough boat and trailer, both in perfect condition. Reasonable for quick sale, or will swap for best car offered, RA 8-0179, 268 SPACE heater, Coca Cola cooler, roto tiller, steel door, combination TV, ches- tered, ruck, trailer, tile .nachine, new plumbing supplies and ing of all kinds, Chinn's, Park Road vo a side. RA 3.7088. Dec. 8 52--Legal Notices TAKE NOTICE that I shall not be re. sponsible for debts contracted 'by my wife, Justyna Malarczuk, of 478 Dean Avenue, Oshawa, unless upon my writ- tem instructions. Dated at Oshawa this |3rd day of November, AD 1958. Wolodymyr Malarczuk, 478 Dean Ave. nue, Oshawa, Ontario. For Results CALL RA 3-3492 USE TIMES-GAZETTE 267¢ CLASSIFIED WONTAR MECHANICAL TRADES ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE DETACHMENT BUILDING WHITBY, ONTARIO SEPARATE SEALED FIXED SUM TENDERS will be re- ceived until 4 p.m. E.S. Time on, WED,, DEC. 10TH, 1958 for the Plumbing and Draine age, Heating and Ventilating and Electrical Trades Work in connection with the éonstruc- tion of the Ontario Provincidl Police Detachment Building, Whitby, Ontario, A Bid Bond made payable to the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer of Ontario in the following amounts must ae- company the tender: Plumbing end Drainage Heating and Ventilating Electrical $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 A Performance Bond mpde out by an approved Guaranty Company on the Department of Public Works form in the amount of 100% of the tender will be required from the successful tenderer. Plans, Specifications with ten- der form attached and Tender envelope may be obtained by MECHANICAL TRADES CON- TRACTORS ONLY on appli- cation to the Department of Public Works, Ontario, Room 6436, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, and may be viewed 'at Room 6436, and may also be viewed ot the Builder's Exchange, Toronto. A Deposit, in the following amounts will be required for each set of Tender Docu- ments taken out: Plumbing and Drainage =. ...... Heating and Ventilating . . Electrical $50.00 ... $50.00 This amount will be refunded when documents are returned in good condition but- will be forfeited if not returned within thirty days after above closing date. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, November 14, 1958, G. N. Williams, Deputy Minister, (Architecture) Department of Publie Works, Ontario, LIFE INSURANCE WITH SAVINGS FOR EACH MEMBER OF THE FAMILY through a "program of security," tailored to your needs by a London Life representative HERE'S AN EXAMPLE OF HOW SUCH A PLAN CAN BE DESIGNED FOR A TYPICAL CANADIAN FAMILY: For the father: Life Insurance to assure an income for wife and children, in case his life should be cut short--an income sufficient to keep the home intact, to pay the bills for food, clothing, education, and other essentials. To meet thisall-important need, many Canadian family men have purchased the London Life's low-cost "Jubilee" Whole Life plan, which provides for savings as well as protection. Provision may also be made for income in case of total disability. For the mother: vite insurance of her own, to provide further protection to the family, and containing savings features. The insurance may be paid up while she is still in middle age, but the protection may continue through her lifetime, if desired. It may also be provided that her premiums will not be payable if her husband becomes disabled or dies. disablement or death. London Life men are trained to help you select the plans which will best meet the needs of the individual members of the family. Moreover, it is part of their job to keep your program adapted to changes in your situation . . . Today is a good day to talk to a London Life representative. London Life Insurance Company Head Office: London, Canada For the child I'én: Insurance for each son or daughter-- at the low premium rates available at their present ages. This insurance can build up funds through the years, so that when the policies are eventually turned over to the children, a backlog of savings will have already accumulated. It can be provided that premiums will not be payable in the.event of the father's

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