12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 18, 1958 ==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [&% RA 3-3492 INDEX : 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades i A it aka 19.--Personal .,|ALL PLUMBING supplies. . hor Please Note { tan auditors. Licsnsed| Phone RA 5-351, saroid R. San Lid d Whos Fi Alexander Seolt Oedines row in ttt fo [| TO WANT AD EE Lar mrt, mrt "ori lt JJolee ya 3 J BRICK 1 , block 1 general : 5 wa, 7 Births, Memorloms, Cords of CLASSIFICATION BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting prick lpn Ad Sm general WANTED -- transportation from Osh. Services offers complete bookkeeping ville, MA 3-2970. awa to Toronto. Phone RA 8-1065 after §--Accountants . services for small business. 184 Bond qa to tier 2~Borristers Street West, Room 1, Office RA 5.0397; |9--Building Materials - Wi 3~Chirogracter RA 37605. fool old? Feel years younger. 11 AM. SAME DAY pA 5.7. HOPKINS apd Company, Cert ! [a pao 0 Ont $06 At 2h Gnoge inti DIAL RA 3-3492 | s--Nursing services ed Pubile Accoustants. . V2 His, DRY HARDWOOD sists, Nov.4,i1.14,1821 20.3 | moles ' "n MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and | Co. Factory Cuttings ond choice WHEN SERVICE VICE 'cout, let Times T=--=Surveyors , Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Hod l ED B H DING i BIRTHS Jaiveteringrians Hon, 3. W, Monteith, FAC: A. B. Mon. JS Ut HYGIENIC 'supplies (rubber Soods), 8--Building Trades teith, E. Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, CA; MATERIALS mailed post paid in pain' sealed 9--Building Material R. F. Lightfoot, Chi George Ww. Teeth - Yelores with. pel oe oo fi, 8 Suupiey " ANDERSON -- Bill and Joyce (nee|| !0--Sharpening Service wey, CA, RA 53527, mcoe Street cents; sam, Order Charlton) are happy to announce thel| |1--Business Opportunities North, Oshawa. ULUGITOFF ! Dest, LAD, Nov. Nov. 'Rubber Co., Box | on birth of their daughter, Leslie, on Sun-|| |]g--Business Opportunities 2--Barristers OR ? 4 = day, November 16, 1958, at the Oshawa Wanted : HYPNOSIS Telieve tension, fears, frus- DEER Tiles Tor en iB oa cer ait General Hospital, || 12--Dressmaking | JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister RA 5.2621 ' ration, en, nervous pains, hab- | DEER rifles ory rent, SH per cent off BRANCH -- Don and Bernice (nee|| 13--Gardening & Supplies |and Solicitor, 101 Stmove Stres Nov. 29 % Fhines Stop P Smoking, help Skate exchange. hey sowpment. Courisiey) te Bavoy io ihidunce lel) 14~vionrsnola Repos | DONALD BLAKE DODD! nu p mama sie. Coumit Ewin, Haat In 7 fw Suh, 'Whiny, MO RS t November. ih wou Difl 12 natruction and Soetor. 2vs King. Bireet East. | 10--Sharpening Service siute of Bical rote : : Ts 5% ozs. A brother for Donna and | 6=Insurance . Telephone: Sasitess, RA 5-5501; AVE your TAWBmOwes on ol a ed 29--Summer Properties Billy. 17.wMeruy 19, Laan . saws, knives, ete. Perey Nell Phone A Dec. For Sale or Wanted 18~Loon Wanted MANNING F. SWART, Sarnpiar, = 102 Highland. RA 8-3363. : itor, it joney --- I er A ae, ons a v7 21--Personal Service |v Sai' ii beach on 'mort shore af DEATHS Ht BF SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! ceoveveroseoseossoeses eereseeoseespeemonnoes EI 158 to Th LE Bi Lk bio Lao: Tig 1523 Lake- : i ------------ ll ,,,,, x aa Savion JOSEPH F. MANGAY. ac) 0 Ete W%| The most complete outo- 0 Reasonable rates. RA 8-507. ~~Fersonol Solicitor. Money to loan. ice, asonable rates, i in Sht King Street Eas, Oshawa. RA $8334 matic grinding equipment in GOOD EATING SANTA'S SHOWCASE |GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY |Reascnable 30-Lost and Found BROWN--At her Nesidence Courtice Z3--Women's Column [skicace, EA 5-340! VD Oshawa for sharpening Hand- oe ae IF ia Broken, do net Worry oF JHieve. LOST -- One roller conveyor section, r 3 Il 24m HTON, Dryn r. me; . aments, sou- : Rl 2 orket. Soikat (Shardorh, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| saws, Bandsaws (metal & Dine At The SANTA SUGGESTS HOBBY CRAFT venirs, toys, what have you. Reason- iii iid Mo Pi hr ond Models able rates. Phone RA 8-0783, 269¢ - - LOST -- One male beagle, rewz;d. RA 5-0651. 268¢ Elizabeth Brown, in her B8lst year, | : wife of the late James Brown, and dear(| 25--Pets and Livestock \tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build: wood), Planer Knives etc. GRAND J eS er ec Zor rare Sakmn 75 Ergon, GC) N.C Fraser, YOU NEVER SAW A SAW RESTAURANT A" COMPLETE LINE AT PHILIPS TELEVISION Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. | 20S mer Retorts (Nii a vit Murdoch.| SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW (Upstairs) ¥ POWELL'S POLLARD'S RADIO JANE BLACK : Slenderizing | oST -- Biack and white Springer Service in the chapel on Thursday, atif op TT LAWNMOWERS, SKATES For Christmas Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, |Spaniel, PWH 2N, tattoed in left ear, Bee armen" ommasiiiel) 2e Ha ® tin ror ve ECE nds waive toi| PRECISION GROUND = | Chinese food our specialty DRUG STORE AND TELEVISION Steam Bath and M Reward. RA $1584 pd Cemetery BO 28 ue rr Dtrtias, For Sollettors CY 0. Bwacor BLre et Toke Out Orders 35% Simcoe North 153 Simcoe Street South 45] Simcoe St. South |LOST -- tan mohair suburban coat at CURTIN, Florence -- Entered intoll 301 ost and Found North. RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGibbon,| STAN'S SHARPENING RA 3-9422 RA 3-4734 PHONE RA 3.9512 RA 5.9602 For Appointment Motor City Bowling Lanes, Tuesday |QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. SERVICE " Open 10 a.m 10 p.m obi Rog LY Love Sus a ed .m. mine, 1] e yest in St Michael's Hospital, Toronto, - C on Sunday, Nov, 16, 1958, Florence] 31 --Articles For Rent SREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- - For Your GIFTS FOR HER Troy, widow of the late Edward R [| 32--Articies Wanted [GREE Solicitors and Notaries Public, C 5 RR a i or, King and Burke ITY BAKERY PARTY DRESSES, HATS, x More Outvey Torome: "Mrs: 'E. F. | 33--tmoleyment Eng and James A. MacDonald RA 3.3224 QUALITY B GLOVES, BAGS, SKIRTS ond HAT CLEANING |31--Articles For Rent Moore (Olive) Toronto; Mrs. E. F.| 35 pmpjoyment Wanted J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. LINA ST. RA 5.7573 Parry (Loretta) Oshawa, and FUght-|| 5, coroly Help Wanted | JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- 77 CE : : SWEATERS Ladies' ond Gent's Hats orig A estrone. Fu. | 37--Mole Help Wanted | tor and Notary Public, 184 King Be Ton Opportunities| ro the best Christmas baked MILLINERY WORLD YOUR DAUGHTER'S cleaned and blocked, $1.00. RENT A FU seral Home, Oshawa, with high requiem || 38--Male or Female Help Wanted | Enter 'arranged. |FOR rent -- Office space with tele- goods on the table RA 5.1052 CHOICE New ribbons, 75¢c, Shoe SANDER AND FINIS dig EE er 29--Agenty. Wanted IP TRE a Ta RT TM wvis, BA SL. a Look for QUALITY S King Eost Gift of Lessons, in Ballet -- shine a specialty. E D FINISHER Gregory's Cemetery 268b | 40--Qpportunities | Greer, Associate Barristers and 7 |STORE for rent, 31° x 34, King Street on the label. Top -- Baton or Highland. SHARKY'S from 4)=Room and Board [Aor 65 Simcoe Street South. RA West. RA s 1465. Dec.13 BROWNIE STAR FLASH OUTFIT Fro PALM CIGAR STORE DO-IT-YOURSELF JOHNSTON -- Suddenly in Oshawa ll oo _poom and Board Wanted Mortgage loans available 5 : Now -$11.95.. Feotures the HARVEY "DANCE "ws 5 at the family residence, 387 Masson ., 1.4 To Rent [son A. CAMERON, Barrister, Soiie. | UPTOWN MEAT MARKET Nd i 7 ACADEMY imcoe N., Oshawa HARRISON & KINSMAN Street on Tuesday, November 8, 1958, | Wan! ° tor 'and Notary Public, 18% King Street world's most popular comera, ! Dec. 13 David Franklin Johnston, beloved hus.|| 44--For Rent East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private mort- C O L O N | A L DELICATESSAN Just sight for Joungsten or RA 5-6122 424 King St. W. 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 band of Mary Clara Pentland, dear|| 45---Real Estate For Sale | gages arranged. 77 Simcoe St. N grown-ups aliki ACE CLEANING CONTRACTOR of M J. E. Di nt (Helen) | . . . ran aad Waray gohnseem of]] $2 --eal Ettols Exchange Shia A ane Novi ESTABLISHED DEALERSHIP | oper you the best in meat MITCHELL'S DRUGS "A GIFT OF WARMTH" | STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES" Oshawa. In his 83rd year. Funeral|| 46--Real Estate (office, RA 53741; residence, RA 53542 AJAX DISTRICT d. rted cold cuts for 9 Simcoe North "KE / nd HOMES Do It Yourself arrangements later. For further par-|| 47--Automobiies For Sale cai d H-- Bolick ond - assorted ¢ ; DIAL RA 3-3431 KENWOOD, o eulars eall McIntosh Funeral Home || 48--Automobiies Wanted | GREER and Kelly, Burristers, 8 Dial] Prefox display court home your Christmas Parties. All wool 'blonkets, Priced from Floors, windows, walls and With the 'ool TR ig re Aonobre Repos (tors, etc... 4 endeace phones: J. M.| improvement produ~tion over RA 8-8172 COLEMAN * $12.50 TO $20.95 cellors cleaned. Washroom ith d power tools ond KELLOW -- In Oshawa Hospital, on|| SO--Articies For Sale Greer, BA, Sc, RA 53368; Terence V.| oo 000 © 00 0 ob Thi ; ; W A R ' cleaning and sonitizing equibmen i £00 jen! 8 Tuesdsy, November 18, - 1888, Sara | Si--Swap and Barter REA Arr en 9 Jeol prot. Hue Oil and Gos Heaters D'S specialty. STAN'S SHARPENING Jones, beloved wife of the late John|l 523i egal Notices Phillips, B. Comm., is not a dead business sale, THE ACRES at 31 Simcoe St. S., RA 5-115] PHONE RA 5:7165 SERVICE Kellow loving mother of Mrs, Richard CLASSIFIED AD RATES 4--Dentists only financiclly responsible RESTAURANT HOME APPLIANCES Nov 29| Cor King and Burk RA 3-3224 Sales & Service SINGER - It there is any equipment not Branton (Kate) and Miss Mamie Kel = tus me rome Oshawa; Albert Roy, Tillsonburg PR. G. T. SCIUK. Offies hours # #0 8.| person apply for appointment. _ CHEF: T. K. ISHII oles d 5 mcoe S, listed that reed gi TAILORING 1 you need give us @ call we rent (pretty near and Jack of Clinton, B.C., in her 91st 25 words or less [Open evenings by appeintment. = COLONIAL HOMES, 51% Si Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 his Dinners, Lunches, Banquets. 4 i Brock St. W., Whitby, MO ; - RA 5-8332 SEWING MACHINES | ,. cteriole mo lw cot we . 1! . year, The late Mes Eellow x: Testing Cash Charge o p st McIntosh Funeral Home. Service in eservé now for -- the Chapel, Thursday, November 320,(| 3 CONSECUTIVE 5--Nursing Services e Chapel, Thur INSERTIONS ~~ 2.28 2.48 Pus 8.4891. CHRISTMAS PARTIES LOW COST MOVIES As low os $119.95 (easy Alterations of all kinds. Chain Saws; floor, belt disc, a 2 pm. Interment Oshawa Union || AVAILABLE--Practical nurse, excel- ISTMAS INNER Cemetery. 2%|| 6 CONEGTIONS 275 4.13 |lent references, in or out of town. RA 269% CHRIS hi D FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY terms), visible weaving. ond oscillating sanders; skill LANG -- At the Nora Frances Hen- ¥ not paid within 7 days the NEW YEARS DINNER See ® Sewing Cabinets and ress alterations. saws; drills; ext. ladders; 8.1255, derson Hospital, Hamilton, on Monday, Charge rate will epply. 12--Dressmaking Phone MA 3.2561 KARN'S Bors 10 Prince St. (near bus station) paint sprayers; pipe thread- Noemie Wii Nea 8. unde, Above rates apply only to orl ANDEN NURSING HOME LADIES! and girls' west, specialising Proprietress: Mrs. Royal Ishii FOR CAMERAS ® Scissors ond Scissor Sets RA 8-5311 ing equip. up to 2; electric Street East, Hamilton, mother of Har-|| ginal orders for consecutive inser- [i (Licensed) in evening gowns ana oeiter aestes, s : LEN P hammer; chain hoist; post old, Waterdown: George W., Hamilton|| fions. Subsequent insertions ordered KING ST. WEST by appointment, RA 5.8772, ov.28 (KARN DRUGS LTD. e Buttonhole and Zig-Zag ULLAN hole diggers; blow "AO h: Beach; Ralph E., Orillia; Mrs. George|| of a later date constitute a new home for ALTERATIONS and dress making. 28 KING ST. E Attachments T.T.S. Dec. 9 ' rch; | ord | Exclusive nursing . E. sum fl Forest, Ont., and|| ©riginal order. Children's clothes a speciaity. Phone CHRISTMAS FOWL RA 3.4621 p pumps; floor nailers; 269¢ - SINGER SEWING CENTER (plywood and hardwood) Buchanan (Edna), Grace at home, Resting a) the Robin-|| Professional and Business listings convalescent and elderly peo- ga 5.727, 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa stoplers; tillers; scythes, etc. F 1 H , King East at West|| $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily. || ple. (Men and Women). = vente North. Hamilton. Service in|| Each additional line 75¢ per mon Nurses ond dieticions in |13--Gardening & Supplies Gifts For The Photo-Fan RA 5.5443 ELEPHONE 32--Articles W. d icles ante: the Chapel Wednesd t 12 o'clock. | £ach Initial lett bbreviation, i a Talent Union isin Bo Oshawa. ils pr ist. ru fo ph attendance. Tray service, FREE SHENK SemovE. fuel woud CHRISTMAS FOWL SHOP, EAR LY ¢ 9 LAMPS -- FANCY CUSHIONS WE pay cash for used furniture, appli ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, bl} word. Box charged 15¢ additional. radio, T.V, lounge. LEAVITT -- In the Oshawa General Classified Advertisements PHONE RA"5-2330 RA 37054. Nov.29 CAPONS & TURKEYS BEST CTION IMPORTED POTTERY Hospifal on Sunday, Nov. 16, 1958. pM ;ST be in by 9 a.m. the day of = LEN and garden- Use Our Lay-Away or Choo a Gr oli Oven. Ao ol and jl Percy E. Leavitt, beloved husband |} o bjication, Office hours: Daily 6--Optometrists ing service--lawns seeded, sodded, fer. DRESSED AND Small Deposit Pl er from Prince Stree, RA S00 i and lawns ploughed, a posi an. our AV NSWERING PIANOS wanted mesial po 4 make, or size, cash, Os ", Bit lait rt of Fannie Braden, loving father ofl 3.5" Saturday 8-12. Siised, Sard rl ul veo) BE DELIVERED JURY & LOVELL BETT Mrs. A. Newell (Florence), Mu, D. REGULATIONS=. C. H. TUCK, Ovtometsiat Speci my ing Deguerre (Margaret), Allen ai n- in muscle anomalities, eves Everything for your garden, RA 86-5753, ald, in his 66th yeas. The late Mr. The Daily Times shall not be | glasses. Evenings, Mon. Wed., Fri, 6-8. AIDEN Sivgied. ici Tov FRANK HOAG | "For Everything Photographic" 15 King St. E Leavitt is resting at the Mcintosh Fu- responsible for errors in advertise- | Invalids examined at home. RA 56143. RDENS Jioughu bv ay > Rossland Road West Oshowa - Bowmanville - Whitby : neral Home, Service in the Chapel onjj o\ " mitted othwise than in [Disney Bldg, 31 King East. led, tives , - : | RA 5.2686 S ERVICE WANTED to buy --oJoF Toute To good DIAL RA 5-6837 DRAPERY -- BROADLOOM : Shepherd, Phone RA 5.1352. 2098 Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 2.30 p.m. In- y i f th terment Union Cemetery. 8 | MOHD, NO ertion of ony ed. ||]--Surveyors ____|UANDSCAPING, gardens plowed, CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FURNITURE SHELENKOFF -- Entered Into rest|| vertisement, nor beyond 'he price ||G.T. HORTON and association, On- Gisced, Sieanup RR, Ap soll, sod, Gigantic Savings h TIRED Sembumation Sony, Sve TIL nn the Oshawa General Hospital on|| charged for a single insertion of |itario Land Surveyors, P En- TOWN INE TURKEYS Regular $50 Dance Course answer your phone whenever pedal ear. Also A eeord Ta. FA Monday, November 17, 1958, Boris D,|| the advertisements in which error || gineering. 70 Harwood Avenue South,|G. T. HORTON and Associates, Ontario L NOW ONLY $14.50 GIFTS FOR DAD you are away from your [P%03: die Shelenkoff, beloved husband of Victoria || 9¢curs. And also reserves the right |i Ajay Phone Ajax 728. Land Surveyors, Professional Engineer- office. or residence. " Lesniak and father of Zita and Robert, [| fo classify advertising according fo |i os ALD W_ TROLLOFE, Oniaris Lane Oniario Land|n. 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax NOW FRESHLY KILLED .| Students - Jminery not wee SELLING Farsitare or cleaning out in his 50th year. Funeral from the|| 8 Own classification. Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5-688. as. DELIVERED OVEN READY T For rates inquire:-- your basement? You will get your high- e Stree 81. "The best is your best buy" | ARTHUR MURRAY stubios | AUTO SEAT COVERS RY The "Gehan Trading post, 446 Simcoe rmstron uneral Home, Oshawa, | - Tridy, Be tL with High Rea:| IF. J. DONEVAN and Agsociates, es, Land SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE DIAL RA 5.4233 FOR CHRISTMAS rein CRY The 'Oshawa SERVICE M Holy C Chi h, 9) | Surveying and Engineering, am Interment St. Gregory's. © Oshawa, Ontario, RA| Nj gery Stock, Garden Main- Installed after Christmas Interment St. G C Street East, peg Friends are Rin pin to call PRINCE ALBERT Seis. tenance, Tractor Grading and TOWNLINE RD. NORTH Visit Oshawa's Largest Blankets, Packs; Cushions & 'he Funeral Home beiore Wed | 8--Building Trades Roto-Tilling. OSHAWA Downtown 45 KING ST. EAST ", et By F. E. Smith AL CONROY -- 24 years painter and] HARDSAND LANDSCAPING TOYLAND Wisk Be ion RA 8.1772 VAN ZANTEN -- Entered into rest in r hanger, a quick clean job, plus 2 let lecti the Oshawa General Hospital, on Mon-| PRINCE ALBERT: Some fine| ea workmanship, MO 2 RA 5-1721 TURKEYS See our i fo og selection ot Nov.23 day, November 17, 1958, Johannes Van | |deer have been seen frequently now. | free estimates. Tet in Wis sist yenr Resting at the| grazing on the farms of R. Mur-|CEMENT work, driveway | AJAX SOD SUPPLY ® feash Killed COLLIS & SONS OSHAWA 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs| Rov furs live poultry, fea- |cellar floors, general repairs, 50-54 King W. RA 5.6311 erste | ther, '8Crap iron) ond 'metol. banquets and AUTO-TRIM SPECIALIZED radio and television ! (collect) I t----n. Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, phy and C. Love ling, toundations, "and sod deli a: ond laid. Weld Spaciel for ' a a Con i Vilage is growing last, oo "ficient dervies; 'RA 8.060, imi pn ne oi -- Church Suppers. Opposite Centre Street Cor. Chorch. wdsBonet 1 service All makes. Fred Thom Thompson, 157 I. TURNER wa, Thursday, November 2 on has two new homes fie he v ; ; 2pm, interment Oshawa Union Come wel on the way on Simcoe Street ALL types dwelling repairs. rooting, Stone. Grading, ~asphalting PHONE RA 8-5392 | GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY RA 3 2043 Wy. (Flowers grateally decimal) |avd G. Sherrait has » new onelSdine, Flassiing fudy tepstis, Shp) «ana excovetion. FREE T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED half completed on Queen next to|Gordon M: PHONE AJAX 431 or Moved or Repaired his old home. JILDING _ alterati d repairs, ¥ P For Funeral Flower M. Heayn has also commenced | Riches. chimdevs. Pissing, parsing RA 5-3422 CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL, WAND, SMOCKED CHRISTMAS 50 foot tower and head re building across from the old ed Lio RA 59168, N Nov.26 COURTICE 'SOD AND TRANSPORTATION Regular $1.98 for $1.50 $113.00 CEDARDALE rhool on Queen Street, x, framing, tris ! FLOWERS I Se il Co ens, framing, Wim. | ANDSCAPING SERVICE pol NO SMoCKED, BONUS Len and Lou's T.V. WL PHONE RA 3.9533 | . . % 2d Alterations and repairs. No jobs too big A-1 field sod, sprayed ond The Safe Way to Celebrate RA 8.87 4 RA 5.7844 ul MA 3-3942 3 1 to her home in Philadelphia, after (or too small. Work guaranteed. RA fertilized. For free estimates The Holiday Season 00 With your purchase of a sult IRON : : 2 King St. East, Oshawa her five months stay here. [33579. ol Ea Rroorton Poiigey doin bor Dad, you will_receive . IRON : METALS ors from Karn's Drug Faye Carroll, Kirkland Lake CLEANING chimneys and fireplaces, RA 5.6047 GIFTS uburban or Car Cogt abso- ELECTROHOME, os S au Gao Hume mores in ran. ane, ot, i me 2 MERCURY TAXI for Al Too Fomly | G0 ATE Yow Codie | RCA VICTOR ADMIRAL, | OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY {Ing a shawa, spen urday | Fankie and Johnny. RA ov % RA 5-3432 with Mr. and Mrs. E. Huntley. 7 7 , fittings, SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE 45 King E. p IN MEMORIAM Mrs. R. Murphy spent a few BI A nr int gs, Nursery Stock, Garden Main- OSHAWA'S MOST MODERN T 74 CELINA ST. DUNN'S TAILORS The finest in television ond RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 y 4 h +h [septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In- ' i TAXI SE oke advantage of Layaway 16 SIMCOE ST. S service. 100 ANNIS STR days last week in Toronto with) Istallations at reasonable rates. Infor-| tenance Tractor Grading and AXI SERVICE and Budget Plan. Free park- » EET {her mother and sister: |Mation and estimates free on any type Roto-Tilling, Ing 'opposite store, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PARKWAY TELEVISION FREE PICK-UP DRESSER -- In loving memory of a _ and Me D. Jase Jag of plumbing. Dial RA 34241, J. Foley. HARDEAND LANDICAPING oc | TERRES ps| 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3-3043 dear friend, J. M. Dresser, who passed Children visit iS people a 1 RA - away Nov. 18, 1957. {ton Sunday. GRAVEL LIVING LOVABLES CHRISTMAS PARTIES oR T.V. AERIALS CARS WANTED Ever remembered by Vers | Mrs. H. Collins visited the | we CHESEBROUGH -- In loving mem. home of her son Lloyd Collins for| Cement $9.00 per head. Road COURTICE SOD AND icol Fishy Acuoriums, Raa Sold and Instaled FOR WRECKING OV! an epair 4 Tropical ory d h y LA j : TT . Jomen Chesebroueh. who poised awar.| R.Butson fs improving from| fine ond corse $8.00 per ANDSCAPING EVI Congres, Busgiss Cogs LITTLE Christmas Flowers | 20.t ceri] $2 : November 16, 1951. ' : Dial 14 Sprayec stands, and pet supplies of BUCKAROO RANCH -ft. aerial, and up. S - d I Memory Is a treasure no one can | his recent illness but has not| lood Be satisfied -- Dial | fortilized. For tree estimates oll kinds. Cocker:puppies. A RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR R. B. REED & SONS crap iron and metals steal, yet returned to work, RA 5.5279. - call Ed Knowlton. deposit will, hold till Christ- CHRISTMAS PARTY FLORISTS ROLLAND 1v. bought. Call Death "ig the heartache mo ome| Mrs, A. McPherson, Lindsay RA 5.6047 os. TY DANCE Zo ote wo Stew tm 48 wil iy JFS50 5 £0, Hae with hee sister SPECIAL PET STOCK SUPPLY Hi-Fi Included a oy, lace FAST T.V SHAW --Ever remembered by wife, Anne and, Mr. and Mrs. G Pickett, Glen Good Top Soil HILLSIDE 9 Celina St. RA 5.0343 Complete Catering RA 5-2737 Ph, RA 5-113] ---We Deliver . . SeRvICe RAG & METAL rom A to family, |Major visited Mr, and Mrs. D. $1.50 per yard LANDSCAPING ia] Guaranteed expert job Co. CHESEBROUGH -- In loving mem. | Leslie Wednesday. 1 3/ 'stone ory of a dear father and grandfather. | Mr. and Mrs. W. Vance and| pi Sravel % op toader GREEN VELVET SOD supply |14--Household Repairs 17--Money to Loan * |18a--Mortgages a Edward James Chesebrough, who pass. | ' = 90g C I RA ed away November 16, 1951. Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith attended work. ond loid NURSERY STOCK. [GALL Jos, RA 58018 for carpentry, CLIENTS monies available for 7175 a 8-5286 * "We cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see|th® Rod and Gun banquet in the RA 5-2156 Everything, for your garden, |Painting and handyman, and second mortgages. Mortgages and Oshawa Electronics 89 Bloor Street East But all is well that's done by Thee.|Scout Hall, Port Perry Wednes- agreements of sale purchased. Apply 1 _Bat al in well that's done by Thee. ER PHONE RA 3-9020 |15--Instruction AF Gwar, 'mcrae ana norny| MORTGAGES ; OPEN _SATURDA ered by son Norman day. Guest speaker was J. Fras- . Public, 264 King East, Oshawa, RA 23--Women's Column and daughter-in-law Olive and family er. assistant district forester at TUTOR, Student counsellor, 13 years'|s 4597 SPECIAL 5 34--Auction Sales rience. ppointment only. Call ~= heat 350; WADE -- In loving memory of Henry Maple, who spoke on the life of HAYNES TOP QUALITY RA o1056 Nov. 2 FIRST and second morte and cold waves, $5.50. Page i Bly (Harry) Wade, who left us so suddenly |the lamprey eel.« Mr. Hudson BUILDING CONTRACTOR = d. Hen. 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5.5363. one year ago, November 18 n HARVEY Dance Academy. Baton, tap,| | mick and Hennick, a x 31 King AU | i Pl God, forgi silent 1 showed a film depicting duck| Floor experts. Old floors DUTCH BULR Royal Academy ballet, Highland. Regi- Street East, RA 3.7232 n Pg red Gh Ey dad oy oid and goose hunting. made like new, Hardwood Bvacinths S ster now. 424 King West. RA SZ AGREEMENTS 24--Market Basket P liga There are others, yes, we kn | ---- a Se oBbBb - Bip ---- rs So--em m-- ------ SWEET But he was ours, we loved ooh 0 or tiling, Corninter wark el. Toi Ss TO RAISE YOUR INCOME use Clas. NEED CASH? OF SALE C1 ies Sut of TEs. Bowmanvine. H ren 4 Dear God, take a message | DROP COMPLAINT | ~terations. ichen cabi P sified ads. They sell, rent quickly! For § FoR a arold E Jones To our father in heaven above, |. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Ap)| OU shecialty 7196 Narcissus sd-writiog help dia} RA 355. Fo oe IY Sr mew Lot 28, Com 7, Tell Dim Bow Tnuch We T!™ BL) ebanese delegate Karim Azkoul| CALL RA 3.7196 Daffodil LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator: First and Second Mortgages |[East. RA 5.2052. 269¢ Brookli | ing ef ut Q Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre- ee ead oar dA OOKIIn --Lovingly remembered by daughter | got instructions from Beirut Sun- Crocus school acrobatic. Friday and Saturday. on greements of = Sale 25--P, d Li k NOV. 20, 1958 Ye "on Law + ohn oT *!day to have the United Nations EXCAVATORS Snowdrops Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253. May 21 "Your Lending Neighbor" pougly, soy and Srrnged on --~Pets an ivestoc 1.30 P.M. {Security Council d Leb 's i ly and Farm 'property an BEAGLE , eight ks, register. Int against the United . Basements & Trenches Dutch-Iris Music Studio for oll Instruments | LOANS UP TO $3,000 | Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 |e. field champion: stock. Prone Whit-| Machinery & Furniture, WADE -- In loving ory of H laint inst the Unit . : Eo icompiaint aE a ins} the United) vinchines for hire by the Piano_Tuning OSHAWA OFFICE ond up. OSHAWA ACCEPT. (wMoslw. _ ________ #8 Property Sold (Harry) 'Wade who left us so suddenly | Arab Republic. He told a reporter | | November 18, 1957. | er Smit . NG i 7 ovember 18, 1957. ome so dear Ne had been told to ask with. hour or by contract Cooper $ Co. | aro music supeLies 29% Simcoe St. South | ANCE So" Kionh, Gabaw: eeing. Watibena Kennels, RA $8921 268b We cherish still with love sincere; drawal of the complaint he filed vole 16 CELINA ST New and Used Pianos RA 5-112] pitied thas BY v with @ . Phone RA 5-3568. SHETLAND ponies, registered d -- A day that comes with sad regrets May 22 on instructions from Bei Len Rae Limited RA 3.2312 Full selection of oll instruments COBOURG OFFICE : srade. RA and 3» Exployment Wented ~ LL mind c! ren by day in my own To one that we will never forget. ..t [It charged the U.A.R. with D --Lovingly remembered by wife Alice . NIGHT » DAY - . (New and Used) erd puppies of Bur.Hil, sons, Donald and Murray intervening in Lebanon's internal| y's 'ga"4003 MO 8-3731 |14--Household Repairs. | 57 5 00 Street South Ring Strest Meu 19--Personal [vegistered champion blood line. Picker.| ome. Dial RA 8.1797. ~~ 268b 0 w I . eee ing 240M4. Dec.5| MIDDLE aged woman wants work HAVE you a drinking problem? Write| "=~ . ooo | by week or month, live in. No heavy ff alas. ie Nov.22 YOUR | Tocal Fhimney cleaner, Shi. 1 Insere % HAVE Jou | ! n ul nd re re as icohol y' A N mes- -|nevs built and repaired, gas linings i: 6-- wl rance SEABOARD FINANCE CO. ey Anonymous. Sex 140, Times cleaning. Write Box 229 Oshawa Times. | DITO Oo IN | Ay Gazette, Oshawa CARD OF THANKS | B IR DIES SUDDENLY | TRIMMING mate RA 3.2997 RESTATE To Tens. Eve or OF CANADA LIMITED HORSES BOARDED EXPERIENCED business an = PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) -- Rob-| CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered |r F Sn , recovered w " | ormerly Bellvue and office ert Blair Tarr, 57, managing ed i] PLE CUPBOARDS like mew. Why pay more? Our rates petal) Sic a your bome, call] y T.T.S5. Dec. 6 ELECTROLYSIS R bl R administrator with accountancy train. itor of th Pe Pp SCREATION ROOMS |are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran: Ls | : : 4 i easonable Rates [ing seeks remunerative sideline. Em. I would like to take this opportunity? HOT ie Pontiac Pre died ° ' ed. Mattresses rebuilt." Oshawa. A | Removal of Superfluous Hair. loved b ve . Frida " All Repair Work te lattresses rebuil shawa Up-|117__M to L 18a--Mortgages ployed but has evenings and weekends to thank the narsing staff, ki n Frid n his sleep a & holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West, --Money fo Loan 909 | Marie Murduft will be in Phone free. RA 81717 evenings alt ahd ordesies tor for tir eare French Lick. Ind where he was J VANOOSTEROM Joi RA 50311 | CLIENTS' money to 1oan on first mort. WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on| Oshawa Dec, 2 and 3. Phone - 2688 and kindness during my stay in the apianding the Associated Press| 136 PRINCE ST FURNITURE re first and second mortgage 4 pu . ogi. ssociat ss NCE ST. paired and reupholster- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale o mortgages and pur-| Cennchg Hotel on ith t YOUNG Jad. tl Jiax Hoseital, ms bo p Managing Editors Association RA 5.8933 led. See our materials for recovering. (purchased. NHA mortgages arranged Suse 91 Rgresments 4 $e hues: i S 10 o ng ae sotes / RA 5-6808 ment, fully Eze ons . Hpi R. Dalton, 78 Charles Street. RA Creighton, Fraser Drynan and Mur- Hyman ng Street Eas " bis salon. Pl hel! - --Joseph J. Fiavelle Tarr had a heart condition. Dec. 14/3. * |doch. * | awa, RA 34843, ' for appointment, DER, 18 "Toul oil ae peng ttWCamer 50 Only | | | \