99 THE OSNAWA TIMES, Boturdey, November 15, 1950 Es a, tow price . . . "ORLON" BEADED SWEATERS UNDERWOOD "DIPLOMAT" PORTABLE on i : th Eas) re? 1% to 200m 5.99 6.99 WYPEWRITERS, BAGH ....... vores ones 88.95 Please, no telephone or mail 'orders ot a low, economy price Please, no telephone or mail orders the group. cH . and Wy BOYS' "SANFORIZED" FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS-- : : Please, no telephone or mall orders A splendid opportunity to buy a washing mach- - Nylon Tricot! Shorter end Stimmer!--SLIPS AND PETTICOATS-- Sizes 6 to 16 years in the group. EACH ............ 1.79 | A useful'extra cupboard for kitchen, bathroom ' ine at a very low sale price! This group consists Sip siz 32 19 40. Ordinarily 3.99. i 2 FOR 3.50 or basement with Jour shelves, single Joos; Each 20-0z. tin of "Nu-Life"" makes 3 gallons § of floor models, some slightly scratched; some . syne TerSvanestr evans BOYS' 'IVY' STRIPE WINTERIZED JEANS-- i i inish, An -of-line i Petticoats to fit 24 to 30" waist. 2.39 BO ayY, STRIPE WINTERIZEL 8.49 | sparkling white enamelled finis end-o of celaner! Good for mastic, rubber or asphalt § with pump, some with automatic timers. 3 Ordinarily 2.99. EACH dessieersrnsrersery Ao ove SPLIT MoDh OO TEL CORTE clearance. tiles and linoleums; makes them clean and Much below usual price! wd goLLAr Tor IRDLE an -- 3.99 Age sizes 6 to 14 years. EACH isin 13.49 a sparkling in minutes, Limited Speci - Special purchane, Avarcge HY eo nrtren HAND-CUT CRYSTAL DICANTIRS-- Limited Quantity it . mited Quantity Special, = Comtaur "Ais; ny Siig BRA. A-cup sizes 32 Hold obprox. 1 quart. BACH .......cossnssvanress 8.95 Special, each ......... Vn Limited Quantity 49 - Oe er iigiiinruniens ' Special, 20-0z. tin .......® Each 99.95 to 1 To Open ¥ridg UPPER LEVEL SASY-CARE NYLON TRICOT PANTIES, BRIEFS-- Cuff or flare leg panties; sizes 32 to 38. EACH ..., Teilored briefs-- Ordinarily 1.00, 99 19 EACH FRR aT SLIM CORDUROY PARTY PANTS Sizes 10 to 18. EACH WRAPAROUND REVERSIBLE SKIRT Sizes 10 to 18. EACH veeve 9.99 New, Towny Mink-Dyed FULLY LET-OUT MUSKRAT COATS AND -- % below | pri f-- Nut Bar. LB. Mix, . . . . the kitchen, Limited to s + + x aa% bei ust prjers 199.00 CHILDREN'S STURDY RUBBER OVERSHOES-- Ends-of-lines clearing at one low price. Plain uantiny Spesiar ween 19,95 ** 37.95 New leg glamour - at big savings! Full fashion- Ordinarily 249.00. EACH ....... Si aaa esas " Sizes 6 to 12, 13 0 3. PAIR 3.69 wools, printed satin, "Velvray" and rayon worst- EATON'S Lower Level, Dept. 260 ed $- hrereh Nylons with eat fitting anicles, Coats-- PRISMATIC BINOCULARS--Two strengths; twe price groups:-- § eds in the group; colors are navy, black, spotted well-shaped heels. In soft beige tone; Sizes SHAY 11300. BAGH. fistenserysunsatantants 287.00 J iip2S power, 20 power, d multi a ! Tailored and a I Outdoor (fits 8 to 912), B (fits 9 to 10%2) and C (fits PRETTY LINGERIE FOR GIRLS--'Sanforized" 9 PAIR . PAIR er " and multicolour. Tailored and dressy styles . . . Brack ' ib hp an prod ie re ei IHS ny SOK. OF 35. ACINITY BROWS. sizes 10 to 18, 1612 to 2412 in the group. Lantern And Bracket 10to 11.) Nylon Tricot Beby Dot Pyiames. For age groups from 4 to 10. BOX . 1.19 End oh fine . ag 5.5: or mail orien Sizes 8 to 14. 1.719 GIRLS' CHINO CAR COATS WITH PILE-LINED 1 99 SPLIT HOOD. Sizes 7 to 12 in the group. .EACH .«.. HW» LITTLE GIRLS' "ORLON" PULLOVERS-- Short-sleeved; sizes 2, 4, 6 and éx. EACH LITTLE GIRLS' COTTON DRESSES-- Sizes 4 5, 6 ond 6x. EACH " HOLLAND SUEDE-FINISHED COTTON-- ; -- Showsr-repsilant; hand-washable, YARD ... 119 Sal nar Shok Reproductions of Paintings Clearance of Blouses! 45" RAYON "TWEEDTONE" -- Crease-resistant, hand- 9 LOWER LEVEL alt and Pepper Shakers Large size, much below usuel price Reg. 3.98 to 5.98 washable; suitable for skirts and dresses. YARD 9 Specially low priced! e, no telephone or mail orders ease, Nn phone or mell orders 36" FINE-WALE CORDUROY -- Valvety soft Please, no telephone or meil orders A gift for the. home. tor a Aeiend. Lowpriced clearance. of ends-of-lines "ary. + ALE SOROUROY Tans Ty = 98 S-PIECE FURNITURE (ENSEMBLE -- pair of settess, armchar, Gleaming pressed glass shakers with pretty lovely pictures, Landscapes, seascapes, stre s and cotton broadcloth In By : SERA RR RL uh dba corner ar 0 able, Mother-of-pearl tops, sterling silver rims. Tru! ¢ } h whit Bink OF OWI€, SOWiy of 36" JEWEL-TONED COTTON BROADCLOTH-- 5-PCS, .. 135.00 pil ig Ba To i Mii Bho nes in on _aiidetive Shree neh wills EE ts rliooas or: frills "Sanf d"' d Mercerized YARD LJ t th thwhils combd "moulding * frame. Apprax." 2 zes 10 to bh) nh - anforize ant IZ8C: TARY ir raegsaue hhh a his worthwhile saving. roll si in the gun. LIGHTWEIGHT METAL ROCKING CHAI ! overa 99 35" PRINTED FLANNELETTE-- 49 Hy 5 CHAIRS. 15.95 Limited Quantity Special, pair 1.99 Limited Quantity Special, each 9. Jmited Quantity Speciol, 992 YARD : Spiciol Purchase of Phin EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 515 EATON'S Lower Level, Dept. 274 EATON'S Upper Level, * Serve, Dept. 348 _-- »" ial V/s pecH ur | ii Prd SoA DR ESEy in HN Ciolized 1s firms, 4,99 "COOPER" OCCASIONAL CHAIRS. TACH ......... 99:98 WASHABLE TARTAN ROBES -- 14.95 ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER 8.95 Half-price Clearance! 27" Worsted Suifi g Duster Ordinarily 19.95. EACH ........ sats annie eg [] Woven Cotton Mats vi Housecost -- Ordinarily 25.00. EACH Smart styling, sleek, tapering SLIM JIMS--In corduroy or black # y ! Night Unti! 2 ) JP | "This w a portiol listing only of the many wonderful values in EATON'S Pre- Christmas Sale. Read the circulor for full details of over 300 sale-priced items! MALL LEVEL J2-PIECE SERVICE FOR EIGHT--"Gardenia" 72-PC. SET 18. 95 dinnerware and "'Strawflower" glassware, BONE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS GUP AND SAUCER ...........7. ....." MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS -- White Irish lin Boxed for giving ITALIAN SILK CHIFFON SQUARES-- .... 1.99 4 for 99 69 DELICIOUS CANDIES-- EATON'S Buttercups. Cadbury's Broken "Chocolate Porty LB. . 49 THE WONDER BOOK OF FAMOUS TALES-- 1 98 More than 40 stories and poems. EACH . Men's end Young Men's WOOL WORSTED FLANNEL SLACKS-- Ordinarily 19.95 9 Waist sizes 30 to 46. EACH L] MEN'S STATION WASCN COATS Sizes 36 to 46 ELECTRIC HEATER WITH FAN-- Ordinarily 21.95. EACH 16.98 LAMPS-- at 8:30 a.m. 2d i ON SALE AT 9:30 ALM. AND ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST rg Ly Metal - Utility Cabinets Good quality . . . Reg. 14.95 EATON'S Lower Level, Dept. 370 "Nu Life" Floor Tile Cleaner EATON'S Lower Level, Dept. 275 Exceptional Savings on Wringer Washers EATON'S Lower Level, Dept. 287 Clearance of Dresses! REG. 4.99 to 6.99! Please, no telephone or mall orders Limited Quantity Special, each ... A EATON'S Upper Level, Self Serves, Dept. 345 A grand gift for a teen-ager . . . Mantel & Clock Radios Greatly reduced to clear! Please, no telephone er mail orders Shop promptly for these! Mantel model ond clock rodios--various mokes in the group. Splendid for a youngster's room; or for mom in io coach-style lantern for the porch or gateway . . help make your entrance safe. Glass globe with black wrought-iron type base. i ited Ptity Special, pe Tilh, ¥ 3.06 Dept. 277 EATON"S Lower Level, Stretch-to-fit Nylons Please, ne telephone or mell orders Limtied Quantity od Special, pair .......... 1.00 EATON'S Mell Level, Dept. 201 Fancy Leather Goods Reg. 50 to Please, no telephone or mall orders Manicure sets, pass cases billfolds, collapsible drinking cups, nail clippers . . many attrac. tive leather novelties for pocket or purse Handy for stocking stuffers, "a Limited Quantity Special, each Greatly reduced to Please, no telephone or mall orders eleiee Reg. 1.00 yard Please, no telephone or m Wool worsteds; tweed effects; ex voy LIGHT LOUNGE Iv sizes 10 to 18 th > Good quality cotton mats In two handy sizes : HA wri hing . he Sop 2.98 SACK coe 17. 95 2 x 38", and 24" x 48'.' Washable, in colours for skirts, jumpers, suits, ate, Cololigs include' is XCLUSIVE BEDROOM SET BY "KROEMLER" -- Repeat Special of blue, rose, yellow or mauve browns, blue, grey, beige, 0 Tron Quaker Mills = Rea, 21. 50 to 24. 1a 95 11 95 Offer! Bookcase bed 54°, 48" or 39" size; double 269 50 1. 91 Limited Quantity Special, each 1. Limited Quentity Speciel, yard iia 14. as Yh dresser; chest of drawers. 3 PCS. .... 2 J EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 Thick, Thirsty, with stunning stripes-- 1.99 Matching Night Tables-- 31.50 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, 25, ar EATON'S Upper Level, Dept. 23 NEW TOWEL DESIGN by "Cannon". Bathtowel, EACH ARSHALL "PERIL SATIRE rasa rsennas " Hand-towel, 1 00 Wash cloth, 50 oping Blunts soli Mb ad TEE : 64.95 End-of-line gleorance! Ya price clearance! Large Bath Towels i EACH » EACH ee J pra Lazy Susan Linoleum Remnants Priced? Matching box spring Ordinarily Higher Priced NEW 1959 VIKING SEWING MACHINES-- 119 95 nd rin 69. 00 Imported, Hands Reg. .66 to 10.14 each Ordinarily 149.95, EACH ...........c¢c00v000ns Ll n " . o no telephone or mail orders Plesse, no telephone or moll orders i 209% Off Regular Prices -- TECO MOONLITE" SUPERWHITE Set Flea f for d Ends-of-| discontinued patterns in useful a DE LUXE ENAMEL--Reg. et includes four pottery trays for dips, snacks, "Sardran™ plastic. Congaleurn. ond Inlaid Lines Extra large, splendid Quality cotton terry bath MALL LEVEL . Vy-PT. ' candies; ond a polished wood turnabout stand, iil anti afie k plidho Lis Da towels--approx. 23 Soft, highly obsor- #4 ER ERR SSE TRE A yy . He Reg. 2:65, Reg. 9.50 wondacful gift ix for a- favourite hostess and there's a good choice of colours and de- bent; in solid shades ot pt blue or bavi fl 2. 7 383. 140. 1.60 Limited Quantity Special, 2.98 I 35.07 pink. Limited Quantity Speciol pair .. Mo wi 'S LEATHER SNOWBOOTS -- Sizes 4 to 10, medium vee : : WOMEN'S LEATHER SNO Sizes ji Big Savings on hord-earing INLAID LINOLEUM-- 1.15 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 352 Limited, Quaniily Shacial, each. NIN 1d EATON'S Upper Level, Dept. 236 | | PAIR "an 1. 95 Jaspe and marbleized patterns. $Q. a I] . , pt. -- Save 200.00 to 230.00 on SALE-PRI HARDMAN PIAN Neg 37 30 PYESTIINSTER CHIME Crock . 21 50 Mahagany a= thch cis N ot Special low price 'on Outstanding savings en Menufactyrer clears J AP o 3 ER EE i WOMEN MATCHED "FLITE 89" LUGGAGE -- Seconds' win | Ordinarily 043 c v Leather Shaving Cases Beautiful Uniined Drapes Fall Sample Dre td t ich sho: not offect w abilit i - A Pon y 19.95 Ordinarily 965.00. EACH ................. ae 765.00 Please, 'no-telephbne 82'wall 'orders on Pisa, %o YSiaphens 4 mall orders 4 Please, ne telephone or mall orders L Ld rdinarily mucl igher priced . . . rayon-and- ACH eset wating, Sroliens drying. 283.95 Fine quality leather case with zi | lurex metallic fabric in delicate pastels, arey, A special law price on manufacturer's one-afd- 21" de luxe hanger wordrobe case-- 23.95 WASTE KING" AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER. EACH " TING re TuDbaZed 1a reat ma Dar 'closing: light green, pink, rose; and some dark green king. sample druses, New fai ina debe - \ RCIA 1] " V. LL. . ' pd ' ; d an ressy styles; ie prints; IACH aKING TS €oNoLE for '59. 299.00 identification label inside lid. 49 To gow windows, 72 x 90"; pinch-picated, crepes; novelty mixes. Junior ia 21" weekend cose-- 16 95 y -00. Limited Quantity Special, each ... compnale willy nooks sizes. Limited Quantity Special each : BACH . °c. iia » 10.2 Cu. Ft. Fairbanks-Morse Gibson 269 00 Limited Quantity Special, pair LU - 18" overnight cose-- 13 95 COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR FREEZER. RACH " EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 EATON"S Upper Level, Dept. 267 EATON'S Upper Level, Dept. 241 RR BING IR SRR RE RN " VIKING "99" VACUUM CLEANER-- " 13" Trei ase -- EACH sentnane 59.95 9 > ik rein case : 13.95 Ip. SAL AQUARIUM Ordinary "y 5 Exciting savings on Good Quality W. ree Bh . Misses' sizes in SILVER-PLATED 4-PC. TEA OR COFFEE SERVICE-- 19 95 EACH ceresatens 9.9 Corn Brooms big 2 ig 8 ii Fall Sample Dresses kd " STEP-ON SANI-CAN-- 8 ! : Pl 1 $1-gauge, 13-danier FULL FASHIONED NYLONS-- 19 BACH sane, .... 1.99 Please, no telephone or meil orders Sliaht ina fuiephane or Digi NH Pleas, he Yelephone ar: mal 'wrders Sizes 9 to 11... PA , 5-QT. "PRESTO" PRESSURE COOKER 1 99 60 only . , . at a big price reduction for clear- tion on these smart blouses . . a quick sudsing Mostly one-piece styles . one-of-a-kind 3 PAIRS 2.2% RACH rE Sa ance! Sturdy corn brooms, lightweight for easy should bring them up beautifully! Some coiions, dresses for daytime and afternoon wear, Fabries Mins STRETCH NYLON SOCKS--Ordinarily 1.50 -- Individually INDOOR FIREPLACE BARBECUE-- handling; with rugged, natural finish hardwood nylons and other fabrics in the group. Many include Ria crepes, prints," fovelty - mixes; PAIR Teh fn lon] 1.00 EACH 8.95 Handles. Limited uantity one-of-a-kind. shop promptly for best "4.49 . Limited Quantity Speciol, ent a cave ned pecial, eac " o J Yean . 7-PIECE KITCHEN TOOL SET--Rack, Spatula, Bosting Spoon, 7 imi i P CHILDREN'S HEAVY-WEIGHT JEAN SOCKS-- y ' EA LOWER LEV : Limited Quantity Special each L 8 ¢ Sizes 7, 8, 9.and 10 only. PAIR ira | 2 tine Fork, Ladle, Potato Masher, Turner. 9 TON'S R LIVIL, DEPT, 254 EATON'S Mall Level, Dept. 203 EATON'S Unpar, Leva, Dept. 341} wd WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S NYLON PILE MITTS-- ae WOODEN STEP STOOL-- i Women's, sizes medium and large. PAIR ............. 1.95 Folding stool built like a step-ladder. EACH 2.49 30 Only! Rug, 5.93 Maaulacturees citutunce af New Fall Dresses sizes 4 fo 12 years. PAIR 1.59 Ipecial Purchase! "LIONEL" ELECTRIC TRAIN: SET--Ordinarily Doll Strollers Sample Hats Samples; women's end holf sizes as 2441 r oo adhd dh yd .95. Standard gauge with 60-cycle Please, no telephone or mail orders Please, no telephone or mail orders telephone - MEN'S MILITARY BRUSHES-- 4.95 trarsformen eT ' BOE OT Sr a al ardemy ai Low-pricect through manufacturer's clearance of Please, no or mall orders - In handsome leather case. SET . 18" "EATON BEAUTY" TEENAGE DOLL WITH on your list, Sturdy construction, with plastic one-of-a-kind samples; fur velours and Rayon crepes; taffetas; attractive prints eng IMPORTED PERFUME OR COLOGNE ATOMIZERS-- 1 19 WARDROBE. EACH 6.99 seat and back; fold for storage. An end-of-line fabrics; cloche, pill-box, eface styles and plains for afternoon and after five. lg - EACH eens Bu 1." ELECTRIC.DRILL KIT-- i clearance in time for your Christmas shopping! many more; colours include black, brown, beige kind; women 3 and half sizes; priced ow, MUSICAL SWISS CHALETS-- 3.19 EACH Cevessrsiseages verean 11.99 Limited Quantity Special, and vivid 'shades; trims are jewel, "4.99 timing Specie 13.00 x To hold trinkets, jewellery. EACH vn V3" PORTABLE SAW. ; - soe " Limited Quantity Special, each. GedF Ff RB Tl evel Ali a . pecial, each 30 FT. ROLL GIFT WRAP IN DISPENSER BOX-- 69 ACH A ii ben EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 227 Oe ie eh ent. 204 5 EATON'S Upper Level, Dept. S41 20" wide; large variety of designs, EACH sonnaness¥ old- + 4 & . 0 LJ LJ ® ® LJ LE € LJ ® LE [ LE J LJ