The Oshawa Times, 15 Nov 1958, p. 17

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[6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 15, 1958 50--Articles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale OIL burner 73000 BTU, Perfect condi 2044 SELLING furniture or cleaning out your basement? You will get oy 52--Legal Notices TAKE NOTICE that I shall noi be To debts contracted by Brooklin Girl mall from the Grand Trunk railway station, on street, to" the post office, Post Office fon. | $85, Phone Brooklin $01R13, |sorting and distribution. The mail travelled on the train, known to Brooklinites "The Old Nip and Tuck," fnaity old timers will recall, This train was discontinued 1940, and a few years later the tracks were torn up. Postmaster Dick Rodd, now "\travels to Whitby twice daily, by car for the incoming and out- going mail for this district. The rural mail is delivered by Morley M. Ross, who for more than 28 years has c: the load former years by horse and bug. . gy in summer, and cutter sleigh bells in winter. Needless Ito say, he now delivers by car. ce when you phone RA pA pri No|8131, The Oshawa Trading Post, No |Simeoe Street South. Opens At New Location By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The Post Office, located CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING f= (Continued from Page 15) |used radios and ecord one and up; used records yers, $145 rd day of November, AD 1958. eure Bayern each,| Wolodymyr Malarczuk, 478 Dean Ave- nue, Oshawa, Ontario, 267¢ money PH trade, MAC plan $2 weesly. Kelly gay TV serials, ail channel, Wnsiaiisd, ane SLKingWest, Nov. 1 {par gusrintes, $99. Kelly TV 81 King VACUUM ¢ wr repairs, all makes, West. iA 5513 Nov. 18 guaran: ORDERS a y storm sashes, mea- surements and estimates free. Please vice, RA ion anytime. Sule Ba 208. N ey eri meerne (KELLY TV MARCONI and Admiral for 550, ¥i0 denier your up, Siero till, six beakers, fron Kelly TV. RA 59 18lor wringer washer, 81 Convention By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BRODELIN- loti Jeas Coop- er, daughter of Mr. A 17 --Automobiles For Sale AVLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 120 per cent, Nine months to pay. For personal service at your home o call RA "TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Township of Whitby, County of Ontario. To Wit: By virtue of e worrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Whitby under his hond ond the seal of the said corporation, bearing date of the Seventh doy of August, 1958, sale of lands in arreors of taxes in the Township of Whitby will be held ot my office, Brook- lin, Ontario, ot the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 30th doy of Decem- ber, 1958, unless the taxes ond costs are sooner paid, Notice is hereby given that the list of londs for sale for arrears of toxes wes published in The Ontario Gozette on the Sixth day of September, 1958, ond that copies of the said list may be "had ot my office, Tresourer's Office, this thir- eorih day of September, "45--Real Estate For Sale REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE FROM $395 FULL DOWN PAYMENT TO QUALIFIED BUYERS 3- ond 4-Bedroom Ranch Bungalows in Picturesque Setting BUILDER'S SACRIFICE Loaded with Extros Finished Recreation Room Hollywood Kitchen N.H.A. 6% Mortgage Carries as Rent GO DIRECT SOUTH ON PARK TO LAKE, TURN LEFT ON STONE, WATCH FOR MODEL HOME SIGN-- SALESMEN ON PROPERTY OVER WEEKEND MURRAY WARSH REAL ESTATE ition, reason- a 70 Hurley INTIAC, good cond! able. Call David Lewis, Street, Ajax, 541 W. fd PONTIAC. phone RA 85772 before) the e 51 OLDSMOBILE fda, B Body, Jneeh amfeatis A- -1 shape, $550, Pri WHEN your yi on the bn and your wash ain't getting done, call | Pad' out in Aampion, he will make thing run. Phone Bowmanville MA 3-2055. . USED tires, most all sizes, §3 up. Phone | Goodrich Store, RA 35-4543, PIANOS, all makes and sizes, from MO 3 Be ns MOFFAT table top, ange, $150, Apply MEDIUM size new very reasons RA 80179. 286¢ 9, per| FOUR antique guns, 16th to 17th cen . Also\tury, what offers. RA 3.3307. 2661 one large safe, $75, Oshawa Business BF, SoonRICE Stores, tires, batter. 329 Simcoe South, RA 8.1211, Sasi les, Kel 'telovish i budget pian HA 514 WILLIAMS pianos, now a yp can afford, at Parkway Tievision, 918| AWNINGS, iS, Bite olan, or gay stripes, Simcoe Street North. RA 3.3043 |Prom! Free estimates. Order now for ao del Chair and table FABULOUS savings on Xmas gifts dur-| rentals, Cleve Fox, Ria Simeos North, ling Ed Wilson's big sale! Presto auto-| Oshawa. Oct. 19) matic electric skillets, $13.95; platform fockers: $38; GE floos ; | SKATES, new and used, "Oshawa's No. 1 Skate Rxonsuge", Used skates $1 up. 99; cedar at Sisal, x bi New skates $4.95 up, Largest selection table ble. lamps, $3.98; floor Jamps. 30,95. town. Draytos Biro East, llson Furniture, 20 Chur Cycle, 7% Bone SINGER sewing machines -- $10 livers a brand new Si home! A small deposit Ci Get the be: until fully guaranteed Singer ; [from your authorized Home Furnishings, 424 South, Tow | KNIT-O-MAT knitting machine, as new. RA 5.3604. 29031 '53 OLDSMOBILE 88, 5564 after mileage, private owner, 4.30 age. 264( [CANARY bird cage, condition. on stand, 5 PLYMOUTH "V0" four-door sedan, Hood 4 s Reasonable. Phone fi push button drive, tutone, in excellent) I ----, 34887, Dec. 5{ELECTROBOME auto radio, cy id nearly new, $40. Phone RA Y13ks, 2656 GREY baby carriage, in good condi tion, $20. Apply 116 eran Road, 2641 NATIONAL cash register, gives cus- tomers tickets, best of ler, Portable {; writer, adding machine, Reasonable, 4434. TTS till Dec. 5 CHAIN saw, spray paint outfit, 0) Plymouth, 24-ft, cabin trailer, furnace, space deater, Jiece Bath: Suk $aps; bing su, 5 of all kinds Frade, Cnin's, RA 37088, Dec. 15 hf and RADIOS, fesod Players, i ill pa; ou to shop at Parkway | ov me. 918 Simcoe Street North. Joursdoo, RA <1 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Mountain 51 CHEVROLET sedan, in condition. RA 5-9114 after 5 p.m, or Sat- [AIS] TAR SIAIRIA] urday, 2644 IN| tH] [ARTAIRIA SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndolph 3-346) CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH 2 3-2284 SED CARS BA SERVICE RAMBLER, -METROPOPLITAN, MORRIS, MG, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. |48-- Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want |cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. | |RA 5.1181 or RA 5.1182, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S, RA 3-942] bile R iE { od [CIC LV IMIMIEILIT PALL E 0 HIE] ik AIVIEIS] PIA NIE] IN| Al SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK -- PLUS AT. HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5.5332 N iy R| JO! 30 4 ED] 1 |LIERSIAOIN] OPIE[SIMTITIN Ag stereo are all here at FREE -- Absolutely Free -- Up to $100 worth of gifts and furniture your choice), Our Christmas gift to you ~-- with the purchase of a hestertierd, or suite, or a dining room fi TO $150 allowance for your old tele- vision on any mew Electrohome, Ad- miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Park- way Televisi 918 Simcoe irect w lon, pice : ite, Easy te This immiek ! "THEY said it couldn't be done". Well, |*! asy terms. This is no gimmick! {look at what " Wilson" is doing! [Come and see for yourself! Barons' | Famous Restonic 2-piece sofabed suite, Home Furnishings, 424 Simove Strest] Out it goes, only $139, plus a set of 3|8Sou oto BSAA SSAA ------------ CEDAR Chests -- $1.00 will hold yours arborite tables or 5-piece kitchen chrome suite, only 99c. Wilson Furni-|until Christmas. Choose from the best makes -- Lane, Heirloom, Red Seal, ture, 20 Church Street, Nov, 13,15 Rakes De teal duced ' Sear -------------------- - = (etc. Many models drastically reduc LOVELY arborite kitchen in price! Hurry for best selection 5-plece chrome suite, only 99c with the pur-|g, oo i e, no Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Dec, 14 chase of any living room or bedroom | suite. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church| TC: SOW. NEW apartm size | pianos 1 at reduced | low prices. E. terms, Trade-ins ac- Street. Nov. 13,15 y cepted. A small deposit will hold yours $100 DOWN will completely furnish till Christmas, But hurry -- the prices on all pianos are going up Shoriys your home. This includes chesterfield, bedroom suite, television, refrigerator, kitchen set, washing machine, 1amps,| Barons' Home F' Street South, Dec. 14 tables etc. All items reduced in price, Barons' Home Vursishings, 434 Oimece FOUR lunch counter stools, never been used, cheap, RA 5-0205. 2631 Street South, ec.13 NN Emmidate builtin" ovens, SAMSONITE Tuggage -- The ideal tiler, steel do Christmas gift for everyone, Pay only|terfield, truck, trailer, tile machine, count on Frigidaire built-in ovens, $1 a week! All colors available, Ask|eW plumbing supplies and piping cooking tops, pull-down ent » frigerators and ranges. Kel 3 about our reduced prices. Barons' ap "RA 57 Suit nn's, Park Road and Ad Home Fur 424 Simcoe Street) ®d€. Dec. TV, King Street West. RA 85-5121, Nov. 18 South, Dec. 14 BOAT KITS temp. control, works when electricity $56.00 and up |is off. Complete with pipes, etc. Passe ne Open Evenings & Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd, PHONE 87 LOOK SUPERIOR ALUMINUM OFFERS MORE! WHY? Top quality products, Installations ot the lowest cost, Estimates absolutely free. Special rates to apartments and large houses WINDOWS AWNINGS DOORS GRILLS | CALL RA 3-2619 or RA 5-7119 Nov. 21 PAINT SALE At Almost Wholesale Prices SUPER KEM-TONE $5.99 gol. $1.80 qt. SWING SATIN $5.99 gal. $1.80 qt. First Come First Choice WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN 282 King St. W. RA 3-4873 FREE A complete landscaping plon for your new home with every order of $100 or more. Use as a guide to your Spring planting. TRADE-INS ACCEPTED Cash or Terms Enquire from Call RA 5-7922 Anytime | ""ALUMA-SEAL"' ANDRE VAN DE VALK | STORMS, SCREENS Dec. 13 | AND DOORS Dial Bowmanville (collect) MA 3-2198 20. River (Fr.) 32. Build up 22. Examina- 33, Not any 85. Sacred bull BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors--budget terms. Free winter storoge on motors, Boat storage. Factory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs. Open evenings ond weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont. Phone 87 Durham in Cavan Club-- "Good Posture," demonstrated |by Janice Tully, Hazel Gryls, |Louise Kinsman and Doris Ma- C. S. THOMPSON, Treasurer. Sept.20,27,0ct.4,11,18,25, | 8e€: 27 Nov.1,8,15,22,29, Dec.6,13|,, Grey County, Deshoro Club --| "Cotton Acessories," demonstra-| 80, Oriental ted by Laura Kaufman and Ha-| 84, Licentiate zel Klages. in Medicine Peel County, Derry West Mar- (abbr.) keteers--" "The Way to Tender| 85. Curved line Meat," demonstrated by Shirley| 86. Communist Grafton, Sandra Lewis rnd Don- leader na Grafton. At the close of ses-| 87. Florentine sion, Gloria Jean, who is a mem- painter ber of 4H Girls Homemakers| 89.Ship's room Club, Brooklin, and a student at| 41. Blemish Whitby District High School,| 42.Fat was commended for her clear| 43.Gaelle enunciation and poise, 44. Plece of pottery DOWN 1, Serious 2. Seraglio 8. Playing card 267a Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Nursing homes are going to be in greater demand thon ever. We offer the buy of a lifetime in this 10-room brick, top-condition inside ond out, new forced air oil heat, new bathroom, electric hot water, laundry tubs, oak and tile floors, at the unbelievably low price of $8,500, Terms or- ronged. Act quickly on this one! 100-0cre farm, scenic ond productive, immaculate home, all conveniences, painted barns, Only $15,000, Good terms. Cedar St, Oshawa, 2 apartments, 7 rooms. ing $9,500. Inspect make us on offer, 52 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman: LEN HIBBARD Res: RA 8-1022 Street South, For Results CALL RA 3-3492 USE TIMES-GAZETTE CLASSIFIED 51--Swap and Barter ° SPACE heater, Coca Cola cooler, roto tiller, steel door, combination ches- 16 FT. eters boat and trailer, both in perfect shape, reasonable for |quick sale. RA 8.0179, 265¢ |52--Legal Notices I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my (wife Grace Goleski, without my written |consent on or after this date, Thurs. day November 13, 1938, ! ~Stan Goleski, z S 49--Aut Ld | Whitby, MO 8-3935. | MAN'S brown overcoat, size 38. Lady's |black fur coat, size 44; lady's gray |coat, size 16. Phone RA 3-7212. 2650 TAREE oven « Test-Drive the D.K.W. 3-6 ond the new FIAT For economy ond perform- ance. ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. RA 3.7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service ond parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with lotest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, (RA S13 ~~ ighlander land camera, 50--Articles For Sale ARO in good sondition. FLAGSTONE--$13,00 per ton, Apply xpoiy 376 | RA 37747. Park Road North 267( FRIGIDAIRE 1950 automatic washers BABY'S Jumping chair and 8 com.|and dryers. Rated No. 1 over all others d WAVE $500 want house with fair carry-|mode chair, Apply 97 Albert Street, nes pO LW oad Pe charges, Sired of Bayink hig rents. | north door, 2678 | Frigidaire, Wa, 3, Relly iii ere CEMENT mixer, trailer type, on| AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, 47 --Automobiles For Sale wheels, gasoline engine. $135. Whitby prompt service. Free estimates. Order '86 FORD sedan, automatic V-8 over. condi MO 8-4818, 2671 now for early delivery. Chair and table THIRTY-inch continental bed, imma. rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North | head valves, motordmmaculate -|culate, like new, barkcloth covers and| Oshawa. tion, 28,000 original mileage. Must sell Shree cushions, Phone RA' 59609 after| immediately, Accept holder car '49-52/6 p.m, 207a model, take over payments on '55 Ford, GIRL' 8 white, lined figure skates, $7, $AVE -- $AVE MO 8-4100. Ask for Gary Jeffone, 2856 as new; red coat and navy pleated , ] MacFadyen's Real Seal ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMBINATION 1948 PONTIAC, four - ¢ door, radio, heat-| skirts, size 12, cheap. 92 Elgin East er, directional signals, fog lights, block ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS heater, anti-freeze, body in good con: | SMALL space heater, $25, RA ss70. 267) $16.95 EACH dition, slip-covers, clean inside and gut, four good ti three are new. light windows; size 12 i For any double hung window regardless of size. Installa- : F od ig i Hite ater ind sewing machine; battery radio 264¢| Phone RA 5-2998. 267¢ tion ingluded FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE [ARSHALL spring 'mattress, continen- PHONE RA 8-1547 ANYTIME MOLTEN CORE Molten iron and nickel are be- Jieved to form the core of the (earth 1,800 miles from the sur- face. - burner gas stove, oven con trolled, good condition. reasonable price | 128 Barrie Avenue, RA 5.7783. 2641 [300 GALLON fuel oil tank, like new | Reasonable. Phone RA 8-8604 after 4: » p.m. 2651 WINE and cider barrels available, i sizes, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3-7624. USED "friges, washers, automatics, ranges, and radios. rangettes, TV GMAC terms. Kelly Frigidaire, #& King West, heme, Ask- and Copyright 1058, Burean of Advertising of the American N Publishers A get Nov.18 ONE knitting machine, large size, does any special work, Phone RA 8-5858. CAR heater and jacket heater. | Phase RA 5- a8. TWO burner table top stove, with oven, in A-1 condition, $12 RA 3-4237, 266¢c AIGHEST prices paid in Oshawa for 2670 used furniture by the Community Fur niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone 46--Real Estate Wanted WE anxiously require for sale farms, homes, businesses anywhere. Buying or selling. Call Donald Stradeski, RA 85-1526 representing Wilson Real Estate, Toronto, Phone AX 3.4535, Nov. 225 more IR ee -------- | 1 MERCURY, perfect condition, Ap-| ply 968 "King | Street East, 2621 {tl Bad spring bed, % size. Phone 23 "56 CHEVROLET gedai WEYMOUTH cabi dition, one owner, two-tone, condition, IR eatin Cr, Seo tras. RA 5.8555. down payment and terms. Must sell 8 CHEV. and "41 Pontiac for sale, | RA 8-5109. 2071 Phone RA 3.3911. 28 Mill Street, Osh-| THREE . piece bath set, $90; stainless awa 265¢ steel sinks and strainer, $14.95; laun- '53 CHEV. de-luxe coach, low mileage, dry tubs, $15: pressure systems, $59; sump pum $39; shower cabinets, ignals and radio, windshield washers, ;| kitchen jo iM FO ap Pires of b; |! pack vp J lights, and seat covers, Phone | plastic and steel piping and fittings, --_2%¢| installations. Chinn's, Hillside and "56 CHEV. sedan, powerglide, good con- |Park Road South, Phone RA 3.7088 dition, call Whitby MOhawk 8-4140 after | Nov. 18 8 o'clock. ___. 26%¢| BARGAINS in used Tefevision wets, Ad- '44 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, A-1 con. dison console, 21-inch, $89. Crossley 21. dition, radio, heater underneath seat, inch console, with oh picture tube, windshield washer, only $275; '50 Ford $139, Meaghers' 5 King West. RA 3.3425 coach, for quick sale, $75. Mel's| 2 Garage, Myrtle, 266¢ '58 VOLKSWAGEN, perfect condition. | RA 3-3933 266¢c '3 CHEVROLET deluxe coach, A-1 con. | diticn, $295, '53 Henry J, A-1 condition, $295; '48 Chevrolet sedan, good ounce tion, $95. RA 5-4513 or RA 5.7456, "5 METEOR hardtop, perfect : tion. Call RA 5.9274. Can be seen any-| time at 155 Colborne Street East. 2051 CLEARING "50 Morris 875. '47 oh! $45. '51 Pontiac $145. '55 Plymouth $895 '35 Ford $995. At Wellmans of SOUTH RA 3-443) 267¢ 52 HILLMAN, good motor and tires, | apply 9% Centre St. rear door. 267¢ 55 PONTIAC sedan deluxe, radio, many extras, perfect condition. Must sell, $1395, RA 5.0547 after 6 p.m, 264f HALE Auto Wreckers, Used Ford and Chevrolet motors, rear ends, transmis. sions, for all makes, Phone Clark 1614 Nov. 31 54 CHRYSLER, body rough, runs well, $425. Phone MO 8.4537, Lot 108, 3rd Con- 2661 excellent con- many ex- N EwspAPERS give you 40% more customers per advertising dollar than does nighttime spot TV. These findings are shown in a new study which also reveals that daily news- papers give up to 203% more customers than daytime spot TV !* If eost per thousand influences your media decisions, them you will be interested im reading the chart below. out of ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS CALL OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE For the best quality alumin- um and expert installations. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed WINDOWS DOORS AWNINGS RAILINGS Tender Frying Chickens, 29¢ Ib., with or without dressing. Prince Edward Island Potatoes 50-lb. bag $1.29. Choice Peas, 15-0z, tins, 10 tins $1.00. Margarine, 4 Ibs, for $1.00. Big Dollar Sale all this week, GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa OPEN TO 10 P.M. EVERY NIGHT your advertising budget Y NIGHTTIME SPOT TV vs NEWSPAPERS Gost por Ml | Mowspaper Advenioge 3-20 SEC. SPOTS... $391 3-500 LINE ADS.............$2.79 40% Try the 1959 Paris Styled Renault Dauphine NEWSPAPERS PAYTINE SPOT TW vs : Newspaper Advontoge Gost por A 12-20 SEC. SPOYS........$3.27 72-100 MIME ADS.........$1.08 266b Free Delivery 266b| CALL COLONIAL Now for a free estimate on Canada's finest aluminum combination windows, doqrs and awnings at down-to- earth prices. Manufac- tured lqcally in Colon- ial's new Whitby plant. Quality Service and Satisfaction Guaran- teed. DISPLAY COURT 289 PARK RD. SOUTH RA 8.8571 PLANT 515 BROCK ST. NORTH MO 8-4891, WHITBY SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX 1577 Four doors, 44 miles a gallon, water cooled. AT VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 King W. RA 5-3557 BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mo- tors. Boat storage. Factory approved. Service centre, for motor repairs. Open evenings ond weekends. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- dows, Awnings and Porch Railings. NOBODY BUT NOBODY can beat our quality prices ond guaranteed installations, CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 . Anwtime SH 9 am, 203% cesson Road, Whitby '57 FAIRLANES, Rideaus, Customs, cholce of five, automatic transmissions, power steering, radios. guaranteed $1695 to $2,000. You'll not be disap. inted, all cars reduced. Big sale, Kine West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 263 | MACKIE MOTORS Will buy goed clean cars. Sell on con- In other words, at nighttime, for every 100 spol commercial impressions delivered by TV, daily newspapers will deliver 140 con- firmed advertisement noters. Thus, by using newspapers, you can get at least 40%. more out of your advertising budget! Use the daily newspaper and get more for your advertising dollar! ®Bource: Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Asses elation, Mee. i 1 : ™ ad Dec. 11 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER For the finest factory con- structed aluminum storm windows and doors installed to your satisfaction at low- est prices, UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING SHOP Pay off liens signment. Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION King St. East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res. RA 5.5574 LOOK '56 Oldsmobile Sedan, only $1495 MACKIE MOTORS | --NEW LOCATION-- King St. East | Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In _. 266c| { using After Hours: RA 5.6159 RA 3-9851 Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD, 15 PRINCE ST RA 5.4632 RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5.8832 Don Howe, RA 5-0313 4 newspapers Zhe Oshawa Times Les Eveniss,

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