20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 13, 1958 "I LIKE THE BRANDS I GET AT "I like = Ak Fy» ¥ like SHIRRIFF'S"' # Xo "I like PUREX"' Se NY ORANGE E CRUSH" "1 LE GENERAL 7\. BAKERIES', SPECIAL OFFER! SAVING AT TIME OF PURCHASE -- CHASE AND SANBORN ALL PURPOSE COFFEE JUST HEAT AND SERVE! IN TOMATO SAUCE -- COOKED LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI DISSOLVES INSTANTLY -- SKIM MILK POWDER INSTANT PET = 39- FREE MELMAC DINNERWARE -- SUPER SUDS TENDER AND SWEET FANCY QUALITY STOKELY PEAS 33° | CHILDREN LOVE IT IN SANDWICHES -- TILLY'S DELICIOUS PEANUT BUTTER ADD VARIETY TO YOUR MEAL -- BICK'S FRESH PACK WHOLE DILLS ADDS ZEST TO ANY MEAL! -- PURE TOMATO HEINZ KETCHUP EXTRA VALUE -- OAKLEAF CHOICE LOMBARD PLUMS BISCUIT FEATURE -- WESTON'S CRESTA CHOCOLATE WAFERS 15-0Z. TINS SPECIAL 29° SPECIAL 39° SPECIAL 11-0Z. A] BOTTLES 3. 20 SPECIAL 25° 41° 24.07. JAR 15-0Z. TINS ill INSTANT OR QUICK COOKING LARGE PKG. QUAKER OATS SALADA "DEEP FLAVOR" TEA BAGS 99° KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP 47¢ FRUITS & VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA NO. 1 LUCIOUS TEMPTING FRESH HEAPING c STRAWBERRIES oc... 39 J FLORIDA NO. 1 TENDER STRINGLESS GREEN BEANS 2. 29° CALIFORNIA NO. 1 GARDEN FRESH LARGE GREEN ONIONS 3... 19° FIRST OF THE SEASON -- CALIFORNIA NO. 1 LARGE CELERY STALKS 2:.:..29° ONTARIO FANCY EATING OR COOKING °9° McINTOSH APPLES are 20 29° PKG. OF 40 16-0Z. JAR 6-QUART BASKET CALIFORNIA NO. 1 FRESH CRISP HEAD LETTUCE 2 NEW BRUNSWICK NO. 1 GRADE LONG IDAHO TYPE -- BAKERS OR COOKERS FOTRIOES 10....45° | CUT FOOD COSTS AT LB. PKG. 82- 29- 1.09 835: > 15-0Z. TINS 2 3-LB. PKG. GIANT PKG. Makes a Delicious Cake -- Robin Hood -- White or Chocolate CAKE MIXES 21-0Z. PKGS. 3. 1.00 RIB END ROAST | 3 TO 4.LB. AVE. 42° 0 & P| ; Tenderloin End Roast 3 0 4 4.LB. AVE. 52° & like oY 4 CENTRE CUTS oe nop 65° LOIN PORK SALE LEAN MILD CURED PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS 18.45: CHOICE MEATY PORK SIDE RIES MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS 1B. 49: LB. 7 9c LB. PKG. ANAAAY AAS | Re FROZEN FOODS SAVE 7¢ -- BIRDSEYE FANCY STRAWBERRIES 2 SAVE 9c -- BIRDSEYE FANCY GREEN PEAS 4 RICH IN MINERS -- BIRDSEYE FANCY LEAF SPINACH 15-0x. pkgs. 75¢ 5 79 Lg 21° ORANGE JUICE "or 2e JUST HEAT AND SERVE -- SAVE 6c -- FRASERVALE 97° FISH and CHIPS akan. Vu -0x. ~ 25¢ pkg. ECONOMICAL! SPORTSMAN -- DRESSED 10-02. 69- SMELTS 75¢ > RICH IN MINERALS -- BIRDSEYE FANCY BOOTH -- BREADED SHRIMPS BLUEBERRY PIE VALUES EFFECTIVE IN A AND WHITBY 3, 14,15 24-01. pkg. OSHA NOV. NN de a J *4| SULTANAS ALL MERCHANDISE SOLD AT YOUR DOMINION IS UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED. TO GIVE YOU 100% SATISFACTION. OPEN THURS. and FRL NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. FREE PARKING AT BOTH STORES NOW IS THE TIME TO BAKE YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS CAKE AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS 2 9 25+ nex 330 oe 23° 35° 21° 37+ 15-0Z. CELLO PKG. AUSTRALIAN RECLEANED CURRANTS 15-0Z. CELLO PKG. "GOLD BELL Bleached Raisins PITTED DATES GLACE CHERRIES SAXONIA CUT MIXED PEEL SAXONIA RED & GREEN Pineapple Duos 2 THIS WEEK'S UNIT "SILVER WILLOW" CUP AND SAUCER FOR _ 39+ WITH EACH $3.00 ONLY PURCHASE 8-0Z. PKG. 8-01. PKG. 4-0Z. PKGS. OMINION rr A A de Sl 'Unemployment Seen Top Problem TORONTO (CP) -- Libety] | Leader Pearson says the * (ber one problem" facing Canada| (this winter is unemployment, He told the Toronto Liberal Business Men's Club the federal government's winter work pro- gram has been made too late to |be of maximum effect this win- ter. | "The $1,000,000,000 public works | rams has made little or no mpact on employment.' | The government's attack on | jobs has been "un-co-ordinated, (unplanned -- actions which have resulted in large expenditures of money without corresponding re- sults in terms of employment," Mr. Pearson said. Mr. Pearson said the govern- ment's public works program now is heard of solely in terms of na- tional development. "There is more to this than pushing back the northern fron-| ters, important as that is," he iy "Dev also includes the opment of our older set- [tled areas, He said declines in exports dur- num-|ing the last two months are worrying and "the drop of evea $25,000,000 for nine months give Hite eause for satisfaction when trade figures for a country like Canada must continue to go up if we are"to maintain pros- perity at all." Find Sandwich In Ballot Box TULSA, Okla (AP) -- Tulsa voters weren't happy with candidates in Nov, 4 elections.. Election officials, chee! ballots Tuesday, found thal Arkansas Governor Orva Faubus had received ones write-in vote for governor of Oklahoma and former presi 'dential assistant Sherman Ad- ams got a vote for Tulsa dis trict judge. Also found in a baliot box: A stale ham sandwich, sears Ques 7 ED WILSON. jthe m an with the axe is at it again!!