10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 13, 1958 | GROUPS, CLUBS | Locad Artists Earn a hie into a freer form and textured ap- AUXILI ARIES F avorable Notice plication of the color. ps & A ceramic' plaque depicting & As Exhibit Closes rooster, by Adelbert Sevink has 15TH OSHAWA attracted attention and some of SCOUT MOTHERS AUX Only a few days remain for the tho exhibitors whose paintings * _ |exhibition of paintings by local oy oked favorable comment are The 15th Oshawa Scout mothers artists {n the McLaughlin Public| Fred Tn: auxiliary held its regular meetin, |Library, The exhibition, sponsor- pig) 8 Sontho B. Ratcliffe, (Rugged lat Albert Street United Church oq by the Lyceum Club apd Novauber): Barsara. McGrar i with the president, Mrs. William women's Art Association, will be 4 : jo el | WITH Richardson, presiding. taken down on Monday, when ex-| (Summer) : al | 4 a Eleven members answered roll|hibitors may reclaim their work, | Vases): HHH ; Double Easy Applicator: call, The secretary, Mrs. Aubrey |after a successful showing. stools); Alice Paitersan (Over.] ' hh McConkey, read the minutes, gogentially pictorial, the ex-|ture to Sprimg): oS No mess! No guess! + aes Mrs. Herbert Deérven gave Ne hibit contains ome abstract Al (Checkered Cloth). Makes permanent waving": +1982 [irensiter's Jeon. nx chard | compelling composition by Ron| Water colors submitted by Eliz- LULL double sary'. . double surel +7 helped wip ign 0 ya Lambert whose work is seen too|abeth Knox, J. A. Mitchell and| ~ : 4 us) > big success, infrequently. Clean craftsmanship Coorgs 8 Zelfond reveal careful and Regular $3.00 valve J+. SPECIAL. 24 4 uns Mrs. Edward Simmons, past E. R. Jukes who also paints in : resident of the executive boardof the late Mrs. A. Stanley. Fa-| ..° FRE } +, mothers auxiliaries installed vorite hymns were sung. or Wg of wailing A aioll is CITY WIDE E DELIVERY the officers for the coming year, Conveners for the Christmas| oq cantly relaxed 7 1958-59. Mrs. Eldon Southwell party will be Mrs. Norman Hodg- gave a report on a Hallowe'en/son and Mrs. John Jakes. party for the cubs. Mrs. Richard-! Mrs, William Collins sang a WINDSOR, Ont, (CP)--Chair- son gave a report on the confer-|solo, "Mrs. Brown and her Lug- man of a parent-teachers meeting ence held in King Street United|gage". Mrs. Collins gave a read- here, A. Bajona, said: "we can- Church and also on the executive!ing, not expect our children to value board meeting. Refreshments were served by an education if father's only read- 4| The Christmas meeting is to Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs. Jakes. ing material is the comics and 4|be in form of a pot luck supper| » ; |8 page, mother's leisure | with the exchange of gifts. The FR A A [time is spent at bridge and gos- | [hostesses were Mrs. George oy 1 adies Auxiliary was held at|8ip, while the whole family is sub- wi 7 his Kocho and Mrs. Aubrey MeCom the Union Hall on Tuesday, No-| ected to murder on television," Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Mac- | able Michael Starr and Mrs. ( ray Macleod and Mr, and Mrs. | Langmaid prior to the birthday {vember 3, yi the resident Sis- donald, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon | Starr, Dr. and Mrs. Douglas | Mervin PerRin gathered at the ball. ; MA CLUB fret Peart Badour, presi Ang oall Coulter, Uxbridge. the Honor- | Langmaid, Mr. ard Mrs, Mur- | home of Dr. and Mrs. Douglas The Oshawa Times staff photo Ail regular meeting: 'of the we at lp! Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club Treasurer's report, bingo report, 5 | ose hine McPhee 4667 Doll % was held on Monday, November | and sick report were given. ; ; Golden Jubilee Chapter, ODE | Josephine Nc he eae Delon VS nT eam ve 3 JOIN RELIABLE'S CHRISTMAS CLUB omas rairhar FOR DOLL > | Mrs. George Whitbread called dren's party, which is to be held N ow { ' 10%"-18" {the roll, Mrs. L. V. Stone read on December 10 at 7.30 sharp at| og Holds Ninth Birthday Ball Exchange Vows | 20 --22 7. A the Scripture lesson, {St, John's Hall. Members are to| Fh | AND BUY AT CASH PRICES 1 Le CE Wii wR GPHINE MC $ 's and treasurer's wrap the gifts at the home of Sis- A much looked-forwardto so- Mrs. Al Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs. JOSEPHINE MCPHEE. , Womns Es | The secretary § an elal event took place on Friday R. Reed. The marriage of Josephine H jLepoits were read. Sieiday ter Mine run on November | evening, November 7, when the] Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Reed, Mr.| Rose McPhee, daughter of Mr, greetings were sung or rs. | 2 ek. party Jor mem Golden Jubilee Chapter, of the and Mrs. G. Salter, Mr. and Ms, |and Mrs. Frank McPhee, and y led that BE a AOU hers ane His yO a Imperial Order Daughters of the J. Topping, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Thomas. Elias Luke Fairhart, son Jo as [Dea And ly A at the a aE TE Hr NY NIC Tru CHMTAS Empire held its ninth. annual Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Top- of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fairhart, | A hymn was sung in memory home of Sister Ruth McCarthy. p-- SEE OUR COMPLETE DISPLAY birthday ball in the recreation|pings, Mr. and Mrs. B. Patte, all of Oshawa, was solemnized | 5 hall of the Ontario Flying Club, Mr. and Mrs. L. Heffering, Mr. i Saturday, November ed 5] | « / op. and Mrs, Ralph Mackie, Mr. and |Gregory's Roman Ca olic| ; ated" 18" pelt, White and. Digg Mrs. F. Kitchen, Mr. and Mp. Church, CC : OF FINE FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES ; oo |D. A, Hanna, Mr, and Mrs. T. E.| The Reverend Paul Dwyer of-| 0 ohisasthemimt, ferns. "ang White, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Je. fieated and the wedding music| Superb Gifts of IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR FURNITURE . . . COMEIN...LOOK AROUND... CONVINCE YOURSELF chrysapthemums, ferns and ersen was played by Mr. Jack Driscoll, palms, adorned the bandstand." Mr. and Mrs. Cavan J. Donagh,| Given in marriage by her fath-| , The tables carried out the scheme ny, "ong Mrs, F. Blake Branton, er the bride wore a ballerina ? , : ERT 1S E = THAT OUR with red, white and blue stream- yfis. peggy Britcliff, Mr. Ronald|gown of white brocade designed 5 2 ers and large bowls of popcorn. won Mr, and Mrs. B. Hender- on princess lines with a boat : 4, h y » § | YW Music was supplied by Abbie son, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wolter, | neckline and fingertip sleeves. A x Vi | 'Modem . . . Mysterious . . . Magnetic" ) PRICES ARE LOWER Darch and his orchestra. Mr, and Mrs. H. Butler, Mr. D.|crown trimmed with rhinestones ) 4 4 "ee ; Among those seen dancing | M. Campbell, Mr, K. N and held her fingertip veil and she : doi - " S bi u LT (©) N : OUR TERMS EASIER were: Miss Marg. Leddy, Mrs. 8. Bur-|carried a white Prayer Book on Mrs. H. Ward. which rested a spray of yellow The Homorable Michael Starr ton, Mr. and e oll AE 14% ; : dd My Sams 30. ad et BE el, rons. Raymond Warman, sister | Jl " BUY FOR CASH AND SAVE THE CARRYING Suurch, Mr. and Mra_E. Hill Mr. JF. G00 Ns WA rater Dri copper-ione. The ofher attend. ns NN CHARGES... IF YOU PREFER A BUDGET AC- J. Howard, Mr. 'and Mrs Wand Mrs WML Shaw, Dr. dan sive: Reign Jones, both in| ASE ANPANES AOA || voner - | | COUNT, YOU WILL FIND OUR TERMS THE : MOST REASONABLE ANYWHERE - NO OUT- Mr. and Mrs. R. Holden, Mr. Douglas Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. yellow. Their identical ballerina |M. Perkin, Mr. and Mrs. G. E.|gowns of crystal charm featur- [Fg b 3 jad Mrs, 1. Movs. > 2 Mss. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Mac og scooped necklines and three- : £ M - SIDE FINANCING! : Daniel Mr. and Mrs. A. E. |leod, Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed. | quarter length sleeves. They yore iJ ; i -- ' ' Mr. vs L. Slan.| Mr..and Mrs. Norman Wilton, matching bandeaux and carr 47 2 >" ¢ : . ' a Ba, a ao Mov 1, Sn 5 MET 8 RE LE Soe OB 25 BUY NOW . .. WHERE CASH IS KING ! | Afr ¥ 1 Mette. i|and Mrs. Ronald Poulter, Mr. and|chrysanthemums, | »" ng Br amd es val Ste ro a ake, ute of \\ ¥ AND CREDIT CHARGES . . . THE B or and Mrs. B. Robin.| Edward Disney, Mr, and Mrs. S./the bridegroom, acted as best ~ ! i . did me [R. King, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence man. Ushering were Messrs. Ray- ~ Ve LOWEST ! on and Mrs. R. A. Wallace, | McConkey, Mr. and Mrs. L. B.imond Warman and Frank Mc- DOLL WARDROBRE ; Mr and Mrs Byron Worden Mr, (Best, Mr. and Mn J. McDonald, Phee. Seid oi ' d ' . I : ; ' ood|Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Murphy, Mr.| A reception was held at The i : Sh d Co Do tB We led od Mis. Mel McMslon, Mr. 3d snd Mrs. Johansen, Acres, Bowmanville. For the oc- By ANNE ADAMS aA NY | op an mpar e-- Don ¢ misieq: A sr Mos. Don| Mr. and Mrs. David Pearse,(casion the bride's mother wore| New! Just in time for Christ. soov ~ wacum po oh and Mrs * n Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pitman, Mr,|a two-piece dress of taupe brown mas. Cover-girl wardrobe of the RELIABLE 1) RANTEES Sriniaide, and GF 2 and Mrs. J. E. Kinsman, Dr. and| with dark brown accessories. The newest fashions from the style | 8 | Bom, eal Hoong " JE Mrs G. E. Hare, Dr. and Mrs.|pridegroom"s othet was in Dior page, Easy Jew pattern includes | $1.00 WORTH OF VALUE FOR EVERY $1.00 SPENT ; , Mr. . H. 8, :|J. M. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs, Wil-[pjue with royal blue accessories. shirt, shorts, two-day dresses, : y end Mrs. B. Ross, Mr. aod| um Alger, Mr. and Mrs, E. R.|Both wore corsages of Yellow evening gown, cape, swim suit, SHOP NOW -- AT OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTABLISHED 4 da FURNITURE STORE -- (ESTABLISHED 1927) Mr. Mrs. Hayward Murdoch. |S. McLaughlin . . roses. . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Short, Mr. | Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Miller, Mr.| Later the couple left for a wed-Half-size suit dress. and pp Keys, Mr and Mrs. |anq Mrs. A. E. Derumaux, Mr.|ding trip to points east and the| priced Pattern 4667: For A. omme, Wr. Mrs. and Mrs. G. D. Andrews, Mr. and|United States. For travelling the|,,,, "5° 99 994 P Tresise, Mr. and Mrs. R » 18, 22inch lady dolls. ercy liresise, Mr, Ss. R./Mrs. Gordon Lofthouse, Mr. and pride wore a gray mix tweed suit ted " £03 co Giles, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hol-\Mr. G. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. W.|with royal blue and black acces-| Printed directions on each pat- ] . land, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Saun-|G, McLarty. [sories and a yellow rose corsage. tern part. Easier, accurate. E Send FORTY CENTS (40) cents 96 KING ST. E. (Next to Plaza Theetre) PHONE RA 3.7928 ders. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Fairhart will We ins (sta 7), n coins (stamps cannot be ac- » "Prices ate born here and raised elsewhere" Mr. and Mrs. A, Hamilton, Mr.|Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Banfield, Mr.|in Oshawa. and Mrs. D. G. Arkless, Mr. and|and Mrs. Edward Bind, Mr. and cepted) for this pattern. Please . Mrs. Jules Ethier, Mr, and Mrs.|Mrs, Alan Cay, Mr. and Mrs. W. print. plainly SIZE, NAME, AD-| lini W. Famme, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bathe,| ? | (DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. DR. Nye T i Ross, Mr. amd Mrs. Barney|Mr, and Mrs. P. Cook, Mr. and 4 | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, . - % . 3 : ~ Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Gar-\Mrs. L. Pigden, Mr. and Mrs. L. 1 ¢-0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern EE es EE a ag nD Bak bev, Ow, oilurs Mr. and Mrs. Norman Briggs, |. ny. 4 Mr. and Mrs. H. Ramshaw, Mr. SICCER. PUEe 2 . A EE ay and Mrs. Frank Richards. i, iy ; , » | en > Mrs. Norman Nichols, Mr. and ew Zealanders are | = ll $ » << \ » N q 1 A ---------- Mrs. G. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. |ily getting larger, shoe dealers CC Raiph Laing, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. and chiropodists report. They say| [WIFE PRESERVER las Bullied, Mr. and Mrs. Robert|that children are wearing much | T) Tyson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, [larger shoes, with many children] For inexpensive Christmas gifts kh | Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cook, Mr. now taking shoes two sizes larger with an individual touch, a and Mrs. Charles Hewitt, Mr. and than children of equivalent ages paint sets of buttons for your . "" Mrs. Robert Dewland, Mr. andi10 years ago. friends. 'WHERE SMART WOMEN SHOP [= usep rerriGeraTors |p PRE-CHRISTMAS VALUES | "YY YL Reitman's exclusive brand , . . Sweaters Cardigans Worth much more than lovely sheer "Jewel" nylons In y 12.88! Chino car coats, plain or mesh. Seamless, 400- 0 4 95 H 95 gained linings. Double. a i reasted styling, mouton col- needle, 15-denier stockings. |] [] lar, brass button closings. 88 FIRST QUALITY NYLONS Banlon Pullovers and Cardigans | | &inrone CAR COATS New Fall shades, sizes 812 to° Made from Banlon, a wonderful yarn that does not shrink, 5 11 ! stretch or sag even after hundreds of washings! Choose Beige or red. Sizes 12 to a matching sweaters and cardiguns in White, Apricot, Sapphire, Black, Beige or Blue. Sizes 14-20, YOUR FAVOURITE HOLIDAY { DRESSES COME FROM REITMAN'S SMART SLIM SLACKS WARM WOOL GLOVES High fashion wools, laces nylon .chiffons, satin peau de soie, crepes and lustrous velveteens styled in the season's most . ' . ' ' i . 1 » 1 . , | : . | . ' i ' . ' . flattering silhouettes. Also in the group "the little black Finely made slacks in solid- ! a. Yo ours, Inclugiosy: Wire Whos, Sen toned vivols or corduroyy. or Mg IR il Bt foi TB lili ddd 2 Also in the collection, gay ; : y / : { plaid corduroys and Donegal H 8 tweeds, Side zipper closing. . 0 ea All the most wanted shades. | | Sizes 10 to 18. . te pr. | % | ' i LJ] | ' I . . . » 1] . * . . . . ' + . . . . Ld » » . » M ' A wide assortment of styles i nshort or long lengths; fine | L ow . L ow g PRI F ES . I STOLES & WOOL HATS Slips and Petticoats in Proportionate Lengths Stoles: Warm Kashmirette stole Fashioned from white, black or ARE IN EFFECT TO CLEAR OUR SURPLUS : Hele, Warn Nosiniune sei : . Spe : Stoles Wool Hats on oo sor Petticoats Slips re and tall lengths sized to fit different length fashions ana IR aD A, > L Woo! Hats: many popular clip- OF GOOD USED REFRIGERATORS on models. Made from bulky individual heights. Sheath sil- I wools, with a few hand-knits in houettes with beautifully trim- each to the collection. Assorted trims med rows of nylon lace and - ® a including gay tinsel decorations. |} ® pleating, Slips in sizes 32 to Cornflower, red, brown, white, 40; Petticoats, small, medium charcoal, pink or navy and large. y . by = ee 29 SIMCOE ST. S., RA 5-6221 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Set. KING STREET aiST AND STEVENSON ROAD -- RA 5-4361 , STORF HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon., Tues. & Thurs, 9 am. .m. § am. te 1 p.m. Wed 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wed. 92 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 5-4711 | Dl Gang 330 sim to. 13:30 pom. We Lr