WHITBY and DISTRICT 1 Dundas 8t. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 11 Tel. MO. 8-3703 WHITBY VETERANS HONOR WAR DEAD met at the cenotaph on Dun- das Bt, E. on Tuesday to honor fallen of two world wars ri ; r. In the | membrane By. J ine party leads a long column of | veterans -on parade. Lower left, Legion president Merv. Fr Th Dale and Comrade ed Ja lay the B 12 wreath and wreath in memory of Brian Denyer at the ceno- taph. In the lower right photo, ubertus A. Van der Wielen, John Van der Horst, Colleen R. Oben. with members of Whitby Branch for special Remembrance Day paid to the dead of the two world HH One. Mayor Harrnv Jermyn and Reeve Kenneth Lee pause afier depositing the town of Whitby wreath at the foot of the ceno- taph. WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS |Ask Investigate HOSPITAL LOSSES The town of Whitby has re-|defence preparations in this town.| ceived a letter from the Oshawa|The request was turned over to General Hospital noting that losses on indigent patient ac- tounts, over and above payments made by statute, are $3334. The to select a man to lead in civil {the fire committee. ASK CROSSING GUARD The Separate School Board | Whitby council has asked the, {building inspector to investigate] {the area surrounding one indus-| hospital has asked the town to/has asked that a crossing guard|try to ascertain whether or not| make a grant in that amount. The letter was turned over to the finance committee. |be retained to guide children ac- ross Dundas street at Cochrane |street, on their way to St. John's |Separate School. The request will it is emitting an objectionable] odor. A letter received from the court of revision noting that as.| sessments on 23 homes in Park| Plant Odor Charge { | odor inside from fish oil which is| used in manufacturing. "I don't think a three and one- half per cent drop in assessment would mean that the court con- sidered the odor a nuisance,' he said. Councillor Sid Correll said that tend the 20th anniversary bridge THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wodneodey, Movember 12, 1958 § MR. JUSTICE McGILLIVRAY IS LEGION SPEAKER Mr. Justice George A. McGillivray, of the Ontario Court of Appeal, last night was the guest speaker at the Remembrance Whitby Fallen the Queen. The more than 350 persons attending then joined in the singing of the hyma "0 God Our Help in Ages ast', The people of Whitby gathered 112, Canadian Legion, BESL, at the Cenotaph Tuesday morning services in which homage was wars and the Korean war. Services were preceded by a parade from the Legion Hall west to the Cenotaph and returned to the hall, Oldest of the 75 legion members who marched in the parade was Joseph Clarke, 75, who served with the Leicester- shire 7th Imperials in World War Whitby Brass Band under the| direction of Bandmaster Eric| Clarke headed the parade. They | were followed by the Legion color party, legion members, Boy Scout color' party, comprised of mem- bers of the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Boy Scout Troops, and members of the Port Whitby Sea Scouts; girls of the 1st and 2nd Girl Guides and the 1st Brownie Pack. Parade marshal Alf Reardon formed .up the parade promptly] on time. Following the service he| expressed the Legion's apprecia-| tion to the groups who marched. | { | | Scouts were under the supervision | nq Mrs. Dave Thomas one for! European country. These people of Sea Scout leader Eric LaTrobe. Guides and Brownies were led in the parade by Mrs. Don Calder.|.. anh hy the following: Local | British Empire." Memorial services were con- ducted by Legion Chaplain Rev.| David Marshall, assisted by John Frost. Mr. Frost opened the serv- WHITBY PERSONALS the service "We are here to remember some '1,500,000 persons in the Commonwealth who paid the su- preme sacrifice in two world wars -and the Korean war," the Chaplain said. "Of these people 100,000 were Canadians, 71 from Whitby." The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by trumpeters Alex Foster and Jim Wilde, During the playing of the Last Post heads bowed in silent memory and rev- erence of the men and women who gave their lives in the cause of freedom. Placing of the wreaths on be- half of Branch 112 were president Merv Dale and Fred James, who placed a wreath in memory of the late Branch Past President Arthur Denyer. Mayor Herry Jermyn and Reeve Ken Lee placed a wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf of the Town of Whitby. Mrs. Arthur Day banquet at the Canadian Legion, Branch 112, Whitby. It was the first time in the A call for the Canadian Le- gion to press for closer ties be- tween Canada and the British Empire as a means of solving world problems was issued on Tuesday night at the annual Re- membrance Day banquet of Branch 112, Whitby. Calling for the Legion to take a lead in pressing for a closer relationship with the Empire was Mr. Justice George McGillivray, of the On- tario Court of Appeal. Introduced by past president Andrew Muir, Mr. Justice Mec- Gillivray is the first native of Whitby to address the branch in its 38 years of existence. His Lordship called upon Le- gion members to make sure that Canada gives strength and sup- port to the one institution the world will listen to, the Bitish Empire. CHANGING POPULATION "However," he said, "'we tend to overlook the fact that our pop- ulation is changing, that one out Wigston placed a wreath for the Silver Cross Women of Canada the Ontario Government. Wreaths were placed at the 494, Gibson; Kiwanis C Chamber of Commerce; Harry Donald Ltd.; Eastern Star 248. C ite Lodge, No. 30, Mrs, D. B. Coleman, the first Regent, and Mrs. E, y the first treasurer of the Viscount Greenwood Chapter IODE will be in town, Friday, Nov. 14, to at- to be held in the Whitby Arena. Mr. A. Bunker, of Dunbarton, will be the guest speaker at the Whitby Garden Club, meeting to be held on Thursday, Nov. 13. Mr. Bunker is a member of the Oshawa Field Naturalists. Mrs. W. Bowden, of Lee ave- nue, entertained her group of|W ladies last Monday evening. Vari- ous games were played with prizes. awarded to Mrs. Marg. Maunders and Mrs. Aedra Ocken- don, A tasty lunch was served by the hostess. Ricky, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Depratto, celebrated his 10th birthday on Monday. The | 10DE; Girl Guides; Mitton Ma- [chinery; Ladies Auxiliary Branch 112, Canadian Legion; Holy Name Society; Rotary Club of Whitby; Boy Scouts; 100F; Independent Sales and Service; Ontario Hos- pital employes; Club Bayview; Catholic Women's League; Osh- awa Times; Whitby Wallpaper; All Saints'; Automatic Heating; Burtinsky Florists; Presbyterian Church; IGA; Hurley's restau- rant. McCarl Hardware; Basseft's Jewellers; Whitby Brass Band; C.. Townson's. Individual wreaths were placed for the fol- lowing: Harvey Johnston, "Ted", Thomas and Billy Rea, W. C. and H. C. Wigston, and W. J. Ander- son, of every six persons in some of our major cities comes from a |féel no pressing need to have Canada continue its ties with the United Rubber Workers;| One of the matters which is| he said, bridges four continents Whitby Fire Department; Whitby getting great attention from all and its people understand the Police Department; Public Util-| sources, he said, is the matter of thinking of many nations. |ities Commission; Bowman and|a Canadian flag. Quoting from Club; Allin's| Eugene Collins, writing in thelonly group that can talk to the Drug Store; Butt Radio and Ap-/ Canadian Commentator, he point-| US." he said, "if it can talk with pliance; Wood Transport; United ed out that some writers are call-|3 strong and single voice." hurch; Baptist Church; Whitby |ing for a new flag which does not | |incorporate the Union Jack in |ary part of it. "A flag is not like a label on a can of beans," he said, "a flag carries some indication of a na- tion's history." He asked Legion members to remember that it was British |troops who had claimed Canada and it was British pioneers who had opened up the country. In two wars, he said, Canadians have fought and died under the Union Jack. NO UNION JACK : speaker at such a banquet. e, is Lordship chats members. Left to His Lord- claim that persons who clamor for the Union Jack in a Canadian flag also think Canada should sneeze every time Britain has a cold. "Be that as it may, I would rather sneeze with Mr. McMillan than hiccup with John Foster Dulles," he said. He added that he was in no way anti-American apd in fact thought very highly of President Eisenhower. "I even think John Foster Dulles means well," he said. _ But, he said, events in recent weeks, the United States' attitude about Q y, are b i frightening. He said that the U.S. president has committed his country to a course that has neither the support of other na- tions nor the support of the peo- ple of his own country, as evi- denced in the recent elections. "Yet no one doubts that if the United States gets involved in a war," he said, "we will also be involved in the same war." HAVE EXPERIENCE One of the troubles, he said, stemmed from U.S. diplomats, who, he said, are green and not as experienced as dipl ts of - | proper" holid Asks Legion Press For Closer Empire Ties Dale was chairman of the din ner, which was organized by a committee headed by vice-presi- dent Tom Beer. The toast to the town of Whitby was proposed by vice - president Keith King and responded to by Mayor Harry ermyn. Mayor Jermyn said that two time to set aside for remem- brance of the millions who had died in the wars. He called for senior governments to call a for R h ance Day, TOAST LIST Proposing the toast to the Ca- nadian Legion was Doug. Wil. liams. - Legion Chaplain Rev. David Marshall conducted the memorial service preceding the banquet. Rev. Leo Austin, of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, is- sued an invitation to Branch 112 to hold their church parade to the new church on Gifford street next year. Al, Burgess, representing Zone Commander Bill Beaton, asked Legion members to do their ut- most to make Nov. 11 a day of the British Empire. The Empire, "The British Empire is the Legion branch president Merv. r brance, The average citl zens, he said, are starting to fon get. Tom Beer extended thanks te the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, whe served the dinner and Mrs. G. Brown, president, responded om behalf of the ladies. DAY-BY-DAY ROTARY GUESTS Guests at this week's meeting |of the Rotary Club, of Whitby, [a the auditorium of the com- Imunity arena were Claude Row- land, of Ajax; Gordon Whitfield, of East York; William Twelve- trees, of Whitby; Ed. McRae, of IN. WHITBY Phone MO 8-3111 Times wT Call you BELL TAXI All cols must be placed between 7 end 7:30 p.m. Toronto. Speakers were John and Isaac Amata, of Nigeria. Citing another similar op as that expressed by Collins, he noted that at a recent meeting of Junior Chambers of Commerce in Ottawa, a resolution had been passed calling for a new flag without the Union Jack. | He said that some writers) "MAINT MAN" ENANGE FOR RETARDED CHILDREN |be given to the Police Commis- Following a request from the sion, Ajax - Pickering - Whitby Associ- ation for Retarded Children,| Vista Gardens had been lowered he had visited the area on a num- because of the odor from the|ber of occasions and had never Ralston Purina plant nearby noticed any odor. He admitted sparked the investigation. |that he had heard of a number guests attending the celebration were: Charleen and Brian Wyatt, {Timothy Vangils, David Shepherd land Michael Keenan. Various Applications will be received by the undersigned until November 20th, 1958, SEWER SURVEY Gore and Storie, consultant en- THANK YOU Mayor Harry Jermyn will pro- claim the 11 days from Nov. 16 to 27 National Retarded Children's Week. The association will also canvass the town for funds for a new school. They are seeking $17,000. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Whitby Chamber of Com- merce has asked the town to consider a proposal that offices for the Chamber be included in the new town hall which is to be constructed on Dundas street west. RABIES REPORT Dr. G. McBean, head of the Ontario County Health Unit, has filed a report on the rabies situ- ation in Ontario County. He noted that 47 rabid foxes have been killed and four rabid dogs. Dr. McBean also noted that there has been only one instance of a human contracting the disease in the entire province. APPRECIATION Council received a letter: of appreciation from Harry Donald, thanking the town for widening the street on Dundas street for use as a bus stop. "It's nice to get a letter of appreciation," sald Mayor Jermyn. "We usually get the other kind." The boule- vard at the hus stop was remov- ed to allow bhises to stop without hindering traffic. FOX BOUNTY OFFICER The health unit will be notified that the town has recieved a re- quest that a fox bounty officer be named. Frost, who acted as bounty offi- eer when bounties were last paid in this county, asked that he not be named again. LOOKING AHEAD The Whitby Kinsmen Club cer- tainly makes plans well in ad- vance. They have asked for per- mission to use Centennial Park on July 22, 23 and 24 for their carnival next year. The property committee was given power to Town Clerk John R.|the gineers, reported that it is ex- |pected that a survey of the |{town's sanitary sewer require- ments would cost about $750 to $1000. The sewer committee has power to act' in whether or not the survey should proceed. FOR LUMBER STORAGE A request by Beaver Lumber Company to build a storage ware- house on the east side of the CNR, on Dundas street east, to replace existing coal sheds and stock yards, was turned over to the building committee with pow- er to act. The area is zoned gen- eral business and the town's by- law does not jnclude lumber bus- ceived by council this week, that| The court noted, in a letter re.|0f complaints about odor. Mayor Jermyn suggested that the assessments had been lower-|the assessments may have been ed about three and one-half per|reduced because they were too cent because of the odor from the high anyway. plant. 'If this odor constitutes a Discussing the letter, Councillor| nuisance, citizens do not have to John Wootton wondered if the Put up with it,' said Councillor firm would be liable for this loss| Wootton, who asked that some in- in assessment, He suggested they [vestigation be made. might be liable if the odor was a| Mayor Jermyn noted that there nuisance. ware igh Somes in te area ut only ad appeal ecause 0 FOUND NO ODOR the odor factor. Mayor Harry Jermyn sald that| The letter from the court of re- he had visited the area after|vision will be referred to the hearing of the court's decision|plant manager and to the town's goodies were served. Mrs. Florence Missett, who was in the Oshawa General Hos- pital for the last few days, was transferred to the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital Wishes for a com- plete recovery are extended to Missett. Freddie, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Bown, celebrated his eighth birthday on Tuesday. For the occasion, a party was arranged with the following guests: Shel- don Huitena, Ronnie Riley, Stew- art Brear, Danny Sturgess, Grant Brown. In serving the refresh- for the position of Maintenance Man for the new jail at Whitby, Ontario. Applicant and could find no odor outside the building inspector for a study and plant, He said that there is an report. iness in general busi zones. Elect Officers At Vimy Lodge The Vimy Ridge No. 639 held their regular monthly meeting on Monday at the LOL hall. Past mistress mistress sister Madeline Ash- more. Sister Olive Williams was in the deputy's chair. Devotional exercises were con- ducted by the chaplain, sister Lillian Kirk. The lecture was re- peated by sister Beatrice Dallby and sister y sister Anderson and reports were given including the treasurer's report of the tag day held recently for True Blue and Orange Orphans. The amount raised was $139.89. Plans were outlined for a Christmas Evelyn Virgin 630 Centre Street North. Past mistress sister Dolly Anderson presided at the elec- tion of officers who were all Ain only new officer to be elected was sister Lillian Kirk as chap- lain. Installation is to take place at the next meeting of Monday, ing|ed that the cost of the new A suggestion has been put forth that the Department of Education |might supply plans for public schools, in much the same man- ner that plans for new houses are through NHA. The sug- gestion came at this week's coun- cil meeting when members were plans for two new schools, At the meeting, Public School Board chairman Fred Ing report- schools, one to be built on Palmerston Ave., and the other on Athol St., would be $411,276. Originally, the board had esti- mated the cost of the new schools at $415,000. Mr. Ing stated that there would be six classrooms and one audi- torlum in each school. He said that the schools were not identi- cal, since the lots were of dif- ferent contours. Each, he said, had been designed to fit its own ot. Councillor Harry Inkpen noted | that included in the cost were architect's fees of $20,000. He wondered if it would not be pos- Suggest Provide New School Plans! Jermyn noted that the fee in- cluded supervision during eon- struction, Councillor Inkpen and Correll suggested that the board might suggest to the department that such plans be made avail- able to lower the costs of school construction. No action was promised on the proposal by either council or the board chairman. To Form Park Vista Club Residents of Park Vista Gar- dens decided to form an athletic club for children of the sub- division at a meeting of the Ratepayers Association held Sunday. It was also suggested a hockey rink be built and teams selected to provide the children with out- door winter activities. The dart league began playing and a cribbage league has been formed and will begin soon. ments, Mrs. Bown was assisted by her daughter, Miss Jenene. ice by leading in the singing of To all who supported 1958 Poppy Day in Whitby. And who assisted in the various arrangements for the obser- vance of Remembrance Day. Branch 112 Canadian Legion -- Whitby M. DALE President should have some knowledge of electrical and mechanical equipment. Applicants are requested to state age, qualifications and previous employment record. Wm. G. Manning, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Onterle, Box 550, Whitby, Ontarle, VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE TEXACO PRODUCTS Now Available at BESTWAY MOTORS DUNDAS ST. W. AT CENTRE WHITBY, ONT. N-DO. ® sNO®A = N= vd $9: SPECIAL $9 ALL WORK & MATERIAL FULLY GUARANTEED The eer should be clean whenever inspections are meade. 1. Road-test the car. 2. < eek ar cleaner, if necessary clean as prescribed. W present, sieen filter element n o ler cap. Check fan belt for tension end fan pulley end nut fer tightness, re-adjust er tighten as necessary. Clean carburetor and bowl fliter (if present). Cheek Idling edjustment of sarbureter. Check contact breaker points and ignition timing, re-adjust if necessary, Check valve clearance; if necessary, re-adjust with engine eeld. Clean and check spark plugs, adjust gaps, If found Cheek Check battery and specific gravity. Check acid level, "add distilled water if necessary, Grease terminals, Check for correct operation: headlights, tall and stop lights, hern, windshield wipers, direction indicators, and warning lamps. Check generator output. Check and, if necessary, correct steering jes ents, Check torsion arm link pins, front wheel bearing play, tie red ends end tee-in, tighten or adjust as necessary. Rotate tires and check tire pressures. Check brake system for domage and leaks. Check fluid leve! in reservoir. @heck brakes functionally. If necessary adjust or bleed r adjustm: Y. Pp brakes, Check thickness of brake Telephone MO 8-4792 WE SPECIALIZE IN VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE The ladies social committee {held a bake sale in the Grand | Union Saturday, Nov. 8, Nearly #2 Was sedlized and will be used or a istmas party for the fe ER ae SE act in the request. sible that the department could CD REPRESENTATIVE The meeting closed with prayer| Provide plans for' 20 or 30 differ- Oshawa and Ontario County and refreshments were served ®t types of school designs to be Civil Defense Co-ordinator Col. by sister D. Anderson, L. Wilde oul throughout the province. Hotton has asked Whithy counciliand B, Dalby. Mr, Ing aod Mayor Harry He linings through inspectibn hole. Check shock absorbers for correct operation and tightness, Check clutch pedal free play, adjust if 'necessary. Check condition of door rubber buffers and door lock, striker plates, adjust if necessary (up to Chassis No. 929 745). ---- No No vo PR a I ioe oad he Re dian aie LA Torta A apie is Ge (TS ER CF les oe a omg ppt,