The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1958, p. 19

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Sal Bo on Td Bea wim. Ep or will sell. MAL 4) pry J Dec.s WANTED for housework GIL Or woman or housework. Live in, MO 8-3956, Whitby, after 6 p.m. 264a SHORT order cook or breakfast cook. , short hours and good : 37--Male Help Wanted 37---Male Help Wanted | price when you phone Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe SINGLE desk clerk to sleep In. Phone RA 8-0549, SALESMAN for expanding aluminum window and door distributo) You'll get a better deal with full WATKIN'S routes MWF Nov. bi part-time, RA 58580, Holody Aluminum Sales, RA 5-2431, 2601 GM DEALER in Oshawa u- | censed auto mechanics, and three-year FIANOR waned immediately -- or size, cash. Ostranders, rs Street East, Toronto, 11720, CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap iron and metals bought. Call SHAW RAG & METALS CO. RA 5-2311 89 Bloor Street East OPEN SATURDAYS SCRAP any Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron and metal. I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD. IRON : : METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP 1378 HOward| Dec.5 g condi §| tions, permanent employment for rieht man. Write Box 218, Oshawa Tir wil FIRST CLASS SERVICE SALESMEN required for new cor de- partment, preferable G.M. experience. Apply in person to Service Manoger, H. Kerr Industries, Bloor and Forewell Ave., Oshawa. 263c DEALERS WANTED Copable, sincere go-getters to represent Company dis- tributing the newest, = most dromatic odvance in home appliance field. Prospects ore home owners, builders, ond contractors, Exclusive terri- tory for right man who will realize top returns. Write to Lokeshore Built-In Products, 47 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ont. + 263c MEN WANTED There are vacancies for men in Canada's leading militia armoured regiment to train in military civil defence, driving, communications, trof- fic control, etc. Train one evening o week ond earn extra money while doing so. Apply daily to the Ontario Regiment orderly room from 9:00-4:30 or Sndey even- ing 8:00-10:01 'FULL TIME, PART TIME, SPARE TIME, ANYTIME 35--Employment Want Wanted EXPERIENCED secretary wishes typ- ing ir any other office work in her own home, Phone RA 8-1180. YOUNG | ment, fully tri salon, Please help newcomer to Osh- awa, Call RA 8-0739. 2641 LADY requires y housekeeping Work) part-time. Phone RA 8-5264 2631 36--Female Help Wanted lady urgently "needs employ- GERMAN - English speaking girl for 261f ed, all branches beauty Remington Rond portable typewriters can now be sold for $1.00 down and $1.00 weekly. Wonderful opportun- ity for distributors to earn excellent income, Represent Mail Order Firm also. Write Regency Co., 467 Spadina e., Toronto, Ont. 263c housework. Must be fond of Phone MElrose 3.7473, Toronto, 262¢ 100k )MEONE to keep house and | after two young girls, ages five and six, whilé father works. Live in, comfort able private room in modern home at Maple Grove. $15 weekly plus room and board. Call RA 8-519] in Oshawa or Pa MA 3-5345 after 6 p.m. Sa 36t¢ EXPERIENCED waitresses. Apply South End Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street East, 2621 Ai a----------m--m--A---------- INTERESTED in making money? Sel novelty iets, ete., for Christm 2 5-33 Not FANN housemaids and dom fest cor Would you like a job in Toronto? Apply Enployecs Unlimited, 76 Church Street, Toronto 1, Ontario, EXPERIENCED lady preferred, Call Flying Dutchman, Motor Bowmanville. 2641 POLICE | CONSTABLE WANTED Applications will be received up to and including Friday, Nov. 21st, for a Police Con- stable for the City of Oshawa. Application forms may be ob- tained at the office of the Chief of Police. The following qualifications are required: 1, British subject. 2. Between the ages of 21 and 30 yeors. 3. Minimum height 5ft. 10in. 4. Minimum weight 160 Ibs. 5. Minimum education--8th grade. EVELYN M. FOUND Secy. Board of Police Commissioners. 264c 36--Female Help Wanted MANAGERESS Must be extremely well person we offer the highe PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT FASHION RA 5- qualified. To the right st salary. VILLAGE 2722 264a WHITBY C LASSIFIED | Reasonable. Phone RA 579. 38---Male or Female Help Wanted CAN YOU FACE LAY-OFFS OR LESS PAY? Qualify for skilled Trades- men's woges in OIL BURNER SERVICE REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING DIESEL MECHANICS TOOL MACHINIST DRAFTING TV AND RADIO r. Earnings|S) reet, 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale VE - room apartment, 57 Weniworth Oshawa, Washer, dryer, stove, |adul refi erator, Near Senool, | Phont MA 3-3611 Bowmanville, Nov. TWO furnished rooms, board = pply 167 Bloor Street East. 262¢ AYARTIRNT, three rooms, central, South preferred. Apply 162 THREE - room apartment, upstairs, TV aerial, business couple. Apply 121 Oshawa South, 262 rooms, close to bus, I Reasonable, Will care 'for mother works, RA al 2 re Soi white ELF CONTAINED, two - room apart- ment, private bath, furnished, new stove and newly a h 1 SIX - on Albert| room brick Ritson Bireer, with, garage, aluminum storms oil furnace, dow! screens, n, $10/408 i price, Carries for $80 monthly, 5-3271. 260f FOUR room bungalow, insulated, central, gas furnace, aluminum storms and screens, $5,800. Phone RA sq LOT 40 x 105, water and sewer, north well least. Also lot 85 x 200 with . RA 5-8020. Dec. 4 NEW HOMES BY use of ROOM for two, willing to share. single be ds, five dnys Pilg, block from downtown, "Abert Sry et rent. RA 3-434. 2624 One| NICELY furnished single room, cen- trally located. All conveniences, Phone 262(| RA 3.3000 or 150 Burke Street, Dec.10 ON ORNISHED room, suitable for ee, gh a sr tied Phone Ad 5 262 preface ~ room house, children wel {comed, RA 85-8064. 262( FURNISHED room, single beds, suit- able for two, centrally located. Avy 47 Nassau Street THREE - room apartment, Bewly = rated, private conveniences, SELF - contained three-room basement CARAVAN CONSTRUCTION 50 HOMES 3 DIFFERENT MODELS FORCED TO SELL $1,200 down ~--- 5-room insul brick, tiled kitchen ond bath, hot water heating. Full price $9,000. GERALD BARROW, BROKER 25 Burk St. RA 5-3852 2640 JAE a Jor sparemest, elfen FWO and three room apartments, pri- vate bath, TV antenna; near south GM. Family with one or two children Find out how you con master any one of these steady, good pay trades in your spare time. Simply fill in and mail this coupon. We will send you complete opportunity infor- mation and literature free., Absolutely no obligation, STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE, Box 113 NOMB. conv nerinnansneng Address ...oevsveserssnd City .. [ 2s2e fh OF single sen Welcome, RA S009 alter oh room heated apartment, pri- vate entrance and bath, Heavy wig Phone RA 3-3266. 2614 (INE ing. Possession Nov, 101 Craydon Road, ane 5 18/¥IVE - room, self - contained apart: stove Phone RA 5-1932 till 6 p.ui. 2591 OOM for one gentleman or two friends, very central, light housekeep- Jog of desired, Apply 12 Atel Fail. BEDROOM, ping room, kitchen and pti i 2591 7 p.m. RA 8-8671. MODERN three - room, self - ed apartment, private entrance, three. piece bath, erator, stove, builtin cupboards in kitchen, RA 50191, Nov.29 TWO unfurnished rooms, private bath. | Call after 6 for information at 750 Rit son Road South. 259 ment and ed, central location. Available Decein {ber 1. $75 a month, RA 3-4014, 2601 MODERN, four - room apartment, very |central, newly decorated with refriger- ator, TV, Inspection in day time. Eve- in , call RA 81359, 16% Bond Sivest THREE rooms and bath, one child RA 3-660." ag be GROCERY store with modern living| quarters, one block from King Street. Asking cash for stock. Best location, For further information, call RA 8-0529 41--Room and Board ROOM and board, good home cook central, 10 minutes walk from fou corners. Apply 240 Division Street. 26: ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, four minutes' walk from four corners. {Charles Street. RA 8-8324, | space. North BEST "In town, single be onvenienoes, close to RA 5-4229. Apply 536 Lorra uth GM. treet. Oct.30Nov.1, 3 S, %. "lo, 12,15, 17 | room and board for old-age pe. win. "263 |er. afte) |p. m. | ROOM or room and board for two' gen temen, close to south GM, RA $5310 c + eon. Phone Brooklin 302. Call ROOM and board for gentler |tinuous hot water, home privileges. Ritson Road South, ROOM for gentlemen to share, single beds, cooking facilities. Near north GM 1303 Leslie Street, phone RA 5.7648. 2 2616 T ROOM and board for "gentlenten Imeals, single beds, continuous water, Apply 8.0723. ROOM and board for gentlemen, meals, single beds, parking space, close to all soutk plants 102 Mill or RA 3.3101, {TWO rooms in new house wanted, A Street. -- |Room and board for r gentiems 1, n, pri- |vate, close to South GM Lunch; pack Board led if preferred. Homey atmaspht ed RA 3993 15 ov ROOM and board with Ditch family for gentlemen, RA 5-1632 qu 590 Wilson | Road South, 2601 ROOM and board for genglemen, close to downtown, Apply 23 [Elgin Street East or RA 3.7814, Dec.7 42--Room and Bqgord Wanted |LADY would like Toom and board in |east end, Harmony, Box 217, Oshawa Times. 264¢ 43--Wanted to Rom his in "i LADY would apartment, in bid Box 216, Oshawa Tim es . "furnished Harmony, ANTED -- Four - room Apartment or bet house, by young couple (ome nil). YOUNG "couple with one chil d requires ree-, or four otn ul ostnent, na, | ment, 4| home. Very central, Alice Street. | ROOM and board -- five or seven ad vs | weekly. Close to North GM, Parkiig Apply 325 Oshawa Bouleva-d 204 all 'modern 241 25 252 Arthur Streel.. RA 25! good | home privileges, Dec.4 if pply downstairs at 637 Alert after 5 p.m. 2591 FIVE - room brick bungalow, full base- | 0 Excellent location, 509 King {Strest West. $85 monthly, Phone RA 5-1661. TWO furnished bedrooms in private Ge tiemen prefgried. Breakfast ilo Phone RA 3- -9348, 2600 FOUR - room eg private te entrance, Phone RA 88079, 01 Targ e| APARTMENT, central, two rooms, private bath, built-in cupboards| and sink, ample storage space, heavy duty wiring. Suit two ladies, or couple RA 32428. 210 ) Mary St. Nov. 29 TWO large rooms and bathroom, sink and cupboards. Suit couple. 495 Dun- kirk Avenue. ¢ TWO - room unfurnished apartment, private entrance, private bathroom, heavy wiring. 58 Arlington Avenue. 260f THREE - room apartment and bath, semi - private entrance, TV antenna 205 Arthur Street. Phone RA 5-2935 2601 | 2601 THREE - ~ room apartment with private| bath, unfurnished. No objection to one child, 25 Grenfell Street. $65 monthly. RA 8-5179 ONE large furnished room, nice for gentleman. 444 Fernhill Boulevard or RA 3.7070. THREE - room apartment, private en trance, adults only. 580 Drew Street. RA 5 7586. Nov.27 THREE-room apartment (large rooms) close to South GM, Phone RA 35-8006 Nov.15 TWO - room apartment with sink, hot and cold water, Suitable for dwo gentle men. Also two single rooms. RA 5-8352 261¢ _ room apartment, very now. 221 Arthur THREE or four - central, available Street, 261¢ FOUR - room bungalow, three or four- roomed apastment, Heat, lights and water supplied; parking and facilities, Also bungalow to share in exchange for companionship with el. derly lady. 288 Hillside. 261f THREE - room heated apartment, fur- nished or unfurnished. Available No |vember 15. Apply 592 Bloor Street East RA 5-7418. 263f FURNISHED, single bedroom, all con- veniences, gentleman preferred. Apply 65 Elgin East or RA 5-6146. ONE-, and two - bedroom apartment, with stove and refrigerator, free park- ing and TV outlet, rent. Ap- 260f | laundry | oe 56 FLAT for couple with two school age 21 Gladstone Avenue. THREE - room, Tr basement | DOWN PAYMENT ONLY 5995 MODEL HOME OPEN DAILY ROSSLAND MANOR N.H.A. 3 THREE-BEDROOM BUNGALOWS PRICED AT $12,800 AND $12,995 WITH 1200 AND $1395 DOWN K and R tion and Appol CONSTRUCTION RA 8-5234 RA 8-1338 1P.M.-9P.M. Floodlights for your convenience, For Nov.8 apartment, self - Tv outiel, centrally located. Reasonable ren to suitable couple. Phone RA 52704. 261f REE . room basement apartm ent. Phane RA 5-1080. 2014 THREE-, or four - room flat Apviy 28) 247 Verdun Road. _|SIX - room modern brick hy Yu loil heat, TV aerial, well decorated. Close to schools. Immediate occupancy. |Write Box 213, Oshawa Times. 263 COURTICE, three "bedroom ranch style; double garage; oil heated, base- ment, fenced back yard, close to school, bus, church, One family or two, busi- ness couples. Phone owner, Markel 3-2796. HOUSE, five room three blocks to town, attached garage, | immediate possession. Call RA 8 Li Dec.7| Tent in Bowmanville area, references required, Write Box 614 Oshawa Times. 263f ,| GROUND floor, HOUSE | hydro, paved road, "two clean unfurnish- |ed rooms, sink in kitchen, private en. [trance, No children, Phone RA 3-4378. Dee. 11 ~ room bungalow, north end, all garage. RA 5-23 2631 HEATED apartment, heavy dufy wir- ing, private entrance, hot and cold | water, three-piece bath. Car parking, 4 close to bus, store and restaurant cA| Apply 306 Pacific Avenue, 263¢ ~ room house and bath in Cour- children acceptable, to respon. $65 monthly. RA 3.7835 263¢ |TWO unfurnished rooms, $15 weekly, share bath, private entrance. RA 3-4569 263f TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms, use of washing machine. Counle {preferred, Apply 48 Drew Street. RA |3-4152 after 4 p.m, 264c THREE rooms and bath, adults only. Phone RA 5-7019, 2641 NEW three - bedroom brick bungalow, adults preferred. Immediate posses. sion, $90 monthly. Phone RA 5-0834. 264f THREE "100 [FIVE conveniences; FIVE tice, sible party, unfurnished rooms, | floor, good location, central, rent rea- | sonable, Available now. Athol Street |E ast, RA 5.5748. 2641 i SELF - CONTAINED, four-, and five- room apartments, semi - furnished, or Prandin stove and refrigerator. RA 309. 496 Simcoe Street North, Apart- nt 4 264f SIX - room house, oll [ignd, Close to bus, school, ply Superintendent, AAT ment No. 2,|D Too Craydon Road, Whitby. 263¢ VE - room bungalow, Ritson South, Fe to South GM. Phone RA 3- oO nd floor preferr reasonable rent, Abstaime rs. RA Sh LLOYD REALIY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a vacancy, only screi med and reliable tenorits, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 93 SIMCOE s7, N. RA 8-5123 44--For Rent : FURNISHED three Td om, modern apartment. Available imm ediately, Pri. vate bah, Child welcorme. Wrie Box 215, Oshawa Times, 264f THREE-room apartenent, ground level. Private bath, priwaje 'e ce, light wiring, suit couple, «mn hi ay 2 just west of city limits. RA .5-5901 evenings, dc NEW five - room apartzaent, 1055 Ra. vine Road. Apply Mr. Sheather. 264f GARAGE, vicinity ¢f Mary and Con- naught Streets. Phone RA 35-1945 after 6 p.m. 263c THREE - room, unfurnid hed apartment, cupboards and sink, hesvy duty wiring. RA 8.8312, 264 ne Wo TWO - bed; F Yoom unfurnished apart- f/ment, available December 6, bright rooms, private bath, day care for child if required. Quiet residential) 4 district, centrally located. RA 5%} for appointment. THRE MODERN, four -Vroom self - contal apartment, private entrance and partly furnished, bus stop 100 Available December 8. RA 3.7763. 263c THREE rooms, large "bed.-sitting room, small bedroom and ke ette, all fur- nished, suitable for king couple Apply 593 King Street East. 263¢ FURNISHED room in quiet, comfort- able home, Apply 801 Gifford Street, Whitby, 305, Oshawa Times, Whitby. THREE - room apartment, nice and | clean, private three - piece bath, pri- levard South. 2631 ONE furnished light | housekeeping room, at 77 Ontario Street. 2631 "two _- room. IMMEDIATE possession, ' Apply 118 263¢ self - contained apartment, Rossland Road West, IMMEDIATE possession -» three-room- ed apartment and bath on ground floor Private entrance. Parking. All conven- fences. Call RA 8-1559, Avenue, all co epienses, $70 monthly. Phone RA 5-3 264c MIDTOWN Furniture. We buy, sell and exchange good used furniture, ap- plian¢es and skates, Phone MO 8-4981. Nov. 21 | RELIABLE DAY care given while { mother works, fenced in yard, bright recreation room for rainy da . MO §-4858. i bor 'vent -- Three roo ment, | heated, Bathroom, private entrance. | 032 Brock South. MO 8-2261. 264c OR sale -- rs down, full price 1,500, NHA, six rooms, four-piece tile h, sliding doors, utility room, oil, carport, landscaped. Carries $92 month, tax included. Call T, Thorn- ke, MO 8-4703. $8500 full price, terms ve rooms, three-piece bath, basement, I, tubs, barn, trees, tax $80 a year. all .@. Thorndyke, MO 8.4703. G. eweli, Broker, Pickering. = Furnished room w or room only. 263¢ RENT ~- Three rooms at 1700 es Street, Port Whitby. MO 8-4172 ter 5 p.m. 2631 | R RENT -- Modern two bedroom rtment, electrically equipped. kitch- adults. MO 8-4235, 2631 rent -- Small cottage, also one, e-room apartment. 840 Dundas East, , new keys, 2-year See this one now at Mid Parature, 113 Byron Street South, thy. Nov. 24 .|frigerator (practically mew) save. $170 FOR RENT -- Small furnished self. contained apartment, suit two gentle- men or two ladies. MO 8-4436. Dec.11 USED FURNITURE savin erib, modern bedroom suite, sectional ches- terfield, guaranteed piano, $159.00. Re. off new price, beds complete with {spring mattress, $17; 2 piece chester. |field suite, $39; Many more bargains. To buy or sell clean used furniture :-- dial MO 8.4981. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion) Whitby. Dec.12| WANTED -- Young man to represent; Canadian Life Insurance Company in Whitby and Oshawa. This is an oppor- tunity to have excellent sales training to prepare for a managerial position with this aggressive company. Commis- sion, bonus and pension benefits. Write LARGE living room, 34 x 18, kitchen, bathroom, heat, hyduo, water included. Ample parking, Vacant, $50 monthly, RA 8.8587, 2641 THREE . room Wumished apartment, clean and comfortable, Apply 202 Huron Street after 6 p.m. 2641 TWO furnished howsekeeping rooms, suit one or two gemiemen, $10 weekly. Phone RA 8-1255. 264¢ LARGE, | ht ho usekeepin; room. Furnished, suit maxtied couple. Apply 71 N reet 261 for plece 0 parking. Adults. ble Dec. 1 after 6, Near Shopping Centre. 212 Stevenson Road South, 264f BEVEN . room bungalow in Sunset area on ravine. Furnished or unfur. nished. Phone RA 3-4339. nchman's Bay. Vacant December 1. Phone Pickering, TEmple 9-2014 or Brighton 520, 263¢ TWO unfurnished rooms, central, suit- able for couple. Apply 15 Hall Street; 263¢ ONE furnished housekeeping room, near Shopping Centre, immediate pos- session. RA 5.4373, 107 Fernhill Boule- vard, COMFORTABLE, ¢ Torakaied Ts bedroom, in quiet home, near north GM, hospi. tal and stores. Apply 12 Elgin East. 2631 FOUR - room apartment, suitable for couple, or a couple with one or two APARTMENT, aclf - contained, Sim. coe South, Five root ns, bath, Not hea ed. Vacant Novemh er 16. 318 Parlia- Box 208 Oshawa Times, Whitby. Nov. 1 'Whitby, | nd full particulars. 263¢| EMPLOYMENT WANTED oung woman would lke to do housework by the day. Phone MO 8.4061, iad) FIVE ROOM apartment in new ranch style home, private entrance, immed: late possession, Apply Mary Sobczak, | Watson Street, Port Whitby. APARTMENT for rent -- 3 rooms and pad, Sonal, PEIvate atranor Phone MO 83 2611 | Three room heated un. giving references cuffing and alterations, men's ladies wear, drapery alterations. . MacDonald, 1013 apartment on ground floor. Central Jocation. Phone MO 8-2466. Nov. 23 sanitary SEPTIC tanks cleaned the way, new tanks installed. Walter wad, ov. 21| 3 suites, | ae ------ dy Rn dtown ee (next|ness couple preferred. Call MO 8. 2398. |nished threea:homs plus equipped kit. | sion), 113 Byron Street South, Nov. 21 FOR RENT tguns, 303 Rifles, Decoys, rtop boats, Canoes, Trail- s. Cement mixes, wheel- rrow, Skill saws, Paint rayers, Garden Tiller, etc. ILDE RENTAL _ SERVICE AND SALES itby, MO 8-3226 Nov. 18 {204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-256: Dec is) Apply basement, 121 Brock South MO 8- 4822. Nov, 28 FOR RENT -- Three room apartment, refrigerator and stove, oil heated, busi- AERIAL moved, "repaired New aerial | installed for as low as $35. Independent |Sales, 309 Brock South, Whitby Plaza Nov. 22 AVON CALLING Opportunity for women to represent Avon Cosmetics part or full time, Excellent com mission. Write Miss E. Outer bridge, 42 Saranac Blvd, Toronto 19, Ontario, Nov.10, 12,14,24,26,28 ment Street, Toront!), WAlnut 3-0162. 25 « room, unfurnished apartmen fos decorated, separate entrance, |heavy wiring, central. Suitable for young couple. Phone RA 5-4837. 2641 THREE room, | heated, unfurnished apartment 3 A abi. Phone Osh- awa RA 5-6 |Two~ RE amd kitchen for light housekeeping. Gentlemen only. Garage Phone RA 5-871. 263¢| NIC SLY furnished three - room apart: to bus stop. , RA 3.9670. ment, private bath, stove, refrigerator, cupboards, TV Rack p. Hot water, use of lady ntrance. Couple | | preferred. yo Street after. 4.30 p. 2641 unfurnished rooms and bath RA 5-9460. 2641 THREE - roa Dlsce bath, he duty stove, refriger- tor, private entnance, business coupl Yrelarred, 4wpply 117 Montrave TE room unfurnished ap all onvenienc es, washing facilities basement. Apply 343 Ritson North. 3.487. : rtment, in RA 2631 TYLER Crestwdt -- Ritson Road, fur-| | chenette, private bth, hydro included. | Also nice clean bedroom in quiet home, gentleman, RA 8-501, 283¢ ----n CLEAN, two ++ bedroom, nearly new Dungalow, Pui k Road South district Prefer businosts couple. Oil heating. RA 8.1022, 2591 | MODERN du r-room apartment, floor, private entrance, frig, washer, dryet, $90 monthly 2634 ONE rogm, furnished or lady. Phone RA 8-5267 | THREE". room self-contained modern "apartment sAvailable Dec. 15. 'Phone RA 51254 E 263 artment with three- ls § . RA 51M0. | suit gentleman | en, ly, RA 8-1922, 263f YOUNG couple with new house, no children, have room to rent. Board op- tional. Phone evenings, MO 8.2837, 263f FRONT -- three room apartment ground floor, Private entrance. Heavy wiring. Possession December 1. Apply 263 Quebec Street, side door, 263f FOUR - room basement apartment with three - plece bath," private en- trance, heat and hydro. Immediate oc- cupancy, Phone RA 5-1718. 263¢ ONE or two girls or gentlemen to share nicely furnished room In new |home, Use of washer and dryer. Close 2611 SINGLE room, furnished, kit |lleges, for two gentlemen. RA snds | after 5 p.m. NICE, clean, comfortable room, five i | minutes from downtown, suit lady or (dentieman, Apply 98 Nassau Street. 2 |TWO partly furnished rooms, hot i cold water, suitable for couple. Garage le. 630 Park Road South. 264b room (large) [Bevington Boulevard, |private entrance, three built-in cupboards, RA 5-8168. 2641 apartment on second floor, piece tiled bath, new tile floors, $50, large, | a kitchen, vate entrance. Apply 417 Oshawa Bou-| 1. Phone RA 8 2641 | DOWNSTAIRS "one house, large |back lawn, central, suitable for eounle only. 336 Buena Vista Avenue. RA 5-1871. 2641 | SIX room brick house and garage, oil heated, $100 a month. RA 5.4289, 264f 45--Real Estate For Sale | MODERN six-room bungalow, Dig Tv. Tiv- +» three big big size big dining room, hardwood floors. Apply 869 Oshawa Blvd. North RA 8.5277. Nov.27 $1250 DOWN. New bungalow, Whitby, 4 bedrooms, large living room, four plece bath, modern kitchen, full base- ment, TV aerial, NHA 1st. Phone HUdson 8-8998, 201 Jedburgh Road, To- ronto 12 or phone after 7 p 26 | TWO-storey clapboard hous rooms, bullt-on garage, orated, large lot, in North Oshawa near | Shopping Centre, $12,700. Terms ar- |ranged. Phone RA 5-5011. 2601 HOUSE five rooms and bath on half acre lot, Taunton Road West. RA 5-3430, 2641 Only one left in this area -- Six-room modern bungalow, in good neighborhood, close to shopping centre; 514 Creighton Ave. Planned by expert, and built by best workmanship, carefuly select- ed materials. Plenty of cup- boards, Open Saturday and Sunday. Substantial down payment required, SEE OSHAWA'S CLOSEST IN SUBDIVISION WALK DOWNTOWN WALK TO SCHOOL ~ LOCATION -- . PARK RD. N. & HUMBER JUST ABOVE LOUISA ST. SEE THE MODEL Solid rug and bark brick. Stone fronts. 3 bedrooms. Rolled arborite kitchen counters. Paid services. Sodded fronts, Many other "extras. You must see the model. PRICED FROM $12,190 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS IF YOU QUALIFY WO - roomed, self - contained apart ment, water, lights and heat included, near SGM. RA 8-8228 264f | [ONE Targe, furnished room in new| home, cooking and washing facilities. | Suits working girl. Apply 452 Ridge way Avenue, after 4 p.m a | | dryer venience | | Located Wentworth | Street PHONE RA 5-1424 h APARTMENT New, two bedroom, refriger- ator, stove, washer All C on I, and a 2644 OPEN HOUSE SEE THE "MODEL 2:30 P.M. TO DARK DAILY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS RA 5-6544 Nov. 18 second | EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN FINE LIVING Reduced in price at a down payment of $5,500, we recommend this six-room, rug brick home as our most value packed list- ing. Convenient, central, residential setting, fully serviced lot, hedged and well planted, Wood burning fireplace, separate din- ing room, compact kitchen, three well arranged bedrooms, hot water oil heating ($90.00 annually) ond attached brick garage. First of December possession for the discriminating home buyer. Call Paul Ristow or Carl Olsen, RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412. Ristow & Olsen REALTORS 19 ATHOL ST. WEST WHITBY Dundas St. E. -- Good commercial site, lot is 97° x 132, just across the road from ao new sub-division and close to others. This site is zoned commercial. Property is now improved with ao large 8-room brick dwelling. Only $12,500 with $5,000 down. Perry Street. This is a good, older-type frame dwelling, 6 rooms and finished sunroom, oil furnace, frome garage, large lot. Low taxes and heating cost, Short walk to Dundas and Brock Streets. Full price $12,350 with $5,000 down. To see this dwelling call Mary Corrigon MO 8-3996. PATRICK G. McDANIEL Real Estate Broker WHITBY MO 8-2311 MEAT COUNTER EQUIPMENT Owner giving up store keeping and wants to dispose of the following articles, walk-in refrigerator with compressor, show counter refrigerator, 2 Tolido scales, meat slicer, meat mincer knives, etc. All equipment to be sold for $1,000, McLAUGHLIN BLVD. Large 6-room 2-storey brick ond stucco home with attached garoge ond fenced-in yard overlooking golf course. The ideal family home, both in location and size. 22 x 13' living room with natural fireplace, good-sized dining room, modern kitchen, large master bedroom, 2 other good-sized bedrooms, new bath- room. Forced air with oil heating. Just listed at $15,900 with approximately $8,000 down or will take small bungalow os trade QUALITY HOMES by S. JACKSON & SON LTC on HIGHLAND AND CADILLAC AVE. $11,500 with $1,092 down Check these Features:-- 6, Sidewalk 7. Gravel drive 8. Aluminum storm windows 9. 2 aluminum storm doors 10. Storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water 1. Clay brick 2. 3 4, 5. These homes are under construction with N.H.A. mortgages repayable ot $66.61 per month, Close to public and separate ond high schools, only 4 left in this convenient location. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3Va SIMCOE ST, S. DIAL 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Dial-- 5-6983 Everett Elliott ... RA 5.6243 Joe Maga Partial Stone Front Laundry tubs Hot water heater Electric light fixtures Lloyd Metcalf Dick Barrlage . . SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE AN EXCELLENT BUY $10,900 -- substantial down payment require lovely brick bungalow, Beautifully decorated, large living room, also dining room. 2 nice bedrooms, 4-pc. bathroom with. tiled walls, Modern kitchen, lots of cupboards. Rec. room, workshop, oil heating, private yard completely hedged. Located close to King St. E. Convenient location. This home is priced to sell, Monthly payments only $47.65 P & | & T. For further infor- mation, please call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243, DOWN $2,000 DOWN Buys this beautiful 3-bedroom brick bungalow on Central Park Blvd. Price includes aluminum storms and screens, aluminum door, T.V. aérial, nicely landscaped all around and carries for $64.17 includes principal, interest and taxes. For further in- formation, please call John Zakarow, evenings, RA 5-0494, GOOD FAMILY HOME 6-room brick home with a brick garage, located on a corner lot in the Highland Ave. area. Home is comprised of a good size living room, dining room and modern kitchen. 1 bedroom downstairs, 2 large bedrooms and 4-pc. tiled bath upstairs. The lot is enclosed with a tall privet sidewalk, close to schools, bus and shopping. For further information, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5-1726 A THREE BEDROOMED BEAUTY Decorated* throughout and standing on a fully landscaped lot. This home has a partly finished rec. room with extra plumbing. Corner windows in living room, double stainless steel sink in kitchen, tiled bathroom with. cclcred fixtures. Outside there Is a patio, fish pond, and sun deck. Close to school and bus. For further information, please call Stan Phillips, evenings, RA 8-1496 . 3.9290 5.9191 2640 BEFORE 5:00 P.M RA BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 P.M. - 3-2265 RA 8-1624 2640 45--Reol Estate For Sale LARGE six-room house, Oshawa vard North, near King, oil furnace, fire- place, garage. $3,000 down. RA i BEST APARTMENTS IN- OSHAWA NOW RENTING 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING ST. ON WILSON RD. NORTH Privote entrances to upper ond lower apartments in new duplex, Beautifully decorated in pastel colors. 2 blocks to Duke of Edinburgh public school. 18-foot family-size living og Tl 2 large bright ts 45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November hind 1958 Boule- 52 METEOR, 19 [47 -- Automobiles for | Sale "auto se ne ed, and white, radio. $500, ie, hor My / Street, 264e | /54 BUICK sedan, 5 good tires, A-1 cons dition, creams and charcoal. $500 and take over payments. Phone RA 5.1586, Can be seen anytime at 538 Oxford~ Street, 264¢ 1957 FORD custom 300 fordor, two tone blue and white, automatic transmis: sion, white walls, absolutely new car, condition, Fully guaranteed. $1795. Sea. way Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, { 264e 1857 MONARCH 4door hardtop, style tone brown and peach, power brakes, power steering, radio, window washers, white Is, pushbutton automatic, safe ty crash pads. Fully guaran Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whit. by. 208 1951 STUDEBAKER Starlight coupe, two-tone blue, automatic transmission, white walls, perfect transportation. space, fomily et hor table ond chair area, Tiled bathroom, balconies overlook- ing lovely landscaped garden. Children welcome, Stoves, re- frigerator, washer, d-ver and TV antenna included. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Call or write FRANK HAZLETT 3005 BATHURST STREET TORONTO RUssell 3-1733 or RUssell 7-9387 261f LLOYD REALTY INSURANCE REALTORS Open Evenings SINCLAIR 'AVE. SPECIAL ONLY $10,700 4 year old brick bungalow with garage, Forced air oil heated. Aluminum storms, 2 room basement apartment with 3 piece bath, partially completed. $1,000 down, im- mediate possession, Excellent financing. Call BILL MILLAR, 8-5123. Why pay rent? $600 down ond you con move right in, Four room bungalow would suit couple and corries for only $75 per month, taxes only $78 per year. Sewers ond water, four-piece bath, good furnace. Why wait, phone DOUG GOWER, 8-5123, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St, N RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. or call RA 8-5161 Tum west at Annopolis on Stevenson and follow the signs. Prestige location. in choice North - West area with down pay- ments from $1,399 and up with N.H.A. terms. See the hidden values besides the many extras! ~--Enamel Hot Water Tank --Exhaust Fans ~Aluminum Front Door ~Storms and Screens --Walk-out Basements ~All services Paid For One of the Two EXCLUSIVE AGENTS H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 Bond Street East RA 8-516] Nov.10,12,14 450--Real Estate Exchange | WILL exchange 5 room, brick bunga- low, stone front, drapes, broadioom, finished recreation room, for 6 room modern home. Phone RA 3.9777. 259¢ 46--Real Estate Wanted WE anxiously fequire for sale farms, |S ses anywhere. Buying or Donald Stradeski, RA 53-1526 representing Wilson Real Estate, Toronto. Phone AX 3.4535. We've Moved to Serve You Better: 264a $745. Seaway Motors, Dundas West, Whitby. "abe 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, beautiful brown metallic finish, only 7400 miles, Fully guaranteed, $1545. Seaway Motors, 200+' Dundas West, » Whitby, 2640 1951 BSA motorcycle, Road Rocket model, 650 cc's, very low mileage, sold for $1100 new. This bike is in new dition, $695, Seaway Motors, 200 das West, Whitby. v "y | 1947 STUDEBAKER conch, the motor in this car is excellent, have your mechanic check it. Body needs a little work. $75. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 264c 1951 DESOTO convertible, beautiful black finish, white top, in new condi tion, automatic transmission, custom radio and many other extras, $395, Ses way Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 264¢ 1951 MERCURY sedan, sharp black f'n." * ish, clean interior, custom radio, mechanical condition is good, $395. =-a- way Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby %e Joss FORD sedan, spotless, light green finish, automatic transmission, rns like a charm. Fully guaranteed. $845, Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whit~ by. 2640 1958 METEOR tudor, beautiful dark blue finish, new tires, motor like new. In fact the whole car is like new, $798," Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whit. *® 264e' by. 1954 DODGE coach, sandstone white finish, immaculate interior. Hurry for this one. $745. Seaway Motors, 200 Dun. das West, Whitby, il 1954 METEOR coach, spotless 2 2-tong"" green finish, 4 new tires, motor like'* new. Guaranteed, $895. 8 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 1957 CONSUL deluxe sedan, two-tone red and rey fi with matching vinyl upholstery. This is a very low mileage car and will give up to 38 miles to the gallon, Don't miss this buy. $1545. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 2640 1957 FORD tudor, iful copper brown metallic finish, 4 excellent tires, motor and running gear in new oi condition, equipped with mirrors a many other extras. $1595. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. he. 51 CHEVROLET sedan, in excellent condition. RA 5-9114 after 5 p.m. or Sat.~ 7 urday, 2648 '55 PONTIAC sedan deluxe, radio, many extras, perfect condition, Must sell, $1395, RA 5.0547 after 6 p.m. 264f SOME cheapies in stock, "52 Dod; Pontiac, "49 Studebaker, "51 Dodg: Mercury. King West Motors, a Shopping Centre, 260¢ "57 FORD Zephyr sedan, six cylinder, economical car with the power of an eight, $1495. King West Motors, oppo- site Shopping Centre, 2608 '55 FORD custom line fordor, automatie transmission, ' custom radio, sunvisor, chrome wheel discs. Sale price $1095, King West Motors, opposite Shopphi Centre 280f HALE Auto Wreckers, Used Ford ahd Chevrolet motors, rear ends, transmis. sions, for all makes, Phone Clark 1614. Nov. 3k ATTENTION bargain hunters! '58. Chev Biscayne; '56 Dodge coach; "54" Pontiac coach; '50 Pontiac automatic} '50 Prefect: sedan. Terms available, Marion Auto Ltd., 25 Grenfell Street. RA 8-5179. 260f' '56 PLYMOUTH "Vi an, push button drive, on in excellent condition. RA 3-4887, Dee. 8 "53 FORD Consul used only as a second '" car, Has to bé seen to be appreciated. - 80 Rossland Road West. |'58 PONTIAC two-door Laurentian, two- tone, fully equipped and in first class condition GM engineer's car, $3,150. phone RA 5-7075, 2608' '55 FORD Fairlane, tutone green, radio, very clean, reasonable, Apply Myers, evenings. '57 FORD, tutone, radio, outstand value, $1505, easy terms at Wellman's, 263¢ RA 3.4431, '51 OLDSMOBILE tires, body, mech Aiealy A A-1 shape, $550. Private, Posy r-door s "48 CHEV. five-passenger coupe, i. condition, $250. RA 8-5381. '53 OLDSMOBILE 88, four-door, low mileage, private owner. RA 5-5564 after 4.30 p.m. 2648 58 CHEV. deluxe, reconditioned, guar' anteed, A clean one local owner car, §795. Terms at Wellman's. RA 3-431, 2% '52 CHEVROLET power glide sec sedan, $550, radio, etc. RA 5-1026 ' after 6' pm, 2501 *55 FORD Special tudor, ebony black with gleaming chrome, new white walls, custom radio. Like new. Only $995, King West Motors, opposite Shop. ping Centre, a60¢ RA 8.5772 belore 2638 50 PONTIAC. phone '57 FAIRLANES, Rideaus, Customs, choice of five, automatic transmissions, power steering, radios, guaranteed $1695 to $2,000. You'll not be disape pointed, all cars reduced. Big sale: King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 2631 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up ve up to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay. For, personal service at your home call RA' Nov. 225-2802. HAVE $500 want house with fair carry- ing charges, tired of paying high rents, No agents please. RA 8-5504. 264f 47 --Automobiles For Sale 's1 MERCURY, perfect condition. Ap- ply 966 King Street East. 2621 1048 PONTIAC, four - door, radio, heat- er, directional signals, fog lights, block heater, anti-freeze, body in good con- dition, slip-covers, clean inside and out, four good tires: three are new. The motor needs a new rod, Highest pffer. Apply 110 Lauder Road, after 5 p.m 264 '56 OLDSMOBILE, super 88, like new, Must sell, owner leaving country. Call after 5 p.m. RA 8-8967. 263¢ PARTS of of '49 Ford. Brand new bat- tery, Hollywood muffler, voltage regu- lator, generator, Many other pr-fect parts, Cheap. Phone RA 3.9066. 2614 '88 FORD roadster rod, incompleted, less motor $295. Apply 226 Rosedale Drive, Whitby. 261f "5 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con- dition, one owner, two-tone, many ex- tras. RA 5-8535. 51 CHEV. deluxe, radio, in good run- ning condition, to clear, $195. Terms at |cars for wrecking SABYAN MOTOR . SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER:VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 |48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers © want * Highest prices paid, RA 5-1181 or RA 51182. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or'* down. Liens puid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. « RA 3-9421 CASH Wellman's. RA 3 3-431. 263¢ 1948 DODGE -- "Good Transportation Best offer. RA 8.1073. 2601 CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3.2284 USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOPLITAN, MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES SERVICE. & BUYING or SELLING . TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 | RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD. S. v 49--Automobile Repairs BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 'RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance latest type equipment. Newest typé electronic tune-up equipment. with (Continued on Page 20)

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