[rorce from Judy, and love 4nd| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadueadey, Movember "198 19 lle Sh ute her gedy with Brenda Marshall, a '3 V H {heroine as high-minded as him-| 7 | 5 Iself, The third dream sweeps SPEEDING UP {ceived the first four of 50 mafl Johnny on to fulfillment as the| MEXICO CITY: (AP) -- The|cars bought from Switzerland 'to ications mi Scores Again renr pilot of the Aus-Can Air-|com istry has re-Ispeed up Mexican mails. | line. | Neville Shute who thrilled mil-| Clarke's first attempt fail Pid 5 u mil- rke's first attempt fails an | lions of 'readers with his book|he returns exhausted to Pascoe's! a ou ok i rium is pla, ® a ® "ON THE BEACH" has turned to home in Buxton, broods over Pas-| , © * 04 poignal p Author | { one of his first loves -- aviation coe's momentos, stumbles to Pas- pack handles his NANCY hs with -- for the theme of his new book, coe's bed in Pascoe's pajamas.|..co and all in all he brings this ' LEGION HALL "THE RAINBOW AND THE He dreams and through a not-| gory off with considerable skill ROSE" (Geerge J. McLeod Co. /too-convincing display of Shute| 4 success | Ltd.) Fg si Srausformed This story is warmly character- | Thurs. Nov. 13th - 2 p-m. Author Shute again Proves|First World Wer. Co '¢lized and is tense with action. | Auspices -- "Silver Cross Women' incl : hye ho_Sen wot This Johnny Pascoe was an ae at the I Ww E better" than can write. , i neville ome ons mr is well punctuated with|in the air, a hellion on the ground, | top of his form as a novelist. H Baking, Fancy ork, Apr te. lenty of stirring incidents and the lover and husband of Dancer This is a moving and tender story bis a por bc 1) with strongly udy Lester. Clarke's next dream |and will remind veteran read- Tea Room 35¢ 5 thetic moral char.|CarTies him, as Johnny Pascoe, ers of his beloved "Pastoral", Lucky Door Prizes & Tea Cup Readi oy Bete, Jig plenty of through the years between the| This is one of the authors best 4 up ng trouble in the first chapter and|%ars, disillusionment and di- works to date. remain there for most of the story. i The 59-year-old author was asi aeronautical engineer and mili | tary pilot. His hero in this book) is Johnny Pascoe, a Canadian =n 11-D-A- DRUG STORES Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service stricken with appendicitis, crash. es on a barren stretch of the Tas manian coast, His skull is frac- tured and he is tended only by the child's distraught mother, but hie Special Values and Reminders Effective All This Week friends rally around. His chief] friend is Ronnie Clarke, who vol | unteers to fly in a doctor through | rough weather, over mountainc and along the unmapped coast. | 100-foot roll WAX PAPER . . . 3l¢ ow reoex || BUY RELIABLE PRODUCTS | -- | PALMERSTON NORTH, N.Z. : . | (CP)--Thrown up on shore here| : ; Helene Curtis MACDONALD'S advertised in p---- ; | recently was a bottle with a note ' CHUTE-DES-PASSES, QUE. POWER PROJECT rien by seven dies on, he " SPRAY NET EXPORT miles through solid granite as | Lake St. John district of Que- | blasted rock and pipes overhead [15, 1915. The message of thanks READ ER S DIG EST Controls wispy Sh Plein or SCENE SHOWS interior of 34- \ : E i part of an Aluminum Company bec. In background is power- | are carrying forced air for the [to those who bade them farewell ends and unruly ~ foot tunnel being blasted 6'2 | of Canada power project in the ' house under construction. The ' ventilating system. |was tossed overboard 200 miles hair --= controls ars Filter eri / Lene ___! vehicle on left is tearing out _ --CP Photo [from where it was found. | ABSORBINE JR. a 1,29, 2.39 woves and. curls 20's after perman- Flying Farmers | > ASPIRIN . ... 196, 290,496, 186 2. Get Ahead Faster i MATE oco B01 gop Jos Bi creas SASKATOON (CP) = sarmes group totals 2 He Jagey of A Wipe a. the soation "barrier, ers wives, hit It was ot sated J BAND-AIDS PLASTIC - Monay Saning CPECI ALSE 1 any s 4 ' | Ld ster 3 ue examine his own oy Sand oa memaer i i 3 4 | STRIPS . . V » 29¢, 49¢, Ge il 3 VE Fags arm more easily and get far! The Flying Farmers' associa- go Soa i i pot h JOHNSON AND JOHNSON "These advantages we re out. prairie. provinces 'but there. are : bi BUFFERIN . . 38¢, 79¢, 1.23, 1.89 | | gABY POWDER Reg.73c . 2for 1.29 lined by Raymond Jensen of Gull pose » other parts of Canady ; BAN ; 2 gemini of te Suchen apt avis. an sone Teo vil pi ss wily GIANT 63c COLGATE | Eriquet CR li hkl OLEARASIL OINTMENT . 69c, 1.19|| DENTAL CREAM | por Af er cou et a plane for| «1 yg v i iaui asm $300 "or Tous tan be ins 'ors ter tarmere be COLDENE LIQUID . . . 1.10, 259 | | usrai cits "iidmroo | Res. 9% e, he Sal: sald, : v; C 3 { v god Jhere, ave used aireraf on "You'd be siupnised how many » | DR. WEST'S 63 89¢ Mr. Jensen has a landing strip able to fly around the province. | . I.D.A. Hi 3 an i fam 430 an 0x 3 1 can se 1h late], tidy One free Toolkbrush with purchase of || gp (v7 poWDERS 7's Reg. 29¢ - 23¢ Farmers from the prairie prov-|ally interested in growing regis- ; TWO 2.07 value "nis 1.38 oo. and the United Sa aie and can get first-hand) > COLDENE TABLETS 1.25 5 Assorted 65¢ Size Re Gaskatenean tor growin 1" hy it uh A) Nylon Combs HINDS COLDENE CHEST RUB . . . 89% 49 "EREAM CUTICURA OINTMENT . . .50¢,90c | 10. °% Vole 2 for 98¢ GONGRESS PLAYING CARDS "voue | 70c OFF Single . 1.45, Double . 2.85|| Mennen Baby Powder vigor PLUS BICYCLE PLAYING CARDS Single 1.00 O.TIPS Cream-Oil DERMAL 8-ounce 4.85, 16-ounce 8.95 59c SD. Noi upsets ESQUIRE SHOE POLISH . . 25c, 35¢ Rg mm yo -_ EXLAX . . . . [8c 42 COLD CREAM, [-Ib. reg. 89¢c . . 69¢ GERITOL . . . . 1.35, 3.29, 649 geoips Emulsion | NIVEA CREME ""We men want McCormick's | HANKSCRAFT VAPORIZERS . . 9.95 roy More Easily As pure as Lanolin --r ll &OTEX . . .. 49,186 [WE Cr | romeo co LECTRIGSHAVE . . 79c, 1.25, 1.60 & =.) Coe MET LYSOL . . . 43c,79c, 1.50 : 39% 69 NESTLE COLORTINT 8 0 39¢ 2 CAPSULES 1.25 NESTLE COLORINSE . . 5c, 39¢c| 7 "3% | 00 b} a IX ||| NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM G-oz. . 98c | SMITHBROTHERS 330 SAVINGS || CN CR 9. J ||/0D0-RO-NO SATIN SPONGE COUGH DROPS onthe HOOVER | Co) Ty DEODORANT . . . . Jo | Som siento. OF smoke 4 4 sien | PANTENE ... . 150,250 | &tucc ay} Wid Cher a CONVERTIBLE -- | TAKE. . Te 169 i 15: YA Xmas Gift! Actually two cleaners in one. pooular price 159.95 'HAZEL Famous Hooyer bots an st Now for a limited time _ Get McCo rmick's ee TUMS . . . . . 10c, 29¢ Be DONT The really clean rugs. Then DARK! Feria 120% || the Mapp, CF cracker! || rpm. hh too! Complete set of tools SYLVANIA LIGHT : She'll Use it and many other features, ™ ™ ™ IETAKES 00 YEARS of k SANITARY NAPKINS i BULBS id doy Og . of know- ' j a w 2 ONLY =e "ch iy how to bake crackers like ecaunde; 25--40--60 Watt . ¥ | i McCormick's . . . but only a a abe Apartment size upright =. . / second to taste the wonder- | | ; fl} * designed for greater 22¢ each 7 ful difference. McCormick's | | ; 2 comfort and security 100-Watt 2 | | E are so crispy-fresh th | % HOOVERS 65 30 " when you bite ind pA | 12's 49¢ 2 for 97¢ --LPP.L. McCormick's, the man' 24's 94c 48's 1.86] BRON PrN dl id S 94 43% BRONCHIDA Regular Value 99.50 Coton Son TOILET TISSUE | iDAPHEDRI NASAL SPRAY Coe a Bink. Velide. White NU-WAY RUG | M<Cormick's Coit ONES. . { First Come, First Served Salted & Unsalted Jamieson's | Karn's | Powell's | Mitchell's WeCordick's and Carpet Sales 3.0 P e * always good taste in biscuits 241 King East | 28 King East | 352 Simcoe | 9 Simcoe 128 Wilson 174 MARY RA 5.0433 RA 5.1202 ver sng ny | North | North Road South RA 5-4734 RA 3-3431 RA 5-8711 kk Home Means More With Carpet On The Floor - | RA 5-1 169 RA 3-4621 sir winds oghing ol ci ho 1! rh ting ot sin EG ER RS