The Oshawa Times, 12 Nov 1958, p. 9

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GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES 69 in hospital. Mrs. Bert Howlett MYRTLE WI The October meeting of the Myrtle Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. David Ducheémin, with a good attend- ance. Meeting was in charge of the Cooper Northminster United Church was the sefting for a wédding on Saturday afternoon, November 8, when Nancy Pinn was united in marriage with John David Flem- bride, who is a grad Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Nancy Pinn, John David Fle (gloves. They wore matching {knot velvet bandeaux, and gat, ried nosegays of creamy white |chrysanthemums centered with red rosettes. Mr, Jack Sherman of Toronto was best man and the of honor and the other attendants r were Mrs. E. Clinton of Dunda: jushers. Wefe Mf. Peter: Dick of s, and Miss Joane Fleming of To.| Northwood, Ontario, and Mr, Ted ronto. The gowns worn by all the Reinholdt of Toronto. d. were d on| The reception was held at th lines of salvia red velvet, ming For the wedding trip to Quebec, peau de soie, with a jockey pink|the bride wore a periwinkle blue hat and a corsage of deep pink|dress, a white feathered hat, , Assisting was the bride-/brown accessories and a corsage groom's mother who chose Ameri-jof red rosettes. On their return can Beauty red peau de soie, with{the couple will live in Cornwall, a hat of red velvet leaves. White! Ontario. h, president, Mrs. James Roll call was answered by nam- ing a Canadian river, followed by the minutes and treasurer's re- Correspondence and business included appointing delegates to attend Toronto Area Convention. The program was on citizenship and education. Mrs. Duchemin in; troduced Miss Marjorie Pellow who told of her trip to British Columbia. She illustrated talk with beautiful pictures of mountain scenery, also the B.C. coast where she spent two weeks at an Indian village: The next meeting will be h at the home of Mrs. Fred Wilson on November 19. |QUEEN ELIZABETH | The regular meeting |Queen Elizabeth Home an {Association was held with Mrs. Douglas Branton pre- 2 siding. | The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Harry Pearce, ing. The of class '57 of the Peterborough Civic Hospital, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pinn of Osh- awa, and the m is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Flem- ing of Chatham, Ontario. The double-ring ceremo! performed by the Rev: was Mrs. Wilfred Harris H A. "The Holy Spirit." Mrs. Kinsey read the story of Ruth and Naomi. As Remembrance Day will be on Tuesday Mrs. Kinsey read "The Commemoration" iy |closed with prayer. A trio, 5 |Percy Fletcher, Mrs. Vernon Os. Given in' marriage her {borne and Mrs, William Skuce, father, the bride wore a floor eld sang "Thanks Be To God." Allength gown of gardenia white |skit was presented by Mrs. Percy silk velvet, fashioned with a por- |Langmaid and four Bowmanville trait neckline and long sheath lai" ui" Boman ie, Th dotcom § Bragg, Mrs. Werry an S. Lily AND Tie: Their topic "The Canadian|With an underskirt of peau-de- 4 School [Indian found in the Maritimes, |soie having a front panel of em- recently Mackenzie and North West Terri-| broidered appliques. A coronet of |tories." |seed pearls held her waist length |" Mrs. William Jackson of Bow-|Veil and she carried a white Bible !manville recited "Ojisla" by Pau- crested with red rosettes. |line Johnson. Mrs. Wirsching| Miss Angela Johnson was maid read a poem was played by Mr. J. R. Robert- son. Mr. Ross Cotten sang "The Lond's Prayer" and "0 Perfect eo". Mellow and the wedding music| having oval necklines and brace. let length sleeves with short white .00 pow SVE RINGS FOR CHRISTMAS Our magnificent rings for men and women are very gift-worthy , . . sure to be warmly welcomed and treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Lawrence McGovern. Final |Cnked all those who took part in| {the program. | plans were made for a bazaar LODGES AND SOCIETIES worn with pride. "THIS IS FUN" Enjoying her date with the | Ralph Frost and Mr. Gordon photographer is Darlene June, | Ryerson and great-granddaugh- one-year-old daughter of Mr. | ter of Mr. Frank Frost and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ryerson, | Ron Ryerson, all of Yarmouth, RR 1, Oshawa, Darlene is the | Nova Scotia. | | Russell as the first honorary | ember of the Oshawa Kinette ub. | Following the business, the members participated in an auc- tion sale with Mrs. Anthony Goepfrick as auctioneer. to be held Thursday, November RAGLAN WA 20 in the school auditorium at| The regular meeting of the WA | 7 12.30 p.m. |of Raglan United Church was| Li It was decided that the Sinclair|held at the home of Mrs. Roy Home and School Association be Brown. | VICTORIA LODGE invited to the December meeting| The resident, Mrs. Roy Moon, | vionia Loyal True Blue-Lodge |which will be held on December 2.| open: the meeting with Prayer no 55 held its regular meeting |The next Home and School Coun-/and responsive reading. lin "the Orange 'Temple, Bruce leil meeting on November a) at| The minutes " Fhe Previous uy; eet, , . A. Lovell School, will fea- meeting were read by Mrs. Clay- : he play of members of the|ton Miller and, the treasurer's re-| Worshipful Master Brother Wil- Little Theatre Group. This play port was given by Mrs. James lard Spence and deputy mistress is entitled "Scattered Showers"|Latimer. ' ade. piste Mat) Taisen presiied. i e trials of a small] Arrangements were m, or oll cal icers and minutes granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. | --Photo by Jreland jd portrays i the bazaar to be held on Thurs-|of previous meeting were read The meeting was then turned day evening, November 20, at 8 by recording secretary, Sister : N E g [over to the program convener,|o'clock. Mrs. R. Cornish, Port Ruth Gatchell. Lecture was re- 1cture rave ogue ear as Mrs. David Hutcheon, two piano|/Perry, has kindly consented to peated by Director of Ceremonies solos were played by Jill Heard. open the bazaar. (Sister Joan Ewen and Sister . Jill is a pupil of Mrs. Elsie Simp-| Refreshments were served by Susan Spencer. A short portion Presented At Lyceum Meeting son's room, Grade 5. Mrs. Aly-|the hostess and committee. of scripture was read by chap- mer Ward was in charge of par- KINETTE CLUB lain, Se Elda Howard. The 5 | ion. Mr. Frank Ross in- | director ceremonies was re-| A tour of the Near East illus Miss Needler explained {hal OH education guest ben Toy Mrs.| First vice - president, Mrs. quested to escort Brother Donald| trated by colored slides was pre- Egypt's population of 25 million|p 20 "ye ie ™ a ccictant super. |Earle Southern presided at the|Shortt to the altar where Past| seiited by Miss Winifred Needler equalled the population of the visor of reading in Oshawa Kinette Club November meeting Worshipful Master, Brother Fred| of the Royal Ontario Museum tolcombined Arab world, schools. Mrs. Mackie explained|held in the Blue Room at the Thompson on behalf of the lodge| members of the Lyceum Club and combined Arab world, BIVIDE |} e many different ways children Hotel Genosha. |prosen ted him with a wedding| Nomeys 2n Association on Mon-| Egypt a I oat of ye taught in schools today and| Reports were heard from the|gift. afternoon. numbers. - , Mrs. il older than China or Mexico, (of Israel far outweighed that of 1 SNe} taster they are learn [fecr etary, Mrs, Sonman Raikes Yin alters bingo was report-| the Near East had evolved ajthe Arab countries, making Israel| "po" ri7e was won by Miss|derson, and the registrar, Mrs. |S] on Su the Eominitiee recely. highly - organized civilization by an uncomfortable neighbor. Syria, picje McCullough's room. Re-|Gregory Poirier, in the absence a hearty wi anks, 3000 BC. In the valleys of the Jordan and Lebanon were really |g ochments were served by moth-(of Mrs. Robert Taylor. | The draws for the evening were Tigris, Euphrates and the Nile one nation, she said, divided bY|ers of the pupils in Grades 6 and] Mrs. Douglas Lowe was the donated by Sister Elda Howard, | specialized crafts, including writ- British and French interests. 7 aegisted by the social convener, entertainment chairman and in-{Brother Fred White and Sister ing were established," she said. | Miss Needler, a graduate of Art|nyre RA. Sutherland. [troduced the guest, Mrs. Jean|Joan Ewen and were won by Sis- "Modern technology has/and Archeology and authority on| |Bell; who showed a lovely dis-|ter Gladys Bevis, Sister Ina Mil- brought drastic changes and the Egyptology was introduced by KING STREET WMS {play of cosmetics. gate and Brother Fred White. | fent life is disappearing. The Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson and Tne November meeting of the| It was decided that the club| There will be initiation of can.| struggle for oil, the clash|thanked by the president, Mrs. S.\ WMS of King Street Unite d|give awards to Home Economics |didates at the next regular meet-| of ideology between the West and V. Barlow. [Church was held recently with a students at the new Dr. Donevan|ing on Tuesday November 18, the Communists and air travel] Mrs. Barlow announced that the splendid attendance. Mrs. Nor-|Collegiate and voted on helpii have all contributed to the pres- current exhibit of painting by man Wirsching presided andthe "Rehabilitation Foundation| ent turmoil." |local artists, sponsored by the opened the meeting with a poem!for Poliomyelitis and the Ortho-| Miss Needler's pictures included club would remain on view in the 'Life is Peace" by Edgar Guest. paedically Disabled" with the| the old and new, almost side by auditorium of McLaughlin Public! Mrs. Wirsching thanked the March of Dimes by organizing| modern Baghdad with eight Library until November 17. secretary, Mrs. Duncan McMil-|the Mothers' March in February, Afternoon tea was served with|lan, for the report on the WMS|1959, for Oshawa. ; and Miss E. M. in The Oshawa Times. Mrs, W. R.| The members of the Club are g Short reported 48 home calls and'delighted to have Mrs. George trast was the impression of 28 \ a cosmopolitan centre of two and | a half million population. | | Gerald Krukkert | Rick Bouwmeester Exchange Vows In Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church on Saturday morning Gerald Krukkert took as his bride, 7 Rick Bouwmeester, both of Osh-| ; awa. 7 The Reverend G. Beriault offi- clated with Miss Jean Kolodzie playing the wedding music, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bouwmeester | and the bridegroom is the son of | Mrs. Bernard Krukkert and the: late Mr. Krukkert, all of Holland. Mr. Rein Berntscnot of Oshawa gave the bride in marriage. She wore a full-length gown of nylon net and lace with a basque bod- ice and lily-point sleeves of lace and ruffled net trimming the bouffant skirt. A coronet trimmed with lilies of the valley held her short veil ;cattered with sequins. She carried a cascade of stepha- nobis. The matron of honor was Mrs. Gerry Degroot of to who wore a' waltz-length gown of aqua nylon net with matching bolero and mittens and a white feathered headdress. She carried a cascade of white chrysanthe-| mums. | The best man was Mr. Ben Witteveen of Oshawa. | A reception was held at the! home of Mr. and Mrs. William| Gerrits and following a honey- | moon in New York, the couple will make their home in Oshawa. | For going away, the bride don-| ned a grey wool suit, matching | accessories and a corsage of car-| nations. | "OH, THANK YOU! MUMMY HAS TAUGHT ME TO USE JAVEX, LIKE SHE ALWAYS DOES". "YOUR WASHING'S EXTRA LOVELY TODAY, MRS. 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Printed Pattern 4605: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 requires 2% yards 39-inch. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate, Send FORTY CENTS (40) cents! in coins (stamps cannot be ac-| cepted) for this patter. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. | Send order to ANNE ADAMS| c-0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern | Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7022 © OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. © TOW'S MEN'S LEATHER PALMED DRIVING GLOVES These woollen gloves drive the frost from your fingers . . . "suregrip"' palms in leather hold your steering wheel steady ! Ideal for driving and for all-round wear. S-M-L. Assorted colours. 1.19 MEN'S HANDSOME LEATHER GLOVES Smooth, rich cape leather is full-cut for comfort- able fit, completely lined with rayon-cotton fleece for extra warmth! Men dote on these gloves . . . 2 buy for gifts. Brown, Black, Grey. Sizes: 814 to LADIES' FANCY WOOL GLOVES These fine wool gloves are richly trimmed with various colored designs. Warm and pretty, too, for yourself and for gifts. Come in white pastels and dark colors. S-M-L. 98° CC \ MISSES' WOOL MITTS hese fine wool mitts are richly trimmed with deliciate beaded work CHILDREN'S WOOL MITTS Softest, warmest wool prettied with a Bunny or Bear with Drum applique design, and has a 2" ribbed cuff for snugness. Sizes 1-2-3. Assorted colors. 69 PLAIN KNIT WOOL GLOVES Soft, wool, wonderfully warm. A rich selec- tion of colors from darks to soft pastels. Ideal for gifts! Ladies' -- 19 pr. Misses -- a] KRESNG "yup Two Stores to Serve You DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE or applique designs. Warm and pretty. For yourself and for gifts. in pastels and dark colors, 19 pr § Pr qr -- ee 4 » Mim tm Sm PD tg a 4 . -- ir WW Pa RT a A chester

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