nn em I LB. I A A A A wedding of Oshawa interest | was solemnized recently at St. Philip's Anglican Church, Wes- EAE EE EE EE EEE ARE ERE EEE EE EE EEE a a ai aa a i i lal ia al le i ET at SEE ed od LA ye _ er view YY = MAN Miss Enid Lorraine Allen, is | the daughter of Mrs. Leonard Shakesby of Toronto, and the | AND TORONTO BRIDE hid and Mrs. Robert A. Clayton of | Oshawa. The couple will live. in North Toronto. (B; Branton, Mrs. W. A. Dawson, surer's report. Miss Mary Jones, Mrs. Ian Muir,| Mrs, Stanley Ogle announced Woman's Associations of Canada, Taunton and another in Thornton | LE Mrs. George Telford will open the Jessie Panton Missionary Auxiliary bazaar and tiny tots fashion show to be held in the lower hall at St. Andrew's United Church on Tuesday afternoon, November 18. Conveners of the various booths are: Mrs. James McLean, Tiny Tots fashions; Mrs. W. J. Lorimer, tea room; Mrs, Ross Bennett, kitchen; Mrs. Mer- vin Tuck, candy; Mrs. Fred Gil- more, home cooking; Mrs. Har- old Tripp, parcel 'booth; Mrs. Wil- liam Dodwell, fancy work; Miss Kate Wotten, aprons; Mrs. Laurie French, Christmas decorations; Mrs. William Manuel, treasure table, Little items of social news are always welcome in this column. If you are enjoying the company) ar Ih Fi a Ne yy iy yy on the fall council held In Ootober/Reta Sturkenboom, ene eof Be in Toronto. This council gave an! public health nurses, . : ; i PERSONALS i % / |opportunity for receiving general {information from a. practical , ~ |standpoint through workshop ses- % sions. Miss Beverley Storie gave the, who travelled in the West Indies and worked there in public health de- partments will speak to the meet |ing. ice committee, making special mention of the cerebral palsy group and their needs for work- ing with the children, such as old Christmas cards, empty spools, cardboard rolls. There as a 4 |general feeling that money might also be acceptable to this group and a donation was authorized. Christmas service work was discussed and a sum of money set aside to arrange for baskets through the welfare department of the city. The next meeting will be held at Simcoe Hall November 20 at 7.30 p.m, and will take the form report of the community serv-| "There's' No DRY CLEANING OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5-3555 MO 85-4922 Shirt Moth & Burn Holes Rewoven STORAGE of an international dinner. Miss of visitors or have been visiting yourself, why not telephone RA 3-3474 and share your pleasure with others. Out. of town guests at the] Keenan - Sparkes wedding were, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrison, Bar- rie; Mrs. C. Morrison, Oro Sta-| tion; Mr,. Jack Wood, and Mrs. - V. Keenan, EASTER-TIME IN NOVEMBER Mrs. Maria McLean, Elgin | former Maria Akhurst of Green- | awa, Mrs. McLean enjoys good the South Simcoe Home and street east, received this lily at | bank, Her family tonsists of two | health and keeps up to date by {School Association tomorrow eve-| Easter-time and now it is in | sons and a daughter; five | watching television. ning at 7 o'clock. | full bloom again. Mrs, McLean, | grandchildren and ten great | | | who is in her 90th year, is the | grandchildren, all living in Osh- St. Matthew's Anglican Church |Guild held its annual Hollowe'en | Night of Cards recently. Mrs. | vey Sent. Tt GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES guests. Mrs, Ronald Sharp drew I ' the lucky tickets. Those who re- ceived prizes were: Mrs. W.T.. McCourt, Mrs. W. Keeler, Mrs. Mrs, Michael Starr will open the bazaar and tea planned by --Oshawa Times Photo [12th Brownie and Guides report given by Mrs. W. H. Gordon; 13th Brownie report given by (Mrs. Quinten Calvert; 13th MAXWELL HEIGHTS H AND Sand Mrs. A. E. McGilvary pre-| Guides report given by Mrs. Alex The regular meeting of the|sided. The worship service was|Yonson. §. Hutson, Mrs. G. Wiltshire, |Maxwell Heights Home and led by Mrs. G. W. Skuce. | All reports gave an account of Mrs. C. Hewitt, Mrs. Gerald|School Association was held ea Miss Evelyn Everson gave a|Work being done by Brownies and Blears, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs, C.|cently. with Mrs. Fred LaSalle brief review of the new study Guides and the wonderful leader- McDonald, Mrs, C. Thursby, Mrs. presiding. book, "Concerns of a Continent", Ship of the Capains and Brown J. Pugh, Mrs, L. Virtue, Mrs./ Mrs. Derek Barnett read the by James W. Hoffman. Owls and their assistants. iJack «Bridgeland, Mrs. D. H. minutes of the last meeting and] Mrs, Ewart Cornish was the] Mrs. George Pearce reported #Hopps, Mrs. J. Kilburn, Mrs. Mrs. John Dyck gave the trea- speaker. She was a delegate to ©0 new Companies being formed {the 'Dominion Council + of the|in the North District, one in Mrs, A. W. Bradley, Miss G./the December meeting will belheld im Toronto. She reviewed Corners. Jones, Mrs. J. Masiewich, Mrs. held in the childrens' veading briefly, the speakers of interest,| It was decided to ifvite H. Wilson, Mr, W. Witham, Mrs. room of the McLaughlin Publicipr,'H, Gallagher spoke of "Over-/leaders of the Brownies and C. Creamer, Mrs. M. O. Mother- Library. Miss Enid Wallace will seas Missions", Dr. Long on the Guides in the north district to sill, Mrs. A. Claus, Mrs. W. With-|give a short address followed by "Challenge of Missions in Can-|the next regular meeting on No- jam, Ye Tom hap Mrs, a tour 2 the Librgzy- ada", and Dr. A, C. Forrest on vember 27, (J. M. E, Drummond, Mrs. Anne] Mrs. Mary Beard's room won "From the Jungle to Accra". | Mrs. John Manning volunteer- Bouckley, Mrs. A. Etchells, Mrs. the attendance prize for Novem-| nro. cornish mentioned the ©d her servicer as Finny tak- Jack Dalby, Mr, J. M. E. Drum- ber. : proposed amalgamation he ing over from Mrs. Arnold Broad- mond, Mrs. A. S. Evans, Mrs. G.| Mrs. Robert Patte introduced wa". 4 (he WMS. This will be bent. Sheridan, Mrs. W. V. Roe, Mrs. |the guests, Mr, Lawrence Savery,|, new organization to take in all| The Guiders' bazaar and tea is R. Maxwell, Mrs. J. MacLean, Miss Margaret Patierson, Mrs. | women in the United Church and|to be held on November 29 in Marjorie Hodges, Mr. Cecily pave a closer relationship® to, Guide House. ' Brownson and Mr. Arthur Winter|, 0 coneral Council, | Refreshments were served b: |Mrs. J. Wise, Mrs. M. Skuce, Mr. Horace Weeks, Grenfell | the | | @® No painty odor PAINT isc os « vies ® Transform a dull room into © dream room ® Choose from 24 striking colors @® Glides on with brush or roller @ Dries in less than on hour ® Clean-up with soup and water ® Lovely, washable flat finish EDGAR'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER ton, when Mr. and Mrs. Robert who formed a panel and discuss-| "yy. c"'poy Farper thanked all|Mrs, T. W. Cotie and Mrs. W. H.! | late Mr. J. Lloyd Allen, and the | street, returned on Saturday after|,q ine teaching practices of today. | ordon --Photo by Vecera Studio, Toronto. A. Clayton exchanged nuptial | vows. The Women, bride, the former | bridegroom is the son of Mr. | w. RA 3.7351 Prominski, all of Oshawa, was | The Reverend and Mri solemnized recently at St. Hed- Sharp, King street" east, wig's Roman Catholic Church. The Reverend Felix Kwiatkow Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November T1, 1958 Women's Editor RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS, & TRACE [tives and friends. He sailed from A ST. STEPHEN'S M.C. (North Distriét) g of the Mis-\\i ith District Girl Guide Associ- evening at Simcoe Hall, Mrs. ria)" Bourne and Susan Mcintyre of ™ The minutes of the previous Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | ost week end were guests at the circle secretary of Oshawa Pres-| , old Broadbent. Jo Aldwinckle, K"KIperiod was held which preceded |p 014 Wilson: 6th A and 6th BI {goma, and Messrs. John Ripley, dershot; vice-president, Miss Jac- Kay Wallace; pianist, Miss Doro- Visual Aids was the theme atito aid the future planning of satin with a draped shawl collar | during the week end were Miss Taylor; literature secretary, Miss| of Mrs. F. C. Malloy. Hutchinson's class. Refreshments back panels. A pearl-studded AYPA conference. The next meeting will be held ELEMENTS spending three months holiday in| /who took part in the service. PILOT CLUB | |England on the Empress of St. Stephen's iio oroups was held in Guide Madge Lindsay; president, pre- in Grimsby who were delegates to meeting were read. The treasur- Norman Wood, and Stanley Strus, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. feria WMS, who spoke on the Reports were read from the fol- fad' asthe nomination of officers. Guides given BY § John: Man ski officiated and the | wedding James Male and Gordon Rich queline Thiebaud; secretary and Giv i iag Given in marriage by . her {thy Fish; 'community friendship a recent meeting of the Duke of schools in Oshawa. and lily point sleeves. The floor-| peggy Sargent of Belleville, and| gsi Fice; supply secretary, The principal, Mr. A. S. Winter, Were served by the mothers of crown held her fingertip veil and| oe Refreshments were served by| | Marjorie Wood The" regular - meeting of the France to Montreal and com-| The first meetin Miss Mary Martin of : Peter. United Church was held recently yo, co "with Mrs. George Pearce sided with 16 members present. Of Stanley Strus ; The guest speaker was Mrs. the Provincial AYPA conference [renin son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph|/Drummond, Connaught street, [Purpose of the Mission Circle |, 0" companies: . 6thA and |week end guests the Right Rev-| The officers are as follows: ning; 8th Brownie and Guides re . . : Duke Of Edinbur h H&S Assn music was played by Miss Valeria! from St. Catharines who were at- corresponding secretary, Miss g Wisniewski. tending the Provincial AYPA con- Dianne Knipe; brother, Mr. Kenneth Wood, the| Guests at the home of Mr. and secretary, Miss Dorothy Fish; Edinburgh Home and School As-, The attendance banner ana Gn&th skirt featured inserts of Miss Carolyn Jeffrey, Cobourg, Miss Sandra Moffatt: press sec the pupils in Miss Elsie Iyon's she carried a bouquet of red roses| Miss Anne McCombe of Hamil-|at the home of Miss Marilyn Hen- |England where he: visited rela- 0 mothers of Grade 4 pupils. GIRL GUIDE ASSN. The regular meeting of the Pilot Club was held on Thursday | Becomes The Bride vleted his journey by air. sion Circle of borough and the Misses at the home of Mrs. David Duche- 10.0 iging. Miss Lillian Beamish reported' The marriage of Marjorl i i - g arjorie Lorne Kemp of Whitby, mission| vo report was given by Mrs. . y During the meeting a question 6th B Brownies given by Mrs. / l : | ! L |B fy nM r rd AS _|erend W. L. Wright, Bishop of Al-| President, Miss Marilyn Hen- ported by Mrs. George Pearce; | treasurer, Miss Hears Reports On Visual Aids oe bride wore a gown of lace over Mrs. H. B. Pennell, Greta street, citizenship secretary, Miss Joan sociation under the convenership prize were won by Mr. Bruce pleated nylon net with front and|who were attending the Provincial retary, Donna Alexander. |dershot at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, gave a brief explanation of the various visual aids used in the class. classrooms such as maps, pic- tures, diagrams, books, sound films, and the most recent one to be used, the film strip. He ex- plained the advantages of 'the film strip over the usual sound film. These advantages were demons! strated by Miss Margaret Patter-| son, Grade 1 teacher in the school, who showed how she uses the strips to teach Grade 1 read-| ing and reading readiness. Mr.| Gordon Terwillegar, who teaches Grade 6, showed the usefulness of | the strips in teaching various subjects to the older grades, par- ticularly social studies and nat ural science. | The teachers were thanked by Mrs. James Morrison. | Bonnie Snyder, Grade 6 pupil | at the Duke of Edinburgh school, and junior champion in the ele- mentary school Community Chest public speaking contest, gave her 'prize winning speech. She was thanked by the president, Mrs. | william Owens, and presented| with a small gift from the Asso-| elation for the honor which she has brought to the Duke of Edin- burgh school. Mrs. William. Owens presided at the meeting. The minutes were read by Mrs. C. T. Hewer R The second annual turkey supper for the Oshawa and Dis- trict Diabetic Association to be held November .19 in St. George's parish hall, is being convened by Mrs. Uriah Jones. The after-dinner speaker will be Dr. Charles H. Best of To- ronto, co-discoverer of insulin. Miss Betty Wood in blue crystal|Who were delegates to the Pro-| and white chrysanthemums. ton and the Misses Norma Bowen) The bridal attendants December 1. | were 8nd Phyllis Watters of Toronto SIMCOE STREET WMS charm and Miss Mary Zmudzki|vincial AYPA conference last wigs Millicent Luke opened the in lime green tricot nylon. Their|Week end were guest at the home November 'meeting of Simcoe identical ballerina gowns were Of Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Alker, gireet United Church WMS with trimmed with pearls and comple. Mary street. a story of the women of other na-| mented with matching boleros. | . . tions who are willing to go the They wore white feathered head-| Mr, and Mis, W. R. Collings, second mile in service. ? ad-| park road north, had as week end r dresses and gloves and carried| gy acts the Misses Claudia Dee Mrs. H. M. Smith reported 140| bouquets of yellow chrysanthe-gnq" Anne Lunning from Agin-|calls had Jeo) made during the mums, | court who were attending the Pro- Past month. Mr. Murray Brock acted as best|vincial AYPA conference. | Group three, under the guidance man and Mr. Andrew Bajorek of Mrs. Frank Gay, was in charge| ushered, Miss Sharon Call of Ottawa who| A reception was held in the Was a delegate to the Provincial Rossland road west, and also] 4 AYP f last week end Slovak National Hall. For the oc-| A conference las big end Mrs, W. R. Gray and family, Pat- casion the bride's mother wore | WEY © Sues mt the home 0 Mr, ricia avenue. navy blue silk. The bridegroom's|2nd Mrs. A. C. ord, Glenw mother was in royal blue crepe. | Crescent. Yn h ted i test at Both wore black and white ac | Guests at the home of cer, Who competed in a contest a y Mrs. the Woodgreen Memorial Centre anes and corsages of carna- George Puckett, Burk street, dur- last i, placed 4th in a class ons ing the Week end were Miss Iva of ty, vith ints. Mr. and Mrs. Strus will live in/Baire of Ottawa and Miss Dei. | wo hundred with 94 points dre Downer of Collingwood who| . ---------------- |were attending the Provincial Boal] PULSE ov oil DRUGS | | i - * CHILD NEGLECT |AYPA. eonfergtce. baby is 130 to 140 times a min. 28 King E. RA 3-4621| GRAVESEND. England (CP)-- Miss Evelyn Everson, Cadillac ute, compared with 8 for an| [ There are still too many people avenue north, is opening her home| adult woman. "PARAMETTE ERS AVES "PARAMETTES PARAMETTES JUNIOR Miss Peggy Ring, Oshawa dan- DOWNTOWN WILL STORE REMAIN OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY RA 3-2294 RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH {who turn a blind eye to cases of this: evening for a meeting of the | child neglect and maltreatment, (rcrt'y, BTOUP of the Ey ceun says the local branch of the Na- tion | tional Society for Prevention of | Cruelty to Children. In the last] Mr. R. J. Osborne of London, year members of the public re- Ontario, spent the weekend in' ported 74 of 115 cases involving/Oshawa visiting his sister, Mrs, '297 children, the report added. and the gli casurer 5 report by 'L. E. Hagerman and family, Mrs. Stanley Lockey A report was given for the ways and means committee by Mrs. R. J. Manning. She an-| nounced that a home baking sale| will be held at the school on the | evening of the regular December meeting, December 2, at 7 p.m. Mr. A. S. Winter spoke briefly concerning the pupils' report cards and asked that parents re- mind their children, to bring home work books and to help them form good study habits. He also announced that a survey of hool and school age chil dren is being made by the Sr rt ent of Education. This is RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG Sales RA 5.0433 3-PIECE CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS 122 2 O'CLOCK SPECIAL WEDNESDAY to answer all your hair coloring problems DONNA HARRISON Experienced 'Color Technician Warm, Cozy, Printed Flannelette Long Sleeves Round Neck, 3 Button Tops and Half Elastic Waist Pants Pink, Blue, Maize. Sizes 1, 2, 3. KRESGE'S Graduate of LADY CLARIOL SCHOOL Woodlyn BEAUTY" LOUNGE Simcoe St. N RA 5.7878 DONNA HARRISON Color Technician SHOPPING CENTRE §! STORE and Carpet 174 Mary