Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. 20355 Ha meg . . Irene Lloyd, Sister Alice Watson, tT oll omy. TTY Installs New President, Officers sisi, France: LIVING ROOM ] : Installation of officers for the was introduced by PNG Sister Suter ella MeCHllowssh, Siter wont Clara Wickens. Mai Mann, Sister Lena Mac- ensuing term was the highlight i . |Farlane, Sister Chris. Collins, SUITES of the meeting of Sunshine Re.| Installation was conducted by pBanevolent committee, Sister the installing staff, all members ! bekah Lodge, No. 222, on Maon- padi ALgatte Victoria MaGee, Sister Anne . a November 3. in the ©f Kinoven Lodge, Brooklin, On- coayell "Sister Esther Heard] Cleaned to Perfection tario -- the new Sunshine officers g; v Grei Sist Ad lodge rooms. bein " . 4 Sister Vera Greig, Sister Ada H ' A 2 oy ting -- Noble Grand, Sister Lu- C " ( Sist Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Diai RA 3-3474 Guests were present from Whit: lla Pine; vice grand, Sister May Pearson; CPT Committee, Sister - 4 4 by, Pickering, Brougham, Ajax, Skea: recording secretary, Sister Following the closing of lodge. Sols 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Nevember 8, 1958 Bowmanville, Orono, Port Perry, Victoria MaGee; treasurer, Sister 5 en to the banquet hall and Carpet y | Hamilton, Orillia and Oshawa No. [della McCullough; financial sec- for prin De ny pA 174 Mery RA 5.0433 3 Rebekah Lodge etary, Sister Margaret Gra y , | *Kf: : i were greeted by PNG Sister Jeanne Dowson Will Hold Places Presiding during the early part warden, Sister Sally Bryans; con-\ go. vi (olf * the evening was NG Sister ductor, Sister Arville Stephen; 4 1 Florence Johnston, and VG Sister chaplain, Sister Greta Drinkle; Neil J. McNulty For DDF Winners Luella Pine who submitted her musician, Sister Gladys Morgan; o) istic _|annual report, and a hearty vote color bearer, Sister Margare! Wed In Pt Perry a gam, Shakespear. of thanks was extended, A hearty Henderson; RSNG, Sister Lillian . x can Festival, has announced that|Welcome was also extended to French; LSNG, Sister Elsie The marriage of Jeanne An. Stratford is holding three vacan. Sister Pine, who has been ill in Qreentres, RSYC, Sister May netta Dowson, daughter of Mr, cies in the 1959 Festival company | hospital for several weeks. roog ; LSVG, Sister Felicia Brin- and Mrs. Alfred G. Dowson, of for two of the winning actors and The Installing Staff, all wear. o%; degree sta y Saptain, Sumer Port Perry and Neil Joseph Mc- one winning actress from the ing long gowns of pink silk bro- a0y8 Stoneburg and Sister Lil-| Nuit on of Mr. and Mrs Dominion Drama Festival cade, accompanied by District lian Pennington, soloist OFFI P. MeNulty, of Peterborough. The Dominion Drama Festival, Deputy President Sister Gloria At the conclusion of the instal Ha vas solemnized recently in Port which holds its national competi- Bailey, in an identical gown in|lation ceremonies, Sister Bailey UR Perry United Church. The Rever-' tion every spring, has, according! green, were escorted into the presented nosegays of mauve and end J. K. Braham officiated to Mr. Langham, long been one lodge rooms by a guard of honor white chrysanthemums with the Given in marriage by her fa. of the strong supports of theatri-|of Sunshine members carrying pink and green ribbon stream. ' he bride wore a waltz. cal interest in Canada, an organ. yellow and bronze chrysanthe- €rs, the lodge colors, to the re wth gown of white silk organ. ization which did much to pave mums. tiring Noble Grand also to the in- sa over taffeta. The sabrina neck- the way for the Stratford Festi- pNG Sister May Wood intro. ¢OMIng Noble Grand, the Vice line and short sleeves were ac- val. Many of the Stratford com- duced the installing staff, and Grand and the chaplain. \ cented 4 icate floral desig an} : receiv pir 3 or Vic aGee. Sister Bailey ded 5 MANY HAPPY RETURNS TO PATTI Rd re fluo ea ind oR AT TA Cg fg Mg og Ry rR 'iy : . need the hemline of her full groups competing in the Domin- guard of honor extended similar/every success also thanked her Skinner, ex six, and Leslie Anne, t w 0 | J. 'Henderson rt. Her finger-tip veil fell from lon Drama Festival and Strat: courtesies to Sister Mabel Dis- installing staff for their excellent as a big smile Ward, Lynda, Leslie and Patti Osha dainty ea leated chiffon ford's offer is motivated by the ney. a Past Assembly President work. Sister Disney and Sister birthday today are the children of Mr. and ANC ca ¥ ) mmed with sequins. She car. hope that through closer collab. of the Rebekah Assembly of On. Luella Kennedy also expressed her brother Mrs. Douglas Skinner, South Mex WT i a cascade of white roses, oration more amateur actors and 1ario. {ntroduction being made Bood wishes three vears old, wood street. They are the "Whitby, liss Doris Dowson, the bride's actresses may receive profession- hy PNG Sister Beatrice Chute, During the business session, it t re a hallerina gown of al training and + Sister Luella Kennedy of was decided to invite an outside chiffon. A small The winning members will join port Perry, District Deputy Pres- lodge possibly from Orillia, to ed headdr and the Festival company which goes jdent of District No. 8, Oshawa, confer the degree at Sunshine Comsie's ro atin i to be a mamm ite glo completed her en- into rehearsal in early May and Lodge the first meeting in De- 7; outhority all | ] 1 en She irried <a cascade will plas ith the company din cember rm :ROUPS CLUBS AUXILIARIES J tund i 1 [ f 1k arnation ing the twelve-week summer sea . : / / wi HM th Dalal i | Dowson brother of on at Str atford PERSONALS A thank-you vas extended id 4 4 Special Sliding Pad ' Sister Luella Pine for the cor <Q f NT . ¢ X I acted as I mi and GERTRUDE COLPUS H..S8. lowed hy a discussion by a loca low ir ' ) 0. ak best Sills sages of yellow and bronze chrys- | November meeting" of the psychiatrist 4 ld 4 minatir ] ' Weadn f ( Ski Cl b H d Little items of social news are anthemums presented to the in- K/ ® Lined with genuine lombskin H and S Asso Room prize was won by Mrs. Je 1 Bi ne \ Van der Gaa of Con 1 u ol Ss always welcome in this column coming officers, A gift of appre- + Loam gmarocslivior ties ) ¢ If you are enjoying the company ' ¥ Monday ev. Kanes' oon. Refreshments were > weddir reception a 4 3 of visitors or have been visiting] Cation Diag Srejemed Wy Sie. ® Canodian made from soft, durobis vith Mrs. R. served by mothers of the pupil teverend Clinton held on homa-of the. bride's Social Evening yourself, why not telephone RA |Gloria Balley, the presentation leather Edmunds presiding in Mr. M. Adam&on's room 1 ! 1 . Lilla street. Port Perry 3.3474 and share -vour. pleasure being made by Sister Luella Pine, e 'minutes of the previous SA HOME LEAGUF 1 the for ! he bride's mother received; The first official gathering of with others while. Vice Grand Sister May ® Choice of brown or black vere read by Mrs. R. Trio Gol Rich of Toronto donati | ¢ | a p blue crepe with the Ski Club of Oshawa and dis Skea read the address. Sister rrelt and. Ms Ry vas guest speaker at the regular Jy H of red hat and gloves, Her (trict was held in King Street Cen Mrs. C. E. Chalifour, Colborne Pine also received a gift from . , . designed by Canada's leading curling authority. The ave the treasurers . o.oting of the Salvation Arm leanor Rice ) y 5 composed of pink tennial Hall last Tuesday in the greet west, is spending this week- er family, with Sister Lillian ideal boot for curling, or any outdoor "cold weather" activity. tons . were reminded: that Home League held on Tuesday #' " ( or I" arnatio form of a social evening for mem: and in Kingston as the guest of I ren h doing the honors Ken Watson Curling Boots keep vour feet warm even in very psi Ne Sehool Afternoon, November 4 ; ) : ing the bric bers and prospective members her niece, Mrs. Ronald Andress. Sisters Anne Coakwell and Ar cold temperafures. mos 1¢ is: He me an. ve rs. William James led in t} ! Bpan d Ay . T'h it with a picture Chairman for the evening was also her sister, Mrs. Olive Sauve, ville Stephen were presented with an. nt 0 pul on a ; singing of a few choruses r , eet nt i : 3 5 and matching & Mr. Ernie Gomme whe arranged' from Cornwall, Ontario gifts from Sister Florence John- ns : ick principal Major Rankin led in fhe ing 3 ; i ) d.a yellow r Orsage. for the presentation of some fine ton, Sister Johnston received a Memb f ts of the room © a hymn and Mi hom: ; J ye ha 4 mn their irn from a honey-feolor films of ski-ing in Switzer Bloor Street Sunday Schoo: en gift with Sister May Wood mak ember o sennant contest. Paul Prachum Myers Jed in prayer : 4 fo moon trip Mr and Mrs. McNulty and. Austria and Canada tertained at a masquerade party ing the presentation, of Grade 7 was the winner, Plans . Mrs Rankin introduced Mrs. Ki é rou ill reside in Peterborough Miss Irene Sabyan planned a last Saturday evening. Mrs. Ron Sister Luella Pine, the incom were made to have the pennant Lieut.-Col. Rich, who with Her = fashion show of ski clothes which aid Collins arranged the games ing Noble Grand, announced he: = ool selors of husband is in charge of the Salva y j were charmingly modelled by and many prizes were give 1 committee for the ensuing term Shae old and navy blue tion Ar ny Officers Training Col ; : Lynda Topping, Diane Sturgis and best dressed, Larry Tilling a5 Finance: Sister Clara Wickens Gu 1 ( irs. W. G. Goyne gave a re. lege in Toronto. Mrs. Rich gave vs ob Mrs. Gordon Pierson. Men's ski Indian boy): the most original. gigter Mabel Parsons, Sister hd 1d port from the H and S Council Some. vital statistics regarcing 4 fashions stuck a novel note as in- Ronnie Taylor (as a eal] the Estella Sims; property, Sister FINE $ fo and said that the future H and Canada. Cadet-Sergeant Mr ; troduced by Jack Foster the hill.|funniest, Billie Robinson 1 Re Sally Bryans, Sister Arville Ste- ha § Council would be known as Johnston also from tte (raining billy ski patroller, and Peter Youngest in costume were Judyiphen, Sister Ann Moore; visiting King and Simcoe awa Oshawa and District Home and college in Toronto, sang From Francis Collins and Wanda Hopps Re-gister F. Johnston, Sister May School Council the Heart of Jesus Flowing Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Francis reshments were served by the gues gigter Mabel Vice, Sister 1] re 3 riptt \ \ 3 v Ww } f 11 od " o ' RV Sheffield read a Mrs. Rich read he wh re presented a family skit and a talk leachers ook a es followed hi Beatrice Chute, Sister - Edna the: ing ht e a andshake copy of the letter which was sent then spoke on being humble a on equipment and its care bal- & clammy handshake fr ey v0) 7 Ww we ? at ; toke 01 the to the Board of Education re meek RI ve hok Os anced the program Ghost and a token from questing that a crossing guard "OM y > In a short talk president Ivan "" 1 » characer." She spoke of be placed at the Wilson road Our true cha pol il Shor Aull present Tian the many things women like to underpass. She also read us the lec the homes. She men . 5 aiming at a membership of 500 Tok I TA il | reply that was. received. It was co el oo anes chara ter py and that the facilities of the club "There's No , stated that while a guard was 'one lid house at Kirby were ample for an Substitute for # Ba } 3 s beauty " not possible at this time, various and how God loves bea even greater number. Exnrrisnee Lynda Carole, | grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs The Better made up in the ant sin 1 p p w be Remem- signs would be erected to warn Next week ill be He expressed the hope that ski- motorists of this narrow under- rance Day and Major M. Rankin whi ers from the surrounding district pass and the presence of the will be the speaker. . J would come into the club and thal he 3 school. It was hoped that these SIMCOE STREET Y.P.U. the tows and clubhouse were i h signs would ease the danger for the * 4 \ The regular meeting of ready and waiting for the first the children concerned YPU of Simcoe Street United wo ak & SNOW DRY CLEANING The room prize was won bY cpunch was held recently with ' . . i] '. Musical theme for the evening OSHAWA WHITBY Mi Bett Rutherford class ' . ; ¢ (455: 20 members present. In addition J 4 Snow. 'Snow. Beautiful" Snow' /, . Grade 1. Mrs. Paul Michael in- i, 000 were eight members of the WT a 3 and other recordings were pro RA 5.3555 MO 8.4922 Ret gE 3 ou troduced Mr D. ¥ Holliday YPU of & Andrew's & United ' 2 bd 4 : vided by Jim Sabyan Shirt Lounderers . i hot f ) social . of ker at he Chiari So Church : 8 : The whole evening was friendly Moth & Burn Holes Rewoven Priel. Wilthy, who spose ( The meeting opened with the ; is « i and informal and finished with a tal health n STORAGE "wi roll call followed by the business . . § : buzz session over coffee and ict ; NO LAUNDRY ae. Is meeting at which time mention } bods iN doughnuts served r i vas made of the Oshawa Presb) EER A IY i tery Weekend Camp at Five # a 3 . . WORRIES ALBERT STREET HAND § (ory Weekene Lamp af Fos : »! ; I t 1 on November 28 for the union hert Street Home and School As: J) " I'he November meeting of Al hool As: | Gidents and the Presbyiery ; pr ; » Beware! ... Take Care! ... Dry Air! sociation was held recently. M bhi G, V. Lee, president, presided otlicl ; po { al i yg November 16 - 23 is National | macting wore tea by Mra: Nor. Young People's Week and ser MARK ANNIVERSARY CRACKED FURNITURE vs wi » hel Ibert Stree: an Wrigh ollowed I ne {10S will be held in Albert Ira Ws , gollowen hy Mi United Church mon \ the their married life in Oshawa A 3 You can say good-by to Harey Kemp who gave the. finan "mu." govotional service was civic banquet on, Thursday | were married al the home of WARPED WOODWORK cla I 0 \ Mr » I \ \ : conducted by John Moffat Jr ve Mx n« e bride's parents and laundry problems when Mr. Lawrence Millson, princi assisted by Carol Elliot, Bett [ un he ore n K 3 ph Greentree. Fare Pa A Bp Ke hie on the activities yo .jine and Peter Moffat and ; oH 46 A LI ! Il avenue They have one HACKING COUGHS & COLDS i we do the work for you! the therne of Hie Service mas no di I daughter, Mrs. Maurice Bickel The whole family's wash faith and evangelism. The Re nes 1 Y ywreside r ng of the Os} he Board I . and four children : N i pwa Home and District. School (¢fend Philip Romer of Black of to ; wi These and many other expensive troubles are . is returned promptly, / ed § stock spoke on "Love and Coupic Council held n E A. Lovell Fda Beiween God and caused by dry air! And in nearly every case, sparkling clean and fresh! School on October 28 Yours. the heated air in our homes and offices during the "ollov p se i i i i Folowing the devotions) ser winter is TOO DRY! The reason is simple. of active games concluding with " speaking est. N Mills I La | OF Q a peaking conte 1 lillson in volleyball amous Warm oir absorbs more moisture then -cool air. troduced Judith Doble who spoke 3 Members were reminded the t id Pd In th nter cool oir from the outside comes into n the "Community Chest and Its I | pe | > | Arden \ the wi . 3 nbat s bee : 3 " ; / ; Services Nancy Powell speak. & debate has been planned fc 1Za1)( th Sout hodse and 1s warmed by tie tances. The . the > eeting ing on "Canadian Girl Guides he .next m R amount of moisture in this air is normal for its and Janet Hubar, "How The Vic ; ST. GEORGE S GUILD temperature outside, But when it's warmed torian Order of Nurses Benefits The regular meeting of 4 3 [ | I i t h ist \ Our City Other entertainment Women's Guild of St. George's nside, it must have more moisture immediatey was rovided by Gordon Mac. Memorial Church was held in the And it gets this moisture wherever it con , , , Rae and his group parish hall with Mrs. John Mat . Af I his grour pa I ih y| i Mr lee gave a report on the The parents had the opportunity f hearing, the schoo! finalists in the recent Red Feather public The. speaker was M Llovd thews presiding and 21 member From your furniture, woodwork, rugs... and you. Courtice, vice-president, area C'present f the Ontario Federation who The minutes were read Mr . . Yes, warm air will even drow moisture from the gave a message on the Home and W. A. Lyons gave the financial with convenient Loc. human body. It's been proven that dry air can Kchoo Association November report which showed a substan mm . help cause sore throats, lassitube, lung and ' 4 being Home and School month ti ki bank balance Top and Dispense r breathing disorders i ; It's the type of dry clean- The theme being the objectives Final arrangements were made ing that makes your cloth- and aims of the organization. for the AYPA provincial confer Here's how the Electrohome humidaire protects es fresher . . . makes you Mrs. Lee announced the Home ence being held in Oshawa with and School Council will be held St. George's as the host bon : ; you from the danger of dry air! proud to be seen. All your November 25 at | A Lovel The amual Christmas bazaar ! i Se Ny A play alled on to be held on \ i a ) h In the Electrohome Humidaire, a powerful stream clothes are handled with Shower " be presented. fol discussed at length. This prom 9 y \ of air flows through a moistener filter. The air expert care. Same day . =. absorbs the correct amount of moisture from the service is available to filter and in addition is cleansed of dirt, dust, Now in plastic hottle J anyone. We keep our Ca) with leak - proof loc-top smoke, and odors. For less than lc a day, the Etecsrot gid : ; : customers satisfied . . « to release one drop at a time fectrohome Humidaire keeps the air you breathe b fied moist and sweet, save you expensive ecause satisfied custom. (Limited time only) ; ~ od hd pnd 3 2 cleaning bills, protects you and your house ers always return. kx A Blended with all Miss Arden's from dangers of dry air ! J renowned skill-~one drop of this famous hand lotion ae- AVAILABLE IN 2 SIZES . . . 3 COLORS SCHOOL OF DANCING ¥ 7 Mahagony. Walt or an aactive Blonde she, YES... WE DO BOTH that makes the hands softer, D.E. A ~~? a PRICES 49.95 AND 69.95 Laundry and Dry Cleaning June Geranium or F Ballet, Ta P, Toe, Bios Crass ARRANGE FOR A FREE HOME TRAIL Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. Ls PROMPT EREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. €. | FES EA PHONE RA 32245 OSHAWA | "phone Ras 3546 50 MILL ST. BOWMANVILLE .- PHONE MA 3-577 RA 3-463! 317 BROCK ST. 5., WHITBY PLAZA, MO 8-2338 BIAL RA 8.1641 , , . DOWNTOWN OSHAWA f i INFORMATION: RA 3-7253