' "~ jville Lions Club. Rev. Romeril's BOWMANVILLE AND. DISTRICT NEWS [Lions Host [ri im ieee Jn This et will also be ob- Representative -- R, CZIBANKA -- Phone MA 3-7224 Bais io served as Remembrance Day . To Le 10Nn and special guests of the cub will ® ° | . be thé executive of Branch 178 Visualizes Rotary As A mer mlm Romeril, of Blaekstock, will be MEET YOUR MAN through Classified Force For World Peace night's meeting of the Bowman- 3492 for an ad-writer BOWMANVILLE -- The Gol the family and its enduring loy- others, are traditional enemies den Rule "Do unto others aslalties vet realize that communism Is «You would have them do unto you, This was followed by the or-{an even greater enemy to their - is the formula for world peace, ganization of tribes and clans|independence. Ken Mavis, yore manager which forced giving up the fam- peace in a negative sense of the Bowmanville Chamber oflily prerogative. This has led to}, 000 nore is merely an uneasy Commerce, told Friday's meet-'the present day national situation, | . ing of the Rotary Club He said Napoleon has been truce or absence of avijve hoatil But all too often we have the credited with being the first man iy. is mop Seugh, exelainy d nr propensity to devise more com-|lo establish the nation as it is| Morris. Naturally a <irong deler- ica a 'cedures accepted today. Until his time(rent to war is necessary but plicated methods and procedures Pp [peace in a positive sense where to apply in the search for ever- Scandinavians, the Germanic L oy world peace, said Mr. tribes, and the Italians carried|there is tolerance of the other Morris, who elaborated on the on their internal spats, said Mr, persons religion, language and third point of the Rotary Inter-!Morris. politics should be the goal of all ¢ - : national message for the year, Almost as.rapidly as the for- men, | 3 ' Help shane the future by fing mation, of nations tome hut, TN aed ov moiiitis a7. "The whole history of mankind grouping such as the alignment proaching the hey fellow wi| SS 7 BATTERIES Secords a) i emo hag the Axis Alliance. NATO, ship, he commented. MeTbers " J ® SUPER STARTS Committees are set ub for the ad on, eroupings 'ar re- in ie projec uch as he Easier : ® LONGER LIFE problem, and. commissions to in ; 2 Pibigl o ia puch 4 ast vestigate that situation The gional alliances often bring to- Seal drive, the international stu gether strange bedfellows who|dent week-end and club ex ® EXTRA POWER more such traditions are estab lished fhe more there is to pro- quarrel amongst themselves but|changes. tect, he declared stand united against a common He pointed out that he was enemy ost recent example of I an be seen in the signator NOW not against organization on any 'Ms can A ) » . ' » a ap! al po level, Rather he was sttemptinz ics of the Baghdad Pact, said GUIBSCRIBERS VOLT ONLY Mr. Morris, These countries, Tur EXCHANGE fo show that organization" has N Fine key. Iran, Saudia Arabla and THE TIMES the di adonl and ending. up to] BOWMANVILLE | 12 oir NOW g 05 FOR MISSED | ror misseo pavers ano |B : ONLY od fA BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST Enter Team | PAPERS TAXI seRvICE PHONE | =" g1G SAVINGS --ALL TYPES™ For Tourney IN AJAX STEVEN'S TAXI ADD 50c FOR INSTALLATION BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow-[| if. you have aot received your MA 3-5822 manville Recreation Department Times by 7 p.m. coll If you have not received your announced Friday that it will " jer bo i enter a team in the Peterborough AJAX TAXI Times phone your cerrier Yl first. If you are unable to con- 3 . and District Bantam Hockey PHONE 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 8, 1958 | bh pparent fac Tournament tact him by 7:00 p.m. the tournament will be held 1 | SR JAK S3F || receerone stevens Taxi (if ERUREEEEAEEY Dominion Rubber the civie arena in Peterborough COURTICE DOG ALL-CANADIAN CHAMP Dec. 2, Twelve teams are expect: | AN cols mot be oloced beter [| Co? 250000 S500 1] 4g goND sT. W. RA 5.6511 " ' ed to take part This + All-Canadian Wmpion | Canadian Fox Hunters Assoc pr vinning dogs in the trials (f hunting, trailing and driving of |and teams may have a maximum of fox hounds is 'Master Baldy | tion at'Bamberg Oct. 30, Oct, 31 | were Hunt of Port Hope ' foxe of 20 players } 0 oh Baht Baxter', owned by Abe Denni and Nov, 1. Second in the trials ii) Ron i n KIng ore Courtice, (left), Master Baldy | was "Kidd Schiliings owned th an 40 hounds representing Baxter was proven champ in by Bud Wilson (right) of Brook 00 Ontario dogs participated in | field trials held by the All lin. Other district residents with the tests. The test included Canada Stock Exch Proxy Fights anada Stock Exchange | Proxy Fig End P bl [J At Record Heights Ho Yeacsably CHICAGO (AP) Control of . By GERRY MARTIN Base metals moved up three Fairbanks, Morse and Company Canadian Press staff Writer Points on index as the boom that r ich two bitter proxy " swept industrials up soread to a h ive heen waged, passed d Canadian s tock exchanges gections of the Toronto markel, peacefully Friday to Penn-Texas wept to record heights this week Western oils were up more than Corporation in a good example of the weight ¢wo points and golds gained thre Alfons Landa, Penn-Texas pres United States Investors cary on' quarters of a point oir markets Following the Democrat elec tion victory, New York markets Two speculative oils took over soared to all-time highs and as from the mining issues as the United States investors looked [most active at Toronto. Rumors around for a possible hedge and reports of gas and oil dis Against inflation, they turned to'coveries in the west resulted in A Canada 1 38-cent gain at $1.11 for Petrol Share or 77.07 per cent. Col Morse recel $32.33 each for are ident, handed cheque totalling MOST ACTIVE ISSUE $0,511,392 to a lawyer for Col Robert H. Morse Sr., chairman of Fairbanks Morse, for 279,231 hares of Morse's stock. He had given Morse $100,000 earlier Penn-Texas now holds 832,08] U.S. markets were closed Tues-' and a 24'%a-cent increase at 42 day, election day, and Canadian cents for Southern Union éxchanges crept ahead but vo Increases in copper prices in Comm ind l $135,000 ,004 umes were noticably light. The Canada and Belgium near weeks: heavy machinery m. went industrial push started Wednes end lifted base metals. Hudson Penn-Texas amicably under Lan day with the break-through com. Bay showed the biggest gain, up 4a's negotiations. Lecpold Silber ing Thursday ) 1 al $58.12! ( and predecessor a At Toronto the 506 33 mark set x wains at Toront vi CX led to oust Fai Aug. 2 1956 finally toppled after Is 7.16 to 506.94: hase yank management in two assaults in the last couple of (a 09 yo 178 54: golds 71 to months Industrial irpassed | waciorn of y) to 138.25 Co iid last month the their mark at | pm. Thursday Index gains at Montreal: Banks Quest \ hether Fairbanks Industrials closed the week with! | ag at 56.37: utilities 17 to 150.3: Mo } [ Penn An index of 506.84 up more than! oobi cd a7 10 243.2 pat ' T'exa oldit 0 « his block 4evey yo at 4530; papers od Jo to of stock to aid you, featured daily in the SPARK FOR MARKET 1,378 87; golds 1.38 to 79 44 borg Bg NR Re classified section of the TIMES I 956 and 1957 ocrat victory in the United States was the spark, but a combination of bullish news already had in dustrials smouldering The settlement of the Steel Company of Canada strike at Hamiltomsand the recovery of gas and oil issues coupled with third quarter reports that were slightly bt { TAY V4 better than expected contributed CELLIN 1 \ J to the rise A \ oo BRONZF RIRX W i Juliette Marglen... Stages Party For Rotary By GRACE MILLS AJAX Mr. and Mrs. James Rapsey, RR 1 Pickering, were hosts to the Ajax Rotary Club and Rotary Anns on Friday evening Rotary assembled at the home of George Simpson and tho joined the ladies for a social evening Twefity two members their wives took games and contests projects had been « buffet supper was served by the hosts Mrs. H. Raymaker. who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs Bosch, Dr. Bosch and family Roosevelt street, for the A six months, leaves hy air Satu day next for her home in Hague, Holland glamorous, glittering House Adjourns : gold-fired bronze In Manitoba or Ups cod ivedrtice ATTENTION WINNIPEG (CP). The Mar toba legislature was prorocued | Be Smart..: ADVERTISERS ! Friday after Premier Duff R magical, metallic Cellini Bronze Oval Lipstick 3.50 lin's minority Progressive ( Ww L . servative government won s sparkling Cellini Bronze Nail Glaes for lingerti S f sage of its first legislative J jeitips 2.50 ave ime "ee ideal way to advertise gram and survived four non qlit boxed Colour Set of both 5.50 a a y confidence votes your Christmas merchan- Although the 19 Liberal-Pro Save Trouble Soe dise. It's low in cost and rressives and 11 CCF members gre A -- ¢ In the 37.seat Hous 1 have Published as a Public Service By high in results. And efealed the o rey Mn f 2 a had joined forces there's still time to start together to outvote the 26 govern Read this column. daily and solve your your Christmas promo- ment supporters bh, 8 . tion in the Gift-Spotter The legislature approved legis ) . gift problems. It's the EASY WAY to Call RA 3-3492 and earn lation providing | ew f 4 youn | extra Christmas profits | SHOP. The Gift-Spotter is the vincial \ f ¢ eredit and industry t oN . - - "3 winter work program and a 8 King: Stt RA 34621 Oshawa #83,000,000 highway program.