Grafton Entry Church Hockey COBOURG The Cobourg Church Hockey League has ac- a | cepted Grafton as a late entry in % [the loop in the bantam divisiof. a} | This brings to six the number of teams in that section. The entry necessitated a new schedule . (which Art Martin, secretary of the loop, drafted and released Tuesday. x BANTAMS NOVEMBER 6--7:15--0TS vs. Trinity i 8:00--St. Peter's vs, St. An- drew's 8:45--St. Mike's vs. Grafton | ?|13--7:15--St. Peter's vs. Trinity | 8:00--O0TS vs. St. Mike's 8:45--Grafton vs St. Andrew's 20--7:15--St. Mike's vs. St. An- drew's 8:00--Grafton vs. Trinity 8:45--St. Peter's vs, OTS |27--7:15--Grafton vs. St. Peter's 8:00--0TS vs. St, Andrew's THESE LITTLE MINK GO TO MARKET oscevans ~~~" DECEMBER What woman wouldn't like to | Canada exported an estimated | 4--7:15--Trinity vs. St. Andrew's| change places with this young- | $17,000,000 worth of pelts like | 8:00--St. Mike's vs. St. ster, who's almost swallowed | these and almost as many stay- Peter's up by $20,000 worth of choice ed home to satisfy the domestic 8:45--Grafton vs. OTS mink furs at Ottawa. Last year, market demand. 11--7:15--Trinity vs. OTS Ol St. vs. St. 8:00--St, Andrew's vs. Peter's 8:45--Grafton vs. St. Mike's 18--7:15--Trinity vs. St. Peter's 8:00--St. Mike's vs, OTS Aerial Attacl eat . . 19 | 8:00--St.Andrew's vs. OTS ! © 8:45--Trinity vs. St. Mike's | t 15--7:15--8t. Andrew's vs. Trinity 8:00--St, Peter's vs. St Mike's 8:45--St. Andrew's vs. Graf! 8:45--0TS vs. Grafton ton JANUARY | 1=7:15--St. Andrew's | Mike's 8:00--Trinity vs. Grafton 8:45--OTS vs. St. Peter's PORT HOPE Bowmanville half time, and each team spli High School won its group honors touchdowns in the third quarter. and earned the right to meet Osh- 'Another forward saw Bowman- awa Central in the next round of ville cross the goal line, but the did 4 ope the COSSA playdowns here Wed-' conversion was missed. 2-7:15-0TS ¥ Samy nesday afternoon before a! On a quarterback sneak, Mal- non. Peter's: vs, capacity crowd. Bowmanville colm Burness went over for Port An oii 5 Graft staged a last ditch stand to edge Hope, and Vlug again converted St. oe e's vs. (sralion Port Hope Higl . Peter's vs. Trinity A -OTS vs. St. Mike's St count with two touchdowns in the period of play 8--7:15--St. Peter's vs. Grafton S last couple of minutes of play. With time dwindling away, --Grafton vs. . 15 00- 45 1 School by a 25-15 to make it 15-13 entering the last 29 3 8 | An- after Port. Hope had led through- Carleton picked up another for- drew's out ward to give the visitors the lead FEBRUARY Dave Greenaway gave ' the 19-15, with the convert again 5--7:15--St Mike's Ports the lead in the opening being missed Andrew's quarter with an eight yard run With the minute flag up, Port 8:00--Grafton vs. Trinity for a touchdown, which Bob Vlug Hope took to the air in despera- 8:45--St. Peter's vs. OTS converted tion, but one of the lomg passes 12--7:15--Grafton vs. St. Peter's Early was intercepted by the winners 8:00--0TS vs. St. Andrew's | VS. y 0 in the second quarter C Hudson Leavens made it 8-0 when he kicked a deadline single, but Bowmanville retaliated with a long forward pass which Eric Carleton gathered in for an un- converted touchdown. Port Hope enjoyed a narrow 8- 7 lead when play resumed after will Present for an insurance unconverted touchdown, and Port Hope were 19--7:15--Trinity vs. St. Andrew's as the group has promised to St. send dolls 'ents to children of miners who a beaten and very disappointed bunch. It is expected that Oshawa and Bowmanville will clash Friday for the right to advance further along the playdown trail. BUILDING UP | 8:45--St. Mike's vs. Trinity 8:00--St. Peter's | Mike's 8:45--0TS vs. Grafton VS. d Problems Of n i | KRMY MAN RETIRES | WO2 B. J, "Barce" Bolan, pictured above, a familiar fig- ure at 26 COD. retired from the army on Nov. 3 after 18 years of service with the Roy- al Canadian Ordnance Corps. WO2 Bolan's army career be- ! gan in 1941 when "Barce" left the field of insurance to join the active army. He was sta- tioned at 27 COD in London un- til June 1942, and was then posted to 26 COD located in Ottawa at that time. ""Barce' was among the first of the mili- tary personnel to arrive in Co- bourg with 26 COD. His wife and three daughters joined him shortly and have since resid- ed in Cobourg. Katherine, the eldest daughter is a teacher at St. Michael's School. WO2 Bolan is an active member of | the Knights of Columbus and is interested in various commu- nity projects. On his retire- ment, 50 co-workers gathered at the Baltimore Hotel to pre- sent him with a gift and wish him success on his return to civilian life. The Bolan family intend to make their perma- | nent home in Cobourg. jr ---- Group Works On Springhill Gifts COBOURG -- Members of the October Group, Women's Church/(,, . contest ear of St. Peter's Anglicai hurch, meet tonight at the home f Miss Mary Corbett. Sewing of doll's clothes wil comprise the evening's business, as Christmas pres ied underground at the Cum berland No. 2 Colliery disaster in, Twenty-six dolls have been bought so pringhill recently. far nd the group is now lothes for them ow completed, \ TEEN TOPICS Adults' Work Appreciated By BEV HARP COBOURG COLLEGIATE--This week I was impressed with the number of adults who give so generously of their time to help the teen-agers in town. C.D.C.1. held a Pumpkin Prom Friday night in the school audi- torium. The scHool band under the leadership of teacher, Mr. Davis made an excellent showing. Other members of the band were: Jim Lawless on piano, Bill Hol- mes guitar, and Jim Davis trom- bone. Mr. Davis played the saxa- | phone. A lighted pumpkin, corn stalks, and witches blended in with the holiday theme. Students decor- ated the auditorium for the oc- casion under the guiding hand lof Miss P. Carr. Chaperons were teachers: Mrs. Conlin and Mr. {Huskilson. President of the stu- {dent gouncil Evan Jones, was | master of ceremonies. | "Y"" PARTY The "Y"" also had a mas- auerade party Friday evening Chaverons were Mr. and Mrs. Burtt and Mr. Slaver. Costumes and decor were "hard times." Queen Scouts who were honor- ed in the Trenton ceremony Sat- urday evening were presented to Lord Rowallan by their leaders. The leaders and parents of the boys looked as happy as they did. Teen Town Saturday evening was a howling success. All wore costumes and "all enjoved them- selves. The canteen featured apple cider and doughnuts. Prizes were given to the winners of the apple-biting contest, anple-race, and apple-bobbing contast. Garry Carleson won he top record contest. for this week. | This means that he came clo est ito guessing the top ten tunes fo |this week, Cobourg 2-2 Carol Maundrell won one _ of apple cider in a raffle Hit of the evening was the Cos- First prize for the second 1 girls went to Jane Goody, . Meeting Will Discuss UEL COBOURG -- The Northumber- land Historical Society meets in Carrying Place, Thursday, Nov. 27¢ when a history of the United Empire Loyalist tradition of the 'area will be presented by local members. making About six are {land counties, Carrying Place 'aily {to Carol Ormarod, and third to {Lynn Pacey. Frank Waghorn came first in the boys' contest with Garry Sharpe taking second and Ron Clayton third. First prize winners received a long- playing record album. Jim Mun. roe 'was Master of Ceremonies. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 6, 1958 7 COBOURG AND DISTRICT NEWS lain Macdonald FR. 2-5201 Representative STREET CLOSING Ratepayers Protest Mr. and Mrs. B. Medhurst and Mrs. C. Jefferson were chap- erons. C.Y.0. ACTIVE | C.Y.0. was lively this week, clubs from Lindsay, Port Hope and Grafton attended. Jack Geli-; neau took first prize in the Cost-| ume contest, Julia Buttler came second, Wayne Ryan third and Anna Janzen fourth. Father Pearson judged a jive {conte t, in which Paul Traynor and his partner, Stella Olette, came first while Sherill Finkle and Jim Boate placed second. Pat Warner was master of cer- monies. | Father Pearson of Cobourg, Father Hart of Lindsay and Fath- er Clear" of Port Hope chaveron- ed. John Mahony, Jerry Curtin and Edgar Smith sang and a~- ccmpanied themselves on the guitar, At a meeting of the student council Monday, it was de ided that a new turn-table would be purchased for the schoo! re-erd player. Attending the meeting were teachers Miss Rod, G. Ga'- braith, Mr. Goulding and Mr. Huskilson. REFEREE CLASS A referee class is being orzan-| ised at C.D.C.L. to train students fr officiating at schocl snorts. Student Jane Wallbridge will be instructress. The Inter-School Volleyball Tournament wil! be held in Peter- borough this Saturday. We natur- hope our team will come home victorious, but win, lose, or draw, we're sure that they will put up a good fight. CAKE-BAKING CONTEST The Choir Council's cake-bak ing contest will be next Thurs- day. Rumour has it that there {may be a Chinese auction. | Thursday, November 6 is visit- ing night for the parents of the senior form students at C.D.C.I. Fall progress reports will be given to parents who may then discuss the remarks with teachers concerned. It is hoped parents will note the new pertrait of former principal R. M. McKenzie, which was do- Sitting on the border between nated to the school in a ceremony er who two weeks ago lost a kid for a gun. When he came back prince Edward and Northumber- held in the collegiate Saturday goat to the same wolf. night. | New Highways Project COBOURG Ratepayers of pass on highway 45 across 401 of $20,000 for the road, close to Creighton Heights last nigh Just orth of the WierssctioD o 3 wile loog, hud bees mentioted ; ti i 5 ai ivision street. A clover- at the O} earing, as against a voted to send a delegation direct |) af system for access, and a possible $135,000 for the overpass. to the minister of highways In'service road for through trafic "You couldn't get a good path Queen's Park, Toronto, in protest north and south has been design- for $20,000* snorted one rate- to a controlled access system pro- ed by the department. payer. posed by the department for an OBJECTIONS OVERRULED i Another said that he had been intersection on highway 401 at informed that an overpass on 401 highway 45, north of Cobourg. | proposed service road, after Divk-jiear, Port Hope would cost only At a special meeting of thc sion street is closed, will take 2h0u hie Creighton Heights Ratepayers As-|drivers too far out of their way A contractor at the meeting es- sociation in Cook's School, on to justify the construction of the timated that $40,000 to $45,000 Danforth road in the Creighton| road. might be a more accurate esti- Heights area, resident after resi-| Their original objections, which Mate for the road. The difference dent voiced protest of a proposed ere unsuccessfully voiced at two in cost was not so much, that it service road to replace Division Ontario Municipal Board hear could not be spent as an invest. street which will be closed ings in February and April, were ment in Ye Suture northward ex- Present plans call for an over- that closure of Division street pansion of Cobourg. would re-route north and south The association will present its traffic along the Danforth road case in the next few days to past Couk's School. Hamilton township council, Co- . bourg town council, Cobourg They opposed the closure, . . , 4 of Division street, and wanted an chamber of commerce, and the overpass or underpass across 401 ratepayers themselves, A Petition The board. however, ruled that 'S to be drawn up for presentation an additional crossing at Division to the minister of highways. COBOURG A series of color street could not be considered, Reason for haste, it is explain- slides taken at a train wreck and offered the residents instead ©d, is because a representative near Cobourg this spring featur- a service rad, and compensation of the department compensation ed last nizht's annwal Cobourg for loss in property value. office was expected to contact Camera Club slide show. After viewing plans for the residents liable for property About 100 people gathered to service rcad, the ratepayers fec value compensation, which would watch the hour and a half long that it is so long that traffic wili Make the project final. exhibition of more than 400 slides. not use it. They foresee traffic 4:45 each contributed by one of the 40 using Danforth road as a shorter club members. The slides: were| route, and ignoring the road de-| arranged into Winter, Spring, signed to avoid the school. Summer, and Fall groups, with 5: - i RIDICULESESTIMATES the train wreck sequence last This arrangement for presenta-' There was some ridicule of es- Blitz C ; tion was explained as giving the timates provided by the Depart P g individual slides an extra <ionifr. ment of Highways in deciding be-, COBOURG cance and giving the show a tween a service road or an over- blitz for greater overall impact pass for Division street. A cos Wolf Attacks Dog In Cobourg Ho | COBOURG -- The wolf of farm, The second dog was being for the campaign, and "wishing Creighton Heights reared its head completely ignored by the wolf, wells", and collecting stations, and howled again yesterday but kept jumping between it and will be located at street corners. morning -- on the front lawn of the smaller dog. This year the club's expenses Cliff Hie, Creighton Heights farm-| Mr. Hie said he went upstairs have exceeded income, ht pig lident Ed Tomsett. Two more ball teams than had been budget for The ratepayers claim that the Railway Crash Slides Viewed Kiwails Plan -- A fund raising the Cobourg Kiwanis L Club will be conducted next week {to raise $1000 for the club's ex- |penses. * The blitz will involve the mail- ing of envelopes to as many peo- ple in town as possible, to be collected during the week by members of the club, Friday night HMCS "Skeena' Sea Cadet the wolf fled, and he was unable One resident of the area specu- to get a shot at him. He went IN PORT HOPE PORT HOPE -- K. R. Sim- mons, town engineer, reports that ten building permits for $75,200 construction were is- sued in Port Hope in October. The figure compares with nine permits issued for a total estimated worth of $100,000 in { October of last year. Ninety - four building per- mits have been issued in the first ten months of the year for construction worth $1,546,- 095, well ahead of the 12- month total in the previous year. Last year's Film Festival PORT HOPE The annual fall film festival of the Por: Hope Film Council will be held] Nov. 12 at the Dr. Powers School, | it was announced this week. This year's program will be entirely ( | in color and many of the films will be supplied by foreign em- bassies in Ottawa. Formerly the council held a two-night film festival in the fall, but it has now been decided to in THURSDAY NIGHT FEATURES 6:00 TO 9:00 P.M. FREE Eagle Brand Milk or Starlac 1-1b. pkg. With every 3.00 order. Limit one to customer Also free Pepsi Cole with every 3.00 order. have a one-night both spring and fall BOWLING NEWS LADIES BOWLING PORT HOPE -- In the Wed- nesday Afternoon Ladies Bowling League, Jays have pulled into a first place tie with the Ravens, each having 19 points. Orioles threaten with 17, but the rest are well behind. Sparrows and Robins each have program total was 10 with Wrens a close last at nine SCALDS FATAL Dr. F. L. Lawson, Cobourg; and points, STRATHROY (CP) -- Three- Dr. F. R. Pember, Colborne. Flo Foden grabbed high single year-old Michael Ernest Beer of| Guest Mrs. M. E. Lunau ex during the week and also had two | Strathroy, seriously burned Mon-| ecutive secretary of Halton Coun- games over 200 at 235 and 203. day when he accidentally tumbled [ty TB Association from Oakville, BORDENS SLICED--REG. 35¢ CHEESE '25° PKG. KERR'S EDINBURGH--REG. 29¢ TOFFEE 19° PKG. CHRISTIE'S--REG. 23c 15° RITZ Maple Leaf Features 8.01. PKG. CHUM--REG. 2 FOR 27c¢ 16-0Z. DOG FOOD 3: 27¢ MAPLE LEAF--REG. 31¢ 8-0Z. Loaf Cheese 3... 62* MAPLE LEAF--REG. 39c WIENERS '.. 29° MAPLE LEAF FROZEN--REG. 33c PIES win 9° CANADA PACKERS : KAM REG. Sl¢ 39+ 12-0Z. TIN TULIP--REG. 29 tems and navigation aids no mat. Said. Otherwise it would grant a| One new entry, department of MARGARINE 19¢ ter win operates the field, Ms. Maximum of $1000 to the local \yEefing "and along with the onE: Le. ees sal y as : sas transf th _|inal four, Nicholson File, Law- WANT TITLE TO LAND was transferred to the depart ment rence Harvesters, Eldos and the ; * Juniors, will form a six-team | But the government wanted the! For a remote area fields the les title of the land turned over to ae {lesgue, the transport department before | department would grant $50,000. A $1 entry fee must be played ---- LOCAL-FIELD AID Be ficate, and respective team cap- Duke Foils by every player signing a certi- | For local fields where the main tains will be appointed to collect Kidnap Plot 16-0Z. JAR PRIEST EXPELLED HONG KONG (Reuters) -- A French Roman Catholic mission- ary, Rev. Jacques Andre Regin- | ald, has been ordered to leave | Communist North Viet Nam for committing acts "harmful to the security and public order of the repubiic," the Viet Nam news agency said Wednesday. A Re- demptorist priest, Rev. Thomas Cote of Quebec City, is missing after being expelled four weeks ago from Viet Nam. I DAVID'S CHOCOLATE--REG. 49¢ 4 PKG. Py REG. 17¢ 6-0Z. © LINDY LOU DISH--REG. 25¢ PKG. (J OF 2 TV TIME--REG. 19¢ ore Cc desire is to have facilities for pri- ice rent and referee's fees from PKG. vale, Hye. Wiki training and | {heir own clubs. Next week's line- d small-scale charter operations the |, will see Eldc i t Juni \ Foran ria Bank 0 7, Harr ann UQUID-SREG. 45s sk $100,000 an hour late and Mathews and WYE, England (Reuters)--The The department also was set- File in the nightcap. : € Duke of Edinburgh Wednesday ting up the Canadian airworthi-|-------- S-- PNY foiled a plot to "kidnap" him dur- ness council to discuss matters of | ing a day of student hijinks here. |standards. The president was to He drove to Wye College by an|be H. R. Rees, chief aeronautical McLAREN'S CORN--REG. 39¢ unscheduled route 15 minutes engineer of the department. 16-0Z ahead of time Mr. Hees made the presenta- ! hd The kidnappers had waited with tion of the McKee Trophy to an a horse and cart at the main en-|Wing Cmdr, J. G. Showler of the trance to this Kent village. They |RCAF, Ottawa. The award is intended to halt his car and "'per- {made annually for outstanding BURNS SHAMROCK--REG. 21¢ suade" him to sit in the cart for achievements in Canadian avia-| the remainder of his journey tion ¢ A spokesman for the chagrined The commander contrib » student organizer Some- uled to the accurate mapping of ene gave the game away." IArctic regions. $1,272,800, and in 1956 the recent years {leave too soon, said Dr. Horner. and 85 to the same date the the association, Dr |A. B. Sylvester, 213. bid to save his life. the difficulties of controlling tu- fields, remote area fields and lo- | continuing for 20 weeks through- Wednesday night in his speech at A fields with additional grants on a|each week with the Mathews At'an existing airport handling Canada as a whole rather than a| The Mathews Conveyor and struction of runways, lighting sys. Sibility for the project," Mr. Hees | PRIME RIB 50 F 0 Ww L FEATURE Peanut Butter 2; 29 eanut butler ... With E ' i very 3.00 Purchase Get Your Coupon and Deposit air force may take its third pot-|settlements in the days of the jzed entertainment this week, as death of a female wolf north of the house. "Unless we get the money," | be any p ball COBOURG -- Members of the to scan the far side of the moon) The meeting starts at 8 p.m. these or ions a but | by at, " 1 the Tuesday tive Tuesday night heard Dr. would be converted into crude|tributing to the county museum|this success would not be pos-|large wolf attacking the smaller) |Health Unit, report on problems) The report called for an in- part of the problems of tubercu- THUR I J {J total reached $760,025. Per- | They would be of great help in The 94 permits so far this | "rpe eyecutive voted to form a Fk FOOD MARK Others in the charmed circle into a tub of boiling water, died | reported on the Commonwealth berculosis in Ghana, India, and 1 H ROUND ederal Financing Plans nti Ih n WING T y The land Id be leased to th Ad QUEBEC (CP) Transport | he anc cou cased to the! PORT HOPE -- Six teams will LB. plans to undertake new financing scheduled service, Mr. Hees said|the schedule commencing next SHORT RIB 8 63* airworthiness of operating air- FRESH PORK -- END CUTS cal fields, |out the winter, including play- | the closing banquet of the Air In- e BONELESS ROLLED cost-sharing basis with the local |€ntry always playing the late | SPARE RIB 49+ LB. flights on a scheduled airline, the 1 private corporation the depart-| Roberts Uptowners hate amalga- 49¢ LB. DEVON BREAKFAST CELLO FREE! FREE! Pe = " TOTAL 70+ LIMIT ONE CARTON TO CUSTOMER TB Patients atients | : | | PLAN LUNAR PROBE |was one of the earlier Upper Cobourg teen-agers were pro- lated that the wolf was back back to bed, and the wolf stavted| ere Sonsored, one fhe mario | " d | WASHINGTON (AP)--The U.S./Canada United Empire Loyalist vided with plent of well-organ- raising trouble in revenge for the howling again, off 'to the side of : | 2 " Discusse shot at the moon early Friday. war of 1812. b is Ju presqwile they are every week. The teens|town eariier this week. He ran back downstairs, but|said Mr. cin? might | i 1210 inci , at tario. . Hi aw d 3 | ove i The new lunar probe is designed Provincial park, a e Ontario. themselves work hard to makel Mr. Hie gad he Was _ {when he « pened the. deep here Ch Northumberland 'and Durham with a television type device and'and the historical society hopes| without the wonderful supoort/3 a.m. Wednesday morning. be seen. Again the wolf started A meeting of the board of di- 4 |Tuberculosfs Association execu- ~elav to earth impressions that to interest iocal historians in con- given them by Cobourg adults When he investigated, he found a howling. This time Mr. Hie left rectors followed | his rifle in the corner and just night weekly dinner meeting in Charlotte Horner, medical officer|photographs. iin Barnum House at Grafton. |Isible. lof two dogs kept on the Hielwent back to sleep. the Hotel British. |of health for the United Counties| - of the *provincial medical advi- sory committee. OPEN | crease in the committee's volun- teer worker force, to help solve lar patients in sanitoria leaving } before they are completely cured. mits are also higher for the : oO! ; |solving some of the home prob- and ten months period than in {lems which force patients to year compare with 88 issued | : + : FRI. up to October 31, last year, | medical LY SOAS ¥ year before. [M. E. Hobbs, Millbrook: Dr. Bowmanville; 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH were Olive Ledbury, 222; Win en route to London Wednesday as Chest conference, held in London, Bell, 220 and 200; Marg Parks, doctors made a last desperate Engiand, in July. She spoke of LI » A T 5 other countries of the common- HIGHES I Q [ y ? wealth which had predominantly | SIRLOIN and iro i Complete Plan | n Airport Construction omplete Flan | GOVERNMENT GRADED me RED AWD BLUE BRAND: BEEF | LEAN, MEATY FRESH PORK By TOM MITCHELL shouldering this responsibility. For PH. League BLADE 5 + Ld x ioinali LB. Minister George Hees has an- municipality, : complete the Town Mercantile! nounced federal government For fields where there is no Hockey League this winter with FRESH PORK steps for airport construction and the department now has set up Monday at the Peter Campbell | BUTT LB 49+ is jis t tegories: i : establish a council to advise on three categories: Development| Memorial Arena at 7.45 p.m. and BONELESS ROLLED eh BRISKET 49+ » Mr. Hees disclosed the steps) Under the old system there was Offs. LB. LOIN LB 55 a flat $25,000 grant for these| A triple header will be played | : FRESH PORK dustries and Transport Associa- [ ] tion convention. bodies concerned. Now if a de-|8ame, due to an early bowling Le velopment field would benefit Commitment the same night. | : STANDING- 6th & 7th PEAMEALED transport department will be re A of sponsible for financing and con. Ment might "assume full respon. | Iated foces and wif play under Cottage Rolls 1. 45+ ROASTING AND BOILING : } SAVE 20 EXTRA 1b € | vork (] 41+ SI CO 1 6 Bottle Carton--Value 41c GROCERIES SAVE 20° [J DEPOSIT ON BOTTLES 12¢ Buy Both for 50 it with SWIFT'S MONEY MAN TO BE DRAWN 4:00 P.M. NOV. 8 wing s said Ll A