The Oshawa Times, 6 Nov 1958, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 6, 1958 Heinze, who also drew a fine, ished editorials accusing him! ! RADIOS FIRST | Children Will POLITICIAN HURLS ACCUSATION IE euiting the Italian people. German Butcher South Africa in 1958 had about] SUBSCRIBERS , Todays allepge is 4 Lo ji {twice as manv radio sets as tele | THE TIMES - puto's first. A , G 0 0 i | hall d Maj.-Gen. Sergei Zo- T ] ] {phones. Present Plays Monty Defamed Honor giz ii Tos military attache 4 0 al | i BOWMANVILLE I {in Rome who nad yeinzed an in- Race Charge { " . |vitation to a military ceremony 1 | n December Of Italian Soldier | which he said was an '"incite-| : : FOR MISSED if FOR MISSED PAPERS AND | BOWMANVILLE -- The chil- {ment to the rebirth of fascism in ol CELHENL Senfiany abo BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST ee theatre, Soup Which o0-| ROME (Reuters) -- A right. retired field marshal noted that [oH The attache ignored the Ee ima) 3 Tor ww PAPERS TAX! SERVICE PHONE erates under auspices he tic [ ing i i in © N iatunt nded ; recreain department wil. v0 al pelican (oda oc ducting Is against he ow ln Me sna party is a ex. 8 spend term of for moni IN AJAX || STEVEN'S TAXI / [sent two plays sometime during iin of defaming the to go to Italy." In any case, ne| rome Fight-wing group, ata that. "too few Jews ] de Ciwistinas holidays. Final honor of Italian fighting men and added "I haven't got a pistol." had been gassed" by the Nazis.|| if you hove not received your MA 3-5822 [dale 'or performances has|pajienged him to a duel. Caputo's challenge was made, REJECTS CHALLENGE Times by 7 p.m. call i wi hove wot weedived ous TO PROVE LIFE In Washington, D.C., Navy Commander Malcolm D. Ross examines a cutaway model of the Strat Lab gondola Nov. 1, which he will pilot to an esti- mated altitude of 80,000 feet some time next week from near Rapid City, S.D. In the model, an astronomer, left figure, is _-- da ; POSSIBLE ON MAR | shown preparing to view the planet Mars with a 16-inch Schmidt telescope. The purpose of the flight will be astro- physical research, primarily of Mars, and atmospheric meas- urement of the red planet. The photos obtained may prove life to be possible on Mars. BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT :eoe'ss tne son became aval Representative -- R. CZIRANKA -- Phone MA 3.7224 2» OPEN HOUSE Parents Visit Public Schools BOWMANVILLE --- Record crowds took advantage of open house at the three public schools this week. Vincent Massey school held the open house Tues- day evening while Central and Ontario public schools conducted theirs, Wednesday evening. About 1000 parents toured the with the problems of school, and|3:40 8 m.--Wings and Leafs schools and discussed problems with teachers. Vincent Massey school alone had 423 parents vis it the schoo! during the two hour open house. A. A. Merkley, principal of Vincent Massey remarked that strictly parent-teacher type open house has been conducted in Bowmanville and so far record- ed the largest attendance fig- ure Mr. Merkley pointed out that the purpose of the fall open 'use was to acquaint parents afford them an opportunity to discuss difficulties. Normally, the annual open house at the schools are held in March to mark Education Week This type of open house features this was the first time that a'the pupils' accomplishments Children Blast Off On Guy Fawkes Day | LONDON (AP)--Guy Fawkes caused the biggest commotion Wednesday night since he tried to blow up Parliament 353 years ago. | Children of all ages ever since| have marked the event with an| annual barrage of firecrackers and backyard blazes on which Guy is burned in effigy. Celebrations this year got more than somewhat out of hand. In Trafalgar Square more than 90 youths and girls were arrested in a violent firecracker riot that took more than 100 Bobbies two hours to quell. | In nearby Paddington a fire- cracker lobbed through a shop door, landed on a pile of fire- Pope John Sees 500 News Men VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope John XXIII received some 500 representatives of the world press in a jovial special audience today and ucged them to write truth- fully The Pope chuckled as he com- mented on reporters' efforts to pry into the secrets of the con- clave that elected him the 262nd pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church on Oct. 28 "The efforts of the press have been formidable, but the silence (of the conclave) has been even better," said the 76-year-old pon- tiff. SPOKE WITHOUT NOTES Seated on the throne in the Vat- ican's Clementine Hall, Pope John spoke in rapid French without notes, and with consider- ably 'jess formality than his pre- decessor, Pope Pius XII, used in his audiences for the press. Fre- quently he looked up from the arts degrees at University of then was being used as a base microphone and smiled broadly at his listeners "I am still a novice at this job of uniyersal fatherhood,' he said, works and exploded the Jot. The shop was burned out. FIGHT IN HAMPSTEAD In suburban Hampstead police fought 2,000 people setting of| fireworks and chanting rock 'n' roll. At Lewes in Sussex County 65 people were arrested for explod- ing fireworks in the street ! The traditional custom of burn- ing an effigy of Pope Paul V-- who reigned at the time of the pro-Catholic gunpowder plot--ran into opposition. There were run- ning fights between rival factions. A mob of 2,000 youths ram- paged through a street in the south coast resort of Worthing smashing shop windows with! bricks and milk bottles, attacking police and overturning cars. Boys many with Teddy Boy ducktail haircuts and Edwardian clothes --dragged barricades across streets to stop cars and buses Thousands thronged the streets in the university towns of Oxford and Cambridge. More cars were overturned, more people hurt. WORST IN MEMORY In Glasgow, Police Chief Tom Kelly called it the worst Guy Fawkes night in memory, An 11- vear-old boy was killed when he tried to retrieve a firework from under the wheels of an automo- ~ bile. Nine people were burned in other incidents. Ten families fled from their homes when a motorcycle was set on fire. The burning gasoline threatened a row of houses. The national tally: One dead at least 300 injured, some 350 ar- rests and thousands of pounds damage Arts Degree 'Hard Earned RICHMOND, B.C. (CP)--One of the hardest-earned bachelor-of- British Columbia was awarded to J. A. McAllister The 30-year-old father of six did k "lin its first /|The interest in the little theatre {became apparént :|he a pantomime entitled {|SENIOR CITIZENS MEET 15:20 p.m.--Hawks | Remembrance |vet to be set. | The group which is open to youngsters up to the age of 13 is year of operation. theatre was put The activity met with great sue- and winter program. One of the performances will "The Handicap" and the second play Vincenzo Nationalist nounced that he has challenged defamations founded on falsehood Leader Hazen Argue that he pub- durin the| Montgomery k : 5 {summer when an Joring_ hel Hion marshal made in his war- UPROAR IN ITALY in operation, |time memoirs published recently. Caputo, A ss 0 ciation, for remarks the and lies." describing | 'in defence of the prestige of the THe challenge comes amid an OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture told the court he could not re- himself as president of the Italian Italian nation and of the honor of Minister Harkness has rejected a member the remark but added) an- its army, unjustly outraged by challenged oy CCF Com m on s'that he regretted it. f He was convicted on Wednes- licly debate federal farm policy day of publicly approving a crime at a Springfield, Man., meeting. and slandering the memory of] "Mr. Argue is always full of the dead. The public prosecutor In London, Montgomery told re- uproar in Italy over references notions,' Mr. Harkness said when/had called for a non-suspended| cess and the department incor. Porters he would be "delighted" in Montgomery's memoirs to the asked to comment on t n it the porated it with har regular fall/to accept the challenge "to frame alleged poor fighting qualities of lenge. "Why should 1 manufac-{lawyer of two Jewish co-plaintiffs, it and stick it on the wall." The Italian soldiers. Newspapers have ture an audience for him? alse rec f Pp he chal-|{sentence of six months but the Times phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to cone | tect him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Only "AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 Al zofls must be placed before 7.30 p.m. is entitled "The Little Sheep of| Bethlehem." The plays will be under the direction of Mrs. Fred Cole and Tom Park. The date of the second meeting of the Senior Citizens has been set for November 11 in the Lions Centre. Hosts for the evening will again be the Club 15. All Bowmanville's senior _citi- zens are invited to attend "and take part in the program, con- sisting of several reading selec- tions and vocal selections by Don Allman of Oshawa. The re- maining part of the program will be spent playing card games. The department still has no word on availability of the swim- ming pool at the training school fo. adult swimming classes. An ble. Final Practice 'For Ice Teams BOWMANVILLE -- This com- ing Saturday marks the last of the practice sessions for the rec- reation department's and Lions | Club's minor hockey teams be- fore the regular season of play gets underway next Saturday, November 15, Practice times scheduled for this Saturday and Monday are as | follows--Sat., Nov. 8: PEEWEE LEAGUE: 7:00 a.m.--Bruins and Canadians; |7:45 a.m.--Giants and Rangers; BANTAM LEAGUE: 9:25 am.--Lions and Braves; 10:20 a.m.--Huskies and Pirates; 11:05 a.m.--Cubs and Tigers ATOM LEAGUE: 11:50 a.m.--Hornets and Indians MIDGET LEAGUE: 3:30 p.m.--Comets and Raiders; 4:25 p.m.--Dodgers and Orphans, Monday, Nov. 10: ATOM LEAGUE: 4:45 p.m.--Rams vs Barons Legion Plans Ceremonies BOWMANVILLE -- Branch 178, Canadian Legion, BESL, has planned an extensive program for this week and in connection with Remembrance Day, Nov. 11. Friday and Saturday Legion- naires will put on a poppy cam- paign, and Saturday evening the group will hold the annual Arm- igiice Day dinner in the Legion fall. Sunday will be the highlight of the week-end events beginning with the laying of wreaths at the Bowmanville cenotaph by the Bowmanville Branch, the town, the ministerial association In the afternoon the Bowman- ville Branch will parade in Orono with the Orono branch. The program will end with the unveiling of a plaque in St John's Anglican Church, Bow- manvillée, at 7 pm. Rev. Canon C. H. Boulden, MA, MBE, padre of the Port Hope branch. will un- veil and dedicate the plaque hon- oring all war veterans. Rev Boulden served as a chaplain with the Canadian Army in both world wars. Tunisia Protest French Troops TUNIS (Reuters)--Tunisia pro- tested to France Wednesday night that tank-supported French troops from Algeria violated Tu- nisian territory and that one Tu- nisian was killed and another {younged by mortar fire. The incidents were said to have taken place Tuesday night and Wednesday in the vicinity of Sak- iet Sidi Youssef, the Tunisian village near the Algerian border which was bombed by French planes last February. The village by Algerian insurgents, the Prench alleged Foreign Minister Sadok Mok- adem made a strong protest to GRAND UNION'S BIG | Featuring LOW, RED BRAND BEEF SALE! TOP, BOTTOM OR FULL CUT ROUND STEAK TOP OR BOTTOM OR ROUND ROAST TO CHOICE RED BRAND! RUMP ROAST 8. 79+ SPARE RIBS LB. 49+ GRAND UNION RINDLESS BACON sco FRESHLY SLICED PORK LIVER FRESH, FANCY RED APPLES v.-. FRESH PACKED, NO. 1 GRADE QT. Brussels Sprouts > CANADA NO. 1! GRADE, YELLOW ONIONS LARGE B.C., SWEET, EXTRA FANCY D'anjou Pears LB. 79¢ + 29¢ GRAND UNION WIENERS v. 9° SPORTSMAN -- QUICK FROZEN FISH CAKES > 39¢ 19: 23¢ 23 5-39: THAN YOUR YOUNGSTER WEARING THESE "SHOOTIN' IRONS"! LB, POLY BAG LB. POLY BAG en oP Hs (Ned CES PLUS SAV-A-SEALS CATSUP 5 11 OZ BTLS. 85° § 3 FEATURES! 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Asp AY ¥ py \ 4 1956 «+». $22.00 worth (eo tinued with a smile, "that read- ing as I do all the newspaper, 1 even find it agreeable to read all those stories about myself and those allegedly revealing the secrets of the conclave put me in a truly good mood for the en tire day." CRITICIZED ADVICE The Pope criticized articles that "can be construed as advice to us on how to run things. You must remember that we stick to the traditions and rules of the chair takes over when he leaves here church." The Pope said he hoped his lis- teners would not feel insulted at ramp beside the front steps so pleadin his urging them to report truth- fully "This," he said, "was intended as a fatherly--or even belter--as brotherly advice aimed at help ing yeu in your work." The Pope conciuded the aud ence by giving his blessing to the BOWEpApEr men. ' October, while teaching at Cambie High School, Vancouver After months of treatment he re .turned to Steveston High School as bovs' counsellor on a twice- weekly basis Later he took on a full-time job as mathematics and science teacher with a special class of "accelerated" Grade 8 students thrown in He uses crutches to aid him in blackboard work and a wheel his motor-car The school board has built a that he can come and go under his own power HISTORIC ROCK The Rock of Gibraltar stronghold at the e Mediterranean above the water British trance to the towers 1,396 feet Convicted Man' Flees Police CORNWALL (CP)--A 29-year- old Cornwa'l man, awaiting sen- tence on 18 charges of armed rob- bery, breaking and entering, theft and speeding, escaped from city police Wednesday and is believed hiding in dense bush near Will- amstown, 12 miles northeast of Kenneth Ivens psychiatric who asked for examination after guilty to the charges last had been taken by two detectives to the area in an effort to recover loot from his forays on service stations and restau rants | It was reported throwing dirt or salt in one offi cer's face while the other went he fled after oR WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Don't Miss The Big, Big Sale--Friday, November 7th At Our Whitby Store Sponsored By The Almonds Home and School Club! every 500 purchase . . vay y J You con get your money back at any A . even if your Sav-A-Seal time . . 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