THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 6, 1958 WA Caters To | Men's Club Meet St. Andrew's Presbyterian 'October Building WHITBY and DISTRICT ==" wo Ee Mrs. Humphreys A building permit was issued; Total amount of the permits day evening at the Church Hall Dunlops Come From Is Croup Boston LSE Fe nm Fr Se Behind For 7th Win in of | Police detachment to be built on tion at the Ontario Hospital. | was general convener and was Ithe south side of Highway 401,) A permit was issued for con- assisted hv her committee. |eas: of Henry street. struction of the new DuPont! A short business cession fol- | The new detachment will re.| Chemical plant to eost $250,000.(lowed. The meeting opened with {place the present OPP office on Other buildings for which per-|prayer and various reports were given. It was decided that St. ess to 13 members of the North West Group of the Canadian Legion Auxiliary. Articles for| Gilbert street. were obtained include: a modern $200,000 Provincial Main item was a $975,000 addi-|Lawrence, president of the WA, Mrs. E. Humphreys was host- win in a row for the Dunnies as By CLIFF GORDON The one-storey mits the bazaar to be held on Nov.|pyjding will have administrative | Church renovation; addition to a Andrew's Night would not be held this year. Seven in a row is now the rec- ord of the world champion Whit- by Dunlops. They racked up their 7th win of the season last night as they downed the pesky King- ston Merchants 6-4 right in King- ston. The Dunnies however were extended right to 'he last to win this one as they trailed 1-0 at the end of the first 20 minutes of play and 2-1 at the end of the middle stanza. However the locals showed the old last minute drive that has been a trademark with the Whit-| by team as they came up with/ five goals in the final period. Bobby Attersley and Geo. Samo-| lenko led the Whitby attack with a pair of goals each, with single] counters going to Tom O'Connor and Alf Treen. | Jim Maxwell came up with a big game for the losers as hel racked up a trio of goals with Moe Savard, a Cornwall castoff, getting the other goal for the losers. The next game for the Dunnies (out in the first 20 minutes off but the Merchants were deter- they appear to be headed for an-|25 were handed in and priced. the book. other banner season . . . Atters- Two draws were won by AME ley and Samolenko spearheaded A, Vallee and Mrs. Gordon TEC [the attack with a pair of goals Brown. The Dunnies put the game back each and this brings Attersley's| It was reported that Mrs. C.| on even terms at the 7.14 mark|total in goals thus far to 10 out|Hyderman had the misfortvze to| of the 43 scored by the Dunnies fall and sustained cracked ribs. . . . The locals had to go all out! The members are hoping that play as the fellows stuck close to floor. A lecture room, space and other facilities will be located in the basement. | offices, male and female cells, a commercial building; 'two gar- Mrs. | radio room, corporal's room and| ages, one for display purposes; isergeant's office on the main! four « |station; ome storage and sheet storage metal shop; one store; creation room;- porch repair and three signs. The next meeting of Tuesday, Dec. 2, will be in the form of a pot luck supper to be held at the Church Hall at 5.30 p.m. Election of « "icers will also take place at this meeting. residences;, one service a re- and the Whitby fans who made the trip were really pepped up by this one. The locals fought back gamelv to try and take the lead for this one as they had to come she will recover soon enough to from behind a two-goal deficit in| attend the next meeting fo be| the final period. But once again held at Mrs. W. Holley on Tues-| it goes to prove that the game is day, Dec. 2. This will be a| not over antil the final whistle is| Christmas party. blown . .. One of the most dis-| The evening closed with al appointed men at the game was delighhtful lunch prepared by the| Oshawa, mined to hold the locals off the score sheet. around the ice in last night's| (the Dunnies) should never have| Parkinson and Mrs. C. Dalby. sist on the play. The period end-|by now that these Dunnies are lishing and maintaining a clerk's ol office for the Ontario County Then came the stretch drive|them if they start to roll . . . To-| Received Here Juvenile Court and the City of Oshawa Juvenile Court. A Maxwell 'opened the scoring for Farlands who are starting to; has been used in the Legislative ,.¢ passed at meeting of the' With less than two minutes to| General Manager Wally Brabin hostess. She was assisted by| go, Maxwell, who was buzzing all|of the Merchants who said "they Mrs. Stan Martin, Mrs. W.! game, for d, won" . .. Well, Wally, we know| goal with Savard drawing an as-/ how you feel but you should know Ch - Is ed with the Dunnies on the short the best in the stretch run and alr end of a 2-1 score. |that even two goals fails to halt i ies travel] and the spot that the Dunnies are| morrow night the Dunn now known as the masters of. [to Belleville to take on the Mc- Tue County of Dutario on Wed- | aw authorising the county to i nesday accepted a ch2ir whic t int, N | the homesters and it looked bad|show their scoring punch. An in- enter into such an agreement for the Dunnies. This goal came dication of this was the 6-0 defeat) pqcomply for more than 65 council in Whitby on Wednesday. Share Court Clerk | | Ontario County and the city of equally the Slerics salary and Oshawa will enter into an ee- Other expenses. agreement ment to share the cost of etan. | takes effect on Jan. 1 of next | year. ile courts has maintained its|phase of the case: fy. OWI clerk's office. i 8 Convicted On Charges Sommers Case VANCOUVER (CP)--The Som- mers trial jury, after 79 long days, Wednesday finished its massive legal job by returning the following 57 verdicts i County TRAVELLER IS ENJOYING HIMSELF Prime Minister Diefenbaker, | bishop of Canterbury, at Lame on a six-day visit to England, | bert Place in Mr. es time out from his busy | Diefenbaker held a copference chedule to enjoy a joke with | with Prime Minister Macmillan Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Arch- | during his stay. In the past, each of the juven-|eightgaccused in the final bribery Robert -E. Sommers, ex-minis- | «County Clerk William Man-|ter of forests, charged with seven | ning stated that the county in| counts involving $8,907: Guilty on past years has paid out abou:|five counts; $2,500 annuallv for this service.|two. | disagreement on| Cottage Hospital Asks More Aid The Cottage Hospital, Uxbridge, | of Ontario from the point of view Mie bydaw conieé oitt of a Te But it was pointed out that the; H. Pi Gray, 10 counts Hyoly. i yi ; aon o -| county had been using the clerk's ing $14,907: Guilty on eight The WHEY They Tl Dey ihe Merehoutsa iin [loss last night was the fifth in alipe province, port of the standing committee office facilities and the probation counts; disagreement on two. their 3th win in a row. The Mac's FIVE IN A ROW row for the Merchants ... On| "warden Cyril Morley, at a0 finance for the county. Reeve officer without contributing to its| Charles D, Schultz, nine counts! are hot off a 60 win over the This was when the Dunnies Saturday night the Cornwall peeting of the county council nD atfick of Mara Twp., cost, linvolving $12,000: Not guiity on has asked Ontario County for a of efficiency and economy in Kingston Merchants on Tuesday really started to fly. They came|Chevies will come to town and | whithy announced that the arm chairman of thé committee, in-| pp Manning stated that it, four: disagreement on five. grant of $10,000 to assi t in pay- operation and maintenance. It tota!| John M. Gray, four counts in-|ing for furnishings for the mew will certainly prove to be an asset at the .57 mark and gave the/the" handed the Kingston Mer- wears Similar chairs are being| will be tomorrow night in Belle- i chants on Tuesday night . . . The gistributed to 'other counties in| night so they should give the Dun- nies a fair battle, back with five in a row and thc try to make amends for the 108S| .1air "had arrived. Fastened tol troduced the report. home town fans were talking to| suffered here last Saturday when | he hack of the chair is a bronze| According to the agreement, {now appeared that the ly cost, to be shared, would be volving $7,250: Not guilty on two; pbuilding. The request came in a and benefit to the people of the On Saturday night the Cornwall | the! . Chevies, with Ray Miron at the @d the ball rolling for the locals! helm, will be the visitors and|as he rounded out a three-way word has it out 'of Cornwall that Passing play with Kane and Miron is not too pleased with|S™ th. This cnt the homesters'| the showing put up by his charges 1€2d to a Suge aly. tare on their last appearance here| Geo. Samolenko, who pla; SUMMARY 1st Period . ,ston, Maxwell (Savard, Gagnon) .... 5.00 Penalties -- Guidelin, charging, mselves. Tom O'Connor start-|the locals blanked them 6-0. | plaque stating "This chair was the city and county will share!about $6,500 per year. disagreement on two. |letter from R. J. Harris, chair- presented by the Government of| Ontario and was in use for over |65 years in the Legislative As-| |sembly of the Province of On-| tario." | The chair, now in the council Asks Change In and that they will be fired up for one season in the ranks of King-|4 59. Tom O'Connor, trip., 5.26. |chamber of the county building, | B.C. Forest Products Limited, | six counts involving $11,000: Not| guilty on five; disagreement on| one. C. D. Schultz and Company, Ltd., nine counts involving $12,- 000: Not guilty on four; disagree- man of the hospital board. The request was received at a meeting of the Ontario County Council held in Whitby: on Wed- nesday. It has been turned over to the finance committee for County of Ontario. "It is not expected that the current fund raising campaign can provide the full amount of $55,000 required; and I am re- quested by the Board to make application to the County Council study. for a further County grant of ment on five. | sl Pacific Coast Services Ltd! Mr. Harris nine counts involving $13,607: stated: Guilty on eight; disagreement on| "We wish to report to the one. County Council on the progress Evergreen Lumber Sales, three of the Cottage Hospital (Ux- counts involving $3,500: Guilty on bridge), and at this time advise $10,000, to be used for equip- ment." FIGHTS LAST : ston, proved a thorn in their side the ane here on Saturday weit. /) 0 night. He scored the one that 2nd Period FIRST VISIT | put the Dunnies on even terms at| 2. Whitby, Treen The Brabin-managed Kingston|the 4.30 mark on passes from| 3. King-ton, Maxwell team were all set to give the Dun-| Etcher and Attersley. (Savard) ... 18.03 nies their first set back of the, The lines were somewhat mixed| Penalties -- Savard, trip., 5.11; season as the teams started off up when the Dunnies scored their Tom O'Connor, charge., 6.43. ° may eventually be given to a| F B 1 | county museum if such an in-| OoX oun 185 stitution is formed in Ontario, said Warden Morley. letter to council 7.14 . A possibility that a bounty the bounty only to York resi- totalling $9 could be collected for|dents. Ontario County pays the the same fox was reported to| bounty to all comers. for this the first visit of the Dun- Next Boa, 2s they were in He) 3rd Period nies to the Limestone city. Their| middle of changing lines on the i playing coach, Gagnon, fe is an|fly. Samolenko was the trigger Niudswn, Markel ex-Dunnie, thought he had hig man on this one too, as he took| Whitby, Tom O'Connor charges all set for this one too.|2 pass from Youngberg and| ™ ( no'c ui, It almost appeared as if his fond Smith. This gave the locals the; 6 Whitby Samolenko wishes were true. {lead for the first time in the (Attersley, Etcher) e Merchants, playing one of 8ame. 3 their better inal aging x the| Bobby Attersley, the little blond 7 Wiithy, Sanne, locals very close and held the bomb shell of the Dunnies, show.| Whitby, Attersley local mail carriers off the score ed the Kingston fans some of the) ™ (0 "6.60 no sheet for the first period. There!finer arts of puck manouvering 9. Kingston, Savard was only one goal scored in the as he picked up a pair of goals, ™ "roo lof "Gaonon) 15.59 first 20 minutes of play and it|one at the 10.34 mark and 80-16 Whitby Attersley dia came off the stick of Jim Max-| other at the 16.38 mark. Savard "™ p 1ol ci hon well, his first of three, Savard of the home side managed to get Penalties -- McNiff, hoo! and Gagnon picking up assists on|a goal between the tallies of At- : the play. |tersley to round out the scoring. 4 87 8. 1.22 7.39 16.38 king, 15.35; Kane, minor and major, ICE CHIPS: This was the 7th'ys 35 ; FBYPA Holds Only two penaities were handed | Youth Gets Year Mission Circle |the | Ontario County Council at a special meeting held in Whitby Following a motion by Deputy. two; disagreement on one. [ that the construction of NIGHT reeve Wesley Crosier, of Brock the build- The same jury Saturday con- ing has been ted e on Wednesday. It was pointed Twp a letter will be sent to out thai Ontario County pays &|York noting the situation. He told ivicted Sommers and Wilson Gray and his Pacific and Evergreen grounds have been landscaped and the interior finished and] By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4.52; Gendron, minor and major, | Hears Speaker The November meeting of the | Whitby Baptist Mission Circle was held on Tuesday afternoon | in the Sunday School Hall, with| Mrs. E. A. MacMilian, president, | {in the chair. After a short busi-| ness session, the president gave the call to worship followed by the singing of a hymn and prayer. The members answered the roll call with a Bible verse contain- ing the theme word . 'Praise'. Mrs. D. Mitchell gave the devo- tional on 'The Little Things' and Mrs. D. Wilson read 'excerpts from the Bible. Mrs. Wm. Hewis closed the devotional period by singing a solo, 'Master, No Offer- ing. Mrs. J. M. Ward $4 bounty when the tail of the | er official and York County, Ontario, pays a $5 bounty when the ears are presented. Bringing this to the attention of Nesbitt, of Uxbridge Twp. est about these things," he said, "but there may be some who are not. It is possible that a hunter, residing in York County, could come into this county, kill a fox, and present the tail for the $4 bounty. TWO BOUNTIES "Then," dead fox is presented to the prop-|jn the council was Deputy-reeve W. "I know that evervone is wil firms of conspiracy, could not/painted with the exception of a| Miami Beach, Fla. -- Johnny the councillors that at a meeting | Cobourg, representatives of| |Ontario, Durham, Northumber-| which borders the west side of and, Petrborough and Victoria/Jobn Gray and found B.C. For- | Counties had agreed to accept the| |tail as evidence that a fox had {been killed. Deputy-reeve Irwin Cowie, |Mara Twp., said that there was | claiming the $5 bounty in York. He noted that storage firms are |now carrying a considerable sur- |plus of fox pelts which they are |unable to sell at a profit. He sug- gested that York County be asked to accept tails rather than ears. « NEWS BRIEFS nothing to stop a fur dealer from | snipping the ears off fox pelts and| agree in the conspiracy cases] y few small items vet to be com-|Busso, 139,% New York, out against Schultz and his firm and pleted. | pointed Joe Brown, 140%, New "With the aid of the grant pre- Orleans, 10 (non-title). viously made by County Council,| Louisville, Ky. -- Henry Hank, the grants made by the Munici-|160, Detroit, knocked out Shere palities, the Provincial and Fed- man Williams, 162, Louisville, 8. eral grants and the funds ublin| tarily subscribed by the public, , the construction program will be| TWO BYELECTIONS fully paid for and leave us with| LONDON (Reuters)--The Labor approximately $35,000 to apply on Party began preparations Wed- equipment and furnishings. nesday for a general election it "We are planning to open the feels the Conservative govern. hospital on or about January 1,{ment will calMwithin the next six 1959, and our objective at the|to nine months. Some indication present time is to raise $85,000 -- Of Just what the Conservative required to fully equip and fur-|Strength is may be shown in two est Products not guilty of the conspiracy charge. | INDUSTRIALIST DIES TORONTO (CP)--William John Plaxton Addison, 56, Toronto in- dustrialist and owner of the Ad- dison racing stable, died Wednes- day at his Sturgeon Point, Ont., summer home. Born in Toronto, Mr. Addison began his Saroet 2 Indust. introduced the speaker, Mrs. N. F. Swack- Regular Meet hammer, of Oshawa, who brought a very inspiring and challenging message 'An Ideal Mission For Car Theft The FBYPA of Faith Baptist Church met on Tu ing. In the absence of Mr. Bill A 1%-yearold Toronto youth after it had struck a parked car, Wilde, the meeting was under has been sentenced to one year aud found thet Boike was he fhe Wireerion of Mr. Glen Baker _| driver, rke was also charged! a; r. Elmer Andres. definite and one month indeter. JET; othe We Le Che! Wi minate for stealing a car, which | The meeting was opened with was recovered by Whitby police. wine a lioeenr 0 9Vi%|singing and prayer with Barry Thomas J. Bourke was sentenced| The car he had been driving Jones leading. A quiz followed Tuesd i | by Jack Wilde with the girls - ay by Magistrate Frank was stolen in Toronto. i Ebbs in Whitby police court. winning with a score of 10-7. In addition to the year for car Evidence against Bourke was|theft, Magistrate Ebbs fined ze Dovid © Poss and July Tien jou beard two weeks ago. At that cused $50 and costs or one month, " i time, PC Kenneth Edwards, of|concurrent, for failing to remain, ye president then gave the Whitby Police Department, and $10 and costs or 10 days CON fering was received told the court that had| current for driving without a i stopped a car on Byron St. N.,|licence. The a ae orm [Bob Kirkland, A 204 Raise More Funds For Springhill Circle.' She said, "'the members should be devoted women to be true wit- nesses, many women do work for. their own town but forget that Jesus' command was 'Go ye into all the world and preach the Gos- same fox could York County and the hunter could| present the ears for a $5 bounty." He noted that York County pays 4 the |a salesman at the age of This was included in letter "Addison nish the hospital and provide the| Bye! initial LL to Yorl A motion to bring the situation ries Limited, manufacturing elec- capital necessary to function. measure their popularity is the "In spite of the difficulties en- margin of their candidates' vie- |to the attention of the Depart ment was defeated. trical appliances, in 1941. When he retired about nine months ago, $3,500 Short pel'. A most important duty of each one is to have a true belief in prayer, and to fervently read the word of God. Memhers should love one another remembering | that 'God is Love' and that nn circle can propser in His work if| bers. also whatever our talents | whethnr Targe or small. we shold he willing tn ree them in Wie cause. An idral circle will give | renerously of time and monev ard hr enthusiastic about the work: 'Freely ye have received freely give'." Mrs. J. Wilde. on behalf of the circle. thanked Mrs. Swack- cussion. Have Thine Own Way Lord was the song and Mr. Glen Baker closed the meeting with |prayer. Next week a film will Another $48 was raised for the Springhill Fund Tuesday night at Whitby Arena bringing to $136 the total already sent to the be shown. Nova Scotia community as the WHITBY Society, who were given $40 in PERSONALS memory of the result of an idea by Whitby Police Constable Ken Edwards Minor Heckey Association, who received $68, and to the Sho in| late Francis prompt recovery. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Simpson last Tuesday were: Mrs. F. Simpson, Miss Flora Simpson of Toronto. and Mr. LeRoy Switzer, of Lambton Mills, Mr. Lawrence Brown is spend- ing a few days in the Haliburton District deer hunting. Paul Toutant, son of Mr. and {Mrs. L. Toutant, of Dundas | street east, is celebrating his 6th birthday today. His friends wich him many happy returns |of the dav. Mr. Donald McEachern, who is attending Toronto University, enroute to his home ir Jackson's Point, visited his aunt and uncle, #| Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pringle, last week end. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE will again be sold and funds|annual Central Ontario Women's weeks ago that funds to aid the night that proceeds from the Mrs. Larry Ruest, of Athol hb Dunlops home games are expected to be ready soon. at the Lockwoed Clinic, Toronto. was distributed to the Whitby while project. SATURDAY MATINEE 1.30 The beautiful young girl torture chambers THE BANK ORGANIZATION 15 PROUD 70 PRESENT McIntyre. | Mrs. Pellow and Mrs. H This Saturday night programs yickeit are attending the 56th and Bill Bow. raised will be used for a Christ-| i The two men decided two mas fund. It will be the final mara yoo ric" picid at the disaster-hit town could be raised sale; are to be used in this by selling programs at the Whit- manner since regular iy aon Street, is convalescing at her Since then at total of $244 has Fans -are asked to give their Ome afi} WKlergoing surgery been raised. Part of this money continued support to this worth. | BR 0 C Phone MO 8-3618 NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7-9 P.M. who went from a sales counter to the Gestapo ...and gained everlasting fame. VIRGINIA MCKENNA {av \ PAUL SCOFIELD NI, lat Tvesday's Duplicate Bridge. | and Mrs. Wilson 78%; Mrs. Free- man and Mrs. Bowman 72; Mr. and Mrs. Wells 69: Miss Forsythe land Mrs. Love 67%. . East and West: Mr. and Mrs Winters 77%: Mrs. Kennedy %and [Mrs. Pringle 64: Mrs jand Mrs. Welch 61%; Mrs, | Maundrell and Mre. Chubb 50%. FEATURE STARTS 7:05 & 9:30 true life story of Violette Szabo, G.C. ALSO -- Framed Cats -- Tricky Chicks -- Her many friends wish her a | hammer for this timely and chal- Whitby United Appeal fell $3,500 short of its $10,000 goal, officials announced Wednesday night, 'However, donations are still have been deducted. Red Cross! there is friction among th» mem- being accepted in the hope of il] receive 43 per cent; VON reaching a higher percentage of the objective," Fred Weaver, campaign chairman said. "Donations to date total $6,200, but there are 320 donation books still out. I anticipate they may hold donations for around $600. We hope to receive donations United Appeal Falls Of Goal [from major industries in the of larea," said Mr. Weaver. | The money will be distributed (among four organizations after expen-es and specified donations 27 per cent; CNIB 21 per cent; |and IODE 9 per cent. | Another meeting of the execu- tive is scheduled for Dec. 10, when further donations received will be divided. Donations for the United Appeal will be ac- cepted until March. |len~ing message. Mrs. Gordon Glenney and Mrs. R. Pickering served refreshments {and a social half-hour was enjov- ed by all, The next meeting. in December, will be in the form of! a Christmas party for the Mission | and. | 'Eastern Star Holds Meeting Under direction of Noble |Grand, Garnet Crawford, Whitby Scouts Attend Toronto Scout Rally Several members of the Lead- Scouts Association were guests of the Toronto Region Boy Scouts at a rally to honor Lord Rowallan, Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth. Those at- tending from Whitby were As- sistant District Commissioner Bill Lawler, Bonnie Stonehouse, not develop an apathy towards |ers' Council of the Whitby Boy learning new skills," Lord Rowal- |lan stated. "Every badge opens |fresh opportunities to carry out |their promise to help other peo- {ple at all times." | The Chief was impressed by ithe improved standards of Scout- |ing in Canada since his last visit. |He suggested that leaders should thelgq Rivett, Brian Kenyon, Clar- not make their training too com- regular meeting of Eastern Starunce Freek, Bill Baird, Eric La-Iplex. "Scouting is a simple thing Na. 72, Whithy, was held in the| Oddfellows Hall on Tuesday evening, with one officer being | absent. | The initial efforts of regular | attending members to bring a {member who has heen unab'e to attend for sometime, was im- mediately noted through the in. creased attendance and accord- ingly covered in the apprecia- {tive welcoming remarks of the| | Noble Grand. | A lively discussion regarding | the necessity of the membershin| committee and the degree teams| becoming active immediately was finalized through the mem- | bership committee starting their contacts at once and as soon as sufficient pending anplications | are "accepied the initiatory. and second degree team: will he called for practice sessions, pre-| | paratory to the : | degree. The suggestion that the {officers take - the charges of their present office, | with certain diversions, was re- | ceived favourably and this may become effective hv or following | the first initiatory induction. | list, were ren-rted a being home or still in the hospital. The members were reminded of the scheduled dart ball game Trobe, Peter Kowalski and John Barton. The rally which was held last Monday evening took place in the imposing auditorium of Law- rence Park Collegiate in Toron- to with a capacity crowd of Scout Leaders, Commi sioners and Scouting executives present. While awaiting the arrival of the guest of honor all joined in a rousing sing-song of many camp- fire favorites. Lord Rowallan, who is making his third visit to Canada, was ac- companied by Mr. D. Francis Morgan of Imperial Headquar- ters and executive members of the Toronto Region. Mr. Morgan is the author of the book, "Stand- ing Camps", and numerous other articles on Scouting. The "Chief" pre:ented three inteoductary Order of Merit awards and one bar to the Order of Merit to active service to the movement in the Toronto area. SCOUT STAMPS A colorful and interesting ta- With nine tables playing the| All members, 'and friends of (bleau was presented by Scouts | Buddy. following were the top scorers|the order, who are on the sick of the Lansing Troop and depict-| him. Yes, ed living pictures of stamps North and'South: Mrs. Spratt considerably improved either at|which have been issued by vari-| ous countries to honor the Boy Scouts. The Chief Scout addressed the . the personal example of [the leader counts" were some of | his words. | In closing he reminded. his lis- {teners that they must not give up easily "the seed you plant in a boy's heart may lay dermant for a long while . , . no boy can make his Scout 'Not Marrying Songwriter, Singer Says | NEW YORK (AP)--Anna Maria | Alberghetti said Wednesday night she's not marrying songwriter Bsddy Bregman, she's not quar- relling with her mother about it, respective|leaders with records of long and and it's all just a misunderstand- ing. The shapely 22-year-old Italian star, rehearsing to open a night club act here, said: "I never was engaged to Yes, I'm very fond of even in love with him. But I'm not getting married. 1 took this engagement to be away from Buddy. My mother and I | are not quarreling. We are a very |close family. We discussed the {to be played at Port Perry Lodge gathering and accented the im- whole question of religion." on Monday evening Nov to attend the CP and T meeting | | ing p.m. sharp before departing for |the game. 10, and portance of the leaders encourag-| the Scouts to advance in Odlum in their own Lodge Hall at 7:30 their Scout training. Miss Alberghetti is a Roman Catholic, Bregman a Jew. | "Rumors of their marriage had Promise and| come away from it with nothing." | he was pr of Addison Cor- poration Limited, W. J. Addison Limited and Adson Securities | Limited, all of Toronto. DOR-MAR BEAUTY SALON 121 Byron St. N. MO 8-3992 9 am. - 5 p.m, Mon, - Tues. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Wed. - Thurs. 9 am. - 6 p.m. Fri. 9 am. - 12 a.m. Sat. Prop: Mrs. Dorothy M. Switzer MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-3111 It you have not received your Times by 7 p.m, Call BELL TAXI All colls must be ploced between 7 and 7:30 p.m. Created Te Individual B/ Requirements cit, OF STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundes Eost MO 8-3552 Don't a 'Handy-Man' = Call a Heating Expert" cost of the hospital will t to 1$415,000 or approximately oo per bed. Whereas we are inform- BUTT RADIO itals currently coming into |§ 1g greek sv. 5. Whitty MO 8-3707 { HARRIE (CP) operation across Canada is in the | : | , Ont. -- | neighborhood of $20,000 per bed. | |Two suitcases containing $200 g $20,400 pe [ RCA Victor © planned and best equipped hos- stolen Wednesday from the cal pica of its size in the Province | Lakefield near Peterborough. The ter. Police say another salesman for the same company was tra- velling with the right-foot shoes-- COMPTROLLER RETIRES OTTAWA (CP)-B. Mec- Intyre, 67, the man responsible last 18 heavy-spending years, re- tired Wednesday. He had been comptroller of the treasury since in 1912 after teaching school in his native Prince Edward Island. He will be succeeded by H. R.| icy for the finance department. THE WHITBY SIGN WAGE PACT HAMILTON (CP)--United Tex- ASSOCIATION settled a new two-year contract|| are looking for potential with Lafrance Textiles Ltd. in|l Guide and Brownie lead- Woodstock. William Foley, UTWA with the 225-member Local 138, Yiu Xxperience. V/aining calls for a wage increase of three || @Yailable in the district. |i cents an hour retroactive to Aug.|{ Please call Mrs. Weaver, tive Feb. 15. | MO 8-3697. BUSINESSMEN ADVISED | TORONTO (CP) -- Police said inessmen to co-operate in a drive to halt an epidemic of shopbreak ing in which thieves have netted weeks. They will lecture business- men's groups on precautions they should take to guard their plants. MARMORA, Ont. (CP)--Repre sentatives of the United Steel |! Workers of America (CLC) and | fining Company are scheduled to meet Friday to try to settle their dispute. The workers walked off up dergands for, a 15-cent-an-hour wage increase, a 40-hour work | week, higher bonuses, and other | was 42 hours. Marmora is 40 --_] miles east of Peterborough. OPPOSES TOLLS tario CCF Leader Donald C. Mac- |! Donald said Wednesday night his party is opposed to the imposition| "I'M SURE YOUR SON WOULD PROGRESS MORE RAPIDLY : IF YOU'D HAVE A RELIABLE HEATING EXPERT PUT in the Province. He fod 2 public) YOUR FURNACE IN PROPER WORKING ORDER." meeting t ntario highway sys- D : DE iam fizuvay wy Always Call a Reliable Heating Contractor tor and maintenance should be borne | by the provincial treasury rather than Ligh local levy. y | WHITBY AUTOMATIC = divorced man for my daughter," | HEATING LIMITED said Mrs. Vittoria Alberghetti. . PHONE MO 8-3652 countered a year ago, the overall tories. 24 bat the average cost per bed worth -of left - foot shoes were "This hospital will be the bet TELEVISION (shoes were found abandoned la- in another territory. for Canada's purse strings for the 1940 and joined the civil service Balls, director of accounting pol- GIRL GUIDE tile Workers of America, have Oc dite sai. we. pact) Tt. ith or without pre. 15 with another two cents effec- | MO 8-3050 or Mrs. Scott, Wednesday they are asking bus- more than $300,000 in the last few | PLAN MEETING of the Deloro Smelting and Re- the job four weeks ago to back contract changes. The work week = ST. CATHARINES esi =) of tolls on main traffic arteries dents and cost of construction Expert Workmanship=--Quality Material! Try Bregman, 28, had been Std 409 BROCK ST. SOUTH "Scouting is pasic training for upset her mother in Hollywood. to actress Gloria Haley, daughter and the Scouts sbould|"I am not happy. I don't like a' of comedian Jack Haley. 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