36 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 6, 1958 A EATON'S ... Note the wide selection! The economical price! Hel [cA IW. NAN [Bl {eel ay 18:10], } All at one economical low price -- all on noted "DESIGN" Label CHILDREN'S CORNER PLP 30--Ken Jay, Carol French, Toby Decne, Marion Farnum, Warren Vincent, and the Cricketone Ployers and Orchestra. --'"Enchanted Key to Mother Goose Lond" PLP 32--Norman Rose, Toby Deane, Ralph Lows, Warren Vincent and The Cricketone Orchestra -- "Party Time" : DLP 49--Musical Festival of Walt Disney urites BLP $7 orchestra ond full cast -- "Once yi A Story Time" BLP 79-- Cowboy Favourites -- 'Songs and Stories for Little Cowhands" FESTIVAL OF FINE ARTS DLP 21--D'Artega conducts, Rosa Linda, Piano Soloist -- "Pop Concert in Carnegie Hall PLP 38--D'Artega conducts the Symphony of the Air (the Tosconini Orchestra) -- "Pop Concert in Carnegie Hall. -- Vol. 11" DLP 55--Warren Edword Vincent . . . the Royal Farnsworth Symphony Orchestra --- "Techaikowsky . . . Piano Concerto in B rp Minor" rg Holloway conducting the Hompshire Philharmonic Symphony Orches- '#te -- "Cormen Suite" , . , Ravel's "Bolero" pL --D'Artega conducts the New York Syphony Orchestra -- 1812 Over- + . "Capriccio Espagnole'" DLP B2--D'Artego conducts the New York Festival Symphony Orchestra--Offenbach's ""Goite' Parisienne' . 83--D'Artega conducting the New York Festival Symphony Orchestra -- Tachaikowsky"s 'Nutcracker Suite" "Romec and Juliet Overture" P Fest ture DLP 84--D'Artega New York Festival Symphony "Familior . Favourites". from Greatest Classical Music" DLP! 85--The Hampshire Philharmoric Symphony Orchestra conducted by Law- rence Tiebault -- Beethoven's Fifth Syme phony" , . , Schuberts Unfinished Sym- phony" FOR DANCING OR LISTENING DLP 20 CA--The Dorsey Brothers, Tommy and Jimmy, and their Original Orchestra --"Their Shining Hour" DLP 23--Stanley Applewaite and Orchestra "Prom Date" DLP 25--D'Artega Heartbeat" DLP 31--Pupi Lopez and His Orchestra -- "Cha Cha Cha, Merengue and Mambos DLP 33--King Streak and The Four Princes -- "Calypso Festival' ¥ DLP 34--Wolley Moteck and His Polka Faces -- "Polkas 'for Parties" DLP 27--Julign Gould Trio -- "Music for Togetherness" DLP 35--Stanley Applewaite and His Orchestra -- "All the Things You Are", the music of Jerome Kern DLP 36--Stanley Applewcite and = His Orchestra -- "In the Still of the Night", the music of Cole Porter DLP 39--Georges Norman and His Orches- tra -- "Silk, Satin and Sixty-Six strings" DLP 40--Stanley Applewaite ond His Orchestra -- "Tea And Trumpets", featur ing the mellow trumpet of Roy Freeman conducting 'the Orchestra the World" "Music with @ THE RECORD BAR -- EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 260 wy 2% # 3 DLP 41--Kurt Weininger and His Viennese Baroque Orchestra -- "The Splendour of Vienna' DLP 43--'Big Luke' Sykes and His Orches- tra -- "Rock and Roll at the Sugar Bowl DLP 46--D'Artega -- Riviera Holiday in Hi-Fi . . . Mediterranean Moods DLP 48--Harry Horlick -- tra -- "'Sleepy Serenade' DLP 51--All Donohue and His Orchestra -- "Invitation to Dance DLP 53--Jack La Bell -- "Hawaiian Holi- day in Hi-Fi" DIXIELAND AND MODERN JAZZ DLP 29 CA--Dizzy Gillespie, Mox Roach, "Charlie Chan", J.) Greats -- 'Modern Jazz Hall Dickerson, Milt Hinton -- DLP 47--Eddie Condon and his Confidentially, It's Condon" DLP 54--Louis Prime , , . "Hi-Fi Lootin" GREAT SHOW ALBUMS DLP 44--D'Artega conducts, Robert Russel 'An American in Paris' end Bennett -- "Porgy and Bess' PHONE Heddon Hell "GLEN ROSE" Mattresses Available only at EATON'S In 39, 48" and 54" sizes , . . the 54" size has 253 coil springs! All have many layers of soft white felt; strong turning handles; air vents; pre- built borders. Truly a mattress of de- * pendable quality -- at a moderate price EATON Price, 54" mattress, each 39", 48" or Matching Box Spring, each 49.95 TATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 271 PHONE RA 5.7373 "Exotica" DLP 50--Claude Thornhill and His Orches- Bud Powel, Lee Konitz, Johnston, Kai Winding, Billy Taylor, Milt Hinton, Louie Bellson and Thirty Other of Fame" DLP 37--The Dayton Selby Trio Featuring Willens Barton -- "The Feminine Sax' DLP 38 CA--Cloude Hopkins, George Wet- tling, Pee Wee Erwin, Buster Bailey, Vic "The Golden Ero of Dixieland Jozz -- 1887-1937" All Stars Joe Venuly -- Each Society ing "The Orchestra" -- Days", "My Fair Lady" Royal Jack Earle, Helen Halpin sing. "Gigi" DLP 59--Cyril Royal Farnsworth Orchestra -- Pacific" and "Music Man" DLP 75--Isabel Bigley and Stephen Dou, VOCAL "Sammy Jumps with Joya to Romance" , ffair DLP 62--Botti Endor Quartet -- '"Souvenie De Italy and Her "Hi-Fi "Silver Ellen featuring Don Elliott DLP 64--Lanny Ross Antics' Era of Irving Berlin" RA 5.73373 Excellence of quality and construction in Haddon Holl Bridge Sets only at EATON'S Now's the time of year you're planning Winter activities; and cards are high on many people's lists! See these fine "Haddon Hall" sets . . table and four chairs in sturdy metal construc- tion; all fold for easy storage. Chairs have well padded seats and backs; upholstered to match table top in colours of blue, yellow, pink or beige. EATON- Price, table and 4 chairs, 5 pes. 39.50 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 470 PHONE RA '35-7373 L DLP 52--Warren Edward Vincent Conduct- Farnsworth Symphony "Around the World in 80 DLP 56--Warren Edward Vincent conducts, Holloway conducting The "South DLP 60--Stanley Applewaite--'""Pal Joey" lass sing -- "Rodgers and Hammerstein' DLP 22--Sammy Davis Jr., Joya Sherrill = DLP 45--Dorothy Lamour -- "The Read . "For Bing, Bob end You DLP 57--Charlie Applewhite -- "Our Love A Cohorts, | Sounds' DLP 68--Connee Boswell -- "The Golden Dual-purpose Unit for Kitchen Cabinet or Linen Cupboard with deep 15" shelves All steel . . . in white or Sahara Sand enamel finishes. If storage is a problem in your home, here's a practical, space-saving solution at an attractive special price! Tall two-door cabinets about 66" high, 24" wide, 15" deep. Four shelves are about 114" high; bottom shelf section about 21" high; white has pale aqua interior; black base and chrom- ium-plated handles; . Sand-colored unit has copper-finish handles. EATON Special Price, each [ ] PHONE RA 5-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 370 AUTOMATIC DRYER Introducing .. . New "Ex Rain" For waterproofing snowsuits, mitts, ski togs, tents. + « « Now at Eaton's In a handy aerosol bomb . . . new "Ex_Rain" to be used on garments you wish to make water-repellent. Containing Sili- cone . . . just spray on, let dry. Use on umbrellas, cloth-type raincoats . , . you'll find plenty of ways in which "Ex Rain' will be helpful. Each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 222 PHONE 5-7373 On rainy days ...on busy days . iy you'll appreciate your VIKIN CG DRYER deluxe automatic model . . . only at EATON'S No matter whether there's bad weather, lack of clothesline space or a busy schedule . . . the family wash gets dried quickly, easily, with the turn of a dial. Towels dry so fluffy; linens so smooth, you'll even save ironing time! Note these fine features: @ Three-heat 60 cycle only, model 88M. temperature control plus a cool setting for fluffing without heat EATON Price, each eo Flexible timer control -- up to 90 minutes according to fabric requirements @ Lint trap conveniently located in door eo Safety door -- when opened, machine immediately shuts off. [J] EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 257 «PHONE RA 5.7373 anada's Shopping Cent On Sole at 6:30 p.m. Fridoy end only while Quantities Lost, NYLON CHRISTMAS APRONS Ya Price . . . Reg. 3.00 Please, mo telephone or mell orders Exquisitely worked , . . each unit consists of two aprons. Edges are finished with scalloping ~"gimply cat out, end you have two dainty aprons with flocked or metallic patterns -- in easy care nylon, and with no sewing re- quired, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, Unit EATONS UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 Special low price on BRUSHED WOOL FELT HATS Please, ne telephone .or meil erders Smart stylings in this season's millinery = specially purchased at savings youll appreciate. styles include soucy cloches, pillboxes, profiles; colours of beige, gréen, red, blue, white, forest glow in the group. Feather ond sequin trims, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, eoch ... Sera tints EATON"S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 204 EATON'S EGG CREME SHAMPOO Specially priced, Fridey | Please, no telephone or mall orders Here's an. opportunity to stock up on shampoo at savings! Eaton's Egg Creme shampoo lathers beautifully; leaves hair shining clean and soft, Generous 16-0z bottw, 69 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 BUNDLE LOTS OF WALLPAPER Priced 'for outstanding savings | Please, no telephbne or mail orders Attractive yallpapers for most every room , , . florals, scenics, and other patterns. Ends-of- lines, made into 10-roll bundles; and specially priced Friday! 1.89 LIMITED QUANTITY EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 SPECIAL, 10 Single Rolls, . cars End-of-line and floor model ELECTRIC RANGES 1 duced 1 1 y Please, no telephone or mail orders Well-known models included in this group; various sizes and styles in electric ranges; same slightly marked, which should in no way affect service. Fully guaranteed LIMITED QUANTITY cen 149,95,,219.95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 256 10 Only . . . end-of-line clearance ! BOOKCASE BEDS Reg. 44.50 to 69.50 Please, mo telephone or mail orders Fine quality beds in modern limed ook or* sea mist hogany finishes, S ed styl- ing . . . bookcase head, side rails and foot panel, Less thon half price -- save 24.55 to EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 270 Clearance . of MEN'S CARDIGANS Imported from Italy . . . Usuelly Higher Priced ! Please, no telephone or mall orders Well-made cardigans with button front, long sleeves, Sizes 36 to 44 in the group. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, Hd bi 2.98 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 Manufacturer's Samples FALL DRESSES Ordinarily Higher Priced Please, no telephone or mail orders Lovely dresses . . . wools, crepes, novelty weaves, rayon taffeta! Dresses for afternoon or after-five . . . in a splendid variety of styles and colours. Junior sizes 9 to 17 in the 0" QUANTI one-of-a-kind, LIM ANTITY SPECIAL, en, 15.00 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 241 Special Purchese! | REVERSIBLE ALL-WOOL SKIRTS Please, ne telephone or mail orders Smart plaid skirts that do 'double duty'! Wear either side out -- the colour combina- tions ore reversed. With concealed zipper, but- ton closing; stitched pleats one side, free flowing on. reverse side. Colours red, blue, sizes 14 to 18 in the group. ITY SPECIAL, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, SELF-SERVE DEPT. 345 "ACRILAN" FILLED PILLOWS Exceptionally low priced Please, no telephone or mell orders Lightweight, genic, mild pillows; finished with "Actilan' and covered In printed nylon, Approx. 20 x 26", EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 436 7 Only! End-of-line clearance of SLEEPER STROLLERS * Reg. 11.50 Please, no telephone or mail orders Save 4.51 on ao sturdy sleener-stroller! Heavy plastic, cream coloured with turquoise lining; polistied metal foot rest and front mudguards; complete wi oppi bay d can LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL. gn gl uel... EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 727 MEN'S WORK JACKETS Ordinarily much higher priced ! Please, no telephone or mail orders Sturdy - quality rayon-and-nylon whipcord in olive green shade; warmly linea with quilted rayon-over-weol, Hip length, with leather trim on pockets, Sines 36 to 46 in the lot, . 1.99 BATON'S MALL LEVEL ,DEPT. 929