i f | Former. World's Richest Man Bothered By Taxes i By ADRIENNE FARRELL NEW DELHI (Reuters) -- Tax ation at last has caught up with the Nizam of Hyderabad, once the richest man in the world, Before India became independ ent, he was ruler of a sale nearly the size of Italy, sole ma ter of its revenues, lord of . harem of hundreds of beautiful! women and possessor of a trea sure house stacked with rubles, diamonds, emeralds, pearls and gold eoin, Today, by any standards, the aging Nizam is still no pauper He gets an annual privy purse of $1,050,000 from the Indian govern. ment, His palaces and private es. tates are valued at $195,000,000 From the sale of some of his jewels and gold he has formed a trust for his children and grand children worth $110,000,000 ARMY MAINTAINED He still keeps a private army of 1,000 men, and behind the high walls of his Hyderabad palace the secluded life of the harem still continues for his three legal wives, 42 begums and 300 women servapts Yet the Nizam today is 8 much hothered man, After years of tax ing others, he is himself facing taxation for the first time, And at a conservative estimate it is likely to cost him from one-quar ter to one-third of his privy purse For this blow to the Nizam, a scholarly Hungarian-born British professor is indirectly to blame When Hyderabad and other princely states were merged with| India in 1948, the government made a pact with the princes, In return for the merger, they could keep their empty titles, their gun salutes and their diplomatic privi leges; they would get a privy purse based on their former rev- _enues; and they would be exempt from all income tax Then, two years ago, Prof Nicholas Kaldor, reader in eco- nomics at Cambridge University, came to India to advise the In- dian government on e taxation Among his proposals were the in- stitution of a tax on wealth, a tax on gifts and a tax on expendi. ture, LAWS PASSED Last year, Parliament passed three laws embodying these pro posals, which are intended to work as a three-pronged fork to impale the over - rich, the tax dodgers and the evaders of death duties on one point or the other For the first time, the maha rajahs and other princes came within the scope of this tax legis lation, though a clause was in serted allowing them to accept a cut in their privy purses Instead of taxation, For the 72year-old Nizam, who has a reputation for parsimony, taxation comes as a bitter cul- minating blow to the many mis- fortunes that have hit his pride and his pocket during the last 10 years, Moslem ruler of a Hindu-ma jority state in the heart of India he made a desperate bid for in dependent status at the time of the partition of the sub-continent into India pnd Pakistan, But as fighting broke out in Hyderabad, | Indian troops entered the state in what was described as a "police action," and the Nizam accepted accession to India with some ill grace, His state has completely van ished from the map, divided among three of its neighbors in a linguistic realignment of borders EFFETE ESTATE His palaces have become white elephants, since even his $1,050, 000 a year pension is not enough to keep them up in style. Dis appointed! at his pleasure loving! ; sons, he has appointed his grand son as successor. His private] army is made up only of elderly pensioners with muzzle - loading " guns His harem today is a collection of elderly women relatives and retainers who would be bewil- dered and lost if he could no longer support or house them In his misfortunes, the Nizam has turned for consolation to po etry and prayer, And as he shuf fies ahout his palace in the cheap slippers and threadbare brown coat that he wore even at the height of his power and wealth, his mind is busy composing verse A recent, and possibly heart-felt, sample: Ask not how fares my heart; All erushed by pain it lies, It was a tender flower, And now it droops and dies. lof the Church-- | Sunday Cleric | Is Scientist For Other Six LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- On weekdays, Dr, William B. Atkin- son wears a laboratory coat as chief of the University of Louis ville school of medicine's snat- omy department On Sunday, his uniform is the vestments of an Episcopal ( Angli- can) priest Dr. Atkinson sees no conflict between his two callings. "Indeed," he says, "1 gratifying similarities," He explains it this way: "Although the scientific method is devoted to demonstrating, step by step, what might be called knowable' material things, it is the avenise to the realms of ab stract thought, , "The parallel in religion is that nowable' forms of worship -- prayer and the celebration of the mass--provide the religious man with a route to that inner mysti cal experience; faith," Vast differences between reli- gion and science remove them from conflict, he says Dr. Atkinson, 40, says 1 didn't darken the doors of a church from the time I was 16 until I find , was nearly 30.' "Then one day as I read an article that raised some ques tions about the limitations of, the scientific method, 1 started think ing aout the universality, the ca tholicity of the Episcopal Church uy began reading that doctrine and here I am." Weekend ~~~ A & A SURPLUS STORE Save when you shop at the A & A Surplus Store 86 Simcoe St. N. {Next to the Liquor Store) ... This Extra Special alue Assorted plaids 14% - 1704 310 6 -- toch Extra Special Value While They Lest. PAIR EXTRA SPECIAL VALUR KIDDIES NAVY DENIM LINED JEANS Assorted colors and sizes = 3 pair te @ customer, in sizes 1.69 Sizes 30-44 MEN'S SOX 19 EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE MEN'S JEANS First Quelity, senforized, Take Advantage Of Our Bargains ; EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEKEND ! 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