\ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 6, 1958 19- So great together you'll wish they'd never part ! GARY GRANT-INGRID BERGMAN | Toop met They knew a A shobldn t 50--Articles For Sale [S0--Articles For Sale [S0--Auticles For Sale v A SET of Wear-Ever aluminum, never; | MARCONI and Admiral for 1959, $196 FRIGIDAIRE 1959 automatic washers used, $90. Phone Bowmanville MArket/up. Stero hi-fi, speakers, from $149. |and dryers. Rated No. 1 over all other: 3-2030. 258f Kelly TV. RA 59 81 Nov. 18/by consumer's report. Low overhead PIANOS, all makes and sizes, from $79| WHEN your washers on the hummer, ens lowest prices. From $199. Kelly up, terms, guaranteed. Ostrander Piano and your wash ain't getting done, cali| Frigidaire, 81 King West. Nov. 18 {Company, 1378 Queen Street East. | Paddy's out in Hampton, he will make FRIGIDAIRE special big 10% cubic ft HOward 6-2313. Dec. 5|the d thing run. Phone Bowmanville Ib freezer, buiter-keeper. Nc TWO plece chesterfield, wine; one rug| MA 3 3-2055. Nov, v. M0 y Sowa it trade Only RA blue 6° 9" x 9'. Both good condition. |WE pay highest price In the city for| 21 $2 weekly. Kelly Frigidaire RA 3-204. 258b used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture ji King West; oY 12 GENUINE Leopard coat, $20, RA 8. |Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe S VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, 8850. Bc /WE pay highest price. in the city i DINING room set consisting of six used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture . Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. chairs, buffet and table. Phone RA|Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South. |iioo "RA 8-1081 'anytime. Nov. 18 1055. > 258¢ BENDIX automatic wash x, $60; Con-| BOX of man's clothing, 4042 (ah~ USED 'friges, washers, automatics, fo" © a vy oinatic washers Jesogal: 5 ft. 8), shoes "nd galushes, 9 ar ranges, rangewes, TV and radios. | $29.95 and i was Bers, Pe cor RHonS: Phone RA 5-5208. GMAC terms. Kelly Frigidaire. # Bh Jed. tangcties, § King West. Nov. a ad up; used TV's, $39.95 and up; 52--L | Notic Riss est used radios and cord players, $14.95 ega ices LADY'S winter coat, suit, dresses, and up; used records 39 cents each, - - size 16; also girl's winter coat and three for $1. Barons' Radio and Elec- 49--Automobile Repairs hat size 8, rubber overshoes, size 1.tric Ltd, 426 Simcoe Street South. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want [Ra Seve. 204) Noy 1s pn Ag ign My Righest prices paid GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup: KELLY TV your authorized Beatty §| plies, new and used. For the best deal dealer offers you up to $100 for your Lb town see Provincial Tire. 48 Bond | old washer on a new Beatty automatic Street W. RA 5-6511 or wringer washer. 81 King West. Nov. 18 is ain tre i it |GSED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. Fi OMEOWNE and builders' dis. |= count on Frigidaire built-in ovens, terfield and chair; kinder- cooking tops, pull-down elements, re- garten ¢ Brownie Hawkeye flash out-|frigerators and ranges. Kelly TV, 81 fit; tri-lite floor lamp; baby's bigh King Street West RA 5-5121. Nov. 18 chair, BA 34719, 25% ,INING room suite, table, buffet and FUR coat, muskrat, all backs, size 14.!four chairs. Apply 13 Maple Street. 257¢ Best offer. Apply 83 Southwood Street, off Colborne Street East. 259¢ | FOR Sale. Frigidaire electric stove, 40 inch, in good condition, $120. RA "WHITE" eleciric sewing machine; Lloyd baby carriage; Ennis plano; two girls' bicycles. All in good condition. Phone RA 5-8669. 259 SUNSHINE range, year old heavy duty elements, $65. Phone RA 5-2775, 2591 SEA Scout uniform, complete, navy blazer, grey flannels, white shirt, size 12. Phone RA 5-6238. 259¢ 45--Real Estote For Sale (47---Automobiles For Sale |48--Automobiles Wanted CN VETERE Yio amie fos os white walls, radio, immaculate condi- tion, very reasonable. Aprly 500 Green 258b Real Estate ond Insurance §3--Real Estate For Sale R . bedroom, eight-rcom brick , hot water heating, garage, Lo- 3d King Street East. Phone RA CASH FOR YOUR CAR i MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD. S. RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] Street, Whitby, 51 HARLEY - Davidson 74, in good condition, owner must sell, Apply 24 Elgin Street East Apt. 258 '58 PLYMOUTH "V3" four-door sedan, push button drive, tutone, in excellent condition. RA 3-4887. Dec. '57 FORD Fairlane Ji tutone Soi trans- visors, #1250 down. new Bungalow, Whitby. 4 Investor's Specials 6 room insul brick, large lot, centrally located $7,000 cash 6 room frame with garage, centrally located $6,200 cash repairs needed but ad- justments have been made in the price Salesmen ED. IRISH RA 3-3301 ED. DISNEY RA 3-2333 257d ROSSLAND MANOR N.H.A. MODEL HOME OPEN FOR INSPECTION _ $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT Ideal location. Near new school, churches, bus service. 3-bedroom modern homés on large lots with oll the extras. mission. Padded "dash and white walls, eight cylinders. Previous| owner reports 23 miles per gallon. $1995. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. - '58 METEOR Rideau, fordor, auto- matic transmission, tritone finish; radio; windshield washers, tinted glass, white walls, Everything reflects low mileage $1000 off new price. King West Motors. Opposite Shopping Centre. 258( HALE Auto Wreckers. Used Ford and Chevrolet motors, rear ends, transmis- sions, for all makes, Phone Clark 1614, Nov. 31 '55 PONTIAC deluxe, A-1 condition, four-door, low mileage, original owner, $1200. Phone RA 3-4997. Te. '51 OLDSMOBILE sedan, good condit- tion. Apply 399 King Street West. 257f '57 METEOR deluxe fordor, tutone grey and white, absolutely beyond criticism. Previois owner "reports 26 miles per gallon. Sale price $1695 . King West| Motors, 'opposite Shopping Centre. 257f '56 MONARCH custom, fordor, auto- matic transmission, gunmetal grey, tutone green interior, custom ' radio, white wall tires, show room condition. * "ohdve. INDISEREET i COR" from V/ARNER BA VEE "BIRD IN A BONNET" COLOR CARTOON RA 5-1181 or RA 5-1182. BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts, Wheel alignment, FEATURE AT 4 1:30-3:25 5:30 - 7:35 GENERAL STRUCTURAL TRADES Ontario Provincial Police Detachment Building, Whitby, Ontario SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- ERS will be received until 4 p.m. ES. Time on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3 1958 for the General Structural Trades work in connection with the Construction of the Ontario Provincial Police De- tachment Building at Whitby, Ontario. A Bid Bond made payable to the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer of Ontario in the amount of $14,000.00 must accompany the tender. A Performance Bond made out by an approved Guaranty Company on the Department of Public Works form in the amount of 100% of the tender will be required from the successful tenderer. STARTING TIME -- ANYTIME SEE nn FRIGIDAIRE a inch range, like new. phone RA 5-1 256f 0:11 [elo B | VR-10 lf Te 13 $3000: BONUS GAME E STARTS TODAY TOMORROW'S NUMBERS Numbers will be drawn BRAEMOR GARDENS STEVENSON NORTH AT ANNAPOLIS $12,799 ROSSLAND MANOR NORTH OF ROSSLAND W. AT GLENGROVE ot SCOTT'S RESTAURANT 147 Yonge St., Toronto at 10 a.m. TRADE-IN FOR SALE Only one year old, three bed- room, N.H.A. bungolow, on new street, in one of better class districts, Located at 385 Welland St. in Rossland Rd. and Park Rd. N. area. This house wos accepted as trade-in on larger house and has just been completely dec- orated in pleasant colors throughout. Triple track aluminum, storm windows in- cluded, good lawns front and back, no mud for this winter. Price $13,700 with between $1,500 and $4,000 cash re- quired down. We would con- sider trade-in of low price small house. NO INCOME OR AGE REQUIREMENT ON THIS N.H.A, HOME. Owner FRED R, JONES LTD, Phone RA 3-3383 days or RA 5-035] evenings. 257f Plans, Specifications with tender form attached and tender envelope may be ob- tocined by GENERAL CON- TRACTORS ONLY on appli- cation to.the Department of Public Works, Ontario, Room 6436, East Block, Parliament Buiidings, Toronie 2, Ontario, Not affiliated with the Room 6436, and may also be CN.LB viewed ot the Builder's Ex- change at Toronto. A Deposit of $50.00 will be required per set of Tender Documents taken out. This amount 'will be refunded when documents are returned in good condition but will be forfeited if not returned with- in thirty days after above closing date The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, October 29, 1958. G. N. Williams, Deputy Minister (Architecture) Department of Public Works, Ontario, 256c DISPLAY COURT 289 PARK RD, SOUTH 12 JET- FUELED HITS! | | RA 8-8571 | | | ivery. Chair and table , 412 Simcoe North Oct. 19 s, now at a price you r Ievision, 918 Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION OF THE BLIND 3-3043 Jf you have a BINGO Coll Toronto WA, 3.2413 Before 5 p.m. THESE ARE ALL PREVIOUS NUMBERS $500 and buyer Phone collect 259¢ Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street 2592 mates. O er -- | cr gay stri | 4) CALL "COLON IAL Now for a free estimate on Canada's finest aluminum combination windows, doors and awnings at down-to- earth prices. Manufac- tured locally in Colon- ial's new Whitby plant. Quality Service and Satisfaction Guaran- teed. EXCLUSIVE OSHAWA ENGAGEMENT WEDNESDAY NOV, 12 ONE DAY ONLY The most important picture of our time! red 12% cu. ft, a best offer. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS RA 5-5644 169 SIMCOE ST. S. CADILLAC NORTH MEMO: To the engaged or newly wed couple -- See this 4-room immaculate bungalow with a finished rec-room; beautifully' landscoped front ond rear, close to school and many other attractive fee- tures are Included with this house. Priced right -- just for you. Call Jack Appleby ot RA 5-6544, $5 0 Jory 13! Only hy S00 hi price for this lovely 3-bedroom brick bungalow with spacious living room ond a beoutiful stone fireplace, just steps to schools, shopping and bus. For further details call ow Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 $$$ INCOME § § $ 10 ROOMS 10 Inspect this 2-storey brick home, located in excellent area near Shopping Centre, features 2-car garage, 2 extra refrigerator, CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH © RA 38-2284 USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOPLITAN, MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES SERVICE. PLANT 515 BROCK ST. NORTH MO 8-4891, WHITBY SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX 1577 BOWMANVILLE MA 2-2425 After Ho RA 5-6159 EXTRA & BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3 4494 Res. RA 5-5574 \8 oes? (nation? WHAT THE HEART OF AFRICA WANTS T0 SAY TO THE WORLD FOR THE VERY IN BREATHTAKING COLOR. | LEN 01] ALUMINUM |ALL SEATS RESERVED ... RA 3-2843 AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS | EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mo- tors. Boat storage, Factory approved. Service centre, for motor repairs. Open evenings 1.00 BUNGALOWS type equipment. Newest type GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS 1200 AND $1395 DOWN oy D.K.W. 3-6 used furniture by the Community Fur. pi €] ready for occupation. One nes 5¢ RANGE, Gurney, 40", heavy duty. I = 8 5234 5-3875 after 6. 257¢ ANDY NAGY'S excellent with 'ample cupboards. Mod- Rs : Dec, 4a: 2A size 5. RA 3-4247. RA 5-1661, + 413.7970, owa. Close to new school, Ply 579 Albert St. 26 50--Articles For Sale Complete $15. RA Sasi 259¢ | itchen table, chrome le en HH shower cabi 0 wooden combina EXECUTIVE HOMES. |I018 DODGE -- Good transmission. | vamens setters ean decane 20. miess kitchen cabinets and $5,000 cash, or we would Nov 18| WINE and cider barrels available, all Builder FRED R "JONES LTD., | year gurantes, $39. Kelly TV 81 King reasonable down payment and terms Char Toe Es: |power equipped. Can be financed. RA TWO "girl A uniforms 12 x 18 and mantel radic with shortwave RA| |Phone RA 8 £18600 or best offer. Apply 561 King West 000 Law St. 256 jes, Kelvinator refrig gerators, television ter. Phone RA 5-2324. " prompi estimates. Order Oshawa, steering, automatic transmission, radio, also light oak bedroom suite, reason-| Brooklin Marine Storage | tion. Must sell, owner leaving for U.S.A. tric kettles $7.88; Kroehler platform SEE! 5 up. Largest selection 59 | Street. 259a Ard Up ii parts, attachments, brushes, guaran:| lent condition. Only $1795 for quick three arborite living room tables, or RRC Th wis ® Panoromic windows with {1956 CHEVROLET deluxe four door TO GE¥ READY FOR Cor ports '49 CHEVROLET. good running condi. 8-8629. 259¢ windows and doors installed | LADY'S CCM bike in good condition HOME SIGNS CALL TODAY FOR FREE condition; rangette; electric tea kettle OR CALL pair figure skates S p and boots, size 5%A. RA 5.2192. i HO after 6 p.m. BOLAHOOD Er, : Need ALUMINUM Will wiciasgs 5h [GRAVITY welded steel furnace, oil] 2591 46--Real Estate Wanted 35-1526 representing Wilson Real Estate, Pn Installations ot the lowest and large houses. PRICED AT $12,800 ; ; electronic tune-up equipment. y K and R and the new' FIAT niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone "53 PONTIAC sedan delivery, very three-bedroom, one four-bed. a EC ML SEL GIRLS winter coat, size 12x, excellent (5-6881. '52 PONTIAC two-tone four-door, very BODY SHOP ern in every way, only 6 : : FIVE storm windows, ue 34 x 47, two wo Wilton rugs, approximately 9'x10° Ap- Re good roads, sufficient land '53 FORD Consu| used only as a second THREE - 90; s Phone RA 8-0511 or RA 5.2363 (80 Rossland Road West. ware, the ideal Christmas gift. We have (dry tubs, $15; Many other Veterans in same sinks, copper, | tion doors Apply after 6, RA 5-4384 253 | ot a [Best offer, ki sent f| demonstration. RA 5-8603 or call at installations, Chinn's, Hillside and consider ta ing Your pre in top |20 per cent. Nine months to pay. For|Street West. 2581 | |sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, RA 3-3383 days; RA 5.0351 Nov. 18 must sell. Also Mark 75E outboard, '|CORNER cockta {5-2023. Nov. 28 other girl's clothing. RA 3-2751. 258f| GIRLS sub teen clothing, "size 10 to 11, 3.7043. 33 Buena Vista. 259f "50 CHEVROLET coach, light grey, OF RA 55152 after 6. 2540 Thrifty budget P isons now fc '56 "OLDEMOBILE super 88, two door AMANA freezer, 'chest "type, like new, $56.00 and up 4 [WILLIAMS pia | heater, wind shield washers, deluxe up. (able. Apply 728 Cedar Street. 259¢ isn SRE! can afford, [holstery, brand new nylon white wall| piece --o er pr Supply Ltd. evi PHONE 87 :8, new and used. "Oshawa's No. | Can arrange financing RA 8-8967 She rockers $38; walnut and blond end Bes tables $4.99, See these bargains and ---- . o | in town. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond FRIGIDAIRE! Street East. BEL yyy SHEER LOOK -- PLUS : 57 MG sports convertible, fully equip-| "THEY said it couldn't be done." Well, feed rebuilt machines. Estimates free.| --EXTRAS GALORE-- ot with radio, heater, directional sig-|"Ed Wilson" is doing it. Lovely five Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv-| ® Exhaust fons 2 sale, or will accept beautiful TV swivel chair, only 99 with| 90 SIMCOE ST, S. RA 5-5332 2 . : ¢ takes over payments the purchase of any chesterfield suite! RES hy DO SE Dor, opmates. OF storms and screens RE TET 4 y i i sedan. two tone, heater, radio, signals, GIRL'S cycle, good condition Paid services sad condition, must be seen to be| Apply 569 Masson Street, 5 WINTER H For the finest factory con- tion. Best offer. Phone RA 55529, 259b| pr FRIGERATOR, to. Attached garages re -- | matic, double door, RA Many others to your satisfaction at low- Price $20, 414 Fairlawn Street. Phone| St prices. | RA 3-4290. 259b \ONTHS TO PAY OPEN HOUSE DAILY | ESTIMATE | Reasonable, Phone RA 8-1773, 2581 ALEX VAJDA ONE steel bed, with spring; kitchen RA 5-6544 258 One of the two PRACTICALLY new, hooked rug 6x9. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS RA 3-9851 THREE - piece chesterfield, very | iy $175 & ry portable _ electric O 0 K LIMITED REALTORS typewriter, used about two days, pet Nov. 4, 6, 8 |ORDERS 'taken for storm sashes, mea- [surements and estimates free. Please room, brick bunga- burner and controls, large wood crib. | low, stone front, drapes, hroadloom, | a 4 3 O S 0 finished recreation room, RA Saks ii FFER M RE! WE anxiously require for sale farms, WHY . homes, businesses anywhere, Buying or Toronto. Phone AX 3-4535. Nov. 22 cost, 47 --Automobiles For Sale Estimates absolutely free. WINDOWS AWNINGS DOORS GRILLS 3 THREE-BEDROOM : . wheel balance, with lotest AND $12,995 WITH Test-Drive the Eastin" ew T $1585 King West Motors, opposite Shop. ja prices paid in Oshawa for 257¢ 2 attractive new brick homes, y rey Nov. § CONSTRUCTION good condition, reasonable, Phone RA or economy and perform- room, extra large kitchen, z oF, ves condition; also grt' s skirts and skates, ONE used Livingstone model 15 ioker, clean, good condition, best offer. RA thd 4 Ww. miles from downtown Osh 49 MERCURY, 08 King St. RA 3-7132 |) 47, 'one 28 x 47, and screens. [one new conoleum rug, 12x10'; AGAIN piece bath set, $90; stainie to meet V.L.AA. requirements. | car. Has to be seen to be appreciated. DISCOUNT prices on Melmac dinner steel sinks 1h Seer. hii a! TWO winter ¢ size 14, 15, Fitted a full line of Melmac dinnerware in sump pumps, district. Will require about Apply 1265 Simcoe South. garter sets at $9.95. For a free home [plastic and steel piping and fittings. TWIN baby carriage, Phone MO azz | WORKING MAN'S PRICE | ALLSTATE Auto insurance. Save up fo/Budget Sales Showroom at 399 King|Park Road South. Phome RA 3-7083. home as payment. RESIDENTIAL AREA | personal service at your home call RA TV aerials, all channel, installed, i. one| WEYMOU TH cabin cruiser, 1 year old, | |8 Church Street. RA 3.7624. 2 evenings. 2574 HLDSMOBILE 88, holiday hardtop, West. RA 5-512 Poin periect 'condition. RA 8.5109, 25f|therette; 16 gauge shot gun, like new; | 51 FORD, very good condition. ED [1215 FOOT boat complete with motor, |COAts: dresses, skirts, roll-a-way col |g" ge GoHDRICH Stores, tires, batter 8955. good condition. Apply 121 Annis Street.| GAS conversion burner. Used one win- BOAT "KITS AWNINGS Jian colors, or $0 stripes 24s rentals hardtop, two tone, power brakes, power was $445, will accept $125 or best offer; Open Evenings & Weekends tires, low mileage, immaculate condl-|gog 1688; cedar chests $29.95; elec- rr *. Used skates $1 up > p.m $13 500 52 CHEVROLET power "glide "sedan, many more, now at Ed Wilson's big / 0, radio, etc. RA 5-1026 after 6 sale. Wilson Furniture Co., 20 Church a a a 2 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all reed] AT nals, windshield washers, etc. In excel-| piece kitchen chrome suite, or set of lice. RA 8 anytime Oct, 19 ® Sodded front lawn after 6 p.m., Ajax 403 M. NOW IS THE TIME Cove Fou: 312 Smo e Naren | Enamel hot water tank appreciated. Phone RA 3-3246. 259a| GIRL'S fitted coat, size 7, RA| structed aluminum storm | 5-8639. 259¢ FOLLOW THE MODEL UP TO 24 M KELVINATOR | , excellent 2 P.M. TO DARK table. Toor tre MODERN WOODWORKING Man's winter overcoat. Phone RA $5358 JOHN A. J, conalion, vine and blue. After 7, phone 25 price $239. Phone MO 83-2061. 45a--Real Estate Exchange {order early. RA 3-4989. Nov. 29 for 6 room modern home. Phone RA 20777." BUY NOW selling. Call Donald Stradeski, RA Top auality products. HOLLYWOOD muffler, new generator | Special rates to.opartments and voltage regulator, also new super ? battery, speedometer, etc. Phone RA 39066. 2571 | Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- \ {MATING -- 2:30 P.M. dows, Awnings ond Porch jADMISSION 75¢ - 85¢ and weekends. Railings. E OPEN 1 P.M. - 9:30 3 | MARINE STORAGE NOBODY | PHONE AND MAIL ORDERS "Homes Ear vinch srew?| AND SUPPLY LTD. | CALL RA 3-2619 | BUT NOBODY | 197 DODGE hardtop; 1963 Pontiac hardtop, beautiful condition, can be fi- nanced. Phone RA 35-4811. 258¢ African stars will appear in person BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE 87 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT rooms in basement, 2 bath- rooms with extra roughed-in plumbing in basement. Owner forced to sell and is aski $3,500 down payment. Don't delay, call Jack Appleby now at RA 5-6544, 259% RISTOW and OLSEN REALTORS FARM We have listed 94 acres of slightly rolling choice lond with a seven-room insul brick house and a good bank barn full of hay ond grain. Le- cated only six miles east of Oshawa, close to No, 401 Highway, makes it ideal com- Muting distance to the fac- tory. The total selling price includes all the stock, end complete line of implements. Down payment only $10,000. Coll us promptly for further particulars of this "Golden Opportunity', BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY to secure N.H.A. approved lots located south side of King St. Eost at Harts Hill for immediate or Spring building. All services fully paid. Builders terms. KING STREET EAST Close to dowtown, this three- bedroom home is ideal for the business man, . Through hall plan with modern kitchen, dining room, excellent size living room with fireplace, four-piece bathroom, hot water oil heating, attached garage ond fedded sin lot. Decorated throughout with modern pastel Ge. this house will sell for only $3,000 down RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 19 ATHOL ST. WEST, OSHAWA OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Member of the Oshawa and | District Real Estate Boord. 39a '53 '50 FOR AN HONEST DEAL BUSINESS | RESIDENCE '58 OLDSMOBILE Seda Other Cars To Choose From DEPENDABLE USED CARS Super 88" n -- auto- matic transmission, ra- dio, power steering, power brakes. "One owner -- Gleaming Bleck with White Two- tone", PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan "A Dandy Car", PONTIAC Coach. "Clean, Low - mileage Cor", PONTIAC Deluxe Four- door Hardtop, automatic | transmission, radio, "A Real Nice Cor", CHEVROLET Coach -- Low mileage. 'One of the Nicest in Oshawa": CHEVROLET Sedan -- "Good Transportation", PLYMOUTH Sedanette. Radio ---- Priced right $175.00 CHEVROLET Sedanette, Rodio. 'A Real Buy', . $195.00 CHEVROLET 2 - ton Pick-up, ""A Better-Closs Truck", DODGE Vi2-ton Pick-up. Good condition for model year. "QUALITY CARS AT FAIR PRICES" Merit Plan Financing Through A.C. SEE "TED" 607 KING ST. E. OSHAWA (just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 RA 5.5574 | 259a' WINTERIZED NEVER UNDERSOLD EXCELLENT SERVICE EASY TERMS WRITTEN GUARANTEE FORD, good body, motor and tires $19 AUSTIN, outstanding condition, one owner. HILLMAN, clean, econ- omical $245 MORRIS, good transpor- tation. . $195 STUDE. Hurry for this $645 deluxe $1295 FORD, Customline, cus- dom rqdio, two-tone, a beauty CHEV, Torpedo, radio, radio. $ CHEV. Deluxe, sharp. $ 795 PONTIAC Deluxe, two- tone, radio, good car. PLYMOUTH Sevey, two- tone, radio .. $1095 CHEV. Deluxe, two-tone . . . radio, . $1495 AND MANY MORE '59 HILLMAN and '59 RAMBLER now on display, Free demonstration, No obligation TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR CAR. LOW DOWN PAY- MENT MONTHS ON BALA 36 WELLMAN'S RAMBLER -- HILLMAN SALES AND SERVICE NONQUON ROAD RA 3-443] 259b MacFadyen's real seal alum- inum products, Storms and screens, triple track, $19.95 each installed, for any double hung window. Aluminum doors, regular, $43.50 each; self-storing, $52.50 each. Installation included, fully guaranteed. RA 8-1547 any- time, READ THIS!! ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS AWNINGS AND RAILINGS TWO AND TRIPLE TRACK WINDOWS WITH SCHLEGEL CUSHION OVERLAP OR BLIND STOPS CASH OR TERMS -- UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE RA 5-7922 ANYTIME ADDRESS: 58 NASSAU Nov.10 or RA 57119 Nov. 21 | Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- dows, Railings. can beat our quality prices and guaranteed installations. EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Awnings ond Porch NOZODY BUT NOBODY LL HCLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 Anytime till 9 p.m. BUT Have You Enquired About ALUMA-SEAL STORMS--SCREENS--DOORS LIFETIME GUARANTEE FOR FREE ESTIMATES--PHONE RA 5-9568 RA 3-2198 259b Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosiires LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. Les Eveniss, RA 3-2707 Don Howe, RA 5.0313 RA 5-4632 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 can beat our quality prices | and guaranteed installations. | | CALL TODAY-FRIDAY | HOLODY ALUMINUM BILTMORE RA 5-2431 | Anytime till 9 p.m, Greatest of the great white hunters! Deadilest of the man-eaters of India! # STEWART GRANGER BARBARA RUSH ANTHONY TEE The 'Advenrarous Life Story of | "HARRY BLACK MR TIGER THE. COLOR by DE LUXE CiNeMAScOPE win |. S. JOHAR as Bapu Meet BA1 MASTERSON. ...... the toughest lawman that ever went up against a lynch mob! ce > ADDED THRILL HIT! FLYING BLACKFOOT ARROWS PIERCE OUR SCREEN WITH SAVAGE ACTION | "PHONE RA 3-2843 LADIES! STARRING FL FO. CORIL RAE Exciting New European § wi TORIN THATCHER + LEIF ERICKSON + MARTIN B REGISTER FOR A TIGER GIRDLE COURTESY VARSITY SPORTSWEAR DRAW SATURDAY NIGHT