THE OSHAWA TIMES Wednesday, November 5, 1958 3 A Toronto store manager, who, {lives in Whitby, was fined $100 in| | magistrate's court in Oshawa | | Tuesday on a ciiarge of careless |driving, | A provincial police constable | {testified he clocked a car, driver | by Charles Henderson of Anthony | |road, Downsview, at 80 to 90 miles |per hour on Highway 401. | Henderson, who has commuted | |between Toronto and Whitby for | four months, testified he was late and hurrying to Toronto to open | a store the morning of Sept. 13. | In levying the fine hat ar | A. S. Mitchell remarked that al- though Heuderson held a respon-| [sible position, he did not carry his responsibility on to the high- way. HOUSEWIFE STRANGLED GRAND RAPIDS, Mich, (AP)-- |The strangled body of a 16-year- old housewife wa: found at her {Grand Rapids Township home Tuesday night and the Kent County sheriff says the victim's 19-year-old husband has admitted | the slaying. Sheriff Arnold Pigorsh identi- {fied the victim as Mrs, Kathleen |Syrek and said her husband Ger- (ald has admitted the slaying in |an oral statement. No reason has| been advanced for the slaying, | OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUB NAMES EXECUTIVE FOR 1958-59 Members oft he Oshawa Ki- | above are the successful candi- | Weeks, second vice - presi- | Bob Broadbent. Absent, when wanis Club, at their annual | dates. Left to right, front row: | dent and Ross Backus, secre- | picture taken: first vice-presi- election meeting, Tuesday, | Fred Moss, treasurer; Ken | tary. Back row, elected for two- | dent Ken Jackson and director named officers and new direc- | Smyth, president-elect; Harry | year terms as directors, are: | Fred Popham, tors for the coming year. Shown | Gay, current president; Ray ' Alan Cay, Reg Lancaster and ~Oshawa Times Staff Photo Blood Transfusion Horticultural Society MOVING CAR NO vice Extended . , PLACE FOR KISS Ser artes Wi HCl Iroviclil awerinen .. Reviews Year S Work rovided for patients in Ontario ials, : : ta ; a ' ad Douglas Powers, 19, 120 Wil- vin according to an an-| Red Cross officials estimate A large number of q members Mr. aud Mrs. Stanley Sichare liam St. E., Oshawa, learned |, woo ont made by the Cana-|that this extension of the blood met in E. A. Lovell School, son, Camp Samac, received the the high cost of high speed |NoURCeme® col- Centre street, to attend the an-|Conger - Lehigh Challenge Bowl ia »d Cross Society and the|program will necessitate the i si attend. 4 k kissing Tuesday. [Jian Re Hospital Services Com-|lection of 200,000 bottles of blood Ruaj Meeting of the Oshawa Hor. for the rented garden. mission. The plan will include the annually to supply the 30,000 hos- lcultura; ociety Tuesday eve- Oshawa General Hospital and) pital beds in the province. The re- ning. HUNTERS WASTE NO TIME IN THE FIELD Em x : Pp er i season. | Monday morning. After getting . > ( ) show > ith the 200-pound | the deer hunting season. The \ Are hie Sutheriend right y 208 Shown ere with he oy two men, both employes of | the buck they returned to their Gibbon St. and George Coull | buck Archie shot hear May: | General Motors, left Oshawa on | jobs at GM Monday night. (left), RR 3, Bowmanville, | nooth on' the opening day of | Sunday and went into the woods | Ballard St. Folk May | 0 Get Lower Assessment Residents of Ballard street, to ent, so it won't affect them tootion to his home. The court which access has been curtailed/much. All of them will be dealt|could not see 'the new assess-| by construction of a bridge over|with next year." ment was out of line with those the CNR line, may expect a re But the court allowed Mr. for similar additions to other duction in their assessment next! Tymofichuk a $70 reduction of houses year his $1,560 assessment for taking Nick This was disclosed Tuesday(the trouble to appear street, night by Assessment Commis-| A $140 reduction was granted cause hydro poles hac sioner W. E. Kerr during a sit-/to Joseph Debicki, 264 Centre|erected in front of his home ting of the city court of assess-/street, on the recommendation Refusing the appeal, Mr. Hy- ment revision of the commissioner It was sta. men commented: "Lots of other The court, which will meet/ted gasoline pumps, which had people have hydro poles in front again tonight, heard 12 appeals been included in the original as-| wn oop coc tog + b: residents against their assess- sessment, had now been remov- : | ' " ments, Six were refused, - sixled. APPELLANT FORTUNATE were granted. Other appeals, Mr. Debecki"s appeal for a Cameron G. Morey, 377 Eulalie some made by the commissioner further reduction in view of the avenue, was told by the chairman --others not opposed by him --|nuisance created by heavy traf-ihe was lucky because his house| were allowed automatically |fic passing his property was notihad not been assessed until this $620 REDUCTION allowed year as a completed house , tr DITCH DETRIMENT Mr, Morey complained because Reductions in the cases heard : his assessments had increased totalled $620. But the final fig- Fugen Kleinbub, 293 Oshawa _- ~ he } was' finished gix ure, including reductions allow-| boulevard north, was successful| Since the house was a \ , 1 one tion |years ago, ed automatically will be well in/in his appeal for a reduction. |' vost ras Mieczy excess of that by the time the The court granted him $150 off Also unsuceessiul was Miecs) to the passerby -- Jelle Bakker, Dr. C. 8. Dickinson and Mrs. 8. Burnett, Class III -- Two slides of One Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Weeks, 85|tario Scenery, taken any place Montrave avenue, received the|in Ontario. Colored 2 by 2 slides op via spitals, Wesley! cruitment of donors for the blood! Loyd Johnston, vice - president|C. Ewart McLaughlin Challenge|-- Mrs, S. J. Lailey, Mrs. E. Kit- Se A et as Oshawa service will be the responsibility of the Society, observed one min-| Trophy for the best rock garden./chen and Mrs. 0. C. Weeks branch of the Red Cross Society, |of the individual Red Cros sjute of silence in respect of Percy| mys Harold Gay, 308 William| Jack Dancey acted as judge of said today branches in Ontario division, Carter, Mr, Carter, who succeed: |i oot east, received the Felt|the contest, E campaign fo blood: donort Most of the branches have 2 ie Vole eed 2 prest-|Bros., Challenge Trophy for the|oFFICERS ELECTED a Lr re. 8 nted 2 chairman and|dent in May when Mr, Hood re-|j og ror : will be conducted in Oshawa in ig Al rr a campaign signed to go to London, England, best flower box. ide The results of the election were: the near future, Mr, Powers said. Mr, and Mrs. Alden Ridgen, pregident, Lloyd Johnson: first 866 Coibourne street east, receiv- vice-president, R. H. Branton; {th for donors, in order to he ready had * been civic beautification| "This ita tension of the Ainine Too or ohair mE % be gars] 3 c This hospital exte for the clinics to be held in their chairman for a number of years| 4 the Cliff Mills Motors Chal- VIE oi Aon; lenge Bowl for the best flower|waoks Red Cross blood transfusion i= community and had been instrumental in! Igram is something we have been| mye government of the Province beautifying many piots in the "hder three. i hoping for for many years," :aid| ontario and the federal govern-| city. and Vegetable garden d | Diets fe oo vars a w.i. 0 i Deiat pg te ent wil sgn Bed es With! Ag chairman of the junior gar- "Orlin Lint, 747 Bessborough| {iar Foot Duncan. Shontillen ntario Division of Rel P| financial aid during the next yearidqeners' activities, Mrs C.|Drive, received the M, McIntyre ig : 4 "Whey we is Jered ihislto bring about ihe proposed €X- Weeks gave a report of the( Hood Trophy for securing the oud Mts. Barle Saiora, Mrs news we notitie 4% "I pansion of the blood transfusioniclyh's activities during the year.| i 3 gig i i : i ! a, -Imost points in the Novice Section v es in Ontario, and Sie response service throughout Ontario and|The Junior Garden Club has alin ot poms | dhe" | Lesile Suv Ns. Shanes Sunith, [fas heen most sHmulaing ji Canada under the National Hos-|membership of 47. Meetings are| Lloyd Johnston, 346 Athol street| Re abla ob Passmore Was gym ie pital Insurance Plan. held each month. In June and injeagt, "received the Horticultural| yt LE RY | useuncoment msde by h gi The free blood transfusion SeT-/October the meetings were held society Challenge Cup for secur-|parle Sandford. y Stearns, chairman of the Red yice was inaugurated by The Ca-|in the form of a trip to the woods ing the most points in the Annuai| "Fi 1 "0. K by presented the | Cross national ecutive and nadian Red Cross Society in Brit-| S | red QO. Kirby presented the | . . int 1 Cr . ] '"|where material was gathered for|ghow. | i {Monsignor John G. Fullerton, vice igh Columbia in 1947, and is pres-|projects. The club held a garden| OW. 0. 'C. Weeks was awarded| fave} to the incoming president, jures LJ : . . > 0 N 7 <i, 369 La Salle avenue.| | chairman of the Ontario Hospital| oni) orving the Ontario com-|te . court closes tonight his assessment after he claimed Kolodzinski, 369 La Sa ue ma 1r b 4 ently - serving i [tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs.|the Mark Atkins Trophy for : Nine other persons were slated|a ditch on an adjacent city-own-(He believed his increased as-| [Services Commission. {munities of Metropolitan Toronto, (wm, Alchin, 120 Elgin street|hringing in the most new mem- ie was won' by i a / is|sessme! 'as > only to a gar-| | : v ) 2 (Hamilton, Galt, Brantford yee d Diag to appeal but failed to attend.|ed lot prevented full use of his sessment W as due only 10 8 B81 Oshawa police investigated two COVER WIDE AREA i Lia , (west, and two rummage sales hers during 1958. Their cases will be disallowed. own property. ol age he Bad rected, = aR * accidents late Tuesday afternoon. The announcement stated that Guelph, the Niagara ronineula were held in Simcoe Hall to raise| oop WINNING SLIDES The court automatically allowed] A $140 reduction was allowed plaine he a 025 also i Anita Kashol. 7. of O10 Kina St.1the Th oo will 'be to extend an e lakehes | area. | . funds. A picnic held at Geneva 63 transfers of ag: ts t ly hn Sagan, 301 James street [cluded work done on his house. a RKashul, 7, of § Ing St. the P's : i (opening of the service in New-\park in June and flower shows] Duncan MacMillan showed the HARE OPTICAL lon] ee wlbomuse or depreciation to his wi ; |E., received slight injuries to her the already existing service Injoo 41004" this month, and With|where the Juniors displayed their|colored slides which were enter- separate school support and 20 because P ; ;. CAN SEEK REDRESS right knee and jaw when she was, Metropolitan Toronto to hospita no bei leted transfers to public school sup-|property caused by the proxi : a oy p ; | A ; .. the Ontario plan being comp! skili during the season kept lead-|ed for competition and the prizes as $ $ piopenty a hail. Miss Flossie Coyte, 27 Erie struck by a car near her home!|in communiti ong the nor "ly in 1959, this free blcod|ers and members quite active. |were distributed to winners by JOHN A. OVENS Prd were L, C. Hy- Sons 's for/street, was advised to take her|while returning from school. shore of La' Uuiario as far | transfusion service will be in op-| {R. H. Branton, . wil QC. 5. R. 'Alger and W. §|a~ $85 reduction was granted case to og Sngiecting ©. According to a statement made Belleville, north from Tarono eration throughout the whole of JUNIOR AWARDS PRESENTED| acc 1"" "Two slides of any Optometrist Pogson [Bert Katocs, 251 King street east, (partment when she comp aine@ito police, Robert G. Bickle, 37|and west to Sault Ste, Mavi, ThiS| cy aq, "with the ' exception of| Carl McDonald, 87 Montrave|Garden Feature, specimen, unus- 8 BOND ST. EAST The Ballard street case was|/who sold a section of his land. |that public works performe oul-! Concession St, Bowmanville, was| extension of the service will be in| v w= HOURS 9 AM--6 P.M. Wed. Until 12:30 P.M. Sot. Until 2:30 P.M. PHONE RA 3-4811 For an appointment | He paid an unromantic $50 when a provincial police offi- cer testified he followed Powers' car for several blocks, saw him kiss his girl twice on the cheek and once, for some duration, full on the lips. 135 Chadburn| be-| been Stroz wanted a reduction Magistrate A. S. Mitchell suspended Power's driver's li- cence for three months "Kissing your girl is un- doubtedly pleasant," said the magistrate, "but behind the wheel of a moving car is cer- tainly no place for it." and i , Quebec where the service so far avenue, received a diploma as|yal plant or garden arrangement, Souched sit by the appeal ot x. "Is tha' all?" asked Mr. Ka sement Rouse had CAUSCY anlar kb 8 on King St Whey operation hv the end of this year.| uo" only the major centres. winner of the first prize Junior|taken in or of contestant' gar-| 'ymofichuk, a resident the toes. Ai e girl ran in front of his - street | | The second phase will be com.| a --|garden, Grace Arkle, 122 Crom:|den, or by the contestant. Slides "How much did you get for|peaied on the grounds that thei, pushing her bicycle and|pleted as early as possible in 1959| MISSIONARY TO LEPERS |well avenue, received a second must be 2 by 2 colored slides --| the land?" queried Mr. Kerr. [leakage had Jepreciared Jet shouting back over her shoulder and will include hospitals in West.| TORONTO (CP)--Rev. Harvey prize diploma for her garden. Mrs. J. Dominik, Miss A. E. Har- Mr. Tymofichuk's and other Bal-| *'$1,200," replied Mr. Katocs. Property, charging that a e had [to another little girl on the side-|ern Ontario and the area east Konkle, 82, for 26 years general Lynda Thompson, 619 Somerville|ris and Mrs. A. Maskell. lard street residents' assess-| "How would you like the rest |received fo satisfotion a walk from Belleville to the Ontario-|gecretary for Canada of the mis-|avenue, received a third prize| Class II -- Two slides. 2 by 2 ments did not seem fair in view|of your property to be assessed ty when she complained pr The driver braked his car im. Quebec border, north to Ottawagion of lepers, died Tuesday. Pre- diploma for her garden. Harold|colored showing a view of con- «' the restricted access, but said|on that basis?" asked Mr. Kerr.|0US' mediately but was unable to stop and Hull, and along the Ottawa|yjously he had been a pastor of|Silver, 15 Gladstone avenue, re-|testant's own property as seen nothing could -be done - about it, There was no answer. | The court also denied the ap- before striking the girl, throwing | River to North Bay several Presbyterian churches in-|ceived a diploma for winning the from the street, sides to be until next year when claims ofice; pppuCTION |peal of Palmer Page, 20 Wesl-|por ang the bicycle into the ditch.| Negotiations for suitable prem-|ciuding Guelph, Utterson, Dorset most points in the Annual Show.|judged on basis of their appeal all residents on the street would |" The assessment Karol J. mount avenue. He thought his Her injuries were not serious ises to house Red Cross Blood|and Port Credit. His work for| waiter Corben, treasurer of | be taken into. consideration Baron, 1184 Cedar was|increased assessment of $1.7000 jonn puke, 805 Sylvia St., told Transfusion Service depots in lepers took him to colonies Mi the Horticuitural Society, gave a AWAIT BRIDGE WORK reduced by $35 had|was too high for the alteralions ,,jice his foot slipped off the London and in Ottawa are now Korea, China, Spain and For- .eport of the society's finances! Mr. Kerr observed the assess-|been reduced by four|to his house. He was told the in- hrake pedal just before he struck being carried on by Red Cross'mosa and Mrs, Chas. Silver, secretary ment office had to wait until next acres crease was in line with others. |, motionless car on Park Rd. S a. S---------- of the society, gave a report of year to 'see how the job Jack Mercer, 347 Richmond -- |late Tuesday afternoon. Wayne W. the activities of the society, high- (bridge construction) = would be street east, was unsuccessful. Hel Jewell, 19. 290 Albert St., -Osh- lighting a bus trip to Niagara finished off." claimed his assessment had been awa, said in a statement to police Falls in July and a visit to the He added: "They are not be-lincrease by almost one-third that he had stopped in traffic on beautiful gardens. of Parkwood, ing assessed too highly at pres-lbecause of a basementless addi- Park Rd. when he was struck the home of R. S. McLaughlin in ---- - ns -- pes _-- from behind Ki St C Oshawa, ing St. Church Mr. Chesser, representing the Missionaries To McLaughlin Coal Co., presented | Tell Of Liberia | {the L. F. McLaughlin Cup to the| society as winners of the floral| o| Rev. and Mrs. Gordon D. Mel- lish, missionaries from Liberia, display at the Oshawa Fair Diplomas were presented Hanford Wagg, caretaker of Sun-| |set Heights School, who won the| |F. L. Mason Cup for the best kept | |school grounds in Oshawa; Al will be the special speakers at! the special missionary services in Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa, tonight and Thursday night. Mr. Hyman, chairman, agreed for street, His land nearly Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF ( Non-Observance Stop Signs Flayed Highway 12 and the third conces sion road Evidence disclosed that Reed's car subsequently ran through the intersection, narrowly missed a stopped car and came to rest on the opposite correr, overturned in Sunday morning a new hymn| That children loved grow true for the family, written by Rev Mervin A: Bury, minister of King, Street United Church, was sung | by the choir under the direction of Choirmaster Rhyddid Williams | who wrote the music for this) hymn. The choir sang it as a| hymn-anthem, using a beautiful] |descant in the last stanza, reveal:| {ing the deft artistry of the talent- Both graduates of the Toronto ed musician. | 'Bible College, Mr. and Mrs. Mel-| he words are as follows Bless Thou our mothers, Lord, 12 KING E.--RA 3-3633 Give strength for every task; To teach their children so adored, Grant wisdom when they ask Meat Specials! Thurs, Only ! CUT-UP CHICKEN Magistrate A. S, -Mitchell lash- ed out at motorists who ignore stop signs Tuesday, as he levied fines ranging from $10 to $100 in more than half a dozen traffic cases involving failure to obey road signs Preston, whose service station at Bless Thou our children, Lord, 925 Simcoe street north won the And lead them day by day: H. O. Perry Chailenge trophy for| On each Thy Holy Love be [the best kept small repair and| poured, service station; Cliff Mills Motors | As they Thy laws obey. Ltd. won the Horticultural Soci- | | "Failure to obey a stop sign," he said, "is one of the most pre- valent causes of traffic accidents. The signs are put there to regu- late traffic, and are not to be lightly dismissed.' One offender charged with care- less driving, and whose case in- volved failure to stop at an inter- section. was Arthur William Reed, of Poplar St., Pickering A provincial police officer testi- fied he saw Reed's car, last Oct. 4, moving at high speed and out of control near the junction of the ditch. Reed was taken uncon- scious to Oshawa General Hospi- tal suffering extensive facia lacerations and a broken nose 1 Yesterday, the expenses of his hospitalization and the $600 dam- age to his car were increased by a fine of $100 and costs. Other motorists charged in con nection with failure to obey a stop sign used a variety of excuses: | couldn't see because of the sun, foot slipped from brake on to gas inattention. | pedal, and general Excuses. were not accepted fines were levied in every case as COMING EVENTS EUCHRE Valley View Club house, Glad stone Avenue, November 5. 8.15 p.m Good prizes, door prize. Admission 35 cents BINGO --- Bathe games Specials, day 2 p.m Park 14 regular two Jackpots, Thur 258a NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM At St. George's Hall, Albert ond Jackson St. Gomes $6, $12, $20. Moy be doubled or tripled anytime Door prize $15 Nov. 5, 6, 12, 13, MERRY-GO-ROUND FAIR $oturday, November 15, 2:30 to 5:30 P.M. Afternoon Teo 35 ond Milk (of children, Serving 3 45 § p.m Cookies 10¢ | Nov. 12, 14] NEA RUMMAGE Chu sale, King Street November 7, 2 p.m BINGO Darlington Volunteer Fire Bri- gade Avalon Hall, November 5, 8 p.m. 20 games, $5 and $7. Share the wealth, 7 -- $40 jackpots United 258a RLY NEW SHOP ANNIVERSARY SALES THURSDAY and 2.9 PM 60 King St. E. St. Gertrude's 257b 257b FRIDAY WITH CHOIR Dalgleish, | former Oshawa man, will sing Hyrum C, # | Mid-Missions. lish have been serving in Liberia for 30 years with the Baptist Mr. Mellish is in charge of the mission press and translation work. Mrs. Mellish will tell of her medical work among the natives. They will also show color slides of their work The public is cordially invited to attend the services Bless Thou our homes, O Lord, Where fam"lies live for Thee, Where parents read Thy Holy Word, And pray "on bended knee". Bless Thou our fathers, Lord, Guide them in all they do; And arm them with Thy Spirit's Sword | _ | GIRL GUIDE OFFICIAL PRAISES CHEST CAMPAIGN | | | | bass with the world-famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir of Salt Lake City, Utah, in its ap- pearance at Massey Hall, To- ronto, on Friday. Mr. Dal- gleish is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalgleish, 116 Fred- | erick street, and moved to Salt Lake City in 1952 following | a thrée-year Mormon mission | made in Great Britain. He at- | tended Centre Street Public | School and graduated from | Oshawa Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute. Now an elder in the Mormon Church, Mr Dalgleish is married to the former Marge Glade of Salt I Lake City and has two daugh- | ters, Vickie, 3, and Tammy, 1. | He worked at General Motors of Canada Ltd. prior to going overseas on his Mormon mis- sion. The 325-voice choir is | currently on a three-week tour of Canada and the 'Inited | States. Following . the Toronto | concert, the choir will 'perform | in Detroit HISTORIC TRACES Fossils of hippopotamus have been found ir the Kirby in Yorkshire, England. hyena tigers and caves # # Division Commissioner of the Oshawa Girl Guide Asso- ciation, Mrs, R. E. Wilson, said: "I feel that without the support of Community Chest Girl Guide work in Oshawa could neither expand or hold its own present high standard of service to the city "We sincerely appreciate the assistance received from Community Chest. Without this support maintenance of Girl Guide' House, our head- quarters at 121 Simcoe street south, would be impossible. Girl Guides, Brownies and angers are not money mak- ing organizations and rely on Community Chest funds to a great extent." Mrs. Wilson pointed out that the community benefits greatly from Girl Guide work in which girls are taught many useful skills. She con- sidered the work a deterrent to juvenile delinquency. There are 1150 members in Oshawa. She added, "The Girl Guide Association of Oshawa fully endorses the Community Chest system as a means of helping to fill the needs of many organizations which ety diploma for the best kept Bless Thou our fam'lies, Lord, large garage. | While they Thy Cause attend OFFER n | That they may thus Thy Grace COFFEE SPOONS PRESENTED afford, Sterling silver coffee spoons And serv: Thee 'til life's end. were presented to the following { trophy winners: Mr. Williams has honored the| Mr. and Mrs. J. Dominik, 319 congregation of King Street Unit-| Ritson road south, received the| ed Church by naming the hymn Horticultural Cup for the best| tune "King Street", after the large flower and vegetabie gar-| church, den. Mr, and Mrs. S. Burhel, 6 CELEBRATING [con Soi oli BIRTHDAYS Cooper - Smith Challenge Bowl for the best small flower and vegetable garden. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maskell, 537 . ; Park road south, received the Congratulations and best Hart Challenge Cup for the best wishes to the following resi- |)arge flower garden st dents of Oshawa and district | Mrs. A. Graham, 18 Elm street, | who are celebrating birth- |acejved the Mike Bouckley Tro-| days today phy for the best smail flower| Mrs. Donna Copeland, 214 Kendal avenue: Lenore Souch, 88 Central boulevard south; Victor Smith, RR 3, Oshawa: Ted Reed, 675 Sim- garden coe street north, The first five persons to in- | 0 PY REX form The Daily Times of Spirit Duplicator LEGS, THIGHS, RESTS . 49: WINGS 25° BACK & NECKS 2.-19° PORK CHOPS .55° «49° LB. LEAN SLICED SIDE PORK their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to the Regent theatre eood for a four-week period. The current attraction is "Indiscreet' Reproduce 75 Copies in 1 Minute MRS. R. E. WILSON rely entirely on public sup- port to carry on their work." The Greater Oshawa Com- munity Chest Campaign runs from Oct. 29 to Nov. 12 EASY BUDGET TERMS The "Copyrex' is designed to perform any duplicating job in the office, school, chlreh, club or business. Ideal for: Bulletins, Maps, Sales Letters, Menus, Reports, Music, Exam Ask for 4 50 stration WALMSLEY & MAGILL Office Equipment Ltd. 600D FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. HOTEL LANCASTER Papers, ments, Cards. Announce- Advertising, @ Demon-