R THE OSHAWA TIMES Wednesday, Novembsr 5, 1958 Tn 'GOOD EVENING QUALITY -- By JACK GEARIN --_-- OAC GRAD ings have been constructed, a C 1 Did you know that Mr. Allan| record for Oshawa. Shantz of 113 Gibb St. is the Construction of a second oldest living graduate of the On-| primary clarifier or settling tario Agricultural College,| tank at the sewage treat- Guelph? ment plant is nearing comple- Mr. Shantz is 80. He was pre-| tion; it will increase the deceased 2 years ago by his wife | capacity from 6 million gal- the former Lucinda Martin, and| lons daily to 7.5 million. f e {3Y) lives with his daughter, Miss| Asphalt pavement and curb and Elizabeth Marie Shantz. He is gutter have been constructed on remarkably active for his age|the following streets: A *® and is a regular competitor in| Alice street--Ritson road to (1) EVER YTHIN the shuffieboard contests at CRA.|Oshawa boulevard. [1] He is also a member of St. An-| Elmgrove avenue -- Park road drew's United Church, |to Shopping Centre. Mr. Shantz is the subject off Eulalie avenue -- Verdun road an article in the Fall issue of|to Wilson road. OAC Review and Alumni News| Louisa street--Stevenson road which mentions that he re Ito Kaiser crescent. ; . . . yer ! Seturasd Louisa street, from Simeve to ; 1 Suggestions and Special Prices for Week-end Nov. 4th #7) : Kaiser crescent, is being widened | 4 . 2 4 / and paved; when completed, this A and 6th. Sproule's Beef is Red Brand Beef -- Canada's will represent a new paved east- west artery from Simcoe street to Stevenson road, a distance of | one mile. Mr. Branch said the city's pro- Finest, to assure quality, flavor and tenderness. Try a Roast from Sproules this week-end, gram of surface treatment of | gravel roads with asphalt and BONELESS -- RED BRAND # stone chips was continued this year and 6'2 miles of roads were ? treated. or Ib, Cc : Six miles of new roads were graded and of these 4'2 miles were gravelled and open to traf- § RED BRAND CUT AND TRIMMED TO GIVE COMPLETE SATISFACTION fic. Regarding bridge and culvert Bl d Sh RIB R A construction: i 1b A new four - lane bridge is a e or or ™ C under construction over the CNR tracks on Ritson road south. SWIFT'S -- PEAMEALED new culvert has been built to bs ' ea ry Harmony Creek under Wil- 'MR. ALLAN SHANTZ son road north of Colborne street. 1b. to his farm in Waterioo after A $7000 footbridge has been od € | graduation and continued to oper- built over the Oshawa Creek to it successfully until his re-|join Erie street and Cordova i nis FL % Ww ¢ tirccnent "in 1948. road to provide an outlet to the FRESH -- SLICED FORMER OSHA A MAN ASSISTS FAMOUS AUTHOR | Mr. Shantz is an ex-president east for residents in the Cordova : Author Thomas B. Costain 3rantford in the 1870's. Mr ical writer for The Bell Tele- on 'the inventor, which will ap- [of the Experimental Union of'road - Malaga road area. 1b (right) and writer Donald G ie a member of The | phone Company of Canada in pear in book form next year. Ontario, For five years he was More than 4'2 miles of new . Cc Crossley discuss inventor Alex- | Oshawa Times editorial staff a | Montreal, aided Mr. Costain in | president of the Waterloo Hol-|sidewalk has been built this year.] ----n -- was a charter member of the|the highlights of the 1958 pro- SWIFT'S SLICED SIDE SWIFT'S SWIFT'S of the [sheep, as well as field S 8 rtain jai ce thi 8 , as F: ld crops at|almost certain jail sentence this Sealed 39¢ Three properties two of axes and costs on the Gren-|L ith ast Friday She leaves two daughters, Mrs when Major Marsland Rankin of Kitchener Milk Products Associa. gram of the city's board of SLICED VACUUM 3 Properties Sold OBITUARIES tion and a member of the Water- Works. Premium Bacon Duich Lunch Pork & Turkey FUNERAL OF Mrs. Cooney was married at!,.. . RICK £3 MIENT ED ? : many of the fall fairs in Ontario week can vouch for the works of Va-lb. pkg. J Sox, 1 X ODER K CLEMENT Port Perry in 1906. Her nusband|A pioneer in advanced aoricul-|charity performed by the Salva- t ib. 59c vhs 39¢ 1e burial took place Tuesday, predeceased her a gumber off; a methods, he built the. fir {tion Army " . them vacant lots and one bhuilt/fell avenue p rty amounted V 7ibbs, pastor of L. Hennesy (Fat), of Miami,|MEET THE PII GRIMS the S a i THURSDAY re sol r $2,913, by|to $446. Bidd star 50 Westmount *hurel won. Florida vg vane { BT res " GRIME he Salvation Army appeared in nyt upon -- were sold for 82 118 6. Bid ted at $450 Church, con-'Florida and Mrs. A. Evans (Jo-| William John Gray of 45 Fair. Magistrate's Court on her behalf ! FRIDAY OPEN TIL SPECIAL K CEREAL pkg. 25¢ ander Graham Bell's life at | few years ago and now histor | his researches for information Photo by Graetz Bros. Ltd. [stein Breeders Association. He| These facts, in short, represent loo School Board for 12 years THE SALVATION ARMY 1 - He has judged hogs, cattle and| A 19-year-old girl who faced an Sa aml L af Clement who years ago. She was a member silo in the district. and o The girl was convicted of false | 74 at Fairview of the Church of England : and owned Pw involving a $75 ¢ | ST R H one of the first milking machines Pretences involving a $75 cheque | KELLOGG'S public auction in a ci tax-de nd continued bi for two or ervice. Interment fol- sephine), of Oshawa and two|panks street has : ' ing sent to prison, ! faulting sale which asted 15 three minutes: between Mr. Sal wed a S a Union cemetery. sons, Jack and Ted, of Peterbor-! i T%e has a unique dis. Instead of heing se BE SATURDAY 10 0'CLOCK yiting 3 hich il Tor] Pelitearons ete Dono Te Ioan inction the girl was placed on probation SWIFT'S mn 95 hus -- ts attract Mr. Salmers secured it for $2 son, Russell Game, Wil y ed A is ' i Hog 2a ex-menber of the Pil. in the eustd? of he SA, She was SPROULE'S--Ki i Hy Stier Scam fois Sefae Mx Se 5 ( $2, = Bisel ro at Ifred Avie i Also Jury ving ie ares bro grim Players of Perth, Australia, | sent to the SA's Receiving Home SPROULE'S--S ing at Rifton y 1 be ered | 800. WO arshall, Jack F vers, Albert, of Brantford, and|He's also a member of tt il. li. Toronto where she will remain i i 3. "hey wi : : ¥ . ; Ian rn] ge ' 2 F he Pjl-|iL Toronto where s imcoe at Mi [4 at the adjourned ge on Nox 3 a le Way omy 008, ovies big and Donald Weeks Oliver and Lou, of Windsor and a grim Players of Oshawa, Ont. for an indefinite period; there she | tins Wid Be oy in 2 m jeu Mc on drive lot. Taxes FUNERAL OF sister, Mrs. Margaret Goldring,| Who are ihe Pilgrim Players? |Will receive medical attention, Open Thursday and Friday Nights unity of buying ther J othersill 1 a esi lhe f Cobourg 's amateur ntrinal Spiritual a j rocati id- " "The developed property, at 113/and costs totalled $45. F MRS SE ken : oh t t th ave ] ist lik, Bisalvicsl sgn) By oo SPROULE'S--Simcoe at SWIFT'S PREMIUM HOUSE " ha " i . " 1 Funeral ser Mrs. Jane e remains are resting at the W , s just like King who ¢ » X i binned 4 Grenfell "vee feteed the 4 Mi Roberts Was the only bid-| 01 beth Bell. who di the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, King|Sir Lawrence Olivier is; however, |if necessary. She is allowed to Colborne HAM 1Va-lb. 1 59 fost, Prey A g er for he Buc kingham Sven Andon: Nur ; St v at street west, Oshawa, for service the Pilgrims are an enterprising leave Receiving Home daily un- tin . > for a client whose n ne hi Sh on ah es: and. COSIS the age cre hald Tuesday 2t 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 6. Res and aggressive 30-member or- 7 ; ; . Bea Value for your Food Dollar ot declined to Teveal "The ar in- SEO D yoo i from the Armstrong * Funeral J. N. Lothian, rector of St. ganization founded three years g proule's volved is 30 feet by 125 feet MAY BE REDEEMED Home Mark's Angliean Church, will ago by Harry Chapman, who is ' ® Ample Free Parking JEWEL SHORTENING 29¢ CITY PAYS $50 All properties offered were Interment took place in the conduct the services. Interment still the group's guiding light and ® Delivery at a Nominal Charge Ib. AXE sold to enable the city '0 recover - will be in Pine Grove Cemetery, genius when not directing its plot din yy of the vacant lots, onl, . 0 hy . fami plot at Pine Grove ceme- One ( arrears of taxes. They may be tery "Prince Albert Major M, Prince Albert. plays Mothersill Drive, an irregularly| ¢ = : 2 ; i redeemed by their pre-sale own-|Rankin » Salvi . , The Pilgrims age 1 & NE GRANULATED shaped area not suitable fori an ankin, of the Salvation Army, : . g average 17 per- i building, was purchased by the ers within a year. conducted the service JOHN LIEBHAUSER formances annually, including vy FINE GR L E elty for $50. The vacant lots for which no| Pallbearers were Mrs. Bell's! The death occurred in the Buf-|°P€ major performance of a The other lot, a 113-foot strip bids were made were on Ritson grandchildren: Ernest Bell, Rob- falo General ILospital Tuesday, three-act play. The majority of 1 95 feet wide, on Buckingham road south and Wilson roadieri Bell Jr., Albert Bell Jr., Ran- Nov. 4, of John Liebhauser, 240 t e nces are given on : 7 | ibs avenue, was bought by Edward south some Bell Jr., Gordon Bell and Stephenson's road north, Oshawa, behalf of church organizations 4 | '- i Cc Roberts, 83 Buckingham avenue, H. E. Tripp, city treasurer, Larry Freeman. The deceased, who was in his|Which benefitted last winter to for $63. lconducted the sale | : 57th year, had suffered a heart|the tune of approximately $2000 § ime -- FUNERAL OF [condition for several years and|from the Pilgrims' activities | gg | REGULAR OR CHUBBY | MRS. EDWARD T. EDWARDS had received treatment in Toron-| Which included the productions ° ° The funeral &ervice for Mrs. (to and Buffalo hospitals. Harvey" and "Christ in Con- yr i ) | Edward T. Edwards, 140 Mill St.,| B i ry a crete Rar orn in. Hungary on Feb. 1, M . ' Find 8 rivers |who died at the Oshawa General 1902, Mr. ay was a son To get back to Mr. Gray: k C | Hospital Sunday, Nov. 2, was held!of Mrs. Chrstina Liebhauser and He's scheduled to play a dual [ } lat the McIntosh Funeral Chapel the late Lurens Liebhauser. He role in the Pilgrims' forthcoming lat 1.30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4. |was married in Notre Dame hroduction, "Witness for the AUNT MARY'S STOKLEY'S |. Rev Peter Trant of St. IRs : : Prosecution the judge and A | : ] St. 'Roman Catholic Church, Mont-j "1 he defonce barr $ SLICED BREAD 24-01. 18¢ 15-0x. George's Anglican Church. con real, Dee. 25, 1929. Por Shade din Darvister WILLIAM JOHN GRAY ioaf PUMPKIN tins 25¢ as i . i Eh & % TTT ducted the service nterment es 4 aray 1s sh-born. e Eight cases in' traffic court ing Beech, $100; John William n A resident of Oshawa for six was a professional actor for sev- | % dlp a . roo awn | Was Oshawa Union Cemetery. a ied, but sh st abide] Tuesday at Oshawa involved! Roome, 83 Allison street, Oshawa, W453 I JST years, the deceased was an em-|eral vears in FE 5 accompanied, but she must abice 5c OFF charges of careless driving $50 and Laverne Curtis, 37 Rich- 1he pallbearers were Bert Ed- I era] Years in England where he|strictly by all the rules and| LD TOWNE ES ols, Tor Rox: ye nn: wards. Bud Ft Wilfred Ed ploye of the Sklar Furniture Co. | worked with the late Sir Ben regulations of that organization | MINCEMEAT 2-pie 43¢ JIFFY PIE CRUST pkg. 28¢ l wards. Sa Award. < R and was a member of Holy Cross| Greet, the famous Shakespear i borough avenue, Oshawa, Was| Algo fined $25 on careless , A am Bi ds, Ross Ref pan Catholic Church actor. s Shakespearian|or be returned to the custody of size tin and Gordon K y the court. She will remain in the| NATIONAL 1 costs by Magis-|q4r 7 rhayg ore > % 8 y 5 | fined $10 and cos ) driving charges were Leonard Besides his mother, who lives. He later moved to Perth where protective custody of the SA untill} MAKES 12 QUARTS--10c OFF TEA BAGS 39¢ p 50 bogs 1] trate A. S. Mitchell who also di-|yarrow, 18, of 58 Elizabeth cres- MRS. LAURA COONEY in Hungary, he leaves his wife, |he resided for 32 years and play- h ae | accused - attend! : t s he court decides she able to rected that the accused attend|cent Oshawa, and Norman Mof f sealth for the the 'mer Anna Pertl 2 aled a e variety op ¥-|{the court decides she 1s ab | 40 a heal or the past the former Anna Pertl and a in a wide variety of dramatic hold a position and live without pkg. c the Oshawa Traffic Clinic in view!gait 815 George street, Peterbor-| four years Laura Roberts, widow thier awa roles ; I oT and ing Mrs ati, 3 t i) ) 2 i ober : i ov daughter, : Annie, of Osha W a. : roles - official supervision. That's when | ZIP D 15-0x, (1 3 b serating. a 8 . bh Cooney, died at Peter Also surviving are a sister and The Crown prosecutor in this|her probationary period ends tins Elliott had been operating a ag, .icirate Mitchell told a Bow- 1esday, Nov. 4. She two brothers in Hungary play will be portrayed by "Pat" bronationars S- |} 6c OFF--ROBIN HOOD LARGE a tl v 0 WaL i . 80t ar a Major Marsland Rankin is as- motor vehicle for a month manville man, Gerry Olthoff, 22|was in her 80th year The remains are at the Arm-|Patterson and the defence bl Bg this work a his ite] 21.0Z, FARMILY SIZE 10c OFF Zilli Y 'Ca v, 220 Division , + Toa 0 Can £20 yy S10 of RR 3, Bow manville "You got| A daughter o* the late®Hum- strong Funeral Chapel for re.|sel by Robert Greer, two Bell yrs. Majo~ Rankin who assisted | CAKE MIX White or Chocolate 29c¢ OVALTINE 16-o0z, 6 c nd sks after he testified that yourself into difficulties and could! phrey and Mary Roberts, the de- quiem mass i Holy Cross Church|1€ ephone employes. J |with the investigation work this | pkg. tin 6 his car swerved into the wrong| He fined Olthoff $25 on a care- ceased was born at Port Perry at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 7. Rev. Donald Dodds, wwreal-life law-| eek inthe case of the 19-year-| lane, at Park road and King less charge after the accused where she lived for 63 years. P. Coffey will sing the mass. In-|Yer, will portray the dective-|g1q girl. They came here from | LIPTON"S street, because he became '"dis- testified that he was unable to|She had lived in Peterborough for tetment will be in St. Gregory's inspector in this production due|jondon. Ont., several weeks ago. | tracted" avoid hitting a truck on Went-|five years. Cemetery early in the new year. MAPLE LEAF PROPAGANDA ° { Adz 3 3 iy Ss t near Ravine road|™ = - me en . { Sn oung should stick to hi Ronald McAdam, 364 Simcoe worth stree BOARD OF W . | Scott Young should stick to his an street, Oshawa, was fined $35 las' month. : ? Did you ORK more than lypewriter and forget about his IC en d 00 e pkgs, (A and costs on a failure to stop A Pickering trucking firm, Pit- a " CITY AND seven niles Of SLAs ® nan TV interviews. : | charge. run Transport Ltd.,.was fined have been constructed in Oshawa) Certainly he added nothing to] CLARK'S BREAKFAST NEEDS Also fined on careless driving $40 each on three separate charg- ry 8 | so far this year? his prestige last Saturday night CANNED GOODS charges were: Arthur William es of overloading laid by the ' DISTRICT year lwhen he interviewed Staff] SPECIAL 5¢ OFF PACK ror. ide PARADOR g ; That the Harmony Creek trunk cw . afc H CULVERHOUSE 8 > "ker- depart t of transport. i 5 run J cafs. Reed, 72 Poplar av enue, Pl ker gepar men 0 - ran por 1 ; sewer has been continued ron |e J Be Lents writer to get TOMATO SOUP Vila B Cereal Asparagus VON REPORT 1 from the intersection of tangled up in the highly-special- 4 45¢ 18-0z. pkg. 20¢ 2 { The report from the Oshawa Wilson road and Alice street and ized field of TV interviewing, for C H Ww 3 Shawa js withi few 1 ved feet of |covs leila n : uitings US. 1sitors EATHER branch of the Victorian Order of en Eo aed feet of whieh he displays no talents what : BAKING NEEDS Old Y k 12 il g J -- ; ork Cereal 2 tn Ze Nurses r ko Fras 2 , 4 ; lth soever. ' irses for the week ending Nov Ald. Walter Branch, chairman| There was too much about his TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- " H . L ] ROTO p- i fore . 4 " 1 released today, gave the fol- Of the board of works, is author- performance that smacked of Medium Coconut 32-0z. pkg. 39¢ KOUNTRY KIST raise 0Ca ther office at 5 a.m.: : 3 ; Pi © lowing returns: home visits -- 59 i for he Lin) statements. He|qyliness and, as he kept grinding 1.lb. cello bag 29¢ Ww . Synopsis: The mild weather en- i En maternity cases -- 6; medical - y 0 rads Dllowlog summary jand groaning through the inter- . ax Beans . joyed by most of Ontario for the i 7 ; #4: and surgical -- 8 toda department's 1958 program view, one point became painfully . Red River Cereal 15-0z, tins 0 1ceman past few days showed signs of / i di of a lobvious -- he was interviewing Cut Mixed Peel Bot 2 . 27¢ ending today. A vigorous stor 4 ? ; TRE E . ait Sanitary sewers have been [the boss' son, and he did not want] -0z. pkg. that Er Soro ere] 2 4 STREETS CLOSED constructed in the Sunset [ie oss the boss' son look too | 8-0z, pkg. 19¢ 19¢ KOUNTRY XisT dian Mounted Police have dong morning centred in Minnesota. 7 closed to traffic Thursday because| awa. Work will commence on [want to ask pointed questions. | Ch 1 i Chi it Quick Oais Green Beans been associated in the i This disturbance will move into A 4 of construction: Ritson road south! construction of the balance of | Scott's weakness. as a sports| 0co a e pi S 2 15-0z, tins c residents of the United 5 i Northern Ontario today bringing] ? from Bloor street east to Wolfe, the sewers in North Oshawa [writer and sports TV interviewer. | 6c OFF 5-Ib. bag 53¢ 25 with Canada. Following their ex- brisk winds and Solne Tain to ? street; Louisa street from Kaiser| as far north as Russett ave- lis that he's tied too closely with 6-o0z. Pkg. 25¢ AYLMER i haw Mond 9 resce 3 4 % perience in Oshawa on Monday) most of the province as well as crescent to Simcoe street north;| nue as soon as the trunk [the Maple Leal Gardens organiza- » » Oshawa police 5 I Bow creat fis i . A A > Se a member of the Oshawa p some snow to northern sections. 9 tay street from Bond street east| sewer reaches Simcoe street. |tion, which has a Kremlin-like New Port Fluffs Diced Beels i i regard . < " Manel Sad . force is also held in high regarc Much cooler weather will spread| r to King street east. The following Sanitary sewers hav Is hold the great majority of To- A i the é spread | 2 4 A ' Sanitary s have also |hold on the great majority y of. Hi by two visitors from south of the 1. ss Ontario today and tonight! a {will be closed at Louisa street: been constructed in various |ronto hockey writers. This un-| Pitted Dates 8-0z. pkg. 29¢c 2 15-02. fim 21¢ Members of the Royal Cana- oo States Tuesday was this The following streets will be Heights area of Merth Osh- |bad: in other words, he did not | border. with the passage of this storm. v Kaiser crescent, Francis street, new subdivisions. |fortunate tie-up naturally re-| Ibs. c While their Yushangs ere deer Regional forecasts valid until SPECIAL SPEAKER Golf street, Grooms avenue, A total of three miles of Istriets him an discolors his writ- 2 35 . . _. KINGS COLUMBIA hunting in the Pelesboraigh A midnight Thursday. Kurt R. Swinton, vice presi Church street and Prince street storm sewers have been con- |ir.g and his TV interviews | AUSTRAILIAN Rice Krispies Raspberries trict two women v 4 =" | Lake Erie, Lake Huron and Nt aa i anaeiay ri, ay strueted, some for new sub- As a Maple Leaf Gardens prop-| [a] to shop 3 he Qsliawa Shep ies (cenrgian Bay regions; Windsor! Sent ani manag Siem o CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT| divisions and others to oo agandist, oe contd no more cor] Seedless Raisins Giant pkg. 39¢ 15-01. tin 29c¢ . On the way the a . tiv © ; ay) RT LIOR E g ' = ide drainage . 9 't an intellig TV intervi Cenze shoulder of the and London: Mostiy cloudy today | Canada, Ltd., who will deliver The ever-availability of divine, vide drainage fe the pro duct af intelligent TV interview | 1-Ib. was forced to the sh : and Thursday. Showers begin- a lOLY : posed paving program next [with Staff Smythe than a Soviet ¢ road to avoid colliding with road | iho this afternoon and ending to- ue Hedicalory adres s at Ho impartial mercy and justice was| year g indersecretary could conduct an equipment. In the process the oil| pioht. Much cooler Thursday official opening of the Dr explained at Christian ¢ Science) To date this year, 1011 [intelligent TV interview with] SNOWFLAKE FIRM NO. 1 LARGE the two women, a ; J. Donevan Collegiate Institute ; . ' pan, unknown to Lake Ontario, Niagara and Hal-| { ioht The el C01 1. services on Sunday, Nov. 2. The| sewer connections to build- "Khruschev. Sh $ : : = was damaged. iburton regions; Toronto and| hor he ne school will he Golden Te as fr bsalms| - ---_ = orlening Cooking Onions White Mushrooms While they were shopping a Hamilton: Sunny and mild today opened by 7, DD. Thomas, Mbp (Golden 'ext was. from Psalms] - Ib 10-Ib. b v a A aa w : er! for Oshawé ing 30:7): "Le ac i > -ib. ba policeman, patrolling the area, clouding over this afternoon with ' ¥ Tidin 130:7): "Let Israel hope in the : C.R.A. ANNUAL MEETING 29c "39¢ B 49¢ noticed the oil pan on their auto- occasional rain beginning this Lord: for with the Lord there is 3 id ing and left a note evening early Thursday aj Mal The officers and Board, of Directors of the Oshawa and District mobile was leaking and left a note evening early hursday. Mainly st Thomas ...... 5 an mercy, and with him is plenteous Community Recreation clation wish to announce that the ANNUAL . on the windshield. cloudy and much cooler Thurs- | ondor ; vodemblion MEETING OF THE AS IATION WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 2, 1958 Big Enough To Serve You -- Small Enough To Appreciate You ies proceeded to a serv- day. Winds south 20 today, west W ek : : Tarr AT 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of reporting on the years' operation, to The ladies proceeded 2 y Vin n sees elect new Members he Board of Directors, and conduct such other fee station where it was found 25 Thursday i Toronta oe 1 : THREE SPEEDERS FINED business as may efore the meeting that only a pint of oil remained Kirkland Lake and Timmins- 71renton & 1 Three Oshawa: area motorists IN ACCORDANCE ITH THE CONSTITUTIC F THE OSHAWA YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE Despite the lateness of the hour Kapuskasing regions; North Bay'c, (ai 3 AND DISTRICT CC INITY RECREATION ATION Seven Despite i Jat ness of ihe aon ( re fined $10 or 10 days oni] MEMBERS OF THE RD RETIRE AND SEVEN MUST BE ELECTED. Hamilton 4 {1 peeding irges this morning in Nominees for election to the Board must he present at this meeting, parts department at p> With rain today : loudy . and apyckoka a : 1 raffic court. The accused were or have indicated in writing their willingness to stand for election were able cblder tonight and T wrsday with Killaloe wk : 4 fined in absentia when they failed! Anyone holding .a CR.A. membership is entitled to all voting and Sudbury: Cloudy and mid Motors and the women : 4 # " oil WAY wwers of rain or snow in 5 privileges and to hold a position on the Board. Memberships may be to proceed on their way outherly 20 beeo 0 Wes to appear before Justice of the procured on the Annual Meeting night, prior to the I ay h b was cost- southerly 0 becoming northwe : m F '] While the repair job was c oR ht ™ 1ax Peace William Igel. They were: 25 tonight and Thursday > yone else (in g Fred M., Hirschfeld, RR 4, Osh c ance w ulations a nominations Jy it was not as large as it would 2 have heen had. the Women drive Forecast temperatures SHaSH ieee 2 awa: Carole A. Gorman, 125 East ist for elect y do so by contacting the C.R.A. office, 100 Gibb back to Peterborough and burned Lows tonight, highs Thursday el 1 ] ) man street, Oshawa and Olindo : ie a aa out the motor. Windsor ....... 39 50 ] once Seve bY ) Sauro, 44 Mill street, Oshawa, | z R