THE OSHAWA TIMES Wednesday, November 5, 1959 U-=Arricies ror sale | FRIGIDAIRE 40 inch range, ge, like new, 256f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) |phone RA 5-1642, |RIGHEST prices paid in Oshawa for | used furniture by the Community Fur |niture Store, 19 Prince Street. | BA 81131 {LLOYD baby « arriage, ex: 3-3 913, 50--Articles For Sale KELVINATOR refrigerator, condition; rangette; Reasonable, Phone RA 8-1773 ONE steel bed, with spring; table, four chairs; and boots, size 5%A, RA 5-2192. PRACTICALLY new, hooked rug 6x9, excellent | THREE - electric tea kettle, [steel sinks and strainer, $14.95; laun 258(|dty tubs, $15; pressure systems, $50; -- sump pumps, kitchen |itchen cabinets and sinks, pair figure skates plastic and steel ___258¢| installations, Park Road South, Phone 50--Articles For Sale "piece bath set, (, $90; cabinet coppe! $39; shower Hillside RA 37 Chinn's, stainless COCA COLA Apply 274 Pacific Avenue, Oshawa, 257f s,|ONE used Livingstone model 15 stoker. 257¢ piping and fittings, and} Nov. by dition, Phon: RANGE, 5-6881 Gurney, cooler, A-1 r,| Telephone RA 8-1661, Man's winter overcoat, Phone Fy 5 9356. after 6 pon m, 202) WETYHOUTH cabin cruiser, 1 year old, LARGE baby crib, blond wood, excel- lent condition, Apply 238 John Sieet. THREE - piece chesterfield, very g = condition, and blue, After 7, pho! RA 53342. $175 Smith-Corona portable e typewriter, used about two days, in price $239. Phone MO 8.2961. " A SET of Wear-Ever aluminum, never b used, $00. Phone Bowmanville i RA 5.2414, GREY chesterfield "and chair also wal [Te and cider barrels available, a 3a + guide uniforms 12 x 18 a nut desk with glass top, Phone RA 2584 up, terms, guaranteed. Ostrander Piano Company, Jia Queen Street HOward 6-23 ec. TWO plece iW wine; one Tug blue 6' 9" x 9'. Both good condition. RA 3-2004, 258b ONE 4% by 23" Jointer planer with %|pA 3.2088, both perfect condition, RA 8-5109, GIRLS sub teen clothing, size 10 to 1 coats, 860 electric ure GRAVITY welded uj East Kelly S| Vien your must sell. Also Mark 75E dresses, skirts, roll-a-way o {ri | ORDERS Taken for storm sashes, mea- Please and estimates free, rder arly. RA 3-4989, TY | steel Nov. { furnace, urner and contro! down payment and terms, outboard, , oll of 3 ETAT Tefrigerator, in excellent Law St. 2561 | condition; also girl's coat, size 10, 3 ellent con 2574, 407, heavy duty, RA 2571 condition, TWO Wilion rugs, approximately 9x10', {one new congoleum rug, 12'x10%'; one {kitchen table, chrome legs. Reasonable. Phone RA 80511 or RA 52363. 2571) TINTAWN, the Irish sisal carpet com- | pletely installed, $6.50 square yard,' 15 iL colors, Nu Way Rug and Carpet Sales, 253 ) ___m--Leger monces GENERAL STRUCTURAL TRADES Ontario Provincial Police Detachment Building, Whitby, Ontario SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- ERS will be received until 4 p.m, ES. Time on Two rile coats, size 14, 15, fitted] 29 and loose; also two wooden combina. |tion doors. Apply after 6, RA 5-4384, 253 is, large wood crib | TWIN baby carriage, Phone MO sam, 255( WEDNESDAY, DEC, 3 1958 efor the Generol Structural Trodes work in connection 3.4719, p. Stero " #, TV. Nov. 1 the d-~ thing run. her's on the hummer, | o.oo. oo "iene and your wash ain't getting done, eall TWO continental rug Pa out in Hampton, he will make|ity, ddy's 3pton, Bowmanville | abroad. Write Box 148 Oshawa Ties 7b, Nov, 24| 18 mate) radio, with 37043, 33 Buena Vis new, Must be sold, owner goin horsepower delco %' double end shaft with reset. Pull complete mounted WE pay highest price in the city for ) on stand, Apply #1 Rossland Road West used furniture. Pfetty's Used Furniture les, Kelvinator refrigerator or RA 3.9723 258a | Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe S. GENUINE rT © 8850. ONE green ¢ A size | 18; 7 two # good | cloth suits, 36; blue, size 18; coats, size 12; one dress black and|K two light blue shortie|A {uti budget plan. RA 5-45 $20, RA 8 |WE pay highest price in n the city for| __ 258c used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture prompt service pre -- (Store, RA 3-3271 , 444 Simcoe South TTCHEN oll stove, very ' pply 49 Harmony Road South, one long grey and red BENDIX automatic wash winter coat for girl, size 12. RA 59846, [nor deluxe automatic w 258a | th 258a 320.9 and up; CHRISTMAS gif specials -- -- hostess chairs, $12.88; floor polishers, | a $35.95; Lane ¢ tric kettles, $7.83; rockers, $38; G. E Wilson Furniture, 20 Kroehler platform [tr steam irons, $15.9. Church Street | 258a LLOYD and Gendron baby carriages, brand new, cash and carry, from $32.50 for wringer plus free pram mattress, Plextone baby | cribs, full panel, adjustable teething rails, regular $4¢ $24.50; playpens $8.49 ture, 20 Church Street BEACH electric stove, burners. RA 5-5286 MUSKRAT coat black persian paw sonable offer refused DINING room set consisting of six chairs, buffet and table. Phone RA 51055 258¢ USED 'friges, washers, ranges, rangettes, TV GMAC terms. Kelly King West, Noy.18 MUNDINGER Italian made accordion and case, new; also E flat baritone saxaphone with case and stand, Phone RA 5-3018 after 6, 253( LADY'S winter coat, suit, gresses size 18; also girl's winter coat and hat size 8, rubber overshoes, size 1 RA 58340 2451 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup plies, new and used, For the best deal in town see Provincial Tire, 48 Bond Street W, RA 5.6511. USED tires, most all sizes Goodrich Store, RA 5:45 258a fr 22 inch, "four | latest style, also|y size 16, 18. No fc automatics, and radios, Frigidaire, ® i? up. B, F., SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK -- PLUS AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-5332 EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- dows, Awnings ond Porch Railings. OBODY BUT NOBODY eon beat our quality prices ond guaranteed installations. chests, $49.95; elec (three for $1 |deater offers old washer on a new Beatty Atom atic (je RA 8 1081 | anytime, est Nov. 18 FRIGIDAIRE plastic TOMEOWNERS' and , half price|count on Wilson Furni-| cooking tops, King Street West 258f | GREY RA 5.7430. 258a| DINING room suite table, washers, used rangettes, oned, $149; and up; used TV's, used radios and nd up; used records 39 cents eacl Barons' Radio and Ele 426 Simcoe Street South Nov rie Ltd, KELLY TV your authorized you up to $100 for you washer, 81 xy builders' di Frigidaire pull-down elements, Kelly TV, Nov stol igerators and ranges RA 5 5121, lamb contour new, $40. Phone Persian rey satin lining, 1208 Apply 1 pur chairs NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER factory con- storm installed low= finest aluminum and doors satisfaction ot For the structed windows to your est prices UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX, VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING SHOP RA 3-9851 reconditions, $7.95 SKATES, new and used, $30.95 and up; ecord players, $14.95 New skates $4.95 up. Largest selection 204 Bond pa "Beatty ({oeq rebuilt machines, RAI 253( Free estimates. Orde now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, very reanonable Oshawa. oct. 1f b "at a price you WILLIAMS "pianos, , 0 "|can afford, at Parkway Tlevision, i Simcoe Street North. RA 3-304 Skate Exchange", Used skates h lin town. Drayton Cycle, € | Street East 15| VACUUM cleaner repairs, rts, attachments, brushes, 'T| Rentals Oct. 71959 automatic washers and dryer p 5 by 5 report st prices, From $199, Kell g , 81 King West. Nov. 1 18 FRIGIDA |*trig. 42 Ib freezer, butter-keeper. N money down with trade. Only GMAC plan $2 weekly. Kelly Frigidair 81 King West, Nov, 1 e, "buffet and 38; tet oe |MEAVY duty range "$35; rangette $25; all ove working order, Star Repair Centre, mi Burk Street. RA 57743 VACUUM cleaner repal parts, astachments, brushes, teed rebuilt machines. Estimates | Rentals |vice. RA 8-1081 AWNINGS, pl ain colors, er gay p Fre anytime estimates, Ord ery. Chair and tabl 412 Simcoe. North shaw a [us n change, highest |Oshawa Trading Street South. HA sell and e Contac furnit Ve bu yrices paid, Post, 446 58131, 12vs FOOT boat complete with motor, | King West 254¢ | 3600 or best offer, Apply 561 RA 5-5152 after 6 BOX of man's clothing, 8 1t. 8), '| Pl hone _R/ A 5.5208. CALL COLONIAL Now for a free estimate on Canada's: finest aluminum combination windows, doors and awnings at down-to- earth prices. Manufac- tured locally in Colon ial's new Whitby plant. Quality Service and Satisfaction Guaran- teed. DISPLAY COURT 289 PARK RD, SOUTH RA 8-8571 PLANT $15 BROCK ST, NORTH MO 8-4891, WHITBY SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX 1577 BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2425 After Hours: RA 5-6159 BOAT KITS $56.00 and up Open "Evenings & Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 256{|8 Church Street, RA 3-7 PIANOS, ail makes 3nd ies, (07 #70 MARCONI wd Admiral for 1050, $100 CORNER cockiall speakers, from $149, [therette; W i] in lea: 16 gauge shot gun, like new; shortwave, hil x 12, good i |B. F, GOODRICH Stores, fires, batter: Seievision. AWNINGS, plain colors, or = stripes, 19 "all makes, guaran. Estimates free, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- 19 No, 1 over all others Low overhead IRE special big 10% 5 cubic it. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. Simcoe 40-42 (about shoes and galoshes, 9 and 10, oa with the Construction of the Ontario Provincial Police De- tachment Building ot Whitby, Ontario. A Bid Bond made payable to the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer of Ontario in the El amount of $14,000.00 must accompany the tender. A Performance Bond made out by an approved Guaranty Company on the Department of Public Works form in the t| amount of 100% of the tender will be required from the successful tenderer, s| Plans, Specifications with tender form attached ond tender envelope may be ob- tained by GENERAL CON- TRACTORS ONLY on appli= cation to the Department of Public Works, Ontario, Room 6436, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, ond may be viewed at at Room 6436, and may also be viewed ot the Builder's Ex- change at Toronto, 3| A Deposit of $50.00 will be required per set of Tender ol Documents taken out, This amount will be refunded when documents are returned in good condition but will be forfeited if not returned with- ; in thirty days after above closing date. The lowest or any tender not necessarily, accepted, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, October 29, 1958, i G. N. Williams, | h Deputy Minister (Architecture) | Department of Public Works, Ontario, e A 256¢ Is Fun Down By "The Voice" Newsman Claims NEW YORK (AP)--A newspa- per photographer claims Frank Sinatra's chauffeur-driven limou- [sine ran him down early Tuesday | while he was trying to make a picture, | Sinatra, in reply, said nothing 52--Legal Notices TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received for all sub trades of the new F. W. Woolworth - Store lo- cated on: King St. West, off Simcoe. Date of tenders to be received will ,be no later than 5 p.m, on November 5, 1958, The lowest of any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Tenders are to be directed to P.O, Box 316, Belleville, Ontario, marked to the atten tion of The Tatham Company Limited HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 Anytime till 9 p.m. BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on mo- tors. Boat storage, Factory approved. Service centre, for motor repairs. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- dows, Awnings and Porch Railings. NOBODY BUT NOBODY can beat our quality prices ond guaranteed installations, HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 Anytime till 9 p.m, MacFadyen's real seal alum- inum products, Storms and screens, triple track, $19.95 each installed, for any double hung window. Aluminum doors, regular, $43.50 each; self-storing, $52.50 each. Installation included, fully guaranteed. RA 8-1547 any- time. READ THIS!! ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS AWNINGS AND RAILINGS TWO AND TRIPLE TRACK WINDOWS WITH SCHLEGEL CUSHION OVERLAP OR BLIND STOPS CASH OR TERMS -- UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE RA 5-792 ANYTIME ADDRESS: 58 NASSAU Nov. 10 LOOK SUPERIOR ALUMINUM OFFERS MORE! WHY? Top quality. products, ® Installations aot the lowest cost, ® Estimates absolutely free. ® Special rates to apartments and large houses WINDOWS AWNINGS DOORS GRILLS CALL RA 3-2619 or RA 5-7119 Nov. 21 Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Alumin CUSTOM AND OPEN AND RAILINGS - ce Fur ngs and LES EVENISS 15 PRINCE ST. RA 3.2707 Don Howe, RA Interi Les Eveniss, um Awnings CLOSE or and Exterior Bathtub Enclosu SALES LTD. RA 5-4632 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 5-0313 J, N. COLETTI Contract Manager Oct.27,29,31 Nov.3,5 of the kind happened, He sald he merely refused to be photo- graphed by Journal . American photographer Melvin Finkelstein and then was driven away. | Police looked into the matter to see if any charges needed to be filed, They talked to Sinatra and also to Finkelstein, The photo-| grapher said he didn't hear any-| thing Sinatra may have said to] the chauffeur as the windows of the limousine were closed. | PRINTED ACCOUNT [ The journal-American printed, outside the Harwyn, an east side supper club, in which they quoted Sinatra as exhorting the chauf- feur to run Finkelstein down. Finkelstein told police his right knee was injured. An aura of misunderstanding arose, according to the Journal. | American, when a reporter asked | Sinatra: MANCHESTER "Frank, what are your plans?" "When will you , . , stop call-| MANCHESTER -- grandparents, Mr. and ed relatives in Toronto, {house to Mr, will move in shortly, Miss Muriel Lamb, Peterbor- ough Civic Hospital, parents on Sunday. Hallowe'en passed quietly in the village. Many small people in strange costumes made their an- {nual call Mrs. Ellen Johnston, Albany, N.Y. spent a couple of days this week with her niece, Mrs. A. Roach. ' a Bill | Thompson, Brampton, visited his| Sinatra." Mrs, Ww. D. Munro over last weekend. Eunice and Susan Roach visit- Howard Dobson has rented his and Mrs, Olsen who visited her [ing me Frank?" Sinatra was | quoted as replying. "I am Mr, | Tuesday: "I am not happy. I don't like a "NEWS IN BRIEF | Singer's Mama [ri BUILT KING RESIDENCE | Dislikes Plans (divorced man for my daughter." OTTAWA (CP)--Patrick Joseph] HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Anpa Ma.| The singer and Bregman, 28, Murphy, 82, contractor who built|ria Alberghetti's mother has pro- {announced wedding plans Monday fhe ile grizie Hiner Nachos tested the singer's planned mar-|after she s aid she 'received 5 ence nearby |ria Kingsmere, Que., died here Tues- Singe to Louis (Buddy) Bregman, {Roman Catholic Church permis. . sion to marry Bregman, who is day after a brief illness, The pic- | turesque King estate now is re- The Sapely 2 Year did, born ol sevish, No date has been set for ) 'going tained a t of Gat! ed as part of Gatineau Park. oy 0 ur | CC mother, Mrs, the wedding. PRODUCER DIES ROME (AP) -- Sam Zimbalist, { Hollywood's leading movie| ucers, died Tuesday making | pr ithe greatest film of his career, Ben Hur. The 57-year-old i cer coliapsed on the movie set * ,|after a heart attack. They said it Couldn't be done! WHO CARES ABOUT TKIL FINS | Well Ill Show The car of the future may not | the rear; steering bars instead Them. emphasize greater power, more | of 4 wheel; all-around vision; chrome, higher tail-fins or even fold back § ' WATCH more room. If insurance com- i stead of opening individually. panies have their way, it will | | Thursday's Paper | The driver sits in the middle of | be a safety model such as the 0 : NOV. 6 -- ON ---- 'auay STOVE OIL ® Prompt Delive serie De ou For Delivery By Metered Trucks Phone: RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 and doors that OSHAWA WHITBY VIGOR OIL CO. LIMITED Amvergnetti, who sew "NEW REDUCED PRICE design shown here, It has | the car with his passengers on | bucket seats, with one facing | cithor side on sliding seats. LAST 3 DAYS OF OUR MOVING SALE eo After 10 Years -- Bond Clothes Must Vacate. © Complete Stock of Men's Clothing and Fine Furnishings. ® To Be Sold Without Reserve at Sacrifice Prices. ® Check These Typical Buys. SALE STARTS THURS., 9.30 A.M. SAVE FROM 209%, to 75% NOW! LOOK WHAT .77 BUYS ON| | 00K WHAT 6.77 BUYS ® YOUR CHOICE . SOCKS ® SLACKS YOUR CHOICE e TIES OnLy ONLY CAPS eo SWEATERS TT 3. exes 6-77 eo BELTS ALL SIZES, ALL COLORS, VALUES TO 14.95 m<IMmamD 5 | Police Chief Points Finger at "Protection" Racket MILD -COOL EVEN BURNING CIGARETTE TOBACCO | IN THE . CONVENIENT 25¢c* PACKAGE PSeggerted Price " 's time someone ro 3piclee up' sa Police Chief Charles St- uv) Montreal North. 'Protection only exists when it covers all possibili- ties. And the best example of that | is anti-freeze. Sure, lots of people | say that almost anything will give our car winter protection. But or me there's only one brand of anti-freeze that does the complete job. That's "Prestone" Brand. In | the cooling system of my car it, | not only guards against frost, but | rust, corrosion, foaming and clog- ging as well. That's what I call | complete protection.' The Chief is right. *'Prestone" {Brand Anti-Freeze is the only |anti-freeze with magnetic film | that coats every surface of your | | cooling system. Make sure you | Freeze--identified by the Gree Tag that will be attached to roe | | |radiator. PNSE1S | BUY IT NOW PRESTONE BRAND ANTI-FREEZE ""Prestone" is a registered trade mark) NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY DIVINION OF UNION CARBIDE CANADA LiMITID YALUES TO 2.50 SHOP NOW FOR BEST SELECTION WHLE THEY LAST he A A SPORT COATS ww oy 22.7 7 SHIRTS PYJAMAS voy J, TT JEWELLERY Now 15 PRICE NAME BRANDS! mmm Y SUITS, SUITS vn ow 44.77 TOPCOATS wor 39.77 SIZES 36 TO 44, INCLUDING TALLS LIMITED QUANTITIES SO SHOP EARLY CAR COATS SIZES 36. TO 44 Suburban COATS NEWLY ARRIVED FOR FALL 20% ALL SALES FINAL! BoND CLOTHES Sop ONE LOCATION -- 57 KING EAST e555 A