The Oshawa Times, 5 Nov 1958, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES Wednesdey, Movember Bd wwe Coll the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 18 Trades Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this column. Births, Memorloms, Cords of Thenks 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- Accountants MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co.,|® Csund Accountants, licensed Trus aah, Atak, Oshaws, Stratford, Toronto; |AYeD AC; A, B, Mon Monteith, tos, 8 'Comm. Ch; G. W, oh, CA) Upton Lightfoot, CA; George W, Treth | after wiA 33387, 25 Simeon AL 0 TH rR Sn 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 y eet BRICK laying, block laying, genersl pa Danlkrantey, ing. on V. cement work "AJ. Grows, Bowman: BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Juri can file your ceiling, Noor, wali, Services offers complete ing and decorate, Free estima arvieat, jor small Jusitons, guaranteed, Phone Oshawa BX oo 9, st, Room 1, Office 2081 BIRTHS Sireet Wi om 1 NY 5.03975 | Whitby MO 8-4596, WILL dig posi holes BULL ~ Brenda and Shelley wish to announce the arrival of a baby brother, , Mr, and Thomas John, Proud parents, Mrs, Thomas Bull (nee Barbara Imrie) doing. fine. REGAN ~~ To Mr Rega, Bowmanville DEATHS and Mrs Memorie! John on November 4, 1058, at the Hospital, » chine, Dial RA 5-505, yi a TRENCHING, BASEMENT and SWIMMING POOL EXCAVATIONS Home sewage systems ine stalled. Reosonable prices. For free estimotes colle ART STEVENS Brooklin 173W Hourly or Contract Werk # 7, HOPKINS and Company, Ceril- fled Public Accountants. 173 Kin Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 2--Barristers an DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East, Telephone: Business, RA 5-5001; Resi dence, RA 8.5773, MANNING 7, SWARTZ. Barrister, Si itor, Notary, Money to loan, . Block, 2% King Jiont East, RA 3-4607; Residence, Dial 3-4029, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Qc, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan, Office, 14% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 94232, COONEY «= After a lengthly lines at Peterborough on Tuesday, November 4, 1958, Laura Roberts in her 80th year, beloved widow of Joseph Cooney and loving mother of Mrs, L. Hennesy (Pat) Miami, Florida, Jack and Ted of Peterborough, Mrs, A. Evans Yes} phine) of Oshawh, dear sister of A bert Roberts of Brantford, Mrs. Gold ring (Margaret) of Cobourg, Oliver and Lou Roberts of Windsor. The late Mrs, Cooney is resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 300 King Street West, for services in the chapel on Thursday, November 8, 2 p.m, Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Port Perry LIEBHAUSER ~ Entered into rest in Buffalo General Hospital on Tuesday Nov, 4, 1958, John Liebhauser, beloved husband of Anna Pert, in his 57th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funer- al Home, Oshawa, with High Requiem Mass in Holy Cross Church, Friday, November 7, 10 am. Interment St Gregory's Ci emetery, 258b For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS PHONE RA 3.9533 24: King St. East, Oshowa (2doors from Kern's Drug store) Nov, 16 JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Poperhanging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimotes All Work Guaranteed 50 Nossau St, RA 3.7080 MW.F, EXCAVATORS Basements & Trenches residence, RA 5-3405. CREIGHTON, Fraser, "Drynan y And Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No: tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build. |ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 33448; T. K. Creighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, |QCs G. K. Drynan, G. INHA mortgages arranged JORN A, MacDONALD, BA, Barrister and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North, Phone RA 88511, McGIBBON and Bastedo, , BArTIsters, Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5.3566, Charles C. MeGibbon, |9C# Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. |GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Bolici- GOOD EATING Dine At The GRAND RESTAURANT (Upstairs) For Christmes Chinese food our specialty, Toke Out Orders RA 3-9422 Dec. 24 FLOWERS FOR ROW | SANTA'S SHOWCASE CHRISTMAS ge Christmas Flowers R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS Winter Wreaths--Centre Pieces Christmos Corsages Ph. RA 5-1131 «= We Deliver "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" A COMPLETE LINE AT POWELL'S | DRUG STORE 352 Simcoe North RA 3.4734 Dec. 24 (sors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones: J. M | Greer, BA, S¢,, RA 53368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.5832, SUcAn R Phillips, B, Comm., RA 8-197 ww GREER, Murphy and Rady id, Bar [risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 54717 Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, FOUN A; CAMERON, Barrister; Soli tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA 3.2200, NHA and private mort Machines for hire by the hour or by contract Len-Rae Limited NIGHT DAY MO 8-4003 MO 8-3731 Nov.22 DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS CAKE Home boked. . Order now. PHONE RA 8-5743 After Five 259¢ Dec. 24 17--Money te Losn 24--Market Basket Money Available to Home Owners! Up to Sa.000 for any good purpose, including n pay- ment on home, payment of WF YOU wani & "wood chicken or capon, phone RA 25--Pets and Livestock 32--Articles Wanted Fo ge me 2 Box 110, BR ~ (used) DACHSHUND puppies, six weeks, regi- stered championship stock, red and ma. hogany males, A oth Jn Lakeview existing mortgage, d tion of debts, or purchases of ony kind. NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT NO BONUS For fast, friendly service coll SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, 29% Simcoe Street South RA 5.112) (Formerly Bellvue) 10570, BEAUTIFUL baby buds budgies, Te ready for Waibens hig RA TOY ¥ Fox "Terrier, female, eight oni ald, $10; male Collie pup, two months, $5. Phone Bowmanville, MArket 2am, ATTENTION! German Shepherd Tov, ers. We have an hepherd Puppies of Bur iii, |§rinder attachment. Phone RA Picker. Dee.5| WANTED -- UA Puppies. champion stock, | With pipes. Phone MA 3.2017. 0Xford ; Toronto CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap iron and metals bought. Call SHAW RAG & METALS CO. 89 Bloor Street East RA 11 OPEN SATURDAYS well bred puppies for people fri S40 ine vredd alle than tie puice, mw 19---Personal AYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), mailed post paid In plain sealed en. velopes with price list, 6 samples 25D cents; 24 samples $1.00, Mai) Ordér | Dept. A-11, Noy. Rubber Co. "Box 9), Hamilton, Ontario. Nov.22| buy yours, or you can buy mine,« Howard Street, between 4 and 6 p.m, 27 ANYONE having information as to the whereabouts of James Aléxander Scott of Blackstock, GMC employe, Please contact Bowmanville police or A 5.0250. Collect calls will be aeceptsd) x the latter number. HYPNOSIS relieves tension, Er fi nervous pains, For Your PARTY DRESSES, HATS, GLOVES, BAGS, SKIRTS ond GIFTS FOR HER habits, reduces weight, stops smoking, heme concentration in studies, im. SWEATERS MILLINERY WORLD RA 5-1052 5 King Eost YOUR DAUGHTER'S CHOICE Gift of Lessons, in ballet -- Dec. 24 top = baton or highland, | gages arranged. RALPH 8, JONES, BA, and Thomas H, Greer, Associate Barristers and Solicl CUSTOM & N.H.A, HOMES CHRISTMAS FOWL Frome HARVEY DANCE BROWNIE STAR FLA E FLASH OUTFIT RE a, Now $11.95. Features the tors, 65 Simeos Street South, RA 5 | 3526, Mortgage loans available, Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, solic: | tor, ete., 13% Simcoe Street North, Dial! office, RA 5-3741; residence, RA 5.5542. | 4---Dentists | Framing Trimming Additions Alterations IN MEMORIAM CAMPBELL -- In loving memory of a dear father, Matthew Campbell, who passed away November 5, 1087, Our family eircle has been broken A link gone from our chain, But though we're parted for a while We know we'll meet again; Some day we hope to meet you, Some day, we know not when, We shall meet in a better land And never part again We shall meet with many a loved one That was torn from our embrace, We shall listen to their voices And behold them face to face Sunshine passes, shadows fall, Love's remembrance outiasts all wEver remembered by daughters Rob. | a, Gloria, Kathleen, Joan, Gwen | ary and Florrine CAMPBELL -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Matthew E. Camp: ' bell, who passed away Nov, 5, 1957 In tears saw you sinking, i fade away, Ls almost glasses. Evenings, Inval Disney DR, G. T, SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6. Opén evenings by appointment, 259 Simcoe Street South, Phone RA RA 52223. DR, P. RIORDAN, 2h Simcoe Street South, office hours 8.30 - 5.30, Evening by appointment, RA 53621, Nov, 18 Kitchen Cupboards Rec. Rooms TERMS ARRANGED Satisfaction Guaranteed CHRISTMAS FOWL CAPONS & TURKEYS DRESSED AND DELIVERED FRANK HOAG Rossland Road West DIAL RA 5.6837 Dec.24 RA 5-6122 424 King St. W., Dec.24 world's most popular camera, Just right for youngsters or grown-L alike "MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe North DIAL RA 3.3431 SINGER SEWING MACHINES A low os $119.95 erms), ® Sewing Cabinets and Boskets Dec. 24| | COLEMAN | Oil and Gos Heaters | (easy 5--Nursing Services ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent ond elderly peo. ple (Men end Women), Nurses and dieticians in attendance Tray service, radio, T.V, lounge A. JAMES ALLEN Bldg. Contractor 440 WILSON RD. N, RA 5.6126 PRE-CAST CONCRETE TOWNLINE TURKEYS NOW FRESHLY KILLED DELIVERED OVEN READY "The best is your best buy" DIAL RA 5-4233 TOWNLINE RD. NORTH OSHAWA Dec. 24 ® Scissors and Scissor Sets ® Buttonhole end Zig-Zag Attachments SINGER SEWING CENTER 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa RA 5-5443 ot HOME APPLIANCES Bolted Service RA 5.8332 Dec, 24 Gifts For The Photo-Fan SHOP EARLY for , BEST SELECTION PHONE RA 5-2330 6---Optometrists C,H. TUCK, Optometrist, in muscle anomaities, eyeraht Mon, Wed. lids examined at Bldg, 31 King East. SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO SLABS UNIT STEPS == RAILINGS CURBING pecializi [1 bi fought so hard to ly You little knew when leaving home, You would never more return) saw you sleeping, free from Jain, ish you bac! suffer 'that again: did not see you die, only knew you passed Away Ana dia nol say "Good hye" Sal remembered by wile, Mary CAMPBELL -- In loving memory of |L @ dear father, Matthew Campbell, who | passed away November 5, 1087 Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days; incere and kind in heart and mind, hat a beautiful memory he left| behind Ever remembered argaret and family. by Matthew, SICH, Matvey (Mike) « Who pases Away November 5, 1957 | w=Ever missed by wife and family | CARD OF THANKS : WE wish to take this opportunity to fer our sincere thanks and heartfelt ll appreciation to our kind and generous ll neighbors, friends and members of the| Pentecostal Church, Rev, R, A. Bom.| i] bay and Dr, Bayne, for their deeds of fo kindness and messages of sympathy during our recent bereavement Mons and Burton Rodney Ii Orange » Lodge | Social At Pontypool | By MRS. H. M. Richardson | PONTYPOOL ~ "The ladies of the LOBA served a cold meat pper to the members of the Drange Lodge Wednesday eve. ng in the Orange Hall with over) | D people present. p went off aulely| . There were the usual num. 7--Surveyors DONALD H, TROLLOPE, ( Surveyor, 316 Alice Sireet, A F, Surveyin; Street now, free estimates, |ALL types dwelling repairs, "ropling, saws, scissors, knives, Ra siding, plastering and repairs, Gordon |fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tanks to sewer a specialty, stallations At reasonable rates {mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA- 54341, J. Foley. SEPTIC TANKS BAR-B-Q TURKEYS Fresh Killed Speciol for banquets Church Suppers. PHONE RA 8-5392 ond Dec. 24, GIFTS FOR DAD Use Our Lay-Away or Small Deposit Plan, JURY & LOVELL "For Everything Photographic" Oshawa « Bowmanville + Whitby Dec. 24 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL AUTO SEAT COVERS FOR CHRISTMAS Installed after Christmas Blankets, Packs, Cushions, etc. WIDE SELECTION SATISFACTION GUARANTEED and a GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY Gigantic Savings Regular $50 Dance Course NOW ONLY $14.50 OSHAWA | | | | | ast, 5-5632. 4 . 3. T. HORTON and Associa id Surveyors, Professional 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 9--Building Materials | ing. 2, 8--Building Trades CEMENT work, driveways, sidewalks, cellar floors, general repairs, plaster. | ing, foundations, and cellar walls, | | Prompt. efficient service, RA 8.0833 Nov 27 HOBBY CRAFT ond Models PHILIPS TELEVISION POLLARD'S RADIO AND TELEVISION 153 Simcoe Street South PHONE RA 3.9512 Dec.24 AUTO-TRIM Cor. Chureh and Bond St. Dee. 24 CHRISTMAS BONUS FREE Students and minors not eligible ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS RA 8-1681 Dec. 24 CHRISTMAS TRANSPORTATION "alterations and plastering, JILDING on chimneys, and water-proofing, Guaranteed work: manship. Bob Taylor, RA 5.9168, Nov.28 CARPENTER work, framing, trim. ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved Alterations and repairs. No jobs too big o oe small. Work guaranteed. RA repairs, parging DRY HARDWOOD Factory Cuttings and choice USED BUILDING MATERIALS ULUGITOFF OR ? bs pk PLUMBING and heating supplies. Phone RA 5-353), Harold R. Stark, Ltd plumbing, heating and engineering 255 Simcoe Str South GIFTS For All The Family WESTERN TIRE 74 CELINA ST. Take advantage of Layaway and Budget Plan, Free park- ing opposite store. Dec 241 With your purchase of a suit for Dad, you will receive eo Suburban or Car Coat abso. lutely FREE. Your Credit Is Good At DUNN'S TAILORS 16 SIMCOE ST, §. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Dec. 24 The Safe Way to Celebrate The Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI RA 5.4771 45 King E OSHAWA'S MOST MODERN TAXI SERVICE Dee. 24 CLEANING chimneys and fireplaces, building and repairing chimneys and fireplaces and all minor repairs. Call Fankie and Johnny, RA 8.1435, Nov.27 AL CONROY -- 84 years painter And paper hanger, a quick clean job, plus guaranteed workmanship, MO 8.3040 10--Sharpening Service Nov. 21 WAVE your iawnmower | RE EH now, ercy Nell, RA 5-2621 im. Hig and neys, ew and repaired. Dial RA 5.7847, | «=r RA 8-836: 13--Gardening & Supplies 13--Gardening & Supplies [15--Instruction Nev. 29 LEN Bowlers' land#eaping ahd garden. CEDAR trees for hedge, choice quality, | service--lawns seeded, sodded, fer. all sizes, also all y tilised, gardens and lawns ploughed, stock. roto-tilled, Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs, Everything for your garden, RA 8.5753, | Goon clean fill, reasonable. Dial BJ disced, clean-up TUTOR, student courwellor, 13 year: kinds of nursery $¥perigaca. A : elo illside Landscaping. RA 3.9020, mas 4 Ppoini man: iis No Arar Dance Acad Baton, iow Royal Academy ballet, ghiand Rep: sod, ster now. 424 King West. RA 5.61 June 2, LANDSCAPING, gardens jobs, top sol 58( lawns serviced. RA 5.9727, May |PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, SAWS ! SAWS ! SAWS ! The most complete auto. matic grinding equipment in Oshawa for sharpening Hand- sows, Bandsows (metal & wood) Planer Knives ete, YOU NEVER SAW A SAW SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW In. Infor- TOP SOIL SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE Nursery Stock, Garden Main- tenance, Tractor Grading end Roto-Tilling. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING RA 5.1721 é-yord load =~ $7.00 Cement and road gravel, Fill, 6-yord lowe ~~ $3.00. RA 3.3162 LAWNMOWERS, SKATES, PRECISION GROUND STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE / Oct.11| : Cor. King and Burke of ghosts and other weird | acters around Hallowe'en Dance in the ge Hall was well attended. prizes sent to Beverly Glorence Curtis and Leona IRSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Marshal, Toron- RA 3-3224 11--Business Opportunities GRAVEL HILLS|DE LANDSCAPING GREEN VELVET SOD supply end laid NURSERY STOCK, Everything for your garden, PHONE RA 3-9020 Cement $9.00 per load. Read FOR | rent -- Oifice apace with Jala: 3.4841 fine ond coarse $8.00 per nswering service, RA load. Be satisfied -- Dial RA 5.5279, Nov, in town 'store for rent. Stock only for sale. Apply 10 Richmond Street East or 63 Harris Avenue. Wat io were In the village Sunday| Joking over their Christmas tree tion. { A car driven by Earl Emmery sand one driven by John Ferguson came into collision Friday eve- ning on the Millbrook road. Mrs. | Ferguson and Mrs. Emmery | were badly shaken and Earl Emmery was taken to hospital, where he received 12 stitches in his head and face. He is home again Both cars were consider. ll ably damag Mr. and i Bob Brown, King- ston, stayed over Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. William Ren. nie. They all motored to Toronto Saturday to attend the wedding of 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, 4 alterations, "and but. |tonholes Call RA 8.8701 Nov.9 LADIES and "girls wear, ar, specializing HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts, Old floors BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH AN ASPHALT DRIVE Top soil, sod, cement, ond driveway gravel, sod laid. ALF. LINES HAULAGE AND PAVING RA 5-1905 Reasonable Rates made like new. Hardwood or tiling, Carpenter work al- terations. Kitchen cabinets our specialty, CALL RA 3. 7196 ANDREW BUTLER BUILDING CONTRACTORS Brickwork, Block & Stonework Chimneys, Fireplaces Concrete Work General Repairs, Alterations, Satistaction Guarunteed Free Estimates RA 5.0547 in evening gowns and better dresses, by appointment, RA 3.8772, Nov. 38 13--Gardening & Supplies | WEDGES and bushes planted, all work | completed, Any size cedar, spruce, ete... from 23¢. and up, Phone C. Smith, 613 | Clarke, Nov§ TOP QUALITY DUTCH BULBS Hyacinths Tulips Narcissus June Cruickshank Hary Yelloups, Toronto, jn the village Sunday Sam Bennstein, Toronto, .was| here Sunday looking over his| property. Mrs. Izzy Bennsicin Is home wgain at her son Sidney's after ding sometimes in the hospi- ia Toronto, was | Daffodil Crocus Snowdrops Duteh-Iris ' Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 SPECIAL Good Top Soil $1.50 ge yard a Gravel stone also tractor and loader work RA 5-2156 Fill, | 4 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE CO. SOD--LOAM--FILL SAND---GRAVEL--STONE DIAL RA 3-3528 ATTENTION 1,000 yards of loam for sale at $1.10 a yerd, in five and seven yard loads. KEN, ASHMORE RA 8-8412 Nov. 10}mate. RA 3.30%, [TREE trimming, removal, del wood ~ | with chain saw, Free sitimates, RA 5.7784, ov.80 LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Bd Edusatori Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, School acrobitie. Friday and Satu ay. lemple, RA 3.7253 May 2 TO RAISE YOUR INCOME use Cias.| sified ads, They sell, rent Yulekly: For |ad-writing help dial RA 3.3492 AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading, Loam, sand, fill end stone. Grading, asphalting and excavation, PHONE AJAX 431 or 'RA 5-3422 Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos Full selection of all instruments (New: and Used) 477 Simcoe Street South | COURTICE SOD AND | | LANDSCAPING SERVICE | A-1 field sod, sprayed and fertilized. For free estimates [16--Insurance Dec.24 Rit SR ea SPECIALIZED ete, Consult Ed win' Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypno- #is, Professional Satins, 304 Dundas West, Whitby. Dally 19 p.m.; Satur: day, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Phone MO 8.4832, Nov.18 WAVE you & drinking problem? Write Alcoholics Anonymous. Box. 140, Times. azette, Of) ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshowa Dec, 2 and 3, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, Nov. 5, Dec. 3 21--Personal Service WE BOTH have one fender skirt, tT pis, 8 weeks old. "Good Pigs", 553 1247 Dundas Street East or phone 30 SEWING done ath ome, Drapes, a spe clalty. Alterations and sob. going. Reasonable rates. RA 8. side Btreet. STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES ond HOMES walls end Washroom sanitizing Floors, windows, cellars cleaned. cleaning and specialty. PHONE RA 5-7165 Nov 2 JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, Steam Both end Massage. 45] Simcoe St. South RA 5.9602 For Appointment Open 10 om. -- 10 p.m. Soturdays 10 a.m, -- 4 p.m, TeterHoNe ANSWERING Service enswer your phone whenever you dre away from yoéur office or residence. For rates inquirei MERCURY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 45 KING ST. EAST RA 8-1772 Név.23 21|22--Radio & TV Repairs LEN'S and Lou's An tennae, hy, Opin. | Completa Rotor antenna, 7844 or MA 3.3042. SPROIALIZED radio and television service. All makes, Fred Thompson, 187 RA 3.9792, -| Elliot Street. © RADIO and television repairs and serv ice. Phone Brooklin 174R. 254¢ ADMIRAL TV owners! Tw npiry 24-hour service, call RA years' experience. Oshawa leona radio and television service, All makes, Fred Thompson, 157 Elliott Street. Call RA 3.9702, ACE CLEANING CONTRACTORS hound. Phone YUkon 5-2034, Port Perry. 9 258 also va Pickering Wh 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up prompily. Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 32679, | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. No 2 FOR sale -- 12 purebred Yorkshire Apply 256 | dren, dren, RA WOMAN to look after home while mother works. RA "| CARPENTER (Norwegian), first finishing, concrete, jormuotk, building, can read blueprints, 32572. work. Phone RA 82764 Whitby, 27--Fuel Wood WANTED -- someone to remove soft maple tree from back yard for the wood, Dial RA 5-6628 after 6 p.m. 2541 st | 280--Hunting DEER rifles for rent, 15 per eent off all amunition and hockey equipment, Bkate exchange, Sporisman's Corner, 105 Byron Street South, Whitby, MO 84511. 5 29---Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted COTTAGE complete with lot, $25 down and the balance on lowest terms in Canada, $30 monthly, plus interest, with no interest charged until June, 1059, gives you brand new family size cot: tage complete with beautiful water. front or back lot on your choice of On. tario's best lakes--Sturgeon, Pigeon, Chemong, Canal, §t. John, Dalrymple, #tc., Also Otonabee, Trent and Fenelon Rivers, Prices range from $1995 to INTERESTED in RA 36--Female Help Wanted novelty Jy, PR Bld 5.3338, Nov.3 PULL TINE housekeeper Tequired 10 yoning pointment pl please ph phone RA | RA 57662. 9978 WOMAN fo keep house, and ef sare are for two children while mother rie vate room, no objection to New 'Catia. dian. RA 8.8012, Sit FULL and part time help wanted, age 20-30. Apply Elliott's Restaurant, 7 Simcoe North 2564 EXPERIENCED woman tor inch counter and grill, Phone RA 5-411. AMBITIOUS women ~ t Dey ing your family you can earn money representing Avon a few hours a day, Outerbridge 42 Saranac 9, Ont, RU 2.7567 between $3955 for cottage Pp! with lot. The hundreds of happy families who have purchased our pack deal will endorse our claim to Canada's lowest terms and best cottage and lot value, Volume sales, private capita) and our years of experience make these values and terms possible, Write for free lit- erature that tells you how, en and |B of ween 1 day .| where to see the lots that have just been released. Now is the time to select your lot and order your cottage to room lay-out you de: sire fn order to be guaranteed early Spring possession, Our summer homes are all quality built and at small addi. tional cost can used as retirement homes and many of the locations of- fered are practical for retirement, Pitts Homes and Cottages Ltd, P. Box 223, Cobourg, Ontario, Nov. 5, 8, 12, 14, 20, 24, 27. 30--Lost and Found FOUND «~ Black and tan "female LOST -- Black, tan and white hound. May. have chain collar and + § Vicin- ity King Street East, Phone R aon LOST -- Anyone who found a rust 89 a Sept. 25,27,29; Oct. 14,18,17; Nov. Pro WAITRESSES wanted, J Apoiy Hote! pec ALBANY restaurant, AE ress, day or Street South. LADIES -- Beauty Counsellor of Cafe ada gives panes to am extra mone; phone RA 5-1655 An Piri Wednesday and Fri GIRL or woman for iil Live Write Box 206 Oshawa Times. 37--Male Help Wanted DUR 6 the Opening of & new piant In Whitby. Colonial Homes have on their sales staff for 1 for Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax offices 0.|to sell pre-fabs and aluminum products, Experience not necessary as full train. ing will be given, For " Whiley ' further phone Ll RA 8.8871 or for direct sales, MO 8 8-4 TWO men r married, with So car. Steady work, high income, Write Box 149, Oshawa Times, "we WATKIN'S pu part-time, RA Ban Lon pullover, site 14, on King Street bus, please phone RA 50303. Re- 31--Articles For Rent | RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 WEBBING'S HARDWARE 282 KING STREET WEST RA 3-4873 Cement Power Trowel, Motor Chain Saw, Electric Medge Trimmer, Centrifugal Water Pump, Floor Sanders, Cement Mixer, Belt Sander, Do It Yourse and With the power tools equipment you can rent at STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE Cor King and Burk RA 3-3224 If there is any equipment not listed that you need give us a coll we rent (pretty near Rentals: everything). Chain Saws; floor, belt disc, and oscillating sanders; skill sows; drills; ext. ladders; paint sprayers; pipe thread- ing equip. up to 2'; electric hammer; chain hoist; post MEN WANTED There are vaeansies for men in Canada's leading militie armoured regiment te train in military civil defence, driving, communications, trafs fic control, ete. Train ene evening a week ond earn extra money while doing se, Apply daily to the Onterie Regiment orderly room from 9:60 0-4:30 or Monday even- - 8:00-10:00 p. Oct.30Nov. 1,3, 58, "lo, 12,18,17 $350 A MONTH PLUSA BONUS For young man to rep- resent large corpora- tion. ~~No travelling --Established resident 23-45 years of age ~--Married, ambitious ~~Capahle of assuming re- 3owibily in @ sales posie tion, giving details regarding education, pré- vious employment record, marital . status and phone number to Please write, BOX 136, OSHAWA TIMES All Replies Strictly Confidential Nev. 8, 7 hole diggers; blow torch; sump pumps; floor nailers; (plywood and hardwood) staplers; tillers; scythes, ete. Electrohome, R.C.A Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse The finest In television ond service. PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3.3043 call Ed K J nowlton, {ALLSTATE Auto insurance. RA 5-6047 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled, fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Sod for trucks in field Delivered or laid. Free estimates Prompt delivery. Phone RA 8-8868. Save up |to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For {Fasonay service at your home, call RA FIRE INSURANCE WITH BROAD EXTENDED COVERAGE. All Risk Out- board Motor and Boat Polis cies, Save 10% with a Com- posite Policy. Auto Insurance. . Instalment Plans if desired. ROBERT S§. McCALLUM PHONE RA 5.6402 AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading. Loam, sand, fill and stone. Grading, asphalting ond excavating. 2541 CALL BARONS' for guaranteed service on T.V., Radios and Washers, 24-Hour Service PHONE RA 3-2263 After Hours Call RA 5.0624 Nov.8 32--Articles Wanted SELLING furniture or est price when you phone RA 5.8131, Street South, WANTED to buy -- Tu Phone RA 3.9073. wml WEE. [PIANOS wanted immediately -- make, or size, cash. Ostranders, Quoth Street East, on girl's Slqewatk bf condition. Phone RA 5. a 1 y fo "cleaning out your basement? You will get your high- The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe Te any 1378 HOward Dec. Toronto, WE pay cash for used or appli ances, stoves. Prince Street, RA 8-1131, | WANTED = Dining room suite, in good condition. Phone RA 5.6077. 287 TV, Also sewing machines, pianos, sell and exchange. 19 TV-RADIOS rvice r business onlv 4. fete ly and Country RA 8-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS PHONE AJAX 43) RA §-3422 T&--Household Repairs [FURNITURE repaired and reuphoister- See our materials for recovering. | ce R. Dalton, 78 Charles Street. RA hy a CHESTERFIELDY TTR CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort: Hg ge BR Jecovered| gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale Are reasonable. Satisfaction. guaran. Purchased. NMA mortgages arranged. or 17--Money to Loan FIRST and second mortkages, sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen. {nick and Hennlck, Barcisters, 31 King | Street East, RA 3.723: CLIENTS' monies ee for first me second mortgages. Mortgages And agreements of sale purchased. Apply IM. F. Swarts, Barrister and Notary [Sutites 20% King East, Ow: 7 T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD. IRON : : METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP Moved and Repaired 20-ft. aerial, $29 and up. - ROLLAND T.V. RA 3-4849 teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mi holstering Co. 10 Bond Strest West, 90ch. Dial RA Som | CALL Joe, RA 58018 for carpentry. | 180--) Mort ""128--Women's Column re A ee. SPECIAL -= heAt permanents, cold waves, $5.50. Pa 396 Pine Avenue. RA yA Hairdressing. painting and _han y man. Ee dyman. WE have clients with monies 10 | YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim. chase first and second mortgages wr |neys built and repaired, gas Linings in. agréements of sale at a discount Louis stalled, Yo vacuumed. Free esti: I} '24--Market Basket | CLG 37 King street Bast, 1SNEEY "cider and apples, Ww. Tt Sox ° SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron and metal, I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (eolleet) HAVE YOU A NO-FUTURE JOB There Is a career with a fu- ture for you in the Canadian Army. A healthy out-door life with good pay makes this an excellent opportunity for physically fit young men of 17-35 who meet Army selec- tion requirements, LIMITED OPPORTUNITIES NOW IN THE FOLLOWING: The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals The Royal Canadian Infantry Corps Enquire now, or mail this coupon to: ARMY RECRUITING STATION 50 COLLEGE ST, TORONTO, ONT. Tel: EM 6-834] Loc 277 Please send me, without ébli« gation, details on career op portunities in the Canadian Army, Nome Address .. City/Town svanssnntesees Province Telephone .

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