TORONTO Wy The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Nov, § Lamaque Leitch Lexindin Lorado wis Lyndhst Macassa Macdon 43 17% 20 170 iy -W 170 Am Leduc Anchor Asamera 500 17% 500 20 170 200, 8a tov 839 fr 2" 0 290 3 tr] +1 Pig - Gen Dynam prs GL Paper 425 Home Oil A a New Tobacco Seed ¢... Raises Ont. Hopes By THE CANADIAN PRESS Meanwhile, growers were get- THE OSHAWA TIMES Wednesday, November 5, 1958 Canada's Trade Potential Great PARIS lerowing economy will have "increasingly important" (Reuters) -- Canada's an| impact "1 The report says Canada should be able to realize its "great po tential" both as a supplier to (Europe of key raw materigis and 'as a market for manufactured 5lgoods without sharp business fluctuations at home. on Western Europe, says a re- |port published today by the Or-| South African gold mines had ganization for European Eco-|a record output of £18,770,000 for 985 985 985 2% 22% Bailey 8 A Bailey § pr (Quotations in cents unless marked §, oSuvislizes in suits whit X 5 A new strain of burley tobacco (ting ready fir the opening of the 2 - x-dividend, xr--Ex- has raised hopes for the rebirthiflue-cured tobacco marketing, Macfie Madsen Magnet rights, sw--Ex-warrants.) Industzials Stock Abitibi 30 $36% 36% $20 20 V 11% Alta Dist 220 Alta Gas Alumini Argus Bank Mont Bank NS Beav Lumber Bell Phone 19% 2 27% 51% 69 39% 49% Con Gas Corby vt Corby B Dist Seag 1) Bridge D Fndry D Fndry ris Lil Dosco 00 Dom Stores 150 Dy ar 20% ¥ 2 X 43 Ford A Fndtn Fr Pete pr n Dynam GMC 165 GL Paper 85 38% GN Gs B wt 100 300 Greyhnd Imp Bank Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep I Ac wis Inglis Inland Gas Intet PL Inv Syn A Jeiferson Lafarge A LobCo A LobCo B LobCo pr MacMill B M Le 300 40 4% 13% 37% 12% 450 7% 48 18% 10% 9% 2% 2% 240 300 500 1400 320 1700 100 130 95 47 35% 13 25 z10 Mass. Mass.F pr Molson A Nat Drug xd 100 N 40 [4] JO © Jock wis Ont Steel Page-Hers Pbina Powell R Pow Corp Roe AV Can 355 Royal Bank 190 Russell 250 StL Corp 2425 st LCp Apr Pa aurice a § a 8 B da wis Ba Stedman Steel Can 8 Propane Suptest ord Suptest pr T 11% 22 32 425 360 32% 32% 430 360 Weston. A wits 100 w A wis Curb Asbestos CD Sug C Paper JD Glass 4 40 Dupont Int Util xd Ogilvie LL Net Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge 36% + % 20 11% 19% 32 27% 51% 69 25% 25% 41% 41% 6% 6% 39% 49% 48% 38% 300 11 11 61% 61% 3% 13% 37% 12% Arca 450 7% 48% uw + $i 32% 2% 33% 33% 5% 25% 79% 79% 21% 21% 28% 28% mw Maralgo Maritime Merrill Milliken Min Corp Moneta Multi-M Nama Cr N Goldvue New Hosco N Mylama Nick Rim Nipissing Noranda Norlartie Norpax N Goldert N Rank Northsp Norvalie Oka Rare Opem Ormshy Paramaq Pardee Peerless -% tn Home Oil B HB Oil G Humber Ll Pete Marigold Medal Mill City N Bristol N Chamb N Davies N | Superior NCO wis Northld Pac Pete Permo pr Petrol Phillips Provo Gas Ranger Royalite z10 Scurry 101 Secur Free South U sim Si 0oner 500 Tex Cal 500 Tidal 2500 Triad Oil 110 U Canso vt 300 Un Oils W Decalta W Naco +.% Pronto Que Ascot Que Chib Que Cop Qunston Roche Rowan Cons Ryanor Sand Riv Batellite Sherritt Sil Stand S'ocan VR Stanleigh Stanlgh wis Stanrck Steep R Sud Cont Sylvanite Teck-H Tombill Trin Chib U/ Mining Advocate = U Asbestos Algom Un Fort Algom viw Vandoo Amal Rare Ventures Anacon Viola Ang Rouyn Ansil Arcadia 100 oy Bear Atlin-Ruf sto 11 a Barnat B-Dugq Belcher Bidcop Bouzan Boymar Brnhrst Buffad Camp Chib Camp RL C Malart C N Inca Can Erin By The (Quotations in 2~0dd lot, rights, Met pix "Met, wis Chib M Coldstrm Coniagas C Bellekeno Denison Discovery Stock Abitibi Algoma Alumin Alum 2 pr xd Asbestos Atlas Steel Bank Mont Con Negus Bank NS C Persh 5 Banque PC C Red Pop 9 Bell Phone C Regcourt Bowat ppr Con Sud Brazil Conwest BA Oil Coprand BC Forest Coulee BC Power Craigmt Can Cem Croinor Cl Fndry D'Eldona 4 Bank Com Dome Brew Expl All Celan Falcon Husky Frobisher ' Geco Mines - int Power Giant YK 7 7 dn Oil Gold Eagle CPR Gold Man Cdn Pet pr Granduc $ ockshutt Gulf Lead Gunnar Gunnar wis Halmon Heath Hollinger Hoyle Int Nickel Int Ran Irish Cop J Waite Jellicoe Joburke Kerr Add Kirk Hud Labrador 62 ++ 133 en Halliwell Marben +++ +44 "ee go FF FEE FEES 11% 11% $20 29% +11 1+) a 8 16% 730 45 pr A Corby B Crown Zell A Dist Seag D Bridge D Fndry D Glass dy ris 8 $16% 735 45 7 7 $28% 28% 430 430 $86 85% 27% 21% 243 240 18 18 15% 15% 18% 18% $17% 17% 11 11 $234 23% 0, Tex Du Pont , Fam Play Ford US Foundation 1000 6000 1104 1500 1000 600 1300 Preston 200 110 2500 10600 1000 2009 3000 14900 MONTREAL xd xw~Ex-warrants,) Industrials Bales 140 25 33% 77 8) 275 136 1000 2 id 100 81 425 480 100 75 145 375 27 NA Rare M 2300 485 : 210 2375 on M and § 213 2125 "300 z195 150 123 z10 750 26 Ind Ac 225 pr z10 Inland C pr 2725 Int Nickel 445 Int Paper 74 $113% Int Util xd 25 928% Inter P L 150 Jamaica 2100 St L Corp ne Shawin 993 Shawin 4% pr z10 Bicks 460 $30% Sicks pr 150 85 Simpsons 100 $28 Steel Can 50 $68 Steinbg pr 10 oz Tor Dom ris 455 Tor-Dom Bk 1076 ow $29% $14% $32 32% 420 420 2% Canadian 1000 425 Westol 832% Abitea Ang Nfd c Lom Md 42 $6% $25% 40 FF ---- o Toe Joth Prem Steel Reitman St Maurice SC Pow 6pc pr 25 T Fin Spe 25 Trans Mt 1805 Wainwright 300 Windsor Hot 326 I+ 5%] +4444 www 87 I) m.: 838,000, Canadian Press Monireal Stock Exchange--~Nov, § cents unless marked 8, Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- Alscope Anacon Anthonian Aull Bailey 8 & Bateman Beatrice Belchasse Bonnyville Bornite Bouzan 0% Cal Ed 45 Camp Chib 33% 3d C Lithium 24% + Canuba 51% Cap Lith 68 Cent Del 34 Cent Man Con C Cad C Denison East Sull Fatima Futurity Gold Age Hollinger Kerr Add Lingside Min Corp Montgary 2200 N Formaque 2000 N Goldvue 1500 NW Amulet 20500 2100 1500 11:30 Net 500 Ch'ge 22592 1000 2000 100 200 1000 High Low a, 36 36% Y Orchan Paudash Pitt Gold Porcupine Portage Que Chib Que Cobalt Sherritt 250 St L R Mine 3000 4500 2000 400 $73% $14 $9% g $21% 21% $21 21 $45 5 45 $13% 13% 18 18 +3 15% 15 --24 Industrials 48,100; 000 1500 Sales to 11:30 an m. Mines and oils 169.200 Virginia 14 Ontario's First Wash Trading Trial Opens TORONTO (CP) -- More than wartime hero of the RCAF's $1,000,000 was lost when Aconic|Pathfinder Squadron, lost $200,000 Mining Corporation stock plunged Mr. Wilson said. a year ago, it was indicated Tues Canada Has Competition On N.Z. Order | By J. C. GRAHAM WELLINGTON, N.Z, (CP) -- A The first of an expected 400 Prospective order for Canadian Rircraft Firms Want Aid On Long-Range Plans By TOM MITCHELL {Morley "of Avro Aircraft Limited, QUEBEC (CP)--Canadian air. |Toronto. craft manufacturers want the| Mr, Morley told the press. con- federal government to help them [ference the association sent a day at the opening of what is be- witnesses to appear at the trial, |2ircraft for New Zealand defence| map out long-range plans for the|brief to the government last De- | lieved to be Ontario's first * trading' trial. Facing four charges of fraud and 'wash trading" are Montreal |i millionaire Joseph Beaudry, mer Aconic president, and Clif- ford H, Butler, one-time business manager of the company. The $1,000,000 loss by Aconic was indicated by special prosecu-| tor R. F. Wilson. He said that| $750,000 was lost Montreal stock exchange activit- ies. victim, John Fauquier, 'wash | William Lyon Somerville, execu tive vice-president of the Toronto from Britain, is meeting strong competition Stock Exchange, testified that the, New Zealand is considering the iron mine company's first appli-|purchase of Argus aircraft from for-| cation for listing by the exchange | Canada for submarine hunting, |try. was refused. Aconic was listed |instead of ordering more frigates only after certain requirements| Two modern anti - submarine were met "and the two accused |frigates of the Whithy class are were requested to resign as di- 'already on order. It was planned rectors.' to order two more, but action on "Wash trading" is an artificial these has been held up until the in Toronto and trading of shares without change us€ of aircraft instead is inves- Industries and Transport Associa. of their ownership to boost stock tigated. prices by giving the appearance GREATER COVERAGE of heavy trading activity. Each Whitby class frigate costs about £4000000 ($10,800,000). WORLD NEWS BRIEFS {Four Argus aircraft could be {bought for little more than the price of a single frigate. The gov A-PLANE CRASHES ABILENE, Tex. (AP)--A B-47 jet bomber carrying a nuclear weapon crashed in flames near here Tuesday but there was no atomic explosion. One . airman died in the crash and three para- chuted to safety. The air force said there was no atomic explo sion nor danger of onc, and no radio a c t i v e contamination ec: curred. ETHIOPIA SAFARI LONDON (Reuters)--A safari Ethiopia is on the itinerary of the Duke and Duchess of Glou- cester during a 12-day royal tour starting next week. The 38-year- old uncle of the Queen, a keen hunter, will leave London with his wife Nov. 12 for a non-stop flight to Addis Ababa, the Ethio- pian capital. INSPECTION VEHICLE MONTREAL (CP) -- Canadian -- National Railways has introduced a new type of rail inspection ve- hicle--calied a "high-rail motor car"--that runs on either road or rails. It looks like an ordinary station wagon. Small steel wheels on front and rear can be lowered to enable the vehicle to run on rails. It can go about 90 miles an hour. OPENS PACKAGING SHOW TORONTO (CP) -- Governor General Massey Tuesday opened the annual Canadian National Packaging Exposition at the Canadian N a tion a' Exhibition grounds. SENTENCED TO DIE NICOSIA, CYPRUS (AP)--The death sentence was passed on two young Greek Cypriots by a Nicosia special court today for the EOKA-ordered murder last July of a eompatriot. The con dy we are Costaas Con-| ernment is impressed with the vastly greater area of ocean they both me- could patrol and the saving in manpower involved. A British company, however, has put forward a proposition to sicult jepart t vod supply a greater number of air- riculture department announced crafi at a lower price. A.V. Roe Monday that it has agreed to sell and Company Ei ny of England f Israel $37,742,000 worth of surplus fering a AVTO A hs o farm 'products under provisions||ass than the $10.300.000 price of of the surplus disposal program. 4 single frigate or four Argus air- Under this program, the depart cpaft, ment will accept Israeli currency Although the Canadian maeiiine as payment, is much more expensive than the FORMER PM JAILED Shackleton, it is being: offered to taas Constantinides, 27, and Yan: nakis Anthanasiou, 21, chanics, SELL FARM SURPLUS WASHINGTON (AP)--The ag- TUNIS (Reuters) -- The Tunis New Zealand on very favorable | instalment! high court Monday sentenced fois amounting to former prime minister Salahed. buying. This is an important con- dine Baccouche to 10 years sideration to New Zealand. forced labor and life suppression, 5 of civil rights for *'collaboration| MANY TYPES with the protectorate authori- | Scientists have counted more ties." Baccouche was prime min- than 50 species of kangaroos, ister in 1952 while Tunisia was ranging from seven feet tall down still a French protectorate. to animals a foot high. FREE ro: RHEUMATISM ARTHRITIS & NEURITIS PAINS Thanks to scientific Rosal formu- | their work again, sleep better and lation, thousands of sufferers are | FoW enioy ane. 30 reve that you finding new, blessed relief. from | comfort and relief, simply send your the pains of Rheumatism, Arthri- | name and address on the coupon tis, Neuritis, Fibrositis, Bursitis | below and we Will send vou a 3 and Neuralgia. Thousands say they g ust ave curbed pain in hands, back, obligation, Just tell other sufferers | how fast Rosal helps you. Rosal legs and arms--that they can do ! ET ET Ft. Erie, Ont $1.00 ROSAL FREE ROSAL, Fort Erle, Ontarle, Department 731 ithout cost or obligation send me $1.00 Rosal free. (Please rint name and address.) No cost DDRESS. 1 Cly. PROVINCE __ future--a move they feel is a|vember but it had been unpro-| must if they are to hold their ductive, Now the problem is more skilled personnel and justify their acute, heavy investments in the indus. | Their feelings, sharpened by the| recent government decision to| buy the American Bomare ground | to-air missile, were shown at a| press conference Tuesday during] the annual convention of the Air FORMAL WEAR tion. The Bomarc decision, delegates felt, is a sign the CF-105 Arrow | Jet interceptor program, is to be scrapped. ASK FOR "LAN During the conference, associa- tion President R. W. Ryan of] Canadian Pacific . Airlines, Van.| couver, announced that the board | of directors of the association has adopted a resolution calling on the government to formulate a long-range plan for Canadian air- craft manufacturers and ' help them get a better share of the roduct of ¢ ty: fi . Haye aeaoents for every occasion The resolution grew out f ' meetings of the association's in| MEN'S WEAR Lid. dustry section, headed by Joseph JASIMCOEN. RA 3.36N EXPANDING MARINE West Germany had a merchant fleet of 2,680 ships in 1958, with of Ontario's burley tobacco indus-| Marketing was scheduled to nomic Co-operation, ithe month of Seplember, 1958, try as growers of flue-cured to-| open today at Tillsonburg and the bacco prepare to market their | beginning of next 'week at the| 1958 crop. Delhi and Aylmer auction sheds | Burley tobacce was fine for of the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobac-' [~ chewing but too heavy, gummy co Marketing Board, and strong for cigarets, When! But 't was expected ti be post- | Canadians stopped chewing their\poned a few days because grow- tobacco, Ontario's burley tobacco! ers do not have an adequate sup- industry began to die, ply of stripped tobacco. Leaf pro-| Burley growers and the Domin: cessors require a steady volume | fon Experimental Farm at Har-|of tobacco to keep plants in con- row, Ont,, started research eight! tinuous operation and the post- | years ago for a strain that would ponement was to enable growers be suitable for cigarets. |to build up a backlog of market-| | NEW STRAIN REPORTED {able leaf, | Industry officials spid Tuesday FEDERAL AID ASSURED hi that burley grower Earl Wright! The growers huve been assured of Harrow now has six acres of lof some kind of federal govern-| | a new strain of the tobacco ment assistance, if they need it, which, they believe, can be suc- when the market does open. cessfully used in cigarets, K. C. Emerson, vice-chairman Don Wales, an Imperial Leaf of the growers' marketing hoard Tobacco Company fieldman, his told a directors meeting on Tues- Wright's plants are "thin, have day that the assistance would good cqlor and' are of top-flight most likely be some sort of gov- quality." ernment-guaranteed bank loan, | He said: "The buyers are en-|He visited the department of ag- thusiastic, It's the type of tobacco! riculture in" Ottawa last week, they've been looking for and| "I think we can gather from they're prepared to pay for it." |our visit to Ottawa that we have Fred Thomas of Amherstburg, assurance pat financial assist- | | chairman of the Ontario Burley ance is available," he said. "But Marketing Board, said: "This is our need will have to be shown, | the thing we've heen walling for, The government will first have to It's'a blessing to the entire bur-|see the condition of our dis- ley industry." tress.' | N.S. Boat Plant The firm's 100-man 'iabor force offered to work without wages at rebuilding the plant. Local Boy Scouts handed over their meeting! hall for boat construclion, and Sees Expansion Biter Big Fire [sn ronieas snes nis poo WEYMOUTH, N.S. (CP) -- A month, $10 for equipment and $1 hoat-building and furniture plant|/for the building, here looks forward to expansion] Now company manager L, C, next year after coming face to Ruby predicts bigger and better face with closure 10 months ago. [things for the boat department, Weymouth Industries Limited's|which this year exported 300 out- main installations in this quiet board units to central Canada town of 900 were levelled last/and the eastern United States. February by fire, The company Five lines of boats, ranging in is the town's biggest employer length from 15 to 22 feet, are on and without it the community|the drawing boards, Formerly faced economic disaster, four lines were constructed, | | Long way fo PAYDAY? | & When you need money, get it the Associates ""4-C" way-- CASH, COURTESY, CO-OPERATION and CONSIDERATION. Phone or stop in fo your nearest Associates Budget Plan office for fast friendly service. ssociates BUDGET PLAN LIMITED 111 Simcoe St. geta EE . 4- Cc" LOAN IT'S EASIER TO REPAY THE [$31 147'313% CUDA UR TAS YOU MONTHLY RECEIVE PAYMENTS $ 179.89 $11.00 277.97 17.00 412.64 25.00 860.71 36.00 1,525.00 65.00 ANY AMOUNT $50.00 to $5,000.00 HAWA RA. 5-6531 (Above Canadian Tir ANNUAL PET CIRCUS SPECIAL "THUNDERBIRD" CAGES beautiful high-gloss colors--coral, turquoise, gold speckled black. Complete with plastic cups, swing and. perches, total tonnage slightly higher than, all Germany's pre-war fleet. Flatery goes to your head, when our coiffure experts style a hair-do to enhance y.ur charm / Salon. 3 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH For appointment Coll RA 35-1843 : Ann Murphy All metal in an exciting new shape TRIPOD STANDS Black satin finish with chromated centre coupling. $ Rubber tipped legs 3.98 EE EE EEE EE EERE) Young, healthy pets, ready to train to talk and do strong. Reg. $10.47, SPECIAL... Guaranteed male singers to brighten your home with family will enjoy one, Reg. $11.47. SPECIAL EE -------- Cages have Bell-Pagoda top and deep bottoms, 'inished in three "$4.49 "THUNDERBIRD" CAGE AND BUDGIE ticks . +. colortul and $F FF "THUNDERBIRD" CAGE AND CANARY their songs. All the 8 88 EERE . MODERN BIRD CAGES . . . . BIRD CAGE STANDS . . . AQUARIUM SUPPLIES. . . . . . . 4.49 TO 12.98 3.98 TO 11.98 10c TO 48¢ Js a SESE SR easy to keep' pet Cena sass ase aay TURTLE AND BOWL Baby green turthés direct from the Everglades. Every one a lively, healthy, "87° SSS ERE SN AMMAN ANA DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SEK TWO STORES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ks uh GOLD FISH During our pet 'circus to every child accom- panied by par- Hardy varieties with gay col- ored plumage. Fun for all the family to train, "$4. 98 SPECIAL CANARIES Young male canaries, vigorous and healthy. All guaranteed to sing. Add music and beauty to your home, SPECIAL .... . DOG COLLARS Treat your pet to a new collar « «+ they're felt lined and smartly 5¢ to 66° studded