or Rent or one. Apply 96 Centre Street |44--For Rent comfortable rooms, furnished, for IMMEDIATE possession, 256£ | bath, rooms with parking, all 8-1559. 252¢ Three large entrance, Phone RA apartment. private ed | be rooms, living room, kitchen, bedrooms, use of t, large garden. Children welcom-| . 497 Oronto Avenue after 6.30 p.m.| at Hillcrest off Bloor East. 254f| REE heated "rooms, private en- , $25 monthly. Phone RA 324. full 'size base- ONE and two-bedroom apartments, [45--Real Estate For Sale ---r -- rf ana - erp ground floor | COURTICE. Ranch-style house, attach. MODERN six-room bungalow, big liv-/g three ing-room, three big bedrooms, big size'rqo 0" 10 school and hardwood ¢;5 509 room, oil heat, North. | 5.7509. Nov.27 |45--Real Estate For Sale living, dining rooms modern Kitchen, two acres. RA § garage, drooms, den bath. | Kitchen, big dining room, 7757 | floors. Apply 369 Oshawa Bivd. 256¢| RA 8-5277. TV outlet, 'frig, stove, balcony, park- -- MUST BE sold, Our new house is ing. Possession Nov. 1. Apply Apt. 10,{LOT 45 x 125 Harmony Road South|pcaring completion, three - bedroom 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. 2 Nov 18| serviced, close to school $1860. JBAlbungalow 13 Grassmere Avenue. Ask- BUNGALOW for rent. Available No- 85387 257f)ing price $13,000. RA 5-9349. 253 | vember 15. 624 Olive Avenue. 2524 "three - room, sell - contain- three - room apartments, heated, | aerials, heavy wiring, vacant. Ap- 121, Oshawa Boulevard South be- 4 p.m. 252¢ ERN four room apartment, cen- I, near hospital, self contained, four- bath, continuous hot water. Rent] Nov. uy neces. i ree business girls. Phone Ajax 63-J |Phone MA 3-3611 Bowmanville. Nov. 20 "lo 254(|LARGE room for two gentlemen or ed apartment, private entrance, three-} piece bath, refrigerator, stove, built-in} cupboards in kitchen. RA 5-0191. Nov.29 FIVE . room apartment, 57 Wentworth Street, Oshawa. Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, TV aerial. Near school UNFURNISHED three room apart ment, and bath, private entrance, close shopping centre, suit couple. RA 85-5179. 25 Grenfell Stregt. 253f ladies, beds, also one single "oom apartment, seli-contain- i4, private bath, heated, television| latlet, central. Phone RA 5.9544 or RA {0081 252 {PARTMENT -- three - room, self-con- ained, close to stores and bus line. {hone RA 3-3856, a 2524 WO - room apartment, private en france, also three-piece bath, built-in up RA 5 2531 | Fw m self-contained apartment, lights, and heat included, near ater, FGM, RA 8-8228. a a INGLE room for lady or gentleman. hone RA 8-1297 = IX - room, duplex, farm house. City onveniences. On Concession 7, lot %: } rooklin, C. J. Banks. 55¢ lf YHREE unfurnished rooms, second oor. Continuous hot water. Adults nly. 255 Gliddon Avenue. Phone 2 5 -2157 APARTMENT -- 34 rooms, electrical fI\y equipped. East end. Phone RA 5-3815 i ; 255¢ $i {THREE rooms, private entrance, : bath. RA 3-4009. GIRL to share 3-room furnished apart ment with woman and child. Phone § 13-3623 after 5 p.m = 252¢ 44 FIVE rooms and bath, $80 monthly, main floor. On Oshawa Boulevard 1 JSouth. RA 5.7915 25 §! TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, private stool also very large furnished housekeeping | room with refrigerator, adults only { Parking space. 99 Elgin Street East 5: ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail 82 Park Road able in private home North. 5 - 7 p.m. RA 8-8671 Nov. 28 MODERN five-room three-bedroom bungalow in east section of city. Re sponsible people only. Immediate pos- session. State references to Box 147 Times-Gazette. 255¢ THREE - room apartment, partly fur nished, with private bathroom and 50747. 255( entrance on third floor, R y . central, ate bath, built-in cupboards and sink, ample storage space, heavy duty wiring. Suit two ladies, or couple RA 3-2428. 210 Mary St Nov. 29 furnished housekeeping rooms Bedroom and kitchen with refrigerator and parking space. Cen tral. Apply 156 Agnes Street 253f TWO large furnished rooms, with sink, suit working couple. Vey central. Ap. ply 21 Colborne West, 255¢ DUPLEX, three rooms, heavy wiring, parking, T™WO for couple basement storage. Days RA 5.1113, evening RA 3-7692. 255 TWO completely furnished light house. keeping rooms, including electric "frig, | heat, lights, continuous hot water, use of washing machine. Central to Shop- | ping Centre and down town. Suit work- ing couple, $15 weekly. RA 5-5227. 255f ONE nicely furnished room to shales single beds, near SGM Apply 268 Malaga Road. 255¢ room, cooking privileges. Apply 66 War- ren Avenue Hs 2534 TWO large rooms, sink and cupboards, ground floor. 245 McNaughton Avenue 2541 LARGE, furnished housekeeping room with private bath, suitable for married couple. Apply 730 Simcoe South 2544 THREE - room apartment, private en- trance, very central, heated and elec- tricity. RA 51191 2548 | ONE nicely furnished light housekeep- ing room, with sink, suitable for two Girls preferred, reasonable rent. Apply 200 King West, Apartment 2 254f iW five - room apartment, immedi- possession. Apply 1055 Ravine Road after 6 p.m.., Mr. Sheather 254f live Howe REALTOR 130 Brock Street North WHITBY LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOMES WITH ONE MORTGAGE. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES BUILDING LOTS SERVICED FARMS LARGE AND SMALL WE INVITE YOUR ENQUIRIES OUR SALES STAFF IS AT YOUR SERVICE Call Whitby MO 8-2527 257a GROUND floor, two unfurnished rooms, sink in kitchen, private entrance, no children. RA 3-4378 254f LARGE furnished front bedroom, in| private home just newly decorated Suitable for gentleman, handy to bus. | RA 57615 256¢ | YNY. warm room, central convenience Breakfast if desir | Phone RA 3.9202. 233 Athol Street East. | 254f | SIX - room brick house and garage, | oil heated, $110 monthly, RA 5-4289.| 2534 private en-| THREE upstairs. rooms trance and bath, heavy wiring, waler and heat supplied. Call Saturday 7 p.m. Monday through Friday up to 1 p.m. RA 3-3266 255f | SIX room bungalow, new, corner of Rossland Road West and Garrard 55 References. RA 3-3138 RENT Modern six room home with attached garage, fireplace, finished rum- pus- room, hot water oil heating. Excellent location. Owner will | rent on lease, heated | | or unheated, to reliable family. No objection to children RISTOW & OLSEN p 19 ATHOL ST, OSHAWA 257c duplex. Beautifully decorated in pastel colours. 2 blocks to Duke of Edinburgh public school. 18 foot fomily size living room, 2 large bright bedrooms, lots of cupboard space, family sized kitchen, table ond choir area. Tiled bathroom, balconies overlook- ing lovely landscaped garden. Children welcome. Stoves re- frigerator, washer, dryer and TV antennae included NOW OPEN FOR INSPECITON IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Call or write N FRANK HAZLETT | 3005 BATHURST ST. TORONTO RUSSELL 3-1733 RUSSELL 7-9387 253f BEST APARTMENTS |45~-Real Estate For Sale MODERN three bedroom brick bunga- low, between Oshawa and Whitby, large lot, approximately $3000 down. RA 5-6046 2554 NEW three-bedroom bungalow, in Ap- ple Hill 5 | IN OSHAWA FOR sale -- Fairview Drive, Whitby Solid shale brick, six large rooms, at- NOW RENTING tached garage, ceramic tile bath, well |planned kitchen, large, divided base- . ment, modern oil heating, owner will 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING fgecorate. Lot 75 x 130. Must see to be " a 7 v N RD. N. |appreciated. Phone Whitby MO 8-3781 ST. ON WiLS0 | between 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m..Nov. 4, 7 Private entrances to upper . |LOT 0x 1%: water and Sewer Tirin east so lo 5 x 0 wi wel ond lower apartments in new 15-8020 Pec. 4 district. Phone RA 3-9076. 255 | BY THUNDER ~ You are missing the best home buy in Oshawa if you don't buy this 6 room bungalow. All large rooms and. ultra modern kitchen. Located in choice north-west area. Aluminum storms ond screens, garage--3$2,000 down. Coll fo-nite before this one slips through SPACE TRAVEL you won't find better value than May be coming but meanwhile this 5 room' brick bungalow. Only $12,900 with moderate down payment buys this north area becuty. Don't waste time -- call now, IT'S THE GREATEST TEEN-AGERS WiLL LOVE IT 3 bedroom plus finished rec room. ldeal for the family thot needs more room for the teen-agers to entertain at home. The large living room with natural ne fireplace, and wall-to-wall broadloom, and bright cheery kitchen, will delight any housewife. Exclusive location. See this family pleaser to-day LIVE LIKE A KING! HILLSDALE TERRACE All Service Roads Water Curbs and gutters Sewers (storm and' sanitary Street lights FEMINEERED - styling, for the house- wife. ENGINEERED = built for the man of the house. URSE APPEAL -- from $1,036 down and $11,995 full price. DIRECTIONS -- Rossland Road East between Wilson Road and Ritson Rd. Wilson Realtor Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 After Hours Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775Joan Wilson RA 8-8658 Bill Norris RA 5-6588 Doug Wilson . RA 5-5625 257a TRADE-IN FOR SALE Only one year old, three bed- room, N.H.A. bungalow, on new street, in one of better class* districts Located at 385 Welland St. in Rossland Rd. and Park Rd, N. orea This house wes accepted as trade-in on larger house and has just been completely dec orated in pleasant colors throughout Triple track aluminum, storm windows in cluded, good lawns front and back, no mud for, this winter, Price $13,700 with between $1,500 ond $4,000 cash re- quired down. We would con- sider trade-in of low price small howse. NO INCOME | OR AGE REQUIREMENT ON | THIS N.H.A. HOME. Owner FRED R. JONES LTD. Phone RA 3.3383 days or RA | 5-0351 evenings 2574| WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR rent -- four-room apartment, with bathroom, heated, 1137 Brock South; also garage for rent. Apply 117 Euclid Street 257b installed for as low as $35. Independent Sales, 309 Brock South, Whitby Plaza Nov. 22 MIDTOWN Furniture. We buy, sell and exchange good used furniture, ap kates, Phone MO 8-4981 pliances and sl Fig NEW davenports and chrome suites, $44.50. Hurry. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion), 113 Byron Street South Whitby Nov. 21 SINGER machine bargains. Brand new electric portables, $69 and brand new Singer reverse stitch machines, $89 Used drop heads from $17. All ma chines guaranteed, Trades accepted, germs. Midtown Furniture (rfext to Le gion), 113 Byron Street South. MO $4981 Nov. 21 ! DRIVEWAY GRAVEL I Coarse or fine, $7.00 per load. Cement-Gravel, $1.60 | ord, Sohd end Loom Fill. or delivery to Oshawo Whitby, Ajax area. } BRIE BRANTON, MO 8-2660 Nov.9| GUARANTEED sewing machine re FOR Rent - furnished Central location SEPTIC way 204 Chestnut West BUY and sell Furniture will pliances 121 Brock South MO 8.4822 FOR rent Three-roomed heated apartment -with private conveniences Adults only, MO 8-3727 257¢ WANTED -- day care or lady to come FOR rent '-- five-room apartment, pri- in for {po pre-school age children, week | vate entrance, in new home. Phone days. Apply 1216 Brock South, upstairs. | MO 8-4322. 1511 Dufferin Street. 257f 257¢| - | FOR Rent Modern four room apart-, FOR RENT -- Apartment, immediate ment, self - contained, Parking area. possession, suitable for couple. Apply| Write Bax 305, Oshawa Times, Whitby. 110 Ash Street, south rear doar. 256e| - p---- 255¢ "MODERN two bedroom apartment, FOR Rent -- Four room heated pant electrically equipped, kitchen. MO 8 ment, 158 Brock Street Nor one | 4235 She ¥ Pe 8 255 MO 9-2249, between 6 and 8 p.m. 2936 5, op One chesterfield and | FOR Rent Furnished room, pHvaie chair, needs recovering, very reason entrance, new home. $8 wee PPIY able. MO 8-4382 255¢ 1041 Wardman Crescent, Northern ...-- three-room _apartment.] Heights Subdivision, Whitby. B50) rewly tocorated, heated, PHYA rand PIANO, reconditioned, new key Ti room.' 610 Dundas West 2571 guarantee, See this one now at Mid- = AR - ! town Furniture, 113 Byron Street South, DAY care available for two small chil. | Whitby Nov. 24 dren by responsible mother. $7.50 each| vegas he Offers Week. Apply 1041 Wardman Crescent, EARTH fill for sale, Whitby. ©IS Northern Heights Subdivision, Whitby, invited for purchase of clean, earth 255¢ fill, stock-piled in Whitby. Dry agcess __ dpa Au ou -- { road, HU 56104 252{ WANTED. two riders to Toronto daily - - 1g arriving downtown 8.30 am. and leav PANT cuffing and alterations, mens , oo, "Uo iv" 1041 Wardman Cres and ladies wear, drapery alterations ent, Whiby. of call Mr. Foon. mat bs 'entre South. i ) A » E R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Noo os 6.8736 50 A , aired. New aerial FOR Rent -- Attractive room in new AERIAL moved, repai home. Board optional. Phone MO 8-4745. 254f pairs and service. Call Midtown Furni-| ture, 113 Byron South; phone MO 8-4981 Nov. 6 Three room heated un apartment on ground floor. | Phone MO 8-2466 Nov. 23 the sanitary Walter ard, MO 8-2563 Dec. 25 tanks cleaned new tanks installed Phone used pay furniture, furniture cash for Apply Grixti | used ap-| basement, | Nov. 28 FOR RENT Shotguns, 303 Rifles, Decoys, Cartop boats, Canoes, Trail ers Cement mixes, wheel- barrow, Skill Paint sprayers, Garden Tiller, etc, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES MO 8:3226 Nov. 18 saws | Whitby, JOHN A. J. OLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS -- INSURANCE ALICE ST. -- $9,600 FULL PRICE Six room brick house, priced right for the working man, large ern tcher 3 bedroom c heating, private drive and jarage. Your inspection vited, as the own have purchased a new home, and are anxious to see an offer. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544 $1,000 DOWN -- N.H.A. RESALE A bargain, Yes, owner has ught and moved, immediate pos- session, large solid 2 year cle ck bungalow, 3 bedrooms, oluminum storms .and reer oor landscaped. 4-pce. cercmic tiled bath. One in a me, the works all done, act rast for quick sale at $12,000 Fred Fairhart at RA 5-6544, "DOWNTOWN" NEW BRICK AND STONE BUNGALOW One of the finest with A-1 construction, extro large bedrooms, all m with stipled and cornice r trim throughout. can be yours by calling me ustom built new } x17 ft, '3 extra large k er with sliding doors ving. 1 4-pce and tile ceiling This large home, over y Pat O'Donnell ak RA 5-6544; CENTRAL PARK BLVD. NORTH A few doors from King St ec this large 6 room brick home, with oll the éxfias including cement drive and garage. Profession- ally landscaped and decorated. L shaped living-dining combina- tion, 3 bedrooms, and m rn kitchen, convince yourself by calling Bertha Appleby at RA 3-3398. " NORTH-WEST -- ONLY $1,500 DOWN Good value @onfronts low only 3 yeqrs old modern kitchen. | Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, with a 3 bedroom brick bunga- lored bathroom, and mortgage. Call Bill you again Features 4-pce. 52% Ist ondscoped $2,000 DOWN OR OFFER -- DUPLEX 8 rooms, brick, 2 baths, 2 kitchens a real money maker. Live rent free ond let the upstairs apartment pay the mortgage Aluminum storms, screens and doors, oil heating, drive ond gorage. Call Bill Swarbrick ot RA 5-6544, CADILLAC AVE N. -- BUNGALOW $10,500 A ncat 4-room, 2 bedroom bungalow only 10 years old, with finished rec room. This home is set amidst beautiful land- scaping beyond compare, Ideal for newly married or excellent home for older couple to retire in, Call Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544, $9,000 FULL PRICE -- ATTACHED GARAGE Just for you, a smart 2 or 3 room home, with oil heating and garage pping, school and bus. For more details nnell ot RA 5-6544 close to sh Pat O'D underneath. Located coll $1,000 DOWN -- INCOME --'8 ROOMS Must be sold, a home, with income to 5 rooms down, ond 3 rocms up rented $50 monthly. Full price only $8,900 and its oil heating. Why not see this and compare. Call Howie McCabe at RA 5.6544, $700 DOWN -- 4 ROOMS -- BUNGALOW $7,200 full price, cute, clean home on good stréet north of King. Nice kitchen heavy duty cab 2 bedrooms. See this one if you want economy. Call Eugene Patterson ot RA 5-6544, 2570" EVEN - room brick home, very clean. sicre. Full price,! Low down payment. Phone RA | 2521) [45--Reol Estate For Sale " SEVEN ACRES Large garden, small fruits, nicely londscaped, 9 ROOMED HOUSE Good barns, near school and stores, more lond available. Seven miles to Oshawa, 30 OPPORTUNITIES GROW ON FLORIDA'S WEST. COAST Send 25c (coin) for the BIG ANNUAL INVITATIONAL IS- SUE (Nov 9) cf the Sunday to Toronto, immediate pos- Indepedent "The Sunshine session, $13,500, with terms, Newspaper", St. Petersburg 1, Lylio: McBrien Real Estate Florida. Brooklin 60. Nov.9 257b NEW BUNGALOWS Prices range from $12,900 up. Down payments as low as $2,100. All feature large living rooms, 3 lgrge bedrooms, colored fixtures ond tiled walls in bathrooms, some gwith vanities, beautiful copper tiled kitchens with birch cupboards and separate dinettes. All are ready for immediate occupancy and include the usual extras -- gravel drives, loundry tubs, solid brick construction, divided basements, railings on porch. Two blocks from scheol end tronsportation, HOUSE AND 3 LOTS $12,000 full price, $2,500 down. Exceptional buy. One block from school and transportation. 6 room two storey home, com- mercial zone, new forced air oil heating, extra building 63 x 16 ft. This is an older home in very good livable condition. LARGE FAMILY OR INCOME HOME 8 room older home, centrally located, has 2-pc. weshroem déwn and full bathroom on second floor, 4 rooms on each floor, forced air oil heating, hardwood floors down, garoge ond beautiful large lot with every variety of fruit. 21 ft. living room has natural fireplace, tiled sink in 15 ft. square kitchen with cupboards, Could easily be duplexed. $4,900 FULL PRICE LOW DOWN PAYMENT 4 room insul brick bungalow, Perry $t., ebout 12 years old, Immediate possession, Make offer. BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE Losey OPEN EVENINGS After hours MO 8-4135 2574 SCHOFELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE COLLEGE HILL $7,500 -- 5 year old frome bungalow. large living room, 2 nice bedrooms. Kitchen and bath. Floor oil furnace. All in good repair and handy to G.M.C. For further information, please call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243, DRY CLEANING BUSINESS . Well established cleaning business doing over $500 weekly turn- over. This business includes building, 2 1958 trucks and stock. Terms arranged. For further details, please call John Zakarow, evenings, RA 5-0494, A THREE BEDROOMED BEAUTY Decorated throughout and stonding on eo fully landscaped lot. This home has a partly finished rec room with extra plumbing. Corner windows in living room, double stainless steel sink in kitchen, tiled bathroom with colored fixtures. Outside there is a patio, fish pond, and sun deck. Close to school and bus. For further information, please contact Stan Phillips, evenings, RA 8.1496. SUNSET HEIGHTS 6 room, split level bungalow with attached garage situeted on a fully landscaped lot 79 x 100 ft. A gem of a kitchen 15 x 13. L shaped living room and dining room. 3 good size bedrooms, built in china cabinet and bookcase. Valance boxes, 5% % mortgage. For further information, please call, Bill McFeeters, RA 5-1726, evenings Before 5:00 p.m. RA 3-2265 Between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. RA 8-1624 L.S. Snelgrove CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA BURK ST. $2,000 down, é-room, 2-storey family home, large modernized kitchen, dining room and living room on main floor, 3 bedrooms and bathroom on 2nd floor, new copper plumbing and bath- room fixtures, full size basement, electric hot water tank, stove cable, hardwood and tile floors, storms and screens, garage on large lot, full list price only $9,800. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. $8,500 FULL PRICE Cash or terms, store and 4-room unfurnished apartment ebove, store 26 x 30 ft,, tile floors, display islands, shelving, complete lighting fixtures, apartment 'with rough plumbing in for both- room and iktchen, studding for partitions, fully insulated, heavy wiring, full extra high basement, forced air with oil heating, lot 50 x 160 ft., located on No. 2 highway just outside City limits, do not hesitate , call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or even- ings RA 5-4162. NEWCASTLE OPPORTUNITY 2 lots adjoining new cloverleaf, 6é-room 1V2-storey home, ex- ceptionally clean and modern throughout, oil heating, natural fireplace, wonderful "business location for most any line of busi- ness. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810, . GRIERSON §T. $9,900.00 full price, 5-room bungalow, modern kitchen, living room, dining room and 2 bedrooms, hardwood and tile floors, full basement, new forced air with oil heating, landscaped lot, with paved drive, asking $2,500 down. Coll Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or evenings RA 5-4162, NEW N.H.A. HOMES Stevenson Road North -- 2 to ehoose from, $13,200 full price. Park Rd, North district, conveniently located, various prices. SUBURBAN BUNGALOWS Town Line North, 6 rooms, brick and frame, loaded with extras, attached garage, large lot. COURTICE -- $2,000 down, 5-room brick ranch bungalow, large modern kitchen and 4-piece colored and tiled bath, large bright living room, 3 good bedrooms, forced air with oil heating, large londscapd lot, asking $12,900 FARMS £0 acres, complete form buildings, priced to sell, 2 te choose rom 100 acres, completely modern and painted buildings. 140 acres, brick home, fully modern, 3 barns, all painted, suit- able for dairy or beef cattle, wonderful location 10 acre farm with excellent buildings, running water throughout, modern bathroom, large barns in wonderful condition, good market gardening soil, close to Oshawa. Please coll RA 3-9810, RA 5-876] or RA 5-4162 evenings Member of the Local Real Estate Board, $13,000 end 257a 45--Real Estate For Sale front, attached garage, x 17 FOUR - bedroom, eight-room brick Ea RE Yt BUNGALOW -- Owner built, all room, 20 x 13° opening onto patio. 45--Real Estate For Sale and drawers galore. ED. DISNEY Real Estate and Insurance 257 RA 3-23 Investor's Specials é room insul brick, large lot, centrally located $7,000 cash é room frome with garage, centrally located $6,200 cash Apply 1192 Cloverdale 67 ACRES level Orono. Bargain at $6500. evenings BA 35-7027 Toronto. +9644 Some repairs needed but ad- justments have been made in the price Salesmen ED. IRISH RA 3-3301 ED. DISNEY RA 3-2333 $1,000 full down payment, new N.H.A. homes, your last opportunity to be a home- owner at this low down pay- ment, full price $11,900. Prices are going up, not down, Call Eugene Patterson ot RA 5-6544. John A. J. Bolahood, Limited, Realtors. 250f ATTENTION VETERANS 2 attractive new brick homes, ready for occupation. One three-bedroom, one four-bed- room, extra large kitchen, with ample cupboards. Mod- ern in every way, only miles from downtown Osh- awa. Close to new school, good roads, sufficient land to meet V.L.A. requirements. Many other Veterans in some (district. Will require about $5,000 cash, or we would consider taking your present home os part Builder FRED R. JONES LTD, RA 3-3383 days; RA 5-0351 evenings, MODEL HOME OPEN FOR INSPECTION $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT Ideal location. Neer new school, churches, bus service, 3-bedroom modern homes on large lots with all the extras, 257d payment, s 257f RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS $688 Down One SEE - OSHAWA'S CLOSEST IN SUBDIVISION WALK DOWNTOWN WALK TO SCHOOL -- LOCATION -- PARK RD, N. & HUMBER JUST ABOVE LOUISA ST. SEE THE MODEL Solid rug end bark brick. Stone fronts. 6% Mortgage 3 bedrooms. $68 MONTHLY ee Vth LARGE DETACHED counters. SIX ROOM fo BUNGALOW Many other extras. SOLID BRICK You must see the model. THREE BEDROOMS, LARGE KITCHEN COMPLETELY DIVID- ED BASEMENT, AIR CONDITIONED HEAT- ING, LARGE LOT, EX- CELLENT AREA WITH ALL SERVICES, ROADS, SEWERS, BUS- ES, SCHOOLS. RIGHT HERE IN OSHAWA * RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 2570 PRICED FROM $12,190 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS IF YOU QUALIFY OPEN HOUSE SEE THE MODEL 2:30 P.M. TO DARK DAILY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS RA 5-6544 Nov. Ristow & Olsen REALTORS HOME ON THE RANGE Not a quarter section but a lorge lot 85' x 200° on which is sit- uated a lovely red brick five ond a half rgom home. Colored fix- tures in four piece bathroom. Combination living and dining rooms. Well planned kitchen with eating area. Centre hall plan to three bedrooms. A good buy ot $13,750. IS THIS FOR YOU ? A five room brick bungalow in the North-west area. Close to shopping centre separate and public schools. Hardwood and tile floors, forced hot air oil heating, tiled bath and well planned kitchen, If this is for you, call now for an appointment. YOU MAY MISS THIS GOOD BUY If you don't soon investigate this good quality home on Som- erville Ave. It is not just the run of the mill type but one recently remodelled for comfortable living. Being clear of mort- gage makes it possible to purchase in many different ways. Call us now for fuli particulars. 'RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 19 ATHOL ST. WEST OSHAWA OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Members of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 257a H. Goldstein REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-5161 $500 DOWN $500 FULL PRICE $8,500. Modern frame bungalow just East of Oshawa. Complete with a garage, forced air oil furnace and all omenities of City living. In tip top condition. Nicely land- scoped and decorgted. Easy monthly payments. Call to see it now. $800 DOWN $800 FULL PRICE $8,900. 6 room 12 storey home in excellent condi- tion, Freshly decorated and only 10 minutes walk from down- town. 3 large bedrooms, extra large living room and large modern kitchen, Call tonight for on inspection. $2,000 DOWN $2,000 6 room 2 storey brick home situated in one of the nicest areas of the City, affording proximity to downtown and shopping fac- ilities, The condition of this home will certainly meet with your approval. 3 nice bedrooms, large living room and a full size basement. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $65. WITH A 10 YEAR MORTGAGE FULL PRICE $11,500 If you can appreciate QUALITY then this is the home for YOU. 6 room 12 storey beauty. Large bedrooms with ample closets. Walls and ceilings wel linsulated. Finished recreation room in the basement. N'T DELAY CALL RIGHT AWAY. We have a large selection of NEW N.H.A. homes in all sections of the city. Some with garages, carports and some with walk out basements. Down payments from $1,399, : 257a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 4, 1958 15 45--Real Estate For Sale $1250 down. new Bungalow, Whitby. 4 bedgooms, large living room, 4 piece bath, modern kitchen, full basement, TV aerial, NHA 1st. Phone HUdson 8-8998. 291 Jedburgh Road, Toronto 12 or phone after 7 p.m 254 ROSSLAND MANOR N.H.A. 3 THREE-BEDROOM BUNGALOWS PRICED AT $12,800 AND $12,995 WITH 1200 AND-$1395 DOWN K and R CONSTRUCTION RA 8-5234 Dec. 4 --AGAIN-- EXECUTIVE HOMES ot a WORKING MAN'S PRICE in top RESIDENTIAL AREA BRAEMOR GARDENS ENSON NORTH "ANNAPOLIS $12,799 And Up ROSSLAND MANOR NORTH OF ROSSLAND W. GLENGROVE AT Gl $13,500 And Up --EXTRAS GALORE-- ® Ext dded front t fo lawn windows with screens romic storms and Paid services Enamel hot water tank Car port Attached garages Mar th MODEL GNS AILY 2 PM. TO DARK OR CALL RA 5-6544 )ne of the two SIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS Nov. 4,6, 8 46--Real Estate Wanted WE anxiously require for sale farms, homes, businesses anywhere. Buying or selling. Call Donald Stradeski, RA 5-1526 representing Wilson Real Estate, Toronto, Phone AX 3-4535. Nov. 22 HOUSE wanted, We have a client, wants ing a house around $7500, all cash, Must be in city, Call Jones Real Estate, RA 5-6412 or RA 8-1566, 255¢ FIVE-, or six - room house, reasonable rent. Phone RA 5-8102 253¢ OFFICE space in Brooklin, for the Manchester Credit Union. Apply Mane chester Credit Union, Mygtle, Ontario. | 2538 15/47 --Automobiles For Sale 57 CHEV. model 210, blue and white, two door, cle rivate sale. Call "for appointme RA 35-3568 or Port Perry 252¢ Yukon 5-2 HALE Auto Wreckers Ch Pole motors, rear ends, transmis. sical, for all m Phone Clark 1614. Nov. 31 A-1 condition, original owner, 57¢ kes PONTIAC d four-door, low mile $1200. Phone RA 51 OLDSMORILE Avily 1 '55 sedan, good mdi tion Street West, 257¢ "55 PONTIAC, sedan, perfect condition, fully equipped, many ras, radio. $1495. Phone RA 5.0647 a 252¢ 51 MORRIS ( economical car $195 terms at Wel RA 3-4431. 256¢ '57 METEOR | and white, ab | Previous owner re fordor tutone grey ly beyond criticism. ts 26 miles per | gallon. Sale price $1695. King West Motors, opposite « Cent 257¢ '56 MO *- matic transn gunmetal grey, tutone . white wal n. $1595 Ki st Motors, opposite Shop. ping Cer 257¢ '58 PONTIAC tudor special, tutone green and yellow. Custom radio, low , show room condition. Sale price $1995. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Cent "51 FORD Fairlan matching mission visors, white walls, eight cylinders. Previous owner report 33 miles per gallon, $1995. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre 257 38 METEOR Rideau, fordor, auto mat{c transmission tritone finishg radio, windshield washers, tinted glass, white * walls 2 reflects low mileage $1000 King West Motors. Opposite. Shop Centre. 257 58 PONTIAC sedan delivery, very good condition, reasonable, Phone RA 5:3875 after 6 257¢ CLEARING 50 Ford 595. '50 Stude $75, '50 Chev, $175. '52 GMC l%-ton panel $145. Wellmans. RA 3.4431 256¢ '55 CHEVY Bi: two tone, radio. To clear $1195 terms, Try "Stew" at Wellman 1431 256¢ '56 FORD Fairlane Thunderbird equip- ment §1445. Easy terms at Wellmans RA 3.4431 256¢ '53 STUDEBAKER, one owner, clean and reliable, $695, Terms at Wellman's, RA 3-4431 256¢ 55 BUICK hard-top a-flow, two tone, custom ry t §, wash- ers, outstandin valu Easy * terms at Wellman 256e '89 MERCURY, excellent condition, Ape ply 579 Albert St 2568 '55 FORD Consul used only as a second car. Has to be seen to be appreciated, 80 Rossland Road West 198 DODGE -- Good transmission, Best offer. Apply 1265 Simcoe South. 256€ 51 MORRIS m Name your price. R ALLSTATE Auto Insurance 20 per cent. Ni personal service 02 '55 OLDSMOBIL} power equipped. ( nor, good condition, A 56319 252¢ Save up to » months to pay. For at your home call RA holiday hardtop, in be financed, RA 5-2023 Nov. 28 '52 DODGE sedan ood condition, pri- vate, $450, cash or terms. Apply 26 Prince Street 2534 SACRIFICE, Buick, 1953 dynaflow 50, in good cor , aca h plenty of go. Owner les for F ida Nov. 11, Must sell, Phone RA 3.4935 -7 pm, 51 FORD, very d condition. $250. Phone RA 8.8955 255¢ 50 CHEVR light grey, I' coach, good « ply 121 Annis Street. 558 {'55 INTER ATIONAIL ton pickup. | lean as a y $ Bramley Motors, 1271 Simcoe Nc RA 3-4675. 2578