The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1958, p. 14

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==| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [5 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades |13---Gardening & Supplies |16--Insurance |22--Redio & TV Repairs 32--Articles Wanted |44--For Rent INDEX % G. T. HORTON and Associates, Com- CEDAR trees for hedge, choles quality, | CORONET TV owners! For factory PIANOS -- Upright or miniatures, V Will, THREE unfurnished rooms, all con- Please Note MONTEITH, Monteith, Rleh) and Co.r|mercial White Printing, 70 Harwood all sizes, Also all kin FIRE INSURANCE trained technicians, call RA 8528 pay cash, State make and price. Write|veniences. central. 3 Wilson Road {Guaranteed job. TTS|Box 110, TH zette. Nov.16 North. Phone RA 3.48 Cl Tru Decdlines now In effect for TO WANT AD tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; |Avenue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728. [stock Rileitle Lamise| WITH BROAD EXTENDED - - - this column; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FAC; A. B. Mon | FOR HIGH CLASS painting and owe ov.13| COVERAGE. All Risk: Out- | SPECIALIZED radio and television MIX-MASTE "Cused) with me RACTIVE rere peek , CLASSIFICATION Heth, B. Comm., CA; G. W, Riehl, CA; | rating, phone B, A. Upton at KA 32977 | PLANT a codar hedge. Choice quality | boord "Moto B P service. All makes, Fred Th 157 | grinder Phone RA 3-2311 . apartment. Separate entrance and Births, Memorioms, Cards of R. ¥. Lightfoot, CA; George W. Treth-| after business hours. Nov.16 trees, all sizes, also Colorado blue id otor ond oat Poli= | gioty Street. Call RA 3.9792, 253 bath, Centrally located in Bowman- Thanks -- ra ACEOUNS Bey ConA 39527, 135 Simcoe Street | CIALIZING 1n chimney And (ire.| bruce. mugho pines, red ma, Io cies. Save 10% with @ Com. | =m WE pay cash for used Turmiture, appli-| ville, Immediate possession, Phone 9 AM. SAME DAY i} 4---Accour North, Oshawa, places, building new, repairing old. and |other nursery stock, af © posite Policy. Auto Insurance, CALL BARONS' ances, "TV, sewing machises, pianos, | L. Clemens MA 32436. faded DEATHS -- Barrister SALE, Piiediander, Alutes anid Co.|all minor rep "all RA 81435. Mov 8] bree, peel Jam dtwwer 19 iho] Instalment Plans if desired. A stoves. Also sell and exchange. 19| GROUND floor four-room apartment, 11 AM. SAME DAY 15 @eeierveop ctor Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 King Street/ BRICK laying, block ing, general y ROBERT S. McCALLUM Prince Street, RA 8.1131, central, reasonable. Stove, refrigerator, 4--Dentists PHONE RA 5.4402 for guaronteed service on laundry (acilities, parking lawn. Phone I t, Osh ; B. L. Tule, CA: F.|cement work. A. J. Groen, Bowman Oa aA 33602 I sir seve Finder B.Com CPA © [Vile uA Tah LE he Va me asl "Rk ood Woe | CARS WANTED [ie ed i 24-Hour Service TWO rooms and kitchenette, furni 6--Optometrists BOB CLANCY'S Ontario / Aocounting WE can 1 tile your ceiling, floor, walla, lawns serviced. RA BART and 17--Money to Loan or unfurnished. for working couple. 641 7==Surveyors Services offers Free cee | | for small business. 184 Bond guaranteed, Phone Oshawa RA 54870, | TREE (rimming, removal, fuel wood -- a FO EC G Merritt Street. C257 BIRTHS Jo-- Veterinarians | Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5.0397; Whitby MO 8.4596. 230([ #00 WIth chain maw Free estimates. | FIRKT and second mortgages, & ale PHONE RA 3-2263 R WR KIN Foun rn 8--Building lrodes | Residence, RA 3-7605, - RA 37704 Nav 20 | asreaments purchased and sold. Hen.| After Hours Coll RA 5.0624 . Ton aon ok | alow, SBuiiding . Motericl 5.2 BOPRINS and Company." Certl JACK C. MacDONALD [HEBUER and bushes planted, ail work |g or Tare Tn Tans fers. 3) Ring Nov8 Scrap iron and metals {Ritson Road South. Available Decem. -- rvice ified Publie Accountants, Fig i " - sey ber 1, $90 per month. RA 3.4100, 257 BOND -- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bondy i ren ith | Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509 PAINTER & DECORATOR HS A and up Phone « Smith, a [8 able tor fr bought. Call . DUPLEX Lol pani ve Beryl Cook) wish to anno ¢ - T tH [Clarke ov %. Mortgages an . 3 s birt) Brey! Conk Mic Poel pig rd on 11o--Business Opportunities | 2--Barristers Poperhanging ang Painting [LEN Rowinrs' nndscaping and garden. | ATeements sale purchased, Apply TV-RADIOS SHAW parking, basement storage. Days, RA 195, a the Ohawa General Hospital' Worvea [DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister F alec 1 [ime service Tnwna seeded. sod fer bie, on king oir Wong | SAII3; evenings, RA 31082. at A brother far Robert, Susan and "arol. [| |2--Dressmaking and Solicitor, 26% King Street All ree Lstimates [Wihioe, wardens and (awhe ploihed. 3 sons J + Oshawa, ervice is oyr business only RAG & METALS HOUSE -- Six . room brick. "Central, 13--Gordening & Supplies Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Work Guaranteed | 1m 10) walk slabw, patio slabs | alr i | Everything for your Barden, HA 8.8783 | CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort 4-hour iV and Country CO. GROUND floor ajartment, TV aerial, ROSS ---- Mr. and Mrs, Rohert Rose} oo log Repairs dence, RA 8.5373, 50 Nassau St. RA 3.7080 are apy AO lo instruction MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, Soll: MW I nd Moriaake SIE Sresmen of RA 8-5286 heated, lots of cupboard space. Hard: Sunday, November 2. 1958, at the Osh | b= Insurance citor, Notary, Money to 10an. He 0 FY | co SOD TOPSOIL. MANURE | on, Fraser, Divhan and y 89 Bloor Street East wood floors. 121 Oshawa Boulevard awa General Hospital |7--Money to Loan | Block, 26% Jing Stree East, RA 34607, i y ; s OSHAWA ELECTRONICS RA 5-231 ] South, os & i Rd -------- 18--Loan Wanted Proms GE HwevistRs TRENCHING, Nugsery Stock, Garden Main . ------ris OPER STU THREE unfurnished Toorms. Phone RA | Ba-- Morigoges JOSEPH Money to Joan, Office, 14% BASEMENT tenance, Tractor Grading. and TV. AERIALS ! N SATURDAYS rg 90 8PPAY. 300 Jackson vem, ym ) DEATHS || 19--Personal King Street East, Oshawa. RA 84232.) and SWIMMING POO! Rots: Tilting NEED CASH? 35--Employment Wanted arog Tor Rr ve " | 20--cCartage residence, RA _5-3405 : EXCAVATIONS ids, a 3 " Sold and Inst T r ing, CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and id o stalled MENS, Indies', children's wear, knit. (duty wiring, all conveniences, $85 - HABDSAND LANDSCAPING A 2/ Personal . Serviey Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| Home sewoge systems in Muved and Repaired gs. Vlas: Rieasonesie, Phome " 443 Bloor Street Fast : Me Z2--Radio Repairs [tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build stalled. R bi ices RA 5.1721 y ¥ 1e Oshawa Gel allec Reoscnable pric ) ' 20-11, aceral, $29 ond . --r-- -- - - PURUERTE awa i 23 --Women's Column fing; 5 Simcoe Street Nort, RA 33446: £00 free estimates . coll ee ed oar : Ho lh ake No To E Pig HT ants { eral Ho r : K. Creighton, QC C. Fraser, | baby Duaue inte _ gauges] $4=Maret Boke i lac G. K. Dryna . 'Murdoch ART STEVENS [AJAX 50D SUPPLY | Your Lending Nelghbot' ROLLAND T.V. dren. HA 3.2506, 2541 | Available December 1.° Adults only. " nd Mr ho aueite. | 5 -- ; ) SE A 5 : 45-=Pety am |NHA mortgages d Brooklin 173W | RA 3.4849 RELIABLE man requires work one or © hone RA 5.4569, 37 | tilhirth), Interment was in St. Greg : : or ometery. go=samers Column | JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister Hourly or Contract Wark wold delivered and laid, field LOANS UP TO §% 3,000 ' owe days weekly or one or two hours FOUR-., and five - room semi-furnished 27=Fuel, Wood and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North Nov. 16 loading. koam. sand, till and 3--Women's Column y's Cemete or metery dally, Janitor, driving, etc. MO 8.4915. or unfurnished, self - contained apart. th me & o € . i PARR Jako Tames it Nol me, || ;8 sommes Resorts Haran re oa Tr rrr Na stone Grading, asphalting OSHAWA OFFICE SPHOIAL = Treat pr Hi | TTS Nov. 25 ment, stove and refrigerator. RA 5.630, ari on naay 8 stedo, T 4 ' 5 28a-- Hunting | McG: and Ba and excavation 29V4 Simcoe St. South [L010 Waves, $5.80, Page Tairdrops 8. 36--Female Help 'Wanted THREE | om {496 Simcoe North, Apartment 4. 257¢ A Pine Avenue, RA 55363, John Ja a r d vallable for 29--Summer Properties For Sale |Solicitors. Clients' funds avails EXCAVATORS 4 / unfurnished rooms, second : n r et PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5.1121 INTERESTE | making money? Sell|floor, good location, central. Athol ra RIM PEAT. or Wanted first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Stre J0~tost 'and Found |North, RA' 5.3566. Charles C. McGibbon, = Basements & Trenches RA 5.3422 COBOURG OFFICE 24--Market Basket v etc. for Christmas. DigliStreet East. RA 5578. 25 il =Articles For Rent | GREER and Kelly Barristers, soiici.| Machines for hire by the | i ry 4 NWEET cider and appies. WT Cox. ae, |SELF . CONTAINED three . room oid A 1 0 a . ' » | 52--Articles Wanted ic., 74 Simcoe Steet South, Dial hour or by contract | COURTICE SOD AND K nee gt Yoo Ve_miles north of BTS, Bowmanville | FLL TIME housekeeper, Teauired ol partment gonial thy 16 Ritson Le" 34-- Auction Sales 78 Residence phones: J . . | . 25--P charge of mod bungal F Ro Greer; B. + RA 53368; Terence V-. d ! 6 y 5 : --Pets and Livestock 8 ern galow. For ap-|Road South 256¢ J5--Employment Wanted city A en. beeen | LEN-Rae Limite | LANDSCAPING SERVICE cp ABOARD FINANCE CO. | Ginivanta pointment please phune RA 5.7662 | - ROOM furnished apartment. pri- | | | |ikelly, BA, BCL, R ; - J6--Female Help Wanted | Phillips, B. Comm., RA 81974. NIGHT DAY A-1 field sod, sprayed and OF CANADA LIMITED phuaAntA puppies, champion ;|EXPERIENCED general housekeeper | vate bath, stove, refrigerator. RA 5-4558 37==Male Help Wonted |GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- MO 8-4003 MO 8-3731 fertilized. For free estimates Formerly Bellvue Everett Crescent, Toronto 13 Yequised {or mosey )ome. Biivig in. 2560 38--Male or Female Help Wanted |risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, n » call Ed Knowlton 8 BEAUTIFUL baby budgi dy for | ave eterences, For appointment| LARGE. furnished houskeeping room Nov.2 ttsNov.4 ] y Kles, ready for have good references. For a tment | for couple. Refrigerator and sink. Apply 256¢ For Funeral Flower - 6 King Street East, RA 54717 i 39-- Agents Wanted x raining, talking strain, Apply Mrs, |plea on 8 } (J. Murphy and James A RA 5-6047 Broad, 114 Eigin street Bast Please phone RA 3.7682 after 8 Ey [475 King Street East. RA 5.9683 Arrangements Jee 40--~Cpportunities : : 've JOHN A. CAMERON, Ba solic ' remem {18a--Mortgages " a ---- ns ma tam LEWINGTON'S 4! mRoom ene. outa wanied | tor and Notary Public, 1812 King Street CUSTOM & N.H.A, we have clients with monies to pur- ven AU Sel ey eC OMAN Jo Jeep house, and cite or 1 Pht ----_-- To hg = | Vi {1 9 , A sl FLOWERS 42~Roem ona, Sure an Pay. 8A 3-226. NHA and private mort HOMES CROSS TOWN SOD (chase first and second mortgages and . Phone RA 5.724 4 2531 tor, works, ri {water su-plied; adults, and very central HONE R 081 43- Wanted e -- agreements of sale at a discount. Louls y A 5 2568 PHONE RA 3-904 s4--For 'Rent | RALPH 8, JONES, BA, and Thomas H ; SUPPLY 8 Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, BOARDING, "trimming, bathing, de. dian. RA' 8.8012, sar ® : ' 45--Real Estate For Sole | Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici Framing Vial i" [Oshawa. RA 3.4943. fleeing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5.6321. | HOUSEKEEPER wanted, beiwden 20.| MODERN, ground floor, four - room Estate Excharie tors, 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 3. Tri A A-1 rolled, fertilized sod, cut | THREE Collie puppies for sale. Phone 65, to take charge of modern bung | vats? Teirigerator, stove, Washer, 45ge=Real taiote Exchang 3525. Mortgage loans available. rimming fresh daily. Sod for trucks in | 19--Personal Bowmanville, MA 3.2355 between 8 and |low. Must be fond of children. Friendly (s9 a Viivate Ra sane gar 46--Real Estate Wanted |Z 7 SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici Additions field. Delivered or loid. Free | -- 10 p.m. 257a Jalormal family, Live in. Phone Adax| mon . 47 --Automobiles For Sole , |ltor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. Diai Al 4 estimates. Prompt delivery. HYGIENIC sosiies ~ Gubber goods). DEER or fox hounds, male and fe.|"® 252(| ONE stunished housekeeping _ room, 48-- Automobiles "Wanted loffice, RA 5-3741; residence, RA 5-5542 terations PF Mallud post pal male, Phone Blackstock 72-R-3. 257a [FULL and part time help wanted, aoe app'ng (entre, single ane one RA 8- -8868. | elopes with price list, 6 samples 25 a thualll 20-30, Apply Elliot's Restaviant, [of refrigerator. RA 54373 256¢ 49--Automobile Repairs : i By RA cents; 24 les $1.00. Mail Order|TOY Fcx Terrier, female, eight inonths IN MEMORIAM 4--Dentists Kitchen Cupboards Dnt AT my Coal rant | id, $10: male Collie mp. fom montis. |Simeoe Nort 256 | TWO Targe wniurnished Tooms--si aad 50 Articles For Sale ---- -- ri ---- i fasta i 51 ==Swop and Barter | DR. G. T. SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6 Rec. Rooms AJAX SOD SUPPLY | Hamilton, Ontario. Nov.22|$5. Phone Bowmanville, MArket 3-2684, Bo for family of four, Sibboards in Kitnes umsairs, adults, le ristioe [Open evenings by appointment. 259 Sod a ; | we BOTH have one fender skirt, v| a ow ___®7 live in, good home for right person, full | 0] Street Past Rad. nig rome Gon 4 Be SSIFIED AD TES pict stalin rues so TERMS ARRANGED sid Selares on hg i [Say Yours, or Jou ean buy mine, 533 | ers. We have an excellent i o_pan time RA_SOMS. = |e, i Fa Se -- n and brothe 8 RA IDR. P. ) 5 Stree : 5 vading, Loam, sond, till an Hi treet, l h X theoo pling CLA South, office hours 8.30 - 5.30. Satisfaction Guaranteed stone, Groding, asphalting | oe "5 weil bred' puppies for people inierest-| 37 --Malle Help Wanted re ee Tin Fak Bond 25 words or less |i}, tment. RA 5-3821. 16 : 2 ' i | . - - ed in the breed rather than the price. ie een ce ---- | North. Phone RA 3-4990 evenings after oo Charge Y _Zppoinime and "excaveting | WHY fecl old? Feel years younger. Rea.onable. Show prospects, also pets. DUE ta the opening of a new ins p.m. ™ [ Nursing Services | PHONE AJAX 431 or |Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thou: | Pickering 91W4. wse7{ J hiiby, Colowial Homes have pening: -- i ECUTIVE 5--Nursing Service | RA 5.3422 sands past 40. Only 60c. At all drug. on thelr silos shalt for additional men ONE single, furnished room. Suit lady, RTION 22% 248 || -- R ud sls : 1 = or Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax officos|Call RA 5.7922 or apply 58 Nacean SERTIGNS * Bis, NovA711,141821,25,23| 26._Farmer's Column to sell pre-fabs and aluminum products. street. set mm ees meee | EXPeTiENCE NOL Necessary as full train. A | DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. |; ill i Fi OUR - room modern apartment and HILLSIDE Wheteshouts, Of James Alexander Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3.2679, i oe Sven OF ayurther Whitby, Path. including stove, refrigerator, and Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Nov. 25|MO 8-4891 2571 | dry ryer, TV outlet, RA 39141, tind " " t y i 3 PIN boys wanted, full and part time. | FURNISHED housekeeping room for gur mother, Letit a Ann Me _ Above rates apply only fe orl ldo pi GREEN VELVET SOD supply |®t the latter number. | 27--Fuel Wood : _____|Avply Motor City' Bowling, 78. Rich- |. LY home, use of refrigerator. Her memory is as dear today s Subseauent insertions ordered ple (Men and Women), PRE-CAST and laid NURSERY STOCK HYPNOSIS relieves tension, f T8,(WANTED -- someone to remove soft| Mond Street West. RA 3.3212, 253 - As in the hour she passed away 3 later cate constitute © new | | . frustration, complexes, nervous pains, maple tree from back yard for the FOUR - room self - contained apart T aot o late Nurses ond dieticians in P) ¥: TWO men required for direct sales, «Lovingly remembered by original order x d T | | Everything for your garden, | habits, reduces weight, stops oking,| wood. Dial RA 56628 after 6 p.m. 254{| married, with own car. Steady work, | ment. newly decorated. separate on. Bert wig. taste erstemorat sna Sums wis (| aftendence. | Teoy service, | © CONCRETE PHONE RA 3-9020 [Ininy "moemonion, i, "ian, i | oer Bien income. Witte 'Box 148, Oshawa|irince Heavy wiring Coral. Sultzul $6 00 per month tor ines y | rod pu mes. c A 5. j 3 Each additional line /5¢ per month. PHONE RA 5-2330 -- eee (WIN Heath, Institute. "of Ethical Hypno- A | Al sis, Professional Build'ng, 304 Dundas LOST -- Black, tan and white hound. 8 THREE - room basement apartment, CARD OF THANKS trac sign Higur "Count ob 0 i SIDEWALK. Sass BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME West, Whitby. Daily 1-9 p.m.; Satur. | May have chain collar and tag. Vicin- 3 Male or Female private entrance, heavy wiring, all con. 3 ond oS a0 Higu . Bun) a 6--Optometrists COLORED PATIO SLABS WITH AN ASPHALT DRIVE 4a: 10 am. . 1 p.m. Phone MO hd ity King Street East. Phone RA " Help Wanted yerjencen yew for pushes, ge" + C " ee -- reed | ov 5 - 3 3 -8798, 28 Advertisements ||C. H. TUCK, Optometrist, specializing - ar bused HA mn Aya -------------- ule Cau ips po cuttiee, a ph 4 day ot |/in muscle "anomalties, eyesight and UNIT STEPS -- RAILINGS Top soil, sod, cement, and HAVE you a drinking problem? Write LOST -- Girl's bicycle, blue, with car- OFFlcE Worker. Pastime Manchester ONE furnished room for lady or gant's. driveway gravel, sod laid. | Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 140, Times. rier and kick-stand, vicinity of hl. Credit Union. Myrtle, Ontario. man, Close to central sho; ping. Arrly --- t 0 ublicatio tt hours: Daily | glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Fri., 6-8. wos In the Injast i our ao H AI | Invalids examined at home. RA 5.6143. CURBING Gazette, Oshawa. |dren's Arena. Phone RA 5-4225, Rewar 218 Montrave Avenue or phone "A : X ur hes ALF. LINES HAULAGE | 257¢ 8-5027 256¢ 41--Room and Board thanks and appreciation to our man \ | Disney Bldg., 31 King East a -------- e . -- relatives, friends and neighbors for the || REGULA IIONS-- | SERTIC YANKS AND PAVING ELECTROLYSIS LOST -- Six - month - oid grey Kitten FOUR - room, contained anarts with brows Jha_whits 5 oi Aria An Roox and board in private home, RA Tent ad bathroom, rnluraivied, heals swers ul cf 5 257b | ed, cen ation, $75 m y. Phone 3.4014, 256¢ Te SSR Are the ones who neve --Sadly remembered b, I Yad INS ERTIONS 3.78 4.13 and family i not ocia within / days the (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for 440 YiLsoN hip N Scott of Blackstock, GMC employe, = leas ontact Bow il 1 LA N DSCAPI NG [RA 5.0230. Collect calls will 'be accepted] 7 | ANDEN NURSING HOME wd Si Bldg. Contractor | ip | ANYONE having information as to the | MEWETT -- In loving Charge rote will apply kindness and sympathy shown us in The Daily Times shall not be |7--Surveyors BAR-B-Q ! RA 5-1905 L f our M other, Mrs. P ble fc ors in advertise- - - i ET i ar tT Fool re err owise than m || DONALD Wi, TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| Reasonable Rates Removal of Superfiuous Hair, |Chadburn Street. RA 3:4970. re, LilNaNh sds with the Lord, October 15, and now she |] writina. nor for more than one |[Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5-6881. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED | ---- a! Ad CO Augers who Toned a sunt ROOM and board for gentlemen, will-|™™ ™~ FSR LE has her eyesight. We especially wish to incorrect insertion of any ad- |[[F. J. DONEVAN and Associates, land | | S Marie Nurdti wil be in Ban Lon PR size 14, on King (oi A Ww hae ts hpi l FSRE son UI SDAHLIHE, PrivALe She thank Rev, E. C. Corbott for his com-{f ot co d * " |Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor | shawa Nov. 4 an . ne A 50303. Re- " : | trance, monthly, im forti ing, meat ito a i the donors of he bib oo Riad sg ALLY of [Street "Ea , Oshawa, Ontario. RA| BROOKLI N O HAWA ACME Genosha Hotel on these dates Stetel Jus. Fiease phone R ONE or two girl i Roy sion.' 'Apply 179 "Oshawa Eovlevird et many beautif oral offerings and d-| th dvert ot hich error ||5-5632. | i : or two s or gentlemen to share Bs ton Bibles, pallbearers and McDerr re ae oo If tr rr rg rrr] CONCRETE | for appointment. 31--Articles For Rent nicely furnished room, in new home.|\GHERN apariment. three rooms and and F me for t es ay carding To ||. 1. HORTON an ssociaies, | Close to bus stop. Use of washer and ~ ficient m ment or. || 10 classity a q a i Land Surveyors, Professional Engineer Oct9,Nov4 bath, stove, 'frig. outlet. and ga Sg . he E : its own classification ing. 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax PRODUCTS ! . RENT A FLOOR dryer. RA 3-970. 235¢ age, private entrance, immediate pos. elma and Harry Briggs a a | 728. |21--P 1S \NDER AND FINISHER ROOM and board for gentlemen, close session. One child welcome. RA 8-623, Thelma and Harry Briggs and Viva LIMITED ersonal Service SA to downtown, Apply 23 Elgin Street 254 MeManus | n . ck een |8--Building Trades SOD--LOAM--FILL se EWING done ath ome, Drapes, pe: from East. RA 3.784. 233 | FOR rent or sale -- nearly new bun ph er fowls PHONE BROOKLIN 155 SAND--GRAVEL--STONE | Reasonable rates. RA 8.5097. 1523 Lake. DO-IT-YOURSELF BOOM a, fo gentlemen, #ood alow, automatic ofl hewting, Jo | cellar floors, general . py [side Street. water. Close to Fittings. 252 Arthur evenings. 236¢ or Tess merica ling. foundations, and "cellar. walls. 9--Building Materials DIAL RA - ------------------ | HARRISON & KINSMAN |Sirect. RA 8.0723 he min, |P t, efficient service. a ee oa r-- ished to share or single. Nov.21 3- 3528 ACE CLEANING CONTRACTORS| 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3.4425 [ROOM and | board for geitere oa es re nie eee, pir 3 ud 0, | BUILDING alterations and repuirs,] DRY HARDWOOD -- | STORES, OFFICES, FACTORIES ed f preferred. Homey atmosphere. RA NEW five - room house, oil | heated, 33 1 1 b |arches, chimneys, plastering, parging and HOMES an een m Tac 1Ca |and water-proofing. Guaranteed work. Factory Cuttings and choice WEBBING'S HARDWARE Apply Lillian Sobczak, Watson & ents LLL ) p manship. Bob Taylor, RA 59168. Nov.28 ATTENTION Floors, windows, | walls end 282 KING STREET WEST oon Sa ro Co Port. Whitby. 252 : : : : CARPENTER work, framing, trim. USED BUILDING cellars cleaned. Washroom "RA 3.4873 53710, 257 | FIVE rooms, main floor, private ene MONTREAL (CP) Lt.-Gen.| Canada, he added, is caught in | ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved 1,000 yards of lo f cleanin and sanitizin rr nd bath. Heat and electricity ' y am for sale 9 0 ROOM and board for gentlemen, good |{rance a Guy Simonds savs a defence pol- a squeeze between American iso-|Alterations and repairs. No jobs too big MATERIALS % specialty. Rentals: Cement Power 8 . 8 Juopled, $80 monthly, RA 5-7915 before lay [or $0 small. Work guaranteed. RA at $1.10 a yard, in five and T 1." Mot Chai Sa meals, single beds, home privileges, oO lev based on the concept of alationist thinking and her own de- |S" 20 : PHONE RA 5.7165 rowel, otor ain W; | parking space, close to all south plan 23 "fortress of North America" is/fence requirements : | seven yard loads - Electric Hedge Trimmer, [102 Mill or RA 3.3101. De _ unfurnished Tooms, Toni reason. militarily impractical "But it would be ridiculous for fo FRA 53521, 4 Re i. LUGITOFF KEN ASHMORE Nov 29| Centrifugal Water Pump, |ioon and board for one or tWo gen.|able. Apply 302 Jarvis Stroet, 254f 3 hone 5 OR ? Floor Sanders, Cement Mixer, [tlemen. Phone RA 8.1776 or 77 Gibbons SIX - room house with bathroom. 305 S 253¢ The former chief of general/anyone to suggest that we do not|plumbing. heating and engineering. 255 Heme -_ A " stalf of the Canadian Army made! co-operate with the United States, Simcoe Sent bi Tre R 5.2621 RA 8-8412 JANE BLACK Slenderizing Belt 'Sander. Yoo Th = «| ONE a pT Tr the st t y in an ad-/when they are charged with the|CLEANING chimneys t A - é Nov. 10! Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, Rous 3id_board i LE ie hi Ele ogy Oe or 350 statemen nday % iring chimneys and dress oi a Canadi ub lunch- task of leading the Western world SE a ph By repairs. Call Nov. 29 i Sisem Both: ong Massage, Do It Yourself Fl 3 Ris oud Nou hy 5 | Frontenac. Bd p.m, - eon in the face of the Communist|Fankie and Johnny. RA 81435. Nov.27 - rc Ld aa RR Jud He a's ing re-ex- Challenge." AL CONROY -- 24 years painter and 10--Sharpening Service TOP QUALITY 45 Sines » So uth . RoC OMERS or Toom and board. Apply ig Snternighed Rouiny 7 het, amination" of all points of MUST STOP MISSILE paper hanger, a quick leant job, pis HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, DUT H = or Appointment With the power tools and y » 2c boards, two large closets, newly' deco: tavois Pana odor DR wd: A guaranteed workmanship. saws, scissors, knives, etc. Percy Neil, BULBS Open 10 am. -- 10 p.m. equipment you can rent at ri bstainers, central, 51 Canada's defence policy and exX- 1p canada is to have an effec: (now, free estimates. Nov. 21102 Highland. RA 8-8363. Secor io J STAN'S SHARPENING ood and board, for we, large 4 253¢ pressed the helief that {C0 live defence, he said scientists|ALL types dwelling repairs, rong, Hyacinths aturdoys 10 a.m, -- 4 p.m. SERVICE front betoom, twin. beds, ABRlY. B00 ee er Ce an and military planners must lose siding, plastering ane eblgys SHE] 6 AVG 1 SAWS 1 SAWS 1 Tulips i ROOM and board for single man, Euro. | on, oerren is athe Bast 0 gest the federal budget re tal no time in studying how to stop|Gordon May : : : ; TAILORING Cor King and Burk RA 3.3224 |ROOM and board for single man, Bur |vory central. 182 §thol East. . 253¢ this country can afford the intercontinental ballistic Mis-|pyusmING and Weating pipes, Attings,| 1° oi Complete gute. Narcissus Own materials made up If there is any equipment not | East. Phone RA 88975. 2541 | THREE room apartment (large rooms), "1 don't » there is any sile | fixtures, new and used, changing from i gn ing Spine in affodil Alterations of all - kinds. listed that you need give us @ [ROOM or room and board for young close to South GM. Phone RA Sos § oN 0 y f 'he septic tanks to sewer a specially a for sharpening Hand- Crocus | bl call we rent (pretty near man or lady, close to downtown. RA -------- m-------- ---- sense in ex The combination of radar de-|ganations at reasonable rates. Infor:| owe Bandsaws (metal 3 nvisible weaving. i 5.8522. 155 Verdun Road. 256¢| ONE large furnished room, nice for money on ry tection 1ines and intercep.or mation and estimates free on any type wood). Ploner Kni 4 Snowdrops Dress alterations. everything). ee gentleman. 444 Fernhill Boulevard or _Dial RA 3441, J. Foley, ves ei. Dutch-Iris 10 Prince St. (near bus station) Chain Saws; floor, belt disc, ROOM or room and board for two (pS Dec.4 1 not be effectiy aay event," ighters had a reasonable chance|of Plumbing. : : 4 gentlemen, willl to share, with two a, sa, of offering defence. in tie period YOU NEVER SAW A SAW RA 8- and oscillating sanders; skill | Single beds. 'Apply 15 Maple 'Street. RA| ONE larre Toom and Tarnished Kitchen 2561 of 'the atomic bomb. But it had TOP. SOIL SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW Cooper Smith Co. | LEN PULLAN saws; drills; ~ ext. ladders; [sora hu 56 for couple, two girls or two, Indies. lost its validity the day the hydro- li 4 paint sprayers; pipe thread- |ROOM and board for gentieman, five- gen bomb became a reality " $7.00 LAWNMOWERS, SKATES, 16 CELINA ST. englieh Yoilor) ing equip. up to 2"; electric |day week, Abstainer. Apply 552 Simcoe prc SERN I ay General Simonds retired from é-yord ohq -~ $7. PRECISION GROUND RA 3-2312 hammer; chain hoist; post oy to two apartments, every convenience | hole diggers; blow torch; |ROOM and board f + gentleman, h his amy post in 1955 after a dis-| Cement ond road gravel. ' ggers; chy IROOM 2 or and comfort, reasonable rent. Abs'ain. agreement with the government. Fill, 6-yord looe -- $3.00. STAN S SHARPENING 14--Household Repai Sump pumps; Fi foley ine Ws and Phi tig RA 5.2186, | °° Preferred, RA RY, ! He has since entered private bus-| FURNITURE repaired and reuphoister. ELEPHONE ywood an: ardwoo 256f [FIVE - room house for rent, at 724 3 o pholster- RY . tow, 0 a. C i ness RA 3-3162 Cor. King and Burke [od See our materials for recovering, staplers: tillers; scythes, etc. (BEST in town, mngie beds, ai TWodar ry Rg Wednesday. 357 Oct. 11 Bruce R, Dalton, 75 Charles Street. R conveniences, close to south A be £itmianl dois doi Ean Log RA 3-3224 3.7212, : 32--Articles Wanted RA 5-4229, Apply 536 Lorraine Street. |TYLER Crescent. Very central. A cosy furnished . set- up Hor Hise girls. Pri Ww | CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered WANTED fo buy -- cement mixer. [ROOM and board, good home-cooked | 23 NE S BRIEFS GRAVEL Busi $ Opportunities like new. Why pay more? Our rates Phone RA 3.9973, 27c | meals, across from SoM north 'plant, | Ate. bath. RA 8 27a ! 9 "Blovele In wana Home privileges with television. Apply ATHOY, Street | hi -- single, furnish 252 | Sieh shin are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran. \ corner ca: (teed, Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- ThE i Sa Dlcyele, 1 good 106, William Street East. ed bedroom in quiet home, for gentle. men. RA 8-5916, 257a E | SALES JHE Cement $9.00 per load. Road [ton " x 18 feet, -- in person J. |holstering C C SALES HIGHER | Pennokes, 134 Simcoe Street South, DuseHiOg, oi. 10 Bond Street West. ANTE = Coa aed a. uay a ag ge get emp A 8:59 SPT Tem 2 o ot share, private h home. RA 8-0549. 252¢ (THREE, bright, clean rooms. m'ddle- LONDON (CP! -- Co-operative; fine and coarse $8.00 per . 25 2 - a --.-- with pi Pho pis AN - . EE emesis imam 2a { oe, RA 5.8018 pipes. Phone MA 3-2017, 257 ex wholesale sccoieties' sales were FOR rent -- Office space with tele. painting and handyman for carpentry. ERVICE WANTED -- Dining room suite, in good SINGLE room 1 board in quiet home South. Phone RA 88:0). Town Line Road. m than £220,000,000 in the| load. Be satistied ---- Dial [phone answering service. RA 3.4641, eins, condition. Phone RA 5-6077. for gentleman, office worker. Apply 97 ~ r-t half of thi. vear, almost! Noval neys b a Oe HIGHEST prices paid f d_ furni Moutrave, RA 37056: 284 gp JE : hs a or. Phone 29 ol RA 5.5279. ul 'epaired, gas linings in Pp Pp or use in ern home, ground floor. Plone 2,000,000 higher than the 1957 PART-TIME stalled, {fumes vacuumed. Free esti | answer your phone whenever Post, 146 Simes by the Oshawa Trading KOON i board Lh gPrivate Home. RA 8.8779 after four. 257b figure - mate. | "you are away fro ' bi meve South. RA 3.813). : [ome block from South General Motors. [pgs -- unfurnished yooms, heal e HAYNES DELIVERY CONTRACT Y 34 wy: you WANTED -- heavy duty electric rane, || hone RA 3.2368. 255¢|)ight and water. Private entrance. 'REE a H ffice or residence. A Seen NSS Se FREE SWIV 15--Instruction {= Phone RA 8.0511, 257¢|ROOM and board for gentlemen, con. Phone RA 5.2391. wis BUILDING CONTRACTOR $30 & mons: guoranjeed for tinuous hot water, home privileges. = APARTMER -- New, two-bedroo LONDON (CP) -- Kenneth Col-| Floor experts, Old floors part-time Delivery work, Must |TUTOR. student counsellor, 13 years' For rates ge Ritson Road South . i i ien Al ! . o refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer. lins. 11, received a free pass to| made like new. Hardwood be reliable, have car or light [RX 5igss. ronment only. Cavl MERCU CEDARDALE 2 Worred to Foor pgm Reblog is BL BRA ih --Wante en Street. Phone RA 51424, 237f th public swimming baths in| or tiling. Carpenter work al- truck. $1,600 cash de- HARVEY D. TELEPHONE IVE | woth } Acad: ont pe ----------------------bl } a I 1 Southwark as a reward for sav-| terations. Kitchen cabinets posit required. Give phone |Royal WITT Wid SERVICE RING SCRAP DUPLEX or apartment for couple with| THREE room, sell - contained base- ing ancther bay from drowning.| our specialty number. Write: -- [ster now. 420 King West. RA 5.6122 ) IRON METALS LTD. baby. Must Pui yard and be centrally kindled) Sin Datlvreom, ay CALL RA 3-7196 | BOX 141, TIMES-GAZETTE June 3 45 KING ST. EAST IRON : : METALS corners. Best references. Phone RA |Available December 1. un located within 10 minutes from four GRATEFUL NOTE -- LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance "Educator; TOR BB RE Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre | RA 8- 1 772 57708. evenings. kid THREE Jom apartment, private en MARLOW. England (CP) -- A ANDREW BUTLER re ---- hool acrobatic Friday and Saturday | Nov. v.23 PAPERS : : RAGS trance, adults only. 580 Drew Street, "thank you letter has been sent F | Masonic temple. RA 3.7233. May 21 RA Nov.27 nts of municipa'lv-owned Dr ACTORS THRIVING SRocERY 70 RAISE YOUR INCOME 5se Cins 22-- Radio & TV R preN i i BAY LLOYD REALTY SIX - room brick Home, oil heated, houses in this Buc kinghamshire| Chimneys, Fi-ppioces | [sified ads. They sell, rent quickly! For "4% adio epairs RESIDENCE R 5.41 RENTAL AGENCY Noah Ohaus, Jandy | te. was and own---no one has been in arrears Concrete Figple | Establishment with modern | ad:writing hel dial RA 3.3492 ue ond Lou's (Antennae, repairs. 100 ANNES STREET Qur fee is less than a avecks, RA aor 255¢ of rent during the last year. | General Repoirs, Alterations, Jing Quarters, 5 rooms, cash RAS Tote pig MA Tae $75. Phone FREE PICK. UP vaconey: ly screened ™O - storey house, Suitable for ive - and reliable tenants, amilies. Garage an arn, large lot, R EXCHANGE stock, close to M Studio { Il Inst 5 n FAI HELPING ALONG Satistaction Guarunteed h p Music Studio tor all Instruments UgpECIALIZED radio and television y slam : . churches and schools. For Piano Tuning service. All makes. Fred Thompson, 157, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. ied Road" Phone yey i a oe oo | MAIDENHEAD, England (CP) Free Estimates | further informatio 4 Asia is blamed for giving |g , "560 nounds of benz] RA 5.0547 | Call RA 8.0529 ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES, [Saat Sivest. Call BA 33152 93 SIMCOE ST. N. fore § p.m. North America a particular) ziven to 400 old folk in this Berk S-- RADIO and television repairs" "and serv. | RA 8.5123 S------ -- & 1 er 5 -8 P M New and Used Pianos ice. Phone Brooklin 174R B CKINGHAM MANOP id 44--For Rent u sbjee tiondble ype of flu, and [4000 town this winter under the SPECIAL Fall coiget i oh Ww t ' ) > Wa term 8 il 7 . u election o nst ¢ to Asia the la } wn awisdumiebalig Good Top Soil 257a ' (New a Use mare Electrohome, R | ONE large furnished ° housekeeping APARTMENTS This demonstra ing SHIFTING SANDS $1.50 per vard 477 Simcoe Street South R.C.A Victor, Admiral to os Hg pay pe |rates ie aashmg Techies Ape 53) One. and two-bedroom, elec- place at the Im ial } | LONDON (CP) -- A survey of Gravel 34 stone {12--Dressmaking = Westin Fo . ' ers, 'scrap iron ond metal, rato) And. washing facilities. Apply ©3 trically equipped, good le- Tokyo and in r parts of the Goodwin Sands in the Kne Fill, also tractor and loader DRESSMAKING. alterations, and but 16--Insurance T finest 9 1 use L.TURNER SINGLE furnished room, five min tas cation. $90 and $100. Japan come stories of wrenched lish Channel is to be made early work tonholes. Call RA 8-870) Nov 9 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up Ne Tunes ore a RA 3 2043 16 Sowa: S0wh: RA s:708 al. ig 498 SIMCOE 'N, APT. § backs of elders trying to emu- next year as a result of an unex- RA 5-2156 |LADIES' and girls' wear, Specializing to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For| . late their children pected sandbank . movement Nv 14 [In evening gowns and better dresses. | personal service at your home, call RA| PARKWAY TELEVISION i oom brick - Some, olf heated, RA 8-8676 u , ' ; ; >

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