The Oshawa Times, 4 Nov 1958, p. 9

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'PC's Cooling Towards generals who have been criticiz-|cisms. However, they did main-|and American chiefs of staff. a oe my oii i -- r Ey QW, WC EW WN wey 3 ' English Weak High School Heads Warned Il 1 I S TORONTO (CP)--The Oniane i + education department circulat tempt to make the two generalsjazine article that the chiefs of |; moms to secondary school prin- their heros. Gen. Simonds' re-|the armed forces were denied an|.ina1s Monday informing them Ipeated suggestion for some sys- opportunity to place fheir views pat OTTAWA (CP) -- There has tem of nationa: selective service before the defi and position still are the weak points been a noticeable cooling by the|preciuded that that the Canada - United States|or ciudents taking Grade 13 ex- Progressive Conservatives to-| Nor did the Conservatives sup-|joint board on defence acted as, ward two former Canadian army n.rt the generals' specific criti-a barrier between the Canadian By DAVE MCcINTOSH Canadian Press Staff Writer 3 1 | partment. ing defence policy since 1955. (ain that Gen. Simonds' talents| Gen. Macklin held that the air|" The memo said candidates for When Lt.-Gen. Guy Simonds, were being wasted and asked why|defence system was no better/the tests should be able to or- former chief of the general staff,/pe had not "been promoted to than the Great Wall of China. |ganize their information and pre- and Maj.-Gen. W. H. S. Macklin, chairman of the chiefs of stail former army adjutant retired from the army three tired, charges. |exams this year were "insensi- years ago they began to rap the on George Drew. then oppo- The government changed last tive to the idiom and rhythm of overnment sharply for its de- gition leader, and Hon. George year. But the two generals didn't. good English." English literature and com-| { THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdoy, November 4, 1938 § By DON PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--An experiment in gradual release of Jougierh penitentiary prisoners is consid- ered a success after being tried | with about 20 during the last 1% 5. The exams are set by the de- years. ; 0 Hon. Ralph Campney, then Lib- sent it clearly and concisely. Buttence, -generg!,! committee instead of being re- eral defence minister, denied the/too many of those writing theinears the end This rehabilitation procedure, réiatively new in Canada, is sim- plicity itself. When a prisoner on a long sen- usually five years or more, his stay in |prison he is allowed out under | supervision for short periods, to | | get accustomed to the life he's Rehabilitation Release . Prisoners Said Success | Sometimes a prisoner within sight of his release is allowed to spend an evening at a hockey game with someone interested in his problem. Perhaps he is given a weekend out with relatives. Possibly the most spectacular example of this kind of treatment was accorded to one of the first prisoners experimented with, A prisoner of the federal peni- tentiary at New Westminster, B:C,, at the time, he had a job during his last two weeks of im- prisonment, So he went to work {daily from the penitentiary. They said it Couldn't be done! Well I'll Show Ther WATCH Thursday's Paper NOV, 6 bring p effect PUZZLED What To Give As Your "FAIR SHARE" To The GREATER OSHAWA Community Chest! ik / TR G30 kt 7 1959 MERCURY MODELS ENTIRELY NEW ence dostbichs, 3 lack of Joon, Pearkes, now defence Miniaes, They kept on attacking defence| Students were sometimes too ber. vay hom for m0 long. His Junehbax bi packed in ihe 9 The Conservatives were in op- argued that no one could know|poiicy. wordy and committed -bad gram- ere has n itentiary in the morning a Space-planned bodies 'which | th anniversary models, de- Yonge, New boul cure o | position then, of course, and they sill t he generals' Cnarges|" Win the Commons estimates al and spelling Suis An-|that it will b a permanent| ager each day's work on the out provide a totally mew exper- | signed exclusively for the med- | Win a hy os then #0 | seized on the generals' arguments| were true unless they were in- committee ex; defence swers were aimost incoherent at part of the correction' system.|side he knocked on the peniten- jence in passenger comfort-in | ium-priced field, are available | Crease gia : the front and 46 {with some glee, using them as a vestigated by a Commons com- spending earlier this year, the|times, Handwriting often was il-|But it likely will be included inltiary door for readmittance, Ju i i tor. Tn. | U Lenl at is eat @ ringboard for a demand for es- mittee CCF tried to hi enerals Sim-| leh being ed as part] So far the experiment has been re | in 14 models in four series, in- t at the rear. Pictured |P ng| d mittee. ri 0 have gener: legible. { \ 5 o fa expe beth flout an back seats, | DF Sen |tabl of a C e- y onds and Macklin called as wit- The real weak point, the memo|of a general overhaui of prisoner| ried with prisoners at all eight presented by Mercury in its | cluding the only two-door sta- is the Park * Lane four-door [fence committee to air the WANTED OPPORTUNITY nig "said lay in the field of poetry. [handling during the Dext few|federal penitentiaries, including entirely new cars for, 1959, Its | tion wagon in the medium-price | Cruiser. charges. - es This was in 1956 after Gen. COMBINED FORCES |" "Many candidates revealed alyears. some women at Collins Bay, near The Conservatives didn't at- Simonds had a mag- LO% Iserious lack of training in ex-| After several years of life in|Kingston. | | The Conservatives and Liberals (a 0ting the central idea of | penitentiary confinement, a man| 7, women prisoners, especiaily, combined to defeat this move. n. co00 of poetry. Too often ajoften finds it difficult coping withlit has proven an important prep- u or ' The former now were in office) gyn" a0quaintance with the tech-|the simplest problems. ~ |aration for their return to soci ' arm S & and the latter just recently out.|% 2, Fe BUC To iticism was| He grows accustomed fo having|ety, ! » . The generals now have deliv-| substituted for genuine under-| virtually all important decisi # [) ered another one-two punch. {go qing and appreciation." |made for him. He must learn| Inspection Possible Aerial Dress Sm BY i i onl | a el ity for even such ordinary needs 4] er a ess |dian defence policy needs search- Ar 11 |as selecting a tie or ordering a P : 1 Tr Ing ling re - examination. He urged) dg i bili g g aj N METHERAL lution in the United Nations Se- mer of 1957 at a meeting of the Si r-ncenfration on a system cap-| 1811S niario Co Hr Writer curity Council calling for estab- United Nations disarmament sub- By J. C. GRAHAM of all kinds registered in the able of destuying Intercontinen-| TORONTO (CP)--The Duke of| The Soviet note to the United lishment of an Arctic inspection committee. Canadian Press Correspondent country, including airliners, tal Allistic 3 basi - Machi ATER ald ITS pie E States on the prevention of sur zone io saleguany against the The big question is: Can tech, AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP). --ifreighiers, club and private ma charged that its bas oso visit to Ontario as part of a BACK ACH prise attacks may open the way possibility of surprise attacks. nical agreement, if and when Nearly one acre in four of pas- chines, 279 are engaged in agri-l;"|iiar" caiellite of the U.S, North American vacation tour. BOTHERING YOU? to a fresh study of proposals for Russia first accepted the idea yeached, be translated into polit- ture land in New Zealand Was ..itural aviation By ie, othe a OE Aer Ca a ut 7 an Arctic inspection zome -- a of a technical conference to dis-|ca] agreement? This is the prob- given a topdressing of fertilizer =, = oo ne from missile will be no more effective can-born EE Noe: wore honored at It could he the result proposal vetoed by Russia earlier cus ways and means of prevent-jem facing the nuclear confer- dropped from the air in the last . he Industry: has sprung than manned interceptors la reception and dinner Monday. of irritated bladder this vear. : ing gupHse aijuzhs on Sept. o> ence in Geneva. year. i a nothing to its Present prominence Colle re a rime. Soi DEWITT'S KIDNEY the seal on earl- But, in line With her i} ' his is a type of aerial farm only eight years 930, 5,003 » Rant : i Ai Sor gpl to hold mutual inspection oniy in limited WIDE GULF REMAINS nh oe eos New Zealand. It tons of fertilizer was dropped, Ment oa Gen Simons Jpesch Regimen Wl Kanada in Samp. 8& BLADDER PILLS technical talks on the surprise at- European areas, she suggested) Reports that Russia is willing ;.¢ pought such remarkable in-'and 48,741 acres of pasture wasfy. es do hi sal en. on, on be i today oN gut : tack problem along similar lines the talks be restricted to repre- to have contro: posts set up on ....ces in productivity that it is treated. In the latest year's oper-|' ask In Wes a ng Nonsense, x er n Je EY 25, Solves. oe to the successful conference of sentatives of Russia, Poland, her soil to enforce any test ban; oi "to be widely adopted in ations the amount of fertilizer| . o eel has come almost Nulla ghlan ers amilton scientists at Geneva in August on Czechoslovakia and Rom ania have raised hopes for agreement.| .i ie areas elsewhere. dropped had grown to 465,733 e. ednesday. methods of controlling and super- from the East and the United But there still remains a wide ";" i "octimated that in the tons, and the area covered to- vising a suspension of nuclear States, France, Belgium and Brit- gulf in the thinking of delegates steep, rugged country which com- tailed 4 159.464 acres weapons tests. ain from the West--an all-Euro- from the two sides of the Iron, ;riseq much of New Zealand's Some 8,000 farm airstrips have One of the most interesting fea- pean lineup except for the U.S. Curtain. pastoral land, aerial topdressing peen laid down from which the tures of Russia's weekend com- gic QUESTION The East wants suspension un- has brought increases of some 30 aircraft operate. Some are prim- munication is that she accepts After ¢ Itations with her al- dertaken as an isolated action. per cent in sheep and 36 per centlitive and flying from them is still the inclusion of Canads as Ii th Us. on Oct. 10 proposed 1"€ West, mindful of Russia's in cattle on given areas of land. distinctly hazardous. But the gen- member of the Western delega- Fg he We tern dele ation be Ereat preponderance in conven- INCOME UP eral standard of airstrips is im- tion at the talks scheduled to aL e of th gees Britain tional arms, is insisting that sus-| Farm aviation has increased proving open in Geneva at the beginning [ToCC ah © od tals, Rus. pension should be linked to the the national income by about $56, -------------- of next week. tance, Canada au nde ry {broader, more difficult problem 000,000 a year {ERS DIE IN BLAST MAJOR CONCESSION sia's jatest gl abla a general reduction in arma-| The fastest growing industry in| _ MINER! 2 IN BLAS Dipiomatic circles in London WeRlers esp hifi io eo . |the country, aerial farming now ISTANBUL (AP)--Three coal suggest this may indicate Russia hod 2 Hl to repre: the| The technical problems of pre-|is by far the most important as. mincrs were killed, four were in- now is willing to consider the vi- willy r e tri ee einating venting surprise attack may pect of aviation in New Zealand, jured and nine are missing in an tal question of Arctic inspection pur! Fl SOuntplos pars P 8! prove more difficult than those of o v e r shadowing passenger and explosion in a mine near Am- in relation to the over-all problem 8 A the two nuclear test detection since they! freight transport by a large mar- asy 2 Feporis reaching Jstaabal of preventing surprise attacks. i f a miiitary nature rather gin. said today. Amasya is abou This ps, d represent a ma- Sets of technical talks on 16 AR pti, her's In fact, out of 686 civil aircraft miles east of Istanbul Jor Russian concession. Last May! problems of surprise attack and . abi Bn she vetoed a United States reso- nuclear tests is part of an at- tempt by East and West to break [) the disarmament deadlock Roberts Saves {reached in London in the sum- Ory O & T1ZeS | 'Mother From | Parents Can Err | oq ¢ M . . | Week In Jail | Sentist Sen Flas lhrilling oments | VAN (CP) il- | a couvs Bik that ou By GUSTAV SVENSSON money has been distributed since awarded the peace prize in 1936. TORONTO (CP)--Personal in- 2 STOCKHOLM (AP)--The story the first prize was awarded lo He died in the same camp a few tervention by Attorney - General parents are not always good and of the Nobel Prizes is a thriller Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen for the years later Roberts has saved a 28-year-old right, says Dr. Brock Chisholm. any way you look at it {discovery of x-rays in 1901. | Prof. Gerhard Domagh was ar- mother of three children, await-| RY Be : | rol, Gerharg Domagh we i id ¢ $2.56 theft, The former head of the World| Nobel Prizes threw Hitler into SCIENCE SETTLED rested by the Nazis because he ng judgment on a $2. ' Health Organization told a CCF [fits of roaring rage, particularly | The reco rd of the physics, "as awarded the Nobel chemistry from spending several days in : ft meeting here Sunday such think- When a Peace Prize went to Carl Arid And rds Prize for his discovery of sulpha | fall. : j| chemistry and medicine awards drugs in 1939, Like Pasternak, he ing Bus} De ntvated I chi. [vou Ossletsky i lew in a Nazi| oags like the history of the great the world. ! The Jeizes had a similar effect Late advances of the 'cen- i on Kremlin leaders when the lit- ' He said children should Jean | erary award went to Boris Pas-| The Nobel science awards have rarely been contested by any-| Mr. Roberts said he had issued instructions for Magistrate Tup-| per Bigelow to dispose of the case of Mrs. Santa Ricci today. | ) € Mrs. Ricci is accused of stealing that their parents are sometime: A a i bad and w and he urged a b * , ant} 3 3 towel Hing 20d oLler 00ds FFOM ew wadepengence of Mm nd>| The awards have raised hun. Dody except scientists who felt Magistrate Bigelow Monday or- mong youngsters to help them ols 9 People 1. deus ity od Jad ee Dhjusuy) bypassed. Niteniing dered, that Mes, Rice! be ent ju] iuic_1s Jemgmves, hat what [mous people -- died bitter be. ties is that there are always more| Behind their names in the offi- bi lf pe AE iy own he learned in church, home and Cause they did not get a Nobel merited Nobel Prize candidates cial Nobel records there is a curt . » | ze than there are prizes. note saying: "Forced by the au- Counsel John Hoolihan asked for school depends on what side of : thoritics. of their. coutitiy to. re. leniency because of the woman's the mountain, ocean, or railway PRINCE OF LEARNING had thanked the Nobel commit- tee for the award before he was | made to renounce it. 1 | Richard Kun, another German, | was awarded the 1938 chemistry | {prize in 1939 for his work on behind the name of Pasternak. 3 Way Gold Bond CE Fo Give wallsgn beautiful eggshell finish with Gold Bond a Match ceiling with Gold Bond ACRYLIC FLAT Paint your kitchen, bath. room and woodwork with Gold Bond LATEX SEMI GLOSS ENAMEL » Eoslly applied with brush or roller anus Junior Executive, Professional and Administrative people == V2 of 19% of annual income. mNnNa _e Industry, Employee gift aimed toward an objective of $12.00 each employee. ! ; Selected Names, 5% more than last year's gift. Be a Happy "FAIR SHARE" Giver !! GIVE GENEROUSLY WHEN YOUR CANVASSER CALLS!! COMMUNITY CHEST HEADQUARTERS 17 SIMCOE ST. N. wm © Dry in one hour ® Completely washable and painting tools are easily cleaned with just warm soapy water! #7 Gold Bond #7 PAINT PRODUCTS Wesco Waterpaints (Conoda) Limited Subsidiary of National Gypsum Company Bathe and McLellan Building Supplies Limited Phone: RA 5-4761 -- RA 5-4762 B81 King Street West, Oshowe The storms have all been! { nounce the prize but later re- children and "the small amount tracks he happens to be born on. | around the awards for peace and | involved." The woman had no| "He should learn that if he proaches--discreet or not so dis- ture of things. The way to peace | There may be a similar note . : has been p er- The attorney-general, agreeing ings might not be considered Wasn't it high time for his coun- a= oon ne of the contioyer.} with Mr. Hoolihan, said he felt|true,"" Dr. Chisholm said try to receive a Nobel Prize? | A : Mrs. Ricei, her children and un- Hitler promulgated a law erary tastes vary . ' . needless hardship if she were Winter Fair {nounced Pasternak after he was RENOUNCED AWARDS kept in custody. « |awarded the prize for literature.| None of the prizes awarded ow bel laurel makes the recipient a/mite inventor and humanitarian | prince in the world of learning|Alfred Nobel in the 58 years of i F . T to {and culture. The prize has been|the Nobel Foundation erupted | Towns Have 0 oron That is if you count Madame award for Carl von Ossietzky and TORONTO (CP) -- Drawing on Marie Curie, the discoverer of the literary prize for Boris Pas- Water Problem this year's Royal Agricultural Person who ever received two Von Ossietzky, the Jewish Ger- | (Winter Fair here is chaning 1 as | Nobel Prizes. man publicist, sat in a Nazi con- | ' TORONTO .(CP)--Several com- | PINE UP 85, Nore than $7,000,000 of prize|centration camp when he was ' eted by Lake Erie and Lake St.| Judges from four different ' . L] u wr Phd : A : by |entist, an organizer of collective Clair in Southwestern Ontario, countries -- England, Scotland, Pope S Duties life, or they expect him to be a b [] y y lem or will likely face one in the wi. select prize-wianing compet- . future, says a water resources itors from among more than 18. M t P d 8 gi of progress. of modern survey released today. {000 livestock and agricultural en- us receae "Oh homt ows, excep n. ond The survey also shows pollution {ies Jelog Heplavey wee Hej !dear children, all these people] from sanitary angd industrial] » 4 : are outside the right way to be Sydenham rivers near Chatham eral Massey, and billed as Can-| VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- conception of the supreme pon- | and Wallaceburg. 30s s ow dow = sgricgt Pope John XXIII said today that tiff which does not fully conform Recommendations are _'ture," it is the world's largest the duties of the office of su- to the true ideal." | tained in a Ti t by the Ontario annual indoor agricultural exhi- preme pontiff must take preced Water he Teor Commission. | Pition- ence over any personal traits or | " inclinations of the Pope himsel. | Y K : : diate consideration of water! Among its features is an. inter: Pope John broke the traditional | oung ng Senior Executive, needs in Kent county to ensure national horse - jumping competi- POE'&M 3 ne coronation eere- oy : supplies of good quality water|tion with teams from Mexico, | TORY to deliver a sermon on his M a y 4 ake Professional ond Administrative people -- will be available for future/Cuba, Canada, West Germany duties as head of the Roman Catholic Church. . "Kent, county has some of the| pagio . television star Arthur in Latin, said that he had, above Vacation most productive agricultural Godrey who breeds prize Arab- all the task of pastor of the | areas in the province," it says.|ijan horses on his Virginia farm, whol | AMMAN (Reuters)--King Hus- The report specifically names |r, i i whole flock at heart, i sp ! § |wili appear at eight nightly horse Aj] the other human qualities Sein is discussing the possibility | Rothwell, Erieau, Highgate and paiomino stallion. Goldie. The tzati iti Thamesville as communities af- Le was at the 1936 tact sug, OrEaviustionsl Jialties palace quarters said today. fected by a water supply prob- fair when he paid his own eX- pontifical rule but can in no way | The young monarch's immedi- ate family is on vacation in lio AgTs empuily Semone. The Pope said that in "these Switzerland. His mother, Queen Save Drivers-$50 ~|tions. This year he's gelling $25, days of great mystery and trepi- |Zein, left two months ago with Included among more than 120 encouraged by the common joy | id judges for the many classes are and exultation which greeted his Hussein's three-year-old daugh- _ |Lt.-Gen. Lord Norrie of Berk- election. ter. The king's brother, Crown GRIMSBY, Ont. (CP)--Provin- Prince Mohammed, left two cial CCF Leader Donald C. Mac-|of Essex, England, Campbell Donald says he can save the [Moodie of London and Gordon 'On the other hand, we are Lausanne. sear in auto insurance costs Scotland. They wiil judge hunter the variety of immense tasks Fy Mr. MacDonald told a public horges, winter ond, Welsh pon- which weigh 7 our shoulders." [iraqi monarchy was overthrown. | yesting a jes and shorthorn cattle respect. e said tasks are being al are in the last stages of a with-| lan could chop one-third from| ~~ various ways with everybody tak- : A s but | 3 Oct. 20. Hussein has been under yresent insurance premiums bu ing it upon himself to give us a). Ggeiable strain during the smnce of insurance companies." TORONTO (CP)--Safecrackers cording to his cwn personal atti- |. Mr. MacDonald said the Sas- escaped with more than $66,000 tudes, according to his own ex. [friends say. If he goes abroad, a regency | cheme returned 84 cents of each|in a north-central Toronto apart-|way of conceiving individul and |council yremium doliar compared to the ment buiiding, police said Mon- collective life. throne. Palace security policy 4 cents paid back in claims in day. The loss included $40,000 in "There are those who expect normally foi advance an- Diplom ats have made ap- literature. This may be in the na. ceived diploma and medal." previous police record, he added. were born elsewhere, these teach- creet--to the Nobel Foundation, |world wars and turmoil. And lit. | | employed husband would suffer against Nobel Prizes. Russia de- Biggest Evet This happened because the No-|der the will of the late dyna- |bestowed on 313 men and women. with such thunder as the peace entries from around the world, radium, for two. She is the only ternak. | munities in Kent county, brack- the biggest in its 36-year history. now have a water supply prob- Canada and the United States -- (man with a mind open toward i P 1 Traits T wastes exists in the Thames and| To be opened by Govenor-Gen- ersona ral followed because they form a| & i 4 G U i D 3 The report recommends imme- FINE HORSEMEN > 1% of annual income. rowth. bi & and the Uniied States. The 76-year-old Pope, speaking Chatham, Dresden, Ridgetown, shows and two matinees with his science, diplomatic skill and of a vacation abroad, informed lem. penses and received no fee for [replace it." 000 for the 10 shows. " ; . dation" he was comforted and ,.. ogi vearold daughter and MacDonald Claims shire, England, G. A. E. Neville, WEIGHT OF TASKS weeks ago to join Queen Zein in| average Ontario motorist $50 a|Black stock of Aberdeenshire, made anxious and perplexed by | pritish troops, sent here in July meeting Monday night that a gov- ively tributed to us here and there in |g... 0) operation that began on or the "behind-the-scenes influ-| GET $66,000 FROM SAFE (task within limited horizons, ac- He | last critical months, his closest tatchewan auto insurance/from the safe of an office located perience and according to his own | would take over the patario, cheques. |the Pope to be a diplomat, a sci- 'nouncements » royal movements. RA 8-8744

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