2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 3, 1958 Many Records Broken In Western Football By THE CANADIAN PRESS (Johnny Bright of Edmonton set/wrenched knee. The speedy half. Records w _|\new season marks for scoring back had broken the IFU punt day as the ed Satur yg rushing. returns record of 634 yards by 105 t f 1 "| Hill scored 16 points Saturday yards before Saturday's game, erprovincial Football Union sea 1 | ' son came to a close for a total of 145 in 16 games, His season's total has not yet Final standings & * smashing the mark of 131 set in been compiled. inal standings found Edmon-\1957 hy Winnipeg's Gerry James.| Rollie Miles of Eskimos ended ton Eskimos, who bowed 28-14 to J i 55 Saskatchewan Roughri The import from Utah State, a the season with a record 10 pass ' an Roughriders, out sophomore who can kick, catch interceptions, although he didn't of first place for the first time in| p 3 ay "olf {and run, amassed a season's t0- grab any Saturday. five years. Eskimos were run-tal of 16 touchdowns, 36 converts . i ners-up to Winnipeg Blue Bomb.| 1 Fo éris, In Vancouver, Leo Lewis, Ron . four field goals and one single. : d Ernie Pitts had ers, who defeated British Colum- 4 o p won Latourelle an Ernie Pitts ha Fullback Bright compiled 1,722 chdowns for W eg and Jim bia Lions 24-14 in Vancouver! |g touchdowns for Winnipeg anc . |yards rushing during the season, vv... pati hooted a fieid goal and Bombers finished the season|119 of them Saturday, to crack yo converts, B.C. touchdowns win 26 points, Eskimos with 19. his 1957 record of 1,679. were scored by Rick Kaser and shims ett Roughriders, who, Upside Hili's Iwo och Ed Vereb. Ted Hunt converted Al A broft e n third spot with 16 pointe, and four converts Saturday, Ken 7 Also surviving are a brother, | in a two-game, aint Coa. Carpenter and Vie Marks also both. : ne WIFU scor Robert Barker, of Orillia; i] final piayoff series which begins scored Roughrider touchdowns, | Behind Hill in the ) SCOT or andchildren and 10 great-grand- Saturday in Regina and winds up! Jackie Parker converted hoth| ing totals for the year came y in children. | in Edmonton Tuesday, Nov. 11. Eskimo touchdowns, scored by|niPeg's Charley Shepard wif 2a The memorial service will be Calgary Stampeders missed the Bright and Don Getfy, who went points. Parker of the Eskies was held at the Armstrong Funeral playoffs by three points with 13 all the way as quarterback. hire with ND. Pointe, Fombers Chapel at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, and Lions were or last w rv 1 Lewis and Var ad 66 i i Fdougr | d Lions were a poor last with gay vp HURT 65 points respectively. followed by interment in aL ine aig = Roughrider backfield star Mike. Normie Kwong of irove Cemetery, Prince Albert, SCORING MARK SFT Hagler was carried off in the topped all Canadians The members of the Legion la- Roughirider's Jack Hill and third quarter with a badly' points. dies' auxiliary will hold a service - - - at the chapel at 7.30 p.m. today. Dunnies Make Race Runaway By THE CANADIAN PRESS ion goals by Bob Boucher, Claude Whitby Dunlopz, world hockey Rousseau and Guy Black. Les champions in 1958, came out of Colvin scored for Kingston. eekend action the runaway - Ron Muir with two, Nobby manded to Nov. 7. in Oshawa Scolety. | rs in Ontario Senior A Clarke and Garry Serviss scored magistrate's court Friday. Mur-| fy," Trull, who was born in| y competition, for Cornwall against Belleville. ray and Barnaby are charged Durham Ont, of United Empire The Dunlops, playing in the Attersley with four, Sid Smith with the theft of fender skirts Lovalist stock. moved to Oshawa of the OHA, with two and singles by Sandy from an automobile owned by o:" a voung man * 60 Saturday!Air, Tom O'Connor, Kane and Joseph C. Powers, of 536 Lorraine, He came to Toronto In 1914 to crush Hull- Harry Sinde did the damage for gireet, on Oct. 18. 'and was a power engineer with 10-2 Sunday. Whithy against Hull - Ottawa the Ontario Hydro. Whithy its first five Boucher and Claude Richard CASE PUT OVER For 35 years, Mr. Tru was mes scored for the losers, Dunbar Hooley, 31, of 204 Cen- an elder ih St. Paul's Avenue pisewhere in {he Sasters div THREE FOR McBURNEY tral Park bouley ard Sout, was Road Using Chiro, Toranto sion, Hull edged Kingston &-1 5a ni oh. Ma remanded to Nov, 7, by Magis-| Mr. Trull's wife ie former rday and Belleville bowed 4-0 to T Bob My Rauighl, Batch Martin, trate Frank S. Ebbs Friday, Hool-| Sybil Jewell, predeceased Mr, | Cornwall Sunday. Bi A 4 ack rn Zito! _ley 1s charged with driving while Tiull, who leaves one brother - h it ill Saunders scored for Kitch-'*> IM A A In the OHA - NOHA division, in their Saturday win over his ability was impaired by a and six sisters Kitchener-Waterloo, with a 3-1-1 ener 'n h oN a od three drug or alcohol on Sept. 26 record so far this season, leads S00. Jack McBurney fired three "= vith , fol- Boals for the losing side. nN . IDE ja pack Sith seven Doirls 0 In the other Saturday OHA- DRUNK REMANDED NOHA game, Ernie Dick, George! Bernard Petrosky, 28, of 386, The funeral service for Linda TRAPPERS DROP TWO Aiken, Andre Morrisette and Wilson road south, was remanded [Nancy Rodney, beloved daughter Kitchener defeated Sault Ste. Fred Pletsch all scored in the to Monda y. Nov. 3, in police court,of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Rodney, Marie 5-3 and Chatham blanked second period for Chatham here Friday. Petrosky pleaded Grierson street, who died at the North Bay 40 Saturday; Windsor against the trappers. not guilty to a charge of being Oshawa General Hospital last toppled North Bay 7-1 Sunday. North Bay got a goal Sunday intoxicated in a public place. Bai: Thursday, was held in Simcoe Saturday at Whitby, John Chas-|by Ken Gribhons, but it was oly was set at $100, Street Pentecostal Churel at 2.30 zewski, Alf Treen, Sid Smith, a token. Bob Brown scored twice ; p.m. Saturday, Nov. 1. giewiki Attersley, Jack Kane and and singles went to Wally Pawly SIX AMBULANCE CALLS The services were conducted by George Samolenko scored against shyn, Fred Hildebrand, Murray | Six calls for ambulances were Rev. R. A, Bombay, assisted by Cornwall, | Costello, Norm Ryder and Erwin received by the Oshawa Fire De-|James Young, Interment was in | Hull-Ottaw partment during the last 24 hours. Oshawa Union Cemetery. -- ; ~--=--=--==INo fire alarms were turned in.| The palibearers were Murray Clark, Carl Lagerquist, Bruce The following streets WEATHER STREETS CLOSED Benson and Glen Rodney. closed Tuesday because of con-|MRS, EDWARD T. EDWARDS will be TORONTO (CP)--Official fore. struction: Ritson road south, from| The death occurred at the Osh- casts issued by the public Bloor street east to Wolfe street; awa General Hospitai Sunday, Giants Stop im B mm Town weather office at 4:30 a.m. Louisa street, from Kaiser cres-|Nov, 2, of Dorothy Connelly, be-| | Synopsis: vigorous storm cent to Simcoe street north; Hill- Joved wife of Edward T. FEd- NEW YORK (AP)--New York|centred about 100 miles southeast CTOft street, from Jarvis street wards, 140 Mill street. The de Giants handed Cleveland Browns|of New York City is blanketing to Ritson road north. The follow-| ceased, who was in her 53rd year, their first defeat of the National the northeastern United States ing VT be closed at peulsa had been in poor health for nine Football League season Sunday wi oder: ¢ street: Kaiser crescent, Francis/ months. | on a tough New York defence and Wid 2 po rd in le slushy! street, Golf street, Grooms av-| A daughter of the late Herbert a final-quarter touchdown by for-|tions. The rain at times extended ©PU®: Church street and Prince and Fllen Connelly, the deceased) mer Montreal Alouette Alex Web-|o goutheastern Ontario during|*tTeet: was Sort in Montreal. Married ter. the night but the threat to On-| " nere In 1394 The win consolidated the tario was to diminish rapidly dur- co FTIREMENTS a = a boy 20 esis. H . i r i | Gener Motors anada, ¢ "rent iro jose Dave orp and ng Sie MOINIng. t iss Limited, has announced the re- England strengthened their bid for the| Elsewhere in the province skies : o va vet: Bea y eastern division Shamplonship. will be mainly sunny again today Srement OF Reusioy hi five vet- soc ; 0 , 7) Sidhsiond wow hug jve wis aid gud Tuesday id te tempera: plants. The men, with their de- ing is a brother, Robert Connelly two losses. od} ckais volt partments and length of service,/of Montreal Webster caught two touchdown pane) furveasts valid until are: Thomas L. Burden, passen-| The funeral service will passes and the Glants' quarter-| Lake Erle, Lake Huron, West- ger body welding 31 years' ser- held at the McIntosh back Chuck Conerly pitched three ern Lake Ontario, Georgian Bay ie al gtroings' Ha ry and set up all the team scoring. and Kirkland Lake regions; jehance, Elms servis i Jer or A Cleveland had a 177 lead at the| Windsor, London, Toronto, Ham.| 0. 0 and William M. Sunder-|conduct the services. alf but New York came back in ilton, North Bay and Sudbury: land, sweeper, 33 years' servi the final for a 21-17 victory. Mainly sunny and mild today and |mgimadze ' Hirlehey material | tery The victory play came at 2:50 | Tuesday. Winds light today in. handling, 16 vears' Rrvic EO ee aaa | in the final quarter before alcreasing to westerly 15 to 20 , years' sf ce, crowd of 78,404, the largest in five) Tuesday. | years. Webster caught a Conerly| Eastern Lake Ontario and Hall-| 10-yard pass and shook off Ken hurton regions: Variable cloudi-| Konz and Bobby Freeman in go-|ness, chance of a late morning ing the last five yards. shower, clearing this afternoon, Baltimore Colts remained the Tuesday sunny with cloudy peri- only undefeated team in the NFL.|o4s a little milder. Winds north In a rain-drenched home game|1g to 15 becoming northwest 1 before 51,333 fans they whalloped |i, of Tuesday. 444 Green Bay Packers 56-0. For Bal-| Timmins-Kapuskasing: Mostly Teco) timore, the w esters, Sonerents sunny today, variable cloudiness r Jeasier, it was thelr sixth straight myegday, Continuing very mild. 1665.66; excise taxes, $2,57,452.52; In other games Pittsburgh Forecast temperatures {excise duty, $668.25 and sundry Steelers scored a 24-16 triumph Lows tonight, highs Tuesday: | collections, $1335.50. over Washington Redskins and Windsor ... ve 85 Philadelphia Eagles had a 21-21 St. Thomas tie with Chicago Cardinals. On| London the west coast, San Francisco, Wingham 49ers defeated Detroit Lions 24-21 Toronto . OBITUARIES MRS, JANE ELIZABETH BELL | Following a serious iliness of | two months, the death occurred | {at the Anden Nursing Home Sun-| day, Nov, 2, of Jane Elizabeth| Barker, widow of Matthew Bell. | The deceased was in her 87th year. | A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mark Barker, Mrs. Bell was born at Middlesborough, York- shire, England, July 24, 1§72. She| came to Canada 44 years Ago and had liyed in Oshawa for 33 years. | Mrs. Bell attended the Salva-| tion Army and was a life mem-| ber of the ladies' auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, * | Predereased by her husband in| 1915, she leaves one daughter,| Mrs. J. Freeman (Laura), of Orillia and four sons, Raps Albert and Matthew, of Oshawa and Robert, of Fort Erie. Edmonton 60 with CITY AND DISTRICT FREDERICK G. TRULL Funeral services were held in St, Paul's Avenue Road United Church at 3 p.m. today for Fred- erick Grange Trull, 83, who died at the Toronto East General Hos- ACCUSED REMANDED pital last Friday. Interment was Fred James Murray, 19, of/in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Brock road, Pickering, and Ed-| fr, Trull, a former resident| ward Joseph Barnaby, 19, of 3, Oghawa, was a life governor Beatty street, Ajax, were re-lor (he British and Foreign Bible div ision as Cornwall came Canadiens has won ern vasted dd Oltaw back a FUNERAL OF se of Windsor dropped Kingston Gros Fork. dstitlntisnss oodiimions | | | Mrs of . the Church Trant of Church | | CUSTOM COLLECTIONS {ford detachment OPP constables ri aboot, hl, mortngla" covalcace fe Oshaw Aring October. gl south of Fenella about 10 miles hawa, during October, showed north of Cobourg after receiving a marked increase from the same , .omplaint from Hastings, They month hi iast year. Total collec-|i 1 names. but did not detain tions last month amounted tolih. vouthe ii "ay 5$3.741,121.90 compared with $2." Youths in the cars. 575.23 in October, 1957. The kdown of last month's col-| {lections is: import dutles, $1,141, TRIBUTE PAID | Tribute to Percy Ciaude Car- ter, who 'passed away last Satur- day, was paid this morning by {Norman Hodgson, manager of the Oshawa office of the National NSIDERIN " JE |Employment Service. | Ii 11 ER! G CHARGES "Mr. Carter was a member of| Qc OBOURG = H. R Deyman, ihe local employment advisory| >, Unite: "ounties Crown -lcommittee, representing the vet-| ! {torney, Is considering laying|erans of the area", commented | and Los Angeles Rams trounced Trenton . a {charges against 26 Oshawa youths Mr. Hodgson, "He was a valued| Chicago Bears 41 - 35 before St. Catharines ...... {who reportedly were engaged injmember of the committee whose 100,470, second largest NFL Hamilton ives 2 fracas at a Hastings service|judgment could always be relied| crowd in history. Muskoka . station Friday night. Campbell-|upon. He will be greatly missed." | { yy Janet Crawford, 1105 Somer. ville avenue, won a television set, Other winners in the con- test, shown above with Shop- ping Contre afficiale are: Shean for "Mr. 0 the huge mannikin | who strolled through the centre | during the centre's anniver. | sary. The prize - winning name, | "Jock MoThrifty"', chosen hy McConkey, 853 Park Lane ave nue; Phillip Harris, Box 108, | Oshawa; Ed. A. Sandeau, 17 Magnolia avenue, Scarborough; Rod. TeSnee 27% Sengog ave Prizes were presented Satur- day, Nov. 1, to the winners of the "Mr. 0" contest, at Oshawa | ng Centre. The contest | was arranged to pick a name she had lived here aging Edwards was £ of front in the Ontario Hockey As- {sociation Junior A circuit and are Besides her husband she leaves! threatening to make it a walk- Oshawa a daughter, Valerie. Aliso surviv. away. had a five-goal weekend, Teepees be defeated Toronto Marlboros 6-3 in Funeral St, Catharines Saturday night and vice; Edward C. Maidman, main- Chapel at 1.30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5.1 in Toronto Sunday. In the sec- St.lond game at Maple Leaf Gardens willl Sunday, Interment held on for a 1-1 tie with will be In Oshawa Union Cem- §t Michael's, {against in seven games. {and Cobourg fown police stopped crowds of the season in cars Just cities--3,000 "SHOPPING CENTRE PRESENTS PRIZES IN "MR. 0" CONTEST Wiggin, 4 Billingsgate street Ainv 40 YEARS HAVE BROUGHT BIG CHANGES IN DESIGN AND COMFORT v. LINDA NANCY RODNEY | (3 since | sign of the vehicles it produces but also in the production me- thods within the plaut, In the | upper picture is a Model E35, taken place not only in the de- | one of the first four-cylinder Yaspess Avs GM Canada Formed | vm 40 Yedrs This Week" St. Catharines Teepees, aver-| . . i more than five goals a Forty years ago in New York, ly 3.5 million cars and trucks opportunities were assured. If we| same, have moved eight points In four men sat around a table have been produced by the men had to venture into making a car y ! talking business. and women of Oshawa, who have of our own in Canada, failure and One of them was R. 8. Mec- worked at General Motors. |unemployment might well re- Laughlin of Oshawa. The other! With GM's growth as a major sult." | three were 'Billy' Durante, Pi- industry the growth of Oshawa There were many independent erre DuPont and John J. Raskob has kept pace, and today Osh: automobile manufacturing com- of General Motors, They were awa ranks among leading indus-\panies in 1918, Most of those that discussing the sale of the Mer trial cities of Canada. {chose to remain independent have Laughlin Motor Car Company to, The 40 years have borne out long since gone, Those that merg- General Motors, Mr. McLaughlin's foresight inled with others for more efficient It was no more than five min. joining his company with Gen- and more economical opération| Hamilton Tiger - Cubs utes after the terms were dis. eral Motors. have survived and have given) Toronto cussed that Durant, DuPont and oimar, TO OSHAWA eémployment and economic| Raskob said, 'sold fi " growth to the communities in| The lives and destinies of thou- a Ins oo MeLaughiln) whieh they operate. sands Ishi residents have W y WAC] ing Tm bn dons for It Laughlin's had become by far the| Today, General Motors of Can- The games drew the largest| marked the creation of Oshawa's largest employers in Oshawa. My ada provides direct employment hoth biggest industry and one of the father had always felt, and my for more than 14,000 Canadians Catharines, | iggest in Canada. brother George and I had come at Ks plants and offices in Osh-| | . ax to feel, that the business was as|awa and Windsor. And it pays The undefeated St. Catharines|3.5 MILLION UNITS {much Oshawa's as it was ours./out more than $425,000,000 an-| club now has seven straight wins! General Motors of Canada,'lf Oshawa's motor industry be- nually in wages and taxes and and an eight - point lead over| Limited, marks its 40th birthday came a General Motors opera-to some 4000 supplier firms for Barrie Flyers and St. Michael's.|on'Nov, 8. In those 40 years, near- tion, expansion and employment materials and services. Peterborough Petes and Marl. -- - boros have five points, one less IN THE 40 YEARS General Motors of Canada Lim- fted, came into being on Nov. 8, 1918, great changes have McLaughlin Bulcks produced in | for 1959 which has caught the have been produced by the men the local piant. In the lower | eye of the motoring public of | and women of Oshawa, who picture is a luxurious two-door | Canada. In those 40 years near- | have worked fer General Mo» tors. | hardtop Electra model Buick | ly 3,500,000 cars and trucks | YOUR "NERVES - \ Led by centre Bob Corupe, who by Ronald Bilsky, D.C. Chiropractor Speciolist in Palmer cific Upper Cervicol Method Health is the result of Nor. mal Nerve function, Ill health or disease is the opposite of health. It is a departure from ao state of health, of body or mind, characterized usually by a disturbance of function. When disease appears, it is evi- dent that the nerve force cous- ing health has diminished its activity, Something is. interfer- ing with the normal nerve cur- rents essential to normal struc- ture and action. Nerve function = operates through . thé nervous system which is widely distributed throughout the body enabling all organs to receive this nerve force so necessary to normal structure and action, The cause of nerve interfer- ference directly concerns the modern Chiropractor because Teepees have 39 goals for, 18 in St. 4,561 in Toronto. |said its guns on Quemoy returned | [the fire. INSURGENTS KILLED ALGIERS (Reuters)--Ten All| gerian insurgents were killed and| 39 taken prisoner in a series of| clashes with French forces in| eastern Algeria Sunday, French| military authorities said today. than Barrie and St. Mike's, while Corupe scored in each period Saturday night. Other St. Cath- ag 8 h Ci . 71 British Citizen, Grosso, | ~ Jim Murchie, a five-year vet-| NICOSIA (AP)--EOKA gunmen FOX KILLED FISHING SURVEY HN b phomore Don Curry, got the other.| Charles Woods was standing qn|#nd police officers shot and killed N - " his science is founded upon the - street corner waiting for a friend(a fox Saturday following a 45- BONN (Reuters) -- The West|l yell proven promise thot inter- | . 9 vo . . .../Seas Fisheries Association {fo} of many ty f ill Dim- t p us for "W i s 3 3 y types of illness. Dim. yous Jad lve on Cyprus for Whit Jans Toon make six experimental trips with/{ inished nerve function impairs Hamilton and Guelph share the C PSULE WS league cellar with three points each, ! Gori. A pERioD ~ EOKA Gunmen Shoots arines scorers were Doug Robin- son, Wayne Hillman and Don eran in Junior A hockey, scored shot and killed a 71-year-old Brit- TORONTO (CP) -- Residents two goals for Mariboros and so-|ish civilian in Nicosia today. |armed with rifles and shotguns . C 4 {German food ministry has com-|{ vith I to drive him to work. He was minute hunt for the animal In the y erence with normal nerve i de ive AT o Yat |west-end Queensway district. {missioned the West German High | function is the primary cause Fabia Rg w (modern trawlers in an effort tol] action of organs and thus ill weren't taking any chances. | discover new fishing grounds. health results. The modern DISCUSSED | WASHINGTON (AP) The state department has disclosed the United States is informally discussing with Iran strengfhen- ing of Iran's defences against in- {ternational communism. 3 The disclosure came after. the tions. ; DEFENCES | Chiropractor locates and re LLL REOPEN Poss] ALCOHOLIC TOL moves interference with pinched hontas Fuel Company coal mine, SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) |] Nerves, thereby restoring the where 22 miners died ln a gas/ Alcoholism kills more people in Romie) nerve function employed expiosion last Monday, was given|Austraila each year than tuber y ature in making all cures clearance today to resume opera. Culosis or polio, reports the Syd. | po hi ining . state. of {ney Foundation for research and | "*C. Hos your spine been thor. { Soviet Union told Iran Saturday| The decision to reopen followed yeaa oe ji Seohelismd She Sughly examined? - It may well § 8 ) e that your spinal condition is 'that it cannot remain indifferent inspection of the mine by repre-| v " x : [to having Iran sign a miitary sentatives of the federal bureau ™ drinkers," said an officlal. |] the cause of your ill health. | treaty with the U.S of mines and the West Virginia y Your modem Chiropractor is a | The state department denied department of mines. . HUGE STATUE spine specialist. } any mil rr treaty ine SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) i that any military treaty is in . : . One of a series of articles published tended to result from the discus- QUEMOY ROMBARDED |The world's largest equestrian | in the public interest fo explain and sions in Teheran. TAIPEI (AP)--Chinese artillers statue is to be erected here as | ilustrate the proctice of scientific 1 4 ! $ 2 a monument to Brazil's patron of | chiropractic, written by Roned W. bombarded Quemoy again today|ihe army. the' Duke of Caxias.| Bisky, Hoste ot Shirobractie whose afte! p ot em nA g Sy office is locat t after more than 36 hours quiet. The 130-foot-high bronze statue | Eest (Pleze Theotre alain) Saat The Red coastal guns shelled will be atop a concrete structure | phone RA 8-5156. the offshore island sporadically at|as high as an eight-storey build dawn, then unleashed 26 minutes|ing. of intensive fire at midday. A| new barrage opened up in mid. afternoon. | The nationalist defence ministry GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. HOTEL LANCASTER N TROOPS STRENGTHENED LONDON (AP) Britain has slightly strengthened its troops in [the Arabian sultanate of Oman, a diplomatic informant said Sunday night. He said the action wa taken to deal with rebels operat- : ling from mountain hideouts. C.R.A. ANNUAL MEETING officers and Board of Directors of the Oshawa and District unity Recreation Association wish to announce that the ANNUAL * ING OF THE ASSOCIATION WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 2, 1958 AT 8:00 P.M. for the purpcse of reporting on the years' operation, to elect new Members of the Boord of Directors, and conduct such other business as may come before the meeting. IN_ ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY RECREATION ASSOCIATION SEVEN MEMBERS* OF THE BOARD RETIRE AND SEVEN MUST BE ELECTED. Nominees fo election to the Board must be present at this meeting, or have ted in writing their willingness to stand for election. A fing a CRA, membership is entitled to ail voting to hold a positien on the E i. Memberships may be » Ann Mee neeting DANGER TO HUMANITY | MADRAS, India (Reuters) {Indian elder statesman Chakrav- {arti Rajagopalachari says that U.S. State Secretary John Foster Dulles is "a danger to humanity because he does not seem to re- aiize the consequences of his ac. tions h The 79-year-old former gos nich or 30 Elm or-general of India said Dulles McLeod, was one of the obstacles to agree- David ment at the current three-power Geneva talks on banning nuclear tects | Fice to the vee and ue yorotl nue; Dorothy Anvone wis that of accordance with ist for ele: Street, Telep! ames ¢ anyone ese (in dicated above) on the ations tacting the C.R.A. office, 100 Gibb re o on may do so by con one RA 5-111] THE PUBLIC nomin IS CORDIALLY INVITED