THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 3, 1958 2} Basilica Made Ready For Coronation By PATRICK CROSSE VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- Workmen today swarmed over St. Peter's Basilica as hundreds) of leading R Catholic pre lates, royalty and diplomats ar- rived in Rome for Tuesday's cor- onation of Pope John XXIII. a i J Blackstock WA Holds Meeting her Sunday School Sas sw OCK -- October| per in her home Tuesday. Derg of the WA of the United the evening they _ presented "at 'Shirley Snooks with a revised ver- Church was held at the home > Shit oe iy afternoon with 35 ladies present. Mr. and Mrs. Ray § Shir- Mrs. Gilbert Marlow read the/ley and Wendy, moved to Port scripture passage. {Perry Wednesday. Plans were completed for the Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Larmer township convention Nov. 13; also attended the wedding of their for the bazaar Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. nephew, Wallace Larmer, and | It was decided to send a dona-| joan Reynard in St. George tion to the John Society,| Anglican Church, Oshawa, Satur- also one to Port Perry Hospital. day. | Mrs, Bruce Ashton and Mrs.| g,.qay afternoon Mr. and Mrs. | Herb Swain were appointed a Ernest Ji Mr. and Mrs.| nominating committee fo seCUre|cion, armer visited their) a slate of officers for next meet- ine at Cambray. Ambrose El- ing. ¢ Mrs (ford Celebrated his 100th birthday Program was in charge of Mr oct. °31 and Will Elford his 96th! Hector Shortridge who gave a,..i4ay recently and a sister, . THE NEW BOOKS ; 32 Families Of WhiteHouse 'Theme Of Colorful Book S. Truman was "shock-; This book is their lavishly il- ed" to learn that he was presi-|lustrated "family album" -- as |dent. He has said it was '"'over- the publishers claim -- and it is {whelming to step right in and also a warmhearted view of life The workmen were putting the|take charge". In the first threejin the most famous home in the finishing touches on decorations! States. | nishing gu ations months of his/ Presidency, the Ulfied or stendom's largest church war in Europe was , the| |where the 76-year-old pontiff will Atomic Age began, the war with| MANY PICTURES |receive 'the triple crown. {Japan was won, and the United There are hundreds of memor- The decorations include 2,000 Nations Charter was drafted. |able pictures and pages of delight- yards of damask, 900 feet of The Trumans had moved from ful text. brown cotton for the tribunes,|ineir modest Connecticut Avenue The book is filled with intimate more than 1,800 feet of gold-|apartment on the day following domestic details, little, known 'fringed and appliqued ribbon, as ine inauguration. Instead of going historic 'facts, and a host of well as carpets, thrones, chandel-|girectly to the White House, how- amusing anecdotes. There is but iers and sacred paraphernalia. |over they had moved into Blair little doubt but that this is one of reading and Mrs. H. Kyte read 8 rico Lizzie Elford was 101 last Leading European royalty, in-|youse in order to give Mrs. |the most fascinating and read- paper on "An Effective Church yop, ry cluding King Frederick and gjeanor Roosevelt time to gather able books in years. Woman", prepared by Mrs. Ivan Mrs. Frosinan. Hepuss. aw q/Queen Ingrid of Denmark and, the Roosevelt possessions, the| It tells how Mr. and Mrs. Her Thompson. tertained Mrs. Waliace Slute, Oshawa, visit |Don Juan de Bourbon, pretender|,ccumulation of 12 years in the bert Hoover, wealthy pnd . Mrs. Glenn Larmer entertain led Crortrade and. "Mrs. James © the . thivge, have al-| mansion. |table, set new Tesoiyd 4 Vhite Henry Wednesday. Mrs. Slute ready arrived for the coronation. | ynop prs, Truman and al a HAMPTON also visited Mrs, Thomas Smith. THOUSANDS WILL ATTEND |garet looked over the big, vacant| oF ors uo ™s take care of More than 1,000 guests will take house, Margaret thought it might |, 0; guest lists. For the afternoon |Sunday visitors of the Henrys were Mr. and Mrs. Meredith part in the grand procession lead- be impossible to give the rooms BY MRS. RE. C. HILL | ey first leg of a commonwealth tour were guests of honor at the dinner party. ted with Britain's Prime Minis- ter, Harold Macmillan, at Lon- don's 10 Downing street Thurs- CANADIAN PREMIER John | Diefenbaker, right, escorted his | hostess, Lady Dorothy Macmil- | day. The Canadian statesman lan, as Mrs. Diefenbaker chat- | and his wife, in London on the Diefenbaker Visits (AP Wirephoto) | : Ancestral Scots Home ws By ALAN DONNELLY structure of the North, Aum ag Jolenbakor joes 7 Treaty Organization. e talks|the name but did no ow Canadian Press Staff Writer also cover Commonwealth trade, relationship. LONDON (CP)--Prime Minister Canada's views on international | seen his ancestral Highland working out the proposed Euro-|yard. {ago. Mr. Diefenbaker recognized the He found. Bannerman grave-| Diefenbaker, satisfied that he has affairs, and Britain's problems in|stones in the Kildonan church- By M. HORN HAMPTON--Miss Dorothy Vir. tue, Bowmanville, spent weekend with her aunt, A. E, Billett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman, Warren. Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock, visit-| | Port Perry, Saturday. | Bowmanville, and Carol Wright, mens. ! The Northern Six Club, Hay- |don, accompanied by their hus- bands, were entertained at the home, returns today to affairs of pean free trade area. " Sweepstake state and renewed talks with" quo giscussions here. precede Britain's Prime Minister Mac-| ioe hy Diefenbaker to Premier Winner Has Little Peace millan. de Gaulle in Paris Wednesday, The Canadian leader stood Sun- German Chancellor Aden- day in the hamiet of Kildonan guer Friday and Saturday, and near Scotland's northern tip. He Italian Prime Minister Fanfani looked at a low, whitewashed cot-| Nov, 12. He aiso will meet Com- tage on a hillside two miles monwealth leaders in Asia, Aus- « away, and said: "That must be/tralia and New Zealand on his 8 A 54-day world tour. A tier sud sa impassable FATHER'S FAMILY DUTCH > road kept him from visiting the hid « house that may have been home ne, Prime Minister 8 Kildonan) x fo hd Salervg) greai, - grand. end visit to Scotland. For yea father, orge Bannerman, w. left for Canada in 1812 during the Je has been attempting to trac brutal evictions of the Highland sown crofters. | « FITS DESCRIPTION "from Holland around 1815. The prime' minister said its lo-| Throug the week cation fitted the traditional fam-';met many Bannermans, ani fly stories told him by his 86-ceived a welter of sugges year-old mother Mrs. Wiliam T./from people anxious to help him a Diefenbaker, now an invalid Ino, pie gentimental quest. Saskatoon. He was told that focal trad : 1k r Wi me 8 Dis Bim tion connects the hillside home + Friday. One key topic is the future'lived there unt LESAGE TELLS RALLY His| actual bodily harm. , the Bannermans. | father's people went to Canada (./$500 bal, il about 80 years since winning the money." v out. Reginald Chattington, 23, the wounded J. Harper, 58, a 1950 sweepstake winner of $70,000 who told police|cagion of her 12th birthday. rs Be has Been without peace sincn| k|/he won the money, was charged Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Taylor and |jjv to Bow: fll ihe Toots of his mother's Saturday with assault causing Linda, Bowmanville, Mrs. Theo "Meriin Bailey, Winnipeg, d he girls Friday night wounding Hoskin Smith. d re-/John Wilson, 17. He is in satis- | told me they were going to get| Mrs. |some guns, come back and blow | with a Hugh Bannerman, who my head off. I've had no peace ner guests to Mr. and Mrs. Jack- Police said the firing started| |when the car stopped hear Harper's house and Wilson got {home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slee- man, Saturday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw, of Ashburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas, Greenbank, visit ed T. Salter. The sum of $100 was realized in the recent canvas by the Cana- jdian Institute for the Blind con- | irl friends Tuesday, on the oc-| | | Mz. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, |Slemon, Enniskillen, and Mrs. ya attending business meetings pope last Tuesday than officials Police said six rifle bullets Fred Smith, Columbus, were Sun-| in Toronto, soent Sunday at home. in the province started collecting |struck a carload of youths and|day visitors to Mr, and Mrs. rl and Mrs. T. Wray and N.| Horn, were Sunday evening din- ison Wray, Oshawa. | Miss Kellar spent the wee |at her home at Marysville. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Parker, To- Henry, Toronto. the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brazier, To- e Mrs. 'ronto, George Staniland Friday. Bowmanville, were Suaday visit- weekend, Oct. ors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Inj signers Training camp at Doe! Lake. ' { ed Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison, school dance of Millbrook, Orono| and Blackstock pupils at Orono) Mr. and Mrs. Albin Clemens, Friday night. | Enniskillen, were Sunday visitors cau visited her aunt, Mrs. {to Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Cle- gnith Sunday. the weekend with relatives injand vicar on earth of Jesus, .... Bancroft. ower, held Nov. 6 instead of Nov. 13, at cardinals and a small number of ducted by the Women's Institute and family, Toronto, visited her| WOODSTOCK (CP) -- Thomas members. : Erlyne Barron, entertained 24 Wright Sunday. moved to Oshawa and Mr. and|born, Pope John XXIII is worth oo dq anniversary of his cancer : Mary Peters, Bowmanville, joy spent Monday with their sis- tions| factory condition in hospital with Will Taylor, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. ter, Mrs. H. Graham, Toronto. .300-calibre bullet in his chest.|John Baker and Jean Baker, Sol- Police said Harper, released on| ina, 'were Sunday visitors to M told them, "some boys and Mrs. Sam Dewell. |Superior Court Friday recom-| {mended that $32,129 in damages|gent word he would prefer the|a cancerous piece of Dulles' in-| The Cubana Airline said Fidel testine. It was an emergency op- Castro rebels seized the plane to eration of a kind many persons make headlines for their move- thought would cut short his dip-| ment on the eve of the Cuban na- They t 70, Dulles seemingly crashed it when they forced the pe pilot to 4, 1 a 1 1) in be paid a Quebec City man who! kend claimed a six-inch metal surgical money be used, for Chatty. |clamp was left in his stomach during an operation in 1950. |ronto, were Sunday visitors with the|her sister, Louise Di |ing the new Pope to his crown-|the cozy, friendly feeling the Tru. |receptions, invitations were sent Mr. and Mrs. Boswell Staniland, |ing. Nearly 500,000 persons: are man family would like, but shelf all Yio fad lef} Sa s at fue xpécted to jam the square and was determined at least "to have, ve were spent in addressing and Mrs. approaches to St. Peter's during something cheerful" graved invitations which were ithe ceremony. Millions more will house was redecorated. {sent for one affair. Mary Ran- Mrs. Fred Hamilton spent last see it on television screens) mne above information golph described in her reminis- 17-19, at a Com.|throughout Europe. is from a new book, 'THE cences how they were sorted and The four-hour "crowning cere \wyHiTE HOUSE AND ITS 32 stacked high on large tables, then {mony begins at 8:30 a.m. (2:30 p Amy IES," (McGraw-Hill Com- wrapped and loaded on the a.m. EST) and ends with his pub-| pony of Canada Ltd.) by AmY|trucks which delivered them in (lic coronation on a balcony high 1 aFaolette Jensen, This is the Washington. on the facade of St. Peter's. |nanqion's own story and the A furore arose when President In fall view of the vast miltl- | 0." of the families who have Truman spent $10,000 for a bal- tude, his cardinals will take off| a 104 it home. It is a handsome cony behind the 'pillars of the {his bishop's mitre and replace it| 1, vo profusely illustrated. |south protico. The president was [Oh the ple Hapal Yaa Bg i The 32 presidential families proud of his balcony and fhe ' |fying he Is IC! John and Abigail Adams greater the outcry, the more be Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright spent kings, ruier of the whole world gs and Mamie Eisen| defended it. ety was de- have called the White 'fensible, he said, on thé best visited Mr. when the High school pupils held a tri- Caroi Lamb and friend. Lind- tial offices, the reception rooms, the parlors, the nurseries and other "inner sanctums" of this famous mansion. The White House has been call- ed everything from a "drafty old | barn" to a "big white jail". What lis it really like: to live in a na- tional monument? When the Adams family moved in, Abigail complained. "Not one room ls finished." There was no plumb ing, the walls were still damp. Dolly Madison was forced to flee only hours before the British set fire to it. "The White House and Its 32 Families" is an unforgettable book -- one that should be read Christ." and treasured by thousands. House their home. Jgrounds of architectural tradi- The ONO Club meeting is to be| The Pope, assisted by three Mrs. Connie Swain's home. | prelates, will celebrate the pon- Mrs. G. Fowler visited friends|tifical mass. His assistants will in Teeswater over the weekend. (taste the Jot and the wine in a Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hall ana|traditional test for poison. family, Tyrone, visited Mr, and] Mrs. Stan Rahm Sunday. | Near Pontiff's Weight In Gold Mr. and Mrs. Osmond | | | BERGAMP, Italy (AP) -- In| Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill have Bergamo province, where he was Foster Dulles observes today the| | 2nd Operation | Anniversary | Goldwin Faint] parents, Mr. and Mrs. WASHINGTON (AP) -- John/mand special Mrs. Frank McCormick and fam-|aimost his weight in gold. No sooner had Angelo Giuseppe |oPeration. {crashed and killed 17 persons. | undergo the semi-annual physical bi | checkup that has become part of| money to buy him a crown. They hoped to collect about 10,-| : 000,000 lire ($16,000). But spokes-|his routine. But his work-and-|miles east of Havana. man said, they have five times|t avel schedule, including his rec- that t. As the price of gold|ent round trip by jet plane to goes, that la buy about {nome ge) Formose; Bives ae in- {pounds of the precious metal. The|dication of any p! ysical weaken-| W new pope weighs 205 pounds. fing. rebel-infested Oriente Province. Pope John is reported to have| Two years ago doctors removed HEADLINE SEEKERS Mr. and Mrs. Lesile Mountjoy and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- $32,129 DAMAGES QUEBEC (CP)--A civil jury in HEADS ASSOCIATION LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Lorne Fox, principal of John F. Ross lomatic career. Today al is as vigorous as ever, By an 11-1 count the jury found } election today, r. Paul Gilbert of nearby who Cardinal Roncalli been elected] Within the next few days, the| Three survivors said four secretary of state js expected to Cuban rebels commandeered the g Viscount turboprop airliner Saturday night on a flight from Miami to Varadero Beach, 87 The wreckage was spotted Sun- day in the shallow waters of the |Bay of Nipe near Preston in Dulles Marks | Protection Asked For Cuba Airlines HAVANA (AP) -- The Cuban Finan today planned to de- on for Cuban airliners and passengers in the United States as the result |of rebel seizure of a plane that A spokesman for the rebels de- nied in Washington that Fidel Castro's movement had anything to do with the crash. He said jo- dividuals acting on their own were responsible. The three survivors were Os- tris Martinez, a newsprint plant engineer, a Cul woman and 8 14-year-old Cuban boy. to kidnap an airplane of such size and importance." . e darkness, Medrano e airstrip by about two Collegiate, Guelph, Saturday was Goodman. nd Mrs, Donald Reed Charny negligent in aliowing the elected president of the Western| hter, Carolyn, Scarbor-|clamps to remain in the stomach) . ing friends and crities alike. - |darkness on an airstrip that was carried youth to car and he was driven to hospital. | One of his key assistants says|too stall. Mr. a Harper's house is and miles and plunged into the shal- a --d ough, visited his parents Rev. of Henri Cantin. Mr, Canfin had| Ontario Headmasters Associa- Liberald Must dogs are kept on the by barbed wire and. five large premises and Mrs. F. J. Reed {asked $60,000 in damages. He Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey and testified he suffered discomfort family, Scarborough, Mr. and following the operation and that » A » $ * i » » b Fight Duplessis Mrs. Ken Pooler and family, @ Montreal doctor finally found tion. iegiate and Vocational Institute was elected secretary, and B. A. | men, the four Cuban crew mem- An aide said Dulles is confi- bers, three other Cubans and six ently planning two more far-| naturalized Americans born in [Dulles still maintains a seven-| Those killed were the four gun- Gordon Reid of Guelph Col-/day-a-week schedule. la low bay. COOL POSTS Australia has maintained re- search expeditions in her Ant. Robertson of Preston was named ranging diplomatic trips over-| treasurer. 'seas. Grace Kersey, Oshawa, Mr. and the clamps and removed them in Mrs. §. Kersey were supper) 5. guests of Mr. and Mercy Killing Sunday. Cuba. The three survivors were injured arctic territory since 3047. . MONTREAL (CP)--Quebec will of provincial politics," Mr, Le- gever have a truly autonomous Sage sald Sunday night. . H .| "But unfortunately the 'others'| Not Wron --) : $0 dem posatie Fo etal pat. don't exist in great enough num-| g Cleric Mr. and Mrs, T. Kenny and bers to destroy the infernal ma.| WINNIPEG (CP)--An Anglican (2ughter, Helen, of Shanty Bay, « riots" who believe they could de-|chine," he said at the closing minster says he can "see noth. VTS. L. Colville, Barrie, visited beral ing wrong' with mercy killing in Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy | Mrs. J. Lyon © fend Liberal ideals without fight- banquet of the provincial Li * ing Dupiessism, warns Hon. Jean|federation's convention. © Lesage, leader of the Quebec Lib-| Quebecers really haven't a pr * eral party. "A whole group of sincere and |year-old Libera: chief. They had competent men have succeeded an electoral machine installed by * in their own fields believing that Mr. Duplessis when he took con- they can leave to others the case|trol of Quebec's legislative, ad- : {ministrative and judicial systems and destroyed democratic institu- tions. Housewife Charged In Daring Theft |FEARS FOR FUTURE | Mr. Lesage's appeal for a rally " {of all liberal-thinking peopie fol ' aN Re en lowed a warning by another Lib- ! with stealing £20,000 ($56,000) worth of cash and jewelry from a 10-inch-thick steel safe in a cop 4, London bank Friday. re | *"We have to make up our a one A the mes t 3a {minds that we must win the 1960 s\general election," Jean Louis was carried out only 300 yards|Ga non Montreal newspaper - from a police station by thieves ,.; and chairman of the federa- : using oxyacetylene equipment of jon's publicity comrhittee, told . 4 Sve practically unknown in| delegates. ritalin. Liberais across the country are ay git Jongh» gia Wich bul experieding a "crisis," he sald. ; a safe with 10-inch-thick, steel ROLE TO FILL = while police patrols passed | Quebec was always the rallying wala several times during the force of Canadian Liberals and he Dani | "it is of paramount importance " {that we again play the role that hice estimate renting 188 been our political destiny in the past." their objective of cash and jew-| "When we are.faced with a , {Fascist dictatorship, we must Sunday police swooped down on unite to defeat it; if we don't it suburban London apartment, could mean the end of democra- wvered about £9,000 ($25,000) tic institutions in our province." the loot and arrested house-| Mr. Lesage was given a vote fe Mrs. Ada Shakeshaft. lof confidence by the convention. {at the next general election could mean the death.of the party in ean LH | vincial government, said the 46- (special circumstances even| o-|though he knows practically all | Christian opinion is against it. The statement was made by {Rev. Vincent Goring of Toronto, a secretary of the Student Christian {Movement, who was lecturing {here on morals in medicine in a | SCM-sponsored series at the Und- | versity of Manjtoba. | "Life is sacred," he said, "but {is it always wrong to kill?" | if a person were suffering in- | |tense pain from an incurable dis- eral official that a Liberal defeat ease it would be morally right| Bobby, Oshawa, {to kill him if he consented to it, | Mr. Goring said. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Terry, Osh- awa, were Sunday guests of Lulu Reynolds and Florence Werry. sal 3 SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING EATON'S OF CANADA (Oshawa Branch)... ... Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, | Tyrone, were Sunday visitors to] Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Slemon. { Mr. and Mrs. Norman Welsh, | Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Craig, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fernandez and family, Scathoro, were Sunday visitors to Mrs. Nid- | BOND CLOTHES SHOP: ses es sess ster s sens ery. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Jean and oh were Sunday visit to Mrs. NM Yishore fargaret Chap- | §.5. KRESGE CO. LTD.: Quebec Liberals | Oust Fournier MONTREAL (CP) -- The Que- bec Liberal Federation no lo considers Senator Sarto Fournier, the mayor of Montreal, a Liberal. A resolution to that effect was adopted Sunday at a stormy ses- slon of the federation's annual convention that saw a member |of the Quebec Legislative Council | walk out in protest. {| Mr. Fournier was not present. {Reached by telephone later, he |declined to comment. | The resolution was adopted in its original form over strong pro- tests and a copy of it was for- warded to the National Liberal Federation. It said simply, "It Is notorious MAHER SHOE STORES LTD.: .. ssecssvvne seecse leader Jean Lesage calls "the| natural gas scandal." Mr. Lesage, elected Quebec chief last May, has tried vainly to have Premier Duplessis estab-| lish a royal commission to inves-| tigate the sale of Quebec Hydro's Montreal area gas - distribution | system to the privately - owned | Quebec Natural Gas Corporation. Senator Fournier, a lawyer by | profession, became a Liberal MP for Montreal Maisonneauve | at the age of 23. A fiery orator, he was appointed to the Senate! in 1953--at 44 the youngest man to be named the upper house. 1 He was elected mayor of Mont- | real in 1957, ousting Jean Dra- EEE peau a "ene cess snes CRORE 'OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "Mystery Articles" ENTRY FORM ANSWERS FOR THE MYSTERY ARTICLES: BASSETT'S (OSHAWA) LTD.: .. FRANKLIN-SIMON: tess ss sensi YOUNG AGES LTD.: "sess ceneens JACK FRASER STORES: YOLLES FURNITURE C cesses ssas nas HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS: I NS SN SA IN A) eves dresses ssess esses I A BRI NE IS I SI I SR Sr ry "ese eee ses0sese sess sess sass enee BATA SHOES LYDN! ...... 0c vs eesesasssbonsvnnennsse EDNA-ANN HATS LTD.: .....co00vtunenvnennnnnnannnns THEDISC SHOP: i. .... ...vvversenvavevos ios, esses ess senses I A A SIA a "esses ssssesssssnee sees e eves sesbeienese ses seseesrsns sess severance everest eres nd his Civic Action] | that the Hon. Sarto Fournier does THE SHOE CIRCLE: .. .cocvvevrcsncnsnsncinnsaces League. 1 60T A LETTER I THOUGHT HE'S AS SLICK AS A SOAPY | not support the policy of the pro- OSHAWA CAMERA CRAFT CENTRE: sess esas sans cesses essen P| CONCERNED A CONTEST 1 HAD BATHTUB HANDLE... HI g |vincial Liberal party" and there- 7 ENTERED, BUT IT WAS FROMMY YI GET IT BACK NDE ml, 7, fore the federation "no longer UNCLE BREWSTER, HE SENT ME THIS Hl \VINTER WHEN HE COMES ¢ 4 |considers (him) a Liberal." CHECK FOR $200..THE DIVIDENDS ON [| HERE FOR A VISTANDYOU ) | | FIGHT RESOLUTION SCME MINING STOCK LE TRANS: PAY FOR HIS BOARD AND Hon. Philippe Brals, the coun- FERRED TO MY NAME AND 16 ENTERTAINMENT/ cil member who walked out, was Secret Weapon | i 1 HO OR oie jg one of several who voted vainly] BERLIN (AP) -- Communist = GIVE IT A PLACE against any resolution concerning East Germany's Defenee Minis- OF HONOR ON [the senator. J. G. Ratelle, mem- ter Willi Stoph charged Sunday ber of Parliament for Montreal) that the Western military alli-| Lafontaine, also opposed the res- ance has another secret weapon | olution. | --Bill Haley and his rock 'n' roll | Numerous resolutions had been band. | {submitted to the federation de-| Stoph said Haley and his music| |manding action against the were being used to confuse West- | mayor. The Montreal Young Lib-! ern youth so they could be easily | erals Association called for his|exploited for atomic war against | expulsion on grounds that he Communists. | {has become an accomplice of" "Into a mass grave with rock dictatorship and the scandals" of|'n" roll," was the four-columr Premier Duplessis' Union Nation-' headline which adorned Stoph's {ale government. {remarks in the Communist part: The main complaint against newspaper Neues Deutschland, the 49-year-old senator was that, Hale~ recently vi"ited We Le failed at a city executive com+| Germany and West Berlin, Hi mittee meeting last September to| appearances caused riots amon; Isupport the party's demand for teen-age admirers in West Berlin, an investigation into what Liberal Hamburg and Essen. 4 Rock 'N Roll | | "esses ssssenans : THE SECRETARY, . OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MERCHANT'S ASSOC., KING ST. W. AT STEVENSON RD., OSHAWA, ONT. _ -- INSTRUCTIONS -- All answers must be entered completely, i.e. the trade name of the ariicle, description and price. Name the Mystery Articles begins Monday, Nov. 3rd, at 9:30 a.m. and closes Saturday, Nov. 8th, 1958 at ' a entries will be accepted until noon, Nov. NAME Winners will be selected correct answers, ADDRESS ...iiovivnrissnnscesasnnnes 'according to the most Judges decisions are final. TELEPHONE NO. ....