WEATHER REPORT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Mainly sunny and mild today Classified Advertising .RA 3:3492 y and Tuesday. Winds light today. All other calls ..... ...RA 38-3474 VOL. 87--NO, 258 Price Not Over OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1958 Aon Office Department, Ortave. TWENTY-TWO PAGES | 7 Cents Per Copy 1 TORONTO BUILDING DISPUTE SETTLED Many Thousands Court Finds | Return To Work . Sommers Guilty = ! of building trades workers re- unions at odds had signed. The By H. L. JONES (Canada. Other. charges are to be ill [turned to their jobs today as the exchange later softened its stand. VANCOUVER (CP)--Robert E,|¢ard: 5 ) city's $150,000,000 c on s t ruction| The cement masons wanl.# brought out shortly after this The jury deliberated more than i 1 ig |tie-up ended. Bis Bini My itish Columbia lands and for- , i z : British Co! Their deliberation is believed a / " cig hg By eA a aD - - ", ' 1 Springhill land-Trail, John Gray, disagreement; Cement Masons' Union, school Charles D. Schultz, disagree- ik A new negotiating team, repre: Plane Takes De ths For Comrades Fund Mone 11952 until his resignation in 1956, pany Limited, disagreement; B. was to meet with officials of the { Iwas convicted Saturday night by C. Forest Products Limited, not Cement Masons' Union to try to Off Without By JOE DUPUIS jsecond time early Saturday with told his parishioners at fhe Ro- broke into Grace Church-on-the-|year-old H. Wilson Gray, presi- . --=111 over shift premiums, are the Y Pp 1 t , hich 1d only union members still at odds oung 1 0 unexplored depths of shattered after being entombed 8'2 days, Tales of courage abounded church safe of $3,546, part of it said to have taken bribes while cases on which i i ot agree with th hope of finding anything but the| There was nothing Sunday to|Calder said the bravery of the Springhill Disaster: Fund. The Crown charged hier were Sra esp ela ir ori 0d At City Fi AUTHORIZE PICKETS Hew 20 Deautifully, 3d known dead stood at 50. Twenty-| operations for the Duminion_Steel inevitable 2ven as they praycd, men prowling in the district,/ment licences. It alleged more S00. sary. still' musk' decide on, RrOMPE action by the drivers of his authorised she masoss \uihim gud One hundred of the men caught sidiary Cumberland Railway and coULDN'T HAVE LASTED and cheques, was given from ther Sommers and Gray will ap- charges was to resume to-| check, until fire trucks arrived. | workers not belonging to the ma-|then bounced into an upright. po- y » + |die," said Douglas Jewkes, one : > . 8 | the surface safely, 19 of them in|coppoN 'FINALLY RESTS [of the seven to come out Satur.| he thiefes climbed a fire es-|( 0p "as he was led to a celi/some $7,100 but said in his de- ed 100 gallons of water from its|tracts when the shutdown began cruise, Neil Haugerud had faced | J cue workers through the narrow ness. "I couldn't have lasted an- ama . ; h ! ; ) { nent's deepest coal mine. able damage was done to the Prison Farm. It was believed the The conspiracy charge on early estimates of destruction of over three years which will in. Th By 31: The 7,000 residents of Spring-|/Sunday night echoed the gloomy|/was found Bryon Martin lay joined them in province - wide face before the week is out. "Thank God I'm alive," he Springhill Disaster Relief Fund the completion of the bribery- late president of B.C. Forest and the west end of the new office meetings this week to ratify ely ph. d to get to exchange aitod, off | Im ped] FIRST OF the seven miners | Bryan Martin is carried on a | No. 2 mine to a waiting ambu- Sommers, 47, has been found . ; discovered . Saturday. morning | stretcher from the pithead of | lance. The six others were | Picture was taken, Wirephoto) |Builty of conspiracy while he was Bo ee a ro However, nine big construction/a,m. in place of the current prag- P : , / projects, including the Humber|tise of time-and-a-seventh pay L . ests minister. ; {record in Canada. / P dt 3 ¢ a Thieves Steal | The convention automatically The jury of nine men and three ih son Institute building, remained | work after 2 pa. olfered~1p a 4 ar 1Ners TO eo |strips him of his Social Credit women gave these verdicts: Som- ; closed when workers refused to od Sichange | as fered 4 |seat in the legislature for Ross- mers, guilty; H, W. Gray, guilty; 4 ¥ [cross picket lines of the 'striking |S! Pp pay e Sommers, former 4 ] teacher and lands minister. from ment; C. D. Schultz and Com- senting four large contractors, 0 (Cc i lan assize court jury. So was 46- guilty. i reach a settlement. TORONTO (CP) Thieves Mr. Justice J. 0 Wilson sald ROBERT SOMMERS The masons, who struck Sept. i ' Y ic Chure FS : io an : 'e i S roker. irm, the jury could consider itsel Se]: Semen m-- ---------- p-- I: IG N. S. (CP)-- the discovery of seven more men man Catholic Church of St. John Hill in suburban Forest Hill Vil-|dent of a timber brokerage firm, t yc 8 1 Gls | oH, dug -- hv alive, They were brought out the Baptist, lage Sunday night and looted the the man from whom Sommers is charged so far as the conspiracy! . ) it 00 : aid "John Fire Checked Sh the Toronlo Buliders' Ex: MARMONY, Minn, (APY --=h Cte" : iv , y ¥ . " . | 2 . ak " > r£hine! inister. were concerned. , Minn. -- No. 2 colliery today with little five without food or water. above the below ground. Mr./a collection taken up for the a cébinet minister Charles D, Schultz and his flew so beautifully," said a stu. bodies of their buried comrades. indicate more men were alive. [trapped men was a big factor in| Police were called to the area used to_get Sommers' conspiracy © | 1 i ; il! uw, irpl ff wit x ; " Sy asl; bie ' . : we age. conspiracy count on a date to be| | The Building Trades Council uway airplane take off without By early today the count of| Harold Gordon, chief of coal|their rescue. Some felt degth was after residents reported they saw in the granting of forest manage fixed, | Prompt action by the drivers of has authorized the masons to him and circle gracefully fof 45 four others were missing and and Coal Corporation which"oper-/sang and joked to, keep them- They found the church door open. than $16,000 changed hands. 50" Dribery 'counts' against the 'al. ! t ; . vid : : 2 | > Be 8 . st | at McCullough Lu '0. contractors attempt to have ce: The plane came down rightside- presumed dead. ates the mine through the sub-| selves alive. Police said the money, in cash| There was no indication whe ieged recipient. The trial on|at 1270 Blogs Lumber Co [3° owt finishing work done by up in a cornfield, flipped once, in the deeps by the wild under-|Coal Company, said Saturday! y Se parishioners during Sunday ser-ipeal the conviction. : : | | re 4 ire 'n 1 thought we were going to . { . day. : Each of the trucks fr . SONS' union. {sition again. ground upheaval Oct. 23 reached there's 'no life. vices | A smile spread over Sommers'| Sommers admitted receiving by Redi-Mix TS tum Near Of the four unions without con-| planning a short pleasure ye i < fter the; ca to the third fl f the . ar rerdic , ; § 2 3 fwe Hh Ned dane in tiny Then he left, exhausted, for a/day on stretchers, their eyes De Nana op no 5 Wilt. Gray, 'when he heard the yerdie, fence the moneys were legitimate tanks into the burning warehouse, three have reached agreements. | (he 85-horsepower Aeronca Chief pockets of safety 2% miles down rest at his home in Sydney after shielded against the sudden pit- , © = large quantity of nitro. put his Pandswio he, hea pine loans from his friend H. W. Gray. preventing the fire from spread. The carpenters' Sunday night\un a slight grade Sunday ofi"a the sloping shaft of the conti- crawling for days with the res-/head glare after days of dark-| io or ine was used and consider- slumped Orware .s 2 YS akelt were covered by notes and were jpg, voted to accept an exchange of-|farm where the Fillmore Flying : spent the weekend at Oakalla/ repaid, One building was gutted and fer of 45 cents an hour spreadiClubh maintains a landing strip. | workings. |other 12 hours." : church office. ht ime a former B.C. cabinetiwnie th tau [ A | PRAY FOR MORE Mine manager George Calder] Not far from where Jewkes irst time a Orme; B.S oa which the jury reported Saturday materials were put at between crease their hourly rate to $2.95 gave the propeller a tug. [ Donations and offers of ald/minister had been imprisoned. {alleged that between Jan. 1, 1953.1 84000 and $5000 by manager Ray by Nov. 1, 1960. "But instead of idling like. it hill prayed Sunday for a third pronouncement. He said all "bod- alone in a hole little bigger than continued to roll in during the! Mr. Justice J. C. Wilsoa said and March 31, 1955, the accused Holland. The rodmen and operating en-|should have," Haugerud ex- miracle while all Nova Scotialies" will be brought to the sur-|a coffin weekend as the. Natipnal he will sentence the two men at conspired with Hector Munro,| The blaze, which broke out in gineers are to hold membership! pl "it revved up to full mourning proclaimed by Premier) The grief-stricken town went to whispered through swollen lips. mounted to the $500,000 mark.: |conspiracy trial, which already|other Jo commit indictable of ang storage buildings at about 11|agreements, details of which are ad. 1 or ot Stanfield. {church Sunday to pray for, He and the rest are bark from| The lates) donations for the has lasted 76 days, longest in'fences. |a.m., was under control half an|not yet known. Fi be Twelve men were found alive strength to face the future. pit props and sucked coal for wives and children of miners {hour ter. to : | : nge . 4 Joss Wednesday and brought to the "Surely we have come to be- nourishment after running out of killed or missing in the Nova | Jt is believed the fire was caus- nounced a lockout when other un- pd * know, hat he plane to take off surface the next day in a dra-|lieve we have faith," said .|food and water four days before|Scotia epal mine. upheavalins' ! T ai 3 med 0d by sparks from welding ions observed the masons' picket caused matic climax to 8% a of Hires Liew nd - McConpelt of Senies hep came. Martin 'was in the cluded: a Boy Born lo) Firs {torches used by he Working bi Hines. They then Warned Pere fteell he rear e A digging in the black, hazardous|United Church. i rst condition of the seven| A donation of $15,000 from the an extension at DOAABERAYS. #8 ni a A ol © vu we mist Saturday but was gaining city of Hamilton, $2,000 each property. Buchapan strength in hospital. from canvasses in the Nova Sco- . } Yard workers saw flames and I 7 tia centres of New Glasgow and | | ] smoke and called Mr. Holland. | R WwW 1d k * - Pictou, $3,000 from the Royal| Quin O arr They tried to fight it with fire uss ou ay Heavy Shelling Truckdrivers cma Novy sl wating ane Ty da, shri $1.0 rom the Maritime Unites 'back by clouds of dense smoke. | Bantist convention | MONTREAL (CP)--A boy was; Mr. Allard and Annette were S f th F . N X 2 | ry terial, including ) |" The W a born Sunday to the first Dionne married in Montreal in October| >°Me 0! the ma N 1 B P is Threaten To ion ve SB PTR Re Mrs. An- 1957, The wedding was to have | BYProc, window and door frames, uc ear an (o]} adopted a single family and will | quintuplet to marry. was saved. ° ! % i a J sec been small and intimate but re-| ; : : {send them $300 a month for six nette Allard hecame the second ns! "| This is the first fire sufferel Hits Quemo Y Isle Stage Strike months in relief funds. |of the famed sisters to have a porters an Thotographers gate. by the company in its four years GENEVA (Reuters) -- The gate, met early today to prepare l Mavor Ralph Gitar of Springs any. en . i. shel. A ont Inter Cecile married ol Sxistence. a jisader of the Soviet delegation to/for the full conference session a ; : . ill, a mine inspector e| "She was not only very well, s J ates ' e premises were insured. [the three-power talks banning | whi er th TAIPEL ap 3 Communist sion than Quemoy and Little Que-| MONTREAL '(CP)--Some 6.000 stricken colliery, will be guest of was smiling." said her husband, |Philippe Langlois, now 27, a CBC| - Pp He threo power | alk op awning | walle @ Sispue over he agenda oye today in the heaviest bom those lle dots of jane hai key Montreal truckdrivers, members honor Thursday night at a $10: Germain Allard, ater the birth ielevision technician, in a digi sia is willing to have 'control bling block to the talks y 3 @ $ . ] en la.nla np Tor 0 ' 4 wa 7 i ) il, L " bo 4 / 9 ti bardment in nearly two months. |since the newest phase of off- of the International Brotherhood|® pile diner in Seto being Anllene's 'son roi ged eight fied. ormal Vedios 3 Covell 24 Passengers posts set up on her soil to en.| Russia seized the. spotlight at The Nationalist defence minis-|shore islaid shelling began Aug. of Teamsters (CLC), have threat Re Tp empany fot pounds, one ounce, close to he J " | force any ban, it was reported the opening session Friday by try said 36,431 shells fell on the 23. ened to strike Unless thelr dedtoy.t i ure an Ters total of 10 pounds, 14 ounces Sal THREE NOW MARRIED | Saved In Rescue [here today. submitting a draft treaty for am offshore islands between noon| Peiping radio said 12,000 shells a hud a ; the Dionne quintuplets weighed| .... ,0.ame the third of the 4 The Soviet promise was dis- immediate and permanent ban and 6 p.m. and then dwindled to were aimed at the offshore is mands for higher wages are met The dinner is to raise funds to| at birth. Her sister Cecile § son. |. Surviving sisters to mary THE HAGUE, Netherlands| 504 as delegates from theon nuclear tests. The United sporadic fire. That was the high-/lands between noon and 4 p m,|by midnight tonight. Io yidimas Ws Iu siden Bo six Weeks ation, heighey when she wed Florian Houle, 33, bg iterations} lisp | United States, Britain and Russia States and' Britain, who feel no est shell count since Sept. 11. |The broadcast also announced| Union lawyer Phil Cutler said company has already collected] Cc» Pounds four OUNCES. 1a provincial g over n ment em- Sie pe: lon toda Moi, g4/Prepared to assemble for their permanent ban can be imposed The firing included 9,500 rounds|that it had beamed the following the drivers met Sunday 1 de- $2,500 worth of toys and children Annette and Cecile, who Was|piovee in Montredl, in a quick, ESPTIIONS oh Ping the 5 463. | Second full-scale session on a pos-|until an inspection and control on the Little Tan islets, which broadcast Sunday to the shelled S nets ay anc ce f the © v's employ will | married a month after her sister, gocret ceremony Aug. 11. {passengers 2 © Dn sible tests-ban agreement. system has been set up, want a are far more vulnerable to inva- regions: cided they want an immediate) o¢ GTP S COROVIC Vhe had told friends they were hoping "yo 0 "yk cacile a registered ton Norwegian motor vessel Tai- "yp. "vahel Ridealgh, a former policing method to be the first os "Military and civilian compat- Wage increase of 15 cents hourly rap Scotia children. {to be the first of the quints to "0 0 oie the only 'unmar- hr 8 from Holland, West Ger-| British Labor member of Parlia- item of discussion. riots on Quemoy islands, please and similar boosts during the 4 ib Become 2 oe + Hovis ried quint. many and Finland went to the ment, said Semen Tsaraphkin,| The talks here are expected to Annette's husband, «2-year. vai . : : . : Russian delegation leader, made|last several weeks. - Emilie, f S e, "esc! I S : 3 p milie, frailest of the five, died rescue after the vessel radioed the statement Sunday when he Meanwhile, Russia annoufitéd "= Veterans Visit = stein next two year, A and a Ses : v company official, said | 3 3 2d | E "Tod N y : i i g aD} A 954, du Z lqate. Lg JRE 21 Joi In their most recent offer the Former Spy [he wile Suiervd Lospial ath 3%. 5 1954; Soring an lleprie dis was on fire and Sinking alee received a group of women who Saturday it had received appro- Battleground [shell and you have got supplies, (trucking companies said they vas born about 8 a.m. Sunday.| The four girls became finan-|ton Swedish motor tanker Stora, urBed an immediate suspension yi rom, Woshiugion for a con- [MUSTN'T COME ouT Vere Preperey to give 21 cent Is Arrested IMAY BE FRANCOIS |lally dependent Abed they, orth of Brest, France, "0 * Ridealgh the leader of bib grind Rog i . ig RD. our spread over three years tbs docs | reache heir 21st birthda; a te : Tat oh ia, Agr 7 v At Die e d ryomorTow. Nov. 3, is an odd Current rates are $1.31 hourly for| BERLIN (Reuters)--West Ber-| Her first words to him were, (28 1955, and split a EY fo] [the group which claims to repre- meel in Geneva Nov, 10, ~~ == ate; you must not come out iniruck work and $1.36 for truck. lin police today announced the "Gerry, we've got a very mice said fo amount to $1 000.000. THOUGHT FOR TODAY sent parents of the world, said Poland, Czechoslovakia, "Ro {any circumstances. trailer driving. arrest of 37-year-old Alexander boy." He and Annette had dis- Tsaraphkin added that the prom: mania and Albania will join Rus. By ED SIMON Then today's broadcast added A walk : i | Fuss, described as one of the| cussed naming the baby Francois A great deal of juvenile de- |ise was 'not a paper declara- sia at the conference, the oficial DIEPPE, France (CP) -- At "Today is an odd date. Up to 4 5.000 Walkout oud leave die most cunning double agents in|if it were a boy, but nothing def- H H h linquency would be prevent- tion. : |Soviet news agency Tass said. every bend of the road, the beach p.m., the peoples liberation 1.500 vehicl w 1 ihe city and|gast-West espionage. inite has yet been announced. 0 a Las es ed if parents would (1) give | United States Ambassador The West will be represented-by was in full view of the busload of army units on the Fukien front| +'" FMCIes NOrMAlly operating police said he was taken into| Annette is quoted as saying their children something to do James J. Wadsworth and David the United States, Britain, Can. Canadian soldiers, So were the|fired a dozen thousand and more °" a er-city service. Mr. Cutler|.;ctody six weeks ago after they|during her pregnancy that she Ww It R th | and (2) make them do it. Ormsby-Gore, chief British dele-'ada, France and Italy. os hillside gun emplacements that rounds on the Quemoy islands, Sald ib Youd. affect oF tily's discovered he was sending had started taking exercising a er eu er : ap. eh vigorously bombing military tar. fort, ousy as the winierimonthly espionage reports to So-| classes so as to bear her child TOLEDO," Ohio (AP)--James This was Pourville, Dieppe'e 8ets in these places." Zeup nears, viet headquarters in East Berlin! by natural birth "like Cecile." R. H if int tional id western suburb. Sixteen years The Nationalists said they re- He said, however, that a strike fer 1,000 marks (about $230)| Baptism plans for Annette's of Ho Bre aria a res ent| ago it had been successfully turned the fire. The shelling|would be against his advice and each. 'baby have not been completed. leashed Sams rT oi ig! rind stormed by the South Saskatche- Started after more than 36 hours the advice of some union lead - - gcd FH) a bl pi Lac oa 3 er wan Regiment and the Queens of Of quiet. There was sporadic fire ers. It would also be illegal, he Li gr Ph a Teasing eamsters the Dieppe raid. To the 71 Cana- at dawn, and again at midday. said. . ocal 20 here Sunday. fh Bt pore Bn Sl Ne cae oe ea 0: Cb Police Guard i iu mov. o ans. it se incr eaviest shelling since Sept. y rs S av tha > t " : A veterans, it seemed incredible. g ce Sept. 11, drivers Sunday that all means of |terested in getting the title of . shen the Nationalists said 58,000 arbitr . The bus passed the headland w . Sis said 98,000 arbitration and conciliation have "Mr "Ww a, i where Lt.-Col. C. C. Merritt, the rounds were fired. not been exhausted. et ai ee ' oA Ld ' hd ' , " Saskatchewan's commanding offi- Pollin Stations doesn't represent labor at all. cer, had won the Victoria Cross, is remarks were in answer to H | {an attack on him by Reuther in standing off the Germans with a | |a talk at Cincinnati Friday. R rearguard while the T . : . a talk a p y. Reu- I TY his rh = LA E NEWS F ASHES [up Darpicaes on Seeote, 2am ramees curtalles com |, 2%, doled 38 saving Hotta m L up barricades on streets around rantees curtailed campaigning. |"has a price tag" and "it's for | . | their landing craft. Then the bus 4 g stat r00pS . ' | ' skiried Dicppe and made for main polling stations aid treops!y; Ampp FOR CRASH I Cr ciiic tes PRR n Puits, the little village east of the ' re A pa spi Supporters for Castro seekin offa claime e Uni uto| own. 37 Arrested in West Germany 3 ational election amid guerrila pre Pp election. headlines ig Workers Union "sold out fs lo-| A glance at the beach at Puits DUESSELDROF (Reuters) «-- West German police have Seca eOr Presi ~1 blamed for the crash of a big|¢als by not supporting them in| told the visitors why the Royal| arrested 37 men and women in towns in the Ruhr on sus oo ecassor Ww President Fa. Cuban turbo-prop airliner Satur- eat negotiations with the auto-| Regiment of Canada had made| picion of Communist propaganda and underground activity, and proviveial and municipal of. 98Y Right in which 17 persons mobiie manufacturers. little headway there. It was a pit-| justice officials said today. Officials of the North Rhone- ficers were being chosen. Fidel were killed. One of the three sur-| jfully . small stretch of stony! Wesphalia interior ministry said the police action. which took Castro, leader of the 23-month YiVOrs said four rebel gunmen 29 P Di ground commanded by a seawall! place 10 days ago, was the biggest of its kind in the state [rebellion centred in the moun. CMmandeered the piane on the ersons Lie from which the gun slits still] go far, A ' flight from Miami. . : 3 " tains of east Cuba, threatened x , y stood menacing at point-blank ; Sa p Castro's rebels threatened tol eeken 1sShaps lence to all w artic ; Vio ence ll who participated shoot any of the 10,000 candidates] p range. . 3 i ee otean ; The Canadian party, here for Girl, 3 Run Over By Milk Truck in the ve Hng. > on sight and warned all who! By THE CANADIAN PRESS Despite the rebei threats, the voted that they also risked their ' Twenty-nine persons died in| the premiere of the documentary = "p) WR oiuas Pui 1 : fila This Most Gallant Affair, re- om TORONTO (C By Glor ia Gray, 3, was killed today when government predicted a heavy lives. weekend accidents across the ceived a different welcome from child on x a mi Tuck Vout her home Police said the [turnout among the 2,870,000 elig- They have killed five candi- country, a Canadian Press sur-| its predecessor of Aug. 19, 1942. ae ce sisters had Windered from Bo ir home and ible voters. dates, including four trying for vey showed today. Twenty-three The town band, lined up at thé| vy a truck backing out of a laneway. Batista's candidate for presi-|congress. of the deaths weresin traffic mis-| a » 4 quhyside, plated 0 Comms as 240 Y is D dF Ad dent, former premier Andrew Ri-| All the candidates have prom- haps, 10 of them in Ontario. A pa oF a the cross-channel ferry from Eng- emenis Deporte rom vero Augero, was generally ex-|lised to bring peace to Cuba. The total by provinces, with| . lang warped into its berth. ADEN (Reuter id S Io y on N ' pected to win. The opposition is Each expressed confidence in traffic deaths in brackets: Brit. NE AMBASSADOR TO CANADA ' ol) 'S - Some 2 emenis were deporied |divided among thee candidates-- his election. ish Columbia 4 (4), Alberta 4 (3),/ Retiring Congressman Rich- | home. President Eisenhower | succeed ivi EMERGENCY | from Aden Sunday night after being arrested during riots and [former president Ramon Grau' A trend in the voting was not Saskatchewan 3 (2), Ontario 11 ard B. Wigglesworth (R-Mass) | has named the 67-year-old legis- | a 5 Living Ta CITY | looting in the business quarter of Aden City Friday and |San Martin, Carlos V ez Sterl- expected to be known hefore! (10), Quebec 5 (3) and Nova| ; Seri 4 Si oy y egis. | secretary of stat ; ) with his wife in their Milton | lator ambassador to Canada. He | 9 state. PHONE NUMBERS Saturday, an official communique said today. ing and Alberto S s Amaro. Tuesday morning. Scotia 2 (1). (AP Wirephoto) POLICE RA 5-1133 mee, Support Your 1958 Community Chest Campaign [HOSPITAL RA 3:3211 § A