_ MYSTERY ARTICLES DESCRIPTIONS il S HAWA S H 0 p p : H hi C E Ml ! h EF EATON'S OF CANADA (Oshawa Branch) ,... Price 21.00 or may be purchased by the pound Delicately constructed, mode round or squore Depavimen, Colours very to suit the foir, Sweet to the taste, lovely to see, A treasured memory of o hoppy effoir, Shop ONE. OF NORTH AMERICA'S FINEST pesayds J Presents . . . Ant A master's touch with brush so fine, Department They're on disploy throughout the store SL A collector of art will look no more, 7 SX oN 66 T | BOND CLOTHES SHOP Price 7.95 \ RY Toke four paces from the door, ' NN N i M H E Sports Wear Stop! and look eround no more, . LAN) Ne Department Comes in grey, blue, red ond brown, Z\ N Ns Keep on looking, don't turn "roun' 7, DOVER'S LIMITED ....., Price 19.95 The display by the register you will find right, Sports Wear Look left for the articles with background of white, Deportment Find the stripes of red ond block, Then you'll know you're on the right trock, FABRIC TOWN (Ontario) Ltd, Price 39.50 . Think o f "Zorro", drop the "0", ' Furniture Add an I" end you will know, Department Flying soucers is the theme, Sit In it end feel supreme. FRANKLIN-SIMON coos roo ovvvevaians rover rrenes. Price 95,00 Just Inside the store to the left, Coot There's nothing finer then the best, Department Weor better then fur, full length, brown or black, For style and wermth imitation does not lack. A FASCINATING TREASURE HUNT FOR ADULTS! A KREGECo td eed ss Hordware If it will help you, it's white, green or pink, Department Made for the kitchen, it will suit best, That's oll the clues, you do the rest, * FIND THE MYSTERY ARTICLES IN PARTICIPATING STORES MAHER SHOES STORES . . ... oe. Price 4.99 en - TEER ree er Tura a ------- ~-- ' The Inside. is plaid, the uppers ef black, Women's Shoe Style and imagination they certainly don't lack, Department Approach from the east, midway you will see, Stop for @ moment end there they will be, JOHN SWAN HARDWARE Ltd. p Price 2.49 -- -- Glass, aluminum end reund, [J Housewares In the kitchen it is found, Deportment When you bake your choice, Keeps it fresh and moist, ® FIRST PRIZE YOUNG AGES Ltd, .. - Price 19.75 snip 'Reduced for sole by $6.20, 5 Girls In the centre of the store, displayed oplenty, "w . epartment Raspberry, brown, blue or green, A search for the articles Your daughter will step out dressed like @ Queen, MAYTAG HIGHLAND will be your delight . . . AGNEW-SURPASS SHOES Ltd, .... Price 3.98 ' Look for the shoe with the insole flower, Women's Comfort for women, hour after hour, Department On the display upon the reck, Look for the descriptions Spot them sure, flat and black. A BATA SHOES Ltd, ... cere. Price 5.99 : Three wall disploys, you'll find ther midway Women's The shoes are tan, have a buckle and are gay, Department To step out in these shoes will be a great pleasure, Weor them for work or wear them for leisure SECOND PRIZE £ Ww, CAVALIER GIFT SHOPS Ltd. : Price 5.95 Wood An ideal place to slice the roast, oodenware For the proud and elegant host, MAYTAG HIGHLAND a N, Department It's made of wood and has four logs, 1959 MODEL "-- ' explained at the right" And on the top you'll find eight pegs, ENTRY FORMS an EDNA-ANN HATS Ltd. .. Price 13.95 : \ ; One of a kind, beige with bow IN 1 Bo hy CLUDED IN Begin The \) W Side Table Left by the mirror, we suggest that you go, OUR 2ND \ of Store A word rhymed with leather would be a help too, We trust that you find it -- good luck te you Adventuresome BIRTHDAY a, Moi he \3 FAIRWEATHER Co. Ltd. 0. ... Price 3.95 often go out at night, 1957 THE NEWSPAPER Today! yo Acct 1 TR ey Coe Department 3 d You con find me where" accessories are Bought. He OF NOV, 7th JACK FRASER STORES Ltd, ................. +. ,. . Price 52,50 : Look first for the gloves, they are eo clue, Men's Then for the scarf and the hat will help too, Department No further clues, you will need, Except this article is made of tweed. LITZ DELICATESSEN Price 30 cents Per Dozen By experts they are baked, this tasty delight Boked Goods In colors they come, yellow, pink, green and white, "NAME THE MYSTERY | BE a I a norms ava ho} ARTICLES" BEGINS SEIGNEUR'S SPORTSWEAR ios Price 6.95 MONDAY, NOV. 3rd to It's a popular pet, - Sports Weer And the price is set, Department It purrs and preens And comes in many sheens, G. TAMBLYN Ltd. ...... io + sere: , Price 19¢ and 99¢ TAKE YOUR LIST OF DESCRIPTIONS oi ond Tablets If @ tablet you must take, To relieve that painful ache, TO THE STORES WITH YOU -- READ Department As we said, it ends with "nine", When you take it, you'll feel fine, THEM CAREFULLY. YOLLES FURNITURE Co. Ltd. ..................... Price 17.95 furitere A\Beroach from he uh and lok, » your right, RULES Deportment 14' top of "eborte, hos wo rif) oh . ade of walnut, will last for years, (1) Check the description of the Mystery Article -- take your entry form HENRY BIRKS & SONS (Ont.) Ltd... .. + vv viveenenn in Price 3.50 -- EXAMPLE -- Description pertains to department article is located--general physical Men's Gift Look for the eriiese in Dubsrmens Sour, : i i A N Department Look around, but notin haste, A Shopping Centre Store: Located in the Electrical Depart appearance and price. psa Mu DA 0 Dlg I ment. Price 99¢ | : THE DISC SHOP ........ Saas Lo cine Price 4.98 CLUE; fs fot black J0d vol. white (2) Begin the Treasure Hunt for the Mystery Article--take your entry form Chek. toe olprass will ive. vous Clue. J 3.48 N 2 Album Seventh and ninth are repeated for you, SANSWER: Silver Flashlight, Daisy Moke and description of Mystery Articles with you. When you are certain you Department A popular album of this or any week, : : " To the Disc Shop you go and further seek, . Price 99. - have found the Mystery Article in each store, enter the name and the ELNA SEWING CENTRE "Price 24.95 ITs EASY -- BEGIN NOW! trade name, plus the price of the Article opposite the proper store. De- ha It's smaller than regular, but looks just the same, Use our first and add ae juvenile name, posit it along with your name, address and telephone number in the con- Sn Te on ot there it can bv an, veniently located entry form box below the Flag Pole, or mail to "Name the Mys: HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS | Co .... Price 4.45 tery Articles", c/o the Secretary, Oshawa Shopping Centre Merchants' Association, Novelty Bn Bem By Ev od blue, King Street West at Stevenson Road, Oshawa, Ontario. Papormam 3S urn, fe SE hi OSHAWA CAMERA CRAFT CENTRE Sia Price 13.95 2 Phot " Near the back of the s tore, with a background of white, s ' 3 : otography It stands 30 by 40 and best seen at night, In the event of duplication, the earliest post-marked .date or entry box time will be Acgessories With these clues we're sure the pictures have been clear, A tremendous selection you'll find we have here. chosen. Entry box will be cleared daily at 9:30 a.m.--11:30 a.m.--2:30 p.m.--5:30 THE SHOE CIRCLE Ltd Price 27.90 .m. "Name th icles" i : Look for our frade mark in the centre ofthe floor, p ame the Mystery Articles" begins on Monday, November 3rd, 1958 at 9:30 Women's Lock {or eur finde dark in the, suntre of ha floor a.m, and closes Saturday, November 18th, 1958, at 6 p.m. Winners will be announced Shoe Find J Block Satan Sara Seine rd thie, Friday, November 14th, 1958, via CKLB and The Times-Gazette. Presentations will | ZELLER'S Ltd. .. : ..... Price 1.29 be made at the Oshawa Shopping Centre, Saturday, November 15th, 1958 at 10 a.m. Men's Stepping off a bu ad waking Nia and ara "Don't Cyl" His female admirers would prefer song numbers, One twenty-nine 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend," The men folk would agree ErEvrersnrr rary SATURDAY, NOV, 8, 1958 teseyy Department All entries become the property of the Oshawa Shopping Centre Merchants' Associa- tion and cannot be returned. Judges decision is final. UNITED CIGAR STORE Ltd. Price 3.95 The wind is no problem with this we know, Smoking A clue to begin is a "Z" and an "0", Accesyories The display on the counter you'll closely see, . And on the back shelf they'll also be. The contest is open to adults only. Management or employees of the Shopping MATERNITY FASHIONS oly rosea ior cuneate r Price 2.00 . . . . Lingerie ' i i " ie" Centre, their children and agencies are not eligible. . ., Doparmint WI, Vind ins We S561 Which 3 naked "Lingerie"! And useful even after that "Blessed Event Day". a ------------------ 2 TT ------ ST REITMAN'S Ltd, .... Price 98¢ At the sweater counter .you will meet, Sweater This pretty puzzler, small ond neot Department You use it with sweoters and dresses and such, Here is a tip -- it doesn't cost much