The Oshawa Times, 3 Nov 1958, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 3, 1958 11 Toronto, Montreal Stocks | Reuther Claimed I-- TY bh 1% 19% Ld Phd that the Republicans had picked] Another view is that the Re- TORONTO Ton Min dhe am i Hoa Bay % Dist sens ' Power n (®) 1tics the wrong man. |publicans wanted some issue to Pr Ge io Ine Nickel 370. 887 7 b Pry ico tm Ta 2a | Some Republicans, such as Sen- | meet Deingeratic chisiges that gue By The Cansdian Press Lh Real S00 23° 250 255 Int Ran 000 28 28 3 ~--1 D Glass 4 80 ator William Knowland who split|Bovernmen Mig wig hid of (Jorento tock Exchange--Nov 3 S10 4 3 30 Irish Cop A b Pay sia ME Py By DAVID ROWNTREE | The charges against Reuther the California Republican party (Recession and' o afi cries otations cents unless marked §, , 200 aye Expl 3 " , A - 9--0dd lot; xd -- Ex-dividend; xr--Ez- J 1900 36% 6 _6 KerrAdd Dom Tar is MoM NEW YORK (CP) -- You won were sano id an Ex aniation| Whéu he Shaved tis way sty the ams, the former assistant to the rights; xw--Ex-warrants.) ? 750 5 A Kilembe ag Po Pont" © sus 3 find the name Walter P. Reuther| SiH 2% 8 ommi ge Joe on Laity 'concerned about th president, . 250 33 : utiona - y : Industrials i HS. 30% 0: 35 joke Cig s =4 Gen Bynam 1 o tls Se hulls a ro seph P. Kamp, who at other times of unions and wish to eurb it. | ' A number of prom Repub ty 2% 2 Home Oil A 400 ees ; |licans have not subscribed . fr Pid joto wis Jiu = 20 H Smith ; / elections in the United States. [has made attacks on President NyxoN NEUTRAL crusade against Reuther and the 125 BD | Eisenhow i Net 350 $40 39% 40 Macfie 2000 : Hud Bay 56% ! But Reuther, the president of pt A pi oe Justice Other explanations for Alcorn's unions. They include Vice-Presi- decision to pick on Reuther have dent Richard Nixon, who may be Mock Sales High Low 11am. Ch'se 25 $120% 120% 120% + Maneast U 2000 s Imp Inv A the United Auto Workers and aj \ '¢ contempt of Congress. been less flattering. The Repub. running for president in 1060, Nel- Avitini owe Tw -- , 120 345% 45% 4% -- % Maralgo 18700 3 3 Imp OU 4 43% ee " arcon " a - 4 Acad-Atl 200 9% Maritime 1600 Ind Accep 3 the man that many right - wing] "Meet the man who plans to); | Rockefell ing to i Ind Ac wts 200 ; icans are said to have had dif- son Rockefeller, trying to become AMAA I» Oils Main nik» 1H Inland © wa Republicans see as their prigci- Mie Ayer! ica" was the title of a ficujty in getting contributions to|governor of New York, and Alta Dist vt 230 7 Mcintyre 100. 3K , Int Nickel x Ww. u 8 pal foe on Nov, 4, {pamp Ad Sur prifted Y|finance the election campaign Goodwin Knight, the présent gov- Aleninn 205 3% 3 ; MN nm. Hewat 300 y Int' Util 35 $29 29 29 Reuther -- although he isn't a| amp. Ji S conimiiiee To Con-| from businessmen because of re- ernor of California who is con- Alumint x4 : 275 $1 5 3 B Milliken 500 ; Inter PL 44 candidate for governor, senator| news | cent Denjocratic successes, at theltesting a Senate seat, Alum 1 pr 225 1000 e 6 Min Corp 1210 + aica te official--is| Paper advertisements to push the ------ were -------------------- -- Alum 32 pr 220 1 Min-Ore 3000 2 25 congressman or state official Ss same theme. | Arcan . Nama Cr 500 . W ; pictured as a power-hungry labor' 3 7 . [ 5 199 : 1 St L 100 $273; 2 Atlas Steel 100 32 ! en y ND : Machill B® 275 ; : boss whose objective is to bring REUTHER UNSCATHED Bank Mont xd 93 $314 3144 31) : New Hosco 800 1 Mass Fer 430 % ou socialism to America. | Later Meade Alcorn, the * F Bentthhone. 573 11 'ans "iu 3 go Mp N Mylama a Monon 8 #113 2 = This sort of thing has been publican party's national chair- hy 4 5 " be " Brazil 1 } : y $144 14% 14% -- W Nick Rim ; N St Car b heard before but what appears to man, added the Reuther issue to HAY FEVER Br Tank wis 720 $1 A , © Mic 390 380 380 Nipissing 3: Noranda : Ror 4 be new is a claim that about 170 the official campaign. f 2 5 Thanks to new scientific AZMO- | gases, dust, mold, smog and 5 15 18 vi ] 7 7 Ogilvie Nor, 3 Pow Corp 25 $65 n TABS formulation, thousands of | weather exposure, To prove that 2 nz Norvar 0 t 1 Prem Tron 100 450 450 450 willing to do anything he says to ures before a congressional com- sufferers are escaping from much | You too may find freedom from the Can Perm n 75 $53% 53% 53% HB OIG Nofthsp 5 Price Br 35 push through socialist legislation. mittee in Washington, the Ameri-| distress, coughfhg, wheezing, rat- | distress of such attacks, breathe Can Perm rt 339 2 1050 1 181 181 Opem 4 915 ! 5 Prova JX The cry that has gone up from can public was "fed up to the| ling, dificult breathing, Rl. Irepr, sleep better, gain stranktl . Br } " 5 $ 2 ue is dary i fod & ' d energy and enjoy simp Can Cela } 17} 5 3. ; resin 5 5 5 + Robertson J 1500 Republican extremists is: "Let teeth with the activity of power- ness and sneezing caused by | send your name and address on the another 44 Democrats whom hungry and sometimes corrupt recurring attacks of Asthma, coupon below and we will send you C Curt W 385 7 oh 0 3 Que Ascot 1 35 3 Roe AY Can ul ; C Drawn 1 NS Que Chib 55 § 5 Roe AV pr A ir elec- politi i ses." > a dollar package of Azmo-Tabs free, N Reuther supports win the politico-union bosses. Bronchitis and Hay Fever, aggra- No cost, no obligation. Azmo-Tabs, C Dredge 104 2 3 ~ 2000 Col . 33 33 Roval Bk xd 190 C Hydro Car 1 $83 8% & i 107 oe Lith 35 43 - St L Corp 605 tions and you'll have a labor g0vV-| The congressional hearings re- vated by cigarette smoke, auto | ¥¢, Erie, Ont. ew Cas 55 328: 13 28 ot. Qunston : g g y at LC Apr ge : ernment controlled by Reuther in suited in Dave Beck handing over I=" @eSSSmssssssssssssssssEaa ane cn nna " ? <i" Palliser . "si 13% 134 Paiise i 163 Roche 3000 3 Sicks 225 $30% 30% Washington." leadership of the largely dis- V FREE $1.00 AZMO-TABS FREE AZMO-TABS, Fort Erie, Ontario, Department 431 Without cost or obligation send me $1.00 Azmo-Tabs free (Please print name end address,)' NAME. ADDRESS. CIty. --eerPROVINCE __. 5 5% 390 Neorond ¥ 5: Pac Pete Democratic congressmen owe Alcorn and other party chiefs $IT% 17% 17% Normetal : 35 Powell R their seats to Reuther and are felt that as the result of disclos-| 22 2.3 FEF FEEEE FE $34% 34% 34% -- W y Rockwin 1600 35 35 Steel Can 160 566° r ' credited Te t [| ; 1 246 3 3 5 0c 5 amsters union to Copp Clark 200 $67 6% 6% -- % Petrol Gas 50 3 3 Rowan Cons 6186 Tor Dom rts 1450 300 UNIONISM ISSUE Troan Fol Se Corby vt zI00 $20 20. 20 Quonto 3 9 Sand Riv 4000 Tr Can PL 3470 $28 Unions and union bosses have Te | Dist Seag 765 $31% 31% 31% -- W H 00 205 - satellite 500 +2 Walk GW 690 % |also revealed to have engaged in 100 $20% 20% 20% Ranger " 2 Webb Knapp 700 4 been important issues in the elec-| b Bridie Jo Sosy oe 0h Royalite et Sherritt : : Web Ko a+ +P TA tion campaign, |discreditable practices but the D Fndry pr 20 $101 101 101 : i Tn Bincan VR 4 Zellers 33 +1 Six states, including highly in.|auto workers and its president p Fadry rts 5993 130 123 : 88 88 B83 4 Stanleigh 103 103 dustrialized California and Ohio, |emerged from the inquiry un-| om Stores 175 $73% 73% 73 or 5 5 Steep R 3 & Y 3 Dom Tar 250 $144 14% 7 C A : 165 Sullivan 225 228 Canadian will conduct referenda on whether | pom Tar pr 2 NE A 2 g ¢Svivanite D3. 208 Im compulsory unionism should be Reuther has declined to be am lay 0 20% L] ve - aurcanis ' + 3 Ford A 105 $103 103. 1 Westurne, p Teck 1 11900 168 16 Ang Pulp 60 $39% 3014 3044 made illegal. drawn into the controversy. When Gen Dynam 220 $60 60 W Narco Temas 1300 Ang Nfd £50 86% 6% 6% rrr | RQ settled 'wage agreements with GMC 100 $47 47 47 2 Trin Chib 1000 3 C Paper 145 $40 40 40 ---- i ---------------- - -- G Mackay A 200 87 64 U Asbestos 100 9 9 5 Pom Oiteloth = Frith i Big Deer Leaps Greyhnd 25 811/11 1 Un Fort 5000 : : For Hendshot 50 0 Vent: 110 Horner A 100 8 16 18 | Hendshot pr 15 $808 30 BD Wate Wm 10 ; Horm steel 300 #13 413 473 . IMPERIAL BANK or 'CANADA EXECUTIVE CHANGES Hi-Tower BST 73 Alba Expl Willroy 700 Shop Save 100 13% 13% -- Through Windows Hur Erie ) J 4 Anacon Wr Harg 100 123 k 4 T Fin A 55 4 5 s ; " i AF: v Ib Oi" 70 sive aw 4 A PD Bs pou 0 3% Trams Me 200 HY NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE (CP) Imp Tob $ 3%, 13 Atlas Yk y ikndly Waterman 250 85% 5% 5% A deer with a penchant for leap Ind Accep $374 374 3 Aumacho 3 3 Iva Sales to 11 a.m.: 975,000 ing through plate glass windows 5 Ady 20 4s 90 + and 6 Mines startled shoppers in two stores Inland Gas 1 7% 7 Y -- Bethim p 3 3 MONTREAL here Saturday 4 Lowa er P AG Bicrof 9 or fir red Lloy Inte; 'L 1 1 Blotoht te : Alscope 1000 33° 33 33 - | A big deer first entered Lloyd cells DA 100 $6 7 Black Bay BY The Canadian Press Anacon 200 70 | Miller's furniture shop, did about Rolly Do H 1 Be ny Montreal Stock Exchange-Nov. 3 Anthonian 1500 8 |$500 damage and fled through a Lak on 9 ; Bouzal (Quotations in cents unless maked 8, 'Aull 2500 15 : Lakelnd debs 10 383 83 1 Boymar 5 ) £--0dd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr -- Ex Bailey § A 200 90 8 {plate glass window. It wandered vi Mil B21 54 3 5 Buff RL 200 7 ye rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Bateman 7500 3 : + into a nearby Red and White M Leaf Mill . z10 $12% 123 . Camp RL o Bellechs 200 ] | groceteria where Argus Cham- A " o 4 vv 00 Pls pr Laan 3% 1 A Industrials Bomuyvive M30 3 ; {bers was preparing parcels for McColl 75 y } Can-Met 3 : 11:30 Net Cartier Que 400 11 L : {his last-minute shoppers. Mex LP 0 $1 13 Cassiar 0 8: 5+ Stock Sales Low a.m. Chge Chib Jac ~~ 7300 32 52 The deer strojled about, did - Mid-West ( 5 165 16 ! Chib Jae 52 50 52 + Abitibi 225 3514 3544 -- Dolsan . Molson An 25 Chib M 3! 3 3 Algoma 275 33% 33% East Sull 70 Z 8 some damage, and again fled by Moore 100 $82% 82 2 Cody-Reco 16 6 Alumin xd 710 $32% 32 32% - Fatima 94400 9 leaping through a plate glass| § Nat Drug y 5 Y Coldstrm 3 3 Alum 2 pr 50 3 y Stan window, N Hos B 2 95 3 Colomac 1000 Atlas Steel 25 ollin, North Star 725 Coniagas , [ 53 58 - Bank Mon xd 415 $5 E 5 - Int Ceramic 15 : 3 _Then it ran out of town. N Star wis 40 C Bellekeno 3500 11 1 Bank NS 50 3 3 joo an 3 50 50. :=1 -- - N Star wts 58 25 8 § 9 3 > Denison 1850 Banque PC 40 $3 33° : .abra 5 a . NO NGas 225 813% 13 137 " Den wts 400 37! 5 3 3 Rell Phone 1682 Lingside : 5 5 NEEDLESS DAMAGE 0 Jockey 1 Discovery 1000 -- Bowat Paper 100 5 3 57 Merrill : 3 8 INNISFAIL, Alta. (CP)--Farm- Page-Hers b. 31% 31% 3 > Fen 2000 5 8 Brazil 343 4 Min Corp A h hots 5 9 > Halliwell 10800 BA Oil 710 Montgary ers in this west-central Alberta © Marben 1500 4 BC Forest 150 $13 k 3% -- W N Goldvue region are compiaining that hunt- 50 3 3 v 3 7 Wh 3 39 N H 2 i y | 33. S21 '2s Con Sua ® Too "00 Buid Prod 33 ts du N Sinise 1000 3 5s Fr3 ote gikoeling af the Wroap E. J. FRIESEN H. W. THOMSON S. E. ASHLEY Roe AV Can 2140 124 12} Cop-Man 2500 Cal Pow E : N W Amult 155 - : 8. A b . : Roe AV 3% IS Daering 30 +2 CPowspr siz ? uate i being damaged by shotgun blasts.| Imperial Bank of Canada announces the Board of Directors has elected Mr. E. J. Friesen 8 y k 510 $734 7 7 5 4 C 12% 32% k 5 5 ap pikink dade 4 hy 3 rae 200 $ y 2 Ampht : - Coen pr 6 $28 28 Orchan 306 112 Director, and a Vice-President of the Bank, ladas B 500 $3 5 East Sull 21 221 2) C1 Fndr, 5. $354 35% 3: Paudash 700 45 45 43 JCTION : Salada wis 30 fi3u 1 Falcon 490 $28% 28% 28% SS 50 $43 4 Porcupine 1000 -- % ESTENSN RoDUCTIO _ The Mr. H. W. Thomson, formerly Assistant General Manager, has been appointed General Shawin 3 3 Faraday 104 104 104 Bk Com $55% 55 Portage 34450 55 48S a M f the Bank succeeding Mr. Friesen Sicks pr 5-5 Frobisher s 171 171 171 Brew 865 $36 3 Prove, Loo 5 30: Palliser expedition noted the oc-| Manager of the Ba g Mr. : si 3 Geco Mi 550 $18 17% 18 © Brit Al $13 3 ue Cop Nn 7 : Spartan wis Gold Eagle » 2% 26 -- Celan 900 $17% ' Que Smelt Wo #7 x Surtonce Of coil "1 te Jeary Mr. S. E. Ashley, lotmely, Manager, Torents Branch, has been appointed an Assistant Stedman 214" 3214 323 GF Uran 6 2% 2% © Convert 400 StL 5 330 23 oan io , Steel Can $6 : Granduc 165 150 150 © Fairbks $2414 24) 9000 1 2,448,726 ton< ~* ~oal were mi ~~ General Manager with Headquarters in onto 8 Propane ; Gunnar $16% 16% 16% CIL 125 817% = 3000 | roe are 100 isk ar wis 200 740 735 735 CPR 600 528% - Titan 6300 75 : T-Dom Bk ris 790 300 00 Sigh Bert 143 142 14 Cdn Pet pr $14%4 --% Trebor 100 84 SoSH + Tor Star pr 50 $56! 4 Hollinger $284 27% 28% + WU Con M § 250 $21% 4 N% ~~ % Wendell 3000 3% ? Police Chief C. W. Wright sald U.S. Battle For Control [sin = = = "| Parents Die it Jonked like a murder and| over now, maybe not--in the New| Children Sleep | He said police had been called| \ York Democratic organization to the home twice during the on Tess a ers further hindered Harriman CROWLAND, Ont. (CP)--Mike night, once after a neighbor re- {though Democrat Frank S. Farbycuk, 32, and his 29-year-old ported yelling. Once Farbycuk |Hogan, whose nomination Harri- wife, Shirley, were found dead had telephoned him saying "come By ED CREAGH | Representatives, with a good man opposed, seemed to be 'ead- Sunday in the front room of their and get my children. I'm going WASHINGTON (AP)--The 1958] chance to gain a couple of gov- ing Republican Kenneth B. Keat- bungalow in this community near to do away with myself." Jattle for control of Congress| | ernorships as well. |ing in the state's Senate race. Welland, while their two children Mis eo bows, we Ive, the 7 wi Wsphcdcpiprs slept in another room. er months, slept in an ad- Yapered:off today with Democrats MOST AGREE . LARGE TRIBE Farbycuk, found lying in a pool joining bedroom. dappiiy 'predicting victory and| is is the consensus of polit-| mye Onandagas originally were of blood, had been shot through/ When police went to the home feputiicane hoping and working ical writers and anaiyists, editors pr ohahly the most numerous the chest, police said, while his the second time, they broke down r a last-minute upset and other reporters long exper-|ribe of the Iroquois Indian con-/wife bore signs of having been the front door and found the two! y 4 .,ienced in spotting political federacy. t [bod Some 48,000,000 Americans will trends, responsible political pro- feder Ac) : : § rangled ies. | fecide at the polls Tuesday rocsional and some polls and which side is right in the back- > other soundings of popular senti-| wash of a' campaign that fo-| oo pussed more on personalities 3 than on any gripping national] A strong Democratic upsurge Issues. ky trav Join the pany 5 : : shaky control of Congress durin Mild weather--in the 50s the last two years Tito a i B0s--was the election day "| manding margin. past for most of the country. There are some bright spots in And just about every political | {the Republican picture. Easily weathervane pointed to Demo- the politicai discovery of the cratic gains. year is Nelson Rockefeller, the A state-by-state survey by The|glad-handing, 50-year-old multi Associated Press showed Demo-! millionaire who rocketed from a erats favored to capture eight to political nowhere to become a 12 GP seats in the Senate and serious challenger of New York's 17 to 40 or more in the House of Democratic Governor Averell nl] a GET SET FOR A WORRY-FREE WINTER | "Money to GROW on" | | [Blk | WITH THIS COMBINATION OFFER Here's a money-saving deal that'll make your winter driving - truly TROUBLE-FREE, | 11 , ; Buy two sale-priced Traction Grip Retreads this week and LOANS ONAN » Wiad 'vy W Don't wait to be pushed around this winter . . , get up fo | A\ a pair of these husky, quiet, quality-built Traction | . 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T6015 -| 68.40 fs "33. 90 and Free Prestone* | Get the cash the day you wa, SIaNTiaLY |_7s0- n na Prestone® Waste no time worrying about that small boy. He has Canadians what a valuable property life insurance is. want it--just phone or step $11.00 "Sale Price Exchange with Your Ratresdable Trade-ins a two-fisted grip on security. He belongs to a family Every year an increasing number of families buy life In to the nearest Associates 17.00 Plus ® FREE MOUNTING NOW OR ANYTIME THIS FALL which considers Life Insurance an essential part of its insurance as their major source of family and Budget Plan office for » i ® FREE DISMOUNTING IN SPRING progress towards financial security personal security. fast, friendly service. 152500 65.00 e EASY TERMS--JUST 2.00 DOWN AND 1.00 WEEKLY Canada is rich in families that treasure life insurance NOWADAYS, LIVING POLICYHOLDERS RECEIVE : 2,500.00 es 2 present pledge and future promise of security 5! MILLION DOLLARS, EVERY WEEK, FROM In | of vit gt . } ' btained by tt /n initiative. ssociates SAVE, SAVE, SAVE ... DRIVE IN THIS WEEK SURE obtained by their own initiati THE FE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA BUDGET PLAN } 000. Friendly, helpful agents have shown HG MIlHOR Looe ee or cerensnunenssnnnnunnaansnnnnnd oS HAWA 18 ) 111 Simcoe St. RA. 5-6531 || PROVINCIAL tire co. BOND ST. W. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA {Above Canadian Tire) 5-6511 or 1 EEE common J» ERTL PTE oesmssmm-- Ey AF | OPEN 8 TO 6 DAILY | | I | | I | I | I : ; | REPAY THE | Sise | Cost 2 New Tiss | 4 So Price, 2 Traction Grips | | I | | | | | | ! |

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