The Oshawa Times, 31 Oct 1958, p. 8

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Scout Auxiliaries Ex. Board - Name New President, Officers Mrs. G. N. Varnum was in- unit gave its annual report, Mrs. stalled as president of the execu-|G. N. Varnum gave a report on tive board of the Scout Mothers' |the Toronto conference and re- Auxiliaries at its annual meeting ports were given on the re- held recently in the scout hall,|cent conference held at King The other officers are: vice: Street United Church. pg presidents, Mrs, Arthur Bunker | Mrs. E. G. Simmons, retiring and Mrs. Herbert Schuermann; president, thanked all her officers recording secretary, Mrs. Fred for the very wonderful support LaSalle; corresponding secretary, she had been given during her Mrs. Leonard Anderson; treasur- | term of office. To her secretary, er, Mess Geurge Fitepes; Visiting Mat Atha Cannell she gave committee, . Gunnar Aasen; special mention. telephone committee, Mrs. Anbu The new officers were installed Campbell, Mrs. John Calder |by Mr, Thomas Monaghan, ADC Mrs. Charles Archer; press re-|.¢ wo' gopawa Boy Scout Asso- porter, Mrs. William Richardson. | o; ation, Mrs. Walter Atherfold i Tewhers SMonared. jhe acted as standard bearer. Prayer call. : president, secretary and treasur- was offered by Mrs. William er were given. Each Auxiliary Corbett, Thirty Courageous Overweights Join 100-Pounds-Off-Group By IDA JEAN KAIN 1a jus in dieting. 1 shaven Why ights, the hard-|2 1. calorie a day . LS the heavywoignis, to make|doctor recommended low salt in up your mind to take resolute/my case. : i i : 7 | action. You may deliberate for| "Your advice to dieters to p ; |vears before you finally make up| 'visuaiize yourself slimmer' is 4 i bs, ; ; lyour mind that this is it. wonderfully effective. I kept pic- 3 % 4 { | The story of two overweights| turing myself at my lean, healthy {who needed to lost 100 excess/weight. I use this plan now to pounds inspired ten women to|keep the fat off. For the past year in i Pounds-Off-Club mjand a half I have weighed 175 ro the story of these ten diet-|pounds. I am 100 per cent for ers has served to challenge|Your protective diet plan--it's the ) ; éh {oth d now 30 courageous|Dest and safest for health's sake. {others ang now 1 the 100./In closing, I'll say chalk up an- [women have joinec other win for your sensible diet | Pounds-Off Club. and inspiring column. I'm 47 but The first step is to have a phys-|| fee] 20 years younger since 1 ical check-over by a good physi-| dropped the enormous load and| cian, The doctor will encourage| reduced my belt measure from 58 {you to carry through on a health-|{, 33 ful reducing plan. From the let- "So YT 'sav. Come. On over ters, it appears you will be hap- welghts--get started oh the cal-| (pier and Bet along better if youl rie counting, protective way of ™ do not ask him to prescribe an reducing." [v ry Y ™ T | Oy oa te in aura fr wis enampton/ Harmony H&S Assn. "THF STARS SAY tude, and the reducing comes dieter. wie inn October Meeting By ESTRELLITA Plane Pioneer The regular meeting of Har FOR TOMORROW from following a scientifically {mony Home and School Associa-| GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES 13TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. (and it was dotided that saisie be The 13th Scout Mothers' Auxil-| Purchased, . L. Brown jary met in King Street United|and Mrs.John Darcy be in charge. Church on Monday evening, Oc-| All members are asked to help tober 27. quilt on November 4 and § The annual report of the treas- urer was read by Mrs, Harold Barker and Mrs. Norman Winter read the annual report of the sec- retary. = The president, Mrs. Jack Perry, thanked all officers for their co-operation during the past year. Attending the meeting to instal the new officers was Mrs. Guy Simmons, past president of the Executive Board of Scout Mothers' Auxiliaries. Mrs. Sim- |mons spoke briefly on *'Scouting" and advised officers, as to their duties. Mrs. Jack Perry continues as president, with Mrs. D. K. Me- Laren, acting as vice-president. -|Mrs. William Eddy was installed ™ las secretary, and Mrs. Harold . |Barker as treasurer, i 4 | The group will continue to meet . |the last Monday of every month at 8 pim. at King Street United Church. Ralph Hopson, assisted by Mrs. Richard Button and Mrs. Edwin E. Pearson. Auxiliary Legion Hallowe'en Party The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana. dian Legion, Branch 43, met on Tuesday evening, October 23, with first vice-president, Mrs Herbert Bathe, presiding. Seventy-five members' of the) Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Auxil- laries were guests. Following a short business meeting lurich was served by Mrs. Charles Wilcox and helpers. Entertainment fol lowed with Mrs. Alyn Elliot as convener, ' : |Howlett here is starting a club The opening number was the, for wives and mothers of Cana- arrival of the Hallowe'en fa; dians serving in the United Na- eight members taking part. After| Emergency Force in the taking their places on the stage|piddle East. three songs were sung with Mrs, |-- Alyn Elliot as "The Sneak" in the song of that name. FRIENDSHIP GROUP The regular meeting of the | Friendship Group of King Street United Church was held recently. The president, Mrs. Douglas Redpath, opened the meeting with prayer and Mrs, Clarence Scott |read a portion of Scripture. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. C. M. Quantrill, and [the treasurer's report was given| The parade of the "Legion {by Mrs. ELner Randall. | Belles" in their "sack" dresses Arrangments were made for and other startling designs drew the annual bazaar and tea to be rounds of applause, Mrs. Edward held in November. Mrs. George Bouckley was commentator. Telford has kindly consented to| A skit entitled "The Radio |open the bazaar, and Miss Margie | Jumble' featured Mrs. E. Ander-| |Bassett and Mrs. L. M. Souch|son, Mrs. Clifford Pilkey and "¢ Photo by Hornsby Studio |will pour tea. Mrs. Richard Burkhart, N-------------------- Mrs. Herbert Schuermann show-| A pantomime number was ed coloured slides of her recent|given by Mrs. Alyn Elliot and| trip to European eountries, and Mrs. Edward Bouckley entitled! provided an interesting commen- 'Me' and My Shadow'. tary. Mrs. Douglas Lander ex-| Mrs. ' Harry- King entertained prssed thanks on behalf of the with a selection on the "bones". | members present. (Mrs. Richard Burkhart gave al A' vieasat day may be ox Refreshments were served by tap dance. g Anni . X 5 | "|Mrs. Edgar Wilson and her group. i | To help you have a winning at [tion was held recently. The secre- pected as a result of present con-|" 1 Yo with regret ora Sawing fis a Hula Hoop Son. titude, here is a morale boosting group learned of the illness of Lang Syne brought to an end a . : hater | (tary, Mrs, Kenneth Williams, figurations, with emphasis on [etter from on Sormer ov erveign Dies In Toronto|=, the minutes including those happy per.onal ABA and | yrs Ross Glover and Mrs. Nel-| bl ent ] [who has reduce bounds, . {of the executive meeting held at unusual stimuli in property mat-| con whinfield funost enjoyable evening, 4 "In one of your columns, I read] TORONTO (CP) -- Douglas, boo 0" Mrs. Romald Ogden. ters. Do not go to extremes, but | The presidents of the visiting Fa {where a 255-pound reader longs Grahame Joy, Li former resident, Ronald Ogden, pyesident,|do make the most of opportuni- FIRST BAPTIST W.A. {Rxiliaties Sbressed a fi S| : {to lose 100 excess pounds. Well, inspector of civil aviation, a vet: esided and asked members to|ties to get ahead. ih 5 or the invitation and fine eve-| i I'd like to give her some encour- eran flyer of the First World War ivise her if they would be able FOR THE BIRTHDAY The monthly meeting of the ning, | | 3: A . d on | | |agement in her battle with over-|and the first man in Canada to ttend the Council meeting t If tomorrow is your b thday,| W-A: of First Baptist Church was| Members taking part were as } Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor because at one time I hold a transport pilot's licence, 10 atlend le Senn oo you may look ahead to a year held in the church parlors with follows: Mrs. Alyn Elliot, Mrs. 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 31, 1958 RELATIVES' CLUB GALT, Ont. (CP)--Mrs, A, G. Hk & FOUR-GENERATION PICTURE A good excuse for four gener- | hill Boulevard. Sitting at the ations to get together for a pic- | Jen is dw grea graudmother, o | Mrs. Harry Kotyk, and stand- ture was the first birthday of Ing Is her grandmother, Mrs. baby Leanna Irene who is seen | joseph Dzikewich, both of Osh on the knee of her mother, Mrs. | awa. James Robert Hazelton, Rose- | children love Mr. Giovanni Scrivanich and | Gabriel Chiodo of Italy and the Franca Chiodo, are pictured bridegroom is the son of Mrs, following their marriage recent- | Francesco Scrinvanich of Osh- at St. Gregory's Roman | awa, and the late Mr. Scrivan- Catholic Church. The bride is | ich. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | a | Photo by Mary's Studio "PARAMETTE" SYRUP 21 VITAMINS MINERALS and TRACE ELEMENTS |planned, protective low calorie pattern. The dietary supplement with the delicious candy flavour t x ¥ ! i f $ Dial RA 3-3474 |yeight, r | i {weighed 305 pounds. died at his hore here Thursday. Chureh, Courtice, on November Which should bring satisfying rec-| the president, Mrs. Arthur How- Edward Bouckley, Mrs. Charles {TEN YEARS TO START A holder o the Air Force ross, | a here will De ZUcst akers| ognition for past job efforts. Orig-| ard. presiding, Wilcox, Mrs. Richard Burkhart, E he was given the rank of wing guest spe ; tv 4 | The devotional period was in|Mrs. Harry King, Mrs. Clifford "It took me 10 years to make commander when the Royal Fly- both Aitersous wi Jeune w, jul an soustrisnve ess Du charge of Mrs, Richard Britton Pilkey Mrs, Aden Mrs. i , i "was ci 0 donate - i : in Gath? | y : ¥ |atarted, [had igh snd A of lug Corps became the Royal Alf ord toe painting of the late Mrs. | months should have a vital effect ta her iopie, Mol oil Mig wg Mrs, Nia Bir ) . | i | kett. st was Mrs, obstacles, such as outside influ-| He was district director of air|R.S. McLaughlin which will hang|on future progress, but you will) reports were given. The|Reed. § : : eh . | in| have to 'follow through" if you| {ences and people who ridiculed services Winnipeg: dent in./in the new Adelaide McLaughlin 1 you 3 | : IG 10k dieting. But 1 stuck to wy a Lid ose Tor. | public school. The treasurer's re. Would achicve the results you de-|group decided to cater to a sup | The next meeting will be held |guns--and now the same people|onto from 1932-49: member of the was given by Mrs, John sire. By late December, your fi-/per on December 13 for the Chris. at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem: Many Hostesses Entertain For Gwendolyn Doreen Gales be i aie ip | : Of 'iwenno Sho lied lave iting out ingineering fustitute of 'Canada; Westies who later pressed al sacl sists shoud be quiselllan Joulh Group; slap to have afber s. gowd attendance of mem Gwendolyn Doreen Gales, ed at a kitchen shower at their |Praise and compliments. the Association of Professional holiday envelopes next month. be held on November 25 City Wide Free Delivery TCHELL'S whose marriage to Mr. Donald home on Roxborough street, James Read will take place in entertained at pre-nuptial parti during the past few weeks. The first event was a luncheon given by the girls of the general ledger department of General 25! pil ing's home, Masson street, "1 was under my doctor's su- Engineers in Winnipeg and in On- 5 y .|panding a bit early in 1959. 1958, to ume, 1959 which was ap More tables and tablecloths and donations and workers are Mrs. Ernest Reading, Mrs. A.|Pervision. Of course, will power is'tario. : Christ Memorial Church tomor-|y Robins and Mrs. Elgin Sie " + Tow evening, has been extensively day wete co-hostesses at a mis- ; shower at Mrs. Read-| Mrs. Ross E. Mills; King street | east, was hostess at a 'miscellan- eous shower assisted by her| Motors when a number of mis-|daughter, Mrs. Keith Elliott of| cellaneous gifts were received; (Toronto, Mrs. Barbara Hunter of and as a climax to the round of Toronto, and Miss Barbara Even- festivities, the entire department |iss served. Drug iS 3 proved by the finance committee.| There is a strong likelihood I SIMCOE 57. Out of this discussion came the that you will travel sometime be-|are needed for our banquet hall'needed. tween May and August of next Bo a oy eos Da tk last year rather than undertake a Prove advantageous in making project such as a night of cards. | Pe contacts. Personal relation- Mr. Rupert Harrison, principal, | S1PS will be under fine aspects presented the shield for high at. | most of the year ahead, auguring i {well for domestic, social and tendance in the month of Septem-| "|, ins ber to Mrs, Mumberson's room | Sentimental relationships. Avoid The roll call prize was won by | anxiety in November and Feb- : ' 7 |ruary, however. Wa neces ke emai s:| "A 'child born on this day will SINGER presented the brideto-be with an/ ; | lectric frying pan. The AYPA of Christ Memorial : |Church, made a presentation to Mrs. Norman Read of Toronto, the young couple, who are execu- entertained at a miscellaneous tive members of the association. shower at her home on Divadale : . d Mrs. John F. Blowey of Wind- avenue, and was assisted by Mrs. sor, aunt and godmother of the "PAT-A-CAKE, PAT-A-CAKE" # [Home |ship convener, gave her report on be eidoved Will Kuo peed the sale of membership tickets |and Mrs. Norman Roe spoke on and School reading | material for parents. ? | | Mr, Harrison introduced Mrs. | Ralph Mackie, a former teacher at the school, and now assisting with the reading in the Oshawa public schools. Mrs. Mackie ex-| plained that reading really began when parents were reading tion, an analytical mind and fine business ability. rug, use your hands to judge the quality of your choice. the surface. Is | reascnably springy sure is released? HOUSEHOLD HINT { When buying a new carpet or| Dig your fingers in the pile of it thick? Is it when pres- stories and nursery rhymes to pre-school children and stressed the impartance of this. She ex- plained the first stages of asso- ciating words with pictures in kindergarten and carried the reading program through the grades, explaining the unit sys- tem. Contrary to what parents be- | lieved, she said, children should | aot read' books above their level! |of reading but slightly below. This | |gave them confidence and did not tend to discourage them. Mrs, Michael Kashul thanked Mrs. Mackie. Refreshments were served by the mothers of the Grade 2 pupils under the con-| BUYING A RUG? Before You Do . . . See Our Stock 'HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 MARY ST. RA 5.1202 venership of Mrs. M. Sparkes. | SHOP-NOW-FOR-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Percy Hayes, Oshawa, and Mr. Roger Bonner, Hamp- | ton, and great-grandson of Mr. | and Mrs. William Severs, Osh: | Kirk Studio, London i This happy young man is | Dennis James, son of Lance | Corporal and Mrs. Dennis Bon- ner (nee Margaret Hayes) of London, Ontario, formerly of | Oshawa. One-year-old Dennis is | awa. ALTO MUSIC is proud to present AL. MILLER Featurea formerly with MART KENNEY now with FRANKIE KAYE. Television and Radio star of CBC and VICTOR RECORDS is now another instructor SINGER PORTABLE Regularly *119.95 Do your Christmas shopping early and get this SINGER bestseller at a sensational low price. Round top-bobbin drops-in, flicks out easily Backtacks, sews:over pins * Converts readily for darning, mending, embroidery As you read this, research scientists may be viewing the birth of a new and wondrous life-saving drug. * His laboratory production of the drug is a preview of a miracle of commercial production performed by the pharmaceutical industry -- a miracle that will produce sufficient quantities of the new drug . © to make its benefits available to all -- at a cost |! . with within the means of all. We are quick to stock the . . hewest miracle drugs to have them on hand when . ALTO Music Studios your physician dl them for you. * Carrying case, basic attachments/included ENROLL NOW FOR WINTER MONTHS * Famous SINGER* Sewing Course free with each machine POPULAR PIANO COURSE TeoMPOUNDING YOUR PAYSICIAN'S Why settle for an unproven off-make when you can own a new SINGER for so little? GUARANTEED TO PLAY «.. Portable or Console only $1.15 per week on our easy Budget Plan motte, || Jury & Somell | @ GINGER SEWING CENTER Joseph Shoytt and Mrs. Charles yije clect, who has been a house- The girls of the customs depart. | Euest y Bons ig Mrs, Stanley s, C ght street, for the ment of General Motors enter- : . | rE : . |pre-wedding week, honored her tained at a miscellaneous show-| niece with a trousseau tea on er. Miss Carol Cornish was host- Wednesday evening al their ess at her home on Beverly street, home. 'Miss Nor & 3 3 reen Read opened and was assisted by Miss Bever-| y i | iv Dickens ad Mits Barbe the door and was in charge of Elliott Miss ara the guest book. Mrs. Gales, with Miss Joanne Moffatt, maid-of- ber daughter, and Mrs. Charles honor, assisted by her mother, | Read, mother of the prospec- Mrs Meredith Moffatt entertain. tive bridegroom received the isiakia di sing yo "guests. Pouring tea were Mrs. Blowey, and Mrs. Norman Read. PERSONALS Serving were Miss Gayle Cham- bers and Mrs. Leonard Beeson, while Mrs. Joseph Shortt and Mrs. Gordon Barker assisted with Cadhine aves. or, Soule, the refreshments and Mrs. H. N. Pascoe and fam-| The rooms containing the wed- ily, Gladstone avenue, attended ding and shower gifts were in the funeral of Mrs, Barton Thack- charge of Miss Merle Cornish and | eray in Roseneath on Thursday. Miss Solara Read, while Miss Mrs. Mouncey and Mrs. Pascoe Joanne Moffatt presided in the! were sisters of the late Mrs. trousseau room. Thackeray. Following the rehearsal last | evening, the bridal party was en- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson tertained at the prospective bride- sons; G Cw groom's parents' home on Masson a tees Joan Chidley of Woodville, and Miss Norma Josephson of Can- nington, were recent guests at NEWS BRIEFS the home of Miss Olive Tamblyn, | Simcoe street north. FORCED RETREAT Mrs. Bruce Byrnes, Mrs. W. G.| CRYSLER, Ont. (CP)--Hordes Battle, His. Sim Furey and 3 bees invaded the food booth Mrs. Herber arding are in and forced a retreat when the charge of the arrangements for women of St. John's Anglican the hot supper to be held at the church held a food bee to raise County Fair next Wednesday at!funds for repairing a stained- Northminster United Church un-'glass window. der the auspices of the Woman's Association. LONIERPS MORALE i NDON (CP) -- Harold Sem- Little items of social news are mens, Master of the Incorpor- always welcome in this colin, | sled Guild of Hairdressers, says: If you are enjoying the company |' 'The best tranquillizer for a of visitors or have been visiting] roman today is no longer a new yourself, why not telephone RA hat but a new hair style." | 3-3474 and share vour pleasure with others. RETAINS JUICES | EDMONTON (CP) -- Mrs. V.! Miss Olive Tamblyn, Simcoe Macdonald, Alberta home eco- street north, recently spent a nomics supervisor, advises house- week in Little Britain where she | wives to leave the paper-thin cov- visited her brother, Mr. Law- ering on roasts as it helps to re- rence Tamblyn, and Mrs. Tam- tain juices in the meat while blyn. | cdoking. ANTIQUE AND TREASURE MART WIMODAUSIS CLUB OF TORONTO AT CASA LOMA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 5th and 6th 11 AM. TO 10 P.M, ADMISSION 50¢ TEACHERS AVAILABLE FOR EVERY INSTRUMENT LIMITED Listed in phone book under SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY 14-16 ONTARIO STREET "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" ® DIAL RA 5-5443 o Alto Music Supplies I 447 SIMCOE ST. S. PH. RA 5-1501

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