44 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 31, 1958 Oshawa Weavers' Guild Includes Whitby, Ajax And Brooklin In 1949 a group of people in- terested in the art of handweav- ing met in the Oshawa YWCA. A short time later this group be- came known as the Oshawa Weavers' Guild. The Guild has members not only from Oshawa but also from Wl itby, Ajax and Brooklin. The meetings are held in the members' homes on the evening of the third Monday of each month. Artitles woven by the members are displayed and weaving techniques and materiais discussed, at each meeting. At the January meeting the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Hans Geissberg- er, RR 1, Hampton; vice-presi- dent, Miss Mary McLean, 123 Elgin street east, Oshawa; secre- tary, Mrs. M. W. Perkin, 382 Wel- land avenue, Oshawa; treasurer, Mrs. B. Bayly, 58 King's cres- cent, Ajax. Last February the Guild mem- bers heard of the different crafts being carried on in Labrador and Newfoundland by Miss Mary An- drews who is Craft Supervisor at Grenfell Mission, St. Anthony, Newfoundland. Films showing the construction of looms and weaving done on them were viewed at the March meeting and in April, Mrs. Cor- bett of Georgetown gave a dem- gustration of Huckaback weav- g. Last May several members participated ina Weavers' Con- ference held at London and at- tended the London District Weav- ers' Sixth Annual Exhibition. The Guild participates in a round robin "travelling exhibit' with 25 other Ontario Weavers' Guilds. On the evening of October 29, the Oshawa Weavers' Guild is giving a demonstration and sale of weaving at a tea sponsored by the Afternoon Guild of Christ Memorial Church. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. M. W. Perkin on November 17. Anyone interested in weaving will be warmly weleomed to our guild. Women Teachers' Association Maintains Professional Status The Oshawa Women Teachers' Association is one of 128 groups throughout Ontario banded to- gether in the Federation of Wom- en Teachers' Association of On- tario with an over all member- ship of more than 19,000 public school women teachers. Throughout the year, commit- tees study questions such as teacher education and -certifica- tion, superannuations, status, leg- islation, educational research and educational finance. Delegates are sent three times a year, to conferences with wom- en teachers from other parts of the province to discuss and plan Federation policy. Last year one of the highlights of Association activities was the holding of the Regional Assembly in Oshawa in May. At that time delegates from Region 4, which extends from Oshawa to the Que- bec border, gathered in Oshawa for an all day convention. At the dinner, delegates had the privil- eges of seeing General Motors' 'Preview of Progress." FWTAO provides bursaries for students entering Teachers' Col- lege. Christmas gifts in the form of cheques are given to teachers who are here on exchange. Help in the form of loans or grants is provided for members in need of financial assistance. Ezch September in Oshawa, a tea is held for the purpose of welcoming all the women teach- ers newly appointed to the staff. The following is the present ex- ecutive of the Oshawa Women Teachers' Association. Past pres- ident, Miss Helen Pardon; presi- dent, Miss Margaret Patterson; 1st vice - president, Miss Kathy Bregman; 2nd vice - president, Miss Ferne Ledgett; secretary, Miss Jaclyn Doake; treasurer, Miss Mildred Davidson. LASTING STRUCTURE The centuries-old chief stair- case and passages in the Tower of London are built of concrete. or when the toilet keeps times. If you want these for your HUSB 319 COLLEGE yes wr 3 we WOMEN are the present plumbing facilities in your home adequate, or do you scream blue every time you shut off a tap and it keeps dripping, 'til you've jiggled the handle a couple of dozen J.FOLEY PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED flushing and won't stop fixed TODAY don't wait ANDS RA 5-4241 13th Scout Aux. Have No Reason For Superstition The Mothers' Auxiliary of the 13th Oshawa Scout Association meet in King Street Church Hall at 8 p.m. on the third Monday of each month, During the year eight such regular monthly meet- ings are held as well as two ex- ecutive meetings. At each meet- ing business is taken care of. We try to bring Scouting into each meeting with a short program and refreshments. Our Christmas meeting i¢ in the form of a pot-luck supper and program. Parents, cub and scout leaders and helpers are presented with a gift to show our appreciation of their work. Activities to raise funds, due to not a money-making organiza. tion, are the objective strictly by small ways and means; aid to cubs and scouts, we cater for annual father-son banquet; serve refreshments and treats for cubs' Hallowe'en party; a number of neckerchiefs sewn for both cubs and scouts; send cards to sick. We of the 13th were particular- ly happy in 1957 to have Scout Glen Pascoe attend the World Jamboree in England. Past president Mrs. Howard Brown was presented with a token of appreciation. We also assist group committee( interest- ed fathers and others) who are the governing body of the Scout Group with money-making proj- ects such as card parties, etc. Officers for 1958 are as follows: President, Mrs. Jack Perry; 1st vice-president, Mrs. D. K. McLaren; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. C. E. Horne, secretary, Mrs. N. E. Winter; treasurer, Mrs. H. L. Barker; social ¢onven- er, Mrs. William Edwards; sew- ing convener, Mrs. W. M. Mar- lowe; program conveners, Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Mrs, Cyril Powell; tele- phone conveners, Mrs. Kenneth Suddard, Mrs, M. R. Montgom- ery, Mrs. S. D. Silver, Mrs. Don- ald Coverly; press sec'y., Mrs. Howard Brown. GROOMING AIDS FOR MEN A WELL-DRESSED SHAVE... Lather your face from the Yardley Shaving Bowl. You'll Bacdly feel the razor as it wipes offyour beard. $1.50 +++ With COOL SKIN . .. Yardley Shaving Lotion closes the pores, and makes your face feel comfortable and cool. $1.25 and $2.00 \ +..and a FINE APPEARANCE... Erase the beard shadow with Yardley Invisible Talc. Keep the smooth look hours longer. $1.25 . .. for PERFECT GROOMING Yardley Cologne for Men has a refreshing new scent--suited to the masculine taste. $2.00 0 2%) { Stl NAS ON 1 4 #7 Decorator Fabrics Betty Hoaydl INTERIOR DECORATOR Betty Haydl can give you the benefit of years of interior decorating experience ac- quired while working throughout Europe and the United States. Come in and choose your drapery material from modern and provincial prints in yard goods . . . or have them custom made by us . . . free estimates. Visit our showroom and see our large selec- tion of living room Furniture . ,. Rugs .., and Lamps. 5 Betty Haydl INTERIOR. DECORATOR AT 15 KING ST. E RA 5-2686 OPEN FRI, EVE. TILL 9 P.M.