40 YHE OSRAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 31, 1958 | 'Community's Greatest Need' Oshawa Kinette Club Motto The Kinette Club of Oshawa, wives of members of the Oshawa Kinsmen Club, has been most active in local service work dur- fng the past vear. The motto of the Kinette Club is "the com- munity's greatest need." One of its service projects from which the Kinettes derive much pleasure is the work car- ried on by the club at the Chil- dren's Aid. Currently the Kin-|the year is made in the organi- | | zation of the March of Dimes, {on behalf of the Rehabilitation | Foundation carnivals, the circus, anc many | and ette's provide special treats and remembrances on birthdays, trips to the zoo, Santa's Village, other events. Mrs ship started during the war with the Milk for Britain Fund, and | the Kinettes are proud to have been able to contribute finan- cially to the Kinsmen Memorial stadium, playground equipment, the ambulance for the city of Oshawa, and the Elmer the | Safety Elephant Campaign for the schools. One of the largest efforts of for poliomyeletics Orthopaedically Disabled. E. J. Reed, | Lat year we raised over $9,500 | Lively Programs Maintain Attend. Sunset Heights H-S Sunset Heights Home and School Association is in its fifth year, meeting on the second Monday of each month at 8 p.m. The present slate of officers is: President, Mrs. A. W. Wilson; past president, Mrs. A. C. Clif- ford; vice - president, Mrs. Alex Yonson, recording secretary, Mrs. W. B. McCullough; treas- urer, Mrs. H. W. Neil; corre- sponding secretary, Mrs. Fred Pearse; executive members, Mrs. S. R. Springstein, Mrs. Gor- { don Reeson, Mrs. R. M. Wilson, assisted by Mrs. E. K. Fielding | from this endeavor. A commit- | Mrs. W. H. Calvert, Mrs. A. B. and Mrs. A. D. Canning, heads the committee which looks after this service every month throughout the year. As an additional undertaking | @t the Children's Aid, the Kin-| ette's under the. supervision of | Mrs. J. R. Grieve, are remodel- ing the children's T.V. room with | a complete new floor, drapes, | built-in benches, and many oth-|¢eq necessary in the community | er item: for the comfort of the children, The Kinette Club is primarily a service club, and its present membership of 55 are keen to jend their assistance wherever possible, The Oshawa General Hospital, Fairview Lodge in Whitby, and the Retarded Chil dren's Association, have all ben- | | mage Sale, tee under the leadership of Mrs. R. Donald, has carried out an intensiv campaign to have all |local adults receive vaccine for Polio. This committee is also making a survey to locate han- dicapped civilians needing help from the Foundation. In order to carry out the ser- vice work which the Kinettes of Oshawa, the club at various times during the year under- takes several money making projects. The Used Skate Sale and the Christmas Card Sale, now currently om, the Idea Home, the Carnival and Rum- all help to raise funds for our work, The executive of our club for | Woods; publicity, Mrs. W. J. | Howard; publications, Mrs. Alex | Yonson; membership, Mrs. W. H. | Calvert; program, Mrs. E. K. | James; social, Mrs. D. S. Low; | hospitality, Mrs. A. C. Ciifford. Mrs. Earl Huntley as the first president from 1954-55 and | was re-elected for a second year. { Mrs. E. G. Storie was president for the year 1956-57 and Mrs. { A. C. Clifford for 1957-58. This association has grown in strength | and numbers under the fine lead- | ership of these past presidents. The mothers of the Grade 1 | pupils were entertained at a tea {last September. Engraved cups were presented to the three out- | standing pupils in November. Re- efited from donations from the ;o:0 50 ctands as follows: Presi- | [reshments were served at the ¢lub. | Annual scholarships are pre-| scented to students in the home | economics department at the Central Collegiate Institute, and! there is every possibility that the mew Donevan Collegiate will be the recipient of a scholarship also. | It has also been the object of the club to assist the Kinsmen | whenever possible. This partner- | dent, Mrs. J. A. MacLean; past president, Mrs. E. H. Webster; 1st, vice president, Mrs. E. Sou- thern; 2nd. vice president, Mrs. A. C. Stone; secretary, Mrs. N. Raike; registrar, Mrs. R. E. Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Henderson; bulletin editor, Mrs. J. H. Grieve; directors, Mrs. L. Ripley, Mrs. G. H, Bell, Mrs. B. R. Gerrow, Mrs. Gregory Poir- jer,~Mrs. A. Geopfrich. 4th Grp. Committee! Holds Meetings | In Club House | was decided to change the name of our organization from Mothers' Auxiliary to 4th Group Commit- tee. On November, 1957, we again moved, This time to Radio Park { Clubhouse where we meet on the | March Open House. The associa- | tion assisted the teachers with a | "Family Night' Ice Carnival at | the Children's Arena in February |and again assisted with the an- | nual Fieid Day in June. Treats | were given to the children at | Hallowe'en and at Christmas. A Night of Cards, held in No- vember, was a successful event. The program, month by month, was varied and educating. Cap- {tain W. R. Murray outlined the | chief causes of fire in a home and | stressed the need for prevention. | Two new "Canadians expressed | their pride im receiving their citizenship on a panel discussion on Canadianization. Dr. Claude Vipond spoke to an attentive au- |dience on "What We Want On May 22, 1946, a meeting was second Monday of the month, at| for Our Children." The December held in Westmount School of the 8 o'clock. Our present officers Brownies and Guide mothers and an President, Mrs. Melville Cool- meeting was truly Christmas with Mr. Wallace Young enter- | taining those present with record- | ings of lesser known carols and An Introductory offer Extrordinaire yours for only J kaa Miss Arden wants every woman to have the oppor tunity to enjoy the magic of Créme Extrordinaire . . . hence this unusual offer of a special size for $1.50. (Other sizes: 134 oz. $10.00, 334 oz. $18.50, 10 os. $27.50) What is Creme Extrordinaire? It's a woman's cream--a soothing miracle that smooths away wrinkles and lines. No other cream has ever helped the skin so many different ways: moisturising, nourishing, neutralizing acid conditions. Créme Extrordinaire--it's like the bloom of youth in a single jar| *FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY AT PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. 530 SIMCOE ST. S PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA "phone RAS-3546 ali those interested Out of this | idge; vice - president, Mrs. Har- was formed a Mothers' Auxil-| old Moiser; secretary, Mrs. John | fary to look after the needs of | Black; treasurer, Mrs. Harold | | explanations of their origin. Miss || (3 qY TRE SEVEN) lu LALA TU 8 SS (ol SV NE Ryle | Grace Trull, teacher at Sunset the Guides and Brownies. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Ronald Thom- @s; vice - president, Mrs. Claude Flewelling; secretary, Mrs. Ber- ¢ram Price; treasurer, Mrs, Wil-| liar Fish. The first Mother and Daughter Banquet was held at Westmount | School, October 2, 1946. The| guest of honor was Mrs. R. S.| McLaughlin, On February 12, 1951, we moved to the new Westmount Braund. During the past year we had a tea and sale of work, a rum- mage sale, donated candy for the Brownie Fair, donated money to help the Guides to buy a2 World Flag. The Brownies re- ceived a treat at Christmas and at their last meeting in June. | The Guides were also helped with their transportation cost to camp. FAMED EXPLORER Boy Scout Hall on Gibbon street. In April, 1952, a special meet- ing was held at Guide House. It Capt. Raould Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer, was the first | to navigate the Northwest Pas- ' sage in 1906. The IDEAL PLACE I 0 EAT PICK UP AN ORDER TO TAKE HOME IS | IDEAL .FISH & 17 ATHOL CHIPS 4812 PR S Heights School but on exchange in England the previous year, conducted a tour through Eu- rope with her magnificent slides Meet IT'S A PLEASURE TO SHOP AT THE your friends. At the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Friday night. 42 retail and service stores to serve you. Open Friday nights until 9 p.m. Be sure fo shop where there is never a parking problem. CE 0 7/4