ars rc I eA SRN EE a VE eRe : 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, October 21, 1958 Py )- REGENTS OF I0DE CHAPTERS New Furniture Blends Are Modem, Traditional By ELEANOR ROSS After viewing the wholesale furniture showings, it is always illuminating to visit various stores and find out what their buyers have selected. Since their selections follow the trends indi- cated by the consumer, it is inter- esting to note that the home- maker is becoming wary of many modern designs which, while they are eye-catching enough, lack the ability to age gracefully. The best pieces are those that eombine a blend of the modern and traditional, or adaptations of favorite designs. Some 18th century designs, par- ticularly Regency, have such a modern look that they go beauti- fully in contemporary settings. These pieces look especially well in mahogany, a wood that has been out of favor for many years, but which now makes a triumph- The firm foam rubber filling that gave such a tailored look to upholstered pieces is making way for fillings of down, natural or synthetic. Apparently, the look and feel of downy comfort is what we want these times! Storage units are in great demand, therefore designers have concentrated on making these practical pieces extremely attractive. City apartment dwellers find such pieces neces- sary to augment the apartment closet space. Apparently, too, many suburban houses forego general closet and storage space in their layouts. Many of the new chests are well fitted to make them more useful. Their lines are mostly bold, but not massive, many fa- voring the Moorish-Spanish look that was so prevalent last year. These chests are set on legs to lift them high off the floor and are highly ornamented. ant comeback. Verdi Operas Not Properly Played, Says Conductor LONDON (AP) -- Music lovers hearing the operas Rigoletto, I Trovatore and Falstaff may get an imperfect understanding of what Giuseppe Verdi meant to communicate to them. Londca conductor Denis Vaughan says his research in It- aly show the most widely. used Verdi scores differ from what the comsposer originally set down in his precise hand. Vaughan, 32-year-old Australian is assistant to Sir Thomas Bee- cham and organizer of the Bee- cham Choral Society. "A Verdi opera is, of course, always great, but I am sure that it would be finer still if the music were played as Verdi meant it to be," Vaughan said. "Verdi needs to be republished, every scrap of him from begin- ning to end, with careful atten- tion to the. original manuscripts, which are preserved in Milan." Vaughan made a particularly close study of photographic fac- scimiles, which became available, of the original Falstaff manuscript, SCORE DIFFERENCES "It is, admittedly, a thick vel ume," 'said Vaughan. "But com- paring it with the scores usually used by British, European and American orchestras, I found no fewer than 27,000 deviations from the original Verdi. "In almost every case, the dev- iation is less pleasant than the original, detracting from the skill and musical feeling of the master. "In Falstaff, for instance, Verdi meant that the trombones should play at their loudest omly five times. In popular scores they come fo full volume 25 times. Verdi was right." Hold Back Winter With Calking Gun By ELEANOR ROSS ; While there's still some good weather left, it will pay you to investigate a weapon on the mar- ket tfat lets you hold back winter at the point of a gun. Chill drafts and moisture can be kept out of your house by using a calking gun to fill the crevices that admit them. This handy tool can be used successfully the first time you try your hand at it. It has a flexible nozzle and is loaded with a cart- ridge tube that's made of oil-re- sisting paper or metal. EASY TO USE The cartridge contains about one-tenth of a gallon of calking compound, enough to cover from 15 to 25 linear fest. When the first cartridge is emptied, a new one is slipped inte place and. the trig. ger pulled again. In no time at plaster, wood, stone, brick or metal. the word "calking" comes to mind in con- nection with ships and ship-build- ing. 'From earliest times, men have always calked their boats to ky them seaworthy and water- t Like ships, our houses are sub- ject to relentless attack by the el- ements, Practically every type of surface can fall prey to mols ture. There are other advantages to be gained by using a calking gun, too. Besides keeping out meisture and cold air, carefully applied calking compound will guard dirt and insect pests. The com- pounds remain elastic and adhere tightly to nearly all building ma- terials. Not only does the sealing sub- stance serve well on exterior sur- faces, but on interior ones also. When you notice gaps in the base- boards or door or window frames that are likely to allow a need- less waste of heat, it's simple enough, to Sill them by using your calking gun. all, you can calk around windows and doors and adjoining wails of 'Openings around fixtures in the bathroom and kitchen can also be calking gun used by the professional builder or the homeowner after occu= pancy, it permits great ease of application. Before using it, how- ever, make sure that surfaces are clean and dry, free of dust, , loose mortar of paint scales. Ail porous surfaces, such as wood, brick or stone, should be primed with paint before you be- n. Russian Women Queue For Food Do Not Complain EDMONTON (CP)--The Rus- sian people have incredible pa- tience and "a gift for suffering," While the quality of clothing improved noticeably during Mrs. von Balluseck's stay, she said a pair of fashionable shoes com- parable to those worn in the west will cost up to six weeks' salary. Singers and ballerinas, highly paid in the Soviet Union, are among the fortunate whe can wear such shoes. Outlying towns were without sewage or electricity systems, while even in the larger cities living conditions were primitive by western stndards. New apartment buildings now under construction alloted two, three or even four rooms to a family, she said. But these still are a luxury and are reserved for important persons. Mrs. von Balluseck said friend- ship between the Russian people and members of the diplomatic corps is frowned upon. During her stay in Moscow she was never inside a Russian home. Despite this she found Russians to be "extremely nice." They Calvary Baptist Young Women Work For Missions The YWMC of Calvary Baptist Church was organized March 22, 1949 and meets at the church the second .and fourth Tuesdays each month, at 8 p.m. The aims of this group are: : 1. To promote and stimulate the interest of the young women in world missionary activity and in particular the activities of Heir Swi Chuieh Missions ries. Christian Fellowship for all Infes ested young women, Jit 3. To do practical hand work to meet those needs of the mis. sionaries which are not met nos mally by regular financial sup. port 1958 officers: President, Mrs. Walter Mills; vice - president, Mrs. William ; secre. tary, Mrs. William Reimer; treasurer, Mrs. Randall Jeffery; devotional leader, Mrs. Victor Henkelman; press reporter, Mrs. Robert Watson; pianist, Mrs. Harry Grant; flower and card convener, Mrs. Robert Cowley; social convener, Mrs. George De- To provide opportunity for! F Feel Free to Borrow SUPE 34 KING ST. W. EDGAR"S PAINT AND WALLPAPER HEADQUARTERS PROFESSIONAL ADVICE and Wallpaper Books © BENJAMIN MOORE'S PAINTS ® SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER REGULAR ® SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER PRE-PASTED KEMTONE KEMGLO ARTISTS SUPPLIES--PICTURE FRAMES N. H. EDGAR & SONS OPP. DOMINION STORE our Color Harmony Phone RA 3-7351 were friendly and hospitable. THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows are designed and built to last a life- time. Purchase 'them from a locol company, well-established in the com- munity and backed by integrity and you can be sure of service and quality. Les Eveniss Sales Limited is such a company and a free estimate from one of their courteous representatives, with no obligation, is just as near as your telephone. Call now. Inquire About Our Free Draw LES EVENISS SALES '15 PRINCE STREET ------- LTD. ----- TTT OSHAWA Lane ania 'RA 5-4632