$i: Madonna Group's ~ Full-Time Project | 1 ki f & thi Nearly-New Shop I 00 ing or ome ny km of Jeet ros ford 'New ana I} ereny honey, pastor of St. Gertrude's appointed 'group leaders, who in turn called 'upon the ladies liv- me onion vie to wesc | SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF GIFTWARE friendliness and draw the ladies eer] FOR ALL OCCASIONS monthly: meeting throughout the year, followed by a social hour, Their full time project is now was "conceived In Agu 100] SEE OUR CUTLERY DISPLAY end the shop opened for busi- closed at the end of June for STEAK KNIVES staff holidays. The shop will re- open in October, serving the pale och monday wd vi | @ MATCHING FORKS day from 2 to 9 p.m. The members of the Madonna Group consist of eleven differ- ent nationalities, 'Dutch, Yugo- & Slav, Hungarian, Belgian, French, English, German, Irish, Austrian, Indian, (India), and Canadian and - all working in true harmony and friendliness. é KITCHEN KNIVES Mrs, W. R. Brauch was re- elected at the spring meeting as Groupleader. Mrs. M. Rudka is Naar cay dle setvos SEE OUR PYREX GIFT CENTRE |. SEE OUR SMALL A re Le shop treasurer and distributes THE NEWEST IN Le ELECTRICAL financial statement to the mem- bers" every "tires. months. Miss || © COLORED PYREX 7 APPLIANCES Eva Bruckner is Spiritual Con- vener and at each meeting it is i ine) 'mines wi #rell @ CARAFES = © SUNBEAM Pratto is Social Secretary whose : ; , GENERAL duty it is to send suitable cards fo new mothers, those bereaved % BOWL SETS / ELECTRIC and those who are il. Mrs. Pe- convener, cating the rou ama|] © CASSEROLES © CORONADA accepting the membership fee at meetings. The social hour following the meetings is under the joint convemership of Mrs. A. Winterink and Mrs. B. Heem- I skert. Mrs. S. Harkin heads a telephone committee, and Mrs. P. Simkin is the hospital visitor. The staffing of the nearly new shop is in the capable hands of Mrs. R. Desrocher. Regular : Ta cashiers were appointed and these are: Mrs. T. Sager, Mrs. AND PANS B. Heemskert, Mrs. D. Mitchell * and Mrs. E. Eustace. The press (Wr which plays an important part ® REVERE in the work of the group is con- ee J vened by Mrs. T, Lesley. At each meeting a member- 4 - : ship fee of twenty-five cents is ® EM collected and with thes: funds the group have enjoyed a fam- fly picnic each summer with THE NEWEST IN COLOR o CORONET A small medal for each new i AND DESIGN baby is also purchased and pre- sented to the new mother. Be- sides a substantial cheque pre- sented to the Catholic Womens' io Er. Mahoney for 3 memorial SEE OUR SHOWER GIFTS etn CLOCKS, CAN OPENERS AND MANY Oakleigh Lodge Instituted 1913 OTHER GIFTS 0 Klugh Tadeo: No, 15% Ladies FROM FAR AND NEAR join if they have received the THESE ITEMS AND MANY MORE ARE PRICED FOR YOU vee Royal Arch Degree. " paudish Lodge Jus lituied TO OWN... OR AS A GIFT Ada Gillard who was the second This lodge is truly what the name stands for, benevolent and one of its aims is to help the Orange and True Blue home at Richmond Hill. The members' project for this year was to purchase new eol- 1 nd et of sgalia ha been ordered to A H A R D Ww A R E since 1914. . The lodge is a. sharchaider in "YOUR DOWNTOWN HARDWARE MERCHANT" Or Temple and eets re TE ey Masts (FREE DELIVERY TWICE DAILY) month. : weno. presiding otticers are} 48 SIMCOE.ST. NORTH... ... . OSHAWA. :«« «....;RA :3:4032 1} Se Ts chery Wistrems 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October n, 1756 23