Ea 'In Ist Year St. Christopher's CPTA | Knox WA Promotes Has Supplied Many School Needs | St. Christopher's Catholic Par- .ent and Teacher Association is one of the younger PTA organ- izations in the city of Oshawa. It had been previously affiliated with St. Gregory's CPTA. The re- sponse and co-operation of the parents was se encouraging that in the fall of 1957 St. Christopher's decided to form its own unit, The first official meeting was held on November 13, 1957 and the slate of officers presented at | that time was Mrs. Max Coleman as president; Mrs. George King, vice-president; Mrs. Leonard Weeks, secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, (reasurer; Kenneth McRae and Mr. Lorne O'Neil as parent counciliors. The Reverend Norbert Gignac is the spiritual director. A formal in- stallation took place in December with the Reverend Leo Smyth of Toronto present to install the of- ficers. The same executive has agreed to continue in their re- spective duties for another year as the unit has been in such short existence. with Mrs. | Under the direction of its very! capable president, the unit has been able to contribute generous- | ly to the needs of the schoo:. It has helped to supply badly need- | ed sports equipment and the school can now boast of lacrosse, softball and hockey teams. There | are also volley ball facilities as | well as a sand bax for the very young. It is hoped that this wid ter will see the erection of an ice- | skating rink aiongside the school. | A selection of suitable books | for the school library was obtain- | ed and many good used books | were also donated, A sum Was pledged towards St. Mary's Build- ing Fund Campaign to assist in| | erecting a new parish hall. In- |cluded in the many money-rais- | | ing projects and activities of the! | year was the membership tea, a| bridge and euchre (to be an an-| nual affair) as well as smaller card parties, a bake sale and rummage sale, a strawberry tea | and a garden tea, and concert given by the pupils. The puplis were entertained | Social Activities In the year 1925, at a congre- gational meeting the Woman's Association was formed, with Mrs. A. Sparks, the first presi- dent. Other members of the first executive were Mrs. H. Lynch, Mrs. C. R. McIntosh, Mrs. H. R. Deyman, Mrs. F, T, Lamble, The group was a success from the beginning and during the year the membership roll attained a total of 33. The Woman's Association was organized to promote the social aspects to the life of the congre- gation, and at the same time to raise money to further the work of the church. The means of raising money was varied and included teas, home baking sales, and bazaars. The success which attended these events resulted in their being con- tinued down through the years. During the years 1925-1958 the ladies have made sizeable con- tributions each year, to the up- keep of the church kitchen and furnishings. The present officers |are as follows: President, Mrs. G. A. Vogt; With the co-operation of the throughout the school year and | vice - president, Mrs. G. L. Mur- school principal, Mr. Frank Le- Vay, the teachers and its spiritual | the year's activities came to a | pleasant conclusion with a ban- | doch; vice - president, Mrs. W. F. Taylor; secretary, Mrs. S. M. director, Father Gignac, the or-|quet tendered to honor the grad- | Soanes; treasurer, Mrs. Bert ganization has striven and | uating class. From all indications | Montgomery; card secretary, achieved a great deal. The meet- | the forthcoming year promises to! Mrs. A. T. Mills; executive mem- ings have been interesting due to | be busy and fruitful with a larger bers, Mrs, J. L. Beaton, Mrs. guest speakers forms of entertainment. A short address of religious interest is given at each meeting by the spiritual director. | than ever before. and different | and more active membership A. J. McDonaid, Mrs. J. W. Heath, Mrs. James Wraith. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 31, 1958 § St. Mark's W.A. Now Numbers 30 Started 1956 With Six Members St. Mark's Anglican Church, formerly known as Stevenson Road North Anglican Mission Church has been in service two and a half years and has an ac- tive Women's Auxiliary of 30 members. The WA was formed in Febru- ary, 1956, with six members, under the leadership of the tem- porary rector, the Reverend A. E. Kemp and Mrs. Kemp, of St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby. In January 1957 the Reverend J. N. Lothian became rector and held the first vestry meeting when the church received per- mission to be called St. Mark's Anglican Chuzch. Two Junior groups under the leadership of the WA are the Little Helpers and Junior Auxil- iary. The Little Helpers, .of which Mrs. John Pugh is secretary, is made up of baptized children up to the age of seven years. Girls at seven years of age graduate from Little Helpers to the Junior Auxiliary. The Junior Auxiliary under the leadership of Mrs. J. N. Lothian, includes girls from seven fo 12 years. . 4 Our present slate of officers is: Honorary president, Mrs. J. N. Lothian; president, Mrs, Walter Meens; 1st vice-president, Mrs. T. E. Simkin; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Colin Parks; secretary, Mrs. Ernest Pope; treasurer, Mrs. John Pugh; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Harry Fernley. Living Message and Bulletin secretary, Mrs. Ross Backus; Little Helpers' secretary, Mrs. John Pugh; Junior Auxiliary Leader, Mrs. J. N. Lothian; Unit- ed Thankoffering and Extra Cent a Day secretary, Mrs. John D, Powell; educational secretary, Mrs. Harold Beamish; parish visiting, Mrs. Walter Meens, Mrs. Clarence Keith and Mrs. Colin Parks. Our main activities of the year are mostly concerned with mis- sionary work abroad and at our own local mission church. Much thought labor is put into our Spring and Fall bazaars, which form our main source of revenue for the year. ' We shall rejoice and be thank- ful in the spring of 1959 to see the first unit of St. Mark's Angli- can Church take form. HISTORIC SPOT Fort Henry om Kingston har bor in Ontario, built in 1832, re- placed an original structure erected in 1812. Mothers Work Hard For 9th Co. Guides The 9th Group Committee of the Girl Guide Association was formed in October, 1955. This or- ganization was formed with the sole purpose of being able to help the Guides and Brownies of the 9th Company Pack. During the past year, Christ- mas parties, first aid supplies, camp fees, semaphore flags, a company flag for the Guides, hats for the leaders, depots for cookie day, transportation when requir- ed and most important, their Mother and Daughter Banquets, | have been asked for and taken care of with the help of this group. The officers for the past year | were: president, Mrs. Harry Blanchard; vice - president, Mrs. Alyn Elliott; secretary, Mrs. Rol Sand Morris; treasurer, Mrs. Geophry Curl; social convener, Mrs. Elmer Lesenko; telephone eonveners (Brownies), Mrs. Ad- rian Hill, (Guides), Mrs. Joseph La Porte. We would like at this time to thank all the mothers who help- ed in any way to make this or- ganization a success. Organized In 1923 Jessie Panton Aux. Has Multiplied Since it's inception in 1923, the Jessie Panton Missionary Even- ing Auxiliary of St. Andrew's United Church endeavors to maintain missionary zeal. Nam- ed for Miss Jessie Panton, a high school teacher, staunch church worker and leader of a boy's Mission Band, member- ship has increased from eighteen to seventy members. At regular monthly meetings, all join in worship, study and in- terest plans. Highlights are the spring and fall thanksgiving meetings, including special spea- kers. Home Missions, overseas relief and community friendship have definite places, leader- ship and aid is given the mission Band. The annual bazaar is a main event. Officers for 1957-58: Hon. pres., Mrs. George Telford; past pres., Mrs. J. H. Hunter; pres., pres., Miss H. Yule, 1st vice- pres., Mrs. W. Manual; 2nd vice- pres., Mrs. L. French; 3rd. vice- pres., Miss M. Cuthbertson; rec. sect., Mrs. T. Kerr; corr. sec., Mrs, K. McMahon; treasurer, Miss G. Anderson; citizenship sect,, Mrs. W. Siksay; steward-| ship, Mrs. W. Lorimer; M.M., Mrs. R. Bennett; C. Friendship, Mrs. A. Oke; supply, Mrs. W. Manuel; press, Mrs. G. Dulmage: asst.,, Miss F. Hawkes: ' flower convener, Miss N. Scorgie; so- eial convener, Mrs J. Hunter: mission band sup't., Mrs. F. Buit- %on; pianist, Mrs. J. Dancey. fine quality. To be certain finest, remember the name and insured against loss . . your assurance of quality. "FLEUR D'AMOUR" BRIDAL ENSEMBLE Engagement. Ring $150.00 Wedding Ring 50.00 Other matched sets of $175.00 and $250.00 CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. | LIFE'S LOVELIEST MOMENTS The unforgettable happiness of this day of days will be symbolized forever in your choice of a diamond of truly of the Bluebird. Every Bluebird Diamond is guaranteed in writing to be a perfect diamond of fine colour and cutting, registered Blob DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS PAY AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN NO INTEREST or CARRYING CHARGES | | | | | | | | 32 KING ST. W. OPEN FRI. EVE. TILL 9 P.M. JEWELLERS RA 3-7022 CREDIT LTD.