50--Articles For Sale 52--Legal Notices TEED Wendin: Wo sw sy ad i. "NGTICE TO CREDITORS Ys Simos AND OTHERS Post, Creditors ond others having cloims ogainst the estate of WILLIAM MACKLOW, late of the City of Oshawa, ore required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 30th day of November, 1958, after which dote the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have been received, 4 ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. Oct.24,31, Nov.7 NEWS. IN BRIEF $2,500 TO LADY DOCKER °| TORONTO (CP)--The CBC paid 252¢|Llady Docker $2,500 for her ap- pearance on Front Page Chal- lenge on Tuesday, it was re ported. A CBC spokesman said the 'payment was to cover the Dockers' traveling expenses and their fee. QUEEN ACCEPTS OTTAWA (CP)--The Queen has accepted appointment as colonel- in-chief of the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps, Defence Min- ister Pearkes announced Thurs- day. The corps was organized on July 1, 1903, Hospital, Pet " Nicholson THREE-YEAR TERM Mr. and Mrs. Floyd NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)|and Diane, Orono, visited Mr. and Three Persons Accidentally Shot PARIS, Cxzt. (CP)--Three per- sons were accidentally shot Thursday as they stood on a ser tvice station lot near here exam- ining a used car. Treated in hospital were Har- old Baker with shot gun pellet wounds to his upper legs, stom- ach, arms and chin, his wife Ethel with wounds to her stomach and legs and Andrew Dykgraaf of) Branton" with wounds in his legs. Police said the three were ac- cidentally wounded the blast from a shotgun fi by Lorne Beechey of Paris after the pellets off a pile of lumber. Beechey had been given per- mission by Baker to hunt pheas-| ants behind the service station. PONTYPOOL By MRS. H, M. RICHARDSON PONTYPOQOL, -- Fannie Rosen-| 50--Articles For Sale NEW Rheem gas furnace with controls, rating 85,000 BTU, Phone RA 52357. 253¢ | Oshawa Trading Street South. RA ! 80--Articles For Sale FANITROL gas conversion burner with controls, used three years, price $40, RA 3.3739, 2471 MARCONI and Admiral for 1959, $199/TV serials, all channel, one ap. Stero hi-fi, six speakers, from $149. year guarantee, $39. Kelly TV 81 King ly TV. RA 59181. Nov. 18! West. RA 35-5121. Nov. 18 ENTIRE house of furniture for sale, in-| TWO snow tires, tubes and rims for cluding refrigerator, TV and aerial,| Meteor, size 870 - 15, used one season. three piece cl rfield suite, etc. 16/ Phone RA 50464 after five. Bic CLEAPING scatter rugs, salesmen's Oe twin speaker. 87497 Port Brock West. RA 3-7368. WHEN your washer's on the hummer, samples, $1.50. Nu Way Rug and Carpet| Perry. and your wash ain't getting done, call|Sales. 253¢ SPRING - filled matiress and springs, new three-quarter size, $30, Fair Isle 3. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, October 31, 1958 15 DEER hunters special, 30.6. Winches ter rifles only $44.50, see our stock of rifles 10 per cent off, Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway, Ajax. 2514 ONE record player, new, four speed: aker. YUkon Mr. Retailer! burg, Peterborough, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. William Ren- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Frederick oo dio ve vem 2 and 30% of your business Mrs, William Frederick, Peter- borough, Saturday evening, Mrs. Curtis McKay spent Sat. urday with her sister, Gladys Beebee, Peterborough. Mrs. George Hamilton is ex- pected home Saturday afternoon after spending two weeks in Civie erborough Paddy's out in Hampton, he will make hy the d-- thing run. Phone Bowmanville| GIRL'S three-piece blue Kenwood oul-|yqiiing pachine, all steel, $200. Nov, 3236, Oct. 28,3031. 2% fit in excellent condition, size 3X, 1 sap GUENEATON circulating coal heater; brown and beige enamel. Height 40 inches. Outer casing always cool. Ex- cellent condition. Phone RA 5-2801, 253c KING water furnace, also Fair. banks-Morse stoker. Phone RA sad WHITE kitchen cupboard; brown mou- ton coat, size 18; hardwood bed and spring; chrome high chair; reasonable. RA 8-1005. 250¢ 6 - 55 WINOHESTER, like new, three 38 - boxes of shells, $40. RA 35-8069. 3.3271. 444 Simcoe S. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. F. Goodrich Store, RA 5-4543, ' PAINT, interior, exterior, fiat, Hoss, all colors, $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church. RA 3-7624. KELVINATOR refrigerator, 7 cubic foot, good condition. Phone Whitby MO 8-3543 after 5 p.m. 25 WE pay highest price in the city for used furniture. Pretity's Used Furniture Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South. WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you| cap afford, at Parkway Tlevision, 913 Simcoe Street North RA 3-3043. B. F. GOODRICH bSiores, tires, bat. teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty budget plan. RA 53-4547. HIGHEST prices paid in Oshawa for used furniture by the Community Fur- niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131. Nov, 6 BENDIX automatic washer, $60; Con- not dejuxe automatic washer, recondi- tioned, $149; washers, $2095 and ups used rangettes, $7.95 and up; used TV's, $39.95 and up; used radios and ecord players, $14.95 and up; used records 39 cents each, three for §1. Barons' Radio and Elec- tric , Ltd, 426 Simcoe Street Nah | ov. THREE - piece bath set, $00; stainless steel sinks and strainer, $14.85; laun- dry tubs, $15; pressure systems, $59; sump pumps, $39; shower cabinets,| flash, GREY Persian lamb contour stole, reporter 1, 225 W. Secs., as new, $85.| ,0u satin lining, new, $40. Phone RA Also Leica Illc flash Sync., body only,|g i908 253 $60. RA 5-2659. 2521 = ORDERS taken for storm sashes, mea- Jie de surements and estimates free. Please Nov.18 order early. RA 3-4089, Nov. 29 MOFFAT coal - electric range with high back shelf. In good tion, $15. Apply 159 Guelph Street. RA 5-8782. 254b MOFFAT heavy duty range, apartment size, in very good condition. Apply after 6, at 341 Division Street. 254a SIMPLICITY washing machine, perfect working RA 85-2614. 254c STATION wagon outfit, size 3x ,in good condition. 219 Mitchell Avenue. 254b bm Be Boi hb A, SMITH-Corona portable electric type- writer, used about two days, list price $239. Phone MO 8-2061. 254c DOUBLE bed mattress, baby tenda, muskrat jacket; seal coat, size 12 to 14. RA 5 i .,,,, 30-30 NEW Winchester carbine, TAPE for rent, livery. RA 81469 9 am. only. "$8 SCOTT-ATWATER 7% outboard motors, now only $229.60. Also 40 horsepower, $469.50. One only 22 horsepower, electric. Buy now and save. $1 down, easy terms. Ajax Marine, No. 2! Highway at Ajax. 251 MAN'S skates, perfect condition, size 10, $8; also one single bed. RA 5-4765. LADY'S Persian paw fur coat, % length size 16. Gent's winter coat, navy, 36-38; sump pump, used; all in good condition. RA 3.4547, 2540 12% FOOT boat complete with motor, 18600 or best offer. Apply 561 King West or RA 5-5152 after, 6. 2540 ood TWO winter coats, warm, fully lined, tie belts; one beige, one y. condition. Phone RA 5-3006. 23 iris site' 12. RA 5.9580, 254e BOY'S clothing, 1 pair pants, raincoat.) 500m ons, "Cicthing, 40-42 (about 2 shirts, all in good ~condition. RA|5y 4) ghoes and galoshes, 9 and 10. en. ieee [Phone RA 3-5208. 54 ONE new heavy duty range, used only | Gap ous eater and a 23 gallon 3 months, di g 4 Kitchen cabinets 'and sinks, copper, Jon 5 "280 water tank. RA 3-2668 MO 82115. Oct. 29,31 plastic and steel piping and fittin, er ------m------------------ ini imstallations, Chinn's, Hillside | FRIDAY evening, free bag of chips for (GOING at less than half price. Plex a Park Road South. Phone RA 3.7088. children. Nu Way Rug Sales, 174 Mary (tone bapy cribs, adjustable springs, Nov. 18[Street. ___2cipjastic teething rails, regular $49.50, saw | BEATTY washing machine. Phone RA [sacrifice $24.50. Baby carriage, some PORTABLE electric "saw, _ trailer , ' Play-| Albert W [Mrs. Wilfred Richardson Sunda Shs commodo th day cu 8 14 13 BA{ctr ds, Tors 36%, Boe 12, Pap ala rence, 3. of Si. y " , Thomas was sentenced Thursfiay| afternoon. t set, 6, $10; pink snow suit $4, y " y RA suis. SE vborite. tray, special $11.97. Wilson |t0 three years in penitentiary op| Mr. and Mrs. George VanDam, TINTAWN, fhe Irish sisal carpet com. NOW IS THE TIME Furniture, 20 Church Street. 2548 chafjes involving theft of "$900|Gary, George and Brenda, visit- pletely installed, $6.50 square yard, 13 T READY FOR |GARPETS, rugs, nice selection, buy|worth of tires in three service ed friends over the weekend. edors; Nu Way Ruff and' Carpet Sales, T0 GET READ station breakins. Thankoffering Services were For the finest factory con- structed aluminum storm leaves with them! Hard to believe, but true! If yours is an average business, you LOSE 30% of your customers each year. If you don't believe it, look through last year's accounts and see how many are no longer active. MUNDINGER Italian made accordion and case, new; also E flat baritone saéxaphone with case and stand. Phone RA 53918 after 6. 253f HEAVY du ange $35; rangette $18; rangette $2: all overhauled, in top working order, Star Repair Cantry, 49 WHY DO YOU LOSE THEM? Through death, hard feelings, moving to another community or through the efforts of hard-driving competitors . . . a variety of reasons, some of them beyond your con- trol. AT . HOME APPLIANCES "90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-5332 1.V. AERIALS Rust-proof materials. All-wave installed, $35 Rotary Antenna installed, $79 Good Used Antennas, $20 RA 8-8180 till ® p.m, At the same time there's a normal business increase of only 4% each year. Nov.1 MacFadyen's real' seal alum= inum products, Storms and 'screens, triple track, $19.95 each installed, for any double % hung window. Alumin ... doors, regular, $43.50 each; + self-storing, $52.50 each. Installation included, fully gueraonteed. RA 8.1547 any- time. EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doors, Storms, Screens, Win- dows, Awnings and Porch Railings. NOBODY BUT NOBODY can beat our quality prices ond guaranteed installations. HOLODY That leaves you facing a 26% handicap each year . . . a handicap you must over- come if your business is to remain healthy and profitable. bert who no longer resides in the|the Organization for Economic constituency. A byelection has| Co-operation (OEEC) refused to been set for Dec. 15. | commit themselves to the British- claims against the estate of the above-named deceased, lote of the City of Oshawe, lan. $1,450 CHEQUE badked y TORONTO (CP) -- Policemen HAVE TO HIRE HALL throughout Ontario contributed to| LISTOWEL (CP) -- A family a $1450 cheque presented this|party for Mrs. Agnes Smith of week to recently retired Ontario|West Monckton, 80 next Satur. provincial police commissioner|day, has been moved to the com- in the County of Ontario, |Edwin V. McNeill. munity hall. Twelve children, 87 Widow, who died on the grandchildren and 45 great-grand- Twelfth day 'of September, TORONTO TOPS MARK children, all living within 50 miles AD. 1957, are hereby noti- | TORONTO (CP) -- This city's|of here will be taking part. fied to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the 15th day of December, A.D. 1958, After the soid date the Administrators will distribute the estate having regard only United Appeal topped its target a DISHES RATTLED to cloims of which notices total of $8,750,000 Thursday when| more than $1,300,000 was col-| SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--A roll have been filed. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, lected and pledged during the fi-|ing, moderately stron g earth nal 24 hours. Last year the ap- quake jolted the San Francisco this 30th doy of October, A.D. 1958, now and save at this sale. 3 x9 Vacose rugs, no skid backs, $38; large x b zm, han hall price, well attended Sunday. Mrs. John- $20.50; a twist, 9x2, FOX ATTACKS KITTENS son, Bethany, spoke at 11 a.m. one only, sacrifice $25; scatter mats| STOUFFVILLE (CP) -- A red nq the Children's Choir under : | made from ends of broadloom, smash fox, believed rabid, attacked and| . : : hs NT windows and: doors installed [special, $1.99, Wilson Furniture, 20, {the direction of Mrs. Orme tisfaction at low- |Church Street. as4a Killed two or three Persian kit- lar provided musie. Mrs. Clifford bil isfacti Jota tens on the porch of a farmhouse! p,)1is was at the organ. Rev. D. en Prices. > (ized, rey, washabl face, ex- (near this Toronto - area village 4 c 4 Burk Street. RA 57743, UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY [126d bear) ares, Weert pitch, $195; Thursday ni Long, Orono, spoke at 7.30 p.m. Bi dl se c , J y night before being shot |. i % CHESTERFIELD, . Sombiation ond CALL TONY SOR FREE MO 8-486 252 nd killed. 8 ji de. i aad Rar +308 Huron St. i) ALEX VAJDA 51--Swap and Barter HIRE STRATFORD MAN - |ence Rowan was the organist YPEWRITERS, adding machines, and aie F 3 solid 1 bon NDSO ni | "Mr. and Mrs. Leona . oh pb hei naw and. used, easy MODERN: WOODWORKING WIL Tee oo "Westwood sub. 34- oR ar 3 =Roy a Milton; Arnold McNeil, Toronto, terms; also repairs, all work guaran. SHOP division, all conveniences, storms- ? yea hative o Tal visited their narents, Mr. and teed. Oshawa Business Machines, 329 |soreens, oil heat, for a brick house/ford, has been named Essex| .. Charlie McNeil i Simcoe South. Phone RA 8-121. 253( RA 3-9851 | near to Four Corners. Call RA 3.9389.|County engineer to replace John|Mrs. Charlie wicNeil. d CHROME bird stand with cage attach- | 35% D, Adams, fired in September. Charles MeNeil and Mr. an ed; also chrome bird cage with arm | - | Mrs. Leonard McNeil attended 10r hanging from wall. Very reasonable, 52--Legal Notices TOWN APPROVES LIQUOR |the funeral of the late Mrs, Phone RA SUN, LO O K T will not _ be responsible for any ESPANOLA (CP)--Liquor sales Swain, Lindsay, Sunday after- debts contracted in my name by my in lounges and dining rooms were| noon. SEE ! ores ne, I dite | approved when 758 or the 2,33] Mr. and Mrs. John Payne spent FRIGIDAIRE! consent, ~John Lines eligible voters here went to polls Saturday evening in Orono at- Us SUPERIOR 2% |in the year-old town's first pleb-|tending a house warming for Mr, SHEER LOOK -- PL! iscite Wednesday. More than 82|and Mrs. Freeman Eddy, 0 ALUMINUM TENDERS per sent of the people voted in Yavently moved to Orono from avor icensing of liquor Newcastle. = WANTED outlets. The town, 45 miles west, Rev. G. L. Vogan, a former OFFERS MORE! of Sudbury, has two hotels and| minister on this charge, has en- Sealed tenders will be received [four clubs which could apply for|tered Boston University to study WHY? for ol 2b Wades of the new licences. Jr a degree of Doviar of The H f 4 'oolwort tore lo- ology. For the pas! years cated on King St. West, off NAME AMBASSADORS |has been professor of Old Testa- ® Top quality products. Simcoe. OTTAWA (CP) -- Appointment | ment languages and literature at © Installations aot the lowest Date of tenders 10 be received | Richard P. mower, Canadian si, Stephen's College, University . Sou + bslitely Hee will be no later than 5 p.m. [a occoq ny Argentina Hin an of Alberta. stimate: ute ree. pn o Special i o ars on November 5, 1958. nounced Thursday. He succeeds and large houses. The | of any tender will |L, P, Picard, who resigned Be ports. at least 384 moose were WINDOW. AWNINGS not nc_essarily be accepted. |ently. Louis Couillard will suc-|killed by hunters during the sea- DOORS GRILLS Tenders are to be directed to (ceed Mr. Bower as ambassador to son recently. ended in the area. P.O, Box 316, Belleville," |Venezuela, | This compared with 205 last year. CALL RA 3 2619 Ontario, marked to the atten- . - tion of The Tatham Company RETURNING OFFICER FRENCH WON'T AGREE Limited. OTTAWA (CP) -- Appointment] PARIS (Reuters) -- Britain's or RA 5-7119 of Norman Wylie Martin of Tor- hopes of reaching agreement on a J. N. COLETTI ! onto as returning officer for the free trade area among 17 Europ- Nov. 21 Contract Manager federal constituency of Toronto-/ean nations by the end of this Trinity was announced Thursday.|vear were dashed Thursday when CALL COLONIAL Oct.27,29,31,Nov.3,5/ Mr. Martin succeeds Harry Gil-| French delegates to a meeting of Now for a free estimate NOTICE JO CREDITORS on Canada's finest aluminum combination i te Estate & Elizabeth windows, doors and ary Evelyn Goulding, de- sing at down-to- ceased. All persons having earth prices. Manufac- tured locally in Colon- ial's new Whitby plant. Quality Service and Satisfaction Guaran- ' teed. DISPLAY COURT 289 PARK RD, SOUTH RA 8-8571 WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT? The answer lies in better merchandising, better planning, more vigorous promotion peal fell short of its goal by more|bay area Thursday. No damage] than $1,000,000. od " was reported. It rattled dishes nd windows and touched off a DIES IN DENTIST'S OFFICE a flood of telephone calls to news- TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. Mildred paper offices and police stations. McCubbin, 47, died Thursday PLANT 515 BROCK ST. NORTH MO 8-4891, WHITBY SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX 1577 ALUMINUM RA 5-2431 Anytime till 9 p.m, BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2425 After Hours: RA 5.6159 BEFORE YOU BUY - COMPARE the distinctive new beauty of ALUMI - storms, screens and doors LIFETIME GUARANTEE PHONE FOR FREE Bowmanville MA 3-2198 GILES HUBERT GOULDING, GEORGE ADOLPHUS GOULDING, EDWARD AUGUSTUS SHRIGLEY, Administrators, by their Solicitor, Z. T. Salmers, B.A. 1314 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Oct. 31, Nov. 7, 14 SEAL' ESTIMATE Oshawa RA 3-3264 253b Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. Les: Eveniss, RA 3-2707 Don Howe, RA 5-0313 AND CLOSE RA 5-4632 Bill Galbraith, RA 5.8832 SINGER SEWIN G CENTER USED SEWING MACHINE SALE Used Treadles . . Used Portables Used Console models at a ve All reconditioned by Singe Also brand new round bobbin portal of Regularly priced at SINGER SEWIN from $10.98 ond up from $42.50 ond up ry reasonable price. r-trained experts. bles at the low, low price NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF CORA JANE COOPER, Woman, Deceased. All against the estate of Cora Jane Cooper, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Married Woman, de- ceased, who died on or about the 7th day of October, 1958, are hereby notified to send Married persons having claims n to the undersigned Per- sonal Representatives of the said deceased on or before the 21st day of November, 1958, their after the said dote the Per- sonal distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated ot Oshawa this 21st full claims, particulars of Immediately Representatives will after having 11 lower teeth re- moved in the office of Dr. Robert E. Diprose. Police said the woman was given a general anae- sthetic. Later she developed dif- ficulty breathing and died. TAKE MORE MOOSE MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal division of the Quebec depart- ment of game and fisheries re- RAISES AT KODAK TORONTO (CP) -- Wage in- creases ranging between six and 10 cents an hour have heen awarded 550 workers of the Cana- dian Kodak Company. The new two-year contract with the Chem- ical Workers International Union (CLC) includes provision for re- opening wage negotiations at the end of the first year. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1,%nd . 2, Wicked 8. Proof 4. Before 5. Mariners' ides s. more 7. William Quaker 8. Legislative | dot 1%. Auctions 15, Coin (Jap.) 17. The Pligrims' ship (sym.) 19. People of + the Buckeye State 22. Roman mohey 28, Weep 34, Distress doy of October, 1958. MARGARET WILSON an: FLORENCE LOVE, by their Solicitors Messrs. McGibbon and Bastedo, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Oct.24,31,Nav.7 EI $89.50 $119.95. G CENTER 16 ONTARIO STREET | ©¢t.22,23,24,27,20,29,30,31 USE TIMES-GAZETTE call 26, Settle, ay abil 28, Revive 32, Part of "to be" 33, In addition 34, Greek letter 35. Plan again 37, Fierce 39. A relative by marriage 40. Unattached 41, Say 42, Malt kilng 43. Asterisk 44. Malt CLASSIFIED LLC [HIAIRIA GAIL IT 20. Groove Yesterday's Asewes 30. Lives 36. Town site 31, City plan (Fr.) 37, Intention 88, Riodela 38. Flower -- 40, African (B.A) worm of fast-selling goods and service. The surest, most profitable method of sales promotion is consistent, timely advertising in The Oshawa Times. THE OSHAWA TIMES advertising salesmen are always ready to talk things over with you, and help prepare constructive, profit- able advertising layouts . . . at no extra cost to you. Advertising is the life of trade . . . advertising in your daily newspaper. She Oshawa Times