The Oshawa Times, 28 Oct 1958, p. 8

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Jo Aldwinckle, omer, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMiES-GAZETTE, Teesdey, October 28, 1958 Children Love To Take A Hand In Making Hallowe'en Treats Ly tesantad What hasn't with the decision of what to pro- vide for the small ghosts and goblins who come trooping to her {doorstep on the last evening in October? For her benefit, here are some suggestions for Hallow: e'en fare. Youngsters love Marshmallow (Crispy Treats. When you make | them to hand out to trick-or-treat. ers, be sure they're well wrapped in waxed paper or saran. For a party, make the marshmallow crispy mixture into pumpkin from heat. Add rice ce- real and stir until well-coated with marshmallow mixture. Press warm marshmallow crispy mixture lightly Yield: 24 2-inch squares. Crisp Trick or Treat Cookies ies to serve as cider or hot coc TRICK OR TREAT COOKIES | 1'2 cups corn flakes 1'2 cups sifted flour party fare with Held In Whitby The Fall Rally of the Oshawa Presbytery Woman's Association was well attended recently wher Mrs. J. L. Halpenny, past presi- dent of the Dominion Council W.A, was the guest speaker at the afternoon assembly. Mrs. Halpenny has had a great deal of e: in ma phases of W.A, work but her most recent interest has been with the senior citizens of the Church. The subject of her address was "What Can The Church Provide for the Senior Citizen?" Mrs. Halpenny spoke of the rapid passing of time and the Fall Rally, breshytery W.A. United Church to continue to attend church ac 'ivities, but that they be called for and taken home again in a car. Mrs. Halpenny had ben intro- duced by Mrs. W. C. Ives, of Bowmanville, president of the Bay of Quinte W.A. who had ny | previously given a report on the leadership day attended by Mrs. Ives and Mrs. A. A. Crowle -at Albert College recently, After the same type of at in- tervals for the O: Presby- bery. The first leadership Day. will be held at Trinity United present-day life expectancy of many mniore, years of activity {than ever before, and "asked the {women to think about this new | problem, With more years to live |able to the senior members of| |the church, they must be needed, {provided with their Spirituall [needs. Activities in the church as well as in the community and home should include all age levels. In the past years a great deal has Church in Bowmanville with Mrs. Ives and Mrs. Crowle in charge. At the morning session Mrs. L. F. Richardson, of Whitby, first vice-president of the .Presby- into buttered|and the early retiredment age,ltery W.A. welcomed the mem- 13 x 9-inch pan. Cut into squares. activities should be made avail- bers on behalf of the Whitby W.A. whose members served lunch at noon hour. After the minutes and are flavorsome peanut drop cook-|by thé church, as well as being reports, the members broke up into several discussion groups. One half hour was allowed for these buzz sessions and then each convener spoke to the en- tire membership on the results of the discussions. her report it was deeided to have |tin | St. George's Memorial Anglican Church was the setting for 2 wedding on Saturday afternoon, October 25, when Joan Elizabeth Reynard was united in marriage with Wallace Edgar Larmer. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Reynard of Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Aus- Larmer of Bowmanville. the wedding by Mr. Matthew who ied Se Double-Ring Ceremony Unites - Joan Reynard, Wallace Larmer length gowns of forest green Chantilly lace over mint green' taffeta, designed with sabrina' necklines, short sleeves and a. pleated cummerbund of mint green taffeta with full length sash. ends. They wore matching short white gloves and tiny white mos hair hats antl carried all-white. cascades of chrysanthemums. * Mr. Bruce Battams of Bowman+ ville was best man, and ushers ing were Mr. Murray Larmer of Bowmanville, and Mr. Kelvin Jones, both of Bowmanville. The reception was held at the » dburn Mrs. John Foote who sang "0 Perfect Love" before the cere- mony and "The Lord's Prayer" Yoring the signing of the regis- er. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a full length gown of carnation white Chantilly lace and satin. The slim bodice was accented with sequin em- broidery at the V neckline and was offset with long lily point sleeves. The bouffant skirt flowed into a circular train. A double Canadian Legion Hall, where the bride's ther received in a sheath dress of cornflower blue: flowered lace over taffeta with ash rose accessories. Assisting was the bridegroom's mother who chose a turquoise blue dress of silk crystal charm with black ac+ cessories, Both wore corsages of carnations. For. the honeymoon trip te Montreal and the Laurentians, the bride wore a two-piece dress of metallic green taffeta in tweed. effect, with a white feathered hat, beige accessories, and a tiara of irridescent sequins and coral wool top coat. White chrys- faces. Shape the warm mix: ture into balls; make a face on |each with raisins, candies or ic- ling. For Crispy Peafut Treats, | add 1 cup chopped or whole pea- Inuts with the rice cereal; then|1 shape as desired. | | been .said and done in regard to| Mrs. Ross Hall sang 'Come seed pearls held her finger tip anthemums comprised her cor % teaspoon baking soda |the youth with the result that Spirit of the Living God" by Veil, and she carried a cascade sage. On their return the couple % teaspoon salt |senior members have been al- Oley Speaks, accompanied at the of red roses and white chrysan- will live in Oshawa. 1/3 cup soft butter or |most set aside. Youth needs the organ by Mrs, J. Beaton, after mums with a spray of white margarine : |experience and the example of which The Rev. J, M. Smith held |heather for luck. cup brown sugar, firmly |the older people just as much as|Holy Communion, Mrs. George] Miss Bonnie Reynard was maid packed the older people need the vigor Werry, vice-president of St. An-|of honor for her sister and the 12 teaspoon baking powder MANY HAPPY RETURNS TO LAURIE Celebrating her first birthday | Dougie and Judy are the chil- | and great-grandchildren of Mr. today is Laurie Lynn Bannon who is seen with her brother, s Gordon, who is five dren of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon | Robert Bannon and Mr. and Bannon, Prince street, They are | Mrs. Archie Patterson of Peter- | the grandchildren of Mr. and | borough. MARSHMALLOW CIRSPY TREATS 1 egg land activity of youth, each age drew's W.A. conducted the devo- 13 cup chopped, salted peanuts jeve] must be included in many tional service in the afternon Tush corn flakes slightly. Sift programs of the church, she said. carrying out the theme of the day bridesmaids were Miss Loraine {La Porte and Miss Barbara Jen- |kins. They wore identical waltz-| Dougla years old, and her sister, Judith Gail, who is eight. Laurie, GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CONANT H AND S§ ASSN. to hold a costume party on Tues: Mrs. J. K. Lang and Mr. and | Mrs. C. N. Bannon, Oshawa, % cup butter or margarine together flour, baking soda, soda| The new and modern type of "Continue in prayer -- with] ' eups. Fide carey] maralimal aud sili, Blend butter and sugar visiting was also explained by thanksgiving." | % po! a pal-juntil light and fluffy. Add egg Mrs. Halpenny, when the church, Mrs. Ewart Cornish, president SAME DATES lows and beat well. Add sifted dry in-|yig; i v sivviary BATHURST, N.B. (CP) -- Par-, Melt butter in 3-quart sauce- gredients alternately with Viciturs Sakes 3 iriemdly Sail oe anna ALA Bek Manor hate Jelaphioned Bei- : rut in Lebanon, 6, miles away, milk, rather than the formal call for- ishioners of Holv Family Church! pan, Add marshmallows and cook mixing well : , not cil meetings in Toronto. She said ypier she heard her uncle there after each addition, 1 de The visit ight ed in their church bulletin, on over low heat, stirring constant-Stir in corn flakes crumbs and merly made., The visitor mig ' separate entries, the birth of a ly, until marshmallows are mell- peanuts, Drop by teaspoonfuls sr roice for Song soe uge-i(hst I ship had been injured gin Tebel clhases. | lof over 217,000 women. Mrs. | oum Bey 1, a member son to Mr. and Mrs. Donat Ha-/ed and mixiure is well-blended. onto greased bakin sheets; flat- --Photo by Hornsby Studio 5 MAKING SURE PICTOU, N.S. (CP)--Mrs. To. ober f Conant/day evening, October 28, 4 ' 4 BE oo cox (Somiligh, BG 3, Ostawa, © |Siey aud of 3 deuaiter i thel = was hed in the schoo with MIS. copies cup [same day. but one vir. ana rs Simcoe St. WA Mr. J. D. Galbraith, principal,| Centre Street United Church Donat Hachey live on +. Aue N Q mpoke briefly and asked all the| Couples Club held its meeting re- o i 3 4 3 e other Hacheys Forms ew aroup parents to take advantage of the cently with Mrs. D. Peel and Mrs, >: A106 VI7Age. interviews with the teachers as W: Dearborn leading the devotion- |, p00 A new group of the Junior WA both parents and children would al. Mr. and Mrs, M. Gerrow, pres-| [F#m us met recently in the ladies' par- Yenehi hy these interviews dents, Jed the wusivess discus. ' lors of Simcoe Street United Mr. Galbraith introduced the Sion. Xipsl Plas rere mas or Church, with the president, Mrs. : 2 ey SUPYSL 8) Le =) bi: Walter Rae, presiding. ers of the Red Feather Com:| | Waller Rae, residing. into six smaller groups with Mrs. Donald Patterson's group being in charge of the devotional pe- riod. Mrs, David Bowman read Chest Public Speaking month. Our November meeting School, Connie will be held in the church auditor- Stauffer was the winner {ium with Dr. W. A. Hunnlsett of Junior divisioh. and Vietorie | Fred Victor Mission, Toronto, as Dove was the winger in the sen- speaker. jor, Both girls gave their win.| During the social hour Hal speech. idly Moulton pre-| lgwe'en gares viere played and a the G. E. Moulton trophy| cious pancake supper was c Speaking to Victoria | served by the men. | W. Wilkinson a form: r| rH GROUP CO E x e! of Conant School spoke] Thirteen members of the 14th) : . The Sweet Adelines,| | the direction of Mr. Stuart | sang several selections. aldwin introduced Mrs. nant, who, showed color- of her recent trip to Mrs. Douglas Pelow, Mrs. Conant and conference will be ed Church ing of two Thanksgiviiig hymns. FF Mrs. Rae Bint read the min- i utes, Roll call showed 19 mem- bers present. : The highlight of the evening was a demonstration by Mrs. Zona Quigg of Scarborough. Guests for the evening were the Sunshine group of the WA and friends. edsurer, Save 3 Pleasing Fo 1 Refreshments were served by PRS TOM 3 Success & . d Patterson's group. | ® rummage sale held at the CRA. Mrs. Donal p. | jor ie mover nd dmverer| SPEAKER LODGES AND for the and daughter banquet the Westmount! . winiam Gould Newman, It was decided to set aside| Progressive Conservative can- SOCIETIES w didate for Oshawa Riding for | five dollars to go towards €amp| \. noyt provincial general | Pp of the guide| oC ion Will ed hy er VICTORIA LODGE [ of the year. A white Bible, the| | FIO0 Wo Ceres the meet | yictoria Loyal True Blue Lodge| pupils. group's gift to Kay Mastin ol tive oes ive held its regular meeting with BATHE PARK AUXILIARY Winning her Gold Cord, was on| yoy a the yWCA this evening, | Worshipful Master Brother Wil of the display. ---- adil lard Spencer and deputy mistress The monthly mestng wae! Refreshments were served by Sister Mary Thompson in their| Bathe Park Ladies ary by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Ray Gordon Curley are co-conveners respective chairs. recently with Mrs. Donald c.,eeman, Mrs. John Collins and! for the dance to be held on Janu- sg Sevivissten vice-presi- yrs D. V. Crowder. ary 28. t, presiding. | The next meeting on Novem- The minutes, roll call, treasur- 1... 24 vill be held at the home yp er's, kitchen and bingo reports .; nr William Carroll, Gibbons were given. | street. An invitation from Mrs. Robert | HOSPITAL AUXILIARY | ing at her home was accepted (Evening Chapter) | t {bons street. | | Mrs. Arthur Recalla, president, presided. Mrs. Robert ie, 9' Hj F Geet The feld en Thi i 0 Refreshments were served by the mothers of Grade 7 and 8 Refreshments were served by ter Ruth Gatchell. rs. R. J. Smyth, social conven-| Several items of business were er, and her committee. |discussed and settled. OSHAWA B AND PW CLUB The highlight of the recent Oc- very favorable report on the Gow to have the Christmas meet- | was decided to buy paint for! The regular meeting of the eve-| tober meeting of the Business and | the kitchen, also plywood for a sing of the ns Hos-| Professional Women's Club was|also a report was given on the eupboard doors |pital Auxiliary was held in Me- | the historieal treat provided by Tuesday Hew Hage. " l | Mrs. George Telford, a past pres-| Draw zes for the evening MARGARET HART GROUP |Lavghilin Hall with 30 members past p: 2 |ident, and her husband, Dr. Tel- were donated by Brother Fred The regular meeting of the Nps Gordon Curley, chairman, ford. Their theme was the life | White, Sister Ruth Gatchell and et Hart group of the Wom- presided. The secretarial and fi- story of that tragic queen, Mary Sister en's Guild of St. George's Angli- nancial statements were present-| Stewart, vividly and movingly re-| won by Sister Elda ean Church was held at the home od by Mrs. Thomas Greer, secre- lated by Dr. Telford and illustrat-| Brother Fred White, Sister Ina of Mrs. J. J. Burns. tary-treasurer. ed by Mrs. Telford with beautiful Milgate, Sister Joan Ewen. The president, Mrs. F. C. Piper, The dessert bridge held on Oc- colored slides taken by them last| Degree practice will be held tober 1 was reported on by Mrs, Summer while following the path after the next regular meeting (ten slightly with fork, Bake in moderate oven (375) deg. F. about 8 minutes. | Yield: About 5 dozen cookies, 12% Inches in diameter. ber, such as a bit of shopping, or baking or tidying up, or even change library books, or any |nsumber of useful and thoughtful | things. | It was suggested that the sen- PERSONALS Little items of social news are always welcome in this column, |If you are enjoying the company of visitors or have been visiting |yourself, why not telphone RA 3-3474 and slihre your pleasure with others. Out-oftown guests at the Lar- | mer! wedding were Mr. and Mrs, 'Arnold Etcher and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. James Roddick, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Larmer, {Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Battams, {Mrs. Stella Beech, Mr. and Mrs. {Gordon Beech, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards, Mr. Maurice Richards, Miss Mary Ann Smale, Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Jones, all of Bow- manville; Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Lintner and Mr, and Mrs. Claude Reynard, Whitby; Miss Judy Puckrin, Pickering; Mrs, Iren Griffin, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. the scripture. Mrs. Patterson) read a short story on Thanksgiv-| |ing, followed by prayer, and sing- Me . Carl" St. Thomas, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs, Everett Beech, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. William St. Thomas, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. John Bird, Buffalo, New York; Mr ad Mrs. Errest Larmer, Nestle on. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLellan, ivory illusion tulle was attached - The minutes and roll call were Tooley's Mills, returned yester. 0 8 small beaded coronet. She, read by recording secretary, Sis-/day from a ten-day visit to Lon. Carried a spray of white chrysan- don, England, where Mr. McLel- lan attended the reunion of the Royal Naval Air Service "Ark Sister Lillian Wetherup gave a Royal No. 2 Wing Eastern Medi. corded faille styled with bateau terranean", While in England bingo held in her home and was Mr. and Mrs. McLellan visited| Their headdresses were of a given a hearty vote c!-thanks, Miss Lorna Bellingham, Mr. and P© Mrs. M. McIntyre Hood and Mr, [Cyril Smith, former residents of (2nd Oshawa. Among the out of town guests Mary Thompson and were at the Rich - Nicholson wedding |french lace, Both wore matching sivward, [in Whitby Baptist Church were |accessories and corsages of roses. the bride's grandparents, Mr and Mrs. A, F. Holmes of New, Glasgow, Nova Scotia. ior member not only be urged Sylvia R. Stinson 'Richard MacTavish 'Wed In Toronto | | The chapel of St. George's | United Church, Toronto, was the |setting of a pretty autumn wed. ding on Saturday, October 25, {when Sylvia Ruth Stinson and Richard John MacTavish were united in marriage with Dr. John Short officiating. | The bride is the daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. R. Stinson of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Archie Neil MacTavish of Waterloo, Ontario, and the |late Mr. MacTavish. | Miss Stinson was given in mar- riage by her father and attended rt and Miss June Stinson. | The best man was Mr. Donald {MacTavish brother of the bride-| |groom, and Mr. Robert Stinson, |ushered. | The bride's dress of ivory duch. | ess satin was fashioned with a deep portrait neck line and long to a slight train at the back. A {short shoulder length veil of |of Charles Naylor also told 'of her day at Dominion Council. Mrs. W. Teeple and Mrs. L. F, Ri- |chardson gave reports on their attendance at the Bay of Quinte Conference meetings, It was announced that the an- nual meeting would be held in Tyrone in the spring of 1959, and that Mrs. K, R. Rose, of Toronto, president of the Dominion Council W.A. would be the guest speaker. During the lunch hour those seated at the head table with Mrs. Ewart Cornish, president of the Presbytery W.A. were -- The Reverend J. M. Smith and Mrs. |Smith, Mrs. J. L. Halpenny, Mrs. [Clayton Lee, honorary president; Mrs. M. J, Tamblyn, immediate past president; Mrs, W. C. Ives, president Bay of Quinte Confer- ence W.A.; Mrs. Roy Cornish, treasurer; Mrs. J. W. Bowman, secretary; and the soloist, Mrs. Ross Hall. In the absence of Mrs. N. C. Fisher, Mrs. W. Jeffs brought greetings to the meeting from the W.M.S. Presbyterial, and Mrs. Ives brought greetings from the Bay of Quinte Confer-| Clby her sisters, Mrs. Archibald ence W.A. After lunch and before the afternoon session Mrs, Ives showed colored slides of Five Oaks Training Camp near Paris, Ontario. HIGH STANDRAD The jury for the 71st fall art |skirt dipped from a short front exhibit at Oslo, Norway, in 1958 accepted only 122 of 1,365 paint- ings submitted. and unhurt, of the Lebanese parliament, as- ment, assured her he was well themums and English ivy. The attendants were gowned in (short dresses of terra-cotta silk {necklines , and balloon skirts. w. The bouquets were blended des of russet chrysanth ivy. The bride's mother wore a gown of powder blue lace. The bride- groom's mother chose grey The reception was held at the "There's No Substitute for Experience' = LTD. DRY CLEANING OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5.3555 MO 8.4922 Shirt Lounderers Moth & Burn Holes Rewoven STORAGE Old Mill. Mr. and Mrs. MacTav- ish will live in Waterloo. ed. A number of lovely articles were brought to the meeting to be Bazaar H. S. Sliter, bridge convener. A Of the ill-fated queen, from her on November 4. brief report was given by Mrs. birth to her death, through Scot- ready for the November pp p. Clemens, knitting conven- land and England. | . er, stating that five pairs of mit-| Miss Bertha Clarke, program| SOCIAL NOTICES Final arrangements were made tens had been turned in for the convener introduced Dr. and| |{Mrs. Telford and Miss Margaret |Lenfesty expressed the apprecia- ENGAGEMENT for the Deanery i i the | DRZRAT. Plans were completed for | Mrs. Douglas Sagar, sewing dinner and breakfast for the|convener, reported that two tion of the members to them. | Mr. and Mrs, William McCar-| AYPA conference. sprecds and 24 hospital gowns| The business period was pre-|thy of Oshawa announce the en-| The annual fall rummage sale 2d heen -ompleted by the mem- sided over by Miss Evelyn Moore,| 2agement of their daughter, is to take place on Friday, Octo- pers, Mrs. Sagar reported on the president. Gladys Ann, to Mr. Robert James ber 31. This sale is to feature a| rooress of the work being done] Mrs. Myrtle Morgan gave a re- Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert specialty table of better used ar- for the Festival of Gifts bazaar port of the night of cards. |Rose of Bowmanville. The mar- ticles. [to be held on November 21 in the] The November meeting will be riage will take place in the Sal- There will be no November new hospital cafeteria. the birthday of the club and ar-|vation Army Citadel, Oshawa, on because of the bazaar. rg Henry Bickle was appoint- rangements for an interesting Saturday, December 6, at 2.30 An early December meeting is t0 ed ticket convener for the doll to| evening are being planned. |p.m. be held. Date to be decided later. ye grawn at the bazaar. Mrs. | -- : Hostesses were Mrs. D. J. Cro-| Gardner S. Williams was appoint- | thers and Mrs. J. E. Rundle. FRIENDSHIP GROUP The Friendship Group of the W.A. of Northmioster United @hurch met at the home of Mrs. | A J. Hill, Nipigon street. There were 16 present including three | prospective new members, | Mrs. George Fisher, group leader, presided and after the secretary's and treasurer's re- ports there was much discussion and finalizing of the plans for| the Country Fair to be held in| Northminster Hall on November | § afternoon and evening. | Tickets for the ZEpper ua tick- | ets for the Young e's va-| riety program, calendars and Ohristmas cards were distribut- er refreshments, served by the hostess and assisted by Mrs B. D. Hayden and Mrs. H. G. Cheseborough, plans were made "PARANETTES" junior - RUGS AND | -mapamsrr' open ed press secretary. The chairman announced that Mrs. Peter Simpson and Mrs. TIMID? "Why, I was the shyest person you could ever imagine until I learned to dance at Arthur Murray's. What a difference that made in me. Now, friends say I'm the 'life of the party." DIETARY SUPPLEMENT Tor children and adults too 1 | It doesn't take long for shy peo- , ple to "discover themselves" at Arthur Murray's. For learning to dance his easy "Magic Step" way gives you poise and new cone fidence. You'll have lots of funy make hosts of new friends, too. Open daily 10 AM to 10 PM. 21 VITARINS, MINERALS, AND TRACE ELEMENTS She'll love it -- love you, LIVING ROOM | "ZARANERTIS" SUITES | Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG end Carpet Sales Mary RA 35-0433 ARTHUR MURRAY DRUGS "AIR CONDITIONED BALLROOM" 28 King St. E., Diol RA 3-462) 1 Regular City-Wide Deliveries 11% SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8-1681 28 KING ST. EAST = for wherever she wears Seven Winds von & she'll stir up a storm! It's an extraordinary new fragrance -- part floral, part woodsy, totally devastating. | DUBARRY i by Richard Hudnut : too Cologne Cologne Perfume Bath Powder Supréme Mist Pursette DIAL RA 3-4621 that fit most women best. In Exquisite. Form . . . the lady is YOU! Appealingly natural and naturally appealing in CoStar ... with tangent straps that move as you move, leaving the bra exactly in place. And CoStar is so gloriously comfortable, with its spoke stitched, two-section cups White cotton bandeau, A, B, C cups--Style 172 Also luxurious white satin-- Style 175 Sizes: A--(32-36) B--(32-40) C--(32-42) Price 9:30 ---- ffarnan ae Other women envy the girl with an Exquisite Form! EYRE RERITEYE i Tides

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