The Oshawa Times, 28 Oct 1958, p. 7

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Springhill Fund Grows Money Flows By THE CANADIAN PRESS Money from across the country flowed into the national Spring- hili disaster fund today. The la-| test estimate placed at more than| - $175,000 the amount collected so far for the wives and children of | ¢ miners killed or missing in last Thursday's coal mine upheaval. The tabulation showed the Nova Scotia government heading the list of contributors with an initial 7 |$50,000. The New Brunswick gov- "| ernment and the City of Toronto |followed with $25,000 each. The | province of Manitoba, the City of | Winnipeg and the United Mine | tiers of America each gave a i, nia 4 hihi #7 | Service clubs, youth groups, un-| & ik Cobourg's harbor becomes | to Peterborough, Sunday saw | tanker. Also shown are some of |I0 locals, the Canadian Legion, FARMS lets took phoned pledges, canvas- SACRIFICED TO SAVE TOWN i " "" the central Ontario market by This farm at Brownsville, | moros, Mexico, was in danger with th eption of the oil | "Lakeshell" (at left), in Co- sed homes, passed the hat at ap- i ie exveplion rail and truck from Cobourg. propriated group funds for dona-| Tex., is fiooded, not by a sud- of being flooded, levees on the tankers which come to her | bourg for the seventh time this | Three companies, Imperial, |}; Rio Grand river bank were piers to unload gasoline and | year, with a load of 24,000 bar- | Sunoco, and White Rose, re- tions Taugiag fom $5 and $10 to dan Stor of Sash fool by opcasd tv Jpundate: farm land churches and villages and ham- almost deserted in the fall, | the arrival of 'lake tanker | the storage tanks which supply 8 SECS SRR a VY WOME oils for a market extending | rels of gasoline. Picture shows | main at Cobourg dockside. along the lakeshore and north Others are at Dale. CHURCH DONATIONS the decks of a modern lake The United Church of Canada GENERAL TAKES OVER Woman May [Sissi Forces Should Leave The Canadian Quo Vadis Found- . {ation, operating a round-the-clock : Ld B F t T receiving centre at Toronto, said | e IIS 0 | Monday night its cash and phoned | Y ys Pakistan Ruled |' one ea nied (JUCMNOY, '€ATSON Go To Moon Contributions of $3,000 were re-| MEDFORD, Mass. (CP) -- Chi-|diplomacy, part of Tufts Univer- | ° Seived Jon ihe Salvalion Army-- nese Nationalists now entrenched|sity. He will take part in private \ {Which said it would give more as/oy Quemoy and Matsu should/seminar sessions today. B V Martial Law hig ind in = The a0 on the need arose--the City of Lon-| withdraw to Formosa because de-| Tension in the Formosa Strait, { rocket expert, may be a woman, JO. Ont. and the Halifax Chron-ifence of the offshore islands does| Pearson said, may simmer down A Dr, G. Edward Pendray of New| icle-Herald. [not involve defence of principle, with a display of U.S. military KARACHI (AP)--Gen. Moham- tasks ahead of us as a nation and you' "Gitv former resident of A Toronto group headed by bus-| Canadian Opposition Leader L.B.|power in the area. med Ayub Khan ruied Pakistan|get down to solid and honest hard ¢. *Nmerican Rocket Society |iness executive A. G. Sampson is| pearson said Monday night. Indicating he believes Canada today in name as well as in fact./ work without indulging in any|c 4 Monday, night the Hirst cor working with the CBC on plans| The shelling on the Formosa would view Communist aggres- irz .|speculation," he said. 1? oo |for a big television and radio + i h uch President Iskander Mirza re. sons to reach the moon, within show to raise $1,000,000 for the Strait, Pearson said, constitutes a sion against Formosa as a signed Monday night and handed| Charging that thenation's pol-\iue wears "will be between 19 and! Chinese civil war which does not,|more serious matter, Pearson hs all his powers to Ayub, the/iticians had made a mess of run-15; ;n4 weigh 100 pounds. fund: former army commander-in-chief| ning Pakistan, Mirza and Ayub on| "ya "4514 "the Toronto Railway Canada. part of Continental China." . ; ' 4 ; [with whom he had joined Oct. 7|Oct- 7 overthrew the cabinet ofc those chosen for the first EMERGENCY FIX Only a "calculated transfer" of| Criticizing the U.S. stand of + :s i ; , KilliZ38 in a peaceful military revolution,|Premier Firoz Khan Noon, de-|n,., trip might be women. They] COVENTRY, England (CP)-- one-third of Chiang Kai - shek's firmness on the offshore island ian | Earlier Monday Ayub had been |clared martial law, abrogated the|\ ore better-suited than men phys-|Harry Matty stuffed three saus-|forces has made defence of the | in his view, beg interference from said "Formosa is not necessarily question, Pearson said "even in + yr wy fa ; . | constitution, abolished the Na-|: " : t extreme assumption of , worn in as premier, heading a; ically and 'have a tremendous/ages into the broken end of alislands important and it was|the most extre HEALTH ASSOCIATION TOLD | Estate Left lcabinet of three other military, onal Assembly and opened alhonfing iustinct--they'd be sure gas pipe after a truck knocked|"bad dipiomacy which allowed|the necessity of standing firm Imen and eight civilians. He will|C2MPAaign against corruption inity come pack." down a lamp standard in this|that to happen," the Liber al against any use or threat of Com- government, profiteering and pr pendray said the rocket|city. Matty, a butcher, said party leader said. |munist power, surely a better po- continue to govern under martial v 5 Lor ; 3 Cancer Study law, e black marketing. {propulsion idea may date back 'there could have been a serious! Pearson spoke in a lecture at sition, strategic and , political, ore rotection ee e " : Mirza said he stepped aside to,NO VIOLENCE 700 years. escape of gas or a fire." Ithe Fletcher school of law and would have been found. TORONTO (CP) -- A retired oiu0 Ayub a free hand in revit-| - The army and apparently most linen importer has left the buik 7), , PO] 0 alizing Pakistan's governmental of the population supported them, | rrr of his $785,040 estate for cancer|gi...t re and to end an "unfor- and there has been no violence.| L' 2 For Radar 0 erators treatment and research, It was|¢ nate impression" at home and| Both Ayub and Mirza have em-| § learned Monday when his will abroad that he and Ayub 'may phasized that Pakistan wili con- was filed for probate. ray i " a to honor int ti -| % ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Powerful drawing board for the era of Maurice Cowan Maguire, for- not 3lwaye act in unison: I omer Jetyational eo : 1 new radars anticipated for the space projects, "we can antici-\mer president and owner of R./POLICIES THE SAME lernments. These include mem- | space era are expected to make pate that precautions will have G. Gregg and Company (Toronto)| Ayub said Mirza's quitting "wili| bership in the Southeast Asia| i: necessary extra precautions for to be extended and augmented. |Limited, left the residue to thelin no way affect my policies." |Treaty Organization and the protecting radar station personnel| {Ontario Cancer Treatment &nd| «pet yg now resolve to face the Baghdad Pact. from the heat of their beams. | : We San foresee a eed for pro- Research Foundation after be-| 8 This was related today by Col.| lective clothing for use in high-| ets fotalling $100,000. vs intensity fields. We anticipate a ia gi i i | . . 7 George M. Knauf, a flight sur- : » His sister and a niece in Ed- geon at the U.S. Air Force mis- need for Shielded passageways t0| monton, and niece and nephew | ntario 0S 1 d an 5 sile test centre in Cape Canay-|Protect personnel as they move| sn, 1,' Maguire and James Ma- | around an operational site in the giro "hoth of Kirkland Lake, re- eral, Fla. rr : A But Knauf said the hazard from Sieohsive of Heir duties, ye zoel ceive $20,000 each. | existing Yodar equipment has/H@! this now is within the a S uccess u ' IOS a S been overrated and has become "te, of he ar. We need only to Winger Fajr a cause for public concern un- the physiological par a meters TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's|ing of the four-day OHA meeting necessarily. + i H | campaign to sign up residents in being attended by 8,000 repre- vith He told the annual meeting of dquantities) of safe exposure lim | Starts With Bang |the provincial hospital insurance sentatives from 216 hospitals. "sr the American Public Health As-|™ OTTAWA (CP) -- The 56th Ot-(plan is an outstanding success, opcor sociation in a prepared report| He: implied that even these ina Winter Fair got off with athe Ontario Hospital Association) OPoOLESCENCE GRA bul ee oui Bema To 'ein, "on Moodey igh as 4.08 per was ot Monde. The pan takes, 0° SUCHET Coots mi "poses no grea : .: sons atte: * opening per-/ Jan. 1. | 4 personnel other than those en- He said the air force has studied formance of the horse show. This| Premier Frost announced at $150 a bed (0 all Outssio pos. gaged in operating or maintain-| the bilogical effects of radar en-|., 506d with 3,700 on the first|the association's convention that Pitals during the first year of the he bi ing the equipment." ergy and ts action appears to be day of last year's fair. better than 90 per cent of On-|Plan on an experimental basis. It | § NEW EQUIPMENT COMING one of Hssue heating. The cry-| Another 2,500 school children tario residents are mow enrolled | Would compensate for the federal E 7 : ois MT staline lens of the eye seems to ,iionded an afternoon special by the Ontario Hospital Services government's exclusion of build. But he said with the introduc- be the most susceptible element, program -- before Agriculture Commission. The latest figure ig depreciation from hospital Hon of equipment now on thelhe said. ____ Minister Harkness officially op- was 5,208,422 of the province's COSts. ened the fair at night. {5,850,000 population. | The provincial grant for out-pa- - | The RCMP received heavy ap-| "These figures are in excess of [tients attending clinics was to be Democratic Pros ects |plause for' their horse jumping what anyone considered possible increased to $1.50 a visit from 30 displays afternoon and evening. |at the inception of this plan," he cents, Livestock judging, the five-day said. Enrolment was continuing) Dr. Malcolm G. Taylor, consul fair's main attraction, gets under at a rapid rate. [tant to the Hospital Services Com- Look Good, Truman Says way today. The premier spoke to the open- mission, said it has been impos- |sible to determine closely how NEW YORK (CP) -- President|when you have big crowds like |many beds will be needed under Eisenhower carried his congres- this, something is happening . . PILOTS TRAIN FOR SPACE FLIGHT fhe new hospital flan. sional campaigning to New York we can give them the licking of "Perhaps there is no limit to today after a renewed attack on their lives." » " b a vu ithe amount of hospital care peo-| Democrats he described as spend-| Nixon flew home to Washington i 0 ple can use if they think it is thrifts and visionaries. early today for a few days' rest . H 'ilfree.' But with the elections for Cole FIGHTING SPEECH ' {800 PER YEAR es st eek away, forme ; gress ls ii S. AR said | Eisenhower flew to New York Dr. Taylor, a University of Tor- Democratic prospects appear "'al-| City Monday night after ripping £77 onto professor doing research into most too good to be true." into the Democrats anew in an : the hospital plan's problems, said Commenting on a poll predic- 18 - state television address in | < Ontario will need 800 new active tion of possible sweeping Demo. Pittsburgh. 3 : hy ; treatment beds every year until cratic gains, Truman told repor- In the same fighting technique °; 4 1976 to maintain the present ratio ters in St. Louis Monday: he unveiled in California last 2 of hospital beds to population. "They said the same thing Week, Eisenhower termed the op- = He called it a formidable chal. | gf EFFECTIVE MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 THE about the Republicans in 1948, Povhion 3 divided Ligh Bua he : lenge to hospitals and municipal- ; you remember." : ; "4 ede - / ities across the province, Dr. 8 That was the year Truman up- ne futile deadlocked govern Taylor said Ontario is providing| } & 8 i DEADLINE FOR LOCAL ADVERTISING set Republican Thomas E. Dewey Ment. § " more hospital beds for its resi- : Rainy weather was blamed for % 7 : : ii whom most polls had tabbed as smaller audiarces than roar Bo : hi ; {dents than most American states. i 4 DISPLAY COPY WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: the favorite. | publican leaflers had forecest at "When we hear complaints NIXON DOUBTS POLLS | both Pittsburgh and at Charles- b i ge ) 2bvt the Jock of Aoepiial Beas I 3 | i ident Ri V i y ; ; ink we must look first to see| f° bg y se Preaden Richard Mion lu, ¥ vo Eisenlower) 2 8 i|if it is an area if which a gen- : be For Monday's paper, copy in 12 noon Friday ; |uine shortage exists." 2 ig campaign talk at Flint, Mich. But| On his arrival in New York, ' . where Truman was cautioning Eisenhower was greeted by Nel- For Tuesday's paper, copy in 12 noon Saturday, Democrats against overconfi- son Rockefeller and Representa- _. 4 : ; : ] : dence, Nixon was challenging the tive Kenneth Keating, New York > 1 3 Shells § \ : For Wednesday's paper, copy in 12 noon Monday, current accuracy of the polls. [Republican candidates for gover- . x Taking issue with the forecasts, nor and U.S. senator. For Thursday s paper, copy in 12 noon Tuesday, Nixen told a cheering crowd of In Chicago, Adlai Stevenson J Bi i % | 7 4 , 7. 3,000 Republicans: said Congress is filling a vacuum | om al ; ¥ For Friday s paper, copy in 12 noon on Wednesday "In the last twb weeks of this created, he said, by "the failure A TLE | 3 3 5 2 . y campaign something is happen- of leadership in the White 7 hn x For aturd ' aper, co in 1 noon ursda ing. I'm unable to appraise it but House." 4 ) " Oy $ paper, 4 PY T y. ANNAN Quemoy Isle Shorthoms | NEWS BRIEFS A a tr | tir ue Y Cm [ TET CLIPPER DELAYED become the first men to ride a | space flight. They are recei?- China's guns shelled the Que- " | rocket - powered vehicle from | ing part of their space training moy dically tod Fetch Record PARIS (AP)--Pan American's the earth into outer space and | in Dallas, Texas, and will be | th ye oe ii id ose ot clipper American today inaug-| back, Ralph Cokely, 33, and | ready for their first flight early | '¢ Ven-number ays on whic PETERBOROUGH (CP)--With urated jet passenger service be-| William Becker, 32, try on | next year. it is pledged to exempt areas total receipts of $135450, a herd tween Now, York Jug Pais Ji | where supplies are unloaded. io og and unfavorable-weather de- : 4 y of 90 Scotvish shorthorns sel a8 fred the arrival igen first y " ae bi However, Nationalist military new all-time Canadian average flight 95 minutes. The big air- he he § | sources said no sea convoys were for the breed at $3386 in the liner, with 111 passengers and a bt Pi: hy i: en route to Quemoy. Stormy fourth annual sale Monday at Crew of 12 aboard, made the ? > weather in the Formosa Strait n 9 ight from New York in eight , ! again kept them from putting to Louada Farms. hours 20 minutes. Th i the test Communist Defence Min. 1 . h . . . . . . . ve azhs a Inia ] ; ister Peng Tenhuais broadest! | Classified display will remain the same which is 2 p.m. the brought a total of $68.175. and 28 DEFECT TO WEST E58 3 ; invitation to resupply the islands > i VIENNA (Reuters)--Two Poles i 4 > without artillery hazard on even- : : * females sold for an average of flying a sports plane landed in 4 4 ¢ 3 numbered days day previous to publication. $2,404, amounting to $67,275. a wheat field near Winer Neu- Th ER stadt, lower Austria, Saturday e defence ministry an- The top price of $13,000 was een a ; ; di nounced Red coastal batteries ifi i i pa ack rans a 0d asked or avium, vo on, NE nounced Red consial materies | Word classified up to 9 a.m. the day of publication. Albany, Ga., for Louada Bomber, old Henrik Survek, an army re- : |nine-hour lull. It said 103 shells son of the young Louada herd serve lieutenant and Eugenius| 3 hit the islands up to noon. | sire, Baption Constructor, and|Gotahek, 21, who toid Austrian » \ | { i | nstry ¥ a, stria ¥ Peng's proclamation urged the : grandson of the fames shorthorn authorities he was to have been he [Fora at ra, a he PLEASE NOTE: Calrossie Constellation. drafted into the army. {turn Ne Dore ; Harold White of Guelph, secre-| prin 010 are weno : Ma | stop tepeniing ou. r oir. These new deadlines are necessary to assist in the delivery of the Times-Gazette tary of the Shorthorn Association | SYDNEY (AP)--A 27 Y 3 % Althou i H H : H H opto J NE --A 27-year-old --- gh shooting has tapered farther afield which of m of Canada, said this sale showed, SYDNEY, (AP)--A 21-year-old Waal gon Bg Bh wy ch of course is of prime importance to every advertiser. the second highest average in appeared solved today when offi- {ments of September, 19 civilians | Nort American history of the cials said wreckage found in the ¢ have been killed and 233 houses | us ; . southern Alps about 300 miles * + destroyed on Quemoy in the last William Ferguson, Gordon southwest of here is almost ce THE SHIP the two space | start on its space flight. The Week, the defence ministry said Blackstock and M and Mrs. tainly from the airliner Southern pits will ride out of earth's | rocket ship, the experimental I'wenty persons were reported se- . Douglas Wilsco of Aberdeenshire, Cloud, which disappeared l X-15. verely injured ed in atmosphere will be dropped is 15 feet long, weighs Scotland, were visitors. Several March, 1931, with a crew of two| from a huge bomber high in | 31.275 pounds and has a wing | Military casulaties were not | disclosed, | were present from Argentina. |and six passengers aboard. .. | the sky and from there it will | span of 23 feet.

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