The Oshawa Times, 28 Oct 1958, p. 6

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6 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tussdey, October 28, 1938 Rebekahs Hold Installation " BOWMANVILLE -- The 1938 59 executive of the Bowmanville Rebekah Lodge were installed at ceremonies held in the IOOF hall Monday night, The install- ing officer was Mrs. Louella |Kennedy, Deputy District Prasi- dent, of Port Perry. NH new executive is headed Mrs. Jean Rice, noble grand. The remaining fifteen officers are Mrs. Mary Vinkle, vice grand; Mrs. Edna Leach right supporter to the noble grand; Mrs. Ruby Hutchinson, left sup- porter to the noble grand; Mrs. Grace Murdoch, right supporter to the vice grand; Mrs. Edna Goheen, left supporter to the vice grand; Mrs. Eva McMur- ter, treasurer; . Elma Pow- ell, financial 'secretary; Mrs. Elsie Richards, recording secre- tay; Mrs. Joan Gibson, warden; Mrs. Vera Burgess, conductress; Mrs. Mabel Wade. chaplain; Mrs. Ann Wood, musician; Mrs. Ruby Garcok Garvok; color bearer; Miss Velma Gay, inside guard; and Mrs. Yvonne Cox, outside guard. . EASTER REBEKAHS INSTALLATION Likens People | . - The newly elected officers of | Culley, PNG, Left Support; NG side Guardian. Back row, | den, Martha Lawrie, conduc | To King David "Easter kah" Lodge, Pick- | May Andrews, Right Support; | Verna King, PNG, Inside | tress, Rita Grant, Left Support, | ering were installed in "office | VG Daisy Udell; PNG Peggy | VG. Patricia Silk, PDD, Right : Mags ' | Guardian Iris Cane, chaplain, wil Sus Seremouy DY an in- | Chamberlain; NG Jean Burns; | "0 ion. PNG. financial | Support Noble Grand. at the Salvation Army were con-| myself a fortunate man. Front row, from the left, Nancy | retary; Molly Robinson, Out- | secretary, Helen Hawker, war- --Photo by John Mills (ducted by the corps officers, wanted to edit the Statesman. stallation team from Brooklin. | VG Olive Stroud, recording sec- -- | Lieutenants Pearl Donnelly and I wanted to be mayor, and 1 DR. GEORGE W. JAMES "Old Grey Mayor", Dr. George W. James today, Tuesday cele- brates his 72nd birthday in Bowmanville where he has been for many years one of the outstanding citizens. In ad- dition to serving 10 years om council, he has also served as mayor in 1930-31 and is a char- ter member and past-president of Bowmanville Rotary. He was former publisher and editor of the Bowmanville Statesman, and a treasurer of Trinity United Church. "I had three ambitions as a boy, and I've AJAX -- The Sunday services| realized all three, so I consider Affectionately known as the | ! cessful by club officials. {Patricia Buckingham, In the Hol-| wanted to take over the trea- John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 VISITORS RIOT iness meeting, the Scripture les-| sury of Trinity United Church," PROJECT COST $800,000 J {lath formed the basis of the mes- near-riot today as some 40,000 HOSPITAL REPORT persons shoved and pushed to tour Sh e i hd Lo ny ava. women became hysterical at the! go "co we. as human beings male; 57 discharges; drenching. Finally the ship was must come face-to-face with the/and 21 minor closed to the public. giant, death. operations; seventeen emergencies. : BOWMANVILLE® = The Me.| bute to the ship. Police turned a fire hose| Buckingham pointed out the rela-|morial Hospital report for the| UNICEF (United Nations Inter- on the crowd when it threatened tive similarities between David|week of October 20-26 showed national Children's to spill over ini the water, Mang and men and women today. Just|there were 52 admissions; nine Fund). as David faced up in battle with|births, six- male and three fe- efforts six major countries providing food, drugs, | | and and mother-child . medical cen- l BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Representative -- R. CZIRANKA Phone MA 38-7224. Services Mark. A gks Clubs Attend : 124th Birthday BOWMANVILLE -- St. Paul's Traffic Clinics United Church, Bowmanville, BOWMANVILLE -- Magistrate celebrated the 124th anniversary|R. B. Baxter, Monday night, Sunday. Special sermons were sougth the support of the Bow- delivered by Dr. William J. manville Lions Club and other, Johnston, of Toronto, who has similar or in estab- travelled extensively and serv-|lishing the United Counties' first ed several years as a mission-|traffic clinic, scheduled to open ary. |here on November 18. The services were conducted] The magistrate asked the club by the St, Paul's rector, Rev.|to consider sending a two-man Harold A. Turner, assisted by delegation to the first clinic and Rev. W. K. Houslander, rector assist by suggesting to other lof Trinity United Church. {service organizations to do the Soloists were Miss Beth Tray-|same. He also felt that represen- ell of Oshawa, and Bernard tatives from the high school and |Lynch, of Toronto. Music was a women's delegation should) |under the djrection of Mrs. Reta also form part of the first clin- c. {Dudley, organist. The reason for having mem- bers of service organizations at. tend the opening course would Ie Say Drive i=. wo | th their respective clubs, He tried to impress upon the Was Success. gsm moo {safety and supported his state BOWMANVILLE -- Saturday's {Bowmanville Business and Pro-| |fessional Women's fag day has! been reported as extremely suc-| Thus| far the finances received from the tagging totals $376. A slightly higher figure, how ever, is anticipated with the prospect of additional funds from the Newcastle tag day and other {donations not yet received, | Proceeds from the drive will the work of SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS © AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 || 1f you have not received your || Times-Gazette phone your cor || vier boy first. It you ave unable | fo contact him by 7:00 p.m. I TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Cells Accepted Between 7 ~7:30 p.m. Only FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 p.m. coll AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 AN calls must be placed before || 30 p.m. Emergency | UNICEF places its main the African and Asian tres. | | Ceremonies To Mark Opening Of Baseline | lcraft carrier Essex turned into al The old story of David and Gol-| his many friends. : h (AJAX (Staff) -- In the after- Townline will be carried over| Besides r g | jof Nov, 5, next the baseline Highway 401 by an overpass. In the sideroads the new road has| . from Whitby to French- Ajax, Achilles road and the north {opened up a huge tract of land man's Bhy will be officially open- by the 3 Sif} oA Highways, S. At 3 p.m. a cavalcade of cars eonveying rs and offic- ials of Ontario County, will leave the east end in Whitby and pro- estward to the bridge over 's Creek in Ajax. En route, engineer, R. E. Sims, describe some of the engin- problems encountered. the bridge the official open-| ceremonies will take place, county officials and local | mayors participating. | "Frenchman's Bay fist ag ; i f i : "A take fre EPL Iaiks town gnificent miles in a 100-foot ved is al- motoring construction wy fe t i i t ject before any other Elid 5 g 3 LL Bsn ii of way. The largest is Mills bridge in Ajax. Named to honor the first reeve peing used by the tax collector. Mr. Baker, to discontinue using | of Ajax this bridge is the larg- is a swamp area the two old were removed and a 1arg- that hig tax bill was overdue. one built to span the creek culverts were installed to The tol bed was raised consider i take care of flood waters. road ably. At Frenchman's Bay road, the CNR overpass is being replaced by a four lane concrete bridge Rk is scheduled for completion in To complete the propect, urch street, Pickering from . 2 will also be reconstructed Highway to the baseline the Whitby-Pickering Town EE Te ws - BEFORE YOU BUY A CAR WITH A LOW-PRICE NAME...SEE WHY YOURE BETTER OFF WITH A BUICK! [to provide easy access to the|this land valued at a hundred or |Ajax cloverieaf. |so dollars an acre before the war (COST $800,000 : |is now being sold under option at | The whole project costing $800,- prices ranging from $1500 to | 000 is being paid for by the prov-|$2000 an acre. (ince. The department of high-| 1t is predicted that the area [avs hae, long So dware will now develop industrially and | S crea |residentially in the next few |sideroads entering Highway 401.|vears at an accelerated rate. . This stretch of highway has a(with access to the lake front an wage Too 3 Sve Lom, tb |unlimited supply of water is as- . sured. building of the new road has en-| : . abled the local municipalities to| Construction of sewage disposal close these roads plants is simplified. Close proxim- . ity to the Whitby harbor could ensure the movement of raw ma- "terials and finished produ _| through the St. Lawrence seaway. The area is served by two pro- vinelal highways and the main- {line of the CNR. Hydro and na- he jurisdiction of tural gas is already in the area. the County of Ontario though its The main pipeline of natural gas engineers and county road and traverses the length of the base bridge committees. line. Protests Fee Paid Bailiffs BROUGHAM -- Pickering/charge to the bailiffs for collec- | Township Council Monday even- tion of his taxes, since they were |ing reserved for one week a de-|not collected by the bailiffs. | cision concerning the inquiry into] After Head's complaint, coun- the procedure used in collecting cil requested a complete report | taxes in the township, and a re- on the method of tax collections quest for the dismissal of bailiffs and requested the tax collector, | They are waiting for Murray the services of Murray and Com. and Company, bailiffs, to present pany. evidence that a registered letter]! Mr. Head last night asked was sent by them to John Head council to reimburse him for the on August 22, informing Mr. Head $10 paid to the bailiffs. Council {said they would give considera- Head denied last week that tion to the request. Councillor such a letter had been sent. He Stewart, who first suggested such d council he had never receiv-|a payment said he would like a letter and that he strongly|week longer to consider the mat. objected to having to pay a $10|ter. Ask Ajax Share Water Plant and paved. The Whitby-Pickering . COUNCIL BRIEFS ! BROUGHAM -- subdivider's funds be granted for comstruction of an as- room or auditorium at the Rouge west shod. ' Council agreed with Reeve Lawsos sald there were other which the sub. ider's grants used. : grants should be used for moe' urgent services in" the area," he said. Councillor Stewart said he thought the same, but council should inform the trustees of its decision, and see if better reasons could not be given for the need of such a room. The department of education does not provide a subsidy for ion of anything other than classrooms. TEN APPLICATIONS Ten applications have been re- cei to date for -the Jesition of Township Engineer, clerk Lloyd Johnson informed council. Coun- cil has not made a decision re- garding the applications since more are expected. INVITATIONS Council received invitations to the opening of the Base Line Road on Wednesday, Nov. 5 They were also invited to attend Water currents in Lake Ontario|ment of each of our councils and! the official opening of the Proctor are from east to west, indicating would open the door far many end Redfern office at Toronto, Nov, 12, ; Pickering township's proposal to make the construction and that they have Council. Monday night new Ajax water plant a joint|expended considerable time and tentatively turned down a request project to supply both municipal- money on their plans and the the trustees of School Area ities. . 2, asking that part of the BROUGHAM -- Reeve William fin's Creek, instead of west as is |G. Lawson of P: i Town-| the township's present plan, |ship Council has ted the AJAX OPPOSED {Town of Ajax to consider hold-| Ajax have opposed the idea be- ling a joint meeting to discuss the cause they feel it would delay | township He requested the meeting to be interfere. held on or before November 3, The Municipal Board pointed| date of the next Pickering Town- out that it appeared to be only | !ship Council , commonsense that since the two| The request follows an Ontario icipalities were ig | Municipal Board decision grant- one water system looked most ing Ajax permission to accept! feasible from all approaches. tenders and sell debentures for a, The board further pointed out proposed water plant. |that services such as water and Permission was granted at a|sewers, which were for the bene- public hearing in Toronto Friday, fit of ratepayers, were items Oct. 24, at which time the Muni- which should not be restricted to cipal Board suggested that Ajax municipal boundaries, and indi- e township work out a|cated members of council in all method of sharing the new water municipalities in the area should system. look 'at certain problems on an "The township's desire to join area basis should not attempt to with Ajax In the construction of a plant is based on three consider- ations," the Reeve said. They are: 1. From a planning point of view, by reason of the fact that {Ajax and the township are ad- joining and would develop to- gether. From an economic point, by reason of the simple fact that Pickering township feels one {plant is less expensive than two in the same area, Water rates in both municipalities would be! lower From a health point because "I may add that it is my sin- cere desire and 1 am sure the desire of every member of this council, to enter into negotiations for the sharing of the water plant in a sincere and friendly man. ner," Reeve Lawson said, "This should be done with the view to establish a friendly rela- tionship with the Town of Ajax for the lasting benefit of the peo- SA A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Invicra Say you want lots of pleasant extras when you buy your new car--as much efficiency, luxury, and fun as dollars can get you. Well, stop and think a minute. And think about the marvellous new 1959 Buick. For an added investment that is a small part of the total, you can have--not just a new car-- but THE car! With it, you move into a different world. The Buick world. You ean 2-Door Hardiop have at your service a truly superb mechanism, with almost sixty years of quality behind it. You can have stretch-out Buick roominess and luxury. warm personal pride of owning a genuine beauty among automobiles--lean, clean, Look at the Buick. Drive it. Think about it. If you know cars--and if we know you--you're a Buick man. THE CAR: BUICK'59 confident. os co § New Bodies by Fisher New Easy Power steering® New Equipoise ride--New Twin-Turbine and Triple-Turbine transmissions® New 384 and 448 engines New fin-cooled rear brakes and aluminum front brakes New automatic heat and fresh air controls* Optional al avira sosi on osrisin models [E SABRE The thriftiest Buick INVI CTA The most spirited Buick ELECTRA The most luxurious Bulck You can have the IF YOU CAN AFFORD ANY NEW CAR, YOU CAN AFFORD THIS NEW CLASS OF FINE CAR ple of the area in which we live. ue ngatncons susgeved wos Gal FF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED remain for some time to come the greatest single accomplish that water for drinking purposes more co-operative efforts for the should be taken from east to Dus. betterment of all residents," 266 KING ST, WEST, OSHAWA WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY, ONT, Ro JULES Tee ream pu a von rae 3 ¥

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